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Algonquin Quest 2-Book Bundle: I Am Algonquin / Algonquin Spring

by Rick Revelle

Painting a vivid picture of the original peoples of North America, long before European colonization changed the face of the continent, the Algonquin Quest novels show the traditions, the legends and the intrigue that shaped the First Nations. For Mahingan and his family, caught in the middle of a defining conflict with the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois), warfare is a part of life, but so are the natural world and the rich web of culture he shares with allies like the Omàmiwinini (Algonquin), the Ouendat (Huron), and the Nippissing. Includes I Am Algonquin This novel follows the story of a warrior named Mahingan and his family as they live the traditional Algonquin way of life long before Europeans arrived in North America. Hunting and warfare are daily concerns, and signs point to a defining conflict between Mahingan's nation and its enemies. Algonquin Spring Six years ago, Mahingan’s wife was taken from him by the Haudenosaunee at the Battle of the Falls. Now, after learning that she is still alive and captive, he and his remaining family struggle to survive and rescue her. But events 2,000 kilometres away, and a mysterious Mi’kmaq legend, are conspiring in ways that could snatch away Mahingan’s hopes.

Algonquin Quest 3-Book Bundle: I Am Algonquin / Algonquin Spring / Algonquin Sunset

by Rick Revelle

Painting a vivid picture of the original peoples of North America, long before European colonization changed the face of the continent, the Algonquin Quest novels show the traditions, the legends and the intrigue that shaped the First Nations. For Mahingan and his family, caught in the middle of a defining conflict with the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois), warfare is a part of life, but so are the natural world and the rich web of culture he shares with allies like the Omàmiwinini (Algonquin), the Ouendat (Huron), and the Nippissing. Includes I Am Algonquin This novel follows the story of a warrior named Mahingan and his family as they live the traditional Algonquin way of life long before Europeans arrived in North America. Hunting and warfare are daily concerns, and signs point to a defining conflict between Mahingan's nation and its enemies. Algonquin Spring Six years ago, Mahingan’s wife was taken from him by the Haudenosaunee at the Battle of the Falls. Now, after learning that she is still alive and captive, he and his remaining family struggle to survive and rescue her. But events 2,000 kilometres away, and a mysterious Mi’kmaq legend, are conspiring in ways that could snatch away Mahingan’s hopes. Algonquin Sunset Set twelve years after the events of Algonquin Spring, this book follows the now-grown Anokì, his sister Pangì Mahingan, and the rest of their family as they face a new enemy: the Lakȟóta.

Algonquin Spring: An Algonquin Quest Novel

by Rick Revelle

Years after a devastating battle, Mahingan and his tribe struggle to recover a lost loved one. Six years earlier in the fourteenth century, Mahingan and his tribe fought the Battle of the Falls against the Haudenosaunee. There were many losses, and Mahingan thought he had lost his wife, Wàbananang (Morning Star). But after the battle, he learned she was still alive, taken captive by the Haudenosaunee. Now on a desperate quest to rescue her, Mahingan and his small family are wintering north of the Ottawa River near present-day Lachute, Quebec. If they are to have any hope of recovering Wàbananang, though, they must first survive until spring. At the same time, over 2,000 kilometres away in present-day Newfoundland, events taking place will affect four Native tribes: Mahingan’s, a group of Mi’kmaq, a Beothuk group, and a band of Haudenosaunee warriors led by Mahingan’s old nemesis, Ò:nenhste Erhar (Corn Dog) — a fierce Mohawk War Chief and Wàbananang’s captor. Along the way, Mahingan’s brother, Mitigomij, will reveal his true self and powers. Then, an influential Mi’kmaq legend puts a new, powerful twist on events, and threatens to send things spiraling out of Mahingan’s control.

Algonquin Sunset: An Algonquin Quest Novel

by Rick Revelle

Anokì and his sister Pangì Mahingan have grown up, and now face a decision that will change their lives forever. Twelve years after Mahingan was wounded battling for his life against the Haudenosaunee warrior known as Ö:nenhste Erhar (Corn Dog), we rejoin his family and learn what fate held for him. Now, his children, Anokì and Pangì Mahingan, along with their twin cousins Makwa and Wàbek, are grown and have adult responsibilities. Still living with their Algonquin family, they have become a formidable fighting unit with the addition of three Mi´kmaq warriors, E´s, Jilte´g, and the fierce Elue´wiet Ga´qaquj. However, there is danger in the land of the setting sun, and nothing is more dangerous than what the family is going to encounter from the fierce enemy of their new Anishinaabe allies: the Lakȟóta.

Alguien es el siguiente

by Karen M. McManus

La esperada continuación de Alguien está mintiendo, el thriller juvenil líder en ventas a nivel mundial. Alguien es el siguiente es la secuela del exitoso thriller juvenil Alguien está mintiendo. Bayview, no te engañes, lo estabas deseando... Desde la muerte de Simon hace casi un año, en Bayview han surgido decenas de aplicaciones para difundir cotilleos, aunque ninguna está a la altura de la suya. Hasta ahora. «Verdad o Atrevimiento» no es una aplicación, sino un juego. Un juego que desvela tus secretos más oscuros. Si no te atreves, puedes confesar, pero algunas verdades son más difíciles de admitir que otras... ¡y solo tienes 24 horas para pensártelo! Simon ya no está, pero alguien se ha propuesto mantener vivo su legado en Bayview. Y esta vez las normas del juego han cambiado. Verdad o atrevimiento: ¿Listo para elegir? Críticas:«Rebosante de giros inesperados, Alguien es el siguiente tiene una trama imparable que lleva al lector a un desenlace impactante. Desde luego, no defraudará a los fans de McManus y los que se decidan a leerla por primera vez engullirán de un solo trago esta compleja historia de amistad y venganza»Publisher's Weekly

Alguien está mintiendo

by Karen M. Mcmanus

Todo el mundo tiene secretos, ¿verdad? Pero, ¿qué serían capaces de hacer para protegerlos? Simon Kelleger fue demasiado lejos al contarle a todo el mundo, a través de una App, los secretos más íntimos de sus compañeros de clase... Ahora que Simon está muerto solo queda un gran secreto por desvelar. Tenemos cuatro sospechosos y os proponemos un reto: ¿averiguaréis quién lo asesinó? #AlguienEstáMintiendo Una nueva app está acorralando a la élite del instituto Bayview para estudiantes de perfil elevado. Las filtraciones de la vida privada de los estudiantes corren como la pólvora por la nueva red social creada por Simon Kelleher, alumno de la misma institución. Pero la cosa se pone muy seria cuando Simon es asesinado justo delante de sus víctimas. Los cuatro cabecillas de la «crème de la crème» estudiantil se convierten en sospechosos directos del asesinato. ¿Qué secretos guardarían para arriesgarse a acabar con Simon? ¿Quién será el culpable? Un thriller que te mantendrá conteniendo la respiración hasta el final. Simon Kelleher es Gossip Girl en el mundo real, donde el peligro de hacer un mal uso de las redes sociales está latente en la sociedad, sobre todo entre los más jóvenes.

Alguien ha vuelto (Alguien está mintiendo #Volumen 3)

by Karen M. McManus

El fin de la saga ALGUIEN ESTÁ MINTIENDO de la autora bestseller KAREN M. MCMANUS UN NUEVO JUEGOUN ANTIGUO SECRETOLA ÚLTIMA OPORTUNIDAD Al principio, el misterioso letrero parece una broma de mal gusto: «Es hora de un nuevo juego, Bayview». Pero cuando alguien desaparece, queda claro que ese juego se ha vuelto serio, y nadie entiende las reglas. Todo el mundo puede ser la siguiente víctima. Y ahora que un individuo inesperado ha vuelto a Bayview, las cosas empiezan a ser mortales. Simon tenía razón sobre los secretos: al final, todos salen a la luz. La crítica ha dicho:«¡Otro emocionante thriller impecable de una maestra del género!».Booklist «Una conclusión reconfortante y llena de esperanza en una trilogía magistral».Kirkus Reviews «¡Un apasionante y profundo viaje lleno de emociones al límite!».Publishers Weekly, reseña destacada

Alguien más (Serie Alguien #Volumen 2)

by Laura Kneidl

La segunda parte de la trilogía New Adult alemana que ha cautivado a más de 100 mil lectores. Si Cassie está segura de una cosa es de que ama a Maurice Remington como nunca ha amado a nadie en la vida. No es solo su mejor amigo y compañero de piso, sino que también comparte su pasión por la literatura fantástica, el rol en vivo y el cosplay. No obstante, Cassie sabe que nada garantiza que su amistad dure para siempre. Da igual lo profunda que sea, porque a veces parece que pertenecen a mundos muy distintos. Mientras que Auri juega a fútbol, tiene muchos amigos y le gusta estar rodeado de gente, Cassie tiene un círculo de amistades pequeño pero muy cercano. Sin embargo, cuanto más tiempo pasa y más fuertes son sus sentimientos hacia él, mayor es el miedo de que lo que los une no sea tan fuerte como lo que los separa...

Alguien para mí

by Juan Arcones

Si Alguien para ti te dejó con ganas de más y te robó el corazón, aquí llega la continuación de la historia de amor perfectamente imperfecta. Creo que es la primera vez que he deseado que se acabara el verano. ¿Por qué? Muy fácil. Porque eso supone retomar las clases y ver a Pablo de nuevo. Hemos pasado meses separados. Yo en mi pueblo, aburrido y asqueado con mis padres, y él en Estados Unidos. Hoy es nuestro primer día de curso y no puedo tener más ganas de entrar en el colegio y darle un beso a mi novio. Mi novio. Qué bien sienta decirlo. Pero, claro, nuevo curso, nuevos dramas. No veo a Pablo, no está por ningún lado. Y no solome preocupa eso, me han cambiado de clase... y tengo la sensación de que mi padre está detrás de esto. Seguro que hay una explicación para todo. Siempre la hay. O, al menos, siempre la encuentro..., ¿no?

Alguien para nosotros

by Juan Arcones

Si Alguien para ti te dejó con ganas de más y Alguien para mí te robó el corazón, aquí llega la continuación de la historia de amor perfectamente imperfecta. Descubre como Pablo y Óscar se enfrentan a nuevos retos para poder construir ese nosotros que tanto buscan y tanto les ha costado conseguir. Óscar parece que está consiguiendo, por fin, estabilidad emocional. Junto a todos sus amigos, por fin ponen en marcha su grupo «No es justo», para tratar de apoyar y dar ayuda a todos los adolescentes LGTBI del instituto, junto a su profesor Solero como consejero. Aunque sigue trabajando con sus problemas de ansiedad, todo parece ir a mejor en la vida de Óscar desde que su padre se ha ido de la ciudad y él está viviendo temporalmente con su tía Aurora, abiertamente lesbiana, y que le está ayudando todo lo posible en su camino a la madurez. Pablo y él tienen una relación preciosa y de cuento de hadas casi, pero la aparición de un antiguo amigo de Pablo y de un chico anónimo que no deja de escribir mensajes a Óscar, pondrá a prueba su relación más que nunca.

Alguien tiene un secreto

by Karen M. McManus

¡El nuevo libro de la autora de Alguien está mintiendo, el thriller Young Adult best seller a nivel mundial! Ellery es nueva en Echo Ridges, pero ya lo sabe todo sobre el pueblo. Aquí, a veces, las chicas desaparecen... y sus asesinatos siguen sin resolverse. Aunque las clases no han empezado aún, la futura reina del baile ha sido amenazada y una chica ha desaparecido... y todo apunta a que Ellery también está peligro. Y es que en Echo Ridges, todo el mundo tiene un secreto, y algunos secretos son peligrosos... *** Ellery tiene diecisiete años y una obsesión con el misterio. La hermana gemela de su madre desapareció cuando era adolescente en Echo Bridges, un pueblito de Nueva Inglaterra que ha vuelto a los titulares hace poco por el asesinato de otra chica, la reina del baile del instituto local. Cuando Ellery y su propio hermano gemelo Ezra se tienen que mudar con su abuela al pueblo, la obsesión de Ellery se topa con la realidad. Otra chica ha desaparecido, alguien ha amenazado públicamente a la siguiente reina del baile, y el chico que le gusta a Ellery es el principal sospechoso de la policía. Ellery sabe bastante de secretos. Su madre los tiene; su abuela también. Y cuanto más tiempo pasa en Echo Ridge, más claro queda que allí todos esconden algo... pero no todos han sabido en quién confiar.

Ali Baba Bernstein, Lost and Found (Ali Baba Bernstein)

by Johanna Hurwitz

Throughout a series of adventures, ten-year-old David "Ali Baba" Bernstein spends most of his time thinking about becoming a detective and getting a dog.

Alias #13: Faina

by J. J. Abrams Rudy Gaborno Chris Hollier

A Russian controller and his teenage daughter are taken hostage with merciless precision by a terrorist who fancies himself an artiste of chaos. After the CIA fumbles, Sydney and the black ops unit APO are called in for the rescue. The stakes are high. In less than forty-eight hours the controller must deliver a critical international forum speech, or the result will be widespread economic disaster. But sometimes even the best intel is incomplete. The true threat is bigger, and closer at hand, than anyone considered, and only an emotionally shattered teenage girl can make everything right -- or single-handedly cause a scale of tragedy unimagined.

Alias #14: Two of a Kind?

by Greg Cox J. J. Abrams

Taking orders again from Arvin Sloane is enough for agent Sydney Bristow's life to feel turned upside down. But when an old adversary resurfaces and begs specifically for her help, Sydney is forced to confront ever-changing alliances -- and the disturbing question of just how much she and her former enemy have in common. United by an urgent goal but for separate reasons, an inconceivable team is forged. From the luxury hotels of downtown Singapore to the frenetic streets of New Orleans's French Quarter, Sydney finds herself with little time to decide if she's been given the chance to amend ancient history or if she's being lethally played.

Alias #15: Collateral Damage

by Pierce Askegren J. J. Abrams

What begins as a routine assignment -- infiltrate a public building and retrieve monitoring equipment set up by APO -- goes horribly wrong. With the mission suddenly compromised, the true question becomes, Who's monitoring whom and why? Resourceful Sydney manages to complete the objective, but a split-second miscalculation during her escape endangers a civilian caught in the cross-fire. When haunting details of the victim emerge and the lead suspect is murdered, Sydney's carefully compartmentalized life threatens to unravel. Has she always made the right choices, knowing the inherent danger posed to those around her? Vaughn and Jack are understandably concerned. For a field agent, even the tiniest loss of focus can prove deadly....

Alias #16: Replaced

by Emma Harrison J. J. Abrams

Agent Sydney Bristow has always held her own in the traditional boy's club of espionage. In fact, she's grown comfortable in her well-earned role as respected go-to girl. But with the recent addition of her half-sister, Nadia, dynamics inevitably shift as Sydney finds herself with a new partner, roommate, and -- even if unintentional -- competitor. APO's mission to retrieve a mysterious biological weapon is compromised, and in the melee Weiss is infected. Driven by concern and guilt, Sydney searches for the only known vaccine -- until her cover is blown and she must watch Nadia assume her field role next to Vaughn. But when Vaughn and Nadia's cover is blown, only Sydney and Nadia's collective strength can keep Sydney's "family" alive.

Alias #17: The Road Not Taken

by Greg Cox J. J. Abrams

After one botched assassination attempt leads to the discovery of another high profile murder-for-hire in the works, Agent Sydney Bristow goes undercover to untangle a twisted plot of betrayal, terror, and revenge. Thrown into the midst of a dysfunctional yet extremely powerful family, Sydney must determine who is trustworthy and who is out for blood. Luckily, she has some experience in this field. With time running out and political alliances hanging in the balance, the APO operatives work together to infiltrate the family and determine the target of an impending deadly attack. Unfortunately, the intended victim could be anyone -- a world leader, an adulterous wife, a group of innocent civilians, even a fellow agent -- and the clock is ticking.

Alias #19: Vigilance

by Paul Ruditis J. J. Abrams

Sydney's conscience struggles with her job, which too often asks her to work with criminals she'd much rather put away. She understands the logic -- the small fish versus big fish pragmatism -- but that doesn't make acceptance easier. Someone else is less conflicted and is assassinating APO's shadier contacts. Only the calling card of a black star with the number 13 in its center hints at the culprit. When it becomes clear that a highly trained -- and lethal -- vigilante organization is interfering with APO's missions, Sydney must put aside her empathy and help shut down the mysterious "13 Stars." But after Sydney herself is mistaken for a freelance terror agent, she worries that the mistake is not so far from the truth. And now that she's marked, both her cover and her welfare are in immediate jeopardy.

Alias #20: Strategic Reserve

by Christina F. York J. J. Abrams

An oil pipeline leak in the Gulf of Mexico looks like sabotage, and APO is assigned to find the source using any means necessary. Sydney and Dixon visit the drilling platform and discover a likely suspect, but before they can corner him, he the APO helicopter. It seems the attack was a practice run for something bigger, and Sydney and Dixon must determine the real target before time runs out. There are other matters on the agents' minds too -- Dixon is concerned about his son, Steven, and Sydney is led to wonder, not for the first time, what it would be like to have a "normal" family. But there's no time for wistful thinking when the saboteurs' plot becomes clear...and threatens to throw the country into total chaos.

Alias #21: Once Lost

by Kirsten Beyer J. J. Abrams

A strain of the deadly Marburg virus has come up for sale on the black market, and the seller has showcased the wares by infecting an African village. APO has one potential lead: a researcher named Magrite whose success in treating Marburg victims may be the reason for his sudden disappearance. Out in the field again, Agent Sydney Bristow and her father, Jack, close in on the kidnapper, but determining Magrite's location is only the first challenge in a chain of obstacles. Magrite has a dark secret that forces Sydney to confront her past, even as APO races to stop the distribution of a new and terrifying weapon.

Alias #22: Namesakes

by Greg Cox J. J. Abrams

What's in a name? Apparently everything. A killer is targeting women in the Los Angeles area who share a name with Sydney Bristow's former aliases. Sydney wants the case, but she's already hot on the heels of a terrorist armed with a secret formula for a super-explosive. While Sydney and Dixon try to prevent the terrorist from creating a man-made tsunami aimed at the United States, Weiss and Nadia are tasked with catching the Alias Killer. Jack and Vaughn quietly embark on their own investigation into the alias killings and begin to suspect that the murderer may be an ex-coworker resentful of Sydney for shutting down the shadow organization SD-6 years ago. As Sydney struggles to stay focused and stop a ruthless man with mass destruction on his mind, she can't help but wonder, Will APO find the Alias Killer before another one of my unsuspecting namesakes pays the price?

Alias #23: Old Friends

by J. J. Abrams Steven Hanna

A terrorist cell based in China called Dark Cloud has devised a plan to release a deadly poison on entire nations using rocket technology. In true six degrees-of-separation style, Agent Sydney Bristow's friend from graduate school, Keiko Terajima, happens to be the daughter of a prominent Japanese physicist, and Dark Cloud needs his top-secret knowledge to carry out its devious plan. What's more, Keiko's married to Franklin, the son of an old colleague Jack Bristow killed years ago to protect Sydney. When APO learns that Franklin is part of an elite group of agents who marry women to gain access to information, Sydney begins to question his true intentions with Keiko. Tracing the connections leads deeper and deeper into the terrorists' plot -- with Keiko's father and husband at the centre. Suddenly, Sydney finds herself on a mission not only to prevent the poisonous rain from devastating a country, but to save her loved ones as well.

Alias #24: The Ghost

by J. J. Abrams Brian Studler

The Ghost, a legendary figure who has gone by so many aliases his real identity is a mystery, has created a double-edged hallucinogen that is both a blessing to psychiatry and a powerful weapon that can ignite mass hysteria. When the mad scientist is double-crossed by one of his own minions, Agent Sydney Bristow must accompany him to his undercover clinic in Switzerland and help him learn which of his protégés stole the drug and sold it to a chemical weapons dealer. However, this plan doesn't sit well with Jack Bristow, who shares a past with the Ghost. . . . In fact, he thought he killed the man in a Vietnamese jungle years ago. Now Jack must determine if his mind is playing tricks on him, or if their wartime encounter was just another one of the Ghost's twisted psychological experiments. . . .

Alias #25: Mind Games

by Paul Ruditis J. J. Abrams

Agents Sydney Bristow and Marcus Dixon are hot on the trail of a drug lord who has created a mind-control drug so potent that in the wrong hands it could be one of the world's most dangerous bioweapons. Determined to halt production of the substance, the agents go undercover as dealers. Their approach proves to be successful when the drug lord invites them to his estate -- the perfect chance for Sydney to snoop around and find the location of the main lab. But things don't go quite as planned. A government agency interferes with APO's mission; Sydney is forced to ingest a dose of the drug and commanded to turn on her APO counterparts; Dixon is taken hostage; and someone believed to be an ally turns out to be more foe than friend....

Alias #26: A Touch of Death

by Christina F. York J. J. Abrams

A brilliant Alliance geneticist who disappeared years ago walks into a police station in Siberia wearing a hazmat suit and claims to be responsible for the deaths of his wife and three children. But before he can be questioned, he is kidnapped by his former employer, Gai Dong Jing, an ex-Alliance officer who is head of a terrorist network conducting bioweapon research of deadly proportions. With the threat of a worldwide epidemic looming, Sydney and the APO team must locate Jing and decode the toxic scientist's medical diary, which holds the answers to the virus he carries and the fate of the scientist's family. In the meantime, the highly contagious geneticist plans to rid himself of his illness in the most unimaginable way....

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