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Los sueños de la serpiente

by Alberto Ruy Sánchez

"Una especie de canto poseído me retumbaba en la cabeza, insistente y escalofriante como el viento de invierno entre los árboles." Para recuperar la memoria, un hombre centenario, encerrado en un psiquiátrico, escribe y dibuja sobre los muros de su celda los recuerdos que va recuperando. Esto lo lanza a una aventura por las grandes ilusiones y desilusiones de su siglo, y a descubrir las múltiples vidas que lo habitan. Tiene que inventar a sus ancestros y dejar que destile una verdad más profunda. Tiene que inventarse a sí mismo a partir de unos cuantos jirones de recuerdos o delirios. Su misterio se va desentrañando con sobresaltos, silencios y desbordamientos: aparentemente es un mexicano emigrado a Estados Unidos, convertido en trabajador automotriz; enamorado frustrado de la mujer que sería seducida utilitariamente por el asesino de Trotsky. Emigrado de nuevo a la Unión Soviética, se vuelve obrero en la planta armadora que Henry Ford le vendió a Stalin para crear una utópica Detroit soviética. Fue tutor de inglés de Sergo Beria, hijo del jefe de la Policía Secreta, de la que fue más de una vez peón y víctima. Finalmente será el calígrafo y constructor de este peculiar laberinto. En el centenario de la Revolución Soviética, su testimonio es una cámara de ecos tan entusiastas como adoloridos. Su catatonia y su despertar son los del siglo. Y no han terminado. Otros escritores han dicho... "En su prosa nítida y rápida, Alberto Ruy Sánchez relata historias complejas en las que la psicología individual se mezcla a la política colectiva, la literatura a la pasión por la justicia, la introspección del solitario a la sed de fraternidad, la duda a la creencia. Duelo entre la fe, que es amor a nuestros ídolos y a nuestros correligionarios, y el difícil amor a la verdad. [#] Ruy Sánchez no se limita a relatar: examina y desentraña." Octavio Paz "Aprecio en los libros de Ruy Sánchez la búsqueda de la forma necesaria para cada historia que cuenta. Es algo excepcional en tiempos donde se cultiva lo contrario y eso hace de él un escritor extramuros. [#] De sus relatos y ensayos hablamos con Susan Sontag, quien lo leyó y comentó atentamente, con Luce López Baralt y Severo Sarduy, que escribieron sobre él, con Octavio Paz, ampliamente, y todos coincidimos en esa apasionada singularidad." Juan Goytisolo "Alberto Ruy Sánchez devuelve el ensayo a la narración y el relato a la biografía. Incluso cuando dedica su tiempo a leer a los rusos victimados o disidentes, lo hace con la misma atención al lector que lo acompaña; después de todo, los autoritarismos y fundamentalismos son monologantes y nos niegan el turno de la palabra." Julio Ortega

Los sueños de Sandra

by Antonio Delgado Ferro

Quizás los sueños sean la verdadera realidad y lo que consideramos real, un sueño, ficción. Sandra y Julián forman un matrimonio joven y ambos trabajan en la fábrica montada por el padre de Sandra. <P><P>Una noche salen a cenar, discuten, Julián se retira disgustado y Sandra continúa disfrutando de la noche. Entra a un bar donde se encuentra un músico actuando, el cual se parece de forma extraordinaria al hombre con el que sueña reiteradamente desde la muerte de su amigo Damián. <P>El músico es cubano y se llama Carlos, hablan, congenian y se enamoran. Una noche, Julián golpea a Sandra y ésta decide romper con él. Julián se traslada a Sao Paulo, Brasil, a montar una nueva fábrica y ahí conoce a Velma, prostituta muy hermosa con la cual mantiene una relación. Con la ayuda de Sandra, Carlos triunfa en el mundo de la música y se hace famoso. En Brasil, Julián, un tipo muy ambiciosos, entra en contacto con el COPA, la organización criminal más poderosa del país. Sandra, embarazada de Carlos, se traslada a Sao Paulo en compañía de su madre para asistir a la inauguración de la nueva fábrica y es asesinada por un sicario del COPA siguiendo órdenes de Julián. <P>Sin embargo, la criatura se salva y Carlos ignora la desgracia ocurrida a la mujer amada. Con el tiempo termina por enterarse y consigue la custodia de la niña, que se llama Matilde y está al cuidado de sus abuelos maternos, unas personas ignorantes y llenas de prejuicios. <P>Julián ha hecho fortuna en Brasil y se casa con la hija de un rico empresario. Pasan los años y Carlos actúa en Sao Paulo, donde se enfrenta con Julián, del cual sospecha es el que ordenó el asesinato de Sandra. Por último, Julián, enloquecido, desaparece misteriosamente y Carlos dedica su vida a la música y el cuidado de Matilde.

Sueños del desierto

by Laura Kinsale

Quienes estén buscando una novela romántica histórica distinta, apasionada y emotiva, con unos personajes retratados de manera exquisita, encontrarán en Sueños del desierto su libro ideal. Arden Mansfield, heredero de una gran fortuna, es un hombre reservado que guarda en secreto sus pasiones y sus miedos. Obstinado e inquieto, con sus expediciones a lugares exóticos intenta colmar su sed de aventura y, sobre todo, de libertad. Ahora, en Próximo Oriente, a donde ha llegado en pos de una leyenda y aceptando un reto, descubre bajo el disfraz de un beduino a una joven enigmática que cambiará su vida. Zenia es la hija ilegítima de una intrépida dama victoriana, lady Hester Stanhope. Su mayor anhelo es viajar al país de sus padres, Inglaterra, para llevar una vida «normal» y dejar atrás este desierto abrasador, lleno de peligros pese a su hechizo. Arden es el único que puede ayudarla a conseguirlo..., aunque los sueños y destinos de ambos parezcan irreconciliables. Reseña:«Una de las mejores escritoras en la historia del género. No me puedo imaginar a ninguna otra escritora con tanto talento como Laura Kinsale. Es simplemente increíble.»All About Romance

Sueños del desierto

by Laura Kinsale

Arden Mansfield, heredero de una gran fortuna, es un hombre reservado que guarda en secreto sus pasiones y sus miedos. Obstinado e inquieto, con sus expediciones a lugares exóticos intenta colmar su sed de aventura y, sobre todo, de libertad. Ahora, en Próximo Oriente, a donde ha llegado en pos de una leyenda y aceptando un reto, descubre bajo el disfraz de un beduino a una joven enigmática que cambiará su vida.Zenia es la hija ilegítima de una intrépida dama victoriana, lady Hester Stanhope. Su mayor anhelo es viajar al país de sus padres, Inglaterra, para llevar una vida «normal» y dejar atrás este desierto abrasador, lleno de peligros pese a su hechizo. Arden es el único que puede ayudarla a conseguirlo# aunque los sueños y destinos de ambos parezcan irreconciliables.Para quienes estén buscando una novela romántica histórica distinta, apasionada y emotiva, con unos personajes retratados de manera exquisita, Sueños del desierto es su libro.

Sueños rojos (Chasing Red #Volumen 1)

by Isabelle Ronin

Sueños rojos es la primera entrega de «Chasing Red», la nueva serie romántica que te hará creer en el amor a primera vista. «Soy lo último que ella desea en su vida. Ella sigue esperando a que la decepcione, sigue esperando que me vaya. Pero yo he venido para quedarme. Le pertenezco. Así de fácil.» Con tan solo veintiún años, Verónica está sola en el mundo y se acaba de quedar en la calle. Desesperada, decide darse una noche loca para olvidar el marrón monumental que es su vida. Esa noche de fiesta se convierte rápidamente en una oportunidad para cambiar su futuro... Y su futuro puede que se llame Caleb, estrella del baloncesto y conquistador nato, que rápidamente se queda prendado de ella y le ofrece un trato: ella no tiene piso y él tiene un montón de dinero: ¿por qué no se muda con él? Por primera vez en su vida, Caleb ha encontrado algo que desea desesperadamente. Pero Verónica no está dispuesta a entregarse. Reseña:«¡Sueños rojos es una novela romántica y sexy como pocas!»Anna Todd, autora de After

La Suerte de Destiny

by Jr Wirth

Fragmento de La Suerte de Destiny Mientras más cerca ellos estaban de la puerta, más raro se volvían las cosas. Podía ver pequeñas cabezas asomarse detrás de las gruesas cortinas borgoñas, las cuales cubrían tanto el garaje como de los ventanales frontales. Sus rostros parecían como los de niños pequeños, demasiados para contar. Todos parecían algo perturbados, ligeramente desfigurados, y especialmente malvados. Cada uno parecía gritar con furia, pero no se podía escuchar una sola palabra. Era como si sus voces silenciadas estuvieran clamando por ayuda; un desahogo de algún tipo de maldición. Me dio una sensación espeluznante, pensé —algo anda muy mal aquí —, y por alguna razón, me forcé a voltear y mirar a la casa del hombre extraño en la calle del frente. —Miegda —susurré despacio con un chillido en mi voz y con fatalidad en mis ojos. En la puerta frontal, detrás del protector, noté la silueta de un hombre, o lo que sea que fuera. Su mano anciana apenas salía de la puerta, en casi la misma posición que se encontraban más temprano. La luz de la terraza resaltaba la mano en deterioro que ahora jalaba con su dedo índice, llamándome para que me le uniera. Con susto, volteé a mira a los chicos que iban caminando a la puerta de la familia que desaparecía, una auténtica casa embrujada. Súbitamente, las formas malignas, grandes y pequeñas, comenzaron a rodearlos, mientras los niños de los condenados, como ratas furiosas, emergieron de todas partes. —¡Salgan! —grité, justo antes que Frankenstein intentara coger a Yoko.

La suerte de los dados

by Philippa Carr Estela Canto

¿Estará Clarissa condenada a ser una seductora incorregible como su madre Carlotta? Sin ser consciente, la niña sigue los pasos apasionados de la mujer a la que nunca conoció. Y se enamora perdidamente del rebelde jacobita Dickon Frenshaw. Pero Inglaterra en 1715 no el sitio adecuado para que florezca el amor. Los leales capturan a Dickon y lo deportan a América. Clarissa se ve forzada a un matrimonio con el libertino Lance Clavering, soldado de su Majestad. Prisionera de dos hombres, Clarissa debe enfrentarse a un mar de hostilidad, rodeada de escándalo, perfidia y traiciones. El descontento civil crece y amenaza revolución cuando es acusada de espiar para los católicos. ¿Cómo salvará el futuro de su hija Zipporah?

La suerte del destino: Precuela

by Christina McKnight

De condesa a marginada Rechazada por la Alta Sociedad inglesa a causa de su ascendencia Barbadiense, la señorita A’laya Banesworth ha pasado la vida anhelando la aceptación verdadera. Cuando el Conde de Holderness la corteja, ella piensa que ha encontrado al verdadero amor. A’laya no tarda mucho en descubrir que su matrimonio es uno de conveniencia. Aunque ahora es condesa, A’laya aún enfrenta la desaprobación y el desprecio de la familia de su marido. Solo el nacimiento de su hija Katherina le proporciona algo de felicidad. Pero A’laya no supo ver lo malvados que eran sus enemigos. Le roban a Katherina y dejan a A’laya sin recursos para encontrarla. Sin embargo, la busca con desesperación manteniendo viva la esperanza de que su hija esté a salvo. A medida que pasan los años, A´laya viaja por la campiña inglesa como adivina, anhelando reunirse con Katherina.

Suffer a Sea Change

by Celeste De Blasis

Set in Bermuda, our heroine finds danger, suspense and romance when she gets mixed up with a jewel and drug smuggling ring.

Suffer Love

by Ashley Herring Blake

Sam Bennett falls for Hadley St. Clair before he knows her last name. When Sam finds out she is that St. Clair, daughter of the man who destroyed Sam&’s family, he has a choice: follow his heart or tell the truth about the scandal that links their families. Funny and passionate, Suffer Love is a story about first love, family dysfunction, and the fickle hand of fate.

Suffering Jordon

by D. J. Manly

Jordan doesn't approve of Amanda's lifestyle. Chase finds Jordan egotistical and arrogant. Watch the sparks fly as these three find themselves living together in Amanda's home. Suffering Jordanis Book 3 of D.J. Manly's sexy series Amusing Amanda, and will be a welcome addition to your romance library. When her father dies, Amanda is reunited with her gorgeous half brother, Jordon, who comes to stay at the family home for a prolonged visit. Jordon doesn't approve of his sister's lifestyle, and he doesn't attempt to hide the fact that he doesn't approve of Chase either, whom he considers to be little more than a male prostitute.It doesn't help that shortly after they meet, Chase, who is wallowing in grief, gets drunk and falls asleep in Jordon's bed either; or that Chase finds ex race car driver Jordon Nash not only to be one of the most arrogant and annoying men he's ever met, but also one of the sexiest.Don't miss the third in the Amusing Amanda series, and watch the sparks fly, sexual and otherwise when Chase suffers Jordon.Content: M/M, M/M/F, light bondage

The Suffering Tree

by Elle Cosimano

"It's dark magic brings him back. " Tori Burns and her family left D.C. for claustrophobic Chaptico, Maryland, after suddenly inheriting a house under mysterious circumstances. That inheritance puts her at odds with the entire town, especially Jesse Slaughter and his family-it's their generations-old land the Burns have "stolen. " As the suspicious looks and muttered accusations of her neighbors build, so does the pressure inside her, and Tori returns to the pattern of self-harm that landed her in a hospital back in D.C. It all comes to a head one night when, to Tori's shock, she witnesses a young man claw his way out of a grave under the gnarled oak in her new backyard. Nathaniel Bishop may not understand what brought him back, but it's clear to Tori that he hates the Slaughters for what they did to him centuries ago. Wary yet drawn to him by a shared sense of loss, she gives him shelter. But in the wake of his arrival comes a string of troubling events-including the disappearance of Jesse Slaughter's cousin-that seem to point back to Nathaniel. As Tori digs for the truth-and slowly begins to fall for Nathaniel-she uncovers something much darker in the tangled branches of the Slaughter family tree. In order to break the curse that binds Nathaniel there and discover the true nature of her inheritance, Tori must unravel the Slaughter family's oldest and most guarded secrets. But the Slaughters want to keep them buried at any cost.

The Suffering Tree

by Elle Cosimano

"It's dark magic brings him back." Tori Burns and her family left D.C. for claustrophobic Chaptico, Maryland, after suddenly inheriting a house under mysterious circumstances. That inheritance puts her at odds with the entire town, especially Jesse Slaughter and his family-it's their generations-old land the Burns have "stolen." As the suspicious looks and muttered accusations of her neighbors build, so does the pressure inside her, and Tori returns to the pattern of self-harm that landed her in a hospital back in D.C. It all comes to a head one night when, to Tori's shock, she witnesses a young man claw his way out of a grave under the gnarled oak in her new backyard. Nathaniel Bishop may not understand what brought him back, but it's clear to Tori that he hates the Slaughters for what they did to him centuries ago. Wary yet drawn to him by a shared sense of loss, she gives him shelter. But in the wake of his arrival comes a string of troubling events-including the disappearance of Jesse Slaughter's cousin-that seem to point back to Nathaniel. As Tori digs for the truth-and slowly begins to fall for Nathaniel-she uncovers something much darker in the tangled branches of the Slaughter family tree. In order to break the curse that binds Nathaniel there and discover the true nature of her inheritance, Tori must unravel the Slaughter family's oldest and most guarded secrets. But the Slaughters want to keep them buried? at any cost.

Suffisamment normal (La guerre des moteurs #2)

by Marie Sexton Bastien Errico

La guerre des moteurs, numéro hors sérieQu’est-ce qui est “normal” ? Quand Brandon Kenner entre dans le garage de Kasey Ralston avec sa Chevelle SS 454 de 1970, Kasey est sous le choc, à la fois à cause de l’homme et de sa voiture. Mais Kasey cache un secret des plus embarrassants : son amour pour les vieilles muscle cars qui va bien au-delà de ce que l’on pourrait considérer comme normal. Cet attrait inhabituel avait conduit Kasey à rester isolé — à l’écart de sa famille, et même à distance de ses collègues de travail. Mais quand Brandon découvre le secret du mécano, il n’est pas repoussé. En fait, il trouve même Kasey intrigant, et est bien déterminé à l’avoir pour lui tout seul. Absolument tout chez Brandon fait ronronner le moteur de Kasey, et il est plus que motivé à se salir les mains en compagnie de cet homme des plus charmants. Les inquiétudes de Kasey viennent plus de ce qui pourrait se passer ensuite. Y a-t-il une chance pour qu’ils aient un futur ensemble ? Dans le passé, l’espoir d’une relation à long terme l’avait toujours conduit à de cruelles déceptions. Mais Kasey ne peut s’empêcher d’espérer qu’en dépit de ses penchants, Brandon sera l’exception.

The Suffragette Scandal

by Courtney Milan

Miss Frederica "Free" Marshall has put her heart and soul into her newspaper, known for its outspoken support of women's rights. Naturally, her enemies are intent on destroying her business and silencing her for good. Free refuses to be at the end of her rope...but she needs more rope, and she needs it now. Edward Clark's aristocratic family abandoned him to die in a war-torn land, so he survived the only way he could: by becoming a rogue and a first-class forger. When the same family that left him for dead vows to ruin Miss Marshall, he offers his help. So what if he has to lie to her? She's only a pawn to use in his revenge. But the irrepressible Miss Marshall soon enchants Edward. By the time he realizes that his cynical heart is hers, it's too late. The only way to thwart her enemies is to reveal his scandalous past...and once the woman he loves realizes how much he's lied to her, he'll lose her forever.

Sugar (Whiskey Sharp)

by Lauren Dane

A Cake sequelAn impromptu road trip makes for the honeymoon Gregori and Wren didn’t know they wantedBad-boy artist Gregori Ivanov wants nothing more than to marry Wren Davis. He’s asked her before—more than once—but she insisted on waiting until she’d established her own career. Now that the time is finally right, Gregori has one hell of a celebration in mind. Restaurants, museums and NYC luxury all the way…on top of all the newlywed sex they’ll be having.The universe, unfortunately, did not get the message. When their plane is grounded in Idaho, they’re forced to improvise a road trip to get back to Seattle instead of the romantic getaway Gregori painstakingly planned. But that they’re together is what’s important, and with giant roadside potato museums, funky galleries in towns with little more than two stoplights and some seriously great diner food—in between all the great sex—Gregori and Wren find a honeymoon as unique and memorable as their love.This book is approximately 30,000 wordsOne-click with confidence. This title is part of the Carina Press Romance Promise: all the romance you’re looking for with an HEA/HFN. It’s a promise!Edited by Angela James


by Kim Davis

While Caleb Thorn was a junior at the University of Michigan, he had a relationship with a wealthy and closeted auto executive named Alex Hale. When Alex contacts Caleb fourteen years later to meet, Caleb finds himself experiencing a flood of memories about Alex.At the start of their relationship, Caleb was enamored with Alex and enjoyed having a secret relationship with a sexy older man who bought him expensive gifts, but he soon comes to realize those gifts come with a price. Alex controls every aspect of their relationship and Caleb often finds himself on the receiving end of Alex’s insults and hurtful behavior. Caleb quickly realizes having a sugar daddy can be both sweet and sour.


by Seressia Glass

From the author of Spice, another sweet and sexy story about the women of the Sugar & Spice CaféUninhibited passion is all she needs to turn her life around...Siobhan "Sugar" Malloy, co-owner of Sugar and Spice Café and part-time burlesque dancer, believes that love is for the young and foolish--and at thirty-five years old, she is neither.But a new business venture with the sexy twenty-something owner of Crimson Bay Couriers is quickly changing her mind. Charlie O'Halloran is beyond charming--and his flirtatious manner is an unexpected breath of fresh air for Siobhan. Soon an explosively steamy affair begins, and Siobhan discovers that she loves making up for lost time.When Charlie comes clean and admits he wants a relationship, Siobhan is struck with memories of the troubled past she is desperate to forget. But when her estranged daughter makes a surprise appearance, Siobhan must choose between the family she left behind and the new life--and new love--she's always wanted...

Sugar (Fate #1)

by Jenna Jameson Hope Tarr

New York Times bestselling author Jenna Jameson (How to Make Love Like a Porn Star) teams up with romance author Hope Tarr for this wild erotic novel-Jenna’s first tantalizing foray into fiction. Fleeing Los Angeles and her scarlet past a former porn star returns to her New York roots hoping to lose herself in the crowded city streets, protected from the paparazzi's reach . . . or so she thinks. A chance encounter with a returned war hero--now prominent investment CEO--is the very last thing she wants or needs, or is it? When the handsome and deliciously kinky CEO shows her that there are other ways to satisfy her needs (and he knows all of them), she finds herself in the middle of a sexual awakening, a true romance and a happily ever after. This is a rollicking must-read for all fans of the Crossfire and Fifty Shades of Grey series.Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Arcade, Yucca, and Good Books imprints, are proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in fiction-novels, novellas, political and medical thrillers, comedy, satire, historical fiction, romance, erotic and love stories, mystery, classic literature, folklore and mythology, literary classics including Shakespeare, Dumas, Wilde, Cather, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.


by S. L. Jennings Naleighna Kai J. D. Mason Shakir Rashaan London St. Charles Sierra Kay Karen D. Bradley Anita L. Roseboro MarZe Scott

Nine authors, featuring New York Times bestseller, S. L. Jennings, bring the unexpected with unique short stories that are sure to leave a sweet taste on the tip of your tongue. Among the delicacies penned by national bestsellers Naleighna Kai, J. D. Mason, Shakir Rashaan, London St. Charles, and also Sierra Kay, Karen D. Bradley, Anita L. Roseboro, and MarZé Scott, are contemporary fiction, suspense, women’s fiction, erotica, and even romance that will warm the heart. This anthology is a perfect blend of authors at the top of their game who have crafted stories that will leave you wanting more. When you’ve satisfied your sweet tooth, venture into our savory anthology entitled Spice featuring national bestselling authors Pat G’Orge Walker, Martha Kennerson, Lisa Watson, Naleighna Kai, and many others.


by Karin Kallmaker

Sugar works hard to establish herself and her bakery business in Seatle. But, when disaster strikes in the form of a fire, she doesn't know what to do. All of a sudden, Sugar, who hasn't had a date in forever, finds herself interested in three very different women. First, there's Tree, a social worker and victim's advocate. Then, there's Charlie, the firefighter who works hard to salvage all that Sugar holds dear. Finally, there's Emily, the TV producer who hopes to make Sugar famous. Which will she choose, and, how can she choose at all when she's living with her homophobic grandmother?

Sugar: A Novel (Fate Ser.)

by Kimberly Stuart

After realizing her coworkers at L’Ombre, a high-profile restaurant in NYC, will never appreciate or respect her, Charlie Garrett allows her ex-boyfriend, Avery Michaels, to convince her to work for him as executive pastry chef at his new Seattle hotspot, Thrill. She’ll have her own kitchen, her own staff-everything she ever wanted professionally.When she arrives at Thrill, however, she realizes that Avery wanted more than a pastry chef for his restaurant-he wanted a costar for the reality show they’re filming about the restaurant and its staff. Charlie is uncomfortable with the idea at first, but she soon realizes that this is her chance to show the world what women in the kitchen are capable of. She sets some ground rules with the film crew, signs a non-disclosure agreement, and promptly meets the man of her dreams, Kai, off-camera.The show, and her demanding work schedule as head of the pastry kitchen, makes it nearly impossible for Charlie and Kai to spend time together. Drama on and off the set soon take a toll on Charlie’s well-being, forcing her to choose if life in front of the camera is worth sacrificing life behind the scenes.Sugar is a contemporary romance, set in the high-pressure commercial kitchens of New York and Seattle. A funny and clever story of how a female chef learns to thrive in the ruthless world of premier restaurants.


by Hope Tarr Jenna Jameson

New York Times bestselling author Jenna Jameson (How to Make Love Like a Porn Star) teams up with romance author Hope Tarr for this wild erotic novel--Jenna's first tantalizing foray into fiction. Fleeing Los Angeles and her scarlet past a former porn star returns to her New York roots hoping to lose herself in the crowded city streets, protected from the paparazzi's reach . . . or so she thinks. A chance encounter with a returned war hero--now prominent investment CEO--is the very last thing she wants or needs, or is it? When the handsome and deliciously kinky CEO shows her that there are other ways to satisfy her needs (and he knows all of them), she finds herself in the middle of a sexual awakening, a true romance and a happily ever after. This is a rollicking must-read for all fans of How to Make Love Like a Porn Star.


by Hope Tarr Jenna Jameson

New York Times bestselling author Jenna Jameson (How to Make Love Like a Porn Star) teams up with romance author Hope Tarr for this wild erotic novel-Jenna's first tantalizing foray into fiction. Fleeing Los Angeles and her scarlet past a former porn star returns to her New York roots hoping to lose herself in the crowded city streets, protected from the paparazzi's reach . . . or so she thinks. A chance encounter with a returned war hero--now prominent investment CEO--is the very last thing she wants or needs, or is it? When the handsome and deliciously kinky CEO shows her that there are other ways to satisfy her needs (and he knows all of them), she finds herself in the middle of a sexual awakening, a true romance and a happily ever after. This is a rollicking must-read for all fans of the Crossfire and Fifty Shades of Grey series.

Sugar Ain't So Sweet (Everything Nice Series #1)

by Naleighna Kai La Ammitai

Shannan has no choice but to leave her husband, seven children, and a successful career before someone ends up on the wrong side of the grave. As she escapes the manipulation and impossible demands of her husband and family, she embraces the 30 Days of Me process for reconnecting with her best self. She is determined to find peace and a new sense of purpose, but her husband, Zach, is desperate to win her back. As he struggles to deal with his overbearing family and disrespectful children, he is forced to confront hard truths and family secrets that threaten to push Shannan further away.With emotional depth and a powerful narrative, USA TODAY Bestselling Author, Naleighna Kai and bestselling author, La Ammitai, deliver a tale of love, loss, and redemption in Sugar Ain’t So Sweet.ABOUT THE SUGAR SERIESEach book is a standalone, NO cliffhangers Book 1 – Stop in the Name of Love by Naleighna Kai and U. M. HiramBook 2 – Spice of Life by J. L. CampbellBook 3 – His Biggest Fan by Martha KennersonABOUT THE SPICE SERIESEach book is a standalone, NO cliffhangers Book 1 – Loving All of Me by Naleighna Kai and Stephanie M. FreemanBook 2 – Carnal Confections by Shakir RashaanBook 3 – Dirty Diana by J. D. MasonABOUT THE EVERYTHING NICE SERIESEach book is a standalone, NO cliffhangers Book 1 – Sugar Ain’t So Sweet by Naleighna Kai and LaAmmitaiBook 2 – Spicing Things Up by Lisa DodsonBook 3 – Cayenne by Janice M. Allen

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