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La Segunda Revolución. Ellos y nosotros. (La Segunda Revolución #Volumen 2)

by Costa Alcalá

Después de la Revolución, Aura y Dominio desaparecieron de Nylert. Las ocho Familias restantes vivieron en paz. Pero ahora Dominio ha vuelto. Y solo unos pocos están preparados para lo que va a suceder. <P><P> #SegundaRevolución En cuanto pone un pie en los terrenos del Liceo, Vincula Aura para comprobar si sus temores se han hecho realidad, si él también ha llegado. Él, Ascot Indrasil, el Heredero al trono, que la engañó fingiendo ser su amigo pero que en realidad es un monstruo. O Dominio, que viene a ser lo mismo. <P> Al menos los Aura del pasado se tenían los unos a los otros en la corte pero ahora ella no sabe en quién confiar. No puede confiar en su familia, porque su madre estaría encantada al descubrir que aún quedan Indrasil con vida. <P> Ni en muchos de sus conocidos: otros Aura que, como ella, se esconden bajo identidades falsas. Revelar la existencia del Heredero a los suyos podríavolverse en su contra. Así que solo le queda vigilar al Heredero, descubrir qué pretende y, si puede, detenerlo.

La Segunda Revolución. Heredero (La Segunda Revolución #1)

by Costa Alcalá

Antes de la Revolución había diez Familias, una para cada poder. Ahora solo quedan ocho. Aura desapareció. De Dominio, la Familia Imperial, solo queda un mal recuerdo. #SegundaRevolución IX Premio El Templo de las Mil Puertas a la mejor novela nacional perteneciente a saga. Casi veinte años después, los estudiantes del Liceo de la Guardia de Blyd se entrenan para proteger con su magia a una sociedad que hace años que vive en paz. Pero cuando la sombra de Dominio vuelve a acechar al país, un grupo de estudiantes tendrá que enfrentarse a los secretos del pasado... sin revelar los suyos. «Por su mundo exquisitamente trabajado y original, su estilo lleno de intriga y tensión, y unos personajes que se salen de cualquier arquetipo.»Premios El Templo de las Mil Puertas 2018 Reseña:«Llevaba una racha de lecturas bastante mediocre y ya echaba en falta un libro de esos que no te dejan despegarte... no sabía que lo que estaba esperando, sin saberlo, era La segunda revolución. Me ha encantado.»Fiebre Lectora En los blogs...«O Dios mío, pedazo de sorpresa me llevé con esta novela. Otro tipo de fantasía que nunca había visto en la que magia y tecnología se entrelazan, una trama que mezcla desde de truculentos asesinatos y guerras hasta problemáticas de instituto. Una primera parte de saga que me ha encantado y que se merece estar, por supuesto, en el Top 2.»Sebas G. Mouret, El coleccionista de Mundos

La segunda vida de Bree Tanner (Saga Crepúsculo #Volumen)

by Stephenie Meyer

«Desconecté el cerebro. Era el momento de cazar. Respiré profundamente y atraje el aroma de la sangre del interior de los humanos allá abajo. A quién ibas a dar caza era el tipo de decisión que tenías que tomar antes de olfatear a tu presa.» La segunda vida de Bree Tanner es la fascinante historia de este vampiro y del lado más oscuro del mundo en el que habita. La novela recrea el nacimiento del nuevo ejército de vampiros que tiene como única misión ir al encuentro de la indefensa Bella Swan y de la indestructible familia Cullen. «Esta novela ha sido para mí una sorpresa tan grande como para todo el mundo. Cuando comencé a trabajar en ella, mi idea era hacer un simple ejercicio que me ayudara a examinar el otro lado de Eclipse, que se estaba editando en ese momento. Mientras escribía esta pequeña historia, se me ocurrió que podría incluirla en mi web como regalo para todos los fans. Después, una vez que empecé a trabajar en Saga Crepúsculo: la Guía Oficial de Fans, pensé que sería un buen material para este libro. Finalmente, la historia del nuevo vampiro se hizo tan extensa que se convirtió en una novela.»Stephenie Meyer Bree Tanner no solo es una figura prominente en Eclipse (Saga Crepúsculo 3), sino que también lo es en la película basada en este volumen de la saga, producida por Summit Entretainment. «Stephenie Meyer fue muy generosa permitiéndome leer el extracto de esta novela mientras preparábamos la película», dice el director David Slade. «Disfruté a fondo de esta novela, que además nos sirvió como fuente de inspiración para encontrar las localizaciones de las escenas y comenzar el rodaje. Creo que los fans van a deleitarse con el nacimiento de un vampiro, sus fascinantes características y su propia historia.» La «Saga Crepúsculo», en la que se incluyen los títulos Crepúsculo, Luna nueva, Eclipse, Amanecer, La segunda vida de Bree Tanner y la Guía ilustrada oficial, ha vendido ya cerca de 155 millones de copias en todo el mundo y más de 3 millones de ejemplares solo en España.

Segundas oportunidades: Segundas Oportunidades

by Rainbow Rowell

Si el destino te diera una segunda oportunidad con el amor de tu vida...¿harías la misma llamada? Cuando Georgie y Neal se conocieron, fue amor a primera vista, un amor que parecía poder con cualquier inconveniente. Pero ahora tienen problemas, tienen problemas desde hace tiempo. Todavía se aman profundamente, aunque eso parece no importar. O quizás nunca importó demasiado. Estas Navidades, Neal y Georgie van a hacer un viaje juntos, una escapada que les permita retomar su relación. Pero un compromiso de última hora obliga a Georgie a quedarse. Esa misma noche, cuando Georgie llama a Neal para intentar arreglar las cosas, con quien realmente se comunica es con un Neal más joven, el Neal que conoció hace tiempo, antes de que todo empezara. No es un viaje en el tiempo, no exactamente, pero ella siente que se le ha dado una oportunidad de arreglarlo todo antes de que empiece...Mejor libro de ficción en Goodreads.Mejor libro del año en Amazon.Mejor libro del año en Kobo. La opinión de los lectores:«Sin duda el mejor libro de Rainbow Rowell. Se nota desde el principio que la escritura es más madura, reflexiva y dramática y transmite perfectamente el clima entre la pareja protagonista.»Blog Pasarán las horas«Segundas oportunidades es una historia auténtica y realista, amarga a ratos, con aire de nostalgia y dulce en los momentos oportunos. Destaca la prosa de la autora, cuidada y bella.»Blog Lo que quiera leer hoy«Una historia sencilla, pero contada de la más tierna manera, la cual logra hacer ver que, en la sencillez de un libro, se esconden grandes historias, y sobre todo una escritora que desprende dulzura en cada una de sus páginas.»Blog My Favourite Books «Rainbow Rowell ha vuelto a escribir una historia entrañable, genial y de la que hay mucho que aprender con unos personajes muy bien construidos. Un libro que recomiendo y una autora que se ha vuelto imprescindible en mis estanterías.»Blog Millones de letras La opinión de la crítica:«Después de los éxitos Eleanor y Park y Fangirl, ha quedado claro que Rowell es una maestra a la hora de escribir historias emocionalmente auténticas... Cuando la novela llega a sus momentos más conmovedores, Rowell inyecta la dosis adecuada de humor para arrancar una carcajada a través de las lágrimas.»RT Book Reviews «Sus personajes son sencillamente adorables, y la historia mantiene un buen ritmo... el final logra sorprender y satisfacer a todos. Una historia que llega al corazón.»Kirkus Reviews«El diálogo fluye de forma natural; es enérgico, divertido y fresco. El flirteo entre el Neal del pasado y Georgie es genuinamente romántico.»Boston Globe

Sei redenzioni di un mortale.

by Ninrrod Albarrán

Può essere definita come raccolta di storie leggere segnate da romanticismo, amore, passione giovanile e persino l'incontro di un giovane con la morte a causa della tragedia di sua Madre in un incidente tragico e inaspettato.

Seis Beijos Perdidos: (e uma história de amor)

by Tess Sharpe

Há coisas, como um beijo, que não podem ser «quase» para sempre! Uma história de descobertas, inevitabilidade e um amor doce entre duas raparigas. Seis Factos Sobre a Penny e a Tate: 1. Elas conhecem-se desde sempre 2. As suas mães são melhores amigas 3. Elas definitivamente NÃO são amigas 4. Elas quase se beijaram várias vezes5. Elas não falam sobre isso 6. Por decisão das suas mães, agora têm de morar juntas… Quando a mãe da Tate precisa de um transplante e a mãe da Penny decide ser a dadora, as duas famílias vão morar juntas e as raparigas declaram tréguas. Só que a Penny e a Tate estão sempre quase a beijar-se… Além de ser estranho, confuso e embaraçoso, é algo sobre o qual nunca falaram e que se torna ainda mais perturbador agora que estão na mesma casa. E no momento em que o «QUASE» se transforma em «ISTO ESTÁ MESMO A ACONTECER», a Penny e a Tate vão perceber que há coisas das quais não podemos fugir. E os quase-beijos são uma delas! Os elogios da crítica: "Tess Sharpe navega com engenho alguns elementos típicos do friends-to-lovers, para construir uma narrativa refrescante e dinâmica… Um romance slow-burn muito inteligente." - Publishers Weekly "Nunca li nadaassim... intenso, imersivo, de partir o coração para logo depois o aquecer e TÃO DIVERTIDO!" - Holly Jackson, autora de A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

Los seis fugitivos: Generación uno#2. (Los nuevos legados de Lorien #Volumen 2)

by Pittacus Lore

El segundo libro de la nueva y trepidante serie Los nuevos legados de Lorien. Unos buscan instruir. Otros, destruir. ¿Quién prevalecerá? Taylor Cook fue una de los primeros estudiantes en llegar a la Academia y, tras su secuestro, sus amigos se saltaron todas las reglas para salvarla. En el proceso, descubrieron una comunidad secreta responsable de la desaparición de un elevado número de adolescentes con poderes. Una asociación con oscuras raíces en el pasado de los lóricos, recursos desconocidos e, incluso, un topo en la propia escuela. Ahora, esos amigos, a quienes los demás estudiantes han bautizado como Los seis fugitivos, deberán trabajar juntos para acabar con este misterioso grupo. Pero la fundación tiene sus propios planes y Los seis fugitivos están en su punto de mira...

Seized by the Sun: The Life and Disappearance of World War II Pilot Gertrude Tompkins

by James W. Ure

Of the 38 Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs) confirmed or presumed dead in World War II, only one—Gertrude "Tommy" Tompkins—is still missing. On October 26, 1944, the 32-year-old fighter plane pilot lifted off from Mines Field in Los Angeles. She was never seen again.Seized by the Sun is the story of a remarkable woman who overcame a troubled childhood and the societal constraints of her time to find her calling flying the fastest and most powerful airplane of World War II. It is also a compelling unsolved mystery.Born in 1912 to a wealthy New Jersey family, Gertrude's childhood was marked by her mother's bouts with depression and her father's relentless search for a cure for the debilitating stutter that afflicted Gertrude throughout her life. Teased and struggling in school, young Gertrude retreated to a solitary existence. As a young woman she dabbled in raising goats and aimlessly crisscrossed the globe in an attempt to discover her purpose.As war loomed in Europe, Gertrude met the love of her life, a Royal Air Force pilot who was killed flying over Holland. Telling her sister that she "couldn't stop crying, so she focused on learning to fly," Gertrude applied to join the newly formed Women's Air Force Service Pilots. She went on to become such a superior pilot that she was one of only 126 WASPs selected to fly fighter planes. After her first flight in the powerful P-51 Mustang, her stutter left her for good.Gertrude's sudden disappearance remains a mystery to this day. Award-winning author Jim Ure leads readers through Gertrude's fascinating life; provides a detailed account of the WASPs' daily routines, training, and challenges; and describes the ongoing search for Gertrude's wreck and remains. The result of years of research and interviews with Gertrude's family, friends, and fellow WASPs, Seized by the Sun is an invaluable addition to any student's or history buff's bookshelf.

Select (The Select #1)

by Marit Weisenberg

A modern-day Romeo and Juliet with a supernatural twist that will appeal to fans of Ally Condie (Matched) and Kiera Cass (The Selection). Julia Jaynes has the perfect life. The perfect family. The perfect destiny. The daughter of a billionaire investor in Austin, Texas, it looks like Julia has it all. But there's something rotten beneath the surface‒dangerous secrets her father is keeping; abilities she was never meant to have; and an elite society of highly evolved people who care nothing for the rest of humanity. So when Julia accidentally jeopardizes the delicate anonymity of her people, she's banished to the one place meant to make her feel inferior: public high school. Julia's goal is to lay low and blend in. Then she meets him‒John Ford. He’s popular, quiet, intense, and strangely compelling. Then Julia discovers she can read his mind and her world expands. Their forbidden love is powerful enough to break the conditioning that has kept Julia in the cold grip of her manipulative father. For the first time, Julia develops a sense of self and questions her restrictive upbringing and her family prejudices. She must decide how she will define herself—and whom she will betray. “. . . a mighty twist at the end to look forward to.” –Kirkus Reviews “. . . the perfect combination between sci-fi and YA literature.” – A reviewer at NetGalley “. . . unique, fast-paced, intriguing and interesting.” –A reviewer at NetGalley “I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed the Twilight series and paranormal romance.” –A reviewer at NetGalley “Brilliant plot.” –A reviewer at NetGalley

Select Few (The Select #2)

by Marit Weisenberg

After rejecting the cult-like influence of her father's family, Julia moves into a fancy hotel in downtown Austin. But she finds herself alone except for her boyfriend, John--and her fears. Once again she's suppressing her abilities, afraid her family will come for John when they find out he's been developing abilities of his own in her presence. The FBI is also keeping a close eye on Julia hoping she can lead them to her father, Novak, as he's wanted for questioning in his former assistant's death.With tensions high, Julia and John agree to go separate ways for the summer, paving the way for Julia to reunite with Angus, fellow outcast. Together they set out on a road trip to California to find Julia's mom and a way into Novak's secret underground world. Along the way Julia will learn the Puri perhaps aren't the only humans evolving into something different. . . and that maybe she's the leader her people have needed all along.

Selected Ghost Stories

by BPI India Pvt. Ltd.

Collection of Horror Stories.

The Selected Works of T. S. Spivet: A Novel

by Reif Larsen

A boundary-leaping debut novel, tracing a gifted young map maker's attempt to understand the ways of the world When twelve-year-old genius cartographer T. S. Spivet receives an unexpected phone call from the Smithsonian announcing he has won the prestigious Baird Award, life as normal--if you consider mapping dinner table conversations normal--is interrupted and a wild cross-country adventure begins, taking T. S. from his family home just north of Divide, Montana, to the museum's hallowed halls. There are some answers here on the road from Divide, and some new questions, too. How does one map the delicate lessons learned about family, or communicate the ebbs and flows of heartbreak, loneliness, and love?

The Selection Series 5-Book Collection: The Selection, The Elite, The One, The Heir, The Crown (The Selection)

by Kiera Cass

All five novels in Kiera Cass’s #1 New York Times bestselling Selection series—now available in one binge-ready set!For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The chance to live in a palace and compete for the heart of gorgeous Prince Maxon. But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her, and leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn’t want.Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she’s made for herself—and realizes that the life she’s always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined.In The Heir and The Crown, Princess Eadlyn becomes the first ever princess to hold a Selection of her own—but she doesn’t believe that any of her thirty-five suitors will capture her heart...This set includes all five books in the #1 New York Times bestselling series, which has sold millions of copies and captured the hearts of readers around the world.Plus don’t miss The Betrothed, a glittering royal romance sure to captivate Kiera Cass’s legion of loyal readers and lovers of courtly intrigue alike!

A Self-Assessment Library: Insights in Your Skills, Abilities and Interests (second edition)

by Stephen P. Robbins

"The Self-Assessment Library 2.0 has been created to help you to learn more about yourself so that you might become "enlightened." It draws on numerous instruments that have been developed by behavioral researchers that tap into your skills, abilities, and interests. This new edition has eight instruments that were not included in the first version; and I deleted four from the first edition that user feedback indicated were not very effective. Additionally, in response to user comments, the interpretation sections have been expanded. They now describe underlying concepts in greater detail and provide more elaborated discussions of what results mean. Here's a summary of changes you'll find in this second edition: - Four tests have been deleted and eight new ones added. - A matrix for relating tests to management and OB topics has been added. - Tests which assume current working experience are now identified. - Approximate quantitative cut-off scores, when not included by the tests' authors, have been provided to help students better understand the meaning of their results. - Where appropriate, remedial actions or references have been suggested to help students improve areas of weakness. "This Library of behavioral questionnaires has been designed to supplement a wide range of college courses. These include: Introduction to Management, Organizational Behavior, Supervision, Interpersonal Skills, Introduction to Business, Careers in Business, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and Social Psychology. It works best when questionnaires are completed separately (rather than doing the whole set at one time) and when they're completed in sync with text readings on complementary topics."

The Self-Care Kit for Stressed-Out Teens: Healthy Habits and Calming Advice to Help You Stay Positive

by Frankie Young

Being a teenager means learning how to deal with exams, new experiences and body changes. Are you prepared? No?Teenage life stretches you in more ways than you could imagine, but it is also an exciting time in which you start to consider your future, new relationships and big questions about your identity and beliefs. Sometimes this heady mix might feel like a bit too much to handle, and that’s where introducing self-care into your daily life can help.Far from being about drinking kale smoothies and taking bubble baths, self-care provides you with the tools to sustain your mental and physical health so you can be your best self.Find out how to:Stay positive and focused through exam seasonFeel better equipped to cope with everyday stressLove the skin you’re inBe an ally to yourself and those around you

The Self-Care Kit for Stressed-Out Teens: Healthy Habits and Calming Advice to Help You Stay Positive

by Frankie Young

Being a teenager means learning how to deal with exams, new experiences and body changes. Are you prepared? No?Teenage life stretches you in more ways than you could imagine, but it is also an exciting time in which you start to consider your future, new relationships and big questions about your identity and beliefs. Sometimes this heady mix might feel like a bit too much to handle, and that’s where introducing self-care into your daily life can help.Far from being about drinking kale smoothies and taking bubble baths, self-care provides you with the tools to sustain your mental and physical health so you can be your best self.Find out how to:Stay positive and focused through exam seasonFeel better equipped to cope with everyday stressLove the skin you’re inBe an ally to yourself and those around you

Self-Driving Cars: The New Way Forward

by Michael Fallon

Self-driving cars mark the next great shift in mass transportation. Learn about early attempts at self-driving technology, the benefits of driverless cars, controversies surrounding the new technology, innovations that make self-driving cars possible, and the industry's major players. This emerging "disruptive" technology has its roots in the work of engineers and futurists dating back decades. Author Michael Fallon traces how the software and hardware for self-driving vehicles developed through the years, including major milestones, notable misfires, and efforts from the public and private sectors. He also spotlights recent breakthroughs that have made self-driving vehicles viable on a mass scale, along with the public debate that these breakthroughs have created.

Self-Esteem Tools for Teens: A Modern Guide to Conquer Your Inner Critic and Realize Your True Self Worth

by Megan MacCutcheon LPC, PMH-C

Simple, effective strategies to build teen confidence and self-worth Whether you are dealing with overwhelming emotions, peer pressure, bullying, or the struggle to fit in, adolescence can be a bumpy road. Self-Esteem Tools for Teens will help you come away with a better appreciation for who you are and a greater ability to recognize your potential. Once you learn the basics of self esteem, dive into the personalized prompts to figure out how to build healthy, positive feelings. The book culminates with loads of tips, techniques, and insights rooted in stories about real-life teens who've successfully boosted their self esteem. Throughout you'll use helpful journal exercises to guide you along the way. Learn confidence and self esteem through: A teen POV—Discover engaging, design-focused content that speaks to the heart and heartache of everyday life experienced by today's teens. Story-based learning—Explore richly detailed narrative scenarios about teens successfully working through low self esteem issues. Silencing your inner critic—Help teens discover their self-worth with practical but engaging techniques and strategies. Find your inner strength and overcome the uncertainty of adolescence by building self esteem.

The Self-Love Workbook for Teens: A Transformative Guide to Boost Self-Esteem, Build Healthy Mindsets, and Embrace Your True Self

by Shainna Ali

Discover how to change your attitude, build confidence in who you are, and genuinely love yourself through the guided activities and real-world advice in this easy-to-use, friendly workbook for teens and young adults. As a teen, life can be stressful, whether from worrying about looks, performance in school, relationships with friends and family, or societal pressures. It is easy for you to lose focus and feel like you&’re not good enough. The Self-Love Workbook for Teens gives you the tools to conquer self-doubt and develop a healthy mindset. It includes fun, creative, and research-backed exercises, lessons, and tips, including: Interactive activities Reflective exercises Journaling prompts Actionable advice Self-love is a journey, but it is the first step on the path to a happier, more fulfilling life.

Self-Made Boys: A Great Gatsby Remix (Remixed Classics #5)

by Anna-Marie McLemore

Stonewall Honor recipient and two-time National Book Award Longlist selectee Anna-Marie McLemore weaves an intoxicating tale of glamor and heartache in Self-Made Boys: A Great Gatsby Remix, part of the Remixed Classics series.New York City, 1922. Nicolás Caraveo, a 17-year-old transgender boy from Wisconsin, has no interest in the city’s glamor. Going to New York is all about establishing himself as a young professional, which could set up his future—and his life as a man—and benefit his family.Nick rents a small house in West Egg from his 18-year-old cousin, Daisy Fabrega, who lives in fashionable East Egg near her wealthy fiancé, Tom—and Nick is shocked to find that his cousin now goes by Daisy Fay, has erased all signs of her Latine heritage, and now passes seamlessly as white.Nick’s neighbor in West Egg is a mysterious young man named Jay Gatsby, whose castle-like mansion is the stage for parties so extravagant that they both dazzle and terrify Nick. At one of these parties, Nick learns that the spectacle is all meant to impress a girl from Jay’s past—Daisy. And he learns something else: Jay is also transgender.As Nick is pulled deeper into the glittery culture of decadence, he spends more time with Jay, aiming to help his new friend reconnect with his lost love. But Nick's feelings grow more complicated when he finds himself falling hard for Jay's openness, idealism, and unfounded faith in the American Dream.Praise for Self-Made Boys:"Anna-Marie McLemore cracks the Gatsby story wide open, breathing fresh life into these familiar characters with wisdom, honesty, and real tenderness. An all-time favorite—I was completely transported." —Becky Albertalli, New York Times-bestselling author of Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda"Tenderly written and achingly romantic, Anna-Marie McLemore has crafted a romance for the ages. Their Latinx lens provides more nuance and depth to the classic story. With a breath of fresh life, Self-Made Boys shows us how queer love has flourished in quiet corners across history." —Aiden Thomas, New York Times-bestselling author of Cemetery Boys

Self Talk, Soul Talk

by Jennifer Rothschild

Bible study teacher and speaker Jennifer Rothschild reminds women of the importance of filling their thought closets with positive messages.

The Self-Taught Programmer: The Definitive Guide to Programming Professionally, 1st Edition

by Cory Althoff

I am a self-taught programmer. After a year of self-study, I learned to program well enough to land a job as a software engineer II at eBay. Once I got there, I realized I was severely under-prepared. I was overwhelmed by the amount of things I needed to know but hadn't learned yet. My journey learning to program, and my experience at my first job as a software engineer were the inspiration for this book. <P><P>This book is not just about learning to program; although you will learn to code. If you want to program professionally, it is not enough to learn to code; that is why, in addition to helping you learn to program, I also cover the rest of the things you need to know to program professionally that classes and books don't teach you. "The Self-taught Programmer" is a roadmap, a guide to take you from writing your first Python program, to passing your first technical interview. I divided the book into five sections: <P><P> 1. Learn to program in Python 3 and build your first program. </br> 2. Learn Object-oriented programming and create a powerful Python program to get you hooked. </br> 3. Learn to use tools like Git, Bash, regular expressions and databases. Then use your new coding skills to build a web scraper. </br> 4. Study Computer Science fundamentals like data structures and algorithms.</br> 5. Finish with tips for working with a team and landing a programming job. <P><P>You CAN learn to program professionally. The path is there. Will you take it?

Selfie Made: Your Ultimate Guide to Social Media Stardom

by Meridith Valiando Rojas

HOW DO I MAKE IT BIG ON SOCIAL MEDIA? WHAT IS MY STORY—AND WHO IS MY AUDIENCE? WHAT CONTENT SHOULD I POST TO ACHIEVE #SUCCESS? HOW DO I GO VIRAL…OR HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE ME TO GET NOTICED?Selfie Made is a one-of-a-kind guide to creating a digital identity, finding an audience, and building a powerful brand—your own!—on the Internet. Whether you want to be in front of or behind the camera, produce click-worthy content or start your own business, this book is the place to begin. Written by Meridith Valiando Rojas, the hugely successful (and super friendly IRL) founder of DigiTour who has worked with every major star from YouTube to, this collection of personal anecdotes and professional advice, tricks of the trade and behind-the-screen secrets, will give you everything you need for your social media toolkit.Here, you’ll get to know the true stories behind some of today’s most successful multimedia stars and influencers, including:Max And Harvey - Blake Gray - Danielle CohnBryce Xavier - Lauren Godwin - Nathan TriskaTrevor Moran - Messy Monday - Simon Britton…and others who learned the ropes, beat the odds, and took social media by storm. And so can you!

The Selkie's Song: Arabella's Secret (Arabella's Secret #1)

by Nancy M. Bell

Arabella Angarrick wants nothing more than to leave Penzance behind and study nursing in London. Her Da has other plans for her though. Arabella would rather throw herself off the cliffs of Lamorna Cove than marry Daniel Treliving. On one of her rambles across the moors on her pony, Arabella meets a dark and handsome young man who captures her fancy. There is something strange about him, but that only makes him more intriguing. Headstrong and stubborn, Arabella sets out to chart her own course in life, but things take an unexpected turn. Vear Du rescues her from danger, but can he protect her from himself?


by Ebony Wilkins

It is a summer that will change everything . . . .NaTasha has a wonderful life in affluent Park Adams. She fits in, she has friends, and she's a member of the all-white ballet troupe. Being nearly the only African American in her school doesn't bother NaTasha. But it bothers Tilly, NaTasha's spitfire grandmother from Harlem, who decides NaTasha needs to get back to her roots or her granddaughter is in danger of losing herself completely. Tilly whisks NaTasha away to a world where all of a sudden nothing in NaTasha's life makes any sense: Harlem and Comfort Zone in the Bronx, a crisis center where (cont'd)

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