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Youth in Revolt: The Journals of Nick Twisp
by C. D. PaynePrecocious fourteen-year-old diarist Nick Twisp records his struggles to make sense out of high school, deal with his divorced parents, and win the affections of the beauteous teenage goddess Sheeni Saunders.
Youth of Darkest England: Working-Class Children at the Heart of Victorian Empire (Children's Literature and Culture #Vol. 34)
by Troy BooneThis book examines the representation of English working-class children — the youthful inhabitants of the poor urban neighborhoods that a number of writers dubbed "darkest England" — in Victorian and Edwardian imperialist literature. In particular, Boone focuses on how the writings for and about youth undertook an ideological project to enlist working-class children into the British imperial enterprise, demonstrating convincingly that the British working-class youth resisted a nationalist identification process that tended to eradicate or obfuscate class differences.
Youth Organizing for Reproductive Justice: A Guide for Liberation (Reproductive Justice: A New Vision for the 21st Century #11)
by Chris BarcelosThis helpful how-to guide introduces the practices, history, and politics of youth movements for justice in the United States Grounded in the struggles and worldmaking of queer and trans youth and people of color, Youth Organizing for Reproductive Justice shows us how all youth organizing is reproductive justice as young people resist systems of oppression that limit bodily autonomy and self-determination. Through case studies, activist spotlights, and organizing "how-tos," this book provides a powerful tool for understanding the interconnected struggles at the center of youth activism. From the school-to-prison pipeline to transgender youth’s access to gender-affirming care to support for pregnant and parenting teens, Chris Barcelos shows that reproductive justice inspires political organizing across a range of issues. This book will help mobilize scholars, activists, policy makers, reproductive justice nonprofit workers, and youth organizers toward collective liberation.
Youth Without Family to Lean On: Global Challenges and Local Interventions
by Shula Mozes Moshe IsraelashviliYouth Without Family to Lean On draws together interdisciplinary, global perspectives to provide a comprehensive review of the characteristics, dynamics, and development of youth (aged 15–25) who have no family to lean on, either practically or psychologically.In this timely volume, Mozes and Israelashvili bring together leading international experts to present updated knowledge, information on existing interventions, and unanswered questions in relation to youth without family to lean on, in pursuit of fostering these youth’s positive development. The various chapters in this book include discussions on different topics such as social support, developing a sense of belonging, parental involvement, and internalized vs. externalized problems; on populations, including homeless youth, residential care-leavers, refugees, asylum-seekers, young women coming from vulnerable families, and school dropouts; and interventions to promote these youths' mentoring relationships, labor market attainment, out-of-home living placements, use of IT communication, and participation in community-based programs. Additionally, various problems and challenges are presented and elaborated on, such as: Who needs support? Who is qualified to provide support? How should related interventions be developed? The book takes a preventive approach and aims to emphasize steps that can be taken in order to promote young people’s positive development in spite of the absence of a family to rely on in their life and examines the best practices in this context, as well as the international lessons that deserve further dissemination and exploration. This book is essential reading for those in psychology, sociology, public health, social work, law, criminology, public policy, economics, and education and is highly enriching for scholars and practitioners, as well as higher education students, who wish to understand and help the gradually increasing number of youth who are forced, too early, to manage their life alone.
You've Got This!: Release Your Inner Power and Be Awesomely You
by Poppy O'NeillDo you often feel you’re not good enough? Your teens are full of new challenges – exams, peer pressure, future planning and anything and everything in between. How you feel about yourself in all this can make life even tougher. This book contains top tips and activities to help your self-esteem flourish and make you proud to be awesomely you.
You've Reached Sam
by Dustin ThaoIf I Stay meets Your Name in Dustin Thao's You've Reached Sam, a heartfelt novel about love and loss and what it means to say goodbye. <p><p> Seventeen-year-old Julie Clarke has her future all planned out―move out of her small town with her boyfriend Sam, attend college in the city; spend a summer in Japan. But then Sam dies. And everything changes. <p><p> Heartbroken, Julie skips his funeral, throws out his belongings, and tries everything to forget him. But a message Sam left behind in her yearbook forces memories to return. Desperate to hear him one more time, Julie calls Sam's cell phone just to listen to his voice mail recording. And Sam picks up the phone. <p><p> The connection is temporary. But hearing Sam's voice makes Julie fall for him all over again and with each call, it becomes harder to let him go. <p><p> What would you do if you had a second chance at goodbye?
You've Reached Sam: A Novel
by Dustin ThaoAn Instant New York Times Bestseller!If I Stay meets Your Name in Dustin Thao's You've Reached Sam, a heartfelt novel about love and loss and what it means to say goodbye.Seventeen-year-old Julie Clarke has her future all planned out—move out of her small town with her boyfriend Sam, attend college in the city; spend a summer in Japan. But then Sam dies. And everything changes. Heartbroken, Julie skips his funeral, throws out his belongings, and tries everything to forget him. But a message Sam left behind in her yearbook forces memories to return. Desperate to hear him one more time, Julie calls Sam's cell phone just to listen to his voice mail recording. And Sam picks up the phone.The connection is temporary. But hearing Sam's voice makes Julie fall for him all over again and with each call, it becomes harder to let him go.What would you do if you had a second chance at goodbye?A 2021 Kids' Indie Next List SelectionA Cosmo.com Best YA Book Of 2021A Buzzfeed Best Book Of NovemberA Goodreads Most Anticipated Book
Yumi: A Flame in the Mist Short Story (Flame in the Mist)
by Renée AhdiehWhen Yumi receives word of the battle led against her brother and the Black Clan by Prince Raiden and the Dragon of Kai, and of Ōkami’s sacrifice, she resents the bars of her gilded cage all the more. She’s tired of being a sheltered bird, protected in the Hanami. What Yumi really wants is to strike a blow against all the forces that control her life. The time has come.
Yunis y los cien mundos 1 - Natal (Yunis y los cien mundos #Volumen 1)
by I.G. SuárezUn nuevo lanzamiento de fantasía juvenil del guionista de Al salir de clase Para Yunis y Gaben, la vida en la finca familiar donde se han criado es de lo más sencilla. Allí ayudan con las tareas de la granja, inventan juegos y conocen hasta el último rincón del bosque. En Amal todo es predecible y seguro, nada malo puede suceder. O eso creían hasta el día en que rompen la norma inquebrantable de su tío: no traspasar los muros que rodean la finca sin supervisión. A partir de entonces todo cambia: Yunis sabe que los adultos sólo les cuentan una parte de la verdad, y está decidida a encontrar las respuestas por su cuenta. Junto a su hermano Gaben y su querido Meres, Yunis descubrirá que su mundo es infinitamente mayor de lo que pensaba y tendrá que asumir un legado que se inició miles de años antes de su nacimiento.
Yvonne of the Amoskeag Textile Mills
by Alice Daley NoyesYvonne's life was never dull at Aunt Madeline's boarding house. There were all the boarders who came in for breakfast and supper and Yvonne had to help. There were lunches to deliver every day to the boarders and to Yvonne's papa, a loom fixer at the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company.
by Michael Thomas FordThe First Rule of Torching: Cleanse with fire. Josh is by far the best zombie Torcher around—at least, he is in his virtual-reality zombie-hunting game. Josh has quickly risen through the player ranks, relying on the skill, cunning, and agility of a real Torcher.The Second Rule of Torching: Save all humans.But luckily for Josh, zombies exist only in the virtual world. The real zombie war is now more than fifteen years in the past, and the battle to defeat the deadly epidemic that devastated his family—and millions of others—is the stuff of history lessons.The Third Rule of Torching: You can't bring them back.Charlie is the top-ranked player in the game. Since all the players are shrouded in anonymity, Josh never expects Charlie to be a girl—and he never expects the offer she makes him: to join the underground gaming league that takes the virtual-reality game off the screen and into the streets. Josh is thrilled. But the more involved he gets, the more he realizes that not everything is what it seems. Real blood is spilling, members of the team are disappearing, and the zombies in the game are acting strange. And then there's the matter of a mysterious drug called Z. . . .
Z for Zachariah
by Robert C. O'BrienIn this post-apocalyptic novel from Newbery Medal–winning author Robert C. O&’Brien, a teen girl struggling to survive in the wake of unimaginable disaster comes across another survivor.Ann Burden is sixteen years old and completely alone. The world as she once knew it is gone, ravaged by a nuclear war that has taken everyone from her. For the past year, she has lived in a remote valley with no evidence of any other survivors. But the smoke from a distant campfire shatters Ann&’s solitude. Someone else is still alive and making his way toward the valley. Who is this man? What does he want? Can he be trusted? Both excited and terrified, Ann soon realizes there may be worse things than being the last person on Earth.
Zac and Mia
by A. J. Betts"When I was little I believed in Jesus and Santa, spontaneous combustion, and the Loch Ness monster. Now I believe in science, statistics, and antibiotics." <P><P>So says seventeen-year-old Zac Meier during a long, grueling leukemia treatment in Perth, Australia. <P><P> A loud blast of Lady Gaga alerts him to the presence of Mia, the angry, not-at-all-stoic cancer patient in the room next door. <P><P>Once released, the two near-strangers can't forget each other, even as they desperately try to resume normal lives. <P><P>The story of their mysterious connection drives this unflinchingly tough, tender novel told in two voices.
Zac y Mia
by A. J. BettsValiente y poco convencional, describe el fuerte apego a la vida que surge cuando se padece una enfermedad grave. Si bien el ambiente frío y aséptico de una clínica es el último lugar donde una pareja de adolescentes esperaría iniciar una relación significativa, a veces el azar nos sorprende con encuentros fortuitos que marcan nuestro destino. Convaleciente de un trasplante de médula, Zac lleva semanas solo y aburrido en el hospital cuando en la habitación contigua ingresan a Mia, una impetuosa chica de su edad. A los golpecitos en el tabique del principio les sigue el intercambio de notas por medio de las enfermeras y, finalmente, en el silencio de la noche, la comunicación a través de Facebook. Paulatinamente, una amistad surgida de la necesidad da paso a una atracción muy especial que, sin embargo, se verá expuesta a una dura prueba cuando más adelante la realidad cotidiana interponga unos obstáculos con los que Zac y Miano contaban. Narrada con un fresco sentido del humor, autenticidad y delicadeza, Zac y Mia es una historia excepcional sobre dos chicos cuyo prometedor futuro se tambalea bajo sus pies. Una novela íntima y conmovedora que mantiene al lector en vilo hasta el final. La crítica ha dicho...«El poder curativo de la amistad, el amor y la familia hacen que este relato divertido y filosófico sobre la enfermedad en la adolescencia resulte sobresaliente.»Kirkus Reviews «Con una estructura elegante y un estilo y lenguaje carentes de toda afectación, los personajes de esta novela quedan grabados en la memoria del lector y permanecen en ella durante largo tiempo.»Jurado del Premio Ethel Turner «Betts retrata el cáncer como algo duro, que da miedo, pero que se puede derrotar -o, por lo menos, soportar- si uno no se enfrenta a él en solitario. Sus protagonistas, un chico que se aferra a la vida y una chica que se da cuenta de que nopuede evitar que su vida cambie, tienen una enorme fuerza.»Publishers Weekly «Cuando empieces este libro, no podrás dejar de leerlo.»The Hoopla
Zachary Zormer Shape Transformer (Math Adventures Ser.)
by Joanne ReisbergFriday is Zachary Zormer's favourite day of the week, he realises he forgot this week's assignment. Tyler brings a picture of himself from the newspaper, Zack top that when all he has to work with is a piece of paper he finds in his pocket. Zack takes on a different math concept (length, width, area, perimeter) with surprising projects including a mobius strip, a paper frame, and a light show that demonstrates how the sun heats the earth.
Zack's Tales: Travels of a Guide Dog
by Audrey M. GunterLearn how a handsome yellow lab changes the life of his mom and the impact they make on society. Learn how guide dogs are specially bred, born, raised and trained and how they are matched with their new handlers. Live life as a visually impaired person, always asked to explain your need for a guide dog and required to carry your own copy of the Civil Rights law that guarantees your access. Learn how a wonderful, permanent bond is formed between Zack and his mom as they travel together becoming advocates for the blind. Feel their love for each other as they laugh, play, cry and work together.
Zafiro (Rubí #Volumen 2)
by Kerstin GierCruza las fronteras del tiempo y encuentra el verdadero amor. Sigue la grandiosa aventura de Gideon y Gwen: un torbellino de sentimientos que arrastra a los protagonistas a través de los siglos. Gwen vive en una nube... ¡con Gideon!, aunque sabe bien que el amor entre dos viajeros en el tiempo puede deparar sorpresas traicioneras. Por suerte, tiene muy buenos consejeros: su mejor amiga, Leslie, su compinche, James el fantasma, y Xemerius, una gárgola que se mete en bastantes líos. Además, Gwen y Gideon tienen importantes problemas de los que ocuparse... Por ejemplo, salvar el mundo. O aprender a bailar un minué (algo nada fácil). Sin embargo, ambos deberán entender que el amor debe pasar por delante de lo demás, sobre todo cuando caigan en las redes del conde de Saint Germain... Todo había empezado con aquel beso. Gideon de Villiers me había besado a mí: Gwendolyn Sheperd. Naturalmente, debería haberme preguntado por qué se le habría ocurrido aquella idea de una forma tan repentina y en unas circunstancias tan extrañas, escondidos en un confesionario y todavía sin aliento tras una persecución de película por medio Londres. Pero el hecho era que en aquel momento yo no pensaba absolutamente en nada, aparte quizá de que no quería que el beso acabara nunca. Por eso tampoco fui del todo consciente del tirón que sentí en el vientre ni me di cuenta de que entre tanto habíamos vuelto a saltar en el tiempo... Reseña:«Kerstin debe de haber lanzado algún tipo de magia entre sus páginas. La historia es alucinante... ¡Quién fuera Gwen para pasar dos horas con Gideon en un sofá! ¡A SOLAS! Sin lugar a dudas, la trilogía ES UN IMÁN del que no te podrás separar. ¡Imprescindible en tu estantería!»Eva Rubio, administradora de JUVENIL ROMÁNTICA
Zafiro (Rubí #2)
by Kerstin GierCruza las fronteras del tiempo y encuentra el verdadero amor.Como cualquier otro día, regresé pronto a casa al salir del instituto. Mi tía se había quedado sin sus dulces favoritos y me ofrecí para ir a la tienda a comprar más, pero de camino empecé a sentir algo muy extraño: las piernas me temblaban y tuve una sensación rara en el estómago. De repente, la calle desapareció ante mis ojos. Poco después reapareció , pero muchas cosas eran diferentes. Había vuelto al pasado .Me llamo Gwen y soy la última viajera en el tiempo. Así empieza la aventura de mi vida.
by Alec SilvaJoven bruja trae entidad indeseada para realizar un deseo. Zaíra, una bruja todavía en formación, a través de las instrucciones de un misterioso y poderoso grimorio, rescata de un foso de abominaciones una criatura capaz de devolverle lo que perdió en un grave accidente. Pero la inexperiencia y la ambición de la joven pueden causar problemas, ya que todo deseo solo puede ser saciado si se ofrece algo a cambio.
Zambia in Pictures
by Bella WatersDescribes the geography, climate, wildlife, natural resources, history, politics, culture, economy, and government of Zambia.
Las zapatillas de ballet
by Noel StreatfeildUn verdadero clásico de la literatura juvenil inglesa, Las zapatillas de ballet ha estado disponible en las librerías del Reino Unido desde su publicación en 1936. En 2007 se convirtió en un telefilme para la BBC protagonizado por Emma Watson. Apadrinadas por un anciano paleontólogo que lleva años viajando por el mundo, Pauline, Petrova y Posy han crecido al cuidado de una tutora y de una niñera. Estamos en Londres, en los años treinta. Pauline sueña con ser actriz, Petrova lee cuanto puede sobre coches, aviones y motores, y Posy podría pasarse el día entero bailando, pero la ausencia prolongada de su benefactor dificulta gravemente la situación económica de las niñas. Por eso, cuando se presenta la ocasión de formarse y trabajar como actrices profesionales, las tres hermanas no dejarán escapar la oportunidad. Con su talento, esfuerzo e ilusión lograrán costear los gastos familiares, conseguirán triunfos inesperados, aprenderán a valorar la generosidad, la independencia, y, sobre todo, a desconfiar del éxito como única meta. Reseñas:«Mi escritora favorita es Jane Austen. Pero cuando era más joven me gustaba mucho Noel Streatfeild. Aún releo Las zapatillas de ballet.»J.K. Rowling «Uno de mis libros favoritos de todos los tiempos. Y no hace falta ser un amante de la danza para disfrutar de su lectura.»Jacqueline Wilson «Una delicia.»The Sunday Times «Un clásico.»The Guardian «Una obra maestra.»The Daily Telegraph
Zara Hossain Is Here
by Sabina KhanZara's family has waited years for their visa process to be finalized so that they can officially become US citizens. But it only takes one moment for that dream to come crashing down around them. Seventeen-year-old Pakistani immigrant, Zara Hossain, has been leading a fairly typical life in Corpus Christi, Texas, since her family moved there for her father to work as a pediatrician. While dealing with the Islamophobia that she faces at school, Zara has to lay low, trying not to stir up any trouble and jeopardize their family's dependent visa status while they await their green card approval, which has been in process for almost nine years. But one day her tormentor, star football player Tyler Benson, takes things too far, leaving a threatening note in her locker, and gets suspended. As an act of revenge against her for speaking out, Tyler and his friends vandalize Zara's house with racist graffiti, leading to a violent crime that puts Zara's entire future at risk. Now she must pay the ultimate price and choose between fighting to stay in the only place she's ever called home or losing the life she loves and everyone in it.
Zara Hossain Is Here
by Sabina KhanZara's family has waited years for their visa process to be finalized so that they can officially become US citizens. But it only takes one moment for that dream to come crashing down around them.Seventeen-year-old Pakistani immigrant, Zara Hossain, has been leading a fairly typical life in Corpus Christi, Texas, since her family moved there for her father to work as a pediatrician. While dealing with the Islamophobia that she faces at school, Zara has to lay low, trying not to stir up any trouble and jeopardize their family's dependent visa status while they await their green card approval, which has been in process for almost nine years.But one day her tormentor, star football player Tyler Benson, takes things too far, leaving a threatening note in her locker, and gets suspended. As an act of revenge against her for speaking out, Tyler and his friends vandalize Zara's house with racist graffiti, leading to a violent crime that puts Zara's entire future at risk. Now she must pay the ultimate price and choose between fighting to stay in the only place she's ever called home or losing the life she loves and everyone in it.From the author of the "heart-wrenching yet hopeful" (Samira Ahmed) novel, The Love and Lies of Rukhsana Ali, comes a timely, intimate look at what it means to be an immigrant in America today, and the endurance of hope and faith in the face of hate.
Zaubertricks für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Oliver Erens»Simsalabim — Trick, hau hin!« Mit Abrakadabra und Hokus Pokus wird’s jetzt magisch Die Geheimnisse der Zauberkünstler können einen schon in den Wahnsinn treiben. Dabei sind viele Kunststücke verblüffend einfach. Dr. Oliver Erens stellt Ihnen einfache und anspruchsvollere Tricks vor und zeigt, wie Sie mit dem richtigen Kniff und dem passenden Auftreten faszinierende Effekte erzielen können. Außer mit klassischen Zauber-Requisiten wie Karten, Münzen und Tüchern zaubern Sie ganz modern mit dem Handy und beim nächsten Videocall sogar interaktiv! Ob Sie mit dem Zaubern beginnen oder schon mit einigen Tricks glänzen können: In diesem reich bebilderten Buch werden Sie fündig. Sie erfahren Welche Utensilien Sie fürs Zaubern brauchen und wie sie eingesetzt werden Wie Sie Ihr Publikum mit verblüffenden Zauber-effekten begeistern Was Sie zu einem guten Zauberer macht Was hinter manchen magischen Tricks steckt
Zebras (Nature's Children)
by Bill IvyHow many kinds of Zebras are there? How fast can a zebra run? Why does a zebra have stripes? Find the answers to these questions and more in this book about the physical characteristics, behavior, distribution, and life of zebras.