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Suddenly a Murder

by Lauren Muñoz

Seven friends throw a 1920s–themed party, where it's all pretend—until one of them is murdered. One of Us Is Lying meets Knives Out in this glamorous locked-room mystery."A can't miss for mystery fans." —Kathleen Glasgow, New York Times bestselling author of Girl in Pieces and The AgathasSomeone brought a knife to the party.To celebrate the end of high school, Izzy Morales joins her ride-or-die Kassidy and five friends on a 1920s–themed getaway at the glamorous Ashwood Manor. There, Izzy and her friends party in vintage dresses and expensive diamonds—until Kassidy&’s boyfriend turns up dead.Murdered, investigators declare when they arrive at the scene, and now every party guest is a suspect. There&’s the girlfriend, in love. The other girl, in despair. The old friend, forlorn. The new friend, distressed. The brooding enigma. And then, there&’s Izzy—the girl who brought the knife.To find the killer, everyone must undergo a grueling interrogation, all while locked in an estate where, suddenly, the greatest luxury is innocence.

Suddenly They're 13

by David Claudia Arp

What do you do when that huggable son or daughter suddenly sprouts needles? Trusted family life educators and seminar leaders David and Claudia Arp help frustrated parents discover the secrets of communicating with their teenage "cactus. " Through the "four Rs" of regrouping, releasing, relating, and relaxing, the Arps help parents launch their almost-thirteen into the teen years, using the "Teenage Challenge" and yearly "Birthday Boxes. " Other topics include choosing "majors and minors," promoting spiritual growth, and communicating when things have gone wrong. Suddenly They're 13 is the textbook for parents who are serious about growing responsible and caring adults.

Sue Barton, Neighborhood Nurse (Sue Barton #6)

by Helen Dore Boylston

Redheaded Sue Barton left her position as Superintendent of Nurses at the Springdale, New Hampshire, Hospital, in order to raise a family. Now she and Dr. Bill have three children: six-year-old Tabitha and the four-year-old twins, Johnny and Jerry. Sue is happy in her job as wife and mother until she goes to a reunion of her class in nursing school, where the accomplishments of others make her feel as if she is "stagnating." This Sue Barton story tells how Sue discovered the importance of her own job. She nurses the neighborhood; she finds work for a crippled farmer; she pinch-hits for the visiting nurse; she helps bring the artist Mona Stuart and her teen-age daughter Cal together. And always something is happening at home for Sue and Bill and their faithful Veazie Ann to cope with--Jerry's strange tantrums, Johnny's disappearance in the woods with his little friend Anne, Tabitha's attempt to run away. Are Sue's training and abilities wasted on all these daily and personal small problems? Her customary humor and warm good sense help her decide.

Sue Barton, Rural Nurse (Sue Barton #4)

by Helen Dore Boylston

At twenty-three, high-spirited and courageous young Sue Barton goes to practice in the White Mountains - working with Dr. Bill Barry. Bill had proposed persistently and at last, gladly, Sue decides to marry him and help him with his country practice. But fate, in the form of personal tragedy, a typhoid epidemic, and the hostility of the town to Bill as a doctor, step in to complicate their lives. It is a wonder that a hurricane could lead not to further tragedy but to a potentially exciting future for Sue, Bill, and all of Springdale.

Sue Barton, Student Nurse (Sue Barton #1)

by Helen Dore Boylston

Young, eager-- and more than a little frightened-- Sue Barton embarks on the career she's always dreamed of. Although she knows her first year of nurse's training will be challenging, Sue has little idea of how exciting, action-filled-- and romantic-- the months ahead will be! Millions of readers have shared Sue's enthusiasm, energy and boundless good humor. Now you, too, can follow the adventures of America's favorite nurse in the Sue Barton series.

Sue Barton, Superintendent of Nurses (Sue Barton #5)

by Helen Dore Boylston

Redheaded Sue Barton became a rural nurse in a little New Hampshire town just to be near, and to help, her fiancé, Dr. Bill Barry. Their efforts in solving the mystery of the typhoid carrier and their work in the hurricane finally brought the town's wealthiest citizen to present the community with a small hospital. Now Sue and Bill get married, and together try to run the little hospital in the New England hills. Sue is Superintendent of Nurses, and her old friend Kit is helping her. After all their exciting nursing adventures, one might think they would find their new work rather tame. It was anything but tame for Sue, however, with that irrepressible street urchin, Marianna, as a student nurse; with Jean Ditmarr, sophisticated New Yorker, thinking she could put something over on the young Superintendent; with Dr. Bill so busy being a good doctor that Sue feared for a while he might not prove such a good husband; above all, with the mysterious disappearance of the hospital sheets! This is Sue Barton at her best with an authentic background of rural hospital life and all the excitement and fun we have come to associate with that lively redhead.

Sue Barton, Visiting Nurse (Sue Barton #3)

by Helen Dore Boylston

Having finished her course in a metropolitan hospital, Sue moves on to New York where she and her friend Kit are fortunate enough to secure positions with the Visiting Nurse Service of the Henry Street Settlement - a service made famous by Lillian Wald. The city is new to them and the test of their skill is absorbing. Their assignments take them to the most colorful slums in the world. They work with newborn babies and obstinate old people, with immigrants who can hardly speak English, and with people in Harlem. Their uniforms are their passports wherever they go, but more than once they have to rely on the friendly assistance of Sergeant O'Day. The girls find quarters for themselves in a tiny frame house in Greenwich Village, and at the outset their days are so crowded that they have almost no time for themselves. Gradually the suspicion dawns upon them that either their house is haunted or someone else is living in it when they are away. As if this were not enough to worry about, along comes Dr. Bill Barry, who was an intern when Sue was in training, and now urges her to step out of the ranks and marry him. Sue ultimately has to make a choice between the work she loves and the man who loves her.

Sueñan con ser como nosotras

by Jessica Goodman

Un thriller tenso y adictivo convertido en una serie de HBO. Todo en la vida de Jill y sus amigas es como de película. Carismáticas, intocables, destinadas a triunfar: sacan las mejores notas, organizan las fiestas más locas y todos en el instituto sueñan con ser como ellas. Y este va a ser el año de Jill, fijo. A no ser que el pasado se lo impida... Hace tres años, su mejor amiga Sheila fue asesinada por su novio, Graham. Él confesó, cerraron el caso y Jill intentó seguir con su vida. Pero, cuando empieza a recibir mensajes que defienden la inocencia de Graham, su año perfecto se viene abajo. Si él no mató Sheila, ¿quién lo hizo? Jill tiene que descubrir la verdad... aunque haya alguien dispuesto a todo para enterrar el pasado.

El sueño de los murciélagos

by Pablo Ramos

Pablo Ramos, por medio del humor, nos ofrece una historia luminosa sobre la amistad y los vínculos familiares, que transcurre en el período más oscuro de la historia argentina. El taller del papá de Gabriel está por cerrar y la familia de Marisa está pasando por una situación económica difícil. De boca de Sara, la bruja del barrio, aprenden un conjuro que resuelve todos los problemas. Este consiste en crucificar el pichón primogénito de un murciélago albino, y derramar su sangre sobre la tumba de un santo. ¿Qué pueden perder? Deciden llevarlo a cabo. Rápidamente reúnen a la barra de amigos y le piden ayuda a Rolando, un hombre muy especial, amigo de Gabriel, que trabaja en el cementerio. Guiados por él, este grupo singular se embarca en una aventura que los enfrentará a una realidad muy dura que dejará huellas profundas, especialmente en Gabriel. Pablo Ramos, por medio del humor, nos ofrece una historia luminosa sobre la amistad y los vínculos familiares, que transcurre en el período más oscuro de la historia argentina.

El sueño de Perséfone

by Marta Isabel Rodríguez

Dos mundos opuestos. Luz y oscuridad, vida y muerte... Y un lazo que los une. Perséfone no cree que haya nada más que el mundo en el que ha sido criada, ni que le espere un destino que no sea seguir los pasos de su madre como sanadora en el pueblo que es su hogar. Al menos, no hasta que un temporal asola la aldea donde vive y el aire se llena de aullidos de lobos, desgracia y enfermedad. Porque aunque el culto a los dioses ha sido olvidado, estos no lo han hecho... Hades, el misterioso dios del Inframundo, responde a la súplica desesperada de los humanos y exige que uno de los habitantes de la aldea baje a la morada de los muertos como prueba de buena voluntad. Para que no vuelvan a olvidar a quién deben devoción. Y Perséfone se ofrece como sacrificio, prometiendo a su madre que el suyo será un viaje de ida y vuelta. Pero escapar del reino de Hades no es tan fácil como se cree. Porque quizás, y solo quizás, sea ella la que no quiere marcharse.

Sueños de dioses y monstruos (Hija de humo y hueso #3)

by Laini Taylor

Karou y Akiva unen fuerzas para acabar con un enemigo común. Una historia fantástica, de ángeles, demonios y quimeras. El final de la trilogía Hija de humo y hueso. Hija de humo y hueso es una de las sagas con más éxito de venta: a unas semanas de su lanzamiento logró el sexto lugar de ventas en The New York Times y Universal Pictures adquirió los derechos para realizar la película. Érase una vez un ángel y un diablo que se pusieron la mano en el corazón y desataron el apocalipsis. Son el enemigo común, pero con una causa compartida. Karou ha tomado el control sobre la rebelión de las quimeras, y ahora el futuro de su raza depende de ella, si es que aún queda futuro para las quimeras en Eretz, una tierra asolada por la guerra. Pero cuando el brutal ejército serafín invade el mundo humano, Karou y Akiva deben formar una alianza y unir sus ejércitos para luchar contra su enemigo común. Esta unión de ejércitos es una versión alterada de su antiguo sueño, donde ángeles y quimeras conviven juntos, en paz. Quizá estos pueblos hayan encontrado una forma distinta de vivir, pero ¿habrá lugar en este nuevo orden del mundo para el imperdonable amor entre un ángel y un demonio? La crítica ha dicho: "Un impresionante romance sobre el destino y la búsqueda de uno mismo. La descripción de los mundos y el estilo del libro te sobrecogen". -The New York Times "Una excelente serie que trata de la batalla entre los ángeles y demonios sin olvidar los daños colaterales". -Trawlerboy en Guardian witness "Nuevas revelaciones, personajes, múltiples historias de amor, suspenso y constantes giros de la trama no decepcionarán a los muchos fans de Taylor". -Booklist

Sueños de dioses y monstruos: Hija de Humo y Hueso tercera parte (Hija de humo y hueso #Volumen 3)

by Laini Taylor

Karou y Akiva unen fuerzas para acabar con un enemigo común. Una historia fantástica, de ángeles, demonios y quimeras. El final de la trilogía Hija de humo y hueso. <P><P>Hija de humo y hueso es una de las sagas con más éxito de venta: a unas semanas de su lanzamiento logró el sexto lugar de ventas en The New York Times y Universal Pictures adquirió los derechos para realizar la película. <P><P>Érase una vez un ángel y un diablo que se pusieron la mano en el corazón y desataron el apocalipsis. Son el enemigo común, pero con una causa compartida. Karou ha tomado el control sobre la rebelión de las quimeras, y ahora el futuro de su raza depende de ella, si es que aún queda futuro para las quimeras en Eretz, una tierra asolada por la guerra. <P><P>Pero cuando el brutal ejército serafín invade el mundo humano, Karou y Akiva deben formar una alianza y unir sus ejércitos para luchar contra su enemigo común. Esta unión de ejércitos es una versión alterada de su antiguo sueño, donde ángeles y quimeras conviven juntos, en paz. Quizá estos pueblos hayan encontrado una forma distinta de vivir, pero ¿habrá lugar en este nuevo orden del mundo para el imperdonable amor entre un ángel y un demonio?

Los sueños de mi padre. Edición para jóvenes / Dreams from My Father (Adapted for Young Adults)

by Barack Obama

Ahora adaptadas para jóvenes, las memorias bestseller #1 del New York Times que Toni Morrison llamó “realmente extraordinarias” ofrecen una mirada íntima a los primeros años de Barack Obama. Se trata de un viaje fascinante que traza la odisea familiar, racial y de identidad del futuro cuadragésimo cuarto presidente. El retrato revelador de un joven hombre negro cuestionándose sobre el autodescubrimiento y la pertenencia… mucho antes de convertirse en una de las voces más importantes de Estados Unidos. Esta edición única incluye una nueva introducción del autor, un inserto de imágenes a color y un árbol genealógico. Hijo de una madre blanca de Estados Unidos y un padre negro de Kenya, Obama nació en Hawai, donde vivió hasta los seis años, cuando se mudó con su madre y su padrastro a Indonesia. A los doce años regresó a Hawai para vivir con sus abuelos. Obama lleva a sus lectores consigo mientras enfrenta los retos en high school y universidad, en su vida en Nueva York, al convertirse en organizador comunitario en Chicago y al viajar a Kenya. A través de tales experiencias forma un compromiso duradero con el liderazgo y la justicia. Contado a través de las relaciones con su familia —la madre y los abuelos que lo criaron, el padre que consideraba más mito que hombre y el clan familiar que conoció en Kenya por primera vez—, Obama hace frente a la complicada verdad de la vida y el legado de su padre, y termina por abrazar su origen dividido. En su viaje hacia la edad adulta desde sus humildes inicios, se forja su propio camino mediante ensayo y error, mientras permanece siempre conectado con sus raíces. Barack Obama está decidido a llevar una vida de servicio, con propósito y autenticidad. Su poderosa autobiografía inspirará a los lectores a examinar de dónde vienen y hasta dónde son capaces de llegar.

Sueños en la gran manzana (Serie New York Academy #Volumen 2)

by Ana Punset

«Estoy cumpliendo mi sueño de vivir en Nueva York mientras estudio para ser escritora y Hugo me ha confesado que ¡quiere estar conmigo! Todo sería perfecto si no fuera porque tengo que ser sincera y contarle toda la verdad a Alma. No quiero más secretos, pero... ¿cómo puedo enfrentarme a la realidad sin perder nada por el camino?» #NewYorkAcademy Sofía está viviendo un momento maravilloso y no podría ser más feliz. Pero al regresar a Brooklyn tras pasar unos días en Valencia, tiene que bajar de las nubes y enfrentarse a algo que ha estado posponiendo: contarle a Alma, su mejor amiga, que ha empezado a salir con Hugo, el amor platónico de Alma. No es una conversación fácil y los secretos hacen que la situación en la residencia se vuelva de lo más tensa. Sofía tendrá que esforzarse al máximo para estar ahí para sus amigos mientras intenta sacar lo mejor desu poesía para ganar un concurso de escritura que organiza la academia.

Sueños rojos (Chasing Red #Volumen 1)

by Isabelle Ronin

Sueños rojos es la primera entrega de «Chasing Red», la nueva serie romántica que te hará creer en el amor a primera vista. «Soy lo último que ella desea en su vida. Ella sigue esperando a que la decepcione, sigue esperando que me vaya. Pero yo he venido para quedarme. Le pertenezco. Así de fácil.» Con tan solo veintiún años, Verónica está sola en el mundo y se acaba de quedar en la calle. Desesperada, decide darse una noche loca para olvidar el marrón monumental que es su vida. Esa noche de fiesta se convierte rápidamente en una oportunidad para cambiar su futuro... Y su futuro puede que se llame Caleb, estrella del baloncesto y conquistador nato, que rápidamente se queda prendado de ella y le ofrece un trato: ella no tiene piso y él tiene un montón de dinero: ¿por qué no se muda con él? Por primera vez en su vida, Caleb ha encontrado algo que desea desesperadamente. Pero Verónica no está dispuesta a entregarse. Reseña:«¡Sueños rojos es una novela romántica y sexy como pocas!»Anna Todd, autora de After

Suffer Love

by Ashley Herring Blake

Sam Bennett falls for Hadley St. Clair before he knows her last name. When Sam finds out she is that St. Clair, daughter of the man who destroyed Sam&’s family, he has a choice: follow his heart or tell the truth about the scandal that links their families. Funny and passionate, Suffer Love is a story about first love, family dysfunction, and the fickle hand of fate.

Suffer the Little Children: Uses of the Past in Jewish and African American Children's Literature (North American Religions)

by Jodi Eichler-Levine

This compelling work examines classic and contemporary Jewish and African American children's literature. Through close readings of selected titles published since 1945, Jodi Eichler-Levine analyzes what is at stake in portraying religious history for young people, particularly when the histories in question are traumatic ones. In the wake of the Holocaust and lynchings, of the Middle Passage and flight from Eastern Europe's pogroms, children's literature provides diverse and complicated responses to the challenge of representing difficult collective pasts. In reading the work of various prominent authors, including Maurice Sendak, Julius Lester, Jane Yolen, Sydney Taylor, and Virginia Hamilton, Eichler-Levine changes our understanding of North American religions. She illuminates how narratives of both suffering and nostalgia graft future citizens into ideals of American liberal democracy, and into religious communities that can be understood according to recognizable notions of reading, domestic respectability, and national sacrifice. If children are the idealized recipients of the past, what does it mean to tell tales of suffering to children, and can we imagine modes of memory that move past utopian notions of children as our future? Suffer the Little Children asks readers to alter their worldviews about children's literature as an "innocent" enterprise, revisiting the genre in a darker and more unsettled light.

The Suffering Tree

by Elle Cosimano

"It's dark magic brings him back. " Tori Burns and her family left D.C. for claustrophobic Chaptico, Maryland, after suddenly inheriting a house under mysterious circumstances. That inheritance puts her at odds with the entire town, especially Jesse Slaughter and his family-it's their generations-old land the Burns have "stolen. " As the suspicious looks and muttered accusations of her neighbors build, so does the pressure inside her, and Tori returns to the pattern of self-harm that landed her in a hospital back in D.C. It all comes to a head one night when, to Tori's shock, she witnesses a young man claw his way out of a grave under the gnarled oak in her new backyard. Nathaniel Bishop may not understand what brought him back, but it's clear to Tori that he hates the Slaughters for what they did to him centuries ago. Wary yet drawn to him by a shared sense of loss, she gives him shelter. But in the wake of his arrival comes a string of troubling events-including the disappearance of Jesse Slaughter's cousin-that seem to point back to Nathaniel. As Tori digs for the truth-and slowly begins to fall for Nathaniel-she uncovers something much darker in the tangled branches of the Slaughter family tree. In order to break the curse that binds Nathaniel there and discover the true nature of her inheritance, Tori must unravel the Slaughter family's oldest and most guarded secrets. But the Slaughters want to keep them buried at any cost.

A Suffragist's Guide to the Antarctic

by Yi Shun Lai

A teen&’s fight for suffrage turns into one of survival when her crew&’s Antarctic expedition ship gets stuck in the ice in this historical novel told in journal entries perfect for fans of Gary Paulsen and The Downstairs Girl.November 1914. Clara Ketterling-Dunbar is one of twenty-eight crew members of The Resolute—a ship meant for an Antarctic expedition now marooned on ice one hundred miles from the shore of the continent. An eighteen-year-old American, Clara has told the crew she&’s a twenty-one-year-old Canadian. Since the war broke out, sentiment toward Americans has not been the most favorable, and Clara will be underestimated enough simply for being a woman without also giving away just how young she is. Two members of the crew know her nationality, but no one knows the truth of her activities in England before The Resolute set sail. She and her suffragist sisters in the Women&’s Social & Political Union were waging war of a different kind in London. They taught Clara to fight. And now, even marooned on the ice, she won&’t stop fighting for women&’s rights…or for survival. In the wilderness of Antarctica, Clara is determined to demonstrate what a woman is truly capable of—if the crew will let her.

Sugar in the Raw: Voices of Young Black Girls in America

by Rebecca Carroll

This is a collection of the hopes, ideas and views on life of fifteen Afro-American teen-age girls. The book is about how they are determined to be successful even while struggling against racial discrimination.

Sugar on the Slate

by Don Fontaine

Sugar on the Slate by Don Fontaine deals with school life in a bygone era. The title comes from the prencipal, Mr. Burkhardt having cookies brought in for the seventh-graders midmorning snacks. Tired of the same old tried and true humdrum methods of educating 7th through 12th graders Prencipal Burkhardt brings in a new teacher who takes education litttraly by the horns and turns the classrooms into places of wild and crazy activities. By years end,Prencipal Burkhardt,the town, and the countryside, who has found these innovations physically and mentally exhausting, long most mightily to turn back the calendar, and have things as they used to be. A romp of a school year that the reader will enjoy and long remember.

Sugar Spells (Spellwork Syndicate #2)

by Lola Dodge

For fans of Hex Hall, The Magicians, Practical Magic, and Food Wars!After her run-in with a jealous warlock, apprentice baker Anise Wise can’t wait to get back into the kitchen where she belongs. But thanks to her brush with death, the land of the living isn’t all cupcakes and marshmallows.Anise’s magical mojo is way out of whack and her changed powers are stirring up trouble. The town’s abuzz with news that Anise can bake deathly spells, and unsavory characters start lining up for a taste. They’ll stop at nothing to use Anise and her witchcraft to further their own plots.She plans to hole up researching solutions until the attention dies down, but then she discovers the horrifying terms of her bodyguard’s contract. Wynn has saved her life so many times, she can’t leave him trapped. Doing the right thing will mean risking death or worse—losing her dream job.For this witch, justice might not be as sweet as advertised.The Spellwork Syndicate Series1. Deadly Sweet2. Sugar Spells - October 30, 2018!

Sugar Town Queens

by Malla Nunn

From Los Angeles Times Book Prize Award winner and Edgar Award nominee Malla Nunn comes a stunning portrait of a family divided and a powerful story of how friendship saves and heals. <p><p> When Amandla wakes up on her fifteenth birthday, she knows it's going to be one of her mother's difficult days. Her mother has had another vision. This one involves Amandla wearing a bedsheet loosely stitched as a dress. An outfit, her mother says, is certain to bring Amandla's father back home, as if he were the prince and this was the fairytale ending their family was destined for. But in truth, Amandla's father has long been gone--since before Amandla was born--and even her mother's memory of him is hazy. In fact, many of her mother's memories from before Amandla was born are hazy. It's just one of the many reasons people in Sugar Town give them strange looks--that and the fact her mother is white and Amandla is Black. <p><p> When Amandla finds a mysterious address in the bottom of her mother's handbag along with a large amount of cash, she decides it's finally time to get answers about her mother's life. What she discovers will change the shape and size of her family forever. But with her best friends at her side, Amandla is ready to take on family secrets and the devil himself. These Sugar Town queens are ready to take over the world to expose the hard truths of their lives.

Sugaring Off

by Gillian French

A dazzling and evocative novel about love and loss—with a dash of thrilling mystery—for fans of Mindy McGinnis and Courtney Summers. Owl has always been her freest self in the mountains, tracking, hiking, and exploring the steep forested acres of her aunt and uncle&’s maple sugar farm. They never speak of the childhood tragedy that left her partially deaf and sent her father to jail. All Owl wants is to stay safe at the farm, her favorite place in the world, her refuge from those who would treat her differently. Owl&’s sheltered existence is blown wide open by Cody—the magnetic, dangerous young man hired to help with the season&’s sugaring off. Cody seems to see the real her, to look past her hearing loss in a way no one else does. Together, they find comfort in their similarities and exhilaration in their differences, and risk a romance their families are desperate to stop. ​But then Owl hears her father will be released from prison, and a seemingly motiveless murder shakes the foundations of her small town. When the crime draws all eyes to Cody, Owl realized he is in far more serious trouble than anyone knows—and it&’s followed him to her mountain. *ITW Thriller Award Finalist*

Suggested Reading: A Novel

by Dave Connis

In this hilarious and thought-provoking contemporary teen standalone that’s perfect for fans of Moxie, a bookworm finds a way to fight back when her school bans dozens of classic and meaningful books.Clara Evans is horrified when she discovers her principal’s “prohibited media” hit list. The iconic books on the list have been pulled from the library and aren’t allowed anywhere on the school’s premises. Students caught with the contraband will be sternly punished.Many of these stories have changed Clara’s life, so she’s not going to sit back and watch while her draconian principal abuses his power. She’s going to strike back.So Clara starts an underground library in her locker, doing a shady trade in titles like Speak and The Chocolate War. But when one of the books she loves most is connected to a tragedy she never saw coming, Clara’s forced to face her role in it. Will she be able to make peace with her conflicting feelings, or is fighting for this noble cause too tough for her to bear?“Suggested Reading is a beautiful reminder that there is nothing simple about loving a book.” —David Arnold, New York Times bestselling author of Mosquitoland

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