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Showing 16,876 through 16,900 of 18,807 results

Trick (World of Many Colors, Book #1)

by Stacey T. Hunt

Sixteen-year-old Jesse Tynan is an antisocial boy with a prosthetic leg. His simple, isolated way of living is altered forever when he's entranced by the mysterious and seemingly gentle Emberlee Whitmore. When she invites him to a Friday-night party in New Jersey, he hardly expects to witness the murder of a young girl--much less a murder committed by a strange boy with a glass eye and a ghastly overbite who goes by the name Ashton Blake. Then the body crumples to ashes. And everyone knows you can't call the police when there's nothing valuable to show that a girl died. Or was she even human? In no time Jesse's pulled into Ashton's world with a vengeance, when his grandmother gets captured by an otherworldly glowing-blue monster and Emberlee herself is the witch of the alternate universe Ashton comes from, where your subconsciousness takes form and fights monsters. Now trapped in this dark and insane world, Jesse has to find a way back to Earth so he can find his grandmother, while at the same time help Ashton find a way to stop Emberlee and wipe out the monsters. But there's something about Jesse and Ashton, something that Emberlee would kill for. Gritty, exhilarating, and utterly gripping, Stacey T. Hunt's ferociously entertaining fantasy takes readers on a wild ride that they will never want to end.

Trick or Treat

by Richie Tankersley Cusick

A young girl is forced to move into a broken-down house in the country—and she and her new stepbrother discover its hidden horrors . . . Martha wants to be happy for her father. She likes his new wife—even if she&’s a terrible cook—but she doesn&’t understand why they had to leave Chicago and move to this horrible house in the country. It&’s big, broken-down, and miles from anywhere, alone in the woods with nothing on the property but an overgrown cemetery. But at night it doesn&’t feel empty. Conor—her new, weird stepbrother—chose Martha&’s new room for her. It&’s dark and drafty, and no matter how she tries to fix it up, she can&’t sleep easily there. At night, whispers come from the closet, filling Martha with a sense that something terrible happened here. She&’s right. Not long ago, the house was the site of a gruesome murder. When Conor and Martha&’s parents leave town on their honeymoon, the two teens will find out why the dead don&’t rest easy at the old Bedford house. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Richie Tankersley Cusick including rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

Trick or Trouble? (The Holiday Five #1)

by Ilene Cooper

Lia makes four new friends at summer camp, but when they come to her house in Maple Park, Illinois, at Halloween, she worries that they will discover that she is not so popular in her seventh grade class. [from inside the dust jacket flaps:] It's the end of the summer, and the girls from Bunk 3--Erin, Jill, Kathy, Maddy, and Lia--know they'll really miss each other when they leave Camp Wildwood. Till Lia comes up with a plan--why don't they all get together around holidays during the year? So the Holiday Five is born. But Lia still finds it tough when she gets back home. Although she was voted best all-around camper, at school she has barely any friends. Her only pal is her neighbor Scott, but over the summer he's grown from ordinary guy to heartthrob. With the other seventh-grade girls suddenly interested in him, will her one friend let Lia down? Luckily, she knows she can count on the Holiday Five to help her sort things out, and they're all coming to town for the big Halloween party. But Halloween turns out to be tricky for everyone.... Ages 8-12 To spend more time with the best friends who form the Holiday Five who help each other through the social and emotional ups and downs of Seventh Grade, look in the Bookshare collection for The Worst Noel and Star Spangled Summer


by N. Griffin

The Queen&’s Gambit meets The Hunger Games in this harrowing young adult thriller about a teen girl whose abusive father teaches her the finer points of chess and hunting for his own sinister ends.Didi tries her best to be a good girl, but it&’s hard to keep track of her father&’s rules. When she wins a chess tournament, he&’s angry she didn&’t win with a better move and makes her run laps around the house. When she runs laps the next day, she has to keep running until she&’s faster than the day before. When she&’s skilled enough to outshoot him with both a gun and bow and arrow, he grows furious when she won&’t then shoot a baby rabbit who crosses their path. And Didi can&’t do anything to escape being threatened with the Hurt Stick when she misbehaves. He&’s all she has, he reminds her. They have to be prepared. They have to be prepared to fight the rest of the world, when the world comes to an end. He&’s grooming her, to keep her safe. He loves Didi. He does—he says so! And so Didi runs harder; annihilates her opponents in chess; takes down a deer at a dead run. He&’s grooming her, after all, to be the best…he says so.


by Susan Vaught

Jersey Hatch seemed to have it all together--he played sports, was popular, had a great girlfriend, best friend, and supportive parents. But when he emerges from a recuperative care center, all that is gone, his legs and hands don't work right, his mouth says every word that pops into his brain, and he has to write down his thoughts so that he remembers even the most basic directions and details. Through it all, one question haunts him: why did he try to kill himself?

The Trigger Mechanism (The Camp Valor Series #2)

by Scott McEwen Hof Williams

The Trigger Mechanism is the second book in the Camp Valor series by the #1 New York Times bestselling co-author of American Sniper, Scott McEwen.When, Jalen, a young gamer, puts on a set of VR goggles and logs into an online video game, he enters a digital world where, as in most games, points are awarded for kills. Only this time, unbeknownst to Jalen, the game has been reengineered by a cyberterrorist known as Encyte so that real human lives are taken with the click of a button. When Jalen logs off, he learns he’s just killed fifty-three innocent people.Wyatt Brewer, Camp Valor’s top camper, is tapped to investigate and see if a link exists between Encyte and The Glowworm Gaming Network, which Wyatt helped dismantle the previous summer. Wyatt is still reeling from the losses inflicted by Glowworm and by the betrayal of his mentor, Sargent Halsey. When Wyatt meets Jalen, he finds a clue, and Julie Chen, a teenage prodigy and gaming superstar known as Hi_Kyto becomes the leading suspect. Wyatt knows he’ll need Jalen’s help if he has any chance of penetrating the gaming world and getting close to Hi_Kyto. And Jalen will need Camp Valor if he’s going to have any chance of rebuilding his life and finding redemption.But as the summer season starts at Valor, the Department of Defense threatens to shut the secret program down. A reclusive billionaire and Camp Valor alum offers a way forward—funded by him but without Valor for protection. Jalen and Wyatt are forced to consider going out on their own if they want bring Halsey to justice and to stop Encyte.

Triggered (Orca Soundings)

by Vicki Grant

Neil decides that his long-term relationship with Jade is finally over. After ending it, he realizes the hardest part will be saying goodbye to her little brother, Owen, who suffers from severe migraines. Neil's friends suspect that Jade's constant calls for help are just too convenient to be real. What are the chances Owen would relapse every time Neil is out with someone new? Neil admits they're not very good--but he's seen the boy. A four-year-old can't fake an illness like that. Turns out both Neil and his friends are right.

Trilogía Culpables (pack con: Culpa mía | Culpa tuya | Culpa nuestra)

by Mercedes Ron

Reunidos en un pack, los tres libros de la exitosa trilogía «Culpables». Dicen que del amor al odio solo hay un paso... Peligro, pasión, amor y fuerza. Polos opuestos. Así es la relación de Noah y Nicholas, fuego y electricidad. Cuando están juntos saltan chispas. Una trilogía imposible de dejar a medias. Únete al fenómeno #Culpables_________________ Culpa mía Nicholas Leister ha sido creado para amargarme la vida. Alto, ojos azules, pelo negro como la noche... Suena genial ¿verdad? Pues no tanto cuando te enteras de que va a ser tu hermanastro y además representa todo de lo que has estado huyendo desde que tienes uso de razón. Peligro fue lo primero que me vino a la cabeza cuando lo conocí y descubrí que mantiene una doble vida oculta de su padre multimillonario. ¿Cómo terminé cayendo en sus redes? Fácil: con esos ojos es capaz de poner tu mundo patas arriba. _________________ Culpa tuya Cuando Noah se enamoró de Nick sabía que su relación no iba a ser fácil: son polos opuestos, fuego y electricidad, y cuando están juntos saltan chispas... en todos los sentidos. Hasta ahora, la pasión ha sido más fuerte que el orgullo, pero la diferencia de edad, la universidad, las fiestas, sus padres y los fantasmas que acechan a los dos les ponen a prueba una y otra vez, como una bomba de relojería que amenaza con hacerles estallar. ¿Está Noah realmente preparada para enfrentarse a sus miedos y volver a confiar en alguien? ¿Podrá Nicholas dejar atrás su pasado y abrir el corazón a una sola persona? _________________ Culpa nuestra La relación de Nick y Noah está pasando por su peor momento, y parece que nada podrá volver a ser como antes... Van a tener que pasar por muchas cosas para finalmente comprender si de verdad están hechos el uno para el otro o si por lo contrario, estar separados es lo que de verdad les conviene. Pero ¿acaso se puede olvidar un amor tan fuerte? ¿Cómo pueden borrarse los recuerdos tatuados en el corazón?

Trilogía Dímelo (pack con: Dímelo bajito | Dímelo en secreto | Dímelo con besos)

by Mercedes Ron

ENAMÓRATE DE LOS HERMANOS DI BIANCO. TUS MEJORES AMIGOS. TU MAYOR PERDICIÓN. Este estuche reúne los tres libros de la trilogía más romántica de Mercedes Ron, la autora Nº1 que ha seducido a más de 300.000 lectores con Culpa mía. Dímelo bajito (Dímelo 1) Kamila Hamilton lo tenía todo bajo control... o eso creía: no entraba en sus planes que los hermanos Di Bianco volviesen de nuevo para poner su mundo al revés. Thiago fue quien le dio su primer beso. Taylor el que siempre la protegió. El regreso de los hermanos hace que la vida aparentemente perfecta de Kami se tambalee. Ella ya no es la niña inocente que conocieron: desde que se fueron, parece que nadie puede acceder realmente a ella... nadie excepto ellos. ¿Podrá resistirse Kami a la simple presencia de Thiago? _______________________________ Dímelo en secreto (Dímelo 2) Kamila Hamilton vuelve a tener a sus dos mejores amigos en su vida. El problema es que Taylor y Thiago Di Bianco ya no son simples amigos. Ahora son mucho más. Thiago y sus ojos verdes la dejan sin respiración. Taylor y sus ojos azules jamás la decepcionarán. Los hermanos han crecido y junto a ellos lo que siente Kamila. Y ahora que su vida se desmorona por momentos, su familia se desintegra y sus amigas le dan la espalda, los necesitará más que nunca... a los dos. ¿Cómo reaccionará Kami cuando Thiago bese otros labios? _______________________________ Dímelo con besos (Dímelo 3) Kamila Hamilton debe decidir entre los dos hermanos Di Bianco: Thiago o Taylor... Taylor o Thiago. Escoger a uno significa renunciar al otro, pero ¿cómo puede dejar atrás una parte de sí misma? Thiago hace que toque el cielo con los dedos. Taylor sabe que jamás va a soltar su mano. Pero cuando Kami cree que por fin su corazón ha decidido, la pesadilla más real está a punto de comenzar. Los lectores han dicho...«La historia te atrapa desde el primer segundo.» «Un triángulo amoroso que te vuelve loca... de amor.» «Cuando crees que ya sabes lo que va a pasar, Mercedes Ron siempre te sorprende.» «Team Thiago o Team Taylor... no podrás escoger, como la protagonista.» «Cinco estrellas es poco para esta saga.» «Mercedes confirma con “Dímelo” que es una de las mejores autoras.» «La autora se ha superado con “Dímelo”.» «No solo tiene amor... el suspense también te deja sin respiración.» «Te deja con el cuerpo pidiendo más.»

Trilogía Guardianes de la Ciudadela (pack con: El bestiario de Axlin | El secreto de Xein | La misión de Rox)

by Laura Gallego

La trilogía de «Guardianes de la Ciudadela» llega en formato estuche para disfrutar de la saga al completo. EN UN MUNDO LLENO DE MONSTRUOS,SOLO UN LIBRO PUEDE SALVARNOS El bestiario de Axlin Axlin ha crecido siendo consciente de que cualquier día le puede tocar a ella. Su gente ha sobrevivido a los monstruos durante generaciones y ha aprendido a evitarlos en la medida de lo posible. Pero un día Axlin descubre que existen muchos tipos de monstruos diferentes, que cada aldea se enfrenta a sus propias pesadillas y que hay criaturas que no conoce y ante las que no sabe cómo defenderse. Axlin es la escriba de su aldea, la única que sabe leer y escribir. Debido a ello, nadie de su entorno comprende realmente la importancia de su trabajo. Pero ella se ha propuesto investigar todo lo que pueda sobre los monstruos y plasmar sus descubrimientos en un libro que pueda servir de guía y protección a otras personas. Por eso decide partir con los buhoneros en una larga ruta para reunir la sabiduría ancestral de las aldeas en su precaria lucha contra los monstruos. No obstante, a lo largo de su viaje descubrirá cosas que jamás habría imaginado cuando partió. ________________________________ El secreto de Xein Axlin trabaja en la biblioteca y sigue recopilando información para completar su bestiario mientras investiga una presencia inusual de monstruos dentro de los muros de la Ciudadela. Además, al intentar ayudar a su amigo Dex con un problema personal se ve envuelta en un conflicto que implica a varias familias aristocráticas de la ciudad vieja. Xein, por su parte, se ha convertido en uno más de los Guardianes que protegen a los habitantes de la Ciudadela de los monstruos que los acechan. Su lealtad a la Guardia lo obliga a mantener sus nuevos conocimientos ocultos para el resto de la gente y especialmente para Axlin, lo cual levanta otro muro entre los dos. Todo ello causará enfrentamientos entre ambos cada vez que vuelvan a encontrarse, pero también hará saltar chispas que arderán con más fuerza a causa de su pasado en común. ________________________________ La misión de Rox Rox ha partido a la región del oeste en busca de una aldea perdida habitada por Guardianes. Mientras una riada de supervivientes acude a la Ciudadela en busca de un refugio seguro, tras sus muros florece un nuevo movimiento filosófico, la Senda del Manantial, cuyo líder predica el fin del mundo conocido... para bien o para mal. Xein, por su parte, ha sido enviado a la Última Frontera, de donde pocos regresan con vida. Pero Axlin se ha propuesto rescatarlo.

Trinity of Bones

by Caitlin Seal

The much-anticipated second title of the Necromancer's Song trilogy. Naya Garth will do whatever it takes to bring Corten back from the shores of death.Naya Garth, recently resurrected, is returning to Talmir--to the homeland that betrayed her. She is no longer their spy and weapon. She will testify against her former ambassador and spymaster, Valn, the man who had her murdered. Sucked into complicated politics at the Congress of Powers, Naya must forge new alliances in order to survive--as a wraith, one of the undead, she is a reviled creature. But her true mission is to uncover secret necromancy journals that might achieve the impossible: resurrect her love, Corten, for a second time. Corten is stuck in the fringe fighting against shadows and monsters pulling him toward true death. There he learns that something is brewing in the world of the living, in the distant land of Endra--a dangerous ritual that will seal shut the doors of death and create chaos. Will Naya and Corten be able to reunite long enough to find out who seeks immortality? In a sea of diplomats, is it even possible to uncover the truth without plunging the world into war?

A Trip Through the Body

by Laurie Blake

Is your child fascinated with the way the human body works? Do you have a budding junior biologist or doctor who's eager to learn more? DK Adventures: A Trip through the Body is a wonderful way to teach children about the human body through pictures and story. Through a combination of interesting storytelling and pictures, DK Adventures: A Trip through the Body is a great way for both avid readers and visual learners to learn more about the human body. In this story, Dan and Mya win a science competition and are given the opportunity to experience a tour of the human body. Using exciting new technology that allows them to travel through the body as if they're shrunk, they explore the systems of the human body, get propelled around by the blood stream, and are hurtled through windpipes and through the digestive system. They must navigate around the liver and escape from white blood cells in the bone marrow and into muscles. They're even propelled up the spinal cord in this story that will captivate children while teaching them more about the human body. DK Adventures is a book series that reluctant readers can enjoy as much as bookworms do! This series combines captivating, fictional stories with nonfiction facts to encourage learning and engagement in your child. The stories keep children interested, and the facts teach critical skills and knowledge — the fiction and nonfiction elements work together to keep each child's interest high, to build knowledge, and to enrich the narrative reading experience with fascinating background information. These books are filled with information, but the stories make them incredibly readable. DK Adventures are available in a range of kid-friendly topics, including dinosaurs, cars, and the human body, and each book supports Common Core State Standards and literacy skills.

Triple Moon: Summer On East End (Summer on East End #1)

by Melissa de la Cruz

From the New York Times bestselling author of Blue Bloods and Witches of East EndAfter they cause a terrible accident at their old high school, twin witches Mardi and Molly Overbrook are sent to live with their “Aunt” Ingrid Beauchamp in North Hampton, on Long Island’s mist-shrouded East End. Because the twins cannot control their powers, their father begs Ingrid to tame them over the summer, before the White Council exiles the girls to Limbo.Trouble continues to bubble and boil when the girls meet the younger Gardiner boys, who are just as handsome and sexy as their older kin. But all is not as it seems. As Ingrid helps the girls learn to control their magical impulses, Mardi and Molly have just this summer to figure out how to grow up, how to love, and how to be a family.From the Hardcover edition.


by Heather Waldorf

An opportunity to escape a dull summer -- and perhaps to find a future for herself after high school - persuades Rainey Williamson to join a school-sponsored program that will take her and five other teenagers on an eight-week road trip across Canada. The challenge of this journey is heightened, in view of the fact that Rainey has had to wear an artificial leg from birth. On the eve of her getaway, a crucial complication arises: she finds out that the mother who left when she was just a few months old is alive and well and living in Squamish, B. C. , directly on the route of the student expedition. What's more, her mother now wants to see her. Rainey's ambivalent at the prospect, to say the least. The cross-country trip begins, and she soon meets the others who become friends and comrades, all with issues and challenges to deal with. Rainey discovers her own strengths as she struggles with the decision about whether or not to meet her mother and figuring out what she might do with her life. In the end she discovers that her family tree is more extensive than she'd thought - and that taking chances provides perspective, opportunity, and a springboard from which to launch her future - and even a way back home. The story is laced with Heather Waldorf's customary sharp intelligence and sense of humour - and her understanding of the themes teenagers are most engaged with.

Tripping Back Blue

by Kara Storti

Finn is a 17-year-old full of paradoxes. He's a drug dealer, but he's scoring money to send his twin sister to Harvard. He's desperate to shoot up even though he's the most popular kid in Dammertown. He's a philosopher and orator who's failing all his classes. The only time he finds peace is when he's bird-watching. Finn's life begins to spiral out of control, until he discovers a miracle drug called indigo. Finn is convinced that the drug is the way out of everything broken in his life. But is it really as magical as it seems?

Triss (Redwall #15)

by Brian Jacques

In this 15th Redwall adventure, the brave squirrelmaid Triss plans a daring escape from the enslavement of the evil ferret King Agarnu and his daughter Princess Kurda.

Tris's Book: Tris's Book - Reissue (Circle of Magic #2)

by Tamora Pierce

Part of the 8-book Tamora Pierce reissue for Fall 2006, this title in the Circle of Magic quartet features spellbinding new cover art. Coincides with the release of WILL OF THE EMPRESS in trade pb.Four elements of power, four mages-in-training learning to control them. In Book 2 of the Circle of Magic Quartet, earthquake damage has left Winding Circle vulnerable to pirate attack and Tris, Briar, Daja, and Sandry are working with the community to strengthen their defenses. When the pirate onslaught begins, two things become terribly clear: The pirates have a powerful new weapon--and they have an accomplice within Winding Circle. But they've failed to anticipate the fury of a young mage who has been betrayed once too often, and who has very stubborn, very loyal friends....

The Triumphant (Valiant #3)

by Lesley Livingston

The final book in the Valiant series takes Fallon and her warrior sisters on an epic journey from the corrupt Roman Republic to the wonder of the ancient world: Alexandria, Egypt.In the wake of their victorious fight to win back the Ludus Achillea, Fallon and her gladiatrix sisters have become the toast of the Republic. However, as a consequence of his actions during the Ludus uprising, Fallon's love Cai has been stripped of his Decurion rank and cast down to serve as one of Caesar's gladiators. Amid fighting for Cai's freedom, Fallon soon learns that Caesar's enemies are plotting against him and planning to get revenge on his fearsome gladiatrices. When Caesar is murdered by these conspirators, Fallon and the girls lose any sort of protection they once had. Fallon also realizes that the foreign queen Cleopatra is now in grave danger. Fallon rallies her war band and Cai's friends to get Cleopatra out of the city, and the group heads to the safety of Cleo's homeland, Alexandria, Egypt. Once there, the gladiatrices are promised a place of honor in the queen's elite guard, but is that what any of them really want?

Triunfante: Serie Nueva Biblioteca Clásica - Nº17 (Vencedora #Volumen 3)

by Lesley Livingston

El último libro de la serie Vencedora lleva a Fallon y a sus hermanas guerreras en un viaje épico desde la corrupta República Romana hasta la maravilla del mundo antiguo de Alejandría y Egipto. En un mundo sin honor puedes ser un arma o un objetivo. Tras recuperar el Ludo Aquilea, Fallon y sus hermanas gladiadoras se han convertido en las favoritas de la República. Sin embargo, la traición en Roma alcanza unas profundidades insospechadas: Cay ha sido despojado de su rango de decurión a causa de su amor por Fallon y la República empieza a partirse en pedazos. Cuando Fallon descubre que Cleopatra está en peligro, ella y su hermana Sorcha reúnen a su guardia de guerra para sacar clandestinamente de Roma a la reina de Egipto. Las guerreras se embarcarán en un viaje extraordinario que las llevará a Alejandría, la maravilla del Viejo Mundo, e incluso más allá. Por el camino, Fallon deberá decidir qué es lo que de verdad desea, y a quién está dispuesta a sacrificar para conseguirlo.

The Trolley to Yesterday: Book Six) (Johnny Dixon #6)

by John Bellairs

A &“spooky[,] spine-tingling&” time travel adventure that takes a boy and his eccentric professor friend to the mysterious Byzantine Empire (Publishers Weekly) . . . [Description] Johnny Dixon is worried about Professor Childermass. The professor has always been an odd duck, but lately his behavior has been positively bizarre. He&’s been talking to himself and stalking down the street with his collar turned up and his hat over his eyes, and now he won&’t return Johnny&’s calls. Johnny&’s afraid that the professor&’s old age is starting to get to him, but he will soon find it&’s something far more amazing—and far more dangerous. The professor has discovered a trolley that can carry them five hundred years back in time, to the last days of the Byzantine Empire. In the dark and winding streets of Constantinople, he and Johnny confront crusaders, mystics, and thieves as they attempt to save the ancient empire from destruction at the hands of the advancing Turkish armies. Created by the award-winning author of The House with a Clock in Its Walls, Johnny Dixon is one of the most charming young heroes in literature—a spunky, bespectacled young man whose curiosity often gets him into trouble—and his &“wonderfully warming friendship with cantankerous old Professor Childermass makes them an endearing detective team&” (The New York Times).

Trono de cristal (Trono de Cristal #Volumen 1)

by Sarah J. Maas

Un corazón de hielo. Una voluntad de hierro. Bella. Letal. Destinada a la grandeza. Conoce a la asesina Celaena Sardothien, la única capaz de salvar al reino de Endovier. Dos hombres la aman. El mundo entero le teme. Y sólo ella puede salvarse a sí misma. Descubre la primera parte de la trilogía Trono de Cristal, serie bestseller de The New York Times. Seleccionada como Mejor libro para jóvenes de Kirkus Review. En un mundo sin magia, y tras un año de trabajos forzados en las minas de sal, una joven asesina es convocada a palacio. Ella no acude para acabar con el sanguinario rey que gobierna desde su trono de cristal, sino para conquistar su propia libertad. Si vence a veintitrés asesinos, ladrones y guerreros en una competencia a vida o muerte, será absuelta de prisión para ejercer como campeona real. Su nombre es Celaena Sardothien. El príncipe la provocará. El capitán de la guardia la protegerá. Una princesa de lejanas tierras se convertirá en su amiga. Pero algo maligno mora en el castillo y está ahí para matar. Mientras sus competidores van cayendo uno a uno, la lucha de Celaena por su liberación se convierte en una lucha por la sobrevivencia y en una incesante búsqueda del origen del mal antes de que destruya su mundo. La crítica ha opinado: "Una lectura indispensable para los amantes de la fantasía épica y los cuentos de hadas." -USA Today- "Los fans de George R. R. Martin se llevarán este libro." -RT Book Reviews- "Los fans de Juego de tronos y Los juegos del hambre quedarán encantados." Colleen Houck, autora de la serie Tiger's Curse

Trono de Cristal (Trono de Cristal #Volumen 1)

by Sarah J. Maas

Un corazón de hielo. Una voluntad de acero. Te presentamos a una asesina. Te presentamos a Celaena Sardothien. Bella. Letal. Destinada a la grandeza. La magia ha abandonado el mundo y un malvado rey gobierna desde su trono de cristal. Es en ese momento cuando una temible asesina llega al palacio. No está allí para matar, sino para ganarse su libertad. Si consigue acabar con 23 asesinos, ladrones y guerreros en una competición por convertirse en el mayor asesino del reino, entonces conquistará su libertad. Ella se llama Celaena Sardothien. El príncipe tratará de engañarla. El capitán, de protegerla. Pero ambos la aman. Y la princesa de un reino vecino se convertirá en algo que Celaena nunca pensó que tendría: una verdadera amiga. Pero algo terrible se mueve por el palacio y ha llegado dispuesto a matar. Mientras sus competidores van cayendo uno a uno, la lucha de Celaena por ganar su libertad se convertirá en una lucha por sobrevivir y en un reto imposible por acabar con la fuerza maligna que trata de destruir su mundo. El reino ha convocado a una asesina. Dos hombres la aman. Todo el reino la teme. Pero solo ella puede salvarse a sí misma...

El trono de fuego (Las crónicas de los Kane #Volumen 2)

by Rick Riordan

Quedan solo cinco días para que una gran serpiente engulla el sol y destruya el mundo. Después, todo se volverá oscuridad... Si alguien ha pensado que pertenecer a una familia de faraones es un chollo, que hablen conmigo o con mi hermana Sadie. Sin tiempo para reponernos de nuestra aventura en la Pirámide Roja, Amos y Bast acaban de encomendarnos otra de sus misiones exprés: despertar a Ra, el primer y más poderoso rey de los dioses. Dicho así, parece fácil, ¿verdad? Pero el problema es que nadie sabe dónde está, porque hace miles de años se retiró a los cielos y no se ha vuelto a saber de él. ¡Ah!, se me olvidaba, tenemos que darnos prisa porque Ra es el único que puede enfrentarse a Apofis -también conocida como «serpiente del caos»-, que está a punto de salir de la cárcel, y entonces... entonces será demasiado tarde.

Troop 6000: How a Group of Homeless Girl Scouts Inspired the World

by Nikita Stewart

The extraordinary true story of the first Girl Scout troop designated for homeless girls - from the homeless families it brought together in Queens, New York, to the amazing citywide and countrywide responses it sparked.Giselle Burgess, a young mother of five, and her children, along with others in the shelter, become the catalyst for Troop 6000. Having worked for the Girl Scouts earlier on, Giselle knew that these girls, including her own daughters, needed something they could be a part of, where they didn't need to feel the shame or stigma of being homeless, but could instead develop skills and build a community that they could be proud of.New York Times journalist Nikita Stewart embedded with Troop 6000 for more than a year, at the peak of New York City's homelessness crisis in 2017, spending time with the girls and their families and witnessing both their triumphs and challenges. Stewart takes the reader with her as she paints intimate portraits of Giselle's family and the others whom she met along the way. Readers will feel an instant connection and express joy when a family finally moves out of the shelter and into a permanent home, as well as the pain of the day-to-day life of homelessness. And they will cheer when the girls sell their very first cookies.Ultimately, Troop 6000 puts a different face on homelessness. Stewart shows how shared experiences of poverty and hardship sparked the political will needed to create the troop that would expand from one shelter to fifteen in New York City and ultimately to other cities around the country. Also woven throughout the book is a history of the Girl Scouts, and how the organization has changed and adapted to fit the times, meeting the needs of girls from all walks of life.Troop 6000 is the ultimate story of how when we come together, we can improve our circumstances, find support and commonality, and experience joy, no matter how challenging life may be.

Tropical Rain Forests (A True book)

by Darlene R. Stille

Differentiates a tropical rain forest from all others, and describes its typical plant and animal life.

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