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Gratitude Prayers: Prayers, Poems, and Prose for Everyday Thankfulness

by June Cotner

"The selections in this book will encourage you to pay attention to things that make you laugh, the places that nourish you, the loved ones who inspire and guide you, and caring strangers who bring blessings to your days."—June CotnerGratitude Prayers is an uplifting collection of inspiring prayers, reflective poems, and motivating quotes that will open you to experience more joy and wonder in life. In this gracious anthology, June Cotner offers more than 100 motivational selections that remind you to embrace each and every day with abundance and thankfulness. Gratitude Prayers includes the voices of classic visionaries such as Rumi, Anne Frank, Walt Whitman and Helen Keller, whose words mingle eloquently alongside contemporary writers such as Michael S. Glaser and Barbara Crooker. The writers in this exuberant book share how to seek out tiny moments of joy, which will point the way toward finding the good in every situation. Divided into ten chapters, Gratitude Prayers offers a transformational perspective on finding happiness through gratefulness. Chapters include: Simple Pleasures, Everyday Life, The Natural World, Friends and Family, Joy and Wonder, Faith and Courage, Prayers and Blessings, as well as Reflections, and Inspirations. In addition, the book closes with a chapter dedicated to what June calls, &“Gratitude Boosters,&” short, easily read passages that offer the reader an instantaneous paradigm shift. Let gratitude inspire your attitude with Gratitude Prayers.

Gratitude with Attitude: How Journaling Thankfulness for Just 5 Minutes a Day Can Change Your Life

by Ronnie Walter

Thankful Thinking for 5 Minutes a DayA daily dose of humor and heart. Find inspiration through writing prompts and quotes in this gratitude journal by bestselling author Ronnie Walter. The creator of a coloring series dedicated to stress relief and fun (The Coloring Café®), Ronnie brings over twenty years of successful illustrating and writing to this daily journal dedicated to personal growth and happiness.Exercise gratitude each day. Whether it comes at the start of our day or the end, making time to think about what we’re grateful for is beneficial in many ways. Practicing an attitude of gratitude strengthens our spirit and quiets our mind, even if just for a moment. It provides the peace and zen we long for and need in the midst of busy days and packed schedules.Move forward to a happier and more meaningful life. Journaling is a form of self-care because it encourages us to check in with ourselves and examine our thoughts and feelings on a deeper level. By using this 5-minute journal to record things we’re grateful for, spot meaningful intentions, and celebrate tiny victories, we create a space to grow in gratitude for what we have and see better who we want to be.Harness your “Thank You Power” in just 5 minutes with the help of Ronnie Walter’s Gratitude with Attitude journal. Dive into it each day and find:Ideas for connecting to your sense of abundance and wellbeingWays to express your creativity and imaginationInspiration for deepening your connection to spiritualityBe sure to pick up Gratitude with Attitude if you’ve enjoyed other titles such as Good Days Start With Gratitude, Zen as F*ck: A Journal for Practicing the Mindful Art of Not Giving a Sh*t, and The One-Minute Gratitude Journal.

Gravidez sem medos nem mitos

by Maria Manuel Sampaio

Tudo o que precisa de saber para viver uma gravidez descomplicada e feliz A Gravidez está cheia de conhecimento popular, toda a gente sabe o que se deve e não fazer sobre a alimentação, exames a realizar, as vacinas… só que não é bem assim. Está na hora de acabar com todos os mitos à volta deste momento mágico e encontrar toda a informação de que precisa, de uma fonte fiável, de forma simples e directa, para ter uma gravidez mais serena e feliz. A obstetra Maria Sampaio acaba com todos os mitos que envolvem esta fase tão mágica e importante da vida de uma mãe para que a gravidez seja vivida sem medos nem mitos! Sabia que ... a consulta pré-concepcional é a consulta mais importante para o sucesso da gravidez? Sabia que ... as náuseas são sinal indireto que a gravidez está a evoluir? Sabia que... a hemorragia vaginal no primeiro trimestre acontece em cerca de 40% das gravidezes normais? Sabia que ... durante a gravidez há determinados países para os quais não deve viajar? Sabia que ... a ingestão de marisco é aconselhada na gravidez? Sabia que ... o "cérebro de grávida" existe? É chamado internacionalmente como "mumnesia"... e na maioria dos casos passa vários meses após o parto Sabia que... no pós-parto o baby-blues ocorre em cerca de 60% das mães, que se se prolongar mais de 3 semanas pode ser uma depressão pós-parto? Sabia que... bem tem que comprar o livro para saber tudo o resto... Quem é Maria Manuel Sampaio nas palavras das pacientes:«Descomplicada, descontraída, despachada, dedicada e apaixonada. É amor à primeira vista e é para sempre.» «Adoro a sua simplicidade, a forma como descomplica o complicado é incrível..." "A melhor do Mundo! A mestre da descomplicação!» «Transmite muita confiança e tranquilidade. Adora aquilo que faz. Descomplica todos os mitos e medos...» «Uma médica INCRÍVEL, sem medos, sem stress e muitooo feliz!» «Prática, divertida, assertiva, acessível, empática, meiga... um anjo!» «A melhor das melhores... um anjo que está lá para esclarecer todas as dúvidas e apaziguar todas as inquietações... simplesmente Lovely!» «Incrível e apaixonada pelo que faz! É um Ser de Luz!» «Fui mãe aos 40 quando a maioria me dizia - Tem calma que vai ser complicado! - e a Dra tornou tudo fácil, natural, sereno e divertido!» «A magia e o amor incondicional que vejo no seu olhar ao longo das consultas, com uma tranquilidade simplesmente única.» «Ama o que faz e, por isso, presenteia todas as pessoas que se cruzam consigo com amor, segurança, serenidade e muito profissionalismo.» «Um verdadeiro anjo da guarda dos bebés! Sempre com as palavr as e decisões acertadas em todas as situações.» «Simplesmente a melhor Obstetra do Mundo.»

Gravity Check (Orca Sports)

by Alex Van Tol

Jamie is determined that nothing—not even his annoyingly popular younger brother Seth—is going to spoil his fun at a mountain biking camp in the backcountry. Nothing but stumbling on a giant grow-op in the woods, that is. And watching their fellow campers get captured by violent drug dealers. And working with Seth to figure out a way to save them without getting caught themselves.

Gray Dawn: How the Coming Age Will Transform America and the World

by Peter G. Peterson

How Aging is changing our world.

Gray Matter: A Neurosurgeon Discovers the Power of Prayer... One Patient at a Time

by David Levy Joel Kilpatrick

A perfect blend of medical drama and spiritual insight, Gray Matter is a fascinating account of Dr. David Levy's decision to begin asking his patients if he could pray for them before surgery. Some are thrilled. Some are skeptical. Some are hostile, and some are quite literally transformed by the request. Each chapter focuses on a specific case, opening with a detailed description of the patient's diagnosis and the procedure that will need to be performed, followed by the prayer "request." From there, readers get to look over Dr. Levy's shoulder as he performs the operation, and then we wait--right alongside Dr. Levy, the patients, and their families--to see the final results. Dr. Levy's musings on what successful and unsuccessful surgical results imply about God, faith, and the power of prayer are honest and insightful. As we watch him come to his ultimate conclusion that no matter what the results of the procedure are, "God is good," we cannot help but be truly moved and inspired.

Gray's Anatomy

by Spalding Gray

In middle age Spalding Gray has entered "the Bermuda Triangle of Health," that place where the body begins to break down in alarming and humiliating ways. His immediate problem is an eye complaint that could be corrected with minor surgery. But for the high priest of high anxiety, nothing is ever minor. And so Gray embarks on a crazed crusade for wellness that takes him from a Native American sweat lodge to a dictatorial nutritionist and, finally, to a gory session with the "Elvis Presley of psychic surgeons" in the Far East. Exquisitely timed, unfettered in its intelligence, and funny enough to push readers to the brink of cardiac arrest, Gray's Anatomy is a surreal tour de force of body and soul.

The Great American Detox Diet: Feel Better, Look Better, and Lose Weight by Cleaning Up Your Diet

by Alex Jamieson

Here is the detox plan featured in the hit movie Super Size Me—the program that reversed the damage filmmaker Morgan Spurlock did to his body in a month of gorging on nothing but fast foodAlex Jamieson, a certified holistic health counselor and vegan chef—presents the everyman's version of the detox plan that helped Spurlock lose 14 pounds in 8 weeks. Flexible and easy to follow, this 8-week strategy lays out a step-by-step plan for not only ridding the body of harmful toxins but also ending addictions to sugar, fats, and carbohydrates that damage both mental and physical well-being. Filled with 100 unique, delicious, and healthy recipes, The Great American Detox Diet can help anyone begin a lifetime of wellness and good health—and regain control of their body and lose weight.

The Great American Health Hoax: The Surprising Truth About How Modern Medicine Keeps You Sick—How to Choose a Healthier, Happier, and Disease-Free Life

by Raymond Francis

Described as "one of the few scientists who has achieved a breakthrough understanding of health and disease," Raymond Francis draws deeply from his years of personal experience and professional training. A chemist and a graduate of MIT, Raymond exposes the truth about why the conventional approaches to health and disease aren't working. In The Health Hoax, Francis blends wisdom from his previous books with new information and research, then he pulls out all the stops and creates a simple roadmap to health so that you can get well, stay well and never be sick again. Francis believes that, through education, we can put an end to the epidemic of chronic disease while providing a solution to the biggest social and economic problem of this century—the costs of global aging. In The Health Hoax, Francis exposes the truth about how to stay healthy and introduces us to a way of life that can become a "highway to health", while he quite effectively demonstrates that we really don't have to be sick. Then, he reminds us that not only is there absolutely no fun in being sick, but we are going broke trying to pay the cost. Francis realizes that the only solution for individuals and society as a whole is to maintain health. But health is a solution that we must choose, and once we make that choice, we must learn how to achieve it. Fortunately, learning how to be healthy has never been easier—The Health Hoax makes it simple. Because the human organism is a magnificent self-regulating, self-repairing system, it is capable of being completely functional and in excellent health for well over 100 years of vital, productive life. We are the sum of everything that goes into our system – it is our job to support it. When we make the choice to properly care for ourselves, our bodies will reward us with the gift of good health and long life. All we need is a tool to help us master the elements of health that are the most important. This book is that tool. It will empower you to choose health and never be sick again!

The Great American Heart Hoax: Lifesaving Advice Your Doctor Should Tell You About Heart Disease Prevention (But Probably Never Will)

by Michael Ozner

Clinical studies show that cardiovascular intervention does not prevent heart attacks or prolong life in stable patients with coronary artery disease . . . so why are more than 1.5 million angioplasties and coronary bypass surgeries done annually in the United States alone? In The Great American Heart Hoax, esteemed cardiologist Michael Ozner, author of The Miami Mediterranean Diet, reveals groundbreaking truths about what actually helps prevent and reverse heart disease and what isn't worth the money or risk. Discover disturbing realities from a cardiologist about the billion-dollar cardiovascular intervention industry. While a minority of patients may benefit from surgery, Ozner uncovers that the majority can employ much simpler methods, such as diet, exercise and medical therapy, to achieve better results-without stents or surgery. Most important, The Great American Heart Hoax provides a 10-step program to improve your heart health and reduce your risk of heart disease.

The Great Apparitions of Mary: An Examination of Twenty-Two Supranormal Appearances

by Ingo Swann

The great apparitions of Mary, starting with Guadalupe in 1531, occur with a steady and increasing drumbeat across the decades and centuries. The places and the principals involved change, but the messages calling people to turn from lives of violence and sin and to seek repentance are remarkably similar. By focusing on the most widely known and documented appearances and presenting them in chronological order, the power of the events and the messages emerge in a powerful way. Swann shows how advances in science have placed the apparitions in a more intriguing light. One of the historic challenges concerning them was how could something which was not there be there in a way that registered on the eye mechanisms? The discovery of holography, where images that appear to be three-dimensional, having bulk, shape and mass, can be photographed, have provided an analogy that enlarges our perception of the physical laws and challenges the skeptics' verdict of hallucination. This fascinating and compelling account of the appearances challenges readers Catholic or not, religious or not, believers or not, to reflect on the messages and their possible consequences for our civilization and our future.

The Great Big Poop Party

by Samantha Berger

The Great Big Poop Party is writer Samantha Berger and illustrator Manny Galán's hilarious picture book about a little boy who wants a special theme for his birthday party—and the poop-centric silliness that ensues.Julian's birthday is fast approaching. For his party, his parents promise he can have any theme he wants. Maybe superheroes or skateboards? Dinosaurs or dogs? But Julian has another idea.He wants a poop party.With his family's help, Julian throws the biggest, brownest, most creative poop party ever!

The Great Big Pumpkin Cookbook: A Quick and Easy Guide to Making Pancakes, Soups, Breads, Pastas, Cakes, Cookies, and More

by Michalczyk Maggie

More Than 50 Delicious Pumpkin Recipes, including Paleo Friendly, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, and Vegetarian Options to Enjoy All Fall Long! Pumpkin is not just for pie! With help from Maggie Michalczyk, registered dietitian and creator of the popular Once Upon a Pumpkin blog, you can discover brand-new ways to use your pumpkin, whether fresh or canned. From snacks and side dishes to breakfast, dinner, and dessert, you&’ll never get tired of the creative ways to use your pumpkin! Recipes include: Homemade Pumpkin Pie Spice Pumpkin Ginger Oat Bowl (Dairy-Free) Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Pumpkin Donuts (Gluten- and Dairy-Free) Pumpkin Snickerdoodles Lemon Pumpkin Soup (Gluten-Free and Vegetarian) Pumpkin Mac and “Cheese” (Dairy-Free and Vegetarian) Pumpkin Spice Latte Pie Pumpkin Turmeric Hummus (Gluten- and Dairy-Free) And many more! These fantastic recipes are not only delicious but feature paleo-friendly, vegetarian, and gluten- and dairy-free options! Recipes also feature ingredients from your favorite brands, including Libby’s, Simple Mills, Quaker, and siggi’s. Don’t leave your pumpkin for fall baking. Now with The Great Big Pumpkin Cookbook, you can eat all the pumpkin your heart desires all year round!

The Great Bird Flu Hoax

by Joseph Mercola

The U.S. government is now practically screaming that a new avian super-flu will likely kill millions of Americans. The mainstream media is entirely onboard, as are drug companies and other corporations poised to benefit immensely off the paranoia. But there is NO coming bird flu pandemic. It's an elaborate scheme contrived by the government and big business for reasons that boil down to power and money. Presenting eye-opening evidence that casts serious doubt on the truthfulness of reports about the virus's ability to transmit, and its mortality rates around the world, renowned physician Dr. Joseph Mercola reveals the secrets about the great bird flu hoax. In compelling fashion he provides you the real facts you need to know to protect you from a far greater ill - corporate and governmental greed.

The Great Body Shop, Grade 2 Student Issues

by Children'S Health Market Inc.

NIMAC-sourced textbook

The Great Body Shop, Grade 3 Student Issues

by Children'S Health Market Inc.

NIMAC-sourced textbook

The Great Body Shop, Grade 4 Student Issues

by The Editors at the Children's Health Market

NIMAC-sourced textbook

The Great Body Shop, Grade 5 Student Issues

by The Editors at the Children's Health Market

NIMAC-sourced textbook

The Great Body Shop, Grade 6 Student Issues

by Children'S Health Market Inc.

NIMAC-sourced textbook

The Great Body Shop, Grade 7 Student Issues

by Children'S Health Market Inc.

NIMAC-sourced textbook

The Great Body Shop, Grade 8 Student Issues

by Children'S Health Market Inc.

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Great Clarity

by Fabrizio Pregadio

This is the first book to examine extensively the religious aspects of Chinese alchemy. Its main focus is the relation of alchemy to the Daoist traditions of the early medieval period (third to sixth centuries). It shows how alchemy contributed to and was tightly integrated into the elaborate body of doctrines and practices that Daoists built at that time, from which Daoism as we know it today evolved. The book also clarifies the origins of Chinese alchemy and the respective roles of alchemy and meditation in self-cultivation practices. It contains full translations of three important medieval texts, all of them accompanied by running commentaries, making available for the first time in English the gist of the early Chinese alchemical corpus.

The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth

by Barbara Mor Monica Sjoo

This classic exploration of the Goddess through time and throughout the world draws on religious, cultural, and archaeological sources to recreate the Goddess religion that is humanity's heritage. Now, with a new introduction and full-color artwork, this passionate and important text shows even more clearly that the religion of the Goddess--which is tied to the cycles of women's bodies, the seasons, the phases of the moon, and the fertility of the earth--was the original religion of all humanity.

The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality

by Angus Deaton

A Nobel Prize–winning economist tells the remarkable story of how the world has grown healthier, wealthier, but also more unequal over the past two and half centuriesThe world is a better place than it used to be. People are healthier, wealthier, and live longer. Yet the escapes from destitution by so many has left gaping inequalities between people and nations. In The Great Escape, Nobel Prize–winning economist Angus Deaton—one of the foremost experts on economic development and on poverty—tells the remarkable story of how, beginning 250 years ago, some parts of the world experienced sustained progress, opening up gaps and setting the stage for today's disproportionately unequal world. Deaton takes an in-depth look at the historical and ongoing patterns behind the health and wealth of nations, and addresses what needs to be done to help those left behind.Deaton describes vast innovations and wrenching setbacks: the successes of antibiotics, pest control, vaccinations, and clean water on the one hand, and disastrous famines and the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the other. He examines the United States, a nation that has prospered but is today experiencing slower growth and increasing inequality. He also considers how economic growth in India and China has improved the lives of more than a billion people. Deaton argues that international aid has been ineffective and even harmful. He suggests alternative efforts—including reforming incentives to drug companies and lifting trade restrictions—that will allow the developing world to bring about its own Great Escape.Demonstrating how changes in health and living standards have transformed our lives, The Great Escape is a powerful guide to addressing the well-being of all nations.

Great Expectations: Twenty-Five True Stories about Childbirth

by Dede Crane and Lisa Moore

In this moving, uniquely honest, and transformative collection of original essays, twenty-five celebrated writers share one of their most intimate and life-changing experiences: childbirth. Featuring an introduction by bestselling author and columnist Leah McLaren, Great Expectations takes the reader on an emotional and physical journey like no other: Lynn Coady relates the painful memory of her teenage pregnancy and the anguish of having to give up her newborn for adoption; Peter Behrens expresses a father’s feeling of utter helplessness and incomparable joy during the birth of his first child; Christy Ann Conlin describes pregnancy and birth at age forty; Afua Cooper reflects upon the immigrant’s experience of three pregnancies and childbirths in a new land with foreign, and evolving, customs; Anne Fleming contemplates her partner’s artificial insemination and the birth of a beautiful girl; and Jaclyn Moriarty transcribes her grandmother’s and her mother’s birth stories, along with her own, to create a tender oral history spanning three generations.

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