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Young Martin Luther King, Jr.: I Have A Dream

by Joanne Mattern Allan Eitzen

A simple yet inspiring biography of a great Black leader emphasizing his dream of equal treatment for all Americans

A Young Patriot: The American Revolution as Experienced by One Boy

by Jim Murphy

In the summer of 1776, Joseph Plumb Martin was a fifteen-year-old Connecticut farm boy who considered himself "as warm a patriot as the best of them." He enlisted that July and stayed in the revolutionary army until hostilities ended in 1783. Martin fought under Washington, Lafayette, and Steuben. He took part in major battles in New York, Monmouth, and Yorktown. He wintered at Valley Forge and then at Morristown, considered even more severe. He wrote of his war years in a memoir that brings the American Revolution alive with telling details, drama, and a country boy's humor. Jim Murphy lets Joseph Plumb Martin speak for himself throughout the text, weaving in historical back fround details wherever necessary, giving voice to a teenager who was an eyewitness to the fight that set America free from the British Empire.

Young People and Work

by Robin Price Paula McDonald

This edited book brings together empirical studies of young people in paid employment from a variety of disciplinary perspectives and in different national settings. In the context of increasing youth labour market participation rates and debates about the value of early employment, it draws on multi-level analyses to reflect the complexity of the field. Each of the three sections of the book explores a key aspect of young people's employment: their experience of work, intersections between work and education, and the impact of other actors and institutions. The book contributes to broadening and strengthening knowledge about the opportunities and constraints that young people face during their formative experiences in the labour market. This book will be required reading for all those working in the fields of sociology, employment relations and education

Young People, Learning and Storytelling (Palgrave Studies in Alternative Education)

by Emma Parfitt

This book explores the lives of young people through the lens of storytelling. Using extensive qualitative and empirical data from young people’s conversations following storytelling performances in secondary schools in the UK, the author considers the benefits of stories and storytelling for learning and the subsequent emotional, behavioural and social connections to story and other genres of narrative. Storytelling has both global and transnational relevance in education, as it allows individuals to compare their experiences to others: young people learn through discussion that their opinions matter, that they are both similar to and different from their peers. This in turn can facilitate the development of critical thinking skills as well as encouraging social learning, co-operation and cohesion. Drawing upon folklore and literary studies as well as sociology, philosophy, youth studies and theatre, this volume explores how storytelling can shape the lives of young people through storytelling projects. This reflective and creative volume will appeal to students and scholars of storytelling, youth studies and folklore.

A Young People's History of the United States: Revised and Updated (For Young People Series)

by null Howard Zinn

A Young People's History of the United States brings to US history the viewpoints of workers, enslaved people, immigrants, women, Black people, Latino Americans, Asian Americans, American Indians, and others whose stories, and their impact, are rarely included in books for young people. Beginning with a look at Christopher Columbus&’s arrival through the eyes of the Arawak Indians, then leading the reader through the struggles for workers&’ rights, women&’s rights, and civil rights during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and ending with the current protests against continued American imperialism, Zinn presents a radical new way of understanding America&’s history. In so doing, he reminds readers that America&’s true greatness is shaped by our dissident voices, not our military generals.A Young People's History of the United States is also a companion volume to The People Speak, the film adapted from A People's History of the United States and Voices of a People&’s History of the United States.

A Young Person’s Field Guide to Finding Lost Shipwrecks: The Search for the Santisima

by Laurie Anne Zaleski

A Young Person's Field Guide to Finding Lost Shipwrecks is an autobiographical account of a nautical archeological expedition. Written by the marine geologist in charge of the survey, it discusses and explains the science behind a multibeam sonar and other technology used for the expedition, as well as describing the day-to-day operations aboard a 37-meter research vessel.The story begins alongside a dock in Cadiz, Spain, where three archeologists, two college students on a summer internship, three captains, one cook, one engineer, two scuba divers, one able-bodied seaman and the author are aboard the Hercules getting ready to set sail in search of the Santísima.Readers learn a lot more than science in this true-life account of a scientific expedition. They learn history, eat tapas, and even dance the flamenco, all while in search of a 200-year-old shipwreck.

Young Pioneers

by Rose Wilder Lane

A story of love and courage to make every American proud of his heritage, Young Pioneers is the lyrical, moving chronicle of a young couple's struggle to found a homestead and build a new life together on the South Dakota frontier in the 1850s. Young newlyweds, still in their teens, their strength of character far outstrips their years. Molly is gentle and shy, quiet and deft in her movements; David is boisterous, bold, full of ease, a fiddler, fighter, farmer. Together they set out with team and wagon hundreds of miles across the plains to the Western prairie. Young Pioneers is a classic story of faith and courage unshaken by hardship, as the young couple struggles to survive the ravages of winter, insect plague, Indian attack, childbirth, and poverty. Their first home is a dugout, where, on Molly's seventeenth birthday, their first baby is born. But their dreams of a rich harvest turn to nightmare when an insect plague destroys the wheat crop, wiping out their farm. David is forced to search for work elsewhere, while Molly stays behind, forty miles from the nearest neighbor, to keep possession of the farm. Alone on the devastated land, beset by wolves and freezing winds whipping across the immense plains, Molly and her infant son face winter alone in the dugout on the prairie. Written with poetic simplicity and directness, Young Pioneers is a true story in fictional form, a story to inspire readers of all ages. A great best seller when it was first published in the 1930s as Let the Hurricane Roar, with nearly forty printings and translations into twenty languages, the novel endures as a story that speaks to all ages of the deep roots of our national heritage. It has now been made into a successful television movie.

The Young Queens: A Three Dark Crowns Novella (Three Dark Crowns Novella #1)

by Kendare Blake

In this must-read prequel to Kendare Blake’s New York Times bestselling Three Dark Crowns, the queens’ origin story is revealed. It’s a pre-crown lowdown of Fennbirn’s ruling class.Mirabella, Arsinoe, and Katharine weren't always scheming to murder each other. They weren't always surrounded by rival foster families, each swearing to have their best interests at heart. And they weren't always afraid of being unexpectedly attacked—by one of their own sisters, no less—in a way that could cost them their last breath. They used to be together. Just three sisters. Alone in a glen.This is the story of the three queens—after they were born, before they were separated, during the time when they all lived together, loved each other, and protected each other. It’s also the story of the day they were torn apart, and the several years that follow. From birth to eleven years old, this is a rare glimpse of the queens' lives…before they were at stake.

Young Revolutionaries Who Rock: An Insider's Guide to Saving the World One Revolution at a Time

by Dallas Jessup Rusty Fisher

From the front lines of youth activism, Dallas Jessup (17) delivers a how-to-guide for any teen who wants to change the world. She shares inspiring stories of 10 high-impact teens and her own community service project which grew into a million-girl worldwide revolution against predators. Nonprofit success tips from heroic teens for the next generation of heroes. A must-read for any teen wanting a roadmap to launch their own amazing cool and effective non-profit.

The Young Runner's Guide to Nutrition: How to Fuel Your Body to Train Smarter, Run Faster, and Recover Quicker

by Michele Pettinger

Empower young runners to take control of their health and training with this practical guide that teaches them the basics of sports nutrition and includes over 40 balanced and healthy recipes.Author, lifelong runner, and certified running and nutrition coach Michele Pettinger grew up running under the tutelage of her father, the high school cross country and track coach. With The Young Runner&’s Guide to Nutrition, she plans to carry on the legacy of reaching youth runners and the communities that support them through nutrition education and practical, easy-to-implement protocols. With this practical guide, young runners will learn the fundamentals of sports nutrition, explaining why they need specific nutrients and what foods contain them. These young athletes will also discover more about: Navigating adolescence and the unique nutritional needs of the young runner, like macronutrients, micronutrients, and hydration Nutritional challenges and health risks such as the female and male athlete triads, disordered eating, RED-S, and other areas of concern Strategic fueling and optimizing performance and recovery through nutrition planning and nutrient timing Empowering change by integrating nutrition education into running programs, including how to foster positive body image and daily practical tools for upholding nutrition protocols And so much more! Change in sports nutrition for young runners needs to start with the entire community that supports them—their coaches, trainers, and families. That&’s why The Young Runner&’s Guide to Nutrition also includes resources for coaches on how to integrate nutrition education into their training programs and content for parents on how to foster good nutrition at home that will support the needs of their young runner through meal planning, cooking, and conversation.

Young Sober and Free: Experience, Strength, and Hope for Young Adults

by Shelly Marshall

Offering strategies for getting and staying sober, first-hand stories, and other resources for teens, parents, and professionals, Young, Sober, and Free helps young addicts and alcoholics through recovery.Real teens tell the real story about getting sober and staying sober in this edgy, winning interpretation of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Shelly Marshall lets her teen contributors speak for themselves (and their words are not sugarcoated), while expertly augmenting the personal stories with discussions about time-honored Twelve Step recovery principles. Young, Sober, and Free, first published in 1978, aided the recovery of countless young addicts and alcoholics. This second edition of Young, Sober, and Free, featuring four new stories from teens, is sure to inspire many more. Key features and benefitsfeatures first-person stories of overcoming addiction by teenspresents strategies for getting sober and staying soberexcellent resource for teens, parents, and professionalsAbout the author- Shelly Marshall has dedicated 33 years to working with young addicts. An acclaimed trainer, author, and researcher, she is recognized internationally as an expert in adolescent recovery and her research has been published in four international journals. She lives in Ruthville, Virginia.

Young Survivors Of The Holocaust

by Allan Zullo

Tells the stories of 10 Jewish children who survived the Holocaust.

The Young Visiters: Or Mr. Salteena's Plan

by Daisy Ashford

From the Book Jacket: What a treat is in store for every reader who has not yet encountered The Young Visiters, and what added pleasure awaits those who have a fond, if dim, memory of this ageless classic of unintentional humor- a romantic novel written by a nine-year-old girl. As a child, Daisy Ashford possessed a keen ear for the conversations of her elders, and was an avid reader of the Victorian novels of her day. From these sources, and with her own considerable talent, she fashioned the fabulous love story of naively sophisticated Ethel, handsome, wealthy Bernard, and poor Mr. Salteena, the disappointed suitor. Her genuinely delightful combination of childish and adult viewpoints, the unconscious caricature and satire of romance, make this tale still one of the funniest books ever written. In its present edition, the flavor and humor of the book are accented by a specially styled binding and forty-eight line cuts by the noted artist, William Pene du Bois. This book was first published thirty-two years ago, when its author, then a full-grown woman, discovered the manuscript with other childhood mementos among the effects of her lately deceased mother. Upon publication, the book met with instant and howling success. Sir James Barrie wrote the preface for the first edition, and to the great surprise of the author, publisher, and Sir James himself, the public and critics alike chose to believe that the book was a hoax, written by Barrie. Daisy Ashford, however, is very authentic and very real. Today she is Mrs. James Devlin, living quietly on a farm near Norwich, England, a mother of four and grandmother of two. The original manuscript of The Young Visiters, childishly scrawled in a twopenny notebook, may be viewed in the London Exhibition of the Festival of Britain.

A Young Woman After God's Own Heart: A Teen's Guide to Friends, Faith, Family, and the Future

by Elizabeth George

This young woman's version of Elizabeth George's bestselling book A Woman After God's Own Heart shares the intentions and blessings of God's heart with teen girls. On this journey they discover His priorities for their lives including prayer, submission, faithfulness, and joy and how to embrace those priorities in daily life. Elizabeth's mentor style, the Heart Response messages of reflection, and the age significant themes make this an excellent book for groups or for personal study. And best of all, girls will discover that God is a faithful, caring, and loving presence during this exciting and sometimes difficult time in their lives.


by Sasha Laurens

High school sucks. Especially for the undead.&“This is the lesbian vampire boarding school story I've always needed, but it's smarter, nastier, and more fun than I ever could have dreamed." —Kylie Schachte, author of You're Next Kat Finn and her mother can barely make ends meet living among humans. Like all vampires, they must drink Hema, an expensive synthetic blood substitute, to survive, as nearly all of humanity has been infected by a virus that&’s fatal to vampires. Kat isn&’t looking forward to an immortal life of barely scraping by, but when she learns she&’s been accepted to the Harcote School, a prestigious prep school that&’s secretly vampires-only, she knows her fortune is about to change. Taylor Sanger has grown up in the wealthy vampire world, but she&’s tired of its backward, conservative values—especially when it comes to sexuality, since she&’s an out-and-proud lesbian. She only has to suffer through a two more years of Harcote before she&’s free. But when she discovers her new roommate is Kat Finn, she&’s horrified. Because she and Kat used to be best friends, a long time ago, and it didn&’t end well. When Taylor stumbles upon the dead body of a vampire, and Kat makes a shocking discovery in the school&’s archives, the two realize that there are deep secrets at Harcote—secrets that link them to the most powerful figures in Vampirdom and to the synthetic blood they all rely on.

Youngbloods (Impostors)

by Scott Westerfeld

IT'S TIME TOCOME OUT OF HIDINGFrey has spent her life in a family of deceivers, a stand-in for her sister, manipulated at her father's command. Free from them at last, she is finding her own voice -- and using it to question everything her family stood for.Tally was once the most famous rebel in the world. But for over a decade, she's kept to the shadows, allowing her myth to grow even as she receded. Now she sees that the revolution she led has not created a stable world. Freedom, she observes, has a way of destroying things.As the world is propelled further into conflict and conspiracy, Frey and Tally join forces to put a check on the people in power, while still trying to understand their own power and where it belongs.With Youngbloods, master storyteller Scott Westerfeld decisively brings back his most iconic character and merges his Impostors and Uglies series into a breathtaking tale of rivalry, rebellion, and repercussion.

Your Blood, My Bones

by Kelly Andrew

A seductively twisted romance about loyalty, fate, the lengths we go to hide the darkest parts of ourselves . . . and the people who love those parts most of all.Wyatt Westlock has one plan for the farmhouse she's just inherited -- to burn it to the ground. But during her final walkthrough of her childhood home, she makes a shocking discovery in the basement -- Peter, the boy she once considered her best friend, strung up in chains and left for dead.Unbeknownst to Wyatt, Peter has suffered hundreds of ritualistic deaths on her family's property. Semi-immortal, Peter never remains dead for long, but he can't really live, either. Not while he's bound to the farm, locked in a cycle of grisly deaths and painful rebirths. There's only one way for him to break free. He needs to end the Westlock line.He needs to kill Wyatt.With Wyatt's parents gone, the spells protecting the property have begun to unravel, and dark, ancient forces gather in the nearby forest. The only way for Wyatt to repair the wards is to work with Peter -- the one person who knows how to harness her volatile magic. But how can she trust a boy who's sworn an oath to destroy her? When the past turns up to haunt them in the most unexpected way, they are forced to rely on one another to survive, or else tear each other apart.

Your Brain Needs a Hug: Life, Love, Mental Health and Sandwiches

by Rae Earl

Imbued with a sense of humor, understanding, and hope, Your Brain Needs a Hug is a judgment-free guide for living well with your mind.My Mad Fat Diary author Rae Earl offers her personalized advice on the A to Zs of mental health, social media, family and friendship. When she was a teenager, Rae dealt with OCD, anxiety, and an eating disorder, but she survived, and she thrived. Your Brain Needs a Hug is filled with her friendly advice, coping strategies and laugh-out-loud moments to get you through the difficult days. Witty, honest, and enlightening, this is the perfect read for feeling happier and healthier and learning to navigate life without feeling overwhelmed or isolated.An Imprint Book “A validating, hopeful, and practical guide to mental health… heartfelt and honest… Teens struggling with mental illness will find comfort and valuable information in this superlative guide." —Kirkus Reviews, starred review“Perceptive and accessible.” —Publishers Weekly

Your Brightest Life: Tips for Navigating Relationships, Health, Faith, Mindset, and More

by Jessie Minassian

Today more than ever, as a young woman you can use an extra dose of optimism to tackle the challenges and complicated situations in your life. Inside Your Brightest Life, Jessie Minassian draws on over twenty years of questions and feedback from teen- and college-aged girls to dive into the topics you care about, presenting honest truths and tested tips from a Christian perspective that help you live a life of purpose, joy, and faith.Maybe you&’ve heard it all—God loves you, made you perfectly, and has wonderful plans for your life. But when it comes to nervousness about your future, wondering whether that guy likes you, or dealing with the mean girl in your head, sometimes what you know gets lost. The good news is, you don&’t have to tackle everything alone. Your Brightest Life pairs humorous yet wise stories with practical tips to help you navigate the most important questions and challenges you face. And with short, easy-to-read chapters made to fit into your busy schedule, it&’s the perfect way to start a journey toward a brighter future, filled with deeper wonder, faith, confidence, and a sense of purpose.Your Brightest Life helps you take control of your life and make the most of every opportunity with:inspiration to live life with courage and determinationreal-world advice about everything from relationships to personal growth, time management, exercise, and staying healthy mentally and physicallytips that address the challenges you face—like loneliness and uncertainty about what comes next—in new and relatable ways The 70 stories in the book are organized by categories that include:boysfriends and familyhealth and beautyfaithmindsetlife skills

Your Child's Greatness: A Parent's Guide to Raising Children without Imposter Syndrome

by Lisa Orbé-Austin Richard Orbé-Austin

Create healthy relationships, identify key conflict resolution tools, and build a healthy, emotionally regulated, and impostor syndrome–free family with help from authors Lisa and Richard Orbé-Austin, recently featured on the Today Show.Emotional regulation is key to becoming a better parental figure for every member of your family. Discover the tools to successfully regulate those emotions so you can work with and nurture your child from the very beginning until they are independent (or interdependent) from you, continuing to grow into a person who trusts themselves and is unafraid of impostor syndrome. Your Child&’s Greatness will act as a manual to the principles and skills that are critical in the development of healthy self-esteem in children, including: An ability to develop an internal sense of validation and self The skills to handle critical feedback with an aim toward growth A focus on collaboration and building community around them A lack of fear around who they are, what they want, and the journey that they are on And so much more. From expert authors Lisa and Richard Orbe-Austin comes an honest, reliable, and nurturing guide that makes sure every parent and guardian has the tools they need to raise their children without impostor syndrome.

Your College Experience: Strategies for Success (8th edition)

by A. Jerome Jewler John N. Gardner Betsy O. Barefoot

Offering guidance to students navigating their way through the challenges presented by college life, this handbook offers strategies for intellectual, physical, and emotional health and success, including thinking critically, managing time, developing values, appreciating diversity, managing stress, and handling money, among others. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Your Constant Star

by Brenda Hasiuk

Faye is the "good" adopted Chinese daughter. Bev is the wild child. Mannie is the unambitious stoner. What brings them together--and tears them apart--is a need to move beyond the clichés and commit to something--anything--that will bring meaning and joy to their lives. When Faye's long-lost childhood neighbor, Bev, turns up out of the blue, wanting something from her old friend, Faye goes along with Bev's plan. But Mannie, the joyriding daddy of Bev's baby, has a half-crazed romantic agenda of his own. As one cold, miserable prairie spring inches toward summer, a series of unexpected and sometimes explosive decisions sends the trio hurtling toward disaster. A darkly funny portrayal of three unforgettable teenagers feeling their way into adulthood in an imperfect world.

Your Corner Dark

by Desmond Hall

&“One of those tales that ties you up, turns you inside-out, wrings you like a wet cloth.&” —Jason Reynolds, New York Times bestselling author of Long Way Down American Street meets Long Way Down in this searing and gritty debut novel that takes an unflinching look at the harsh realities of gang life in Jamaica and how far a teen is willing to go for family.Things can change in a second: The second Frankie Green gets that scholarship letter, he has his ticket out of Jamaica. The second his longtime crush, Leah, asks him on a date, he&’s in trouble. The second his father gets shot, suddenly nothing else matters. And the second Frankie joins his uncle&’s gang in exchange for paying for his father&’s medical bills, there&’s no going back...or is there? As Frankie does things he never thought he&’d be capable of, he&’s forced to confront the truth of the family and future he was born into—and the ones he wants to build for himself.

Your Defiant Teen: 10 Steps to Resolve Conflict and Rebuild Your Relationship

by Russell Barkley Arthur Robin

When your teen's rebellious behavior "crosses the line," how can you reestablish your authority without getting caught in a power struggle? Bestselling authors and distinguished psychologists Russell Barkley and Arthur Robin have each spent decades helping parents and kids resolve standoffs and repair their relationships. Now they've distilled their approach into a clinically proven self-help program that can help you break through to your teen and rebuild trust. Centered around 10 simple steps that lead to better behavior, Your Defiant Teen provides practical guidelines for putting an end to the hostilities. You'll learn realistic ways to foster mutual respect, introduce cooperative problem solving, and strengthen family relationships--while giving your teen vital skills for becoming a mature, independent adult.

Your Defiant Teen, Second Edition

by Arthur L. Robin Russell A. Barkley Christine M. Benton

If life with your teen has become a battleground, it's time to take action. This empathic book shows how. Trusted psychologists who have worked with thousands of families give you the tools you need to overcome defiance and get teen behavior back on track. By following the authors' clinically proven 10-step program, learn how you can: *Reestablish your authority while building trust. *Identify and enforce nonnegotiable rules. *Use rewards and incentives that work. *Communicate and problem-solve effectively--even in the heat of the moment. *Restore positive feelings in your relationship. *Develop your teen's skills for becoming a successful adult. Vivid stories and answers to frequently asked questions help you put the techniques into action. The updated second edition incorporates new scientific research on why some teens have more problems with self-control than others. Practical forms and worksheets can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.

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