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A cien millas de Manhattan

by Guillermo Fesser

Apenas cien millas para contemplar una América distinta y sorprendente llena de héroes anónimos. A cien millas de Manhattan John Raucci toma aire, aprieta los cordones de sus zapatillas y se dispone para la carrera sin saber que no será ésta la más dura de su vida. A cien millas de Manhattan Steve Mosto, músico de vocación, se prepara para adentrarse como cada mañana desde hace más de veinte años en los dominios del vapor, en el subsuelo de la Gran Manzana. A cien millas de Manhattan el paso de las estaciones acompaña la pesca del salmón, el rumiar de los bisontes en las inmensas praderas, la voz poderosa de los osos, las barbacoas al aire libre, las calabazas de Halloween. El olor de la madera y la melodía del hacha sobre el tronco del arce centenario intensifican el ritual de la recogida del sirope. A cien millas de Manhattan permanece aún el recuerdo de miles de esclavos que siglos atrás aprovecharon el silencio de la noche para lanzarse a una odisea en busca de la libertad. Apenas cien millas para contemplar una América distinta y sorprendente llena de héroes anónimos. Guillermo Fesser describe con maestría, rigor y un finísimo ritmo literario el entramado humano que sostiene uno de los países más poderosos del planeta y nos hace llegar los aromas, los colores y los sabores más personales de una tierra abrumadora y bella que por encima de los tópicos se alza como un territorio encantador y pleno de rituales que nos muestra su cara más auténtica.

A la vuelta: Dos hermanos por el mundo

by Germán Kronfeld Nicolás Kronfeld

«¿Cómo llegamos tan lejos?», se preguntan los hermanos Kronfeld. Y ensayan las respuestas en este libro que revive los 1117 días de su singular viaje por el mundo. <P><P> Con sus mochilas en las espaldas y la convicción de que las mejores experiencias están en los caminos extraordinarios, los Kronfeld lograron adentrarse en moto en el desierto de Mongolia y ser huéspedes de los nómades que lo habitan, recibir aplausos del público como estatuas vivientes en las calles de Australia, conseguir trabajo y alojamiento en el hermético y prohibitivo Japón, convivir con musulmanes en Malasia, cocinar con una anfitriona rusa sin necesidad de hablar, escuchar a sobrevivientes de múltiples guerras, encontrarse con paisajes de extrema belleza y con situaciones de franco horror. <P><P>Nicolás y Germán recorrieron miles de kilómetros a dedo y a pie, en trenes de última generación y de antiguo hacinamiento, en ómnibus destartalados, en aviones baratos, en autos lujosos y en los medios de transporte más folclóricos que se puedan imaginar. Siempre viajaron conectando con la gente local o intentando hacerlo, y siempre acompañados de manera virtual por personas de todo el mundo a través de sus redes sociales. <P><P>Su viaje, su forma de vivirlo, sus reflexiones y sus experiencias únicas llevan al lector de la mano tan lejos como estuvieron ellos. Es imposible quedar indiferente. Y es casi imposible que no den ganas de armar la mochila, desenchufar la heladera, cerrar con llave la puerta y salir al mundo para obtener respuestas propias a la pregunta «¿Cómo llegamos tan lejos?».

A-Rod: The Many Lives of Alex Rodriguez

by Selena Roberts

“Diligent, detailed, and overpowering. This is not a book of conjecture: It’s one of bootstrap journalism.” —New York magazineThe New York Times calls sports journalist Selena Roberts’s blistering biography, A-Rod: The Many Lives of Alex Rodriguez, “Important…devastating…merciless.” A columnist for Sports Illustrated, Roberts pulls no punches in her tough and brilliant New York Times bestseller, an exploration of the multi-million-dollar Yankees slugger’s checkered life and career. A-Rod is an eye-opening, unputdownable look at one of the greatest—and most flawed—players in today’s game.

The A-Z of Eating Out

by Joseph Connolly

"Plenty to savour--this modern overview covers everything from Escoffier to greasy spoons, dress codes to liquid lunches." --GQ (UK) This wonderfully lighthearted, humorous, and anecdotal guide to all aspects of eating out offers a wealth of guidelines, suggestions, top tips, cautions, advice, and insider knowledge. Organized into 146 A-Z entries, each of which is followed by a handy list of related topics, the book is not a restaurant guide but rather a shrewd and in-depth exploration of every facet of eating out - some more familiar than others.

The A303: Highway to the Sun

by Tom Fort

'A nostalgic experience, informative, humorous, charming, but pervaded by the bitter-sweet scent of regret' Daily MailThe A303 is more than a road. It is a story. One of the essential routes of English motoring and the road of choice to the West Country for thousands of holidaymakers, the A303 recalls a time when the journey was an adventure and not simply about getting there. Tom Fort gives voice to the stories this road has to tell, from the bluestones of Stonehenge to Roman roads and drovers paths, to turnpike tollhouses, mad vicars, wicked Earls and solstice seekers, the history, geography and culture of this road tells a story of an English way of life. 'Fort has an eye for the quirky, the absurd, the pompous and a style that, like the road, is always on the move' Sunday Telegraph'A lovely book...At last someone has celebrated the romance of the British road' Guardian

The A303

by Tom Fort

Some roads take us from A to B. Others take us on a journey. Others tell a story. The A303 is a one of the essential routes of English motoring. It is a byword for traffic-jam misery; yet at the same time it holds out a promise: to take the traveller west, to a world of entrancement and escape. In the A303, Highway to the Sun, Tom Fort takes a journey back thousands of years across an ever-changing English landscape. He meditates on the road's ancient origins, when bluestones were conveyed along its route to build Stonehenge, and on the Roman roads and drovers' paths that lie beneath it. He explores the rich and diverse terrain around it, the wide spaces of Salisbury Plain, the steep valleys of Somerset, the streams it crosses, the ancient woods that look down on it. And he gives voice to the stories that the road has to tell: of solstice seekers and Stonehenge; of Queen Guinevere and Sir Launcelot; of army camps and Druid rites; stagecoaches and motorcars; transport visionaries and batty clergymen; truckers' tea stops, and ancient inns; battles, festivals, punch-ups; of churches, farms and burial mounds. Digging in dark corners, peering into dusty corners. exploring long-forgotten byways and poring over ancient maps, Tom Fort has created a story of exploration, and of social and cultural history, as alive to the England of 3000 BC as the England of 2012 AD. Tom Fort was educated at Eton and Balliol College, Oxford. In 1978 he joined the BBC in London where he worked in the BBC Radio newsroom for 22 years. He lives in South Oxfordshire with his wife and two of his children and has been travelling up and down the A303 for over five decades.

The AA British Road Map Puzzle Book: These highly-addictive brain games will make you a mapping mastermind

by Helen Brocklehurst

No need to miss the open road whilst you're in lockdown - dive into these highly addictive map-based brain games whist you stay home, now available in ebook.Uncover the history of Britain's roads and work your way around its highways, byways, bypasses and backwaters in these map-based challenges.Test your word-puzzling skills, map-reading savvy, general knowledge and problem-solving prowess, with over 400 mind-stretching questions. Guaranteed to drive your mind round the bend, this is the ultimate quiz to British places for motorists and map addicts.From producing the first road signs and handwriting route directions, to its bestselling atlases and touring guides, The AA has been helping motorists navigate British roads since 1905 - and no one knows Britain's roads better.And whilst you #StayHome, don't miss these other great titles from Sphere Books: ** Distract Yourself: 101 Positive Things to Do and Learn Whilst You Stay Home **** The Bumper Book of Would You Rather? Over 350 hilarious hypothetical questions for ages 6 to 106 **** Home Sweet Home: The Little Book of Natural Cleaning **** Shelf Respect: A Book Lovers' Guide to Curating Your Book Shelves at Home **

Aama in America: A Pilgrimage of the Heart

by Broughton Coburn

Vishnu Maya, called Aama (Mother) by everyone in her tiny Nepalese village, was living high in the Himalayas when she befriended American Peace Corps worker Broughton Coburn in 1974. In 1988, Aama came to visit him--on a trip prescribed by village priests as a way for the eighty-four-year-old, four-foot-eight woman to earn merit by making a difficult journey late in life. Aama in America is a vivid chronicle of what became a twenty-five-state, coast-to-coast adventure. Guided by the perpetual curiosity and deeply spiritual orientation of their ingenious, unpredictable travel companion, Coburn and his fiancée gradually began to view their country from an entirely new perspective. "Beneath the uniform, commercial, man-made epidermis of our country," Coburn writes, "Aama found a culture and landscape that was alive and sacred, and she steered us toward it."Aama in America is on one level an offbeat American travelogue. But on another it is a profound exploration of beliefs, values, and lost spirituality, a rediscovery of the spiritual that lies beneath the surface of America, and a singular account of the meeting of two widely divergent cultures.

The Abalone King of Monterey: Pop Ernest Doelter, Pioneering Japanese Fishermen And The Culinary Classic That Saved An Industry (American Palate)

by Tim Thomas

In 1908, "Pop" Ernest Doelter was crowned the Abalone King. In the kitchen of his Alvarado Street restaurant in Monterey, California, Pop transformed rubbery gastropods into an epicurean delight. Working with red abalone collected by Monterey's community of Japanese divers, Pop dipped the foot in egg wash, added a secret ingredient, rolled it in cracker crumbs and cooked it quickly in olive oil. Tourists and celebrities alike sat down at Pop's table to enjoy his famous recipe, and eventually, he shipped steaks on ice to hotels and restaurants throughout the state. Pull up a chair as historian Tim Thomas recounts the story of an innovative restaurateur and a group of pioneering fishermen who turned underappreciated mollusks into the talk of the 1915 San Francisco World's Fair.

Abbey's Road

by Edward Abbe

Abbey's explorations include the territory of the Rio Grande in Texas, Canyonlands National Park and Lake Powell in Utah. He takes readers to such varied places as Scotland, the interior of Australia, the Sierra Madre, and Isla de la Sombra in Mexico.

The Abernathy Boys

by L. J. Hunt

Meet Bud Abernathy, age nine, and his brother, Temp, age five: two cowboys determined to see the Old West. The boys are headed for the Goodnight Ranch, where their daddy once was known as "Catch'em Alive" Jack for his ability to catch live wolves with his bare hands. To get to Goodnight, the brothers and their horses, Sam and Geronimo, will have to cross the caprock, a vast desert that is the loneliest place on earth. They're determined to do it -- and to do it alone. Some would say that the story of the boys' journey is a mighty tall tale. But it's entirely true.

Abingdon (Images of Modern America)

by Donna Gayle Akers

Abingdon, first named Wolf Hills by Daniel Boone, was one of the earliest towns and commercial centers in southwestern Virginia. Named after Martha Washington's ancestral parish in England, this unique town has weathered many economic changes and has emerged as a leading cultural and arts center for the area. Author and native Donna Gayle Akers has extensively researched and published three other books about the area's history. Using images from collectors and area historical groups, she shows Abingdon's past and the excellent preservation of its built environment.

Abingdon, Virginia

by Donna Akers Warmuth

The charming town of Abingdon is nestled in southwestern Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains and situated along the Holston River. Originally known as Wolf Hills-a name bestowed upon the town by Daniel Boone-Abingdon was renamed in honor of Martha Washington's home in England. The town today enjoys a rich and varied palate suitable for residents and tourists, young and old alike. Images of America: Abingdon, Virginia celebrates the town's singular heritage by offering readers a rare find of almost 200 photographs, showcasing many well-known town entities, personalities, and businesses from the past century. These images portray such structures as the Stonewall Jackson Female Institute, the Abingdon Academy, the Belmont Hotel, and the Martha Washington Inn, as well as the Barter Theater, unique in its exchange of food and household goods for performances. Long-gone but rarely forgotten individuals also make appearances, allowing newcomers the chance to meet the people behind the names and longtime residents an opportunity to visit with old friends.

Abington (Images of America)

by Sharon Orcutt Peters

Throughout Abington's history, its central location between Boston and Plymouth has been a vantage point that has been reflected in both work and play. It is Abington that provided the white-oak planks for the USS Constitution, and the town's Island Grove Park had national significance during the abolitionist movement. Abington was founded and built around the mills and then grew with the times to become a focal point for the thriving shoe industry. Many wealthy industrialists and capitalists have left their mark with brick and mortar. Their mansions still line the streets, and their lives shaped Abington forever.Abington presents an illustrated portrait of what it was like to live and work in the town during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It presents vivid images of the townsfolk, the shoe factories, and the old roads through Abington. The book includes images of John L. Sullivan, heavyweight boxing champion, and of the Buffum automobile, built on Centre Avenue. With photographs from the Abington Historical Commission, the Dyer Memorial Library, the Historical Society of Old Abington, and personal collections, Abington is sure to evoke memories of a bygone era.

About the Size of the Universe

by Jón Kalman Stefánsson

A modern saga spanning the whole of the 20th century, by one of Iceland's most celebrated writers.At the beginning of this story there is death, and yet it is a celebration of life - the passion between a man and a woman, forbidden love, violence, sorrow, betrayal. Happiness and misfortune are passed down from one generation to the next. The sorrow over what was and what might have been weighs heavily on the characters and at the end of this chain, for now, stands Ari, on his way to his dying father, with a score still to be settled. The raw beauty of life is written into the dramatic Icelandic landscape, and into a society that has undergone great transformation within a century. In language both archaic and lyrical, and yet entirely contemporary and full of humour, Jón Kalman Stefánsson proves himself one of the finest European writers of his generation.A companion volume to Fish Have No Feet (longlisted for the Man Booker International Prize 2017).Translated from the Icelandic by Philip Roughton

About This Life: Journeys on the Threshold of Memory

by Barry Lopez

A new collection of biographical essays by the esteemed writer ("Arctic Dreams, Of Wolves and Men", among other works). Seven of the 17 essays are personal memory pieces; the others touch on a wide range of travels, adventures, and observations of people and places.

Above Victoria and Vancouver Island

by Russ Heinl Gillian Birch

ABOVE VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER ISLAND is a stunning collection of 105 aerial photographs of Vancouver Island, BC taken by renowned photographer, Russ Heinl. This high-quality ebook offers a series of breathtaking images, capturing aerial views of Vancouver Island's spectacular landscapes in precise detail. Heinl's diverse subjects range from the ivy-covered Empress Hotel in Victoria to surfers riding world-class surf at Tofino and Long Beach. Those who enjoy British Columbia's great outdoors will appreciate these awe-inspiring aerial views of Vancouver Island's magnificent snow-capped peaks of Mount Washington and Strathcona Provincial Park. Nature lovers will pore over the images of Grey Whales, right down to the barnacles on their tail fins as the whales complete their annual migration along the coast of Vancouver Island, celebrated by thousands attending the Pacific Rim Whale Festival. See "The Snowbirds" flying in formation over Vancouver Island, seals basking on rocky offshore islets and a host of magnificent coastal views captured in this stunning ebook of aerial photographs. Chapters feature Tofino, Long Beach and the Pacific Rim National Park, Port Hardy and Cape Scott, the scenic waterfront at Nanaimo, Victoria, the elegant capital city of British Columbia and its suburbs of Sidney and Sooke. Using the latest gyro-stabilized Nikon camera systems these stunning views of the earth from the air show Vancouver Island at its very best. From the open door of the helicopter, aerial photographer Russ Heinl has captured the charismatic splendour and remote natural beauty of Vancouver Island, its cities, mountains, beaches and wildlife. Enjoy these aerial views time and time again with this beautiful photography ebook of Victoria and Vancouver Island.

Abroad in Japan: The No. 1 Sunday Times Bestseller

by Chris Broad

THE NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER'Chris Broad explores Japan in all its quirky glory..Endlessly fascinating!'Will Ferguson, author of Hokkaido Highway Blues'Carves a unique path across Japan bringing him into contact with far too many cats, heartening renewal in Tohoku, and even pizza with Ken Watanabe.'Iain Maloney, author of The Only Gaijin in the Village'Fascinating, fact-packed and very funny..An excellent and enjoyable read for the Japan-curious. I loved it and learned a lot.'Sam Baldwin, author of For Fukui's Sake: Two years in rural JapanWhen Englishman Chris Broad landed in a rural village in northern Japan he wondered if he'd made a huge mistake. With no knowledge of the language and zero teaching experience, was he about to be the most quickly fired English teacher in Japan's history?Abroad in Japan charts a decade of living in a foreign land and the chaos and culture clash that came with it. Packed with hilarious and fascinating stories, this book seeks out to unravel one the world's most complex cultures.Spanning ten years and all forty-seven prefectures, Chris takes us from the lush rice fields of the countryside to the frenetic neon-lit streets of Tokyo. With blockbuster moments such as a terrifying North Korean missile incident, a mortifying experience at a love hotel and a week spent with Japan's biggest movie star, Abroad in Japan is an extraordinary and informative journey through the Land of the Rising Sun.Number one Sunday Times bestseller, August 2023

Absinthe: A Thriller

by Guido Eekhaut

Walter Eekhaut (his name rhymes with "stakeout"), a veteran of the Belgian police force who has a problem with authority, is dispatched to Amsterdam to aid the Dutch security service in investigating the activities of a well-connected Russian oligarch, with connections to Putin. Some of the Russian's business is certainly legitimate, but some may well not be. In Amsterdam, Eekhaut is seconded to Chief Superintendent Alexandra Dewaal and her team, and begins to learn about the city's shady underside. He is at once pulled into another case, the murder of a young leftist dissident, alleged to have stolen a sensitive list from the Amsterdam offices of an ultra-right-wing political party-a list with the name of secret donors. The hunt for the killer leads to a knot of black money interests and illegal dealings that pit the Russian mob and Dutch politicians and business leaders against the police and anyone else who tries to get in their way. Absinthe is the gripping first installment in the bestselling Amsterdam trilogy featuring Eekhaut and Dewaal and, for North American readers, a new voice in European noir.

The Absolute Worst Vacation Ever (Fountas & Pinnell LLI Gold #Level N)

by Stephen Krensley

The Absolute Worst Vacation Ever Author: Stephen Krensky

The Absolution: A Menacing Icelandic Thriller, Gripping from Start to End (Freyja and Huldar #3)

by Yrsa Sigurdardottir

The new novel from the internationally bestselling, prizewinning, queen of Icelandic crime. All he wants is for them to say sorry. The police find out about the crime the way everyone does: on Snapchat. The video shows the terrified victim begging for forgiveness. When her body is found, it is marked with a number 2...Detective Huldar joins the investigation, bringing child psychologist Freyja on board to help question the murdered teenager's friends. Soon, they uncover that Stella was far from the angel people claim - but even so, who could have hated her enough to kill? Then another teenager goes missing, and more clips are sent. Freyja and Huldar can agree on two things at least: the truth is far from simple. And the killer is not done yet.A brilliantly suspenseful story about the dark side of social media, The Absolution will make you wonder what you should have said sorry for...Praise for Yrsa Sigurdardottir 'Iceland's outstanding crime novelist' Daily Express 'A magnificent writer' Karin Slaughter'The undisputed queen of Icelandic Noir' Simon Kernick 'Believe all the hype - this is crime at its best.' Heat

The Absolution: A Menacing Icelandic Thriller, Gripping from Start to End (Freyja and Huldar #3)

by Yrsa Sigurdardottir

The new novel from the internationally bestselling, prizewinning, queen of Icelandic crime. All he wants is for them to say sorry. The police find out about the crime the way everyone does: on Snapchat. The video shows the terrified victim begging for forgiveness. When her body is found, it is marked with a number 2...Detective Huldar joins the investigation, bringing child psychologist Freyja on board to help question the murdered teenager's friends. Soon, they uncover that Stella was far from the angel people claim - but even so, who could have hated her enough to kill? Then another teenager goes missing, and more clips are sent. Freyja and Huldar can agree on two things at least: the truth is far from simple. And the killer is not done yet.A brilliantly suspenseful story about the dark side of social media, The Absolution will make you wonder what you should have said sorry for...Praise for Yrsa Sigurdardottir 'Iceland's outstanding crime novelist' Daily Express 'A magnificent writer' Karin Slaughter'The undisputed queen of Icelandic Noir' Simon Kernick 'Believe all the hype - this is crime at its best.' Heat

The Absolution: A Menacing Icelandic Thriller, Gripping from Start to End (Freyja and Huldar #3)

by Yrsa Sigurdardottir

Yrsa remains the queen of Icelandic thriller writers. - GuardianAll he wants is for them to say sorry... In the latest novel from the Queen of Icelandic crime, Freyja and Huldar must stop a ruthless killer taking revenge on teenage bullies.The first the police know of the crime is when clips are sent from the victim's Snapchat account, showing her begging for forgiveness. The CCTV at the cinema where she was working show her being dragged into the night by a masked killer. When the body is found, it is marked with a number 2...Detective Huldar joins the murder investigation, bringing child psychologist Freyja on board to help question the murdered teenager's friends. Soon, they uncover that Stella was far from the angel people claim: a relentless bully, she made life miserable for those around her. Freyja suspects this led to her death - but she may be overly influenced by her own childhood. Huldar simply wants to find out if there is a first victim still waiting to be discovered. Then another teenager goes missing, and more clips are sent. Freyja and Huldar can agree on two things at least: the truth is far from simple. And the killer is not done yet.(P)2019 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

The Abu Dhabi Bar Mitzvah: Fear And Love In The Middle East

by Adam Valen Levinson

Chronically questioning, funny, and bold, a young American explores the majority-Muslim lands that scare him most. Armed only with college Arabic and restless curiosity, Adam Valen Levinson sets out to “learn about the world 9/11 made us fear.” From a base in globalized and sterilized Abu Dhabi, he sets out to lunch in Taliban territory in Afghanistan, travels under the watchful eye of Syria’s secret police, risks shipwreck en route to Somalia, investigates Yazidi beliefs in a sacred cave, cliff dives in Oman, celebrates New Year’s Eve in Tahrir Square, and, at every turn, discovers a place that matches not at all with its reputation. Valen Levinson crosses borders with wisecracking humor, erudition, and humanity, seeking common ground with “bros” everywhere, and finding that people who pray differently often laugh the same. And as a young man bar mitzvahed eight years late, he slowly learns how childish it is to live by decisions and distinctions born of fear.

The Abundance: Narrative Essays Old and New

by Annie Dillard

In recognition of the Pulitzer Prize-winning author's long and lauded career as a master essayist, a landmark collection, including her most beloved pieces and some rarely seen work, rigorously curated by the author herself."A writer who never seems tired, who has never plodded her way through a page or sentence, Dillard can only be enjoyed by a wide-awake reader," warns Geoff Dyer in his introduction to this stellar collection. Carefully culled from her past work, The Abundance is quintessential Annie Dillard, delivered in her fierce and undeniably singular voice, filled with fascinating detail and metaphysical fact. The pieces within will exhilarate both admiring fans and a new generation of readers, having been "re-framed and re-hung," with fresh editing and reordering by the author, to situate these now seminal works within her larger canon.The Abundance reminds us that Dillard's brand of "novelized nonfiction" pioneered the form long before it came to be widely appreciated. Intense, vivid, and fearless, her work endows the true and seemingly ordinary aspects of life--a commuter chases snowball-throwing children through neighborhood streets, a teenager memorizes Rimbaud's poetry--with beauty and irony, inviting readers onto sweeping landscapes, to join her in exploring the complexities of time and death, with a sense of humor: on one page, an eagle falls from the sky with a weasel attached to its throat; on another, a man walks into a bar.Reminding us of the indelible contributions of this formative figure in contemporary nonfiction, The Abundance exquisitely showcases Annie Dillard's enigmatic, enduring genius, as Dillard herself wishes it to be marked.

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