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Lexicon: A Novel

by Max Barry

Few books are greeted with rave reviews everywhere from Time magazine and Salon to Boingboing and io9. Yet, Max Barry's Lexicon is that rare thing: a thriller as high-octane as they come, driven by a brilliant and original plot that connects very modern questions of privacy and data collection to centuries-old ideas about the power of language. At an exclusive training school at an undisclosed location outside Washington, D.C., students are taught to control minds, to wield words as weapons. The very best graduate as "poets" and enter a nameless organization of unknown purpose. Recruited off the street, whip-smart Emily Ruff quickly learns the one key rule: never allow another person to truly know you. Emily becomes the school's most talented prodigy, until she makes the catastrophic mistake of falling in love.

Lexicon: A Novel

by Max Barry

Sticks and stones break bones. Words kill.They recruited Emily from the streets. They said it was because she's good with words. They'll live to regret it.Wil survived something he shouldn't have. But he doesn't remember it.Now they're after him and he doesn't know why.There's a word, they say. It shouldn't have got out. But it did.And they want it back...Find out why in one of the most mind-bending, page-turning, thrilling novels you'll ever read.*Winner of the Aurealis Award for science fiction and GoodReads Choice Awards finalist for best science fiction*


by Max Barry

Sticks and stones break bones. Words kill.They recruited Emily from the streets. They said it was because she's good with words. They'll live to regret it.Wil survived something he shouldn't have. But he doesn't remember it.Now they're after him and he doesn't know why.There's a word, they say. It shouldn't have got out. But it did.And they want it back...Find out why in one of the most mind-bending, page-turning, thrilling novels you'll ever read.Winner of the Aurealis Award for Science-Fiction and GoodReads finalist in the SF category.(P)2013 Penguin Audiobooks US

Lexie Starr Cozy Mysteries Boxed Set: Cozy Mystery Box Set #2 With Bonus (A Lexie Starr Mystery)

by Jeanne Glidewell

Join newlywed library assistant and amateur sleuth Lexie Starr on her continuing encounters with mystery, mayhem, and murder.With This Ring (A Lexie Starr Mystery, Book 4)Lexie Starr, a 50-year-old widowed library assistant, fell in love with Stone Van Patten while helping him run his B&B. Ten days before their wedding, the pastor is found murdered. Not wanting to postpone the wedding, Lexie launches her own investigation, breaks her wrist, and gets herself and her best friend in a life-or-death situation or two.Just Ducky (A Lexie Starr Mystery, Book 5)Lexie Starr needs something to keep her busy during the off-season. Filling in for the head librarian, Bertha Duckworthy, seems a perfect choice. Until she finds "Ducky" hanged from the library's rafters. The police rule the death as a suicide, but Lexie disagrees. Heavily armed with caffeine, Lexie is determined to obtain justice for "Ducky", and finds herself in the killer's crosshairs.The Spirit of the Season (A Lexie Starr Mystery, Novella)Lexie Starr, adopts a local military family struggling to make ends meet at Christmastime while the father serves in Afghanistan. Soon collection bins are overflowing with toys, food, and household items for the Allens, so Lexie expands her cause to the Marine Corps Toys for Tots program. When the most expensive toys go missing, Lexie is determined to bring the holiday-cheer-stealing grinch to justice.Cozy Camping (A Lexie Starr Mystery, Book 6)On their first wedding anniversary, Lexie Starr is surprised by her husband, Stone, with a family RV'ing vacation to Cheyenne, Wyoming. While there, Lexie and her daughter, Wendy, overhear a heated conversation between the park's owner and the egotistical Fanny Finch, a bestselling author penning an unauthorized tell-all book. When Fanny is discovered dead, Lexie launches her own impromptu investigation when it becomes clear the patronizing police detective has his eye on the wrong person.PRAISE FOR The Lexie Starr Mystery Series:"Glidewell maintains a rapidly paced story line that dramatically builds tension, while her narrator Lexie's sly, tongue-in-cheek sense of humor provides plenty of laugh-out-loud moments." ~Booklist"Jeanne Glidewell's mysteries are fast-paced, complex – and have just the right hint of romance." ~Jill Churchill, author of the Jane Jeffry and Grace and Favor mystery series.THE LEXIE STARR MYSTERIES, in series orderLeave No Stone UnturnedThe Extinguished GuestHauntedWith This RingJust DuckyThe Spirit of the Season (A Holiday Novella)Cozy CampingMarriage and MayhemABOUT JEANNE GLIDEWELL:A pancreas/kidney transplant recipient, Jeanne lives in Bonner Springs, Kansas. When not writing, Jeanne is wade-fishing with her husband near their waterfront condo in Rockport, Texas, or volunteering as a mentor for the Gift of Life organization.

Lexie Starr Cozy Mysteries Boxed Set: Cozy Mystery Box Set #1 (A Lexie Starr Mystery #Bks. 1-3)

by Jeanne Glidewell

Join widowed library assistant and amateur sleuth Lexie Starr on her first three encounters with mayhem, murder, and a potential suitor.Book 1: Lexie Starr accidently discovers that her new son-in-law may be guilty of murdering his first wife. Then Lexie's daughter, Wendy, disappears.Book 2: At the Grand Opening of a local B&B, the Historical Society's president is found murdered in the inn's grandest suite, and Lexie, much to the owner's chagrin, horns her way in on the investigation.Book 3: Lexie Starr has converted her boyfriend's B&B into a haunted house for Halloween. But when a young college student is found truly dead in the makeshift coffin in the parlor, Lexie fears for her boyfriend's business and sets out to solve the murder.REVIEWS:". . . rapidly paced tongue-in-cheek humor provides plenty of laugh-out-loud moments." ~Booklist"The Lexie Starr mysteries have just the right hint of romance." ~Jill Churchill, author of the Jane Jeffry and Grace and Favor series"I love Lexie Starr. She can get into more trouble. . ." ~Alice Duncan, author of The Daisy Gumm Majesty Mystery SeriesTHE RIPPLE EFFECT MYSTERIES, in series orderA Rip Roaring Good TimeRip TideRipped to ShredsRip Your Heart OutRipped ApartTHE LEXIE STARR MYSTERIES, in series orderLeave No Stone UnturnedThe Extinguished GuestHauntedWith This RingJust DuckyThe Spirit of the Season (A Holiday Novella)Cozy CampingMarriage and Mayhem

Ley Para si Mismo: Una Comedia Romantica

by Kendra Little

La abogada penalista Adele Harvey esta teniendo un mal día. Sus padres se están separando, su hermana menor se muda con su bebé, el cliente que ella creyó que era mujer resulto ser hombre y Ben Paxton el tipo al que le enseño el dedo en el estacionamiento, es el fiscal. Y él nunca pierde. Ben es una docena de misterios envueltos en un paquete sexy. Es multimillonario, pero trabaja como abogado fiscal, es nuevo en la ciudad pero nadie sabe porque se ha mudado, es ardiente pero esta soltero. Adele tiene mucho que hacer tratando de resolver sus secretos y mantener el trabajo separado del placer. Una tarea nada fácil cuando tiene que enfrentarse a Ben en la sala del tribunal todos los días. Para colmo, de ella depende demostrar que su cliente es inocente del robo de artefactos sexualmente explícitos. ADVERTENCIA: Ésta divertida novela contiene una heroína sarcástica, palabras malsonantes, algo de sexo suave, un misterio, romance, acento australiano, humor y abogados. Si esto no es agradable para usted, no lea LEY PARA SI MIMO. De otro modo, póngase en marcha para disfrutar de un viaje trepidante que le hará ver la profesión de abogado de forma diferente.

L'histoire de Barry: Deuxième partie

by Justice Gray

Barry a passé du temps en prison pour avoir été accusé du crime de viol d'une jeune fille mineure, qui s'est jouée de lui en lui faisant croire qu'elle avait une vingtaine d'années. Il rencontre Patsy, qui lui trouve un emploi en falsifiant des documents pour lui. Ils entament une histoire d'amour éclair et, alors qu'ils sortent ensemble, ils apprennent qu'elle était la pute de la ville. Il décide qu'il ne peut pas supporter qu'elle lui ait menti et rompt avec elle. Il rencontre ensuite Lisa, un agent immobilier prospère. Barry ne lui parle pas de son emprisonnement, mais lui raconte qu'il était professeur dans un collège technique du Dakota du Nord et qu'il était entre deux emplois. Alors qu'ils sortent ensemble, ils rencontrent Patsy qui leur révèle son passé. Lisa s'enfuit et meurt. Il semble que quoi que fasse Barry, Patsy refasse sans cesse surface : elle baise le petit ami de sa soeur, fait chanter les gens... jusqu'au jour où elle trouve la mort. Barry se fait à nouveau passer pour Dmitri, avec l'aide d'un ancien compagnon de prison, et apprend plus que ce qu'il avait prévu. Il rencontre alors une autre femme dont il tombe amoureux et l'appât est lancé.

L'Home de Guix

by C. J. Tudor

Hi ha jocs que només tenen un final possible. Un thriller obscur i intel·ligent. Tot va començar el dia del terrible accident durant la fira, quan l'Eddie, amb dotze anys, va conèixer l'Home de Guix. Va ser l'Home de Guix qui li va donar la idea dels dibuixos: una manera de deixar-se missatges secrets entre la colla d'amics. Va ser divertit fins que els dibuixos van conduir-los al cos sense vida d'una nena. Allò va passar fa trenta anys, i l'Ed pensava que tot havia quedat en l'oblit. Tanmateix, ara rep una carta que conté únicament dues coses: un guix i el dibuix d'un ninot. La història es repeteix i l'Ed s'adona que el joc, en realitat, mai no va acabar... Tots tenim secrets.Tots som culpables d'alguna cosa.I els nens no són sempre tan innocents com sembla. La crítica ha dit...«Tensió pura amb un final d'aquets que t'obliguen a deixar el llum encès tota la nit. Una primera novel·la sorprenent.»Sunday Times «Magnífics personatges, girs inesperats i un retrat evocador de la vida en una petita ciutat dels anys vuitanta... Una lectura fascinant.»The Guardian «Lectura obligatòria. No podràs deixar anar aquesta meravellosa novel·la que el mantindrà despert tota la nit. Un thriller intrigant que et sorprendrà en més d'un moment i et farà recordar al mestre Stephen King.»Daily Expres «És difícil de creure que aquesta sigui la primera novel·la de C.J. Tudor. L'escriptura i el final es dels que et produeixen calfreds.»The Sun «Aquest increïble thriller ho té tot: gust nostàlgic, lluïssor, humor i pols... Una primera novel·la d'un nou i grandiós talent.»The Sunday Mirror «La prosa és notable; el ritme ràpid, i la trama té força. Hi ha reminiscències d'Stephen King perquè la realitat es barreja amb allò sinistre. I un deliciós i aterrador final...»Daily Mail «La novel·la està molt ben escrita i tramada. Tudor és molt bona fent servir girs i sorpreses que no veus venir. Vaig saltar tantes vegades mentre la llegia que podria haver estat assegut en una cadira feta de cactus.»The Sunday Expres Els lectors opinen...«No podia tancar el llibre! Personatges misteriosos, fets esgarrifosos, secrets d#una petita ciutat... Em va recordar ràpidament a It d'Stephen King.» «No van deixar d'aparèixer sorpreses fins a l'última pàgina.» «La nostàlgia dels anys vuitanta i els personatges em van fer connectar de seguida amb la sèrie Stranger Things. Et fa perdre l'equilibri. Agafa el llibre amb les dues mans.» «Excel·lent. T'atrapa i et manté despert tota la nit jugant amb la teva ment.» «Un dels meus llibres preferits d'aquest any. M'encanta Stephen King i aquest llibrecapta magistralment l'horror del que els seus llibres estan plens. Absolutament meravellós.»

L'home del llac

by Arnaldur Indridason

L'home del llac descriu passions i somnis, el destí de gent desapareguda i el dolor dels que es queden enrere. El nivell de l'aigua d'un llac baixa tot de sobte després d'un terratrèmol. L'absència d'aigua descobreix un esquelet mig enterrat en el llit de sorra del llac. La calavera té un orifici. Encara més estranya és la presència d'un gros aparell de ràdio amb inscripcions en rus. Erlendur, Elinborg i Sigurdur Oli inicien una investigació que els porta fins a l'època de la guerra freda, quan els estudiants d'esquerres més brillants eren enviats a estudiar a l'Alemanya Oriental. La trama mescla un cas d'assassinat amb les esperances de la joventut i l'espionatge internacional. Caldrà força temps, no obstant, abans que aquest episodi mostri tots els seus caires, els seus secrets, i que les diverses traïcions que es van cometre siguin venjades.

L'Homme Éternel - Livre 2: L'Homme à la Hache

by Cécile Bénédic Craig Zerf

Le deuxième livre de la série L'Homme Éternel... Le monde, comme nous le connaissons, n'est plus. Un homme reste déterminé. Un homme qui a été formé à l'art sauvage de la guerre. Un homme qui mène sa vie selon des principes. Un homme simple qui ne veut pas du pouvoir qu'il a reçu. Cet homme est le Sergent de la Marine Nathaniel Hogan, attaché à l'ambassade américaine de Londres et, bien qu'il ne le sache pas, il est l'Homme Éternel. La première impulsion a eu lieu lors de l'année 2022 de l'ancien calendrier. Une séquence d'énormes éruptions solaires a provoqué une série de massives impulsions électro-magnétiques qui ont arrêté le cœur de notre monde moderne, nous renvoyant à l'ÂGE DE PIERRE. Des dizaines de milliers sont morts lors des premières heures quand les avions sont tombés du ciel, quand les hôpitaux ont cessé de fonctionner et quand tous les moyens de transport modernes se sont subitement arrêtés. En quelques jours, le nombre de morts avait atteint des centaines de milliers. Des feux ont ravagé les villes, les réserves d'eau se sont épuisées et les survivants se sont tournés les uns contre les autres, la loi du plus fort surpassant toutes les autres. Et Nathaniel découvre qu'il a été transformé par de hautes doses de radiations gamma venant des éruptions solaires. Elles ont amélioré ses capacités naturelles, augmentant sa vitesse, sa force et son pouvoir de guérison. Étendant son espérance de vie indéfiniment et lui permettant de drainer le pouvoir des éruptions solaires pour créer de la magique. Mais même l'Homme Éternel n'était pas prêt pour ce qui allait arriver ensuite, alors que les éruptions ininterrompues fissurent le temps et l'espace, créant un portail par lequel « ils » sont apparus. Des royaumes fantastiques arrivèrent les orques, les gobelins et, les menant tous, le Bon-peuple. Étaient-ils là pour aider, ou pour conquérir ? Le supe

L'homme qui marchait seul

by Claudio Hernández

Avec les premières châtaignes sont arrivés les meurtres. Emilio découvre, lors de ses nombreuses promenades solitaires, des doigts crispés surgir d'un tapis de feuilles mortes. L’homme qui marchait seul saisit son portable et prévient la Police locale. A l’arrivée de la voiture de patrouille dont la lumière des gyrophares se reflète sur les branches des arbres, Emilio ne se souvient de rien. La maladie d’Alzheimer se réveille n'importe quand, mais quand il est lucide, Emilio retrouve le profil du psychiatre qu'il était autrefois. Quelques heures plus tard, quand le légiste ordonne la levée du corps, Emilio découvre qu’il s’agit d’Aina, sa fille. Chargé de l’affaire, le sergent Iñaki sera bientôt rejoint par l'inspecteur Andrés López, fumeur invétéré aux manières très personnelles.

L'homme qui tua Dieu

by Juan Carlos Arjona Ollero Isabelle De Rose

Mon père, je vais le tuer en sept jours. Le père Dimitri se préparait, comme à son habitude, à remplir son office dominical, mais la découverte d’une note inquiétante et l’explosion d’un objet sacré au sein-même de son église allaient tout changer. Gabriel, un jeune amnésique dont la vie est marquée par le malheur, est harcelé par de mystérieux individus qui torturent son esprit. Une série d’événements inattendus le jettent dans l’œil du cyclone, le piégeant entre la vengeance sadique d’un esprit perturbé et de graves accusations de terrorisme. Le prêtre et le jeune homme se retrouvent plongés dans un mystère où la foi et la raison seront poussés à l’extrême par les actes pervers d’un tueur. Avec l’aide d’Elisa, une psychiatre de renom, et d’Halloran, un policier, Gabriel et Dimitri ne disposeront que de sept jours pour échapper à la mort et lever le mystère qui tenaille leurs âmes. Mensonges, symbolisme, religion et mystère forment une combinaison parfaite dans l’un des thrillers les plus audacieux de la dernière décennie.

L’hôpital hanté (Orca Currents en Français)

by Marty Chan

Alex pense que l’hôpital George Wickerman serait l’endroit idéal pour le jeu de rôle Spectres et Mystères, qui consiste à participer à des « missions » afin de trouver des preuves d’activités paranormales. Selon une légende locale, des patients y ont servi de cobayes pour des expériences médicales qui se sont terminées tragiquement, et leurs fantômes hantent maintenant ce lieu abandonné. Il n’y a pas de meilleur endroit pour partir à la chasse aux fantômes ! Alex et ses amis ne croient pas vraiment aux rumeurs, mais ils commencent à se douter qu’ils ne sont pas seuls là-bas. Cet endroit est-il vraiment hanté par les fantômes ou par quelque chose d’encore plus terrifiant ?

The Liam Devlin Novels: The Eagle Has Landed, Touch the Devil, and Confessional (The Liam Devlin Novels #Bk. 1)

by Jack Higgins

Three classic international-bestselling thrillers featuring IRA gunman Liam Devlin. In The Eagle Has Landed, the inspiration for the film starring Donald Sutherland, an audacious Nazi plan to kidnap Winston Churchill threatens to tip the scales of World War II. In November 1943, an elite team of Nazi paratroopers descends on British soil with a diabolical goal: Abduct Winston Churchill and cripple the Allied war effort. The mission, ordered by Hitler himself and planned by Heinrich Himmler, is led by ace agent Kurt Steiner and aided on the ground by IRA gunman Liam Devlin. As the deadly duo executes Hitler's harrowing plot, only the quiet town of Studley Constable stands in their way. Its residents, including a beautiful widow, are the lone souls aware of the impending Nazi plan, and they must become the most unlikely of heroes as the fate of the war hangs in the balance. In Touch the Devil, in the shadow of the Cold War, two rugged IRA veterans must crush a ruthless mercenary before his deadly scheme can bring Europe to its knees. Terrorist-for-hire Frank Barry has been wreaking havoc in Germany and France with backing from the KGB. But his next mission might be his deadliest: Barry plans to steal a state-of-the-art missile and sell it to the highest bidder. Only Barry's longtime rivals, retired IRA gunman Liam Devlin and his ally Martin Brosnan, can prevent the missile from falling into the wrong hands. But first, Devlin must stage a thrilling jailbreak to free Brosnan before the men set off on a gripping race against the clock to eliminate Barry and end his reign of terror. In Confessional, a rogue terrorist in Northern Ireland prepares for his final deadly strike. Trained by the KGB, the assassin known as Cuchulain has cut a path of violence throughout the region for over two decades, leaving a trail of bodies in his wake. Now he has set his audacious sights on his highest profile target yet: the pope. Desperate to stop the terrorist, British Intelligence enlists an enemy Irish gunman, Liam Devlin, to accomplish what they never could. He must put an end to Cuchulain, once and for all. Jack Higgins is, without a doubt, "the master" (Tom Clancy) of well-crafted World War II espionage thrillers. These three novels featuring Liam Devlin are required reading for lovers of intrigue, action, suspense, and adventure.

Liam's Witness Protection

by Amelia Autin

The next Man on a Mission hero safeguards his charge until she reaches the witness stand-and his heart Caterina "Cate" Mateja is prepping her testimony against the crime kingpin who enslaved her when his henchmen open fire in the courthouse, narrowly missing her. US Diplomatic Security Service agent Liam Jones dodges bullets to get her to safety, and yet the gorgeous man seems to want nothing to do with Cate's case-or her. It's not Liam's job to protect Cate. But after he discovers everything she's been through, he makes it his personal mission to ensure she'll have her day on the witness stand. Staying by her side 24/7 may mean opening his heart to a woman who's unable to offer hers.


by Jan Burke

Rising star Jan Burke -- whom reviewers have consistently compared to Patricia Cornwell, Sue Grafton, and Robert Parker -- surpasses already high expectations in Liar, her most riveting work to date. Intrepid sleuth/reporter Irene Kelly barely has time to recover from the shock of learning that her estranged aunt has been killed before being blindsided by an even bigger surprise -- she's the number one suspect! With the LAPD biting fast at her heels, Irene searches for her aunt's son, Travis -- a young man who wants nothing to do with Irene or any of the Kelly clan. The seeds of contention sown by family members no longer living are now being reaped by the next generation in ways no one would ever have expected. As deeply buried family skeletons are unearthed, the line between stalker and stalked becomes increasingly blurred, with dangerous consequences for Irene. She casts her lot with Travis, who she believes is the killer's next target, but her efforts to protect him place her squarely in harm's way. Now Irene must dodge not only the arm of the law but also the reach of a killer who appears to want to settle the score of an age-old family grudge. Only by sorting out the truth from the lies in a skein of old family secrets involving bigamy and adultery, alibis and murder, and secrets encrypted in hobo signs will she learn who has begun to kill again -- and why. In Liar, Jan Burke delivers her trademark skillfully woven tale with complex characters, gripping suspense, and heart-stopping action, but this time Irene Kelly must play a deadly game with the highest and most personal stakes ever.

The Liar: It takes one to catch one. (Eddie Flynn Series)

by Steve Cavanagh

A must-read for fans of Lee Child, John Grisham and Michael Connelly. Combining gripping action and ingenious plotting, THE LIAR is the brilliant new legal thriller from the author of THE DEFENCE and THE PLEA.A MISSING CHILDWhen wealthy businessman Leonard Howell's daughter is kidnapped, the police jump on it straight away. But Howell knows this won't be straightforward - he needs someone willing to break the rules.A CRIMINAL LAWYEROnce a con artist, now a hotshot lawyer, Eddie Flynn's learnt that fast talk and sleight of hand are just as important in the courtroom are they are on the street. Knowing what it's like to lose a daughter, he'll stop at nothing to save Howell's.A CORRUPT CASEWith a client on trial for his life, and the body count rising, Eddie Flynn is starting to fear that the whole thing was a set-up from the very beginning.The only question is who is deadlier - the man who knows the truth, or the one who believes a lie? A missing girl, a desperate father and a case that threatens to destroy everyone involved - Eddie Flynn's got his work cut out in the thrilling new novel from the author of The Defence.Read by Adam Sims(p) 2017 Isis Publishing Ltd

The Liar: It takes one to catch one. (Eddie Flynn Series)

by Steve Cavanagh

***WINNER OF THE CWA GOLD DAGGER AWARD 2018***A MISSING GIRL. A DESPERATE FATHER.A CASE WHICH WILL TEAR THEM APART.'Plotting that takes the breath away' Ian Rankin'A fantastic thriller writer' Mark Billingham* * * * *WHO IS DEADLIER ...Leonard Howell's worst nightmare has come true: his daughter Caroline has been kidnapped. He can't rely on the cops, so Howell calls the only man he trusts to get her back.THE MAN WHO KNOWS THE TRUTH Eddie Flynn knows what it's like to lose a daughter and vows to bring Caroline home safe. Once a con artist, now a hotshot criminal attorney, Flynn is no stranger to the shady New York underworld.... OR THE ONE WHO BELIEVES A LIE?However, as he steps back into his old life, Flynn realizes that the rules of the game have changed - and that he is being played. But who is pulling the strings? And is anyone in this twisted case telling the truth...?* * * * *An ingenious plot, gripping action and characters who leap off the page: discover why readers love Steve Cavanagh:'Cavanagh stands head and shoulders above the competition, with his skilfully plotted, action-packed and big-hearted Eddie Flynn novels . . . highly intelligent, twist-laden and absolutely unputdownable' Eva Dolan, author of the critically acclaimed Tell No Tales'What a thriller! Breathlessly brilliant and fiendishly clever' Miranda Dickinson'A cleverly constructed legal thriller combined with a classic locked-room mystery. Eddie Flynn is fast becoming one of my favourite fictional heroes and Cavanagh one of my favourite thriller writers.' S.J.I. Holliday, author of Black Wood'Raymond Chandler could have created Eddie Flynn. THE PLEA is Phillip Marlowe and Michael Connolly's Mickey Haller combined, with a bit of Jim Thompson's THE GRIFTERS thrown in. A superb read with a main character destined to be one of the most talked about in crime fiction.' Howard Linskey, author of The Search*If you like John Grisham, Lee Child and Michael Connelly, you will LOVE the gripping and twisty Eddie Flynn series:1. The Defence2. The Plea3. The Liar4. Thirteen* Each Eddie Flynn thriller can be read as a standalone or in series order *

The Liar: It takes one to catch one. (Eddie Flynn Series)

by Steve Cavanagh

***WINNER OF THE CWA GOLD DAGGER AWARD 2018***A MISSING GIRL. A DESPERATE FATHER.A CASE WHICH WILL TEAR THEM APART.'Plotting that takes the breath away' Ian Rankin'A fantastic thriller writer' Mark Billingham* * * * *WHO IS DEADLIER ...Leonard Howell's worst nightmare has come true: his daughter Caroline has been kidnapped. He can't rely on the cops, so Howell calls the only man he trusts to get her back.THE MAN WHO KNOWS THE TRUTH Eddie Flynn knows what it's like to lose a daughter and vows to bring Caroline home safe. Once a con artist, now a hotshot criminal attorney, Flynn is no stranger to the shady New York underworld.... OR THE ONE WHO BELIEVES A LIE?However, as he steps back into his old life, Flynn realizes that the rules of the game have changed - and that he is being played. But who is pulling the strings? And is anyone in this twisted case telling the truth...?* * * * *An ingenious plot, gripping action and characters who leap off the page: discover why readers love Steve Cavanagh:'Cavanagh stands head and shoulders above the competition, with his skilfully plotted, action-packed and big-hearted Eddie Flynn novels . . . highly intelligent, twist-laden and absolutely unputdownable' Eva Dolan, author of the critically acclaimed Tell No Tales'What a thriller! Breathlessly brilliant and fiendishly clever' Miranda Dickinson'A cleverly constructed legal thriller combined with a classic locked-room mystery. Eddie Flynn is fast becoming one of my favourite fictional heroes and Cavanagh one of my favourite thriller writers.' S.J.I. Holliday, author of Black Wood'Raymond Chandler could have created Eddie Flynn. THE PLEA is Phillip Marlowe and Michael Connolly's Mickey Haller combined, with a bit of Jim Thompson's THE GRIFTERS thrown in. A superb read with a main character destined to be one of the most talked about in crime fiction.' Howard Linskey, author of The Search*If you like John Grisham, Lee Child and Michael Connelly, you will LOVE the gripping and twisty Eddie Flynn series:1. The Defence2. The Plea3. The Liar4. Thirteen* Each Eddie Flynn thriller can be read as a standalone or in series order *

Liar! (A Lost and Found Novel #3)

by Fern Michaels

Action, adventure and a dash of mystery combine in the latest in the Lost and Found series from acclaimed, #1 New York Times bestselling author Fern Michaels, as a brother-and-sister team find clues to a decades-old case hidden in an old armoire . . . Luna Bodman always looks forward to a new shipment of furniture at the restoration shop. Her brother, Cullen, has a knack for finding discarded pieces with an intriguing history, and Luna likes to sit with each item to see if she can feel any kind of vibrations. Usually, Cullen does his thing while Luna does hers, but the arrival of an old armoire triggers a raeaction in Luna that&’s impossible to ignore. From the moment Luna wiggles inside the armoire and closes her eyes, she feels an overpowering and disturbing sensation. Emerging, she asks for a flashlight and discovers words scraped into the wood: &“Help me!&” Hoping to uncover the piece&’s secrets, Luna contacts her good friend, U.S. Marshall Christopher Gaines, and the group sets out to trace the armoire&’s origins.The journey takes them to a military school in New England, and a mysterious, long-ago ransom case. The kidnappers were never found, but decades later, the answers may finally be within reach . . .

The Liar

by Nora Roberts

When her husband Richard is killed in a freak accident, Shelby Pomeroy is devastated. But she soon learns a horrible truth - Richard was a conman and a cheat, and their life together was a lie.Returning home to Tennessee, Shelby discovers a new sense of strength and freedom. And hope, too, in the form of handsome carpenter Griffin Lott. But not everyone is thrilled to see Shelby Pomeroy back in town. And when a shocking act of violence is traced back to Richard's shady business, Shelby realises she is still not safe from his lies...

The Liar

by Nora Roberts

Shelby Foxworth lost her husband. Then she lost her illusions ...<P><P> The man who took her from Tennessee to an exclusive Philadelphia suburb left her in crippling debt. He was an adulterer and a liar, and when Shelby tracks down his safe-deposit box, she finds multiple IDs. The man she loved wasn't just dead. He never really existed.<P> Shelby takes her three-year-old daughter and heads south to seek comfort in her hometown, where she meets someone new: Griff Lott, a successful contractor. But her husband had secrets she has yet to discover. Even in this small town, surrounded by loved ones, danger is closer than she knows--and threatens Griff, as well. And an attempted murder is only the beginning ...

Liar City (Sugar & Vice #1)

by Allie Therin

A murder has Seattle on edge, and it falls to a pacifist empath—and a notorious empath hunter—to find the killer before it's too late It&’s the middle of the night when part-time police consultant and full-time empath Reece gets an anonymous call warning him that his detective sister needs his help. At an out-of-the-way Seattle marina, he discovers that three people have been butchered—including the author of the country&’s strictest anti-empathy bill, which is just days from being passed into law. Soon, Reece&’s caller arrives: a shadowy government agent known as The Dead Man, who is rumored to deal exclusively in cases involving empathy. He immediately takes over the investigation, locking out both local PD and the FBI, but, strangely, keeps Reece by his side. As the two track an ever-growing trail of violence and destruction across Seattle, Reece must navigate a scared and angry city, an irritating attraction to his mysterious agent companion, and a rising fear that perhaps empaths like him aren&’t all flight and no fight after all…"Readers will be yearning for more the minute they finish the final page." —Library Journal, starred review, on StarcrossedSugar & Vice

Liar, Dreamer, Thief

by Maria Dong

A young woman&’s carefully constructed fantasy world implodes in this brilliantly conceived novel that blurs distinctions between right and wrong, comedy and tragedy, imagination and reality: "Surreal . . . filled with technicolor lies and terrible truths" (Alix E. Harrow, New York Times bestselling and Hugo‑award winning author). Most Anticipated by CrimeReads · Good Housekeeping · BookRiot · Goodreads · Bookish · OverDriveAardvark Book Club pick · Good Housekeeping Must-Read Book of 2023 Katrina Kim may be broke, the black sheep of her family, and slightly unhinged, but she isn&’t a stalker. Her obsession with her co-worker, Kurt, is just one of many coping mechanisms—like her constant shape and number rituals, or the way scenes from her favorite children&’s book bleed into her vision whenever she feels anxious or stressed. But when Katrina finds a cryptic message from Kurt that implies he&’s aware of her surveillance, her tenuous hold on a normal life crumbles. Driven by compulsion, she enacts the most powerful ritual she has to reclaim control—a midnight visit to the Cayatoga Bridge—and arrives just in time to witness Kurt&’s suicide. Before he jumps, he slams her with a devastating accusation: his death is all her fault. Horrified, Katrina combs through the clues she&’s collected about Kurt over the last three years, but each revelation uncovers a menacing truth: for every moment she was watching him, he was watching her. And the past she thought she&’d left behind? It&’s been following her more closely than she ever could have imagined. A gripping page-turner, as well as a sensitive exploration of mental health, Liar, Dreamer, Thief is an intimate portrayal of life in all its complexities—and the dangers inherent in unveiling people&’s most closely guarded secrets.Includes a Reading Group Guide.

The Liar in the Library (A Fethering Mystery #18)

by Simon Brett

Having been booked to give a talk at Fethering Library, successful author Burton St Clair invites his old friend Jude to come along. Although they haven't met for almost twenty years, Jude is not surprised to find that St Clair hasn't changed, with his towering ego and somewhat shaky relationship with the truth. What Jude hadn't been suspecting, however, was that the evening would end in sudden, violent death. More worrying, from Jude's point of view, is the fact that the investigating police officers seem to be convinced that she herself was responsible for the crime. With the evidence stacking up against her, Jude enlists the help of her neighbour Carole not just to solve the murder but to prevent herself from being arrested for committing it.

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