Special Collections

Mark Zuckerberg's "A Year of Books"

Description: Here we present Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's collection known as "A Year of Books". He created this list throughout 2015, choosing books that emphasize learning about new cultures, beliefs, histories, and technologies. #adults #general

Showing 1 through 25 of 26 results
Title Author Date Added Action
World Order Henry Kissinger 05/25/2017
Why Nations Fail Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson 05/25/2017
The Varieties of Religious Experience William James and Martin E. Marty 05/25/2017
The Varieties of Religious Experience William James 05/25/2017
The Varieties of Religious Experience William James 05/25/2017 Read Now
The Varieties of Religious Experience William James 05/25/2017
The Three-Body Problem Cixin Liu 05/25/2017
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Thomas S. Kuhn 05/25/2017
Sapiens Yuval Noah Harari 05/25/2017
Rational Ritual Michael Suk-Young Chwe 05/25/2017
The Rational Optimist Matt Ridley 05/25/2017
Portfolios of the Poor Jonathan Morduch and Daryl Collins and Stuart Rutherford and Orlanda Ruthven 05/25/2017
The Player of Games Iain M. Banks 05/25/2017
Orwell's Revenge Peter Huber 05/25/2017
On Immunity Eula Biss 05/25/2017
The New Jim Crow Cornel West and Michelle Alexander 05/25/2017
The Muqaddimah N. J. Dawood and Bruce Lawrence and Ibn Khaldun and Franz Rosenthal 05/25/2017
The Idea Factory Jon Gertner 05/25/2017
Genome Matt Ridley 05/25/2017
Gang Leader for a Day Sudhir Venkatesh 05/25/2017
Energy Vaclav Smil 05/25/2017
The End of Power Moises Naim 05/25/2017
Dealing With China Henry M. Paulson 05/25/2017
Creativity, Inc. Amy Wallace and Ed Catmull 05/25/2017
The Better Angels of Our Nature Steven Pinker 05/25/2017

Showing 1 through 25 of 26 results