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Stranger Things Have Happened

by Jeff Strand

You can't always believe what you see in this hilarious coming of age novel from the author of The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever and I Have a Bad Feeling about ThisHarry Houdini. Penn and Teller. David Copperfield. Marcus Millian the Third. Okay, so Marcus isn't a famous magician. He may not even be a great magician. But his great-grandfather, the once-legendary and long-retired Zachary the Stupendous, insists Marcus has true talent. And when Grandpa Zachary boasts that he and Marcus are working on an illusion that will shock, stun, and astonish, Marcus wishes he could make himself disappear. The problem? Marcus also has stage fright-in spades. It's one thing to perform elaborate card tricks in front of his best friend, Kimberly, but it's an entirely different feat to perform in front of an audience. Then Grandpa Zachary dies in his sleep. To uphold his great-grandfather's honor, the show must go on. It would take a true sorcerer to pull off the trick Marcus has planned. But maybe he's the next best thing...

Stranger Things: Lucas em risco (Série Stranger Things #Volumen 3)

by Suyi Davies

Os objetivos de Lucas para sobreviver ao 9.º ano: fazer novos amigos, ser ele próprio e… salvar Hawkins. Mergulha neste retrato revelador de Lucas Sinclair, uma das personagens favoritas dos fãs de Stranger Things, e conhece-o como nunca antes - pelas suas próprias palavras. «Agora é ainda mais evidente como a vida dos meus amigos é diferente da minha. Como, em tempos, eu teria morrido se gozassem comigo por ter cabelo comprido e encaracolado como o do Dustin - embora isso não fosse possível mesmo que eu quisesse. Como a palavra fixe tem significados diferentes para mim e para eles - quer eles estejam a falar de alguém fixe à cromo ou fixe popular. Como, aonde quer que vamos ou quem quer que eu seja ou escolha ser, serei sempre o Negro que está ao lado deles.» Lucas Sinclair está cansado de se sentir um forasteiro na sua própria cidade e não tem ninguém em quem se apoiar. Quando o início da escola secundária apresenta a Lucas outras opções além de jogar Dungeons and Dragons e sofrer bullying, ele pergunta-se se poderá ser mais do que um cromo. Se jogar bem as suas cartas, talvez Lucas possa até ser… fixe. Depois de se começar a dar com um dos poucos outros alunos Negros da escola - o seu mentor na secundária e na equipa de basquete -, Lucas começa a aprender mais sobre si mesmo para além do seu grupo de amigos. Ele começa a entender-se como um adolescente Negro em Hawkins, o que parece diferente de tudo o que viveu anteriormente - neste mundo ou em qualquer outro.

Stranger Things: Lucas on the Line

by Suyi Davies

Dive into this revealing portrait of Stranger Things fan favorite Lucas Sinclair and get to know Lucas like never before. The thrilling adventure of Stranger Things continues where season three left off, with fan favorite Lucas Sinclair finally telling his own story in his own words. Lucas has been in the fight against the evil forces in his town since the beginning, but he is tired of feeling like an outsider. When the start of high school presents Lucas with options beyond D&D and being bullied, he wonders if he can be more than invisible. After connecting with one of the few other Black students at school, Lucas starts to learn more about himself apart from his friend group. And he begins to understand himself as a Black teen in Hawkins, which feels unlike anything—in this world or any other—he&’s ever experienced. From Suyi Davies, contributor to the New York Times bestselling Black Boy Joy, comes an exploration of love and identity within the beloved Stranger Things universe, through the eyes of Lucas Sinclair.

Stranger Things: Max, a fugitiva (Stranger Things #Volumen 1)

by Brenna Yovanoff

Max antes de se tornar Acelera. Antes da noite mais estranha da sua vida. Antes de Hawkins e do Mundo Invertido. A prequela de Stranger Things que revela, como nunca antes, a mente de uma das personagens favoritas da série Max Mayfield simplesmente não se consegue encaixar. Não é delicada ou cheia de folhinhos, como a sua mãe gostaria. Nunca parece dizer a coisa certa. E prefere passar os seus dias no salão de jogos mais do que em qualquer outro lugar. Quando vivia na Califórnia, tinha amigos e o seu pai estava a apenas uma viagem de autocarro de distância. Mas foi então que a mãe de Max se casou com Neil, e o seu meio-irmão, Billy, entrou em cena. Agora, Max e a sua nova família vivem em Hawkins, Indiana. O seu padrasto trata-a por Maxine, Billy está fora de controlo e a sua mãe não é capaz de intervir. Max continua a pensar que encontrou amigos para substituir os que deixou na Califórnia, mas todos eles erguem barreiras assim que se começam a sentir vulneráveis. Isto é, até que Max descobre o quão sérias - e estranhas - as coisas realmente são em Hawkins. Max não tarda a perceber que é a mais nova personagem numa história bizarra com democães, um perigoso Devorador de Mentes e uma Maga de verdade. Terá de fazer algumas escolhas sérias se pretende salvar Hawkins das partes mais sombrias do Mundo Invertido - presumindo que o violento, louco e descontrolado Billy não se atravesse primeiro no seu caminho.

Stranger Things: Os horrores de Hawkins (Série Stranger Things #Volumen 4)

by Matthew J. Gilbert

Prepara-te para visitar os cantos mais sombrios e arrepiantes de Hawkins nesta coletânea de contos aterradores LIVRO OFICIAL STRANGER THINGS Eles só queriam ver um filme e decidem ir ao videoclube. É então que um apagão muda os seus planos — e que o medo se instala... Dustin, Lucas, Erica e os seus amigos começam a partilhar rumores e histórias aterrorizantes que assombram Hawkins. Que segredos se escondem num antigo asilo? Vive mesmo uma criatura mutante no fundo do Lago dos Enamorados? Um ursinho de peluche inofensivo é realmente controlado por uma força sobrenatural? Estes são apenas alguns dos mistérios monstruosos desta coletânea assustadora de histórias sobrenaturais cheias de suspense, passadas no universo Stranger Things.

Stranger Things: Rebel Robin

by A. R. Capetta

High school is a monster, and it's eating everyone Robin knows. Discover the backstory of the new Stranger Things fan favorite character, Robin, played by Maya Hawke!It's the beginning of sophomore year, and Robin's Odd Squad friends have decided: this time, they're going to fit in. They couple up, they won't stop talking about college and their future careers, and they're obsessed with trying to act "normal." Robin knows that game well--she's been pretending for years, hoping nobody would notice the sarcastic polyglot French horn player with a bad perm in the back of the room. But there's one aspect of her identity that she knows for sure doesn't fit in with her carefully controlled image--something she's only just now realizing: Robin likes girls.How exactly is she supposed to be her true self in teeny-tiny Hawkins, Indiana? Robin is convinced the only way she can experience real life is by fleeing to Europe for the summer--aka Operation Croissant. But she has no money, no permission, and no one to share the adventure with--and it will take a heck of a lot more than that to escape Hawkins in one piece.Sprinkled with references to your favorite Stranger Things characters, this prequel chronicles one girl's realization that the only person she really needs to be accepted by is herself.

Stranger Things: Robin, a rebelde (Série Stranger Things #Volumen 2)

by A. R. Capetta

Cheia de referências às principais personagens de Stranger Things, esta prequela narra a história de uma rapariga que descobre que, no fundo, só precisa de ser aceite por uma única pessoa: ela mesma. Um livro oficial Stranger Things O décimo ano está a começar e os membros do Esquadrão Singular decidem que, desta vez, vão tentar adaptar-se e agir normalmente. Robin conhece bem esse jogo - afinal, tem vindo a fingir há anos, esperando que ninguém repare na sarcástica e poliglota trompetista com uma péssima permanente ao fundo da sala. Mas há um aspeto da sua identidade de que só agora se apercebe e que não encaixa com a sua imagem cuidadosamente controlada: Robin gosta de raparigas. Como poderá Robin ser ela própria na minúscula cidade de Hawkins, no Indiana? Ela está convencida de que a única maneira de experimentar a vida real é fugir para a Europa no verão - um projeto a que dá o nome de Operação Croissant. Só que não tem dinheiro, autorização nem ninguém com quem partilhar a aventura - e, na verdade, será preciso muito mais do que isso para escapar de Hawkins.

Stranger Things: Runaway Max (Stranger Things (Random House))

by Brenna Yovanoff

Don't miss this gripping, emotional prequel to the hit Netflix series, Stranger Things! The never-before-told backstory of the beloved Dig Dug maven, Max Mayfield, written by New York Times bestselling author Brenna Yovanoff.This must-read novel, based on the hit Netflix series, Stranger Things, explores Max's past--the good and the bad--as well as how she came to find her newfound sense of home in Hawkins, Indiana.

Strangers (The Reckoner)

by David A. Robertson

A talking coyote, mysterious illnesses, and girl trouble. Coming home can be murder...When Cole Harper gets a mysterious message from an old friend begging him to come home, he has no idea what he's getting into. Compelled to return to Wounded Sky First Nation, Cole finds his community in chaos: a series of shocking murders, a mysterious illness ravaging the residents, and reemerging questions about Cole&’s role in the tragedy that drove him away 10 years ago. With the aid of an unhelpful spirit, a disfigured ghost, and his two oldest friends, Cole tries to figure out his purpose, and unravel the mysteries he left behind a decade ago. Will he find the answers in time to save his community?

Strangers (The Reckoner)

by David A. Robertson

A talking coyote, mysterious illnesses, and girl trouble. Coming home can be murder...When Cole Harper gets a mysterious message from an old friend begging him to come home, he has no idea what he's getting into. Compelled to return to Wounded Sky First Nation, Cole finds his community in chaos: a series of shocking murders, a mysterious illness ravaging the residents, and reemerging questions about Cole&’s role in the tragedy that drove him away 10 years ago. With the aid of an unhelpful spirit, a disfigured ghost, and his two oldest friends, Cole tries to figure out his purpose, and unravel the mysteries he left behind a decade ago. Will he find the answers in time to save his community?

Strangers Assume My Girlfriend Is My Nurse

by Shane Burcaw

With his signature acerbic wit and hilarious voice, twenty-something author, blogger, and entrepreneur Shane Burcaw is back with an essay collection about living a full life in a body that many people perceive as a tragedy. From anecdotes about first introductions where people patted him on the head instead of shaking his hand, to stories of passersby mistaking his able-bodied girlfriend for a nurse, Shane tackles awkward situations and assumptions with humor and grace. On the surface, these essays are about day-to-day life as a wheelchair user with a degenerative disease, but they are actually about family, love, and coming of age.

Strategies for College Success: A Study Skills Guide

by Diana Renn

Strategies for College Success introduces students to the language and culture of college. Designed primarily for near-native English speakers who are planning to attend or are just beginning their time at an American college, this textbook presents skills and strategies that will help students succeed academically and adjust to the cultural aspects of college life. It provides a wealth of study tips and strategies, which are outlined in the front of the book, to ensure academic success.

Strategies That Work: Teaching Comprehension for Understanding, Engagement, and Building Knowledge

by Stephanie Harvey; Anne Goudvis

Strategies That Work, more than a million teachers have benefited from Steph and Anne's practical advice on creating classrooms that are incubators for deep thought. This third edition is a must-have resource for a generation of new teachers--and a welcome refresher for those with dog-eared copies of this timeless guide to teaching comprehension.


by Laura Gallego

Un món on només compta allò que realment és important. L'Eric se'n va a viure a l'altra punta del món i la Virginia ja ha assumit que no el veurà mai més. Però, la nit abans que ell marxi, tots dos són arrossegats de sobte a Stravagàntia, un món insòlit ple de perills i poblat de criatures estranyes, no sempre amistoses. Quan l'Eric és capturat, la Virginia comprèn que no està disposada a deixar que se'n vagi així com així. Ara bé, si el vol rescatar, haurà d'assumir el risc d'emprendre un viatge per un territori del qual desconeix les regles. Per sort, tindrà el suport del Berk, un faune que l'ajudarà a mirar amb els ulls de Stravagàntia... i també a descobrir algunes coses sobre ella mateixa.


by Laura Gallego

Un mundo donde solo cuenta lo verdaderamente importante. Eric se marcha a vivir a la otra punta del mundo y Virginia ya ha asumido que no volverá a verlo más. Pero, en la víspera de su partida, ambos se ven súbitamente arrastrados hasta Stravagantia, un insólito mundo lleno de peligros y poblado de extrañas criaturas, no siempre amistosas. Cuando Eric es capturado, Virginia comprende que no está dispuesta a dejarlo marchar sin más. Sin embargo, si quiere rescatarlo, deberá asumir el riesgo de emprender un viaje por un territorio cuyas reglas desconoce. Por fortuna para ella, contará con el apoyo de Berk, un fauno que la ayudará a mirar con los ojos de Stravagantia... y también a descubrir algunas cosas sobre sí misma.

Stray (Stray Ser. #1)

by Monica Hesse

Perfect for fans of Black Mirror and Warcross, this suspenseful novel asks what it means to live a life that isn't your own. Lona Sixteen Always has spent most of her life as someone else. Part of a unique virtual reality experiment for troubled kids who have been "rescued" by the government, she spends twenty-three hours a day on the Path, reliving the decades-old, perfectly ordinary memories of a perfectly ordinary boy. Any other life is unimaginable--until one day someone appears on Lona's screen who doesn't belong. Fenn, a boy from her past, has returned to set her free. Lona is wrenched brutally into an existence that is suddenly all her own, one that promises liberty and love, but also holds threatening secrets. And it turns out that there is a heavy price to pay for straying from her assigned path. In Stray, Edgar-award winning master of suspense Monica Hesse brings us a richly imagined speculative world where there are no easy answers--and no easy way out. *This ebook includes bonus excerpts from Monica Hesse's historical fiction novels Girl in the Blue Coat and The War Outside.

Stray (Four Sisters #1)

by Elissa Sussman

Princess Aislynn has long dreamed about attending her Introduction Ball, about dancing with the handsome suitors her adviser has chosen for her, about meeting her true love and starting her happily ever after.When the night of the ball finally arrives and Nerine Academy is awash with roses and royalty, Aislynn wants nothing more than to dance the night away, dutifully following the Path that has been laid out for her. She does not intend to stray.But try as she might, Aislynn has never quite managed to control the magic that burns within her—magic brought on by wicked, terrible desires that threaten the Path she has vowed to take.After all, it is wrong to want what you do not need. Isn't it?

Street Law: A Course in Practical Law (5th edition)

by Lee P. Arbetman Edward T. Mcmahon Edward L. O'Brien

A law textbook for high school students, designed to give them practical advice, knowledge, and skills to survive in our "law-saturated" society.

Street Magic: Street Magic - Reissue (The Circle Opens #2)

by Tamora Pierce

Part of the 8-book Tamora Pierce reissue for Fall 2006, this title in the Circle Opens quartet features spellbinding new cover art. Coincides with the release of WILL OF THE EMPRESS in trade pb.Briar Moss been training four years as a plant mage, but he hasn't put his past behind him. He meets a street girl, Evvy, using powerful magic to polish stones for a merchant, and resolves to find her a teacher. But Briar understands the city's gangs as well as he understands Evvy. When gang warfare breaks out, he discovers that the fiercest gang is seeking a stone mage to lead them to hidden gems. Only Briar and his magic can offer Evvy protection. Swept up in a bloody conflict, Briar must decide if he's ready to make the final step away from his former life as a "street rat".

Street Notes

by Lisa Mcmanus

All 15-year-old Nick Zinsky wanted was a guitar of his own and a necklace for his mom, and he wanted to buy both on his own, without anyone’s help.Nick’s mom want him to focus on school and not get a job. But Nick is anxious to save up, so he spends the summer and weekends busking downtown with a guitar loaned from school – a secret he has to keep from his mom, his music teacher, his friends, and especially from the school bully, Beau. But when a music competition is announced where the prizes would solve all Nick’s problems, Nick lacks the confidence to enter. Can he find the courage to enter and will it make his problems disappear? Author note: ‘Street Notes’ is a story about bullying, a teens’ struggle for independence, and about learning that sometimes it’s okay to ask for help. This book was previously published with the title “Newbie Nick” in June 2014.

Street Scene (New Series Canada)

by Paul Kropp

A group of black teens defend themselves against harassment from a white gang. The smallest guy in the group gets a gun, and then a street brawl finishes with tragic results.

Street Soldiers (Drama High #15)

by L. Divine

Stressed out by strange visions and insomnia, Jayd finds herself back at Mama's house. Mama's convinced that something sinister is at play. But can they come up with a plan to get Jayd's swagger back? [Proofreader's Note: Many errors in the original text, both grammar and spelling. Errors left as is following copyright laws.]

Strengthsquest: Discover and Develop Your Strengths in Academics, Career, and Beyond

by Donald O. Clifton Laurie A. Schreiner Edward Anderson

This book and the strengths approach to achieving in academics, career, and beyond represent a revolutionary departure from traditional and counterproductive philosophies and practices. We hope that its principles resonate with you, and that you apply the strengths approach to achieving success in all of your life's endeavors!

Stretched Too Thin (Superhuman)

by Raelyn Drake

Evan has always dreamed of being a superhero, and on his sixteenth birthday he discovers the ability to stretch and bend his body in impossible ways. He decides that's it's time to make the most of his super stretchiness and become a real-life superhero—except he can't find any actual crime to fight. When a video of his superpower goes viral, Evan gets a taste of the fame he has ever hoped for, but he knows he hasn't really done anything besides a few cool tricks. After an accident on the freeway causes everyone to look to him for help, Evan will learn if he's truly up to be the hero he wants to be.

Stretching and Shrinking, Understanding Similarity

by Glenda Lappan James T. Fey William M. Fitzgerald Susan N. Friel Elizabeth Difanis Phillips

NIMAC-sourced textbook

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