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Showing 37,151 through 37,175 of 37,352 results

Writing with Power: Language Composition 21st Century Skills [Grade 10]

by Joyce Senn

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Writing with Power: Language Composition 21st Century Skills [Grade 8]

by Joyce Senn

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Writing with Power: Language Composition 21st Century Skills [Grade 11]

by Joyce Senn

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Writing with Power: Language Composition 21st Century Skills [Grade 12]

by Joyce Senn

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Writing with Power: Language Composition 21st Century Skills [Grade 9]

by Joyce Senn

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Writing with Power (6th Grade)

by Joyce Senn

Language Arts textbook for 6th Grade

Writing With Power, Grade 7

by PLC Editors Staff

Writing With Power has chapters that will answer students questions and lay the foundation for the writing instruction and activities presented in future chapters.

Writing With Power, Grade 9

by Joyce Senn Constance Weaver Peter Smagorinsky

Language Arts Textbook Grade 9

Writing with Purpose 3

by Abeka Books

Sharpen your 3rd graders’ penmanship skill and teach them to write with purpose. This book begins with various “Practical Penmanship” exercises to give students plenty of practice in the writing of words, letters, numbers –all in ¾” spacing lines! In 2nd semester, the focus will shift from using beautiful penmanship to learning to write compositions creatively. From beautiful penmanship to figurative language and poetry, your child will perfect his craft of writing in appearance and content. Teach him to observe the world around him, and then write about it. Different poem forms, alliteration, metaphors, and more are several English tools that your child will be able to recognize and use. Weekly penmanship test and supplementary writing exercises are also included in the back of the book.

Writing Without Formulas

by William H. Thelin

Writing Without Formulas shows students how to write instead of telling them. The first part focuses students on purposes for writing, critical analysis, audience awareness, organization of ideas, and language usage. In Part II, students learn about brainstorming and other activities associated with the writing process, investigate the best strategies for effective reading, see practical approaches to collaboration, and develop strategies for finding and using outside resources.

Writing Words in the Sky (Fountas & Pinnell Classroom, Guided Reading Grade 4)

by Katrina Nelson

Writing "Happy Birthday" may not sound like a big deal … unless you're a skywriter. Skywriters must often dive and loop as they fly, creating surprising messages for us in smoke, way up in the sky. NIMAC-sourced textbook

Writing Workshop, Level A

by Beverly Ann Chin Frederick J. Panzer Phyllis Goldenberg

A publisher-supplied textbook

Writing Workshop, Level B

by Beverly Ann Chin Frederick J. Panzer Phyllis Goldenberg

A publisher-supplied textbook

Writing Workshop, Level C

by Beverly Ann Chin Frederick J. Panzer Phyllis Goldenberg

A publisher-supplied textbook

Writing Workshop, Level D

by Beverly Ann Chin Frederick J. Panzer Phyllis Goldenberg

A publisher-supplied textbook

Writing Workshop, Level E

by Beverly Ann Chin Frederick J. Panzer Phyllis Goldenberg

A publisher-supplied textbook

Writing Workshop, Level F

by Beverly Ann Chin Frederick J. Panzer Phyllis Goldenberg

A publisher-supplied textbook

Writings From Life, Fourth Edition

by Tom Tyner

Writings from Life is a process-oriented writing textbook that helps students continue to grow and improve as writers. Students learn by writing, and the textbook provides a variety of writing assignments that require students to develop and apply different writing and thinking skills as they progress through the book.

Written All Over Your Face: Facial Recognition Technology (Fountas & Pinnell Classroom, Guided Reading)

by Susan Stubbs

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Wyoming Legal Research

by Debora A. Person Tawnya K. Plumb

The second edition of Wyoming Legal Research maintains the same practical research techniques and solid focus on Wyoming resources as the first edition. <p><p>The text, geared towards students and members of the general public with little to no experience in researching legal issues, is also appropriate for practicing attorneys wishing to identify the most effective coverage among specific legal resources. <p><p>This edition updates searching capabilities within the latest platforms of major commercial legal databases Lexis and Westlaw, with added coverage of newer products such as Bloomberg Law and Casemaker. The text includes information regarding access to freely-available primary and secondary legal resources on the internet as well as Wyoming-specific web sites and treatises. It explores the administrative process more deeply and updates Wyoming and federal legislative history features within both commercial and free databases. <p><p>The chapter on citating options, commonly known as Shepardizing, has been rewritten, as has the legal citation chapter which now references the revised editions of The Bluebook and ALWD Citation Manual. Images and examples have been updated throughout. Wyoming Legal Research remains an essential text for learning and practicing legal research in the state.

X Marks the Spot

by Julian Fleisher Kristin Sorra

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Y.O.U. (Your Own Universe)

by The Editors at the Scott Foresman

This book is a collection of non-fiction, poems, stories and essays etc from different authors.

¿Y si todos hicieran lo mismo? (¡Arriba la Lectura! Trade Book #7)

by Ellen Javernick Colleen Madden

NIMAC-sourced textbook

¡Ya podemos seguir! (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Leveled Reader Benchmark K-2, Level E #5)

by Lisa Trumbauer Mike Dammer

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Yahadus Curriculum Book 1

by Living Lessons

Madah and Ahavah Living Lessons' flagship Yahadus curriculum gives a strong overview of the entire Torah over five years (fourth through eighth grade) with the mitzvos as a framework. <P><P> Each year, students learn approximately 120 Mitzvos, and the curriculum adjusts in content, language and design to suit the target age level. <P><P> The Rambam's order of the mitzvos, organized by subject, has been used, with rare exceptions. This logical sequence makes it much easier for children to connect to and retain the information. <P><P> The curriculum starts in fourth grade with the mitzvos of Sefer Madda, and ends with Sefer Shoftim in eighth grade. There is one student textbook for each year. Four volumes are now available, with the fifth and final volume coming soon b'ezras Hashem. The textbooks are sturdy and designed to last for a number of years by the students in each grade. <P><P> A two-part Teacher s Guide, as well as a workbook with activities is available for the students to use. <P><P> While every school is constantly challenged to squeeze in everything they want to teach into their limited time resources - as they should be - this curriculum is a tremendous asset, as it can change the approach of the teachers and students to the entire learning process. <P><P> The curriculum also covers many aspects of any Jewish Studies curriculum, being that it goes through all 613 mitzvos, and thus may free up some of the time needed for them. <P><P> It is designed to use approximately 90 minutes per week. <P><P> The curriculum is built with much flexibility in the time it will use: <P><P> It can be taught either in varying timeframes (1 - 2 longer sessions per week, or 3 - 4 shorter ones.) <P><P> Much of the information is optional and the layout is designed to allow it to easily be included or omitted in classroom instruction based on time allowances. <P><P> It reads easily and is visually attractive enough for students to take home and prepare varying amounts of the text before class. <P><P> Living Lessons is a grass-roots effort to create high-quality Torah learning materials for children. Benefiting from the latest educational methods, and without compromising our rich Mesorah, a group of dedicated individuals have undertaken the monumental task of preparing materials to make Torah engaging, meaningful and exciting to learn and teach. <P><P> The first result of the this effort is the state-of-the-art Yahadus curriculum, designed by a team of Mechanchim and Mechanchos, Rabbonim, researchers, writers, designers, parents, and children. Other exciting projects are underway. Stay tuned for updates!

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