Special Collections

District List: LAUSD High School Textbooks

Description: Created by Bookshare Staff #LAUSD #teachers

Showing 1 through 20 of 20 results
Title Author Date Added Action
Prentice Hall World History Elisabeth Gaynor Ellis and Anthony Esler 09/01/2017
My Perspectives, American Literature, [Grade 11], Volume One Ernest Morrell and Elfrieda Hiebert and Kelly Gallagher 09/01/2017
Collections, Grade 9 Kylene Beers and Martha Hougen and Carol Jago 09/01/2017
Magruder's American Government (California Edition) William A. Mcclenaghan 09/01/2017
Prentice Hall Biology Kenneth R. Miller and Joseph S. Levine 09/01/2017
Core Connections, Course 2, Version 5.0 Leslie Dietiker and Michael Kassarjian and Misty Nikula and Kevin Coffey 09/01/2017
Economics Gary E. Clayton 09/01/2017
Big Ideas Math Ron Larson and Laurie Boswell 09/01/2017
SpringBoard Mathematics Betty Barnett and Allen Dimacali and John Nelson 09/01/2017
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 09/01/2017
Expository Reading and Writing Course California State University (CSU) Expository Reading and Writing Course Advisory Committee 09/01/2017
Core Connections, Course 3, Version 5.0 Leslie Dietiker and Michael Kassarjian and Kevin Coffey 09/01/2017
Lifetime Health Holt Rinehart Winston 09/01/2017
The Americans Gerald A. Danzer and J. Jorge Klor de Alva and Larry S. Krieger 09/01/2017
Life on an Ocean Planet Bob Wohlers 09/01/2017
Core Connections Algebra 2, Version 4.0 Judy Kysh and Michael Kassarjian and Kevin Coffey 09/01/2017
Economics McGraw-Hill 09/01/2017
Concepts and Challenges in Life Science Martin Schachter and Leonard Bernstein and Alan Winkler and Stanley Wolfe 09/01/2017
Collections, Grade 9, Close Reader Holt Mcdougal 09/01/2017
My Perspectives, American Literature, [Grade 11], Volume Two Ernest Morrell and Elfrieda Hiebert and Kelly Gallagher 09/01/2017

Showing 1 through 20 of 20 results