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Nadia Knows Best: A warm and witty tale of love, lust and family drama

by Jill Mansell

NADIA KNOWS BEST is an unputdownable romance from the Sunday Times bestselling Jill Mansell, whose novels are must-reads for fans of Cathy Kelly and Lucy Diamond.When Nadia Kinsella meets Jay Tiernan, and the weather traps them in a remote Cotswold pub, she's tempted, of course she is. But Nadia's already met The One. She and Laurie have been together for years - they're practically childhood sweethearts and she still gets butterflies in her stomach at the sight of him. Okay, so maybe she doesn't see that much of him these days, but that's not Laurie's fault. She can't betray him. Besides, when you belong to a family like the Kinsellas - bewitchingly glamorous grandmother Miriam, feckless mother Leonie, stop-at-nothing sister Clare - well, someone has to exercise a bit of self-control, don't they? I mean, you wouldn't want to do something that you might later regret...Read for you by Penelope Freeman, narrator of Jill Mansell's SOLO and a fan favourite, STAYING AT DAISY'S. (p) Isis Publishing Ltd, 2003

Nadie como él (serie NADIE #Volumen 1)

by Martina D'Antiochia

La historia de amor prohibido que querrás vivir. La nueva adictiva serie de Martina D'Antiochia Zoe llega el primer día a su nuevo instituto; los nervios y el agobio por empezar de cero pasan en seguida cuando conoce a nuevas amigas, cómo funciona ese escenario totalmente desconocido para ella y a aquel chico que podría poner su mundo literalmente del revés... Y es que, si el riesgo tuviera nombre, se llamaría Cody. Zoe lo aprende rápido… el día en que lo conoce. Si Cody significa problemas… ¿hasta dónde está dispuesta a llegar por intentar acercarse a él?, ¿cuál es el precio de dejarse llevar?, ¿vale la pena perderlo todo para empezar a ganar? La ficción un paso más allá en el primer volumen de la nueva serie de Martina D'Antiochia >: el instituto, con su gossip, sus amores, sus situaciones prohibidas... para contar historias, conflictos ¡y mucho más! Después de más de 700.000 ejemplares vendidos de su serie La diversión de Martina, la autora nos trae una novela juvenil con todos los ingredientes para seguir arrasando. Jugar con fuego. Quemarse. Y querer repetir Nadie como él es la primera novela de la Trilogía NADIE que continúa con Nadie como ella y se cierra con Nadie como ellos.

Nadie como ella

by Martina D'Antiochia

La historia de amor prohibido que querrás vivir. La nueva y adictiva serie de Martina D'Antiochia para adolescentes a partir de 16 años. La segunda parte de la trilogía YA de Martina D'Antiochia. La autora nos trae una ficción llena de aventuras, amor, relaciones personales, amigas, enemigas... En definitiva, el día a día de la vida de un grupo de amigas de instituto y todo lo que las rodea.

Nadie como ellos (serie NADIE #Volumen 3)

by Martina D'Antiochia

El desenlace de la adictiva serie YA de Martina. La autora lleva la ficción un paso más allá: el instituto, con su gossip, sus amores, sus situaciones prohibidas... para contar conflictos, historias de amor, ¡y mucho más! La serie juvenil escrita por Martina D'Antiochia. La autora nos trae una ficción llena de aventuras, amistad, amor, relaciones personales, amigas, enemigas... En definitiva, el día a día de la vida de un grupo de amigas de instituto y todo lo que las rodea.

¡Nadie hace el amor con un ladrón! (Santana's club #Volumen 3)

by S. F. Tale

¿Puede ser George Washington el celestino de tu historia de amor? Siempre debes estar segura de con quién te acuestas. Anna Strong trabaja en la galería de arte de Santana´s Club y cuenta con la confianza de su jefe para la organización de nuevas exposiciones. Su trabajo fue la tabla de salvación cuando atravesó, dos años atrás, el peor momento de su vida y vio cómo el mundo se derribaba como un castillo de naipes a su alrededor. Hasta que un día, por culpa de la misión que su abuela le legó, tropezará con un hombre que tiene de insoportable lo mismo que de atractivo y que le hará replantearse dejar el pasado atrás. Una teoría de la conspiración puede acercarte a tu alma gemela.Robert Townsend, alias Winters, es el mejor amigo de Matthew Hunter. Su amistad ha permanecido intacta desde el día en que se conocieron y comenzaron a robar grandes obras de arte, pero él, al contrario que su amigo, nunca pudo ser juzgado. Esa existencia errante de ladrón provocó que siga cerrado al amor. Sin embargo, el destino lo pondrá en el camino de una mujer que no lo dejará indiferente y le sacará su faceta más protectora, además, de obligarle a abrir su corazón.Entre secretos, investigaciones y con un peligro que los acecha descubrirán que no existen las historias de amor banales.

Nadie me gusta más que tú

by Maria Ferrer Payeras

Una noche de pasión, una herencia y muchas sorpresas es lo que le deparará el destino a nuestra protagonista. Una novela romántica que nadie se puede perder. ¿Puede una herencia cambiar el rumbo de la vida de dos personas que no se conocen de nada? Joana anhela el puesto de jefa de urgencias del New York Presbiterian Hospital desde que tiene uso de razón. Es una médica ambiciosa y entregada a su trabajo hasta el punto de no tener vida fuera del hospital. Guillem es veterinario en un pequeño pueblo de Mallorca, donde vive rodeado por su familia y amigos. La tranquilidad y estar cerca de aquellos a los que más quiere son los pilares de su vida. La casualidad querrá que ambos se encuentren en un hotel de Madrid y compartan una noche de pasión sin ataduras. Pero el destino es caprichoso y les depara innumerables sorpresas. La primavera traerá para ellos mucho más de lo que nunca hubiesen podido imaginar.

Nadie se muere de esto

by Fátima Casaseca

La certeza de que su novio le es infiel conduce a Elena a una crisis que le hará replantearse su vida por completo, y descubrir así una nueva necesidad: la de encontrarse a sí misma. Para las que quieren encontrarse a sí mismas.Para las que nadan contracorriente.Para las valientes. Elena, de treinta y tres años, lee un mensaje sospechosamente cariñoso que su novio envió a una desconocida por Facebook hace un año. Se queda de piedra. No lo puede creer... ¿Alberto? Parece imposible. Siempre ha sido un novio atento y cariñoso. El chico perfecto, el yerno ideal. Elena está tan sorprendida que no sabe cómo reaccionar. Siente que necesita aclarar las ideas antes de enfrentarse a Alberto. Cuando apareció en su vida, él le ofreció la estabilidad que había perdido tras una devastadora experiencia sentimental. Ahora que todo parece desmoronarse a su alrededor, resurgen las dudas diluidas en una vida cómoda y, por qué no, deseable: ¿Qué siente en realidad por Alberto? ¿A dónde va su relación con él? Y la más importante: ¿Qué quiere hacer con su vida? Elena empieza a cuestionarse todo lo que la rodea, empezando por la imagen que tiene de sí misma. Descubrirá que no es, ni de lejos, tan valiente como pensaba. Porque Elena presiente que debe tomar la decisión más importante a la que se haya enfrentado jamás. Es ahora o nunca.

Nadie se salva solo

by Margaret Mazzantini

Mazzantini logra que recuperemos el significado del amor... El resultado es milagroso. Elvira Navarro, Qué Leer Delia y Gaetano eran pareja. Ya no lo son, y han de aprender a asumirlo. Desean vivir tranquilos pero, al mismo tiempo, les inquieta y seduce lo desconocido. ¿En qué se equivocaron? No lo saben. La pasión del comienzo y la rabia del final están todavía demasiado cercanas. En una época en la que parece que ya está todo dicho, sus palabras y silencios dejan al desnudo sus soledades, sus urgencias, sus recuerdos, y provocan brillos imprevistos al poner en escena, una noche de verano, el viaje del amor al desamor. Aclamada por la crítica y los lectores, Nadie se salva solo es una de las grandes novelas de la literatura italiana actual: la conmovedora historia de una pareja contemporánea. Ganadora de los premios Rapallo-Carige, Strega, Grinzane Cavour, Città di Bari, Prix Littéraire Européen Zepter y Supercampiello, ha sido traducida a 35 idiomas con más de 4.000.000 de lectores. La crítica ha dicho...«Una escritora de gran talento e inteligencia cuyo trabajo honra a nuestra literatura.»Oggi «La prosa de Mazzantini es singular, refinada, rica en imágenes y muy reconocible. Cada frase, cada palabra parece haber sido escogida después de un cuidadoso escrutinio, como si se tratara de perlas hábilmente montadas que iluminan la textura de la narrativa.»Corriere della Sera «Los personajes de Mazzantini son impresionantes: destilan una fuerza inusual en cada detalle.»La Repubblica «Margaret Mazzantini escribe de un modo tan apasionado como raras veces puede leerse.»Buchmagazin «Las descripciones que hace Mazzantini del amor, tanto maternal como romántico, son de una impactante crudeza.»Kirkus Review «Cada nueva entrega de Mazzantini nos hace sentir que recibimos la carta de una amiga querida,que escribe de forma exquisita aquello que anida en nuestro yo más íntimo.»Ángeles López, La Vanguardia

nager avec des fantômes (Nager Avec des Fantomes #3)

by Laurence E Fisher

Il a été détruit par la tragédie. Elle a été brisée par l'amour. Peuvent-ils trouver un moyen de réparer leur douleur ensemble? De retour à la maison une coquille d'homme brisée, Harry Fisher n'a aucun espoir de trouver l'amour. Mais quand il rencontre la calme et forte Pam Aulsebrook, ils trouvent une connexion comme jamais auparavant. Passant au crible la douleur de leur passé et luttant contre les souvenirs qui les hantent, Pam et Harry commencent à apprendre à guérir leur cœur dans un monde de revers et de pertes. Peuvent-ils ignorer les fantômes de leur passé et enfin trouver un avenir ensemble?


by Justine Elyot

Told in the style of a modern myth, Naiad is a wet and wild tale of needful nymphs!

Naiade, La portatrice di vita

by Lorraine Cocó

Allison è una scrittrice di successo della letteratura romantica paranormale. La sua vita sembra il tipico sogno americano, fino a quando suo marito James muore in un incidente aereo. In seguito alla sua morte, scopre che il mondo che la circonda e il mondo della sua immaginazione non sono poi così diversi. Quando viene a sapere di essere incinta del suo defunto marito e che suo figlio è ambito e perseguitato, si dovrà adattare a un mondo pericoloso, con cui avrà a che fare molto più di quanto non creda e che diventerà la sua unica ancora di salvezza per lei e per il bambino. Ma su chi si può contare quando tutto il mondo vuole la creatura che porta in grembo?

Nail Polish and Feathers (Deep Secrets and Hope #1)

by Jo Ramsey

Deep Secrets and Hope: Book OneSixteen-year-old Evan Granger has no problems with being gay. Despite his mother's objections, he wears nail polish and makeup to school and pursues his goal of becoming a professional drag queen. TV drag star Taffy Sweet gives encouragement and Evan's cousin Holly tries to protect him, but school bullies abuse him so badly because of his sexuality and the girly way he dresses that he ends up at the hospital emergency room. After that, even his new crush, a closeted football jock named Moe Garcia, is unhappy about Evan's choice to live his life openly gay. But even in girly clothes and nail polish, Evan is a force to be reckoned with, and he soon shows the bullies--and everyone else--that beating a drag queen up does not mean the queen is beaten down. LR Cafe's 2013 Best All Around Book Nominee

Nailah – A Feiticeira-Vampira do Egito

by Roberta Pisco Vianka Van Bokkem

Sinopse: Eu nasci em uma abastada família egípcia numa noite de tormenta. De acordo com meu pai, isso não era um bom sinal dos deuses. Os egípcios acreditavam em magia e quase todo homem, mulher e criança que tinha condição no Egito, usava um amuleto ou talismã. Assim que me tornei grande o suficiente, meus pais contrataram uma velha feiticeira famosa para me ensinar feitiços e poções mágicas. Fui transformada em vampira ao completar 19 anos de idade. Meu nome é Nailah e esta é a minha história.


by Christine D'Abo

Warning: This show contains scenes of sexual tension.Hosting a new TV show is a fantasy-turned-reality for diva decorator Sophia Holbrook. But concentrating on color swatches is hard when all she can think of is her studly cohost, contractor Fynn Babineau. These two may clash over blueprints and budgets on-screen, but with the lust palpable between them, rumor has it they have been putting more than just their heads together behind the scenes.... What secrets will the cameras expose? Tune in tonight to find out.Viewer discretion advised. Mature audiences only.


by Amie Stuart

Late Night As resident fix-it girl for an apartment complex in a tiny Texas town, Bonnie James makes enough money to pay the bills and have a little fun on the side. She likes checking out the other tenants and sometimes indulges in her own sexual fantasies by watching them late at night. Its exciting, its erotic, and it always leaves her ready and willing for more. . . Turn On When youre a bounty hunter, late night stake-outs are part of the job. So Wynn Collier should be concentrating on his own business, not watching a Peeping Tom with the sweetest body west of the Mississippi. But hes a hot-blooded male on a hot Texas night and he cant resist the chance to investigate every one of her delectable curves. . . Praise for Hands On. . . "Sexy, scrumptious, finger-lickin good!" --Monica Jackson "From sweet to spanky, Stuarts heroines sizzle across the page!" --Lucinda Betts WARNING! This is a REALLY HOT book. (Sexually Explicit)

Nailed by the Heart

by Simon Clark

When the Stainforth family moves to the coast, it's a dream come true; but the coastal village was once a sacred place for an old religion. Its power stirs, infecting the dead with a new kind of life.

Nailing It

by Anna Jefferson

Hilariously funny and excruciatingly relatable - NAILING IT is perfect for fans of THE UNMUMSY MUM, Louise Pentland and Gill Sims.---------------Faking it.Breaking it.Hating it.Loving it...This is motherhood. Emily is raising two tiny feminists, building her freelance career and navigating life as a newly single mum - and feels like she's failing horribly.Tania just wants her other half to do his fair share - as long as it's done her way. But being right isn't nearly as much as fun as being in it together...Helen has almost got family life sorted: a routine that suits them all, most days. Until her own mum turns up and turns calm into chaos.Sometimes being a mum is the hardest job in the world. So can these three friends fake it till they make it?---------------Reader reviews for Anna Jefferson's first book, WINGING IT:'A frank and funny look at motherhood' *****'I didn't want to put this down!' *****'From page one she had me hooked' *****'Loved, loved, loved this book' *****'It has been a long time since I laughed (and cried!) so much at a book' *****

Nails and hammer, it's YOU I need

by Agnès Ruiz

Samantha inherits an old house in the countryside. Given the large amount of building work that needs to be done, her best friend persuades her to get in touch with all of her ex-boyfriends to help her with the renovations. What if behind this harebrained project, she finally meets the love of her life? "A funny and touching novel which makes us feel alive." Agnès Ruiz is the author of several best-sellers. She had huge success with her first novel “Ma vie assassinée”. She writes for both adults and children. Her short stories featuring the investigations of detective Rachel Toury have also been very successful in Europe as well as North America. Several translations are available. She is originally from Normandy (France) and lived in Canada for almost 20 years.

Naive Awakening

by Cathy Williams

Lessons in loveSleek city animals like successful attorney Nicholas Reynolds were a rare species in Leigh's quiet hometown. But Nicholas had a mission: as a favor to an old family friend, he planned to help Leigh's wayward little brother out of a scrape.... In return, he demanded that Leigh must work for him!However would Leigh, a plain-speaking country girl, fare in the big, bad city&#151lin the hands of Nicholas, a sophisticated man with too much charm for his own good? And worse, he seemed determined to use all of that charm on Leigh....


by Gina Gordon

The deeply sensual Body & Soul series kicks off with "a fun, sexy emotional read" (Lisa Renee Jones), as one woman discovers the courage to face life's greatest challenges--and explore her connection with a handsome neighbor. Violet Walker has been hiding. Withdrawn after a terrible car accident, she is worried about going back to her high-pressure job, where she's expected to project confidence and sleek refinement. Allowing herself a distraction, she's been watching her sexy neighbor work on his house. But when the shirtless, grinning hunk catches her in the act, Violet is struck by the unmistakable jolt of physical chemistry, a sensation that's both thrilling and terrifying. Noah Young is used to moving from one construction job to another, never laying a firm foundation. The same goes for the women in his life--until Violet changes all that. His beautiful voyeur embraces his rough edges and shows him a hint of real love. But even Noah can tell that she's holding back, hiding her body and her heart from what they both truly want. If only he could get a little help convincing Violet to see herself as he sees her: perfect in every way.Advance praise for Naked "Naked is not to be missed. All I can say is, more Noah please!"--New York Times bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones"A fun, sexy story that will make your heart race, Naked is a great swoony romance!"--New York Times bestselling author A. Meredith Walters Includes a special message from the editor, as well as an excerpt from another Loveswept title.


by Megan Hart

No strings. No regrets. And no going back. I didn't think he wanted me. And I wasn't about to get involved with him, not after what I'd heard. Sure, Alex Kennedy was tall, dark and unbearably hot, but I've been burned before. When I solicited him to model for my erotic photography book, I didn't expect such a heated, passionate photo session. And now that we've crossed that line, our bodies aren't the only things that have been exposed.But I can't give my heart to a man who's so...unconventional. His last sexual relationship was with a married couple. It's enough that my ex-fiancé preferred men, I can't take that chance again no matter how much my body thrives on Alex's touch. I can't risk it, but I can't resist it, either.Alex can be very convincing when he wants something. And he wants me.

Naked: The Blackstone Affair, Book 1 (The\blackstone Affair Ser. #Bk. 1)

by Raine Miller

The first book in the bestselling Blackstone Affair trilogy! Naked desire. Secret Satisfaction. An affair you'll never forget.Brynne Bennett has left scandal in her past and is living the good life. An American grad student at the University of London and part-time photographic model, she's getting back on track with lots of hard work and focus on a career in art conservation. When successful and charismatic London businessman Ethan Blackstone buys her nude portrait, he wants to possess more than just her image. He wants Brynne in his bed, serving him in every way possible. He has no trouble voicing his desires, and he isn't taking "no" for an answer. At first, his dominant nature captivates her, but it isn't clear if the force of his powerful desire will ultimately awaken or dispel the demons Brynne is carrying inside. There are secrets on both sides of this relationship--huge ones. Can Ethan erase the scars of Brynne's past so that she can reveal her true self to him? Or will the shadows cast by Ethan's own mysterious former life destroy their chance at happiness? Naked is the sizzling, unforgettable story of what happens when a strong woman meets the one man powerful enough to strip away all her defenses, leaving her standing naked and perfect before him.

Naked!: How To Find The Perfect Partner By Revealing Your True Self

by David Wygant

Are you sick and tired of trying to make your relationships work? Have you had enough of putting your own needs and desires on the back burner while you try to fulfill those of someone else? Here's the reality of the situation: dating is not about trying to make things work, and it's not about putting off the things you want. What dating is all about is finding the person who is the best match for you. The problem is that too many people aren't willing to get naked, that is, to be honest with themselves and with their prospective mates. They hide who they really are inside, become frustrated with their partners, and then the relationship ends up on the rocks. Imagine how easy dating would be if you knew exactly who you were dating from the get-go, and the other person knew the same thing. In this informative book, dating expert David Wygant takes you on a journey that will change your life forever. David will help you conquer your relationship fears and insecurities once and for all and attract the kind of people you want to meet, date, and build long-term relationships with. Being single and dating means that you have the freedom to meet the right person, and the power to finally get it right. Being single can be the most amazing adventure if you're willing to reveal the real you-both to yourself and to others. Within these pages, you will discover how to use the Law of Attraction in dating to your advantage, how to speak from your heart, how to understand exactly what you want out of life, and how to communicate honestly-with yourself and with your mate. By the time you're done reading, you'll be naked, too-and you'll be well on your way to finding your perfect partner.

Naked '76

by Kevin Brooks

London, 1976: A summer of creation, destruction, and blistering heat. Lili Garcia stands at the edge of London's growing punk scene, playing bass with one of city's wildest bands. The group's success has only strained things between Lili and Curtis Ray, her cool, rebellious boyfriend and bandmate. Lili soon meets William Bonney—a guitarist from Northern Ireland. William is as reserved as Curtis Ray is loud, haunted by the life he left behind, but every bit as brilliant a musician. William's quiet confidence moves Lili to search for what she really wants. But the secrets of William's past could mean danger for both of them . . .

Naked Aggression: A Mike Bodine Mystery

by Chuck Stevens

Mike Bodine's sister is killed by a bomb in Belfast at the height of the Irish troubles. But what's an all-American girl from LA doing in Belfast? And who had reason to kill her? Searching for answers in Ireland, Mike finds himself up against the sort of violence he's met only once before, when he was a U.S. Air Force pilot in Bosnia. But this time it gets personal: someone wants him dead. Only two people seem willing to help Mike: Chief Hanson, a laid-back cop in LA, and Penny Hamilton, a sensual stripper in Belfast. With their help, Mike digs behind a web of lies and evasion until he discovers the truth. Along the way, he finds himself infatuated with Penny to the point where it becomes a major problem. They're great in bed together, but she's still a small-time stripper.

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