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by K. M. Walton

From the author of Cracked and Empty comes a gripping, emotional story of two brothers who must make the ultimate decision about what's more important: family or their differences.It's not Oscar's fault he's misunderstood. Ever since his mother died, he's been disrespected by his father and bullied by his self-absorbed older brother, so he withdraws from his fractured family, seeking refuge in his art.Vance wishes his younger brother would just loosen up and be cool. It was hard enough to deal with their mother's death without Oscar getting all emotional. At least when Vance pushes himself in lacrosse and parties, he feels alive.But when their father's alcoholism sends him into liver failure, the two brothers must come face-to-face with their demons--and each other--if they are going to survive a very uncertain future.

Último asalto (Jugando con fuego #Volumen 3)

by Niall Leonard

En este tercer y último asalto, Finn se verá envuelto en una guerra de bandas que lo dejará contra las cuerdas Parecía una misión sencilla: entregar una invitación para una reunión de negocios. Pero los asistentes a esa reunión son los capos de las dos mafias que controlan la ciudad. En un Londres asfixiante y sumido en el pánico por una serie de ataques terroristas, Finn se verá arrastrado a una sangrienta guerra de bandas en la que las intrigas, las traiciones y los golpes bajos son la única moneda de cambio. ¿Hasta dónde será capaz de llegar para salvarse?

El último dragón (Cuentos de Bereth #Volumen 1)

by Javier Ruescas

En el décimo aniversario de su publicación, vuelve la trilogía más famosa de Javier Ruescas, «Cuentos de Bereth», reeditada por el autor con inesperados giros. Duna es una joven inconformista que vive en Bereth, un reino liderado por el valeroso príncipe Adhárel. Mientras él intenta por todos los medios evitar la guerra, su camino se cruzará con el de ella y juntos tratarán de salvaguardar lo que queda de su mundo. Un mundo en el que la poesía es un arma y los dragones sienten. Un lugar en el que las luchas por el poder y la magia de los cuentos se entremezclan en una historia de amor más poderosa que el propio destino. Cuentos de Bereth es un homenaje a los cuentos de hadas tradicionales y una aventura épica que ha cautivado a miles de lectores desde su publicación original. En el décimo aniversario de su lanzamiento recuperamos este mundo, revisado en profundidad por el autor, en una nueva edición de lujo que emocionará y sorprenderá tanto a los lectores que crecieron con Bereth como a los que se adentren por primera vez en sus páginas.

El último héroe del Olimpo: . (Percy Jackson y los dioses del Olimpo #Volumen 5)

by Rick Riordan

Llega el esperado final de la trepidante serie nº 1 en ventas «Percy Jackson y los Dioses del Olimpo». La profecía largamente anunciada en torno al decimosexto cumpleaños de Percy se hace por fin realidad... Mientras en las calles de Manhattan se libra una despiadada batalla por la civilización occidental, Percy abriga la terrible sospecha de estar luchando contra su propio destino...Los mestizos han dedicado mucho tiempo a prepararse para la batalla decisiva contra los titanes, aunque saben que sus posibilidadesde obtener la victoria son mínimas. El ejército de Cronos es ahora más formidable que nunca y, con cada dios y cada mestizo que logra reclutar, aumentan los poderes del maligno titán. Tras fracasar en un primer intento de detener en alta mar las arrolladoras tropas de Cronos, Percy Jackson y los olímpicos se esfuerzan por mantener a raya la furia desatada del monstruo Tifón. Y cuando Cronos ordena el avance definitivo hacia Nueva York, donde el monte Olimpo, en lo alto del Empire State, se encuentra prácticamente indefenso, pararle los pies al implacable Señor del Tiempo dependerá exclusivamente de Percy y su hueste de jóvenes semidioses. ** Más vendidos del The New York Times y Publishers Weekly. ** Llevada a la gran pantalla a cargo de Chris Columbus, director de las dos primeras entregas de «Harry Potter». Sobre «Percy Jackson y los Dioses del Olimpo» se ha dicho:«No sigas buscando al nuevo Harry Potter: descubre a Percy Jackson, como lo han hecho ya legiones de admiradores.»Kirkus Reviews

El último rebaño

by Piers Torday

Una novela maravillosa galardonada con el Guardian Children's Fiction Prize. Ésta es la historia de un niño llamado Kester. Es un niño muy especial, aunque él aún lo ignora. Ahora mismo, lo único que sabe es esto:1. En su habitación hay una bandada de palomas alborotadas.2. Le están hablando.3. Su vida nunca volverá a ser como antes... Críticas:«Una novela escrita con un estilo muy gráfico y trepidante [...]. Muy recomendable.»The Times «Ingeniosa, llena de risas, lágrimas y suspense.»The Sunday Times «Me ha entusiasmado.»The Guardian «Más vale que la segunda entrega llegue pronto.»The Observer «Un libro maravillosamente extraño y extrañamente maravilloso.»Financial Times

El último trabajo del señor Luna (Periscopio)

by César Mallorquí del Corral

Un joven superdotado, aunque muy vulnerable afectivamente, se verá involucrado en un complicado plan de venganza orquestado por un poderoso narcotraficante boliviano de cocaína. Por las calles de Madrid se entrecruzarán las vidas de un asesino a sueldo, una emigrante latinoamericana y un adolescente.

El último unicornio

by C.C. Humphreys

Esta es la historia de Elayne, una adolescente de quince años que viaja a otro mundo lleno de criaturas mitológicas, dónde deberá encontrar al último unicornio. Elayne es una adolescente de quince años como otra cualquiera: le encantan las novelas de romance paranormal, escuchar música en su iPod y callejear con sus amigos por Nueva York. Vive en el mundo real, y precisamente por eso no da crédito a la vieja historia familiar sobre un antepasado que viajó a un mundo poblado por criaturas mitológicas cruzando un tapiz. Es un bonito cuento, pero ella ya es mayorcita para cuentos. Hasta que un día visita el museo de Arte Medieval con el instituto y reconoce el tapiz: representa a un bello unicornio y lleva bordadas sus iniciales... De repente, siente una llamada en su interior y, casi sin darse cuenta, llega al otro lado.

Ultraviolet (Carolrhoda Ya Ser.)

by R.J. Anderson

“Once upon a time there was a girl who was special. This is not her story. Unless you count the part where I killed her.” Sixteen-year-old Alison wakes up in a mental institution. As she pieces her memory back together, she realizes she’s confessed to murdering Tori Beaugrand, the most perfect girl at school. But the case is a mystery. Tori’s body has not been found, and Alison can't explain what happened. One minute she was fighting with Tori. The next moment Tori disintegrated—into nothing. But that's impossible. No one is capable of making someone vanish. Right? Alison must be losing her mind—like her mother always feared she would. For years Alison has tried to keep her weird sensory abilities a secret. No one ever understood—until a mysterious visiting scientist takes an interest in Alison’s case. Suddenly, Alison discovers that the world is wrong about her—and that she’s capable of far more than anyone else would believe.

Um pedido a uma bolha de sabão: E se cada bolha contivesse um pedido?

by Francois Keyser

O dia de Russell passava rapidamente de mal a pior. E parecia que o mundo estava à beira de um desastre também. Pensando em como sua vida tinha descarrilhado, um homem que parecia ter um parafuso frouxo lhe contou uma história inacreditável.  Uma história que parecia tão maluca quanto o homem que a contava. Mas o homem sabia coisas sobre a infância de Russell. Coisas que não teria como ele saber, a menos que os pais de Russell tivessem lhe contado. E ele sabe que isso não aconteceu. No fim, ele decidiu acreditar. Acreditar no lunático  sentando a sua frente. Acreditar que ele tinha o poder para mudar sua situação. E mais importante de tudo... Acreditar que ele tinha o poder para mudar o futuro do mundo, que no momento não parecia ser lá muito promissor. Como você faria um pedido? Com bolhas. Uma bolha, para ser exato.  Uma bolha perfeita... Esse conto nos encoraja a acreditar em nós mesmos e em nossos sonhos.  Nossos sonhos nunca morrem, mesmo que eles sejam sonhos de infância. Um sonho  é sempre um sonho. Só precisamos tirá-lo da prateleira e torná-lo realidade. Agora, mais do que nunca.

Uma Aventura De Fantasia Medieval

by Vianka Van Bokkem Amanda Falcão Dias

A vista dessa árvore alta é bem bonita. Posso ver os salmões pulando no rio. Pássaros coloridos fazem seus ninhos enquanto cantam. O céu está limpo nessa manhã, após uma noite de chuva forte.Meu nome é Emma e eu sou uma órfã de dezesseis anos. Sou responsável por meus quatro irmãos. Nossos pais faleceram tentando proteger-nos de um dragão e morreram instantaneamente pelo fogo letal do monstro.Não tive sucesso ao caçar ontem à noite por que não pude ver nada enquanto a chuva caía. Meu arco e flecha pareciam secar mais rapidamente do que eu. Decidi dar uma olhada na vila; com sorte, alguém sentiria pena de mim e me alimentaria.Quando entrei na pequena vila, um grande grupo de pessoas estava reunido em volta de uma placa que estava sendo erguida por um cavaleiro real. Seu uniforme caro o denunciou."A jovem Princesa Victoria foi abduzida por Amira, a feiticeira das trevas. O Rei oferecerá cem moedas de ouro para quem resgatá-la."Cem moedas de ouro? Meus irmãos e eu não teríamos de nos preocupar com as próximas refeições.O irmão adolescente da Princesa Victoria irá interferir em minha missão? Ou nós dois estamos destinados a nos apaixonar durante o resgate de sua irmã?

Umberland (Everland #2)

by Wendy Spinale

Forget the story of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland you know. Because in Umberland, the only way out is into the madness.Gwen, Pete, and the others have escaped from Everland. But the safe haven they hoped to find at Alnwick Castle doesn't exist. With the Queen of England on her deathbed, Duchess Alyssa has stepped in, but things have gotten worse as the cure Doc created for the Horologia virus has mutated, accelerating the disease. The only possible solution he can think of is to go back to the virus's origin: an extinct poisonous apple. Legend has it a tree bearing the apple might be found at the center of a deadly labyrinth hidden deep within Germany. A place that no one in their right mind enters. With no other options, Alyssa sets out with only her sword, her wits, and the help of Maddox Hadder, a wild boy who oversees the castle gardens. To get to the center of the maze, she'll be forced to battle monsters more terrifying than her darkest nightmares. But can anyone truly survive the madness of the maze? And what if there's no apple to be found there?

Umbertouched (Rosemarked #2)

by Livia Blackburne

The mission was a failure. Even though Zivah and Dineas discovered a secret that could bring down the empire, their information is useless without proof. Now, with their cover blown and their quest abandoned, their only remaining hope is to get home before Ampara brings the full might of its armies against their peoples.As Shidadi and Dara alike prepare for war, Zivah and Dineas grapple with the toll of their time in the capital. After fighting alongside the Amparans against his own kin, can Dineas convince the Shidadi-and himself-where his loyalties lie? After betraying her healer's vows in Sehmar City, can Zivah find a way to redeem herself-especially when the Dara ask her to do the unthinkable? And after reluctantly falling in love, what will the two do with their lingering feelings, now that the Dineas from Sehmar City is gone forever? Time is running out for all of them, but especially Zivah whose plague symptoms surface once again. Now, she must decide how she'll define the life she has left.Together, healer and warrior must find the courage to save their people, expose the truth, and face the devastating consequences headed their way.

Umbra (Dimension Drift Prequels #2)

by Christina Bauer

A prequel novella to the new series from USA Today's 'must read YA paranormal romance' author, Christina Bauer.One day, eighteen-year-old Thorne could become the Emperor of the Omniverse, the single being who rules countless worlds. Trouble is, his father Cole--who's also the current Emperor--is a sadistic freak. In fact, Cole won't even keep his promises to the very humans who got him his throne. Thorne won't stand for it. He decides to travel to the human world and make good on his father's promises. What he doesn't count on is falling in love...."I love how Bauer manages to add some awesome new world building to each of her books."- Woven MagicThis new series is perfect for: fans of urban fantasy, action and adventure, cool science, evil corporations, forbidden romance and hot new classmates who may or may not be aliens.Dimension Drift Prequels1. Dimension Drift (April 2018)2. Umbra (Fall 2018)Dimension Drift1.Alien Minds (Spring 2019) 2. ECHO Academy (Spring 2020)More series from author Christina Bauer: Beholder (YA Dark Fantasy), Angelbound (YA Urban Fantasy) and Fairy Tales of the Magicorum (YA Urban Fantasy)

Un any fora de casa! (Sèrie New York Academy #Volumen 1)

by Ana Punset

«Pensar que estic creuant l'Atlàntic per passar un any sencer a Nova York m'il·lusiona però també m'enfonsa. Sí, em moro de ganes de començar les classes a la millor academia d'art del país. Sí, és increïble pugui viure en una resi a Brooklyn. Però no, no vull separar-me de les meves amigues, ni vull que es pensin que aquest viatge és una excusa per allunyar-me... d'ell.» #NewYorkAcademy Gràcies al seu blog de poesia, a la Sofia li han donat una beca per fer un curs d'escriptura en una prestigiosa acadèmia americana. Ni més ni menys que a Nova York! Increïble! La Sofia es mor de ganes d'anar a aquesta acadèmia per convertir-se en una gran escriptora, però la veritat és que els canvis li fan una mica de por. I conèixer a gent no és un dels seus punts forts, precisament... Quan la Sofia arriba a la seva nova llar, una residència per a estudiants, coneix a un munt de nois i noies que, comella han, estat becats per les seves diferents disciplines artístiques: ball, fotografia, pintura, interpretació... La Sofia encara no ho sap, però els seus companys de residència estan a punt de convertir-se en persones indispensables al llarg de l'any que li canviarà la vida.

The (Un)Popular Vote

by Jasper Sanchez

Red, White, & Royal Blue meets The West Wing in Jasper Sanchez’s electric and insightful #ownvoices YA debut, chronicling a transmasculine student’s foray into a no-holds-barred student body president election against the wishes of his politician father. Optics can make or break an election. Everything Mark knows about politics, he learned from his father, the Congressman who still pretends he has a daughter and not a son.Mark has promised to keep his past hidden and pretend to be the cis guy everyone assumes he is. But when he sees a manipulatively charming candidate for student body president inflame dangerous rhetoric, Mark risks his low profile to become a political challenger.The problem? No one really knows Mark. He didn’t grow up in this town, and his few friends are all nerds. Still, thanks to Scandal and The West Wing, they know where to start: from campaign stops to voter polling to a fashion makeover.Soon Mark feels emboldened to engage with voters—and even start a new romance. But with an investigative journalist digging into his past, a father trying to silence him, and the bully frontrunner standing in his way, Mark will have to decide which matters most: perception or truth, when both are just as dangerous. “Mind-bogglingly good. This is a novel that every teen needs.” —Kacen Callender, author of Felix Ever After "Charming, stunning, and unapologetically queer." —Mason Deaver, bestselling author of I Wish You All the Best and The Ghosts We Keep

Unaccompanied Minor

by Hollis Gillespie

Fourteen-year-old April May Manning spent her life on airplanes with her flight attendant parents. When her father dies in a crash, April's mom marries a pilot who turns out to be an abusive jerk, and gets Mom confined to a psychiatric hospital. So April takes off, literally, living on airplanes, using her mother's flight benefits, relying on the flight crews who know she's been shuttling between divorcing parents for a year. Then, there's a hijacking, but why is April's "dad" on board? April flees to the cargo hold with another unaccompanied minor she's met before, and they fight to thwart the hijackers, faking a fire, making weapons from things they find in luggage. At last, locked in the cockpit with a wounded police officer, the boy, and his service dog, April tries to remember everything her parents said to do in a crisis above the clouds. But she knows it won't be enough.

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl: Squirrel Meets World (Squirrel Girl #1)

by Shannon Hale Dean Hale

<p>Fourteen-year-old Doreen Green moved from sunny California to the suburbs of New Jersey. She must start at a new school, make new friends, and continue to hide her tail. Yep, Doreen has the powers of . . . a squirrel! After failing at several attempts to find her new BFF, Doreen feels lonely and trapped, liked a caged animal. <p>Then one day Doreen uses her extraordinary powers to stop a group of troublemakers from causing mischief in the neighborhood, and her whole life changes. Everyone at school is talking about it! Doreen contemplates becoming a full-fledged Super Hero. And thus, Squirrel Girl is born! <p>She saves cats from trees, keeps the sidewalks clean, and dissuades vandalism. All is well until a real-life Super Villain steps out of the shadows and declares Squirrel Girl his archenemy. Can Doreen balance being a teenager and a Super Hero? Or will she go . . . NUTS?</p>


by Jenny Downham

Three women. Three generations. Three secrets.A Stonewall Honor Book!Katie's life is falling apart: her best friend thinks she's a freak, her mother, Caroline, controls every aspect of her life, and her estranged grandmother, Mary, appears as if out of nowhere. Mary has dementia and needs lots of care, and when Katie starts putting together Mary's life story, secrets and lies are uncovered: Mary's illegitimate baby, her zest for life and freedom and men; the way she lived her life to the full yet suffered huge sacrifices along the way. As the relationship between Mary and Caroline is explored, Katie begins to understand her own mother's behavior, and from that insight, the terrors about her sexuality, her future, and her younger brother are all put into perspective.Funny, sad, honest, and wise, this powerful multigenerational novel from international bestseller Jenny Downham celebrates life like no book before.


by Seema Yasmin

Two Muslim teens in Texas fight for access to abortion while one harbors a painful secret in this funny and heartfelt near-future speculative novel perfect for fans of Unpregnant.In a not-too-distant America, abortions are prosecuted and the right to choose is no longer an option. But best friends Laylah and Noor want to change the world. After graduating high school, they&’ll become an OBGYN and a journalist, but in the meantime, they&’re working on an illegal guide to abortion in Texas. In response to the unfair laws, underground networks of clinics have sprung up, but the good fight has gotten even more precarious as it becomes harder to secure safe medication and supplies. Both Laylah and Noor are passionate about getting their guide completed so it can help those in need, but Laylah treats their project with an urgency Noor doesn&’t understand—that may have something to do with the strange goings-on between their mosque and a local politician. Fighting for what they believe in may involve even more obstacles than they bargained for, but the two best friends will continue as they always have: together.

The Unbinding of Mary Reade

by Miriam McNamara

A clever, romantic novel based on the true story of a girl who disguised herself as a boy to sail with the infamous pirates Anne Bonny and Calico Jack—and fell in love with Anne Bonny. There’s no place for a girl in Mary’s world. Not in the home of her mum, desperately drunk and poor. Not in the household of her wealthy granny, where no girl can be named an heir. And certainly not in the arms of Nat, her childhood love who never knew her for who she was. As a sailor aboard a Caribbean merchant ship, Mary’s livelihood—and her safety—depends on her ability to disguise her gender. At least, that’s what she thinks is true. But then pirates attack the ship, and in the midst of the gang of cutthroats, Mary spots something she never could have imagined: a girl pirate. The sight of a girl standing unafraid upon the deck, gun and sword in hand, changes everything. In a split-second decision, Mary turns her gun on her own captain, earning herself the chance to join the account and become a pirate alongside Calico Jack and Anne Bonny. For the first time, Mary has a shot at freedom. But imagining living as her true self is easier, it seems, than actually doing it. And when Mary finds herself falling for the captain’s mistress, she risks everything—her childhood love, her place among the crew, and even her life. Breathlessly romantic and brilliantly subversive, The Unbinding of Mary Reade is sure to sweep readers off their feet and make their hearts soar.

Unblemished (The Unblemished Trilogy #1)

by Sara Ella

Eliyana can't bear to look at her own reflection. But what if that were only one Reflection--one world? What if another world exists where her blemish could become her strength? Eliyana is used to the shadows. With a birthmark covering half her face, she just hopes to graduate high school unscathed. That is, until Joshua hops a fence and changes her perspective. No one, aside from her mother, has ever treated her like he does: normal. Maybe even beautiful. Because of Joshua, Eliyana finally begins to believe she could be loved. But one night her mother doesn't come home, and that's when everything gets weird. Now Joshua is her new, and rather reluctant, legal Guardian. Add a hooded stalker and a Central Park battle to the mix and you've gone from weird to otherworldly. Eliyana soon finds herself in a world much larger and more complicated than she's ever known. A world enslaved by a powerful and vile man. And Eliyana holds the answer to defeating him. How can an ordinary girl, a blemished girl, become a savior when she can't even save herself?

The Unblemished Trilogy: Unblemished, Unraveling, Unbreakable (The Unblemished Trilogy #1)

by Sara Ella

Three complete YA fantasy stories from award-winning author Sara Ella—now available in one low-price e-collection!“A breathtaking fantasy set in an extraordinary fairy-tale world, with deceptive twists and an addictively adorable cast who are illusory to the end.” —Mary Weber, award-winning author of the Storm Siren Trilogy and To Best the BoysUnblemishedEliyana can’t bear to look at her own reflection. With a birthmark covering half her face, she just hopes to graduate high school unscathed. But what if this is only one Reflection—one world? What if another world exists where her blemish could become her strength?When Eliyana’s mother doesn’t come home one night, things start to get weird. Why is her swoony next-door neighbor now her legal guardian? Add a hooded stalker and a Central Park battle—yes, battle—to the mix and you’ve gone from weird to otherworldly.Eliyana soon finds herself in a world much larger and more complicated than she’s ever known. A world enslaved by a powerful and vile man. And she holds the key to defeating him.UnravelingWhat happens when happily ever after starts to unravel?Eliyana Ember doesn’t believe in true love. Not anymore. After defeating her grandfather and saving the Second Reflection, El only trusts what’s right in front of her. The tangible. The real. Not some unexplained Kiss of Infinity she once shared with the ghost of a boy she’s trying to forget.UnbreakableWith the fate of the Reflections at stake, Eliyana must destroy the Void . . . but at what cost?Eliyana Ember is a reluctant queen. As vessel of the Verity, only she can lead the fight against the wicked magnetism of the Void. If she fails, the paths between Reflections will cease to exist, and those she loves will remain plagued by darkness.“Unblemished may have set the stage, but Unraveling will forever bind you to this story like a Kiss of Accord. Sara Ella’s exquisite writing left me gasping at new revelations and re-reading whole chapters just because. Unraveling is a sequel that outshines its already brilliant predecessor.” —Nadine Brandes, award-winning author of Fawkes“Lyrically written and achingly romantic—Unblemished will tug your heartstrings!” —Melissa Landers, author of Alienated, Invaded, and Starflight“Self-worth and destiny collide in this twisty-turny fantasy full of surprise and heart. With charm and wit, Sara Ella delivers Unblemished, a magical story with a compelling message and a unique take on the perils of Central Park.” —Shannon Dittemore, author of the Angel Eyes trilogy“Unblemished is an enchanting, beautifully written adventure with a pitch-perfect blend of fantasy, realism, and romance.” —Lorie Langdon, author of the bestselling Doon series“Unblemished had me from the first chapter—mystery, romance, and mind-blowing twists and turns that I SO did not see coming! The worlds Sara Ella builds are complex and seamless; the characters she creates are beautifully flawed.” —Krista McGee, author of the Anomaly trilogy

UnBound: Stories from the Unwind World (Unwind Dystology #5)

by Neal Shusterman

Discover the future awaiting Connor, Risa, and Lev after the events of the New York Times bestselling Unwind Dystology series by Neal Shusterman in this short story collection.Connor Lassiter&’s fight to bring down Proactive Citizenry and find a suitable alternative to unwinding concluded in UnDivided. Now, Connor, Risa, and Lev are free to live in a peaceful future—or are they? Neal Shusterman brings back beloved characters for his fans to see what&’s left for those who were destined to be unwound

Unbreakable: Unblemished, Unraveling, Unbreakable (The Unblemished Trilogy #3)

by Sara Ella

Sara Ella masterfully takes readers to new worlds in the jaw-dropping finale to the Unblemished trilogy. With the fate of the Reflections at stake, Eliyana must destroy the Void . . . but at what cost?Eliyana Ember is a reluctant queen. As vessel of the Verity—the purest of souls—only she can lead the fight against the wicked magnetism of the Void. If she fails, the paths between Reflections will cease to exist, and those she loves will remain plagued by darkness.After falling through a draining Threshold and suffering near-death, Eliyana awakens to a Shadowalker-ridden Venice, Italy. From there, she must learn to navigate mysteries of time and space. Traveling across the seven Reflections, Eliyana seeks one thing: the demise of the Void.But something else is at stake—the fate of her heart. Kyaphus Rhyen and Joshua David, brothers in arms, duel to win her hand. Ky remains ensnared and tortured by the Void. Joshua, though well-meaning, harbors dark secrets. Meanwhile, Eliyana finds herself torn, her mind and memories leading her in one direction, but her heart pulling her toward a man she knows she shouldn’t trust.How can she discern whom to believe when she cannot even depend on her own fragmented memories?Traversing the realms of fantasy and reality through a labyrinth of plot twists, Unbreakable delivers a thrilling conclusion to Sara Ella’s Unblemished Trilogy.

Unbroken: A Ruined Novel

by Paula Morris

Welcome back to New Orleans.Where the streets swirl with jazz and beauty.Where the houses breathe with ghosts.A year ago, Rebecca Brown escaped death in a New Orleans cemetery. Now she has returned to this haunting city. She is looking forward to seeing Anton Grey, the boy who may or may not have her heart.But she also meets a ghost: a troubled boy who insists only she can help him. Soon Rebecca finds herself embroiled in another murder mystery from more than a century ago. But as she tries to right wrongs, she finds more questions thananswers: Is she putting her friends, and herself, in danger? Can she trust this new ghost? And has she stumbled into something much bigger and more serious than she understands?

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