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The Secret Summer Promise

by Keah Brown

THE BSE (Best Summer Ever) LIST!1. Blueberries2. Art show in ShoeHorn3. Lizzo concert4. Thrift shop pop-up5. Skinny Dipping at the lake house6. Amusement Park Day!7. Drew Barrymarathon8. Paintball dayOh, and ….9. Fall out of love with HaileeAndrea Williams has got this. The Best Summer Ever. Two summers ago, she spent all her time in bed, recovering from the latest surgery for her cerebral palsy. She's waited too long for adventure and thrills to enter her life. Together with her crew of ride-or-die friends, and the best parents anyone could ask for (just don't tell them that), she's going to live it up.There's just one thing that could ruin it: Her best friend, Hailee, finding out Andrea's true feelings. So Andrea WILL fall out of love with Hailee – even if it means dating the cute boy George who keeps showing up everywhere with a smile.Do we want Andrea to succeed? No! Does she? We're not telling!Keah Brown is a journalist, screenwriter, and author who has written for places such as Teen Vogue, Elle, Harper's Bazaar, and the New York Times. She is also the creator of #DisabledAndCute. Now, in her YA debut of nerdy queer love, Keah gives us the perfect summer read and cast of characters to fall in love with.

The Secret to Teen Power

by Paul Harrington

The Secret is an international phenomenon that has inspired millions of people to live extraordinary lives. The Secret to Teen Power makes that knowledge accessible and relevant to today's teens. It explains the law of attraction in relation to teen issues such as friends and popularity, schoolwork, self-image, and relationships. It explains how teens can transform their own lives and live their dreams.

The Secret Witch: The Secret Witch, The Whisper Witch, And The Bone Witch (The Witches of London Trilogy #1)

by Alyxandra Harvey

The “gorgeously gothic and gripping” YA fantasy novel about three witchy young women in Regency London who discover both their legacy and their destiny (The Guardian). For Emma and her cousins Gretchen and Penelope, the stuffiness of 1814 London society is simply unbearable—even as Emma wishes the roguish Cormac Fairfax would pay her any kind of attention. But that all changes when Emma accidentally breaks a glass memento left to her by her mother. Suddenly, all three young women find themselves gifted with powers of witchcraft—and they will most certainly need them. For they have unwittingly unleashed a scourge upon London: an evil coven whose powerful members gain their strength from killing young witches. And Emma has just caught their very unwanted attention . . . In this fun, frightful, and thrilling tale, Alyxandra Harvey invites you to be enthralled by her “elaborate fantasy world filled with whimsy, magic, and love” (Publishers Weekly). The Secret Witch is the 1st book in the Witches of London Trilogy, which also includes The Whisper Witch and The Bone Witch.

El secreto (Roswell High #Volumen)

by Melinda Metz

Llegan los libros en los que se basa la nueva serie de Warner Bros: Roswell, New Mexico. La vida Liz Ortecho cambia cuando Max, su amigo desde hace años, le salva la vida. Y es que lo que ha pasado no tiene explicación: donde había una herida mortal, ahora no hay ni una cicatriz. Lo único que Max le ha pedido es que le guarde el secreto, pero Liz necesita respuestas... Y es que en Roswell, Nuevo México, pasó algo misterioso. Mucha gente cree que en el desierto se estrelló un ovni y que el ejército lo encubrió, pero a Liz eso siempre le ha parecido una chorrada monumental. Para Max, en cambio, ese suceso misterioso definió su vida para siempre. Pero, por muy misterioso y atractivo que sea Max, tiene que ser de este mundo... ¿verdad? La saga de libros en que se basa la serie Roswell, New Mexico.

El Secreto de la Hermandad

by Aroa Gutiérrez Laguardia

Una trepidante historia de vampiros llena de magia y misterio donde siempre hay algo más por descubrir. Beshna Bizkovna es una joven vampyrus con una vida normal que, aunque aburrida, es tranquila. <P><P>Sin embargo, todo cambiará con la llegada de Joshep Petrov, un nuevo profesor del internado, un hombre que le mostrará que las cosas siempre tienen un lado oculto y, muchas veces, oscuro. <P><P>Todo un nuevo mundo se descubrirá ante sus ojos, trastocando las bases de su vida y todo aquello que siempre había creído, amenazándola a ella y a su cordura. <P><P>¿Será Joshep una ayuda o solo servirá para confundirla más aun?

El secreto de Marrowbone

by Sergio G. Sánchez

Tras la muerte de su madre, cuatro hermanos deciden esconderse en una granja abandonada para protegerse y evitar que los separen. Pronto descubrirán que Marrowbone esconde un oscuro secreto entre sus paredes. Jack, Jane, Billy y Sam son cuatro hermanos muy unidos. Con el fallecimiento de su madre, los hermanos temen que los separen y optan por esconderse en una granja abandonada, buscando de esta forma poder vivir en su mundo, bajo sus propias reglas y no bajo las que dicta la sociedad. El problema surgirá cuando en la misteriosa granja empiecen a descubrir que no todo es lo que parece. Las paredes esconden un sombrío secreto del que no podrán escapar. Una novela llena de intriga, intensa y que consigue que el lector esté expectante en todo momento.

El secreto de Meteora (Secret Academy #Volumen 4)

by Isaac Palmiola

Prosiguen las aventuras de los chicos de la Secret Academy. Lucas y Úrsula inician una búsqueda contrarreloj por el mundo para encontrar a todos los chicos que, como ellos, llevan en la sangre el misterioso mineral meteora. El general Asimov ha descubierto cómo recuperar el mineral y ha encargado a su equipo una terrible misión: aniquilar a todos los chicos con el don de meteora. Por su lado, Martin empieza a perder el norte a causa de su segunda dosis de mineral, y Rowling descubrirá cuál es en realidad el plan del Profeta Howard...

El secreto de Xein (Guardianes de la Ciudadela #Volumen 2)

by Laura Gallego

Los caminos de Axlin y Xein vuelven a cruzarse, pero ellos parecen estar más distanciados que nunca. Axlin trabaja en la biblioteca y sigue recopilando información para completar su bestiario mientras investiga una presencia inusual de monstruos dentro de los muros de la Ciudadela. Además, al intentar ayudar a su amigo Dex con un problema personal se ve envuelta en un conflicto que implica a varias familias aristocráticas de la ciudad vieja. Xein, por su parte, se ha convertido en uno más de los Guardianes que protegen a los habitantes de la Ciudadela de los monstruos que los acechan. Su lealtad a la Guardia lo obliga a mantener sus nuevos conocimientos ocultos para el resto de la gente y especialmente para Axlin, lo cual levanta otro muro entre los dos. Todo ello causará enfrentamientos entre ambos cada vez que vuelvan a encontrarse, pero también hará saltar chispas que arderán con más fuerza a causa de su pasado en común.

El secreto del amor

by Daniel Blanco

Fascinante historia del amor prohibido entre la princesa Isabel y Diego, el hijo del boticario real. Premio Jaén de Narrativa Juvenil 2012. El astrólogo del reino es el único que lo sabe... porque las cartas nunca mienten: un inminente peligro se cierne sobre Edom. En la corte, traidores vestidos de fieles servidores traman acabar con el rey y, para hacerlo, necesitan a Isabel, su única hija. Ella, ajena a todo, pasa sus horas estudiando poesía, bordando pañuelos y paseando por los jardines de palacio con su doncella. Pero todo cambia una noche oscura cuando la reina, sin causa aparente, enferma hasta debatirse entre la vida y la muerte; la princesa, desesperada, hace llamar a Diego, el hijo menor del boticario, para que salve a su madre. Basta una mirada para saber que un intenso sentimiento, desconocido hasta entonces para ella, ha empezado a germinar en su corazón, un sentimiento para el que no existe ni remedio medicinal ni brebaje milagroso.

Los secretos de Alexia (Saga Alexia #Volumen 1)

by Susana Rubio

Descubre los secretos de Alexia en la nueva saga de Susana Rubio y vive una historia de amor que te erizará la piel. Miles de lectores se han enganchado a los libros de Susana Rubio, la autora que se autopublicó sin imaginar que llegaría a lo más alto de las listas de ventas.¿Y tú, te atreves? Alexia sabe lo que es estar hundida, pero está decidida a que nada la pare cuando comienza la universidad con su mejor amiga Lea. Lea siempre ha dicho que no cree en el amor; ¿Qué va a hacer ahora que se le acelera el pulso cada vez que ve a Adrián? Adrián sale con Leticia, aunque su amigo Thiago duda que su relación pueda vencer la distancia que separa sus cuerpos. Thiago ve a Alexia por primera vez y desde entonces sabe que será difícil mantenerse lejos de sus ojos... Pero los secretos de Alexia amenazan con separarlos una y otra vez. Lo que dicen los lectores...«Los libros de Susana Rubio hacen que tus cinco sentidos se disparen por completo.» «Te engancha desde la primera palabra. ¡Es imposible dejar de leer!» «Sus historias románticas te hacen reír, sufrir, te enamoran y te dejan sin respiración.» «¡Susana Rubio se ha convertido en mi autora favorita!»

Secretos de chicas: Mis ideas de belleza para brillar cada día

by Patry Jordan

¡Ponte guapa con los trucos de belleza de Patry Jordan! Siempre digo que lo más importante es que os sintáis bien con vosotras mismas, y en estas páginas os desvelo algunos trucos para ayudaros a conseguirlo. Aquí encontraréis diferentes tipos de peinados, ideas para el diseño de uñas o consejos de maquillaje y moda. Espero que este libro os ayude a conoceros mejor para así escoger lo que más os favorece y sacaros el máximo partido. Con mis consejos os sentiréis más seguras y...¡estaréis perfectas en cada ocasión!

Secretos del skincare: Consejos de especialista para una rutina inteligente

by Patricia E. Fernández

Todo lo que tenés que saber para armar tu primera rutina de cuidado de la piel. Limpiadores, aguas micelares, sérums, mascarillas, exfoliantes, cremas, lociones, geles... Para los amantes del skincare, el momento de la rutina es una aventura de los sentidos, un hermoso ritual de autocuidado. Aunque también puede generar muchas preguntas, dudas y algunos temores. Lo cierto es que para disfrutar del skincare, y sobre todo de sus enormes beneficios para la salud y la estética, hay que aprender sobre las necesidades de cada piel, pero también conocer las claves de los productos y sus ingredientes. Diseñar una rutina eficaz y saludable es un proceso que puede llevar tiempo (y quizás haya algunos tropezones en el camino), pero definitivamente vale la pena. Este es un libro para aquellas personas que quieren armar su primera rutina de skincare o mejorar la que tienen porque no está dando los resultados esperados. La cosmetóloga y creadora de contenido Patricia E. Fernández (@amadorablog) nos acompaña en un recorrido muy completo y sencillo por los pilares fundamentales del cuidado de la piel y sus secretos.

Los secretos del viejo Horace: Una fábula sobre el arte de vivir

by Cliff Seymour

Una emotiva novela sobre la amistad, la vida y las segundas oportunidades «Da igual la suerte que tengas, lo importante es lo que haces con lo que te ha tocado vivir.» Scott es un joven sin trabajo que cree haber fracasado en todo. Con la autoestima por los suelos, a sus 27 años ya considera que ha desperdiciado su vida. No tiene una carrera, los trabajos no le duran y su novia le ha pedido espacio. Cuando su tío le consigue un pequeño sueldo por cuidar del viejo Horace, un anciano enigmático y huraño, a Scott le parece simplemente otra desgracia más... Sin embargo todo empieza a cambiar cuando Horace, para asombro de Scott, le pide que jueguen a la Oca; poco a poco irá descubriendo que el anciano utiliza las casillas del tablero para explicarle las claves del arte de vivir y ayudarle reparar los errores que le han conducido al fracaso. Pero comprender las reglas del juego no lo es todo. Ademásde conocer las trampas y peligros, los laberintos y atajos, Scott va a necesitar el valor de avanzar por el tablero de la vida con coraje y sentido de la aventura.

Secretos en el backstage

by Emily Baker

Si te vuelven loca las boy band... Si te gustaría saber cómo son ellos en la intimidad... Si fantaseas con que un componente del grupo se enamora de ti... ¡¡¡No te puedes perder este libro, dedicado a los millones de fans de One Direction y de todas las Boy Band del momento!!! ¿Te imaginas que un día conoces al grupo de música de tus sueños? Cuando Jess conoce a The Only Truth, la boy band más famosa y sexy del momento, no parece demasiado impresionada. Ha oído hablar de ellos, pero Jess está demasiado ocupada tratando de superar una reciente ruptura como para dejarse llevar por la histeria que está asaltando a todas las chicas de Londres. Pero, claro, llegar a conocer a los componentes del grupo en la intimidad puede resultar mucho más emocionante de lo que ella imaginaba. Convivir con la banda hará que en la vida de Jess no solo entre música, escenarios y ruido de flashes, sino también amistad, amor, celos y algún que otro malentendido. Emily Baker, de 16 años y una de las mayores fans de One Direction, decidió escribir Secretos en el backstage porque es la historia que le hubiera gustado protagonizar. Lo escribió en la página y ya contaba con más de 30.000 seguidores antes de su publicación.

Secrets in the Snow: A Novel of Intrigue and Romance (Novels of Romance and Intrigue)

by Michaela Maccoll

Jane Austen's family is eager to secure her future by marrying her off. But Jane is much more interested in writing her novels, and finds every suitor lacking--until the mysterious Mr. Lefroy arrives. Could he be the one? Before Jane can find out, she must solve a murder, clear her family's name, and face a decision that might cost her true love.

Secrets, Lies, and Scandals

by Amanda K. Morgan

In the tradition of I Know What You Did Last Summer and How to Get Away with Murder, five teens must overcome their paranoia in order to keep their teacher’s death a secret in this fast-paced suspense thriller.Nothing ruins summer vacation like a secret…especially when it involves a dead teacher.Ivy used to be on top of the social ladder, until her ex made that all go away. She has a chance to be Queen Bee again, but only if the rest of the group can keep quiet.Tyler has always been a bad boy, but lately he’s been running low on second chances. There’s no way he’s going to lose everything because someone couldn’t keep their mouth shut.Kinley wouldn’t describe herself as perfect, though everyone else would. But perfection comes at a price, and there is nothing she wouldn’t do to keep her perfect record—one that doesn’t include murder charges.Mattie is only in town for the summer. He wasn’t looking to make friends, and he definitely wasn’t looking to be involved in a murder. He’s also not looking to be riddled with guilt for the rest of his life…but to prevent that he’ll have to turn them all in.Cade couldn’t care less about the body, or about the pact to keep the secret. The only way to be innocent is for someone else to be found guilty. Now he just has to decide who that someone will be.With the police hot on the case, they don’t have much time to figure out how to trust each other. But in order to take the lead, you have to be first in line…and that’s the quickest way to get stabbed in the back.

Secrets Never Die

by Vincent Ralph

From New York Times bestselling author Vincent Ralph comes Secrets Never Die, a chilling new YA thriller about four teens whose dark secrets come back to terrorize them. <P><P> Some secrets should never have been buried . . . <P><P> We call it the Dark Place. I don’t know who built it or when but, for us, it’s special. <P><P> One night every year Sam Hall and his friends hold funerals for their secrets in an abandoned hut in the woods that they call the Dark Place. But this year, their secrets are taking on a life of their own. <P><P> Sam is a former child star whose career went up in flames—literally. And no one, not even his best friend knows why. His friends each hold a secret pertaining to the night. A secret they would all like buried. <P><P> Now someone from the past is blackmailing them with their dangerous secrets. Sam isn’t sure who he can trust, who’s watching him – or how far he’s willing to go to bury the past once and for all.

Secrets of the Henna Girl

by Sufiya Ahmed

Life as Zeba knows it could be over for good . . .Zeba Khan is like any other sixteen-year-old girl: enjoying herself, waiting for exam results . . . and dreaming of the day she'll meet her one true love.Except her parents have other plans.In Pakistan for the summer, Zeba's world is shattered. Her future is threatened by an unthinkable - and forced - duty to protect her father's honour. But does she hold the secrets that will help her escape?** Sufiya Ahmed's stunning debut teenage book explores the illegal practice of forced marriage in Britain.** 10 million under 18s in the world become child brides every year.** The UK government's Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) receives over 1,700 calls from at-risk annually. Up to 15% of victims of forced marriage are male.

The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel Complete Collection: The Alchemyst; The Magician; The Sorceress; The Necromancer; The Warlock; The Enchantress (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel)

by Michael Scott

Includes the whole series!Nicholas Flamel appeared in J.K. Rowling&’s Harry Potter—but did you know he really lived? And he might still be alive today! Discover the truth in Michael Scott&’s New York Times bestselling series the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, now in a complete 6-book collection: The Alchemyst, The Magician, The Sorceress, The Necromancer, The Warlock and The Enchantress. The truth: Nicholas Flamel was born in Paris on September 28, 1330. The legend: Nicholas Flamel discovered the secret of eternal life. The records show that he died in 1418. But his tomb is empty. Nicholas Flamel lives. But only because he has been making the elixir of life for centuries. The secret of eternal life is hidden within the book he protects—the Book of Abraham the Mage. It's the most powerful book that has ever existed. In the wrong hands, it will destroy the world. That's exactly what Dr. John Dee plans to do when he steals it. Humankind won't know what's happening until it's too late. And if the prophecy is right, Sophie and Josh Newman are the only ones with the power to save the world as we know it. Sometimes legends are true. And Sophie and Josh Newman are about to find themselves in the middle of the greatest legend of all time. &“[A] A riveting fantasy…While there is plenty here to send readers rushing to their encyclopedias…those who read the book at face value will simply be caught up in the enthralling story. A fabulous read.&”—SLJ, Starred

The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel: The Lost Stories Collection

by Michael Scott

Nicholas Flamel appeared in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series—but did you know he really lived? You can learn his secrets in the bestselling Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series, and discover the Lost Stories—tales of myth, legend, and magic, previously lost to history and never before seen in print!Enter the world of the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel like you never have before. The legendary alchemyst Nicholas Flamel and his wife, the sorceress Perenelle, traveled the globe for centuries before they discovered the Twins of Legend, Josh and Sophie Newman. Secrets abound—and now you can discover even more of the Flamels&’ story in this volume of eight stories set in the world of the internationally bestselling series. Stand with the Flamels when they find the Codex, the book that holds the secret to their immortality. Follow Machiavelli under the perilous streets of Paris. Join Scatty and her twin, Aoife, as they journey through mysterious Shadowrealms. Within these pages you will meet enemies old and new and forge alliances with characters from history, myth, and legend, all as you uncover new mysteries and discover answers to questions remaining in the original series. The Lost Stories Collection contains never-seen-in-print stories featuring series favorites like Niccolò Machiavelli, Billy the Kid, and Virginia Dare, as well as new characters like Edgar Allan Poe and St. Nicholas. Every myth holds a grain of truth. Discover the truth now!

Secrets of the Terra-Cotta Soldier

by Ying Chang Compestine Vinson Compestine

Through the stories of a terra-cotta soldier who has survived through the centuries, thirteen-year-old Ming, a village boy in 1970s China, learns the history of Emperor Qin, known both for building the Great Wall of China and for burying scholars alive, and how and why the terra-cotta soldiers came to be.

Secrets of the Tomb

by Deva Shore

Natasha has been plagued by dreams of Egypt for years. Taunted about her weight by her classmates, she throws herself into her studies. Spurred on by her obsession with all things Egypt, she enters a competition and wins a trip to Egypt to work on a dig with archaeologists. As a precondition, she must lose weight to meet the physical requirements of the trip.Her need to lose weight fast leads her to a hypnotherapist. Under hypnosis, she discovers she once lived an extraordinary former life as Tilia, a serving girl to Princess Zenithia of Egypt.As her incredible journey begins, she discovers who she was, who she is now, and who she will ultimately become.

Secrets So Deep

by Ginny Myers Sain

For fans of We Were Liars and from the bestselling author of Dark and Shallow Lies comes a paranormal thriller about a seventeen-year-old girl returning to camp to uncover the truth of what really happened there twelve years ago, the night her mother drowned.Twelve years ago, Avril&’s mother drowned at Whisper Cove theater, just off the rocky Connecticut coastline. It was ruled an accident, but Avril&’s never been totally convinced. Local legend claims that the women in the waves—ghosts from old whaling stories—called her mother into the ocean with their whispering. Because, as they say at Whisper Cove, what the sea wants, the sea will have.While Avril doesn&’t believe in ghosts, she knows there are lots of different ways for places, and people, to be haunted. She&’s spent the past twelve years trying to make sense of the strange bits and pieces she does remember from the night she lost her mother. Stars falling into the sea. A blinding light. A tight grip on her wrist. The odd sensation of flying. Now, at seventeen, she&’s returning to Whisper Cove for the first time, and she might finally unravel the mystery of what really happened.As Avril becomes more involved with camp director Willa and her mysterious son Cole, Whisper Cove reveals itself to her. Distances seem to shift in the strange fog. Echoes of long-past moments bounce off the marsh. And Avril keeps meeting herself—and her dead mother—late at night, at the edge of the ocean.The truth Avril seeks is ready to be discovered. But it will come at a terrible cost.

The Secrets We Bury

by Stacie Ramey

In an effort to escape his family, Dylan sets out on the Appalachian trail—but he can't escape his past—or his secrets in this novel from the author of The Sister Pact.Dylan Taggart is on the run. His family is trying to put him in a school for psychologically challenged students, and he gets it—he has issues. But a special school is a complete overreaction. And in six months, he'll be a legal adult, so Dylan decides to disappear on the Appalachian Trail until he can make his own decisions.Dylan wanted independence, but setting out on a 2,190-mile hike by himself is more than he bargained for. And he keeps crossing paths with another teen hiker, known only as "The Ghost." This mysterious girl is also making the trek alone, and Dylan can tell she's trying to escape too. But from what? When disaster strikes, how can they trust each other if they can't face their own secrets?

The Secrets We Keep

by Cassie Gustafson

In the vein of The Way I Used to Be and Kelly Loy Gilbert&’s Conviction, this heartbreaking yet hopeful young adult novel follows a girl&’s struggle to reconcile friendship, sexual abuse, and the secrets we bury deep down inside to survive.High school freshman Emma Clark harbors a secret—a secret so vile it could implode her whole world, a secret she&’s managed to keep buried...until the day her best friend, Hannah, accuses Emma&’s father of a heinous crime. Following her father&’s arrest and torn between loyalty to Hannah and to her family, Emma is devastated to learn she must testify against Hannah&’s word in order to keep her family together. As Emma wrestles with this impossible decision, her fractured past begins to resurface piece by painful piece—causing the line to blur between her present-day reality and the dark fairy tales she writes to survive, all of which threaten to expose Emma&’s long-buried truths. The Secrets We Keep explores the complex, powerful bonds of friendship and family, asking the difficult question: At what point does Emma&’s loyalty to another become a betrayal of herself? And perhaps the toughest question of all: Can Emma find the strength to finally unbury her secret?

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