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A trenc d'alba (Saga Crepuscle #Volumen 4)

by Stephenie Meyer

«"No tinguis por", vaig mormolar. "Estem fets l'un per l'altre". De sobte, em vaig quedar aclaparada per com n'eren de certes les meves paraules. Aquell moment era tan perfecte. M'embolcallava amb els seus braços i m'estrenyia contra el seu pit... Sentia com l'electricitat recorria cada terminació nerviosa del meu cos. "Per sempre", va assentir ell.» No tens cap opció quan estàs enamorada del teu potencial assassí. Què pot ser podries fugir sabent que això causaria un greu perjudici a la persona que estimes? Si la teva vida és tot el que tens per entregar-li, i l'estimes de veritat, per què no l'hi hauries de lliurar? Ara que la Bella ja ha pres una decisió, és a punt d'esclatar una inesperada sèrie d'esdeveniments que tindran conseqüències inimaginables i potencialment devastadores. La «Saga Crepuscle», que inclou els títols Crepuscle, Lluna nova, Eclipsi, A trenc d'alba i La segona vida de Bree Tanner, ha venut ja gairebé 155 milions de copies arreu del món.

Las tres caras de la luna

by Sally Gardner

Standish Treadwell es un héroe poco común. Es joven y disléxico. Y, sin embargo, es el único capaz de desenmascarar la gran mentira que prepara el gobierno... En Patria no se canta En Patria todo es sombra En Patria se premia a los delatores y desaparece sin dejar rastro cualquier enemigo. Sus habitantes viven bajo el yugo del opresivo y despiadado régimen dictatorial que controla y dirige cada uno de sus pasos, están acostumbrados a hablar entre susurros, a recelar de los vecinos, a los continuos cortes de luz, y ya ni se asustan cuando oyen el toque de queda. En Patria, la fantasía es la única vía de escape. Pero Standish no se rinde, sabe que más allá de las infranqueables y herméticas fronteras de su país, tiene que existir otro mundo, un mundo donde la libertad y la verdad no sean solo sueños imposibles sino una maravillosa realidad. «Por un lado están los que piensan linealmente, y por otro lado estás tú, que eres como un golpe de brisa en el parque de la imaginación.» Reseñas:«Hermoso, sobrecogedor, deslumbrante. Un libro perfecto.»Meg Rosoff «Las tres caras de la luna es una novela de otro planeta.»The Sunday Times «Esta novela es un canto al rechazo del ser humano a vivir cualquier tipo de represión.»Books for Keeps «Una novela destinada a convertirse en un clásico moderno.»Booktrust

Tres meses (Meses a tu lado #Volumen 3)

by Joana Marcus

La esperada tercera parte de la saga Meses a tu lado de Joana Marcús. CONOCER A UNA PERSONA TE PUEDE CAMBIAR LA VIDA Jack Ross no creía en el compromiso, y hasta ahora no le había ido mal. La fantasía del amor verdadero, de ese cruce de miradas que te cambia la vida por completo, no era más que un argumento sobreexplotado de las películas que más solía criticar.Por eso, ¿qué importaba que hubiera conocido a Jenna? ¿Qué importaba si pasaban tanto tiempo juntos? ¿Qué importaba si, poco a poco, iba abriéndole su corazón? Y, sobre todo, ¿qué importaba el riesgo de que se rompiera? En tres meses pueden ocurrir muchas cosas, y enamorarse es una de ellas. Jack Ross no iba a ser menos.

Tres mesos (Mesos amb tu #Volumen 3)

by Joana Marcus

L'esperada tercera part de la saga Mesos amb tu de Joana Marcús. CONÈIXER UNA PERSONA ET POT CANVIAR LA VIDA. En Jack Ross no creia en el compromís, i fins ara no li havia anat pas malament. La fantasia de l'amor vertader, d'aquest intercanvi de mirades que et capgira la vida, no era sinó un argument sobreexplotat de les pel·lícules que més criticava.Per això, què hi feia que hagués conegut la Jenna? Què importava si passaven tant de temps junts? Què hi feia si, a poc a poc, li anava obrint el cor? I, sobretot, què importava el risc que es trenqués? En tres mesos poden passar moltes coses, i enamorar-se n'és una.En Jack Ross no es volia quedar enrere.

Tres promesas: Edición especial

by Lesslie Polinesia

Tres promesas, de Lesslie Polinesia, es un regreso al pasado de Lily, Pablo y Ana, pero al mismo tiempo un viaje al futuro que les permitirá comprender que el camino que creían trazado podría desviarse repentinamente. ¡Incluye vídeos inéditos de Lesslie Polinesia! Conscientes de que la vida y los planes pueden cambiar de un momento a otro. Que el destino es una fuerza poderosa que entrelaza a quienes parecieran ser los más distantes, los protagonistas de esta conmovedora historia tendrán que sanar las heridas a través de la lealtad, el perdón y el amor para alcanzar la verdadera felicidad. "Un dolor en el pecho me recordaba que estaba rompiendo las promesas que alguna vez le hice y con las que había vivido desde hacía tiempo, las mismas que marcaban nuestra relación, primero como amigos y luego como novios. También sentía que me estaba traicionando, a pesar de no estar haciendo algo malo o no tener la intención de dañarla. La gente cambia, yo estaba cambiando".

Tres son multitud: Un amor salvaje (Girl Heart Boy #Volumen 3)

by Ali Cronin

Cuatro chicas, tres chicos. Casi 18 años. Todos tan reales como tú. GIRL HEART BOY, historias adictivas que no puedes parar de leer Ashley, la transgresora y feminista; Rich, el amigo perfecto, siempre adorable; Donna, la fiestera y despreocupada; Jack, el deportista responsable; Cass, la dulce y eterna emparejada; Ollie, el divertido ligón del grupo; Sarah, romántica e inocente. El último año de instituto siempre es decisivo: amor, secretos, sexo, diversión y tantos sueños por cumplir... Esta es la historia que cambió la vida de Cassie, pero también la de todos los demás componentes del grupo. Cassie es una de esas chicas que parece haberlo tenido siempre todo claro, como si su vida estuviera planificada de antemano. Y es que las cosas le van francamente bien, tiene todo lo que una chica puede desear: es inteligente, atractiva, simpática, su grupo de amigos la adora... y, más aún, está absolutamente enamorada de su novio. Pero la segura y previsible Cass está a punto de cambiarlo todo. Y es que ¿por qué nunca se había planteado si de verdad Adam la merece? ¿O por qué no ha salido con más chicos aparte de él? Este último año de instituto le tiene preparada más de una sorpresa: alguien muy cercano está a punto de declararle su amor y un fascinante desconocido centrará todo su interés. Cassie tendrá que tomar una decisión drástica, y sus amigos tendrán mucho que decir en ello... ¡La nueva e irresistible serie romántica que combina romanticismo y realismo con la sensualidad de Cincuenta Sombras Grey de E. L. James para adolescentes!

Trespass Against Us

by Leon Kemp

Perfect for fans of Ace of Spades and The Taking of Jake Livingston, this young adult horror debut follows a group of teens as they visit an abandoned reform school—and then return two years later to confront the supernatural evil they awoke there. Two years ago, four friends went into the abandoned religious reform school Dominic House.Only three came out.Riley still bears horrific scars from that night. He doesn’t speak to his friends anymore. And he’s haunted by the truth: Riley’s boyfriend, Ethan, didn’t disappear...Something in that house took him.Now, alongside TV’s most famous ghost hunter, Jordan Jones, Riley is returning, determined to find out what happened to Ethan.But as the night wears on, Riley realizes he isn’t just revisiting the most terrifying night of his life—he’s reliving it. And this time, whatever lives in Dominic House will make sure they all stay.With an eerily elegant voice, dual timelines that slowly unravel a chilling ghost story, themes of religious trauma, and secrets in every corner, Trespass Against Us is the kind of horror story that will keep you up long into the night.

Trespasses Against Us (John Paul 2 High #2)

by Christian M. Frank

Celia Costain finds it tough being thought of as the perfect principal's daughter at John Paul 2 High.

Treyan's Promise: An Empire Saga Novella

by M. Dalto

The second companion novella to the bestselling Empire Saga by Watty Award Winning Author M. DatloTreyan lived his life bound by duty and honor, believing his future as told by the Prophecy of Fire and Light. Even after he found his Empress, he felt he was doing as he was foretold and in the best interest for the Empire. But when his own brother threatens to ruin all he holds dear, Treyan discovers it's love, and not duty or honor, that drives him to question everything he once knew.

Triada: Memorias de Idhun 2

by Laura Gallego


The Trial: The explosive new YA from the founder of Everyday Sexism

by Laura Bates

No matter how you try to hide it, the truth will always come out . . . After a plane crash sees a group of seven teens washed up on a desert island, their first thought is survival. But a terrible secret from a party the night before has followed them ashore. Facing deadly threats and the fear of being stranded forever, they quickly discover that being the most popular kid in High School doesn&’t help when you&’re fighting to stay alive. As the island deals each of them a dangerous blow, it&’s clear that someone is looking for justice. Now survival depends on facing the truth about that party: who was hurt that night, and who let it happen? From multi-award-winning author and gender equality activist, Laura Bates, this thought-provoking drama will start an important conversation and keep you guessing to the end.'Laura Bates is one of the most important feminist voices we have and The Trial is engaging and clever, thought-provoking and thrilling. I inhaled it in one sitting.' – Louise O&’Neill, author of Asking For It

Trial by Fire (The Worldwalker Trilogy #1)

by Josephine Angelini

"A Must Read Romance. This is one of the best books I've read this year. It has everything a book should have: action, adventure, violence, a butt-kicking heroine and one hot hero." —USA TodayThis world is trying to kill Lily Proctor. Her life-threatening allergiesmake it increasingly difficult to live a normal life, and after a completely humiliating incident ruins her first (and perhaps only) real party, she's ready to disappear."Come and be the most powerful person in the world."Suddenly, Lily finds herself in a different Salem. One overrun with horrifying creatures and ruled by powerful women—including Lillian, this world's version of Lily. "It will be terrifying. It was for me."What made Lily weak at home, makes her extraordinary here. It also puts her in terrible danger. Faced with new responsibilites she can barely understand and a love she never expeceted, Lily is left with one question: How can she be the savior of this world when she is literally her own worst enemy?

Trial by Fire (Raised by Wolves #2)

by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

There can only be one alpha. Bryn is finally settling into her position as alpha of the Cedar Ridge Pack—or at least, her own version of what it means to be alpha when you're a human leading a band of werewolves. Then she finds a teenage boy bleeding on her front porch. Before collapsing, he tells her his name is Lucas, he's a Were, and Bryn's protection is his only hope. But Lucas isn't part of Bryn's pack, and she has no right to claim another alpha's Were. With threats—old and new—looming, and danger closing in from all sides, Bryn will have to accept what her guardian Callum knew all along. To be alpha, she will have to give in to her own animal instincts and become less human. And she's going to have to do it alone. Bryn faces both the costs, and the rewards of love and loyalty in this thrilling sequel to Raised by Wolves.

Trial By Fire

by Sheila Dalton

Winner of the Canadian Children’s Book Centre Choice: Best Books for Kids & Teens Seventeen year-old Nathan is running – running from his past and running from his present. Raised by a white mother and never having known his native father, he must cope with prejudice and stereotypes. When he meets Sally, the beautiful outsider, he finds someone who believes in him. But when Sally’s house is put to the torch by an arsonist, suspicion falls on Nathan and he finds himself embroiled in an intrigue and murder that threaten to drive the two teenagers apart.

Trial by Fire: A Riley Donovan mystery (Riley Donovan #1)

by Norah Mcclintock

Riley Donovan is the new kid in a small town where her aunt (and guardian) has just started a job as a detective on the town's police force. Riley is home alone when a neighbor's barn catches on fire; when she realizes that he is trapped in the barn, she calls 9-1-1 and then tries to save him . But instead of being hailed as a hero, Riley finds herself the target of vandalism and violence. Never one to back away from a confrontation, Riley discovers that her neighbor, Mr. Goran is an immigrant from Kurdistan who is hated by most of the townspeople. When he is accused of arson, Riley is positive he's innocent. In her determination to get to the truth, she makes some powerful enemies, uncovers the depth of the town's prejudice and corruption, and figures out who is targeting Mr. Goran--and why.

Trial By Fire (Book 1 of the Worldwalker Trilogy)

by Josephine Angelini

Set in a world of witches, magic, and romance, Trial by Fire by internationally bestselling author Josephine Angelini is the first book of the young adult fantasy Worldwalker Trilogy.

The Trials of Kate Hope

by Wick Downing

When she was not yet a teenager, Kate Hope started “reading law” in the office of “Judge” Hope, her half-blind grandfather, a grumpy eighty-nine-year-old lawyer with problems. One big problem is that he believes in justice for all, not just those who can afford it. He also needs a partner. Together they find a loophole in Colorado law, and Kate becomes a lawyer—technically. She has a law license hanging on the wall in her office, but she has no idea how to practice law. In a courtroom. With a judge and jury and defendants.It doesn’t help that things don’t start out so well for Kate’s legal career. The firm of Hope and Hope has an unusual first case, and if they lose it, a dog named Herman—the only friend an old woman has—will be destroyed. But Grandfather falls ill, leaving Kate to try the case on her own. Will Kate be able to save Herman from doggy death row? Will Grandfather Hope recover in time to make it to the courtroom? Will life ever be normal again for Kate Hope? Will justice be served?

Triangle Choke (The\dojo Ser.)

by Patrick Jones

Hector's father used to be a Golden Gloves champion boxer. Now he's an unemployed alcoholic. Hector is trying to stay focused on winning his first amateur MMA fight, but it's not easy when his dad is MIA, his mom is against his training, and his best friend and girlfriend have betrayed him. Can he find the right moves to win over his opponents inside the cage and out?

Triangle Choke (The Dojo)

by Patrick Jones

Hector's father used to be a Golden Gloves champion boxer. Now he's an unemployed alcoholic. Hector is trying to stay focused on winning his first amateur MMA fight, but it's not easy when his dad is MIA, his mom is against his training, and his best friend and girlfriend have betrayed him. Can he find the right moves to win over his opponents inside the cage and out?

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

by Adam R. Schaefer

Explains the circumstances that led to the tragic 1911 garment factory fire that killed 146 people, examines the role of unions and reformers, and details how public opinion eventually forced state governments to legislate for safe working conditions.


by Kimberly Ann Miller

A cruise ship. A beautiful island. Two sexy guys. What could possibly go wrong? In the Bermuda Triangle--a lot. Hoping to leave behind the reminders of her crappy life--her father's death years ago, her mother's medical problems, and the loser who's practically stalking her--seventeen-year-old Autumn Taylor hops on a ship with her sister for a little distraction. When she wakes up in the Bermuda Triangle, she fears she's gone nuts for more than one reason: that loser's suddenly claiming they're a happy couple... a hot guy is wrapping his arms around her and saying "Happy Anniversary ..." and suddenly, she's full of bruises, losing her hair, and getting IV medication. Autumn visits the ship's doctor, hoping for a pill or a shot to make the craziness go away. Instead, she's warned that these "alternate realities" could become permanent. She just has to ask herself one question--how the hell is she going to get out of this mess?

A Tribe Apart: A Journey into the Heart of American Adolescence

by Patricia Hersch

For three fascinating, disturbing years, writer Patricia Hersch journeyed inside a world that is as familiar as our own children and yet as alien as some exotic culture--the world of adolescence. As a silent, attentive partner, she followed eight teenagers in the typically American town of Reston, Virginia, listening to their stories, observing their rituals, watching them fulfill their dreams and enact their tragedies. What she found was that America's teens have fashioned a fully defined culture that adults neither see nor imagine--a culture of unprecedented freedom and baffling complexity, a culture with rules but no structure, values but no clear morality, codes but no consistency.Is it society itself that has created this separate teen community? Resigned to the attitude that adolescents simply live in "a tribe apart," adults have pulled away, relinquishing responsibility and supervision, allowing the unhealthy behaviors of teens to flourish. Ultimately, this rift between adults and teenagers robs both generations of meaningful connections. For everyone's world is made richer and more challenging by having adolescents in it.

A Tribe Reborn: How the Cleveland Indians of the ?90s Went from Cellar Dwellers to Playoff Contenders

by George Christian Pappas Hank Peters

For almost fifty years, the Cleveland Indians were a joke. They had won the 1948 World Series with one of the greatest teams of all time, but had not been to the playoffs since 1954 (losing to the New York Giants in the World Series). Even the Major League movies poked fun at their inadequacy. That all changed in the 1990s, when the Indians became one of the most dominant teams of the decade.A Tribe Reborn tells the story of a failing franchise, from “The Mistake by the Lake” to “The Curse of Rocky Colavito,” and how a laughingstock team that was on the verge of relocating changed its ways to become a dominant franchise. With the building of the state-of-the-art Jacobs Field (which the Indians sold out a record 455 consecutive games, from 1995–2001) to changes in how their scouting, front office, and locker room were run, the team that nobody cared about became front-page news across the country. With interviews from Jim Thome, Omar Vizquel, Mike Hargrove, John Hart, and many more, A Tribe Reborn is a fantastic look inside how a losing franchise changed its ways to become a perennial powerhouse. While the Indians of the ’90s never won a World Series (appearing twice in 1995 and 1997), they are still remembered for their hard play, amazing talent, and rabid fan base.

Una tribu

by Antonio Malpica

"Cada quién lleva un tatuaje distinto al de todos los demás en su interior. Y eso, a fin de cuentas, es su mayor fortaleza". "A veces siento que todo lo que impide al ser humano caminar descalzo por la hierba es una gran mentira." El gran jefe Tenaya y su pueblo habitan plácidamente el valle prohibido de Yosemite, a los pies del Capitán, el monolito preferido que hoy en día escalan los montañistas más atrevidos. Pero en 1850, aquella tribu tuvo que enfrentar una persecución sin tregua, una partida de ajedrez con los invasores del territorio piel roja. Petirrojo, hijo de Tenaya, sabe que su gente es de espíritu despreocupado, pero en su interior bullen las tribulaciones: la inseguridad frente a los talentos de sus hermanos, carismáticos y decididos; el temor de defraudar a su padre, y la vacilación ante el amor de Luz de Día, su amada desde niños. ¿Quién no ha temido quedar mal conquienes más le importan? A Tenaya le basta una vida simple y feliz para que su paso por la tierra sea provechoso, pero en ocasiones se necesita demostrar algo, a sí mismo y a los demás. Hasta ahora, Petirrojo no sabe para qué está en el mundo y se lo reprocha, pero se dará cuenta de que se necesita algo más que fuerza y astucia para vencer al enemigo, y poder así ser digno y libre. ¿Acaso una persona o una nación entera dejaría de existir si no alcanzara un sitio en la memoria del mundo? ¿Qué audacia tan grande se necesitará intentar en esta vida para que los demás te recuerden?

Tricia's Got T-r-o-u-b-l-e (The Twelve Candles Club #4)

by Elaine L. Schulte

"An Exciting Escapade + Stolen Paintings = One Thrilling Mystery! Tricia and her friends in the Twelve Candles Club have been hired as helpers for a Fourth of July bash at the very expensive LeRoy Estate--but two hundred guests surrounded by valuable paintings doesn't worry Tricia as much as her family troubles. Her dad moved out, and when he shows up at the party with Odette LeRoy and her snooty poodle Yvette, Tricia's worst suspicions crash in on her. How is she supposed to honor her father when he's walked out on their family? And how is she supposed to show love to odious Odette and her dumb dog? When two of the LeRoy's expensive paintings are stolen, Tricia determines to solve the crime and bring her father home. Tricia's Got Another Crazy Idea! But Can They Catch the Thief?" There are many more books in the Bookshare library about the four girls in The Twelve Candles club. Look for #1 Becky's Brainstorm, #2. Jess and the Fireplug Caper, #3 Cara's Beach Party Disaster, and #5 Melanie and the Modeling Mess, with more to come.

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