Special Collections

Into Reading Texas Grade 5 (NIMAC)

Description: HMH Into Reading guides students as they transition from emerging readers to effective writers. These titles are available to students with IEPs. Learn more here: http://www.nimac.us #teachers #nimac

Showing 76 through 100 of 108 results

The Martian Tales

by Marilee Burton and Kristin Barr

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Life has just turned upside down for Sanders A. Parker. His parents are talking about separating. He is being forced to spend the summer with a grandfather he hardly knows. And he has suddenly realized that he isn't an ordinary kid at all. He can't be--not with all that's going on. He must be a Martian--sent to Earth to report on the terrible things that can happen to unsuspecting kids.

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level T, Book 33

The Art of Architecture

by Carmel Reilly

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level T, Book 32

Planning a City

by Janine Scott

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level T, Book 31

Unusual Buildings

by Debbie Croft

NIMAC-sourced textbook

There are unusual buildings all over the world. Most of them are recognizable from the outside by their interesting or unique designs. There are buildings that look like baskets, bookshelves, or flowers! Find out about some of the most unique buildings in the world—where they are, how they were built, and what makes them special.

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level S, Book 30

The B-day Box

by Mark Weber and Haydn Middleton

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level S, Book 29

Thea and the Think-It-Arium

by Cameron Macintosh and Giulia Rivolta

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Thea has always wanted a goldfish, so she is very excited when her brother tells her about think-it-ariums. Wearing a headset, a person can imagine what they want to see in the fish tank, and then it appears! But when Thea's imagined creatures get hungry for peanuts, the think-it-arium doesn't seem so fun anymore. Can Thea un-think the creatures before it's too late?

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level S, Book 28

Play On!

by Carmel Reilly and Martin Fagan

NIMAC-sourced textbook. Sam is a star player on the school basketball team. But when he is chosen for a role in the school play, he's under pressure to find time for both basketball practice and play rehearsals. Will he be able to balance his commitments?

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level S, Book 27

Fire Ready

by Michelle Vasiliu and Cheryl Orsini

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level S, Book 26

Who Can Make Art?

by Pamela Rushby and Rosalie Street

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level S, Book 25

Newton and the Apple

by Sue Bursztynski and Vasja Koman

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level S, Book 24

The Search for New Lands

by Ellen Catala

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Who was Marco Polo? What did Christopher Columbus find? Learn about these European explorers and others as you read about the search for new lands.

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level S, Book 23

Dreamers and Doers

by Darleen Ramos

NIMAC-sourced textbook. Dreamers and doers are the inventors and scientists who put plans into action. Read about some of the world's biggest dreamers and doers, and learn how their curiosity changed the world forever.

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level S, Book 22

Midnight Journeys

by Maureen Mecozzi

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Take a midnight journey into the mysterious world of sleep. Learn how sleep happens and how other animals sleep. Take a test to see if you're a night owl or an early bird.

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level S, Book 21

A Night at the Beach

by Diane Bair and Pamela Wright

NIMAC-sourced textbook. The beach is a special environment that includes mudflats, marshes, sand dunes, and other places. Read this book to learn about the beach and the animals that you might see there.

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level S, Book 20

The Return of the Wolf

by Margaret Su and Bradley Clark

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level S, Book 19

By Sea to America

by Brian Moses and Tom McNeely

NIMAC-sourced textbook. Anya, Micah, and their mother set sail for America on the Lusitania. When their mother falls ill aboard the ship, Anya finds a friend in Mr. Krinsky, who helps nurse her mother back to health. But when they arrive in America and Anya is sick, who can the family ask for help?

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level S, Book 18

Watching the Night Skies

by George Ivanoff

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level S, Book 17

Plastics: Good or Bad?

by Phillip Simpson

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level S, Book 16

Who Was the Greatest Electrical Inventor?

by Sharon Parsons

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Life without electricity is difficult to imagine. Almost everything we do—and every gadget or appliance we have in our homes—relies on electricity. In this book, we'll meet some of the clever inventors and scientists whose 'electric' contributions have made such a difference in our lives. Who was the greatest electrical inventor? You decide!

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level R, Book 9

Unusual Sports

by Phillip Simpson

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Many unusual sports are played around the world. Some of them require unusual equipment and some have interesting rules. They all involve physical skill, agility, and mental strategy. Most importantly, they are always fun to play.

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level R, Book 8

Megafauna Mega-Fright!

by Cameron Macintosh and Alina Tysoe

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Tim and his friend Raff are spending their vacation helping Tim's mom—on a fossil dig. Raff thinks it's really boring, until Tim finds a strange device at the edge of the dig site. It looks like a rock, but it has numbers on it.

All of a sudden, Tim and Raff find themselves in an unfamiliar land full of creatures that look a lot like dinosaurs! Will the boys be able to escape the megafauna and find their way back?

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level R, Book 7

Save Our Library!

by Peter Millett and Scott Fraser

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level R, Book 6

Needs Versus Wants

by Phillip Simpson

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level R, Book 5

The Rainbow Serpent: An Aboriginal Australian Story

by Chris Sarandis and Bronwyn Bancroft

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level R, Book 4

Swamp Explorer

by Kathleen Simpson

NIMAC-sourced textbook. Take a tour through a swamp and learn all about its features and creatures. Explore the swamp's food chains and learn how you can help take care of the swamps.

Date Added: 01/15/2020

Category: Level R, Book 3

Showing 76 through 100 of 108 results