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Showing 9,851 through 9,875 of 18,312 results

Luna de sal

by Carla Medina

Un libro espectacular con una vasta exposición de los valores humanos, una narración conmovedora que cautivará los corazones de los jóvenes. Avanzar en la tiniebla, descubrir en el mar las revelaciones más profundas, el amor, la ilusión, la tragedia y el inquietante latido de su corazón... De Carla Medina, la autora del bestseller Soñando Despierta e ilustraciones de su hermano Erick Medina. Luna llega a vivir a la playa con su padre para encontrarse a sí misma y reconciliarse con la vida. Su búsqueda no será nada sencilla, en ella las pasiones más intensas serán un oleaje salvaje; amigos y enemigos le darán las lecciones de vida más penetrantes y el amor puro, loco y arrebatado será un barco en la tempestad. Luna de sal es el testimonio intenso de una joven que hace de su reencuentro con el mar la ocasión ideal para ser feliz y trascender; en esta historia, la lealtad, el sacrificio y la valentía elevan sus esencias para enfrentar la amargura y la tragedia, llevarán a nuestra inolvidable mujer a tomar las decisiones más difíciles para crecer espiritualmente y encontrar un sentido a la existencia. Carla Medina cuenta, inspirada en la vida real, la historia de dos personajes entrañables unidos por una historia de amor, odio, traición y descubrimiento personal. El libro desborda imágenes artísticas y llamativas que corona los días de Luna y Áleryk, así como el mundo de intriga que los rodea, sus lugares preferidos, sus miedos y sus grandes valores como personas.

Luna nueva (Saga Crepúsculo #Volumen 2)

by Stephenie Meyer

«Cuando el papel me cortó el dedo, solo salió una gota de sangre del pequeño rasguño. Entonces, todo pasó muy rápido. "¡No!", rugió Edward. Aturdida y desorientada, miré a los ojos enfurecidos de seis vampiros repentinamente hambrientos.» Para Bella Swan hay una cosa más importante que su propia vida: Edward Cullen. Pero enamorarse de un vampiro es más peligroso de lo que Bella podría haber imaginado. Edward ya ha rescatado a Bella de las garras de un diabólico vampiro, pero ahora, a medida que su arriesgada relación amenaza todo lo que es cercano y querido para ellos, se dan cuenta de que quizás sus problemas no hayan hecho nada más que empezar... La «Saga Crepúsculo», en la que se incluyen los títulos Crepúsculo, Luna nueva, Eclipse, Amanecer, La segunda vida de Bree Tanner y la Guía ilustrada oficial, ha vendido ya cerca de 155 millones de copias en todo el mundo y más de 3 millones de ejemplares solo en España.

La luna tras las rejas

by Marina Tena Tena

Su única forma de escapar es ganarse la confianza de su enemigo. Pero a veces la mentira se convierte en verdad... ¿Y qué puede hacer cuando, al mirarle a los ojos, duda de sus propios deseos? Se dice que los licántropos nacidos bajo la luna nueva jamás ganarán una batalla. Que suelen ser débiles, pequeños, frágiles. Sauce conoce bien el mal augurio que ha marcado toda su vida, pero se niega a permitir que ese signo le impida ayudar a los que ama, y por eso, cuando los humanos capturan a su hermano pequeño, no duda en entregarse para mantenerle a salvo. Sin embargo, ellos no la matan: en su lugar la hacen prisionera para amenazar a su tribu. Y aunque Sauce nunca ha sido fuerte, sí es astuta. Sabe que no tiene posibilidades de escapar usando la fuerza bruta, así que se finge mansa para ganarse la confianza del heredero del conde: Mael. Le escucha, le cuenta leyendas de su tribu y su propia historia... hasta que este, poco a poco, empieza a confiar en ella. Pero cuando Mael también se abre a ella, Sauce empieza a sentirse cada vez más confundida. ¿Hasta qué punto está fingiendo y hasta qué punto cuenta los minutos para volver a verle? ¿Por qué se le hacen tan largas las noches sin él? ¿Por qué no se libra del cosquilleo bajo la piel cuando él la roza o se ríe? ¿Se está engañando a sí misma... o siente algo más por él? Y, lo que más le preocupa, ¿y si cuando pueda escapar su corazón le impide hacerlo?

Lunar Court (Alpha Girls #8)

by Aileen Erin

From USA Today Bestselling Author Aileen Erin Chris is the guy Cosette always wanted.Fun. Funny. Lighthearted and sweet. Chris always manages to find beauty and laughter, even when fighting a chapel full of demons. He's exactly what she needs. Except he's a werewolf and she's a member of the Lunar Court — the only fey court that holds sway over the werewolves. Even on his best day, Chris isn't strong enough to last a few hours in the Lunar Court without becoming a slave. No matter how much Cosette's heart wants him, she knows she has to let him go.But when Chris goes missing, Cosette realizes how much she has to lose if the worst happens. Except her mother — the Queen of the Lunar Court — won’t let her go after Chris. Being forced to stay at court is dangerous for Cosette. Assassins keep coming after her, and unless she accepts a mate, it’s only a matter of time before one of them kills her.Cosette is the girl Chris has always dreamed of.Chris sees through the tough facade to the girl exhausted from a lifetime of fighting off assassins and court politics. She needs a true friend, someone who she can be herself around, and craves solitude. The same solitude that Chris craves. But he knows he'll never be enough to survive in her world. So, when Eli — a mysterious archon — requests his help, he figures why not? The guy might be a little shady, but he needs every distraction he can get.But when Eli says that Cosette’s in trouble, Chris is more than ready to play by Eli's rules. At least until Eli takes him to the Court of Gales. Chris knows he’s about to play a very dangerous game. Bargaining with the fey is something only a desperate person would do. But what wouldn’t Chris give up to save Cosette’s life?"These books go by so very quickly, with the pacing making me think I just started reading. I could gobble up a dozen of these novels!” – Carrie Reads a Lot"Aileen Erin: You did a great job as usual and I’m so excited for Invocation and Lunar Court.” - Lenniland Binge the complete Alpha Girls series now!Book 1: Becoming AlphaBook 2: Avoiding AlphaBook 3: Alpha DividedBook 4: BrujaBook 5: Alpha UnleashedBook 6: Shattered PackBook 7: Being AlphaBook 8: Lunar CourtBook 9: Alpha ErasedGet ready for Off Planet, the biggest and boldest adventure yet from the mind of Aileen Erin. It's perfect for fans of Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games, Claudia Gray's Defy the Stars, and Maura Milan's Ignite the Stars!

Lunar New Year Love Story

by Gene Luen Yang

Graphic novel superstars Gene Luen Yang and LeUyen Pham join forces in this heartwarming rom-com about fate, family, and falling in love.She was destined for heartbreak. Then fate handed her love.Val is ready to give up on love. It's led to nothing but secrets and heartbreak, and she's pretty sure she's cursed—no one in her family, for generations, has ever had any luck with love.But then a chance encounter with a pair of cute lion dancers sparks something in Val. Is it real love? Could this be her chance to break the family curse? Or is she destined to live with a broken heart forever?

Lunatic in My Head

by Anjum Hasan

The 1990s. It's raining in Shillong. Eight-year-old Sophie Das has just realised she is adopted, but there is also the baby kicking inside her mother's stomach whom she's dying to meet.


by Deborah Kerbel

2012 Manitoba Young Reader’s Choice Award — Shortlisted 2010 Cybils Award — Shortlisted A Victorian garden, a fishing lure, and a ghost named John Absolutely nothing is going right for Max Green. His parents have just uprooted their family from Vancouver to the bleak suburbs of Toronto, he has no friends, and everybody at his new high school is ignoring him. To make matters worse, he’s in love with an older girl who’s completely out of his league. When Max discovers a local library rumoured to be haunted by ghosts, he’s immediately drawn to it. With the help of some cryptic messages, he begins to piece together the identity of the teenage ghost and the mysterious chain of events that have connected its spirit to the building for more than a century. But just who was John, anyway? Why has he chosen to contact Max? And what does an old fishing lure have to do with solving the mystery?


by Natasha Friend

Natasha Friend is a Judy Blume for today -- clearly evident in this remarkable new novel about a girl whose father is an alcoholic and how she and her family learn to deal with his condition.It's hard to be a 13-year-old girl. But it's even harder when your father's a drunk. It adds an extra layer to everything -- your family's reactions to things, the people you're willing to bring home, the way you see yourself and the world. For Samantha, it's something that's been going on for so long that she's almost used to it. Only, you never get used to it. Especially when it starts to get worse...

Lux: The New Girl #1 (Flyy Girls #1)

by Ashley Woodfolk

Meet the Flyy Girls. The group of girls who seem like they can get away with anything. Veteran author Ashley Woodfolk pens a gorgeous and dynamic series of four Harlem highschoolers, each facing a crossroads of friendship, family, and love.Lux Lawson is on a spree. Ever since her dad left, she's been kicked out of every school that would take her, and this is her last chance: Harlem's Augusta Savage School of the Arts. If this doesn't work, Lux is off to military school, no questions asked. That means no more acting out, no more fights, and definitely no boyfriends. Focus on her photography, and make nice friends. That's the deal. Enter the Flyy Girls, three students who have it all together. The type of girls Lux needs to be friends with to stay out of trouble. And after charming her way into the group, Lux feels she's on the right track. But every group has their secrets, including Lux. And when the past starts catching up with her, can she keep her place as a Flyy Girl? In this searing series opener, Lux takes center stage as she figures out just how hard it can be to start over. With simply stated text and compelling characters, Flyy Girls is a series that's perfect for readers of any level.

Luz: El final ha llegado (Saga Olvidados #Volumen 6)

by Michael Grant

El final ha llegado. La vida en la ERA tiene los días contados. «Una historia emocionante y llena de tensión, narrada con un estilo trepidante que no te deja descansar... Adoro este libro». Stephen King 88 horas, 39 minutos, la cuenta atrás ha comenzado. Nadie sabe qué pasará cuando llegue a cero... De la noche a la mañana, la cúpula se ha vuelta transparente como el cristal. El mundo puede ver el interior. Los habitantes de la ERA pueden ver el exterior. Se acerca el final: la cúpula desaparecerá en cualquier momento. Seguir vivo en la ERA nunca ha sido fácil, pero ahora que rozan la esperanza con la punta de los dedos, la presión es más fuerte que nunca. ¿Conseguirán conservar la vida (y la cordura) en un mundo donde la desesperación es la norma? Mientras la Oscuridad amenaza con devorarlos, los habitantes dela ERA solo pueden contar las horas que les quedan para la liberación. Sin saber que, a veces, la liberación no es lo que te esperas.

Luz de embrujo (Embrujo en el aire #Volumen 2)

by Sara Lis

Llega la segunda entrega de «Embrujo en el aire». La extraordinaria mujer búho de Oscuro embrujo, protagoniza esta vez su intrigante precuela, desvelando en ella el apasionante recorrido que anduvo antes de hallar a su verdadero amor, Dimitri Thompson Ward. Elea, una mujer destinada a convertirse en búho en el ocaso por el atroz hechizo que le propinó una malévola bruja cuando era tan solo una niña, vive en un reputado barrio de Inglaterra rodeada de ampulosas figuras y continuadas fiestas. Utilizará su aventajada posición para lograr reunir suficiente información sobre su anhelada vendetta, y cuando lo haya hecho, no dudará en reemprender su malintencionado periplo. Esta historia es protagonizada por diferentes personajes secundarios que no pasaran para nada desapercibidos, desde un asesino en serie de la época, hasta seres mitológicos y fastuosos vampiros. Sin embargo todos ellos le llevarán a un destino de lo más insospechado, donde deberá escoger entre una vida sin amor, o por lo contrario, amar y morir por él.

Luz de zafiro

by Belén Valverde

Una historia repleta de intriga, romance y extrañas criaturas que desdibujarán la vida de nuestra protagonista. <P><P> Alba es una adolescente de diecisiete años que va al instituto y trabaja en una librería. Un par de años atrás perdió a su madre y ahora se encuentra junto a su padre tratando de superar tan duro golpe. <P><P> Su vida transcurre con aparente normalidad hasta que una tarde cualquiera, un misterioso muchacho de ojos azul zafiro aparece en la tienda en la que ella trabaja. <P><P>A partir de aquel momento la vida de la joven sufrirá un cambio radical junto Damián, el chico misterioso que se convertirá en alguien primordial para seguir adelante. Verá todo su mundo patas arriba y descubrirá todo lo que el destino le tiene preparado. <P><P>Se verá repentinamente inmersa en una trama que jamás pensó que debería afrontar.

La luz entre los mundos

by Laura E Weymouth

Este libro es un debut lírico e hipnotizador para los fans de The Raven Boys y The Magicians. <P><P>La historia narra las aventuras de dos hermanas, unidas por la sangre y el destino, mientras luchan por encontrar su lugar en nuestra tierra después de pasar años gobernando como reinas en un mundo de mitos y magia. Una reina coronada en los bosques es una reina por siempre. <P><P>Este es el lema de Evelyn Hapwell. Hace seis años, Evelyn fue llevada a un reino extraño y hermoso, donde ella gobernó junto a su hermano y hermana durante décadas. Pero los niños Hapwell fueron enviados de regreso a sus antiguas vidas en nuestro propio mundo, y cada día, Evelyn despierta esperando regresar a los bosques. <P><P>A medida se hace cada vez más evidente que no habrá un regreso triunfal a casa, y que ella es en realidad una reina en exilio, Evelyn lucha con conformarse, vivir en este mundo, y cómo construir un reino aquí. <P><P>La política exterior y gobernar un país son bastante simples, pero los muchachos, y el internado y los amigos en una Inglaterra posguerra son totalemnte otro asunto. Su hermana ha desaparecido. Cuatro palabras son todo lo que se necesita para hacer añicos el autoexilio de Len Hapwell en Estados Unidos. <P><P>Tras desistir de la lucha por mantener a Evelyn en la realidad, Len regresa a Londres y se entera que su hermana ha desaparecido. Abrumada con la culpa por haber abandonado a Ev, Len busca respuestas mientras enfrenta las consecuencias de la desaparición de Evelyn. <P><P>Para descubrir la verdad de lo sucedido a su hermana, Len debe enfrentar cuán profundamente perturbada Evelyn estaba realmente, y lo que ella estaba dispuesta a hacer para volver a su querido reino.

Luz estelar: . (Los Gatos Guerreros | La Nueva Profecía #Volumen 4)

by Erin Hunter

Más aventuras, acción e intrigas felinas en Luz estelar, la cuarta entrega de «Los Gatos Guerreros | La Nueva Profecía». Los gatos han llegado finalmente al que será su nuevo hogar, el que sus antepasados habían deseado para ellos. Sin embargo, aún tienen por delante un camino largo y difícil. Los clanes deberán dejar a un lado aquello que los ha unido durante la travesía y emprender la tarea de delimitar nuevos territorios y aprender a detectar los peligros que esconde este entorno desconocido. Y todavía más importante: tendrán que encontrar una manera de sustituir la Piedra Lunar. Así, mientras esperan una señal definitiva del Clan Estelar, algunos gatos empiezan a sospechar que más de un guerrero alberga intenciones malvadas, y que los peligros del bosque no son nada comparados con los que se agazapan en el seno de los propios clanes... «La Nueva Profecía» es la segunda saga de «Los Gatos Guerreros», una serie que se ha traducido ya a 36 idiomas, lleva vendidos más de 30 millones de ejemplares en todo el mundo y ha permanecido durante más de dos años en la lista de grandes éxitos de The New York Times.

Una luz incierta: Saga Mentes Poderosas 3 (Mentes poderosas #Volumen 3)

by Alexandra Bracken

El tercer libro de la trepidante serie Mentes poderosas, para los fans de Divergente y Los juegos del hambre. Ruby ha emergido como una de las líderes de un grupo rebelde dispuesto a acabar con el gobierno corrupto. A pesar de que sigue dolida por las consecuencias de haber utilizado sus poderes con Liam, Ruby formará una incierta alianza con Cole, el hermano mayor de este, con el que comparte un peligroso secreto. Más allá de sus diferencias, a Ruby y a Cole les une una misión: hay miles de chicos como ellos encerrados en los campos. Y su libertad depende de Ruby. Con el destino de toda una generación en sus manos, Ruby sabe que todo pende de un hilo... Cualquier paso en falso podría ser la chispa que destara el caos.

Luz roja, luz verde. El juego del calamar. Una novela no oficial

by Lou Allori

El libro de la serie que arrasa en el mundo entero: EL JUEGO DEL CALAMAR. ¿HASTA DÓNDE LLEGARÍAS POR DINERO? Will procede de una familia con pocos medios, pero tiene la oportunidad de estudiar en la universidad más prestigiosa... y también la más cara. Su madre lo ha sacrificado todo para que estudie en esa escuela, y él encadena un trabajo mal pagado tras otro para poder llegar a fin de mes. Pero sus esfuerzos no son suficientes para continuar durante los cinco cursos de la carrera, y menos cuando le acaban de rechazar una beca que podría haber acabado con sus problemas. En ese preciso momento le ofrecen una oportunidad que le cambiará la vida. Lo único que tiene que hacer es llamar al número que aparece en el dorso de la tarjeta y decir sí a ganar millones. Desesperado, Will decide lanzarse a la aventura, aunque aún no lo sabe todo... y es que esta aventura puede ser mortal. BUENA SUERTE, WILL. ¡EMPIEZA LA PESADILLA! ¡SUMÉRGETE EN ESTA FANFICCIÓN HELADORA Y NO OFICIAL DE LA SERIE-FENÓMENO EL JUEGO DEL CALAMAR!

Lycanthropy and Other Chronic Illnesses: A Novel

by Kristen O'Neal

<P><P>Teen Wolf meets Emergency Contact in this sharply observed, hilarious, and heartwarming debut young adult novel about friendship and the hairy side of chronic illness. <P><P>Priya worked hard to pursue her premed dreams at Stanford, but a diagnosis of chronic Lyme disease during her sophomore year sends her back to her loving but overbearing family in New Jersey—and leaves her wondering if she’ll ever be able to return to the way things were. Thankfully she has her online pen pal, Brigid, and the rest of the members of “oof ouch my bones,” a virtual support group that meets on Discord to crack jokes and vent about their own chronic illnesses. <P><P>When Brigid suddenly goes offline, Priya does something out of character: she steals the family car and drives to Pennsylvania to check on Brigid. Priya isn’t sure what to expect, but it isn’t the horrifying creature that's shut in the basement. With Brigid nowhere to be found, Priya begins to puzzle together an impossible but obvious truth: the creature might be a werewolf—and the werewolf might be Brigid. As Brigid's unique condition worsens, their friendship will be deepened and challenged in unexpected ways, forcing them to reckon with their own ideas of what it means to be normal.

Lying in the Deep

by Diana Urban

A juicy thriller of jealousy, love, and betrayal set on a Semester at Sea-inspired cruise ship, with a diverse cast of delightfully suspicious characters who&’ll leave you guessing with every jaw-dropping twist.After being jilted by her ex-boyfriend and best friend, Jade couldn't be more ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime—11 countries in 4 months, all from the luxurious Campus on Board ship—and to wedge an entire globe between her and the people who broke her heart.But when Jade discovers the backstabbing couple are also setting sail, her obsession with them grows and festers, leading to a shocking murder. And as their friends begin to drop like flies, Jade and her new crush must race to clear her name and find the killer they&’re trapped at sea with….before anyone else winds up in body bags.Perfect for readers of Natalie D. Richards, E. Lockhart, and Karen McManus!

Lying Out Loud: A Companion to The DUFF

by Kody Keplinger

A companion to Kody Keplinger's debut novel, THE DUFF!Sonny Ardmore is an excellent liar. She lies about her dad being in prison. She lies about her mom kicking her out. And she lies about sneaking into her best friend's house every night because she has nowhere else to go. Amy Rush might be the only person Sonny shares everything with -- secrets, clothes, even a nemesis named Ryder Cross. Ryder's the new kid at Hamilton High and everything Sonny and Amy can't stand -- a prep-school snob. But Ryder has a weakness: Amy. So when Ryder emails Amy asking her out, the friends see it as a prank opportunity not to be missed. But without meaning to, Sonny ends up talking to Ryder all night online. And to her horror, she realizes that she might actually like him. Only there's one small catch: He thinks he's been talking to Amy. So Sonny comes up with an elaborate scheme to help Ryder realize that she's the girl he's really wanted all along. Can Sonny lie her way to the truth, or will all her lies end up costing her both Ryder and Amy?

Lying, Truthtelling, and Storytelling in Children’s and Young Adult Literature: Telling It Slant (Children's Literature and Culture)

by Anita Tarr

Even though we instruct our children not to lie, the truth is that lying is a fundamental part of children’s development—socially, cognitively, emotionally, morally. Lying can sometimes be more compassionate than telling the truth, even more ethical. Reading specific children’s books can instruct child readers how to be guided by an etiquette of lying, to know when to tell the truth and when to lie. Equally important, these stories can help prevent them from being prey to those liars who are intent on taking advantage of them. Becoming a critical reader requires that one learn how to lie judiciously as well as to see through others’ lies. When humans first began to speak, we began to lie. When we began to lie, we started telling stories. This is the paradox, that in order to tell truthful stories, we must be good liars. Novels about child-artists showcased here illustrate how the protagonist embraces this paradox, accepting the stigma that a writer is a liar who tells the truth. Emily Dickinson’s phrase “telling it slant” best expresses the vision of how writers for children and young adults negotiate the conundrum of both protecting child readers and teaching them to protect themselves. This volume explores the pervasiveness of lying as well as the necessity for lying in our society; the origins of lying as connected to language acquisition; the realization that storytelling is both lying and truthtelling; and the negotiations child-artists must process in order to grasp the paradox that to become storytellers they must become expert liars and lie-detectors.

The Lying Woods

by Ashley Elston

Owen Foster has never wanted for anything. Then his mother shows up at his elite New Orleans boarding school cradling a bombshell: his privileged life has been funded by stolen money. After using the family business, the single largest employer in his small Louisiana town, to embezzle millions and drain the employees' retirement accounts, Owen's father vanished without a trace, leaving Owen and his mother to deal with the fallout.Owen returns to Lake Cane to finish his senior year, where people he hardly remembers despise him for his father's crimes. It's bad enough dealing with muttered insults and glares, but when Owen and his mother receive increasingly frightening threats from someone out for revenge, he knows he must get to the bottom of what really happened at Louisiana Frac...and the cryptic note his father sent him at his boarding school days before disappearing. Owen's only refuge is the sprawling, isolated pecan orchard he works at after school, owned by a man named Gus who has his own secrets--and in some ways seems to know Owen better than he knows himself. As Owen uncovers a terrible injustice that looms over the same Preacher Woods he's claimed as his own, he must face a shocking truth about his past--and write a better future.

Lyndon B. Johnson (The American Presidents Series)

by Charles Peters Arthur M. Schlesinger

Peters, a keen observer of Washington politics for more than five decades, shares his insider knowledge and experiences to tell the story of Johnson's presidency as the tale of an immensely talented politician driven by ambition and desire.

Lynx (Rodeo Romance #1)

by Connie Vines

With a dangerous reputation for taking chances and tempting fate, rugged cowboy Lynx Maddox had one goal in life—to win the coveted Silver Buckle rodeo championship. But when he sets eyes on lovely Rachel Scott, he becomes determined to capture her as well. Rachel traveled the circuit with her famous rodeo rider dad until his fatal accident in the arena. Now, she wants nothing to do with that world—or the men who risk their lives for one brief moment of glory. But her attraction to Lynx becomes too powerful to deny. . . and his unexpected gentleness too seductive to resist. . .

Mac in the City of Light

by Christopher Ward

Mac’s school trip to Paris turns into an adventure she never imagined. Fourteen-year-old California girl Mackenzie, known as Mac, goes on a school trip to Paris where she meets up with an old musician friend of her dad’s, Rudee Daroo, who now makes a living as a cab driver. Rudee reveals that some of the greatest monuments in Paris are being either destroyed or stolen and that the city is slowly becoming darker.Mac finds herself in league with a crew of crazy cabbies and their friends as she tries to right these wrongs. She encounters sinister, shadowy characters who live in the Paris underground, a philosopher gendarme, a gypsy who can dance people into dream states, and gargoyles come to life. From dodging her school group to a heart-stopping encounter atop Notre Dame Cathedral, Mac needs all the resources she can muster to help Paris remain the "City of Light."

Mac on the Road to Marseille: The Adventures of Mademoiselle Mac

by Christopher Ward

Fifteen-year-old Mackenzie returns to Paris to attend the Christmas Eve wedding of her Dad's old friend, Rudee Daroo, and the love of his life, dancer Sashay D'or. Mac is told about the annual New Year's taxi road rally, this year hosted by the Marseille Marauders, the nastiest lot of drivers you've ever seen. Partnered with hulking cabbie Blag Lebouef, Mac manages to convince her parents that the road rally is more like a carefree drive in the French countryside than the death-defying cutthroat rivalry it's always been. Negotiating brutal weather, cryptic signage, outright sabotage, random flocks of sheep, and zigzagging back roads, Mac and Blag might be the perfect combination of cunning and brute strength. On the road, she makes the startling discovery that the clues the drivers have been given during the rally could lead to the discovery of some valuable missing artwork. Is that worth losing the rally over?

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