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Werkzeugmaschinen und Vorrichtungen: Anforderungen, Auslegung, Ausführungsbeispiele

by Andreas Hirsch Joachim Regel

Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt Ingenieurwissen zu Anforderungen, Aufbau, Anwendung und Bewertung von Werkzeugmaschinen und Vorrichtungen. Leicht verständlich, aber ohne unzulässige Vereinfachung, werden mit übersichtlichen Skizzen zu Funktionsprinzipien, mit Diagrammen und nachvollziehbaren mathematischen Beschreibungen die physikalisch-technischen Zusammenhänge erläutert. Die vorliegende Ausgabe enthält neu ein Kapitel zu Vorrichtungen und die überarbeiteten Kapitel zu ausgeführten spanenden und abtragenden Werkzeugmaschinen.

Wernher von Braun (Stackpole Classics)

by Erik Bergaust

Here is Dr. Wernher von Braun’s incredible story – from his early years in Germany, where he gave birth to modern rocketry, to his arrival in the United States and his launching of the first American satellite, the first man on the moon and other stunning space exploration feats. “Every page of Wernher von Braun’s life is a monument to the drama of adventure. Few people have been fighting so hard and, indeed, very few have been subject to so much criticism, so much jealousy, so much defeat—yet, very few have lived to be honored and to harvest the fruits of so many wonderful victories as has this man.” Author Erik Bergaust has had the advantage of knowing von Braun as a friend, hunting and fishing companion, space business associate—and biographer—for more than twenty-five years. Thus, he has been able to present a dramatic portrait of an important personality and a 20th century hero.

Wertakzente im Bauwesen 4.0: Ethische Beobachtungen im Umgang mit der Digitalisierung und KI

by Bianca Christina Weber-Lewerenz

Das Buch will der Komplexität der Problemstellungen rund um neue digitale Technologien und KI im Bauwesen gerecht werden und aufzeigen, wie menschliche und technische Potenziale in Einklang gehalten werden können. Erfahrungen aus der Anwenderpraxis zeigen, wie der digitale Wandel sinnvoll und konstruktiv mitgestaltet werden kann, welche Methoden und Technologien es gibt oder entwickelt werden, welche Einsatzfelder es gibt, wo sich Probleme und Chancen auftun, wie man diesen begegnen kann oder bereits begegnet.Ein Blick in die Evolutionsgeschichte zeigt, dass der Mensch im Mittelpunkt der technologischen Entwicklung stehen muss, die Ergänzung Mensch-Technik dabei zentral ist und dieser Blick wichtig ist, um dafür die Weichen jetzt zu stellen. Das Buch arbeitet die Schlüsselfaktoren und Kernkompetenzen auf allen Ebenen heraus, die maßgeblich für die nachhaltige Nutzung der Technologien sind und zu einer Vorbildrolle und zum Qualitätssiegel des Bauwesens im In- und Ausland verhelfen.

Wertanalyse - das Tool im Value Management

by VDI-Gesellschaft Produkt- und Prozessges

Nach mehr als 15 Jahren erscheint der Nachfolger des VDI-Nachschlagewerks für die Wertanalyse. Die 6. Auflage setzt die Tradition unter neuem Namen fort und beschreibt die Grundlagen der mächtigen Methodik Wertanalyse im Kontext des aus ihr hervorgegangenen Value Management. Die Neuentwicklungen im Methodenbereich sind ebenso eingearbeitet wie aktuelle und gut nachvollziehbare Projektbeispiele aus den unterschiedlichsten Anwendungsbereichen. Das Autorenteam aus zahlreichen Fachleuten auf diesem Gebiet spiegelt die geballte Kompetenz der deutschsprachigen Wertanalyse-Welt wider. Das Buch ist ein neutrales Standardwerk für alle Wertanalyse-Anwender und die, die es noch werden wollen.

Wertschöpfung in der Bottom-up-Ökonomie

by Jens P. Wulfsberg Tobias Redlich

Die Globalisierung und die wachsende informationstechnische Vernetzung führen zu völlig neuen Mustern der Wertschöpfung. Zusammengefasst in dem Begriff "Bottom-up-Ökonomie" sind sie gekennzeichnet durch die Verschmelzung von Produktion und Konsum sowie verteilte Strukturen und Prozesse bei der Leistungserstellung. In diesem Buch wird "Offenheit" als ein weiteres Charakteristikum untersucht und ein geeignetes Rahmenkonzept entwickelt, das produzierende Unternehmen bei der Wertschöpfungsgestaltung in einer zunehmend dynamischen Umwelt unterstützt.

Wertstromdesign: Der Weg zur schlanken Fabrik (VDI-Buch)

by Klaus Erlach

Wertstromdesign zeigt sich immer mehr als Schlüsselmethode zur Optimierung der Produktion. Der Autor liefert erstmals eine detaillierte und systematische Darstellung der Methode mit einer gut nachvollziehbaren Handlungsanleitung zur Analyse der Produktionsabläufe sowie zur zielorientierten Entwicklung eines idealen Soll-Zustandes. Die 2. Auflage wurde um eine Übersicht mit Symbolen des Wertstromdesigns, einen Sachwortindex, Checklisten, weitere Praxisbeispiele sowie um Exkurse zur OEE-Kennzahl und zu den geläufigen REFA-Zeiten ergänzt.

Wesley the Owl: The Remarkable Love Story of an Owl and His Girl

by Stacey O'Brien

Stacey O'Brien, a biologist specializing in wild-animal behavior fells in love with and adopts an injured 4 day old barn owl. They spend 19 years together. This true story will delight animal lovers, but may be too real life for kids.

West Point Foundry (Images of America)

by Trudie A. Grace Mark Forlow

Established in 1817 as a cannon foundry, the West Point Foundry at Cold Spring in the Hudson Highlands was one of the first major industrial sites in the United States. The foundry and its many iron products, most significantly artillery and other ordnance, played a central role in the nation's industrial development. At its peak during the Civil War, the foundry manufactured cannons of several types, including Dahlgrens, Rodmans, and--most prolifically--Parrott rifles, which were widely employed and crucial to the Union victory. Among other products were the first American steam locomotives, marine engines and boilers for early steamships and warships, sugar mills, aqueduct pipes, dynamite and disappearing guns, architectural columns, and industrial machinery. Rare photographs and other images, mostly from the 19th century, trace the foundry's story from its early years through the period of Civil War production to its eventual status as a site of archaeological excavation.

West & Smith's Law of Dilapidations

by PF Smith William Anthony West

Discusses the legal principles governing dilapidated premises. This book examines the express implied and statutory repairing obligations of landlord and tenants. It looks at the remedies which are available to both parties to a lease if a repairing obligation is broken. It is useful for both professionals and students in the dilapidations field.

West with the Night

by Beryl Markham

West with the Night is the story of Beryl Markham--aviator, racehorse trainer, beauty--and her life in the Kenya of the 1920s and '30s. Beryl Markham is also the author of The Splendid Outcast: The African Stories of Beryl Markham. Growing up in East Africa, the author describes her life as a pioneer aviator, a horse breeder, pilot of passengers and supplies in a small plane to remote corners of Africa. "Did you read Beryl Markham's book, West with the Night? I knew her fairly well in Africa and never would have suspected that she could and would put pen to paper except to write in her flyer's log book. As it is, she has written so well, and marvelously well, that I was completely ashamed of myself as a writer. I felt that I was simply a carpenter with words, picking up whatever was furnished on the job and nailing them together and sometimes making an okay pig pen. But [she] can write rings around all of us who consider ourselves writers. The only parts of it that I know about personally, on account of having been there at the time and heard the other people's stories, are absolutely true . . . I wish you would get it and read it because it is really a bloody wonderful book. "--Ernest Hemingway

Westcott's Plant Disease Handbook

by R. Kenneth Horst

Westcott's Plant Disease is a reference book on diseases which attack plants. Diseases of plants are found on most all plants including trees, shrubs, grasses, forage, fruits, vegetables, garden and greenhouse plants as well as native wild flowers and even weeds. Plant Disease Handbook identifies various types of diseases which are known to invade these plants located throughout North and South America. The recordings include diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, viroids and nematodes. Causal disease agents are described and illustrated in many cases and diseases and disease control measures are also discussed. A book such as this is never finished since new reports of diseases are continuously reported. This includes new diseases and previously known diseases which occur on both presently recorded plants and on new plants found to be susceptible to diseases. Westcott's Plant Disease provides a reference and guide for identification and control of these plant disease problems.

The Western European Loess Belt

by Corrie C. Bakels

This book deals with the early history of agriculture in a defined part of Western Europe: the loess belt west of the river Rhine. It is a well-illustrated book that integrates existing and new information, starting with the first farmers and ending when food production was no longer the chief source of livelihood for the entire population. The loess belt was chosen because it is a region with only one type of soil and climate as these are all-important factors where farming is concerned. Subjects covered are crops, crop cultivation, livestock and livestock handling, the farm and its yard, and the farm in connection with other farms. Crop plants and animals are described, together with their origin. New tools such as the plough, wheen, wagon and scythe are introduced. Groundplans of farm buildings, the history of the outhouse and the presence or absence of hamlets are presented as well, and the impact of farming on the landscape is not forgotten. The loess belt was not an island and the world beyond its boundaries was important for new ideas, new materials and new people. Summarising six millennia of agriculture, the thinking in terms of the Western European loess belt as one agricultural-cultural unit seems justified.

Western Fertilizer Handbook

by Western Plant Health Association

For almost 70 years, agronomists throughout the western United States have relied on the Western Fertilizer Handbook for the most accurate information to maintain efficient and profitable growing programs. <p><p>The Tenth Edition carries this tradition forward with continued emphasis on sustainable uses of fertilizers. The expert team of contributors has updated the book's content to address current challenges facing western agriculture. Additional material has been added on micro-irrigation; soil, water, and tissue analysis; remote sensing of crop nutrient and water status; and agronomic decision support software.

The Western Flyer: Steinbeck's Boat, the Sea of Cortez, and the Saga of Pacific Fisheries

by Kevin M. Bailey

In January 2010, the Gemini was moored in the Swinomish Slough on a Native American reservation near Anacortes, Washington. Unbeknownst to almost everyone, the rusted and dilapidated boat was in fact the most famous fishing vessel ever to have sailed: the original Western Flyer, immortalized in John Steinbeck's nonfiction classic The Log from the Sea of Cortez. In this book, Kevin M. Bailey resurrects this forgotten witness to the changing tides of Pacific fisheries. He draws on the Steinbeck archives, interviews with family members of crew, and more than three decades of working in Pacific Northwest fisheries to trace the depletion of marine life through the voyages of a single ship. After Steinbeck and his friend Ed Ricketts--a pioneer in the study of the West Coast's diverse sea life and the inspiration behind "Doc" in Cannery Row--chartered the boat for their now-famous 1940 expedition, the Western Flyer returned to its life as a sardine seiner in California. But when the sardine fishery in Monterey collapsed, the boat moved on: fishing for Pacific ocean perch off Washington, king crab in the Bering Sea off Alaska, and finally wild Pacific salmon--all industries that would also face collapse. As the Western Flyer herself faces an uncertain future--a businessman has bought her, intending to bring the boat to Salinas, California, and turn it into a restaurant feature just blocks from Steinbeck's grave--debates about the status of the California sardine, and of West Coast fisheries generally, have resurfaced. A compelling and timely tale of a boat and the people it carried, of fisheries exploited, and of fortunes won and lost, The Western Flyer is environmental history at its best: a journey through time and across the sea, charting the ebb and flow of the cobalt waters of the Pacific coast.

Western Political Thought: மேற்கத்திய அரசியல் சிந்தனை

by R. Thangaraj

அமெரிக்கா உட்பட உலகெங்கிலும் உள்ள அரசாங்கங்களுக்கு மேற்கத்திய அரசியல் சிந்தனை ஒரு தத்துவ மற்றும் கருத்தியல் அடித்தளமாக செயல்பட்டுள்ளது. சமகால அரசியல் சமூகத்துடன் தொடர்புபடுத்த வரலாற்று, சமூக மற்றும் கலாச்சார சூழலை நாங்கள் உங்களுக்கு வழங்குகிறோம்.

Western Technology and China’s Industrial Development: Steamship Building in Nineteenth-Century China, 1828-1895

by Hsien-ch'un Wang

This book explores how steam engine technology was transferred into nineteenth-century China in the second half of the nineteenth century by focusing on the transmission of knowledge and skills. It takes on the long-term problem in historiography that puts too much emphasis on politics but ignores the techno-scientific and institutional requirements for launching such an endeavor. It examines how translations broke linguistic and conceptual barriers and brought new a understanding of heat to the Chinese readership. It also explores how the Fuzhou Navy Yard’s shipbuilding and training program trained China’s first generation of shipbuilding workers and engineers. It argues that conservatism against technology was not to blame for China’s slow development in steamship building. Rather, it was government officials’ failure to realize the scale of institutional and techno-scientific changes required in importing and disperse new knowledge and skills.

Western Union and the Creation of the American Corporate Order, 1845-1893

by Joshua D. Wolff

This work chronicles the rise of Western Union Telegraph from its origins in the helter-skelter ferment of antebellum capitalism to its apogee as the first corporation to monopolize an industry on a national scale. The battles that raged over Western Union's monopoly on nineteenth-century American telecommunications - in Congress, in courts, and in the press - illuminate the fierce tensions over the rising power of corporations after the Civil War and the reshaping of American political economy. The telegraph debate reveals that what we understand as the normative relationship between private capital and public interest is the product of a historical process that was neither inevitable nor uncontested. Western Union's monopoly was not the result of market logic or a managerial revolution, but the conscious creation of entrepreneurs protecting their investments. In the process, these entrepreneurs elevated economic liberalism above traditional republican principles of public interest and helped create a new corporate order.

Western Water A to Z: The History, Nature, and Culture of a Vanishing Resource

by Robert R. Crifasi

Western Water A to Z is the first ever field guide to Western water. Reinventing this twentieth-century genre for a twenty-first-century audience, Robert R. Crifasi answers questions about rivers, water projects, the culture of water, the ecosystems water projects have created or destroyed, and the reliance of cities, farms, and industries on this critical resource. Organized as a collection of terms, the book addresses the most salient water issues and provides helpful background information regarding their origins and implications. Photographs serve a vital role in the cultural dialogue on water and stand as an equal partner to the text. Each subject is covered in about one page and is accompanied by one or two striking images from famous photographers like Margaret Bourke-White, Carleton E. Watkins, Arthur Rothstein, William Henry Jackson, and Dorothea Lang as well as Crifasi’s own work. Water often finds itself at the center of our cultural discourse in art, cinema, and literature, which play essential roles in shaping our understanding and experience of Western water. Crifasi also engages personalities that are nearly synonymous with Western water—John Wesley Powell, Elwood Mead, and Floyd Dominy, among others—to show how their lives intertwined with and often influenced the course of water development across the region. Travelers, adventurers, students, and anyone interested in water will find Western Water A to Z a handy and entertaining reference guide.

Westwind: The classic lost thriller

by Ian Rankin

THE CLASSIC LOST THRILLER FROM THE ICONIC NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER'Shockingly good' The Sun'A prescient, high-octane thriller' Daily Express'Totally on the money - and ripe for this republication' i Newspaper * * * * *It always starts with a small lie. That's how you stop noticing the bigger ones.After his friend suspects something strange going on at the satellite facility where they both work - and then goes missing - Martin Hepton doesn't believe the official line of "long-term sick leave"...Refusing to stop asking questions, he leaves his old life behind, aware that someone is shadowing his every move. But why?The only hope he has is his ex-girlfriend Jill Watson - the only journalist who will believe his story.But neither of them can believe the puzzle they're piecing together - or just how shocking the secret is that everybody wants to stay hidden...DISCOVER THE CLASSIC LOST THRILLER FROM THE ICONIC NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER.* * * * *'Rankin is a master storyteller'Guardian'Great fiction, full stop'The Times'Ian Rankin is a genius'Lee Child'One of Britain's leading novelists in any genre'New Statesman'A virtuoso of the craft'Daily Mail'Rankin is a phenomenon'Spectator'Britain's No.1 crime writer'Mirror'Quite simply, crime writing of the highest order'Express'Worthy of Agatha Christie at her best'Scotsman

Westwind: The classic lost thriller

by Ian Rankin

It always starts with a small lie. That's how you stop noticing the bigger ones.After his friend suspects something strange going on at the launch facility where they both work - and then goes missing - Martin Hepton doesn't believe the official line of "long-term sick leave"...Refusing to stop asking questions, he leaves his old life behind, aware that someone is shadowing his every move.The only hope he has is his ex-girlfriend Jill Watson - the only journalist who will believe his story.But neither of them can believe the puzzle they're piecing together - or just how shocking the secret is that everybody wants to stay hidden...A gripping, page-turning suspense masterclass - experience the brilliance of the iconic Ian Rankin.

Wet Scrubbers

by Howard D. Hesketh

A basic technical book on the design and application of gas cleaning technologies that use liquids, first published in the 1980's and used by plant and environmental engineers, regulatory personnel, and others concerned with air pollution. The second edition enlarges the discussion on the theory of

Wet Site Archaeology

by Barbara A. Purdy

This volume, the result of an International Conference on Wet Site Archaeology funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, explores the rewards and responsibilities of recovering unique assemblages from water-saturated deposits. Characteristics common to all archaeological wet sites are identified from Newfoundland to Chile, Polynesia to Florida, and from the Late Pleistocene to the Twentieth Century. Topics include innovative excavation and preservation methods; the need for adequate funding to preserve and analyze the abundant biological and cultural remains recovered only at archaeological wet sites; expanded knowledge of past environments, subsistence, technologies, artistic expressions, skeletal structure, and pathologies; the urgency to inform developers and governmental bodies about the invisible heritage entombed in wetlands that is often destroyed before it can be investigated; a formula for establishing priorities for excavating wet sites; and how to determine when enough of a wet site has been sampled.Many famous sites and discoveries are described in this volume, including Herculaneum, Hoko River, Hontoon Island, Key Marco, Monte Verde, Ozette, Somerset Levels, Windover, bog bodies of Northern Europe, and lake dwellers of Switzerland. Professional and amateur archaeologists, as well as anyone interested in archaeology or the significance of wet site archaeology will find this book fascinating.

Wet-Weather Flow in the Urban Watershed: Technology and Management

by Richard Field Daniel Sullivan

According to the National Resources Defense Council, stormwater runoff rivals or exceeds discharges from factories and sewage plants as a source of pollution throughout the United States. The Environmental Protection Agency identifies urban stormwaters as the second largest source of water quality damage in estuaries and a significant contributor t

Wetland and Water Resource Modeling and Assessment: A Watershed Perspective

by Wei Ji

As a wetland of international importance located in China, the Poyang Lake Basin's incredible topographical and biological diversity has provided a congregating point for scientists from around the world to engage in cross-disciplinary research. In particular, the International Conference on Poyang Lake Complex Environment System was instrumental i

The Wetland Book: Distribution, Description, And Conservation

by Mark Everard Beth A. Middleton C. Max Finlayson Nick C. Davidson Kenneth Irvine Robert J. McInnes Anne A. van Dam

The Wetland Book is a comprehensive resource aimed at supporting the trans- and multidisciplinary research and practice which is inherent to this field. Aware both that wetlands research is on the rise and that researchers and students are often working or learning across several disciplines, The Wetland Book is a readily accessible online and print reference which will be the first port of call on key concepts in wetlands science and management. This easy-to-follow reference will allow multidisciplinary teams and transdisciplinary individuals to look up terms, access further details, read overviews on key issues and navigate to key articles selected by experts

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