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Shutter, First Edition

by Laurie Faria Stolarz

THE FACTS <ul> <li>Julian Roman, age sixteen, is an escapee from the Fairmount County Juvenile Detention Facility.</li> <li>His parents, Michael Roman and Jennifer Roman, are dead.</li> <li>Julian is wanted for murder.</li> </ul> <P><P>THE QUESTIONS <ul> <li>Why is Julian Roman on the run?</li> <li>Just how dangerous is he?</li> <li>And who did kill Michael and Jennifer Roman, if not Julian?</li> </ul> <P><P>Sixteen-year-old Day Connor views life through the lens of her camera, where perspective is everything. But photographs never tell the whole story. After Day crosses paths with Julian, the world she pictures and the truths she believes-neatly captured in black and white-begin to blur. <P><P>Julian is not the "armed and dangerous" escapee the police are searching for, but his alibis don't quite add up, either. There is more to his story. This time, Day is determined to see the entire picture . . . whatever it reveals. Did he? Or didn't he? <P><P>Day digs deeper into the case while Julian remains on the run. But the longer her list of facts becomes, the longer the list of questions becomes, too. It's also getting harder to deny the chemistry she feels for him. Is it real? Or is she being manipulated? <P><P>Day is close to finding the crack in the case. She just needs time to focus before the shutter snaps shut. <P><P>Laurie Faria Stolarz is a master of suspense and romance. Shutter will keep readers guessing until the very end.

Shying at Trouble (Pine Hollow #6)

by Bonnie Bryant

Could the horses that brought them together pull them apart?Best friends Lisa Atwood, Carole Hanson, and Stevie Lake couldn&’t be more different—except for the fact that they all love horses. Lisa is back from her summer in California and has just received some unwelcome news about her favorite horse, Prancer. Worse, she&’s not being totally honest with her boyfriend, Alex—Stevie&’s twin brother. Carole is spending all of her time at Pine Hollow Stables and is neglecting her friends and even her secret crush, Ben Marlow. And Stevie is busy with her boyfriend, Phil, trying to stop his best friend, A.J., from making a horrible mistake.As secrets threaten to shatter old and new relationships, will Lisa, Carole, and Stevie be able to go back to the way things were?

Si decido quedarme (Si Decido Quedarme Ser.)

by Gayle Forman

Tiene que decidirse: su familia y Nueva York, su novio y su amor por la música clásica. Pero entonces, ocurre un accidente. Ya nada será como antes. Y solo le queda una decisión: vivir o morir. Mia tiene diecisiete años, un hermano pequeño de ocho, un padre músico y el don de tocar el chelo como los ángeles. Muy pronto se examinará para entrar en la prestigiosa escuela Juilliard, en Nueva York, y, si la admiten, deberá dejarlo todo: su ciudad, su familia, su novio y sus amigas. Aunque el chelo es su pasión, la decisión la inquieta desde hace semanas. Una mañana de febrero, la ciudad se levanta con un manto de nieve y las escuelas cierran. La joven y su familia aprovechan el asueto inesperado para salir de excursión en coche. Es un día perfecto, están relajados, escuchando música y charlando. Pero en un instante todo cambia. Un terrible accidente deja a Mia malherida en la cama de un hospital. Mientras su cuerpo se debate entre la vida y la muerte, la joven ha de elegir si desea seguir adelante. Y esa decisión es lo único que importa. Reseñas:«Una hermosa novela.»Los Angeles Times «Intensamente conmovedora.»Publishers Weekly «Todos los que alguna vez hayan tenido que tomar una decisión difícil sobre algo muy querido deberían leer este libro.»The Bookbag «Los detalles pequeños, pero elocuentes, arrastrarán a los lectores hasta el final de esta magnífica historia.»Kirkus Reviews «Lo más brillante de este libro es la simplicidad con la que capta el gran dilema de la adolescencia: cómo separarse de los padres y forjarse una identidad propia.»The Wall Street Journal «Asombrosa, profunda y con sentido del humor.»Booklist

Si estuvieras aquí (Alice y Lucas, una historia de amor #Volumen 2)

by Francesco Gungui

Luca debe separarse de Alice y dejar atrás su ciudad, Milan, para estudiar en Estados Unidos... Llega el mes de septiembre y Alice y Luca deben separarse temporalmente: Luca ha decidido estudiar económicas en la prestigiosa universidad de Berkeley y tiene que trasladarse a Estados Unidos. En cuanto llega se da cuenta de que las cosas no son como él imaginaba: la ciudad le parece fría, la calle está llena de gente extraña, su piso es oscuro y muy poco acogedor, y se siente solo y echa de menos a Alice. Pero, ¿qué pasará con el paso de los días? Pues que, como todo el mundo que se traslada a una nueva ciudad, Luca irá aclimatandose, conocerá a gente nueva y se sentirá cada vez más lejos de Alice, por lo que acabará planteándose si quiere continuar o no con su relación. Si estuvieras aquí es una novela de despedidas y reencuentros, de locuras, flechazos, de momentos de soledad, que está llena de reflexiones divertidas y también profundas, y que en definitiva no defraudará a los lectores de Siempre estarás tú.

Si me dices que no

by Ava Draw

Seis amigos, un viaje, dos mentiras y mucha tensión sexual.Bienvenidos a Si me dices que no una de las historias más adictivas de Wattpad Bea y Hugo chocan constantemente. Ella cree en la lucha feminista, él no tanto. A Bea le aseguran que Hugo está pillado por ella y a Hugo le convencen de que Bea está enamorada de él. Todo es mentira ¿o no? Lo descubrirán en un viaje por carretera para asistir al concierto de sus vidas. Esto es Si me dices que no, la nueva y adictiva comedia romántica de Wattpad.

Si no te vas (Periscopio)

by Pau Joan Hernández de Fuenmayor Natalia Ribes Puignou

Me llamo Lorena y no sé si tengo que decir que tenía dieciséis años y ya no los tengo, o bien que tenía dieciséis años y seguiré teniéndolos para siempre. Me llamo Lorena y llevo aproximadamente mes y medio muerta. Los lectores más expertos estarán pensando que cuando digo que estoy muerta, lo digo en sentido figurado, utilizando una metáfora exagerada y morbosa, pero de las metáforas no me va nada. A mí me gustar llamar a las cosas por su nombre y que se me entienda. Y si digo que estoy muerta, lo que quiero decir es exactamente que estoy muerta. Muerta y enterrada, para ser más precisos. Lo que ocurre es que no tengo ni idea de por qué ni para qué estoy aún aquí. Por no saber, no sé ni cómo acabé muerta...

Si no te veo antes

by Eric Lindstrom

Parker Grant no necesita usar los ojos para ver cómo eres. Por eso creó las reglas: no la trates de distinta manera por ser ciega, y NUNCA te aproveches de ella. No habrá segundas oportunidades. Si no, pregúntale a Scott Kilpatrick, el chico que le rompió el corazón. No me tomes el pelo. Nunca. Y mucho menos a costa de mi ceguera. Y muchísimo menos en público. No me ayudes a menos que te lo pida. De lo contrario, te estarás interponiendo en mi camino o molestándome. No te sorprendas. En serio. Aparte de tener los ojos siempre cerrados, soy igual que tú, solo que más lista. Cuando Parker vuelve a encontrarse con Scott años después de separarse, solo puede reaccionar de una manera: ignorándole a rabiar. Ya tiene suficiente con lo suyo: entrar en el equipo de atletismo (sus ojos no funcionan, pero sus piernas sí), aconsejar a sus ingenuos compañeros sobre sus desastres amorosos, y apuntarseun tanto por cada día que pasa sin llorar la muerte de su padre. Pero evitar el pasado es imposible y, cuanto más descubre sobre lo que ocurrió (con su padre y con Scott), más empieza a preguntarse si las cosas son como parecen. Quizá hay reglas que podemos saltarnos de vez en cuando, ¿no? Con una historia cautivadora y optimista, y una protagonista arrebatadora, Si no te veo antes ilumina los puntos ciegos que todos tenemos en la vida.

Si pudieras ver el sol

by Ann Liang

Alice se siente invisible... Hasta que un día empieza a serlo. ¡Un éxito repentino en #BookTok! Alice Sun es la única estudiante becada en su internado internacional de élite en Pekín. Esto siempre ha hecho que se sienta invisible para el resto (excepto para su rival académico, el popular Henry Li). Pero un día esa sensación se convierte en algo real y empieza a volverse invisible: invisible de verdad.Entre la espada y la pared, Alice decide usar este poder para poder pagar la matrícula del internado, destapando algunos escándalos de sus compañeros. Pero todo secreto tiene un precio, y los encargos pasan de ser pequeños cotilleos a verdaderos crímenes. En esta situación, Alice deberá decidir si su futuro vale su conciencia... o su vida. Reseñas:«Rivales académicos retratados a la perfección... Uno de mis favoritos de todos los tiempos».Chloe Gong, autora bestseller de Placeres violentos

Si saltamos a la vez

by Elisa Macías

«Lo más impresionante no fue que él pudiera saltar en el tiempo, sino que entre todos estos universos y épocas yo pudiera encontrarle.» Vito tiene veinte años y su vida se resume en días grises, tedio y desaliento. La única magia que vivió en su vida fue, cuando de pequeño, de madrugada, Peter Pan le deseó feliz cumpleaños. Ese fue el único regalo que recibió. Y ese año y los siguientes, el día de su cumpleaños estuvo teñido siempre por melancolía y rabia mal escondida. Por eso, cuando en verano conoce a un chico encantador y misterioso, Vito se resiste a ilusionarse, más cuando no sabe si se volverán a ver, escondiéndose tras un escudo de malhumor. Pero Xavier aparece de nuevo, meses después, dispuesto a hacerse un hueco en su vida, y Vito, contagiándose de su entusiasmo y vitalidad, se abre finalmente a él. Primero como amigo. Luego..., sintiendo algo más. Hasta que un día le cuenta que, de pequeño, creyó ver a Peter Pan. Y esa misma noche Vito sueña con ese momento de nuevo, solo que esta vez la figura que ve le es familiar. Demasiado familiar. Pero es imposible, ¿no? No puede ser. Y sin embargo... El pasado no se puede cambiar, pero el futuro siempre está por escribirse.

Sia Martinez and the Moonlit Beginning of Everything

by Raquel Vasquez Gilliland

Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe meets Roswell by way of Laurie Halse Anderson in this astonishing, genre-bending novel about a Mexican American teen who discovers profound connections between immigration, folklore, and alien life. <P><P>It’s been three years since ICE raids and phone calls from Mexico and an ill-fated walk across the Sonoran. Three years since Sia Martinez’s mom disappeared. Sia wants to move on, but it&’s hard in her tiny Arizona town where people refer to her mom&’s deportation as “an unfortunate incident.” Sia knows that her mom must be dead, but every new moon Sia drives into the desert and lights San Anthony and la Guadalupe candles to guide her mom home. <P><P> Then one night, under a million stars, Sia’s life and the world as we know it cracks wide open. Because a blue-lit spacecraft crashes in front of Sia’s car…and it’s carrying her mom, who’s very much alive. As Sia races to save her mom from armed-quite-possibly-alien soldiers, she uncovers secrets as profound as they are dangerous in this stunning and inventive exploration of first love, family, immigration, and our vast, limitless universe.

Sibila: brujas romantica

by Demetria Mechaelou

Aunque su aspecto sea humano, Sibila es algo más. Sin embargo, está a punto de perder para siempre al amor de su vida. Cuando era niña perdió a sus padres, sacrificados para preservar el oscuro secreto de su especie, y ahora se enfrenta a ese mismo enigma. Quiere salvaguardarlo, pero su corazón se lo impide, pues late desbocado por un humano. Siendo ya universitaria en el lluvioso Dublín, se halla totalmente inmersa en la física cuántica, a la par que obligada a ocultar sus sentimientos y su verdadera identidad. Todo para no desencadenar una nueva caza de brujas en Irlanda. No obstante, ocurre lo inconcebible… Ahora todo depende de una humana, Dafni, una camarera sin blanca que se las busca para seguir adelante con su vida y enfrentarse a la pérdida y la traición. A pesar de creer que las cosas no podían ir a peor, todo se tuerce desmesuradamente, cuando la caza de brujas da comienzo y el destino la encamina irremediablemente hacia el abismo. Es la única que puede detener el embrujo y salvar a Sibila. Salvarla de un amor maldito atado con un cordón rojo…

Sibylla: romance sorciére

by Démetria Mechaelou

Aélis ressemble à un humain mais elle ne l’est pas, toutefois elle risque de perdre pour toujours l’amour de sa vie. Elle a perdu ses parents assez jeune- ils se sont sacrifiés afin de préserver le secret obscur de son espèce. A présent elle dot faire face à ce secret. Elle souhaite le protéger mais son cœur qui bats d’amour pour un homme l’arrête. Etudiante dans un Dublin pluvieux maintenant, elle se noya dans la physique quantique. Forcée à cacher son amour et sa véritable identité. Par crainte de susciter une nouvelle chasse aux sorcières en Irlande. Jusqu’au jour où l’impensable se produit… Tout dépend d’une personne dès à présent, Daphné. Une pauvre serveuse qui se bat pour gagner sa vie- avec la perte et la trahison. Et au moment qu’elle croit que les chose ne peuvent pas être pire, elles le deviennent. La chasse aux sorcières a déjà commencé et le destin la met sur leur route. Elle est la seule qui peut tout arrêter et sauver Aélis. D’un amour maudit lié au fil rouge…

Side by Side: US Empire, Puerto Rico, and the Roots of American Youth Literature and Culture (Children's Literature Association Series)

by Marilisa Jiménez García

Winner of the Children’s Literature Association’s 2023 Book AwardDuring the early colonial encounter, children’s books were among the first kinds of literature produced by US writers introducing the new colony, its people, and the US’s role as a twentieth-century colonial power to the public. Subsequently, youth literature and media were important tools of Puerto Rican cultural and educational elite institutions and Puerto Rican revolutionary thought as a means of negotiating US assimilation and upholding a strong Latin American, Caribbean national stance. In Side by Side: US Empire, Puerto Rico, and the Roots of American Youth Literature and Culture, author Marilisa Jiménez García focuses on the contributions of the Puerto Rican community to American youth, approaching Latinx literature as a transnational space that provides a critical lens for examining the lingering consequences of US and Spanish colonialism for US communities of color. Through analysis of texts typically outside traditional Latinx or literary studies such as young adult literature, textbooks, television programming, comics, music, curriculum, and youth movements, Side by Side represents the only comprehensive study of the contributions of Puerto Ricans to American youth literature and culture, as well as the only comprehensive study into the role of youth literature and culture in Puerto Rican literature and thought. Considering recent debates over diversity in children’s and young adult literature and media and the strained relationship between Puerto Rico and the US, Jiménez García's timely work encourages us to question who constitutes the expert and to resist the homogenization of Latinxs, as well as other marginalized communities, that has led to the erasure of writers, scholars, and artists.

Side Control (The\dojo Ser.)

by Patrick Jones

Jackson James wants three things: to succeed in MMA, to join the military like his father, and to protect his little brother from ending up in trouble like he did. But it's a challenge to stay in control of his life at school, at home, and at the dojo—especially with the distraction of Tyresha Harris, one of the new female fighters. When faced with tough choices, can Jackson learn to make the right ones inside the cage and out?

Side Control (The Dojo)

by Patrick Jones

Jackson James wants three things: to succeed in MMA, to join the military like his father, and to protect his little brother from ending up in trouble like he did. But it's a challenge to stay in control of his life at school, at home, and at the dojo—especially with the distraction of Tyresha Harris, one of the new female fighters. When faced with tough choices, can Jackson learn to make the right ones inside the cage and out?

Side Effects

by Amy Goldman Koss

Serious, funny, compelling -- and unique: a novel about a teenager with cancer and doesn't die, from Amy Goldman Koss, acclaimed author of THE GIRLS.As if it isn't bad enough to have cancer, practically every time we pick up a book or hear about a character in a movie who gets sick, we know they'll be dead by the last scene. In reality, kids get all kinds of cancers, go through unspeakable torture and painful treatments, but walk away, fine in the end. Isabelle, not quite 15, is living a normal life of fighting with her younger brother, being disgusted with her parents, and hoping to be noticed by a cute guy. Everything changes in an instant when she is diagnosed with lymphoma-- and even her best friend, Kay, thinks Izzy is going to die. But she doesn't, and her humor—sardonic, sharp, astute -- makes reading this book accessible and actually enjoyable.From the acclaimed author of The Girls and Poison Ivy, Side Effects is about the pain, fear, and unlikely comedy of 15-year-old Izzy's journey, told in her own powerful and authentic voice. It is Izzy's story—screams and all.

Side Effects May Vary

by Julie Murphy

For fans of John Green and Rainbow Rowell comes this powerful novel about a girl with cancer who creates a take-no-prisoners bucket list that sets off a war at school--only to discover she's gone into remission.When sixteen-year-old Alice is diagnosed with leukemia, she vows to spend her final months righting wrongs. So she convinces her best friend, Harvey, to help her with a crazy bucket list that's as much about revenge as it is about hope. But just when Alice's scores are settled, she goes into remission, and now she must face the consequences of all she's said and done. Contemporary realistic-fiction readers who love romantic stories featuring strong heroines will find much to savor in this standout debut.

The Sidecar Kings

by Jon Burcaw

Author Jon Burcaw draws out the relationship between wheelchairs and motorcycles. He refers to his life experience as a motorcycle lover and his son's as a disabled child.

The Sidekicks

by Will Kostakis

Ryan, Harley and Miles are very different people-the swimmer, the rebel and the nerd. All they've ever had in common is Isaac, their shared best friend. When Isaac dies unexpectedly, the three boys must come to terms with their grief and the impact Isaac had on each of their lives. In his absence, Ryan, Harley and Miles discover things about one another they never saw before, and realize there may be more tying them together than just Isaac. In this intricately woven story told in three parts, award-winning Australian author Will Kostakis makes his American debut with a heartwarming, masterfully written novel about grief, self-discovery and the connections that tie us all together.


by Kara Bietz

An emotional YA romance about small town secrets, high school football, and broken hearts.Julian Jackson has a short to-do list for his senior year at Crenshaw County High School in Meridien, Texas: football, football, and more football. He knows he's only got one chance to earn a college scholarship and make it out of his small town, and keeping his head down, his grades up, and his cleats on the field is that one chance. And then Elijah Vance walks back into his life, throwing all of his carefully-laid plans into a tailspin.Elijah and Julian used to be best friends, maybe even on their way to something more than just friends. But three years ago, Elijah broke into the school to steal money from the coach's office, and Julian was the one who turned him in. After that, Elijah and his family disappeared without a trace. And now he's back, sitting at Julian's grandmother's kitchen table. But time and distance haven't erased all of their feelings, and Elijah knows that he finally has a chance to prove to Julian that he's not the same person he was three years ago. But with secrets still growing between them and an uncertain future barreling towards them, it may be harder to lean on each other than they thought.

The Siege and Fall of Troy: For Young Readers

by Robert Graves

The author of I, Claudius reimagines the Trojan War for the young reader. &“The writing is clear, straightforward, and, in places, poetic&” (Kirkus Reviews). The Iliad has it all: war, corruption, greed, power, and the passions of both gods and men. In this detailed retelling, Robert Graves draws the major characters of this timeless classic in broad, gritty strokes, making Agamemnon, Paris, Odysseus, and others accessible for young readers. Written with a younger audience in mind, The Siege and Fall of Troy is nevertheless exhaustively researched and compelling enough to be of interest to both students of history and adult readers. With humor, wit, and energy, Graves is expert at weaving a story based on exhaustive scholarly research and deep imaginative prowess.

Siege and Storm (Shadow and Bone Trilogy #2)

by Leigh Bardugo

Hunted across the True Sea, haunted by the lives she took on the Fold, Alina must try to make a life with Mal in an unfamiliar land, all while keeping her identity as the Sun Summoner a secret. But she can't outrun her past or her destiny for long. <p><p> The Darkling has emerged from the Shadow Fold with a terrifying new power and a dangerous plan that will test the very boundaries of the natural world. With the help of a notorious privateer, Alina returns to the country she abandoned, determined to fight the forces gathering against Ravka. But as her power grows, Alina slips deeper into the Darkling's game of forbidden magic, and farther away from Mal. Somehow, she will have to choose between her country, her power, and the love she always thought would guide her - or risk losing everything to the oncoming storm.

Siege of Rage and Ruin (The Wells of Sorcery Trilogy #3)

by Django Wexler

Siege of Rage and Ruin is the explosive final adventure in Django Wexler's The Wells of Sorcery trilogy, an action-packed epic fantasy saga.Isoka has done the impossible—she’s captured the ghost ship Soliton.With her crew of mage-bloods, including the love of her life Princess Meroe, Isoka returns to the empire that sent her on her deadly mission. She’s ready to hand over the ghost ship as ransom for her sister Tori’s life, but arrives to find her home city under siege. And Tori at the helm of a rebellion.Neither Isoka’s mastery of combat magic, nor Tori’s proficiency with mind control, could have prepared them for the feelings their reunion surfaces. But they’re soon drawn back into the rebels’ fight to free the city that almost killed them.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Siege of Shadows (The\effigies Ser. #2)

by Sarah Raughley

The Effigies seek out the true origins of the Phantoms that terrorize their world in this thrilling follow-up to Fate of Flames, which Elise Chapman calls &“an immersive and monstrously fun read.&”There&’s nowhere to hide. Not when you&’re an Effigy. No matter where they go, Maia and the other Effigies can&’t escape the eyes of the press—especially not after failing to capture Saul, whose power to control the monstrous Phantoms has left the world in a state of panic. It&’s been two months since Saul&’s disappearance, and there&’s still no sign of him, leaving the public to wonder whether the Sect—and the Effigies—are capable of protecting anyone. When Saul suddenly surfaces in the middle of the Sahara desert, the Sect sends Maia and her friends out after him. But instead of Saul, they discover a dying soldier engineered with Effigy-like abilities. Even worse, there may be more soldiers like him out there, and it looks like the Effigies are their prime targets. Yet the looming danger of Saul and this mysterious new army doesn&’t overshadow Maia&’s fear of the Sect, who ordered the death of the previous Fire Effigy, Natalya. With enemies on all sides and the world turning against them, the Effigies have to put their trust in each other—easier said than done when secrets threaten to tear them apart.

Siempre a tu lado

by Edward Hendriks

Mamá y papá han pensado largo y tendido sobre si ir de vacaciones este año. Y aún más dudas de si debíamos ir al mismo campamento. Todos esos recuerdos... Pero ya ha pasado casi un año desde ese terrible día: quieren volver a abrazar la vida. Trato de recordar las cosas bonitas, pero ese hormigueo en mi panza no desaparece. Todas las cosas que solía hacer con mi hermanita. Y todas las cosas que teníamos pendiente de hacer, pero que ahora nunca haremos.

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