Special Collections

Into Reading Texas Grade 5 (NIMAC)

Description: HMH Into Reading guides students as they transition from emerging readers to effective writers. These titles are available to students with IEPs. Learn more here: http://www.nimac.us #teachers #nimac

Showing 101 through 108 of 108 results

Mass Production and the Model T: Building the Car for Everyone

by Meish Goldish

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Henry Ford and his Model T changed the automobile industry forever. By standardizing parts, creating an assembly line, and using a conveyor belt, Ford was able to effectively produce more vehicles in less time. His ideas of mass production are still used today.

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level R, Book 2

Time and Clocks

by Debbie Croft

NIMAC-sourced textbook

You might often ask, 'What time is it?'—but you probably don't ask, 'Time, what is it?' Time is the way we measure the passing of one moment to the next. Early clocks measured the passing of sand through an hourglass or the melting of wax on a candlestick. Later on, clocks and clock towers were built as monuments in large cities.

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level R, Book 15

The Fabled Baguettes of Beauchamp

by Richard Hoit and Quentin Flynn

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level R, Book 14

My Special Upside-Down Birthday

by Paul Könye and Peter Millett

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level R, Book 13

Hypotheticus and His Calculatorium

by Ian Forss and Quentin Flynn

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level R, Book 12

Robot Trouble

by Claire Daniel and Christine Benjamin

NIMAC-sourced textbook. When Gabriela misses the deadline to sign up for Space Camp, she decides to build a robot, hoping that the robot will be impressive enough to secure her a job at the Space Center. But when the robot doesn't always understand instructions, Gabriela and her brother have some hilarious mishaps.

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level R, Book 11

Working High and Low

by Diana Noonan

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Some people have jobs in unusual places, such as high above the ground or deep beneath the surface of Earth. People with these jobs have different challenges from most other workers, and safety is very important. This book describes eight different jobs above and below ground.

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level R, Book 10

Keeping Up with Claire

by Scott Angle and Karen Guralnick and Meg García

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level R, Book 1

Showing 101 through 108 of 108 results