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An Artist in Venice

by Adam Van Doren

For the depiction of Venice by artists, it's a high bar that's been set, but Adam Van Doren, grandson of the Pulitzer-prize-winning poet Mark Van Doren, convincingly confronts the competition in this charming memoir, a verbal and visual account of his love affair with the city. His story is personal; like all other artists, he sees the city with and through his own eyes, but he is also well-informed historically. He laces his tour with information, opinion, and citation. With Van Doren as guide, the reader's tour of the city is rich and convincing, filled with the presence of illustrious predecessors. With an informed preface by the scholar Theodore Rabb and a charming foreword by Simon Winchester, with 23 full-color drawings by the author/artist, and even six pages of commendably lucid notes on the personalities and structures discussed, this is a book that will proudly take its place alongside the many others that have celebrated this city for centuries.

Artistic Responses to Travel in the Western Tradition (Routledge Research in Art History)

by Sarah J. Lippert

In an era when ease of travel is greater than ever, it is also easy to overlook the degree to which voyages of the body – and mind – have generated an outpouring of artistry and creativity throughout the ages. Exploration of new lands and sensations is a fundamental human experience. This volume in turn provides a stimulating and adventurous exploration of the theme of travel from an art-historical perspective. Topical regions are covered ranging from the Grand Tour and colonialism to the travels of Hadrian in ancient times and Georgia O’Keeffe’s journey to the Andes; from Vasari’s Neoplatonic voyages to photographing nineteenth-century Japan. The scholars assembled consider both imaginary travel, as well as factual or embellished documentation of voyages. The essays are far-reaching spatially and temporally, but all relate to how art has documented the theme of travel in varying media across time and as illustrated and described by writers, artists, and illustrators. The scope of this volume is far-reaching both chronologically and conceptually, thereby appropriately documenting the universality of the theme to human experience.

An Artist's Journey to Bali

by Betty Reynolds

Written and illustrated by renowned artist Betty Reynolds, An Artist's Journey to Bali is a cultural exploration into the mysterious Indonesian island of Bali. In this beautifully illustrated artist's sketchbook, the author shares her good fortune of meeting many Balinese who allowed her to witness important aspects of their lives and culture, and to participate in the religious rituals that mark their passage through the major stages of life.

An Artist's Journey to Bali

by Betty Reynolds

Written and illustrated by renowned artist Betty Reynolds, An Artist's Journey to Bali is a cultural exploration into the mysterious Indonesian island of Bali. In this beautifully illustrated artist's sketchbook, the author shares her good fortune of meeting many Balinese who allowed her to witness important aspects of their lives and culture, and to participate in the religious rituals that mark their passage through the major stages of life.

An Artist's Journey to Bali

by Betty Reynolds

An Artist's Journey to Bali is much more than your usual tourist guide to the beautiful and mysterious Indonesian island of Bali. Written and illustrated by renowned artist Betty Reynolds, this book contains the author's Balinese watercolor art depicting the wonderful island whose inhabitants are known to adhere to daily rituals that, although unfamiliar to foreigners, give the island and its people a distinct aura of mystery and magic.In this beautifully illustrated artist's sketchbook, the author shares her good fortune of meeting many Balinese who allowed her to witness important aspects of their lives and culture, and to participate in the religious rituals that mark their passage through the major stages of life.If Bali travel is in your future, this is a great book to have. It takes you right into the Balinese culture, exploring the art of Bali, unveiling the traditions and spirituality in that part of the world. Take a rare journey to a beautiful place, as Betty invites you to experience it with an artist Journey to Bali.

The Arts and Events (Routledge Advances in Event Research Series)

by Lee Jolliffe Hilary Du Cros

Cultural heritage and contemporary arts benefit from being showcased in events. Arts-related events are each unique in reflecting local culture; they may be therefore spontaneous (street art and so on) or planned (i.e. studio tours or arts festivals). The Arts and Events explores the nature and complexity of managing arts events and fills a significant gap in the available literature. It investigates the history, development and management of arts events to offer much needed insight into creating economic, social and cultural capital. It therefore contributes to a greater understanding of how arts events can create a beneficial experience for the individual and the community as well as their future sustainable development. The title explores a broad range of events from around the globe including: inspirational events for building creative (social, cultural and human) capital; affirming events for encouraging links to cultural identity or heritage; pleasurable events that offer enjoyable recreational, leisure and touristic experiences; enriching events that create opportunities for personal growth and/or to sell products or experiences, and finally, celebratory events that enhance cultural diversity. This significant volume is a valuable source for researchers, policy-makers and managers of arts events around the globe.

Arts, Entertainment and Tourism

by Howard Hughes

'Arts, Entertainment and Tourism' is a pioneering text that, by focusing on the consumer, investigates the relationship between these 3 industries and how this relationship can be developed to its best competitive advantage. Issue-led, this text draws on appropriate disciplines rather than using one single approach, to examine issues in arts and entertainment within the framework of cultural tourism.Written to meet the needs of students studying on management courses in the arts, tourism and leisure, 'Arts, Entertainment and Tourism':* Describes the general arts and tourism background* Identifies a framework for analysis that acknowledges differing levels of interest in the arts and entertainment* Discusses the arts and entertainment that feature (past and present) in tourism * Examines the reasons why the arts, entertainment and tourism have an interest in each other and how they go about developing the relationship* Examines the relationship: are there tourists in audiences and do the arts and entertainment attract tourists to a destination?* Evaluates the wider effects (good and bad) on both the arts and tourism* Discusses the direction of future developments by arts and tourism organizations and for future research

As Aventuras de Tamarita Rachel

by Fabiana Rodrigues Castelo Branco Andrea Gardiner

Tamarita Rachel mora com sua irmãzinha Emily, sua Mamãe e seu Papai no meio das bananeiras no Equador. Junte-se a ela em suas aventuras; descobrindo ovos de iguanas, visitano índios, ajudando garotinhos a irem à escola, nas tarefas domésticas, a preparar refeições e hábitos em um páis diferente.Não há monotonia nestas estórias reais particularmente adequadas para crianças de 4 a 8 anos. Elas aprenderão sobre a vida em um país diferente, e como a filantropia pode ajudar as pessoas carentes.Leia esta estórias mágicas em voz alta em casa, na escola na escola dominical e divirtam-se juntos.

As Good As It Got: The 1944 St. Louis Browns (Images of Baseball)

by David Alan Heller

World War II threatened to ruin Major League Baseball. By 1945, over 500 major leaguers and 3,000 minor league prospects had been enlisted for the war effort, leaving a dearth of talent for the Big Leagues. The St. Louis Browns, like other AL and NL clubs, would be forced to fill holes in their roster with scrubs-4-F players (those dismissed from the military due to physical ailments), retired major leaguers, and youngsters not yet ready to leave the minors. But there were still some top level players to be had, and 1944 Browns manager Luke Sewell assembled the franchise's most successful team ever, taking the St. Louis ball club to its first and only Fall Classic.

As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning: A Memoir (The Autobiographical Trilogy #2)

by Laurie Lee

The second volume in Laurie Lee's acclaimed autobiographical trilogy, an unforgettable glimpse of Spain on the eve of its civil war On a bright Sunday morning in June 1934, Laurie Lee left the village home so lovingly portrayed in his bestselling memoir, Cider with Rosie. His plan was to walk the hundred miles from Slad to London, with a detour of an extra hundred miles to see the sea for the first time. He was nineteen years old and brought with him only what he could carry on his back: a tent, a change of clothes, his violin, a tin of biscuits, and some cheese. He spent the first night in a ditch, wide awake and soaking wet.From those unlikely beginnings, Laurie Lee fashioned not just the adventure of a lifetime, but one of the finest travel narratives of the twentieth century. As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning, written more than thirty years after the events it describes, is an elegant and irresistibly charming portrait of life on the road--first in England, where the familiar landscapes and people somehow made Lee feel far from home, and then in Spain, whose utter foreignness afforded a new kind of comfort.In that brief period of peace, a young man was free to go wherever he wanted to in Europe. Lee picked Spain because he knew enough Spanish to ask for a glass of water. What he did not know, and what would become clear only after a year spent tramping across the beautiful and rugged countryside--from the Galician port city of Vigo, over the Sierra de Guadarrama and into Madrid, and along the Costa del Sol--was that the Spanish Republic would soon need idealistic young men like Lee as badly as he needed it.

As I Was Saying . . .: The World According to Clarkson Volume 6 (The World According to Clarkson)

by Jeremy Clarkson

As I Was Saying... is the seventh book in Jeremy Clarkson's best-selling The World According to Clarkson series.***Crikey, the world according to Clarkson's been a funny old place of late . . .For a while, Jeremy could be found in his normal position as the tallest man on British television but, more recently, he appears to have been usurped by a pretend elephant.But on paper the real Jeremy remains at the helm. That's as it should be. For nearly thirty years he has been fearlessly leading the charge as one the best comic writers in the country. And in 2015, he shows no sign of slowing down. So, whether it's pondering If Jesus might have been better off being born in New Zealand Why reflexive pronoun abuse is the worst thing in the world How Pam Ayres's head trumps Gordon Gecko's underpants Or what a television presenter with time on his hands gets up toJeremy is still trying to make sense of all the big stuff.Circumstances change. Nothing's forever. But As I Was Saying provides glorious proof that Jeremy remains as funny, puzzled, excitable, outspoken, insightful and thought-provoking as ever. As if you ever doubted it . . .***Praise for Clarkson: 'Brilliant... laugh-out-loud' Daily Telegraph 'Outrageously funny... will have you in stitches' Time Out 'Very funny . . . I cracked up laughing on the tube' Evening Standard

As the Romans Do: The Delights, Dramas, And Daily Diversio

by Alan Epstein

A celebration of the character and style of one of the world's most spectacular cities! This vibrant insider's view of the most mature city on earth is the perfect companion for anyone who loves anything Italian. In 1995, after a twenty-year love affair with Italy, Alan Epstein fulfilled his dream to live in Rome. In As the Romans Do, he celebrates the spirit of this stylish, dramatic, ancient city that formed the hub of a far-flung empire and introduced the Mediterranean culture to the rest of the world. He also reveals today's Roman men and women in all their appealing contradictions: their gregarious caffe culture; inborn artistic flair; passionate appreciation of good food; instinctive mistrust of technology; showy sex appeal; ingrained charm and expressiveness; surprisingly unusual attitudes toward marriage and religion; and much, much more.

As Verdes Colinas de Africa [Green Hills of Africa]

by Ernest Hemingway

As Verdes Colinas de África divide-se em quatro partes: "caça e conversa", "caça recordada", "caça e derrota", e "caça e felicidade". A história que se conta nestes quatro segmentos é a de três caçadas com êxito ao leão, ao búfalo e ao rinoceronte, e a de uma longa caçada, apenas em parte bem sucedida, ao antílope. Para quem pensa que Hemingway era uma pessoa incapaz de auto-crítica, o livro será uma revelação. Hemingway, o escritor, escrutina aqui as complexas motivações de Hemingway, a personagem, e não hesita em criticar este último por quase ter estragado todo o prazer de uma aventura excepcional, com o seu desejo infantil de provar que é melhor caçador do que o seu amigo Karl. Os leitores a quem a história de uma caçada em África não interessa de forma muito especial têm de qualquer maneira boas razões para ler As Verdes Colinas de África. Muito em particular por causa do segmento "caça e conversa", onde Hemingway analisa, com uma candura e uma profundidade fora do comum, a sua vida de escritor.

As viagens da mudança de século: Viagem a Itália

by Mario Espinosa

Cinco relatos de viagens contados com muito humor e ironia. Cinco crónicas de uma época em que os viajantes não transportavam uma câmara digital com memória suficiente para milhares de fotografias, nem um telemóvel com uma infinidade de funções capazes de resolver qualquer imprevisto. O leitor mergulhará numa viagem iniciática, com passagens que são pura aventura, e recordará um evento histórico sem precedentes que ocorreu paralelamente àqueles périplos. Todos esses episódios tiveram lugar enquanto deixávamos o século XX e começávamos a vivenciar uma mudança radical em direção a um uso da tecnologia tão extremo que mudou a nossa forma de viajar. Enquanto íamos chegando esse ponto, continuávamos a olhar para o mapa, não usávamos o GPS e procurávamos uma cabine telefónica para telefonar para casa. Atreve-te a reviver todas estas sensações através destes relatos; afinal de contas, “viajar é o dinheiro melhor investido”, certo?

As Viagens da Mudança do Século - Viagem a Portugal

by Mario Espinosa

Cinco relatos de viagens contados com muito humor e ironia. Cinco crônicas de um tempo no qual os viajantes não carregavam uma câmera digital com memória para milhares de fotos; nem um telefone móvel com uma infinidade de funções, capazes de resolver qualquer imprevisto. O leitor será submerso em uma viagem inicial, em passagens que são pura aventura e se recordará de um feito histórico sem precedentes, acontecido ao mesmo tempo que um desses périplos. Todos esses episódios aconteceram na passagem do século XX, quando começávamos a viver uma mudança radical em rumo de um uso de tecnologia tão extremo que modificou a forma de viajar. Enquanto chegávamos a esse ponto, continuávamos observando um mapa, não usávamos o GPS e buscávamos uma cabine telefónica para ligar para casa. Se atreva a reviver todas aquelas sensações com esses relatos, de cabo a rabo, “viajar é o dinheiro melhor investido”, não é mesmo?

As Viagens da Mudança do Século - VIAGEM AO EGITO

by Mario Espinosa

Cinco relatos de viagens contados com muito humor e ironia. Cinco crônicas de um tempo no qual os viajantes não carregavam uma câmera digital com memória para milhares de fotos; nem um telefone móvel com uma infinidade de funções, capazes de resolver qualquer imprevisto. O leitor será submerso em uma viagem inicial, em passagens que são pura aventura e se recordará de um feito histórico sem precedentes, acontecido ao mesmo tempo que um desses périplos. Todos esses episódios aconteceram na passagem do século XX, quando começávamos a viver uma mudança radical em rumo de um uso de tecnologia tão extremo que modificou a forma de viajar. Enquanto chegávamos a esse ponto, continuávamos observando um mapa, não usávamos o GPS e buscávamos uma cabine telefónica para ligar para casa. Se atreva a reviver todas aquelas sensações com esses relatos, de cabo a rabo, “viajar é o dinheiro melhor investido”, não é mesmo?

Asbury Park Revisited (Postcard History)

by Lisa Lamb

When New York brush manufacturer James Bradley founded Asbury Park in the late 1800s, he could hardly have imagined the course his seaside resort would take. Named for Methodist Episcopal bishop Francis Asbury, it was originally a Christian resort awash in Victorian architecture. Throughout the first half of the 20th century, Asbury Park's beach, boardwalk, restaurants, theaters, hotels, and amusements attracted thousands of vacationers every year. Later, the town gained a reputation as a gritty music mecca, known for the clubs where Bruce Springsteen got his start. All along, Asbury Park has had a unique ability to draw people to it, evidenced by the thousands of postcards sent home from the town each year.

Ascent of Everest: Special Sales

by John Hunt

'This is the story of how, on 29 May, 1953, two men, both endowed with outstanding stamina and skill, reached the top of Everest and came back unscathed to rejoin their comrades. 'Yet this will not be the whole story, for the ascent of Everest was not the work of one day, nor even of those few anxious, unforgettable weeks in which we prepared and climbed this summer. It is, in fact, a tale of sustained and tenacious endeavour by many, over a long period of time... We of the 1953 Everest Expedition are proud to share the glory with our predecessors.'Sir John Hunt

Ashby (Images of America)

by Ashby Historical Society

Ashby is located in the hills of central Massachusetts, along the New Hampshire border. The town was incorporated in 1767, initially growing as an agricultural community before water-powered mills emerged along its streams. In 1840, the population began 50 years of decline as people sought more profitable work in larger cities and free land in the western United States. Perhaps due to this decline, the center of town is preserved much as it was in 1840, boasting all its original buildings still in place. Ashby saw a century of renewed growth starting in 1880, when Bostonians arrived during the summer to escape the heat and unhealthy city air. A number of businesses, including inns and tearooms, catered to these wealthy visitors. With the arrival of the automobile, residents gained access to jobs in the surrounding mill towns. It was during this time that the last of Ashby's many mills closed, the first public library was built, and one-room classrooms were combined to become a central town school. Today, one can still stand on the town common in front of the 1809 meetinghouse and look over an area that has undergone little change in the past 170 years.


by Sergios Gakas

When Sonia Verika, a former actress who takes solace in alcohol and isolation, is pulled from the fire, her body is burned almost beyond recognition. The house she shared with a retired director and a small family of African refugees is entirely destroyed, and she is the only survivor. For her ex-lovers, Police Inspector Chronis Halkidis and Simeon Piertzovanis, a failed lawyer and the landlord of the gutted property, her fate is a heavy reckoning. Reflection gives way to guilt, and then to a fanatical desire to uncover the truth behind the blaze and hold those responsible to account - by any means necessary. But with corruption rife throughout the force, Chronis soon finds his investigation shackled from within. Fuelled by their need for revenge, and by their twin addictions to alcohol and cocaine, Simeon and Chronis must resort increasingly to violence if they are to unmask a conspiracy that unites church and state against the interests of justice. A classic noir thriller, Ashes is unflinching in its examination of the violence and extortion bred by corruption, but at the same time tender in its treatment of human weaknesses, of guilt, addiction and regret.


by Sergios Gakas

When Sonia Verika, a former actress who takes solace in alcohol and isolation, is pulled from the fire, her body is burned almost beyond recognition. The house she shared with a retired director and a small family of African refugees is entirely destroyed, and she is the only survivor. For her ex-lovers, Police Inspector Chronis Halkidis and Simeon Piertzovanis, a failed lawyer and the landlord of the gutted property, her fate is a heavy reckoning. Reflection gives way to guilt, and then to a fanatical desire to uncover the truth behind the blaze and hold those responsible to account - by any means necessary. But with corruption rife throughout the force, Chronis soon finds his investigation shackled from within. Fuelled by their need for revenge, and by their twin addictions to alcohol and cocaine, Simeon and Chronis must resort increasingly to violence if they are to unmask a conspiracy that unites church and state against the interests of justice. A classic noir thriller, Ashes is unflinching in its examination of the violence and extortion bred by corruption, but at the same time tender in its treatment of human weaknesses, of guilt, addiction and regret.

The Ashes: ultimate cricket rivalry

by Graeme Swann

Graeme Swann leads us on a compelling adventure through one of world sport's most engrossing rivalries. He knows as much as anybody about the heat of England v Australia battles, having played in three series wins and also the whitewash defeat of 2013-14 when its intensity ended his international career. However, it brought out some of his best displays in Test cricket. But he is just one of dozens of colourful characters to have added their chapters to this great tome. The mock obituary of English cricket in the Sporting Times of 1882 was the forerunner of summers and winters of heaven and hell, depending on which side of the divide you were situated. When it comes to on-field relations nothing quite compares to the over-my-dead-body feel of the Ashes.From Grace to Sir Don, the most graceful of them all. From the foulest play to the fairest - contrast the 1932-33 Bodyline series affair to the image of Andrew Flintoff hunched over a distraught Brett Lee in 2005. From Ray Illingworth's famous walk-off in the Seventies, when an England team-mate was assaulted by a spectator, to Steve Waugh's hugely emotional lap of honour when he retired a quarter of a century later. Swann's book will reveal the magic of a series that first gripped him in his front room in Northampton as an aspiring spin bowler in the mid-1980s.

The Ashes: England vs. Australia: ultimate cricket rivalry

by Graeme Swann

Graeme Swann leads us on a compelling adventure through one of world sport's most engrossing rivalries. He knows as much as anybody about the heat of England v Australia battles, having played in three series wins and also the whitewash defeat of 2013-14 when its intensity ended his international career. However, it brought out some of his best displays in Test cricket. But he is just one of dozens of colourful characters to have added their chapters to this great tome. The mock obituary of English cricket in the Sporting Times of 1882 was the forerunner of summers and winters of heaven and hell, depending on which side of the divide you were situated. When it comes to on-field relations nothing quite compares to the over-my-dead-body feel of the Ashes.From Grace to Sir Don, the most graceful of them all. From the foulest play to the fairest - contrast the 1932-33 Bodyline series affair to the image of Andrew Flintoff hunched over a distraught Brett Lee in 2005. From Ray Illingworth's famous walk-off in the Seventies, when an England team-mate was assaulted by a spectator, to Steve Waugh's hugely emotional lap of honour when he retired a quarter of a century later. Swann's book will reveal the magic of a series that first gripped him in his front room in Northampton as an aspiring spin bowler in the mid-1980s.

The Ashes: England vs. Australia: ultimate cricket rivalry

by Graeme Swann

Shortlisted for Cricket Book of the Year at the British Sports Book AwardsGraeme Swann leads us on a compelling adventure through one of world sport's most engrossing rivalries. He knows as much as anybody about the heat of England v Australia battles, having played in three series wins and also the whitewash defeat of 2013-14 when its intensity ended his international career. However, it brought out some of his best displays in Test cricket. But he is just one of dozens of colourful characters to have added their chapters to this great tome. The mock obituary of English cricket in the Sporting Times of 1882 was the forerunner of summers and winters of heaven and hell, depending on which side of the divide you were situated. When it comes to on-field relations nothing quite compares to the over-my-dead-body feel of the Ashes.From Grace to Sir Don, the most graceful of them all. From the foulest play to the fairest - contrast the 1932-33 Bodyline series affair to the image of Andrew Flintoff hunched over a distraught Brett Lee in 2005. From Ray Illingworth's famous walk-off in the Seventies, when an England team-mate was assaulted by a spectator, to Steve Waugh's hugely emotional lap of honour when he retired a quarter of a century later. Swann's book will reveal the magic of a series that first gripped him in his front room in Northampton as an aspiring spin bowler in the mid-1980s.

Asheville's Albemarle Park

by Robert O. Sauer Stacy A. Merten

Albemarle Park was envisioned as a picturesque mountainside resort in north Asheville. It was a great success due to the collaborative efforts of railroad executive William Greene Raoul and his son Thomas; Bradford Gilbert, architect of New York City's first skyscraper; and Samuel Parsons Jr., landscape architect for the City of New York. The Manor and its surrounding cottages served as an alternative to standard late-19th-century Asheville hotels and boardinghouses. Dances, plays, bowling, archery, golf, motoring, and equestrian events were available for guests to enjoy, and meals were sourced from The Manor's own farm. Notable guests of The Manor included Eleanor Roosevelt and Grace Kelly. It was also a film set for The Last of the Mohicans. Consisting of enchanting architecture and romantic landscaping, Albemarle Park was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1977 and as a local historic district in 1989. Through family archives, private collections, and ephemera, Asheville's Albemarle Park showcases the history of this significant Asheville neighborhood.

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