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Il cowboy e la figlia dell’allevatore (Parte quattro)

by Andrea Assenza Kari Mackenzie

Il momento tanto atteso del trasferimento del bestiame è finalmente arrivato e Clara è pronta a terminare il suo primo anno come unica proprietaria del Fuller Ranch. Una squadra sta cavalcando per portare il bestiame al mercato, ma lei e i suoi uomini sono preparati a qualsiasi cosa. Il trasferimento sta andando bene e Jake non potrebbe essere più orgoglioso di tutto quello che la figlia del rancher è riuscita a fare. È una donna in tutto e per tutto, ma tenace come un qualsiasi mandriano. Quando sorgono degli imprevisti, Jake apprende cosa succede quando si è troppo fiduciosi. Se il nemico riesce ad avere la meglio, loro perderanno tutto. Riusciranno Jake e la donna che ama a superare l'angoscia che si presenta loro? "Adoro i libri ambientati nel West e questo libro non vi deluderà! Breve e dolce, tiene incollati alla sedia." - Lettore di romanzi, recensore In "Il cowboy e la figlia dell'allevatore" Libro 1, Clara Fuller eredita il ranch di suo padre e apprende rapidamente che comandare non sarà per niente facile. Cresciuta circondata dal bestiame, conosce perfettamente il business, ma pochi uomini sono disposti a lavorare per un allevatrice. Una volta vagabondo, Jake Talley ha finalmente trovato un posto che può chiamare casa. Come capomastro del ranch Fuller, non gli importa prendere ordini da una donna. Lui è disposto a fare qualsiasi cosa per favorire il successo di Clara Fuller. Edward Sinclair è il proprietario di un ranch di successo che vuole di più. È abituato a ottenere quello che vuole e pochi hanno avuto il coraggio di provare a ostacolarlo. Un pezzo di proprietà è tutto ciò di cui ha bisogno per avere il controllo completo della contea. C'è solo un problema, la terra appartiene a Clara Fuller. Va tutto bene, non ha mai incontrato un problema che non sia riuscito a eliminare.

Il cowboy e la figlia dell’allevatore (Parte tre)

by Andrea Assenza Kari Mackenzie

Mentre si trova in città, Jake Talley inciampa su un segreto che potrebbe esporre l'uomo responsabile di aver causato tanto dolore alla figlia del proprietario di ranch. Deciso a porre fine alla sfortuna che affligge il Fuller Ranch, si propone di trovare le risposte. Prendersi del tempo lontano dalle sue funzioni per indagare metterà in pericolo la donna che ha giurato di proteggere? Sola nel ranch, Clara Fuller deve affrontare il sua più grande incubo e fare i conti con il passato. Quando una nuova crisi porta oscurità alla porta, apprende di chi lei può davvero fidarsi. Quando le verità è troppo oscura per credere che venga alla luce, entrambi devono lavorare insieme per imparare che cosa apprezzano di più. "Questa non è la tipica storia di cowboy ricca di azione. Si tratta di romanticismo e devozione..." In "Il cowboy e la figlia dell'allevatore" Libro 1, Clara Fuller eredita il ranch di suo padre e impara rapidamente che avere questa responsabilità non sarà del tutto così facile. Cresciuta circondata dal bestiame, conosce perfettamente il business, ma pochi uomini sono disposti a lavorare per un'allevatrice. Una volta vagabondo, Jake Talley ha finalmente trovato un posto che può chiamare casa.Come capomastro del ranch Fuller, non gli importa prendere ordini da una donna. Lui è disposto a fare qualsiasi cosa per favorire il successo di Clara Fuller. Edward Sinclair è il proprietario di un ranch di successo che vuole di più. È abituato a ottenere quello che vuole e pochi hanno avuto il coraggio di provare a ostacolarlo. Un pezzo di proprietà è tutto ciò di cui ha bisogno per avere il controllo completo della contea. C'è solo un problema, la terra appartiene a Clara Fuller. Nessun problema, non ha mai incontrato un problema che non sia riuscito a eliminare.

Il cowboy e la figlia dell'allevatore (Parte uno)

by Andrea Assenza Kari Mackenzie

Può una giovane ereditiera gestire il ranch del suo defunto padre nonostante le obiezioni del suo vicino? Quando Clara Fuller eredita il ranch di suo padre, impara rapidamente che avere questa responsabilità non sarà così facile. Cresciuta circondata dal bestiame, conosce perfettamente il business, ma pochi uomini sono disposti a lavorare per un'allevatrice. Anche la natura stessa sembra avercela con lei, quando una siccità minaccia il bestiame. È lontana dall'immaginarsi che questa è l'ultima delle sue preoccupazioni. Una nube oscura è all'orizzonte. Una volta vagabondo, Jake Talley ha finalmente trovato un posto che può chiamare casa. Come capomastro del ranch Fuller, non gli importa prendere ordini da una donna. Anzi, si auto-nomina protettore di Clara e prende seriamente il suo lavoro. Lui è disposto a fare qualsiasi cosa per favorire il successo della sua signora. Quella devozione è messa alla prova quando arrivano i problemi. Edward Sinclair è un uomo di successo che vuole di più. È abituato a ottenere quello che vuole e pochi hanno avuto il coraggio di provare a ostacolarlo. Un pezzo di proprietà è tutto ciò che ha bisogno per avere il controllo completo della cosa che i suoi vicini necessitano di più: l'acqua. C'è solo un problema, la terra appartiene a Clara Fuller. Va tutto bene, non ha mai incontrato un problema che non sia riuscito a eliminare.

Il desiderio di Lorcan (Whispering Pines (Italiano) #1)

by Sjd Peterson Emanuela Graziani

Serie Whispering Pines, Libro 1Nonostante il sostegno amorevole della sua famiglia, Lorcan James vuole affrontare la vita da solo e, a ventun anni, si ritrova a piedi dall'altra parte del paese in cerca di avventura. Quello che trova è la disperazione, una disperazione che lo conduce dritto al Whispering Pines Ranch e proprio sul cammino del suo proprietario. L'uomo - forte, arrogante e bellissimo - risveglia in Lorcan qualcosa di cui non conosceva neanche l'esistenza. Quinn Taylor è immerso fino al collo nella seccatura e nella frustrazione di dover fare i conti con un proprietario terriero confinante che non desidera altro che farlo fallire. Non ha bisogno di altre complicazioni, ma quando posa gli occhi su Lorcan il suo mondo si capovolge. Nonostante trovi in Quinn ciò che il suo cuore brama, Lorcan rifiuta di essere il suo piccolo sporco segreto. L'uomo non è però l'unico a cercare le sue attenzioni. Jess, un bracciante del ranch, sarebbe felice di dichiarare al mondo il suo amore per Lorcan. È proprio quello che Quinn non gli offrirebbe mai, ma è il desiderio più ardente di Lorcan.

Il dono di Luke (Serie Rapporto Mattutino Ser.)

by Sue Brown Cristina Fontana

Un libro della serie Serie Rapporto MattutinoSimon Bryan, sovrintendente al Lost Cow, è preoccupato per Luke, che da dodici anni è il suo capo e il suo possessivo compagno. Ancora turbato dall'alluvione che gli ha portato via il cavallo, Luke ha posticipato l'operazione al ginocchio, e i suoi incubi stanno aumentando. La cosa peggiore, però, è che sta nascondendo le proprie emozioni al suo uomo. Per aiutare l'amante a superare questo momento, Simon prepara un regalo di Natale speciale, ma sarà il dono di Luke che cambierà la loro relazione per sempre.

Il pretendente rubato (Dreamspun Desires #3)

by Emanuela Graziani Eli Easton

Il suo futuro era deciso finché un ladro non gli ha rubato il cuore. Tutta Clyde's Corner, nel Montana, sa che l'elegantissimo Chris Ramsey sposerà Trix Stubben, giovane vedova ed erede del ranch più ricco della zona. Una donna, però, non è troppo entusiasta all'idea. Mabe Crassen vuole mettere le mani sul ranch, così assegna al figlio maggiore il compito di corteggiare Trix e al minore, Jeremy, quello di distrarre Chris e di portarlo su un'altra strada. Jeremy Crassen pensa che il piano di sua madre sia folle, ma vuole andare al college a tutti i costi, e Mabe gli darà il permesso soltanto se sedurrà Chris. Come farà il timido e virginale gay non dichiarato Jeremy ad attrarre Chris, che sembra determinato a fare la cosa giusta e a sposare Trix? Jeremy non potrà mai competere con una ricca *donna* vedova. O forse sì?

Il Ritorno del Maca

by Mari Collier

Di, la donna Ab, stava tra i banchi del mercato, posti vicino al lungo fiume e i moli della città di Bretta. Stringeva forte i pugni enormi e i suoi occhi avevano uno sguardo vacuo. Il vento le scuoteva i lunghi capelli castani. La sua veste marrone sbatteva sventolando contro le cosce muscolose. Il corpo della donna ebbe un tremito mentre dalla bocca uscivano, rapidi e brevi, respiri affannosi.

Illinois! (Wagons West Series, Book #18)

by Dana Fuller Ross

The eighteenth fabulous adventure in the WAGONS WEST series--an exciting mixture of history and action in one of America's most turbulent decades, a time of new frontiers, new fortunes, and new heroes to inherit the pioneer legacy of vision and courage.

Illusions: A Novel

by Janet Dailey

Delaney Westcott is a beautiful career woman in a man's world. Owner and chief asset of a personal security business -- where she guards the rich and famous from the unwanted attention of friends and enemies -- she can take care of herself. Except for the one time she didn't: when she fell headlong for handsome cowboy Jared McCallister, a man she couldn't have.After it ended suddenly, Delaney threw herself into her work with a fury and intensity calculated to erase every other thought from her mind. And she promised that she'd never let any man touch her so deeply again. Ever.But when Delaney finds herself in Jared's hometown of Aspen, Colorado, on a dangerous job, she begins to wonder if she is strong enough to refuse him a second time...

I'm Off to Montana for to Throw the Hoolihan (Code of the West #6)

by Stephen A. Bly

Acres of rolling Montana land await Tap and Pepper in their last Code of the West adventure. And so do a whole peck of surprises that will test Tap's faith -- and his patience!

Imperial Kelly: Yellowstone Kelly, Kelly Blue, Imperial Kelly, And Kelly And The Three-toed Horse (The Yellowstone Kelly Novels #3)

by Peter Bowen

Yellowstone Kelly has dealt with Indians, Zulus, hapless Brits, and Mormons. Now the intrepid scout meets his greatest challenge: Theodore Roosevelt.Nowadays US Army Major Luther &“Yellowstone&” Kelly isn&’t the young lively man he once was. He&’s cantankerous, stubborn, and his nagging illnesses are exacerbated by the slightest provocation. Still, Kelly is called back into action by his most irritating boss yet: a young assistant secretary of the navy by the name of Theodore &“Teethadore&” Roosevelt. The future president needs a crew of toughs to join his Rough Riders outfit, and he correctly reckons that Kelly has an inside track on some of the nastiest ones. Kelly enlists a rascally crew, including his friends Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and helps Roosevelt win the Spanish-American War. Next an impressive piece of jade leads him over the Pacific, before he&’s summoned to observe the outbreak of the Boer War. While sailing to southern Africa, he runs into Winston Churchill in Mozambique . . . and on Kelly stumbles into other areas of the history books. Whether he&’s being chased by Boers or Igorote tribesmen, Kelly always maintains his trademark cynicism and resourcefulness, somehow finding a way to always land on his feet—even if Teethadore is determined to take credit for it.

Imposter (The Last Gunfighter #6)

by William W. Johnstone

THE GREATEST WESTERN WRITERS OF THE 21ST CENTURY The New York Times bestselling author William W. Johnstone delivers the powerful story of a lone man's journey across the wild west--among outlaws, adventurers, and brave men and women building a new land. Imposter With his legend dogging him everywhere he goes, Frank Morgan longs for a place to settle down. His choice is a remote corner of untamed Northern California, a land of towering trees and rugged hills. But for Frank, the haven is a hell. A man who is his exact look-alike has been terrorizing the local population, and when the townspeople get their hands on Frank, a hangman's rope is sure to follow. If he's going to be taken for an outlaw, Frank Morgan is going to act like one. Busting out of jail with a six-gun and a plan, he's leaving this paradise behind--and won't come back until he's planted a killer in the ground . . .

An Improper Situation (The Defiant Hearts Series, Book #1)

by Sydney Jane Baily

Boston lawyer Reed Malloy is on a mission–deliver two orphans to one Charlotte Sanborn of Spring City, Colorado. He's not prepared for Charlotte's refusal to raise her own kin, or for the fire her irresistible beauty ignites within him.With her chestnut hair and striking green eyes, Charlotte could be the catch of Spring City. Instead, she lives in solitude and wears her independence like a suit of armor.But as the children challenge Charlotte's vow to never again risk heartbreak, and memories of brief moments with Reed tantalize her nights, Charlotte's greatest fear is realized: a letter from her aunt demanding the return of the children.Desperate to keep the children she's come to love, Charlotte endures the 2000 miles to Boston in search of Reed only to discover that Boston's glittering high society intends to keep them apart.REVIEWS:"…the ending was perfect... Many wonderful characters including nasty villains and villainesses. I had a hard time putting it down!" ~Lady McNeill, Mrs. Condit & Friends Read BooksTHE DEFIANT HEARTS SERIES, in order An Intriguing PropositionAn Improper SituationAn Irresistible TemptationAn Inescapable Attraction

In a Cowboy's Arms (The Lost Sons Trilogy #2)

by Janette Kenny

Love On The Run. . . Colorado sheriff Dade Logan has waited twenty years to reunite with his long lost sister, Daisy. But when she finally turns up, they barely recognize each other. That's because the beautiful stranger isn't Daisy, but her childhood friend Maggie, on the run from an impending marriage. Moved by this last link to Daisy, Dade determines to bend any law that stands between him, his sister--and the intriguing Maggie. . . Maggie Sutton will risk anything to escape her fate, though accompanying the broad-shouldered sheriff in his pursuit of Daisy rattles her to the core. But as their search--and desire for one another--escalates, the two provoke a vicious bounty hunter, one who threatens their hopes for a future together. . .

In a Cowboy's Arms

by Janette Kenny

Love On The Run. . . Colorado sheriff Dade Logan has waited twenty years to reunite with his long lost sister, Daisy. But when she finally turns up, they barely recognize each other. That's because the beautiful stranger isn't Daisy, but her childhood friend Maggie, on the run from an impending marriage. Moved by this last link to Daisy, Dade determines to bend any law that stands between him, his sister--and the intriguing Maggie. . . Maggie Sutton will risk anything to escape her fate, though accompanying the broad-shouldered sheriff in his pursuit of Daisy rattles her to the core. But as their search--and desire for one another--escalates, the two provoke a vicious bounty hunter, one who threatens their hopes for a future together. . .

In a Cowboy's Arms

by Rebecca Winters

An Enduring Love The day she turned eighteen, Sadie Corkin was going to elope with Jarod Bannock, the son of her family's most bitter rival. Until it all went wrong... Eight years later, one thing hasn't changed: her passion for the proud, sexy Apsaalooke rancher. When tragedy brings Sadie home to Montana horse country, Jarod knows he has only one chance to make things right. There's unfinished business between them, including what really happened that fateful night. And now there's a more immediate threat to their happiness: an enemy who wants Sadie's ranch to create a cattle empire. Can Jarod find a way to stay true to his heritage and trust in the love that is his destiny?

In a Cowboy's Bed

by Vonna Harper Lynn Lafleur Cat Johnson

They're tough as nails and sexy as hell. With their leather chaps and Stetson hats, they're impossible to resist. They're cowboys and they like to ride slow and hard. . ."Two for the Road" by Cat JohnsonHeather London is tired of the squeaky clean acting roles that keep coming her way. But when she takes off in a car one day heading west, she never expects to meet up with some very macho cowboys who show her just how fun it is to get down and dirty. . ."Soul of a Cowboy" by Vonna HarperOne thing cowboys don't take kindly to is city girls snooping around the ranch, investigating environmental concerns. But when Kathy Vinoza sets eyes on Mike Moss, it's only a matter of time before the rest of her body follows. . ."Trouble in Boots" by Lynn LaFleurAn unforgettable high school graduation night has kept Keely Sheridan and Nick Fallon apart for far too long. But when Nick gets sidelined after fighting a raging fire, and Keely needs Nick's help with the family ranch, he is more than willing to take control. . . This book contains adult content

In a Heartbeat

by Jodi Thomas

A strong-willed man with a mind of his own. A tenacious young woman looking for love. And one song that brings them together in Jodi Thomas's captivating romance... Available Digitally For the First Time An army fort is no place for a Valentine's Day dance--or so thinks stubborn Colt Barnett. Until a lovely woman turns his head. (Previously published in the anthology Sweet Hearts.)

In Love with her Boss

by Christie Ridgway

Don't miss this reader--favorite tale from USA TODAY bestselling author Christie Ridgway that proves nice guys don't always finish last... Lori Hanson has come to Whitehorn to start over--not to fall head over heels in love with her boss. For she knew better than to risk her heart--her life--on another man. Besides, Josh Anderson is too attractive, too kind&#8230and too dangerous. Kind, because he cares about her. Dangerous, because he makes her want to care about him. Josh's alluring new receptionist has secrets and fears she can't let go of, and all Josh wants is to hold her in his arms and make everything better. Okay, so that isn't all he wants. Lori's presence makes it all but impossible to work--except to count the ways to capture her heart...

In Open Spaces: A Novel

by Russell Rowland

Set in the vast and unforgiving prairie of eastern Montana from 1916 to 1946, In Open Spaces is the compelling story of the Arbuckle brothers:GeorgeA rising baseball star who mysteriously drowns in the riverJackA World War I veteran who abandons his family only to return to reclaim the family ranchBobThe youngest brother, whose marriage to Helen creates a fault line between him and the rest of his familyBlakeA shrewd, observant man burdened with growing suspicions of Jack's role in his brother's deathWith breathtaking descriptions of the Montana landscape, Russell Rowland masterfully weaves a fascinating tale of the psychological wars that can rip a family apart...and, ultimately, the redemption that can bring them back together.

In Pursuit of His Wife

by Kristi Gold

They married for convenience. Will they stay together for the baby...or for love? Nasira Edwards has come to Royal, Texas, to escape her past and stop her brother from making a terrible mistake. But her own marital mistake has tracked her down. Her husband, shipping magnate Sebastian Edwards, has followed her across the ocean and he refuses to leave Texas without his wife. Sebastian knows their convenient marriage isn't about love. That's the way it has to be. But the passion between them is as hot as ever. And he's come west to coax the beauty back into his bed-while keeping his emotions in check. Then Nasira reveals she's pregnant...

In Search of the Long-Lost Maverick (Montana Mavericks: What Happened to Beatrix? #1)

by Christine Rimmer

He could hold the keys to the past“You know you’re tempted.”Men are trouble. And Melanie Driscoll has already had more than her share of trouble. She has come to Bronco seeking only a fresh start; what she finds instead is Gabe Abernathy. The blond, blue-eyed cowboy is temptation enough. The secrets he could be guarding are a whole Ônother level of irresistible. Peeling the covers back on both might be too much for sweet Mel to handle…New York Times Bestselling Author

In the Distance (The Golden Greek)

by Hernan Diaz

Pulitzer Prize Finalist: &“Something like Huckleberry Finn written by Cormac McCarthy: an adventure story as well as a meditation on the meaning of home.&”—The Times Winner of the William Saroyan International Prize for Writing A Publishers Weekly Top Ten Book of the Year Finalist for the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction A young Swedish immigrant finds himself penniless and alone in California. The boy travels East in search of his brother, from whom he was separated in the crowds and chaos during their journey across the sea. Moving on foot against the great current of emigrants pushing West, he is driven back again and again, meeting naturalists, criminals, religious fanatics, swindlers, Indians, and lawmen—and his exploits turn him into a legend. Just as its hero pushes against the tide, this widely acclaimed novel defies genre conventions—and &“upends the romance and mythology of America&’s Western experience and rugged individualism&” (Star Tribune). &“Suspenseful…a memorable immigration narrative, and a canny reinvention of the old-school western.&”—Publishers Weekly &“Exquisite: assured, moving, and masterful, as profound and precise an evocation of loneliness as any book I&’ve ever read.&” —Lauren Groff, National Book Award-nominated author of Florida and Fates and Furies

In the Distance

by Hernan Diaz

The first novel by the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Trust, an exquisite and blisteringly intelligent story of a young Swedish boy, separated from his brother, who becomes a legend and an outlawA young Swedish immigrant finds himself penniless and alone in California. The boy travels east in search of his brother, moving on foot against the great current of emigrants pushing west. Driven back again and again, he meets criminals, naturalists, religious fanatics, swindlers, American Indians, and lawmen, and his exploits turn him into a legend. Diaz defies the conventions of historical fiction and genre, offering a probing look at the stereotypes that populate our past and a portrait of radical foreignness.

In the Path of Hurricanes

by Ann Bezayiff

Three years after the destructive 1900 Galveston, Texas Hurricane, Amie Anders is unexpecteddly summoned to the Houston law office of her friend and lawyer, Loman Nurge. As she waits impatiently to learn the reason for this mysterious meeting, she reflects back upon her life. Growing up in the post-Civil War era along the Buffalo River in Tennessee, she barely survives her dysfunctional upbringing. A distant cousin, Harry Aylett, finds her in squalor and rescues her from hunger and deprivation, but being her benefactor isn't all he's interested in. A deep abiding love develops between the two, and somehow they manage to keep their secret relationship hidden from Harry's wife Hattie. When the Galveston Hurricane destroys everything, the four friends face an unknown future. Even as they restructure their lives, they experience more personal tragedy. And now the unimaginable is about to occur in Amie's life. To hide her deepest, darkest secret from those she loves, Amie must give up her identity, become Amma Geary and create a whole new life for herself far from Houston and her friends. But when her secrets are revealed, her deceptions exposed, lives are turned upside down, including hers. Is she strong enough to survive? Will she endure or be destroyed in the winds of her own personal hurricane?

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