Special Collections

Fountas & Pinnell Classroom, Guided Reading Grade 5 (NIMAC)

Description: The Fountas & Pinnell Classroom Guided Reading Collection will allow teachers to build a rich collection over time with engaging original texts to advance students' ability to process increasingly challenging books with fluency and comprehension. #teachers

Showing 26 through 50 of 170 results

Tongue-Tied: A Memoir by Vijaya Bodach

by Vijaya Bodach

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 04/02/2020

Our Eye on the Universe: The Hubble Space Telescope

by Isaac Borromeo

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 04/02/2020

In Their Shoes: My Journey to a Refugee Camp

by Andrea Boyko

NIMAC-sourced textbook. FACING THE UNIMAGINABLE. What if you had to flee your home because of war and violence? What if you had to leave everything you know and face a totally uncertain future? That's what refugees face every day. In this book, you'll journey along with them and learn some of their stories.

Date Added: 04/02/2020

Superheroes of the Ancient World

by Owen Brozman and Joan Nichols

Superheroes! They're super brave, super strong, and they risk their lives to help others. They're also forgetful, boastful, and bad tempered. Well, nobody's perfect! NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 04/02/2020

Capsized: A Boat Goes Under

by Josh Brunet and Susanna Lobo

TRAPPED UNDERWATER A tugboat off the coast of Nigeria, Africa, flipped over and sank—with the boat's cook trapped inside. The cook found a small pocket of air to breathe, but it wouldn't last for long. Find out what he did next in this incredible story. NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 04/02/2020

Captain Stubborn

by Katherine Catmull and Gavin Reece

Perfectionist … or Control Freak? The Drama Club is entering a video contest! It's time for Henry, the club's tech wizard, to shine. He is the only one who knows how to light the scenes, record them, and edit the video—and he doesn't need anyone's help. If you want something done right, do it yourself—right? NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 04/02/2020

Cruel to Be Kind

by Katherine Catmull and Gavin Reece

To Be or Not to Be (Nice) The Drama Club has a big sci-fi play in the works, and the stakes are high. With just a couple days to go, Henry has left in a huff, leaving Taylor, the director, to handle all the tech and some of the work of building the props and set. But worst of all, Taylor still hasn't told one of the actors, Aleks, that her acting needs work—a lot of work. Will Taylor work up her nerve and do the right thing? Or will she … be "nice"? NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 04/02/2020

Lucky Star

by Katherine Catmull and Gavin Reece

NIMAC-sourced textbook. Will Quinn's lucky star keep shining? Quinn surprises his twin brother, his parents, and the whole Drama Club when he applies to a school for the performing ar ts—20 miles away. Is he ready to go from being a big fish in a little pond to being a little fish in a big pond? Will his twin brother, Henry, feel abandoned?

Date Added: 04/02/2020

Mystery Play CSI

by Katherine Catmull and Gavin Reece

NIMAC-sourced textbook. Who Did It? Someone has written a play and distributed it to the drama club. But who? And why doesn't he— or she!—want anyone to know?

Date Added: 04/02/2020


by Katherine Catmull and Gavin Reece

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 04/02/2020

Inspiring Insects

by Noelle Child

NIMAC-sourced textbook. Nature's Tiny Marvels. The technology of the future is coming as scientists and engineers get new ideas from nature's tiniest technological marvels: bugs!

Date Added: 04/02/2020

Gorilla Doctors / Saving Yalala

by Amit Tayal and Alan Ching

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 04/02/2020

Fire and Ice

by Nathaniel Clinton and Randy Gallegos

NIMAC-sourced textbook. TRAPPED IN ENEMY TERRITORY! Jespix has grown up hating the barbaric, murderous people of Ice. They are monsters who would kill a resident of Fire such as himself in a heartbeat. Then he crash-lands on the wrong side of the border …

Date Added: 04/02/2020

Jimmy's Room

by Sally Comport and Nathaniel Clinton

NIMAC-sourced textbook. INSIDE THE ROOM. When Jimmy turns thirteen, his uncle gives him a key to a room and orders him to lock himself in before the sun sets. Should Jimmy obey—or should he listen to the doubts inside his head?

Date Added: 04/02/2020

The Blacksmith's Apprentice

by Chris Coady and Casie Hermansson

A Secret Sam's a runaway with a secret. And that secret is about to be exposed. Will running again be the only way out? NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 04/02/2020

Henry and the Climbing Boys

by Chris Coady and Casie Hermansson

NIMAC-sourced textbook. Risky Work. Sweeping chimneys is dangerous work, but Henry knows how to get the job done, until he's stuck working with the youngest boy on the crew.

Date Added: 04/02/2020

Just Desserts

by Jackie Parker and Chris Coady

NIMAC-sourced textbook. Standing Up to Alice. Elizabeth puts up with giving her own food to Alice, the Head Girl at the orphan school, but she can't stand watching the other girls starve. Alice is big, strong, and mean—and she carries a switch for beating. How can Elizabeth stand up to her?

Date Added: 04/02/2020

Matthew, The Printer's Apprentice

by Chris Coady and Casie Hermansson

NIMAC-sourced textbook. Clumsy Fool. Matthew hates it when his master calls him "clumsy fool." Why should he stay and work when he's treated so badly?

Date Added: 04/02/2020

The Adventures of Sir Gareth: A King Arthur Tale

by Richard Cohen and Ario Murti

Can He Win? The young Sir Gareth must fight the Knight of the Red Lands, who lures other knights to his castle for the sheer pleasure of killing. Can Gareth win? The life of his lady hangs in the balance. NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 04/02/2020

The Mystery of Tickling

by Tom Costa

NIMAC-sourced textbook. Love It or Hate It. We can't help laughing when we're tickled… but why? Is being tickled enjoyable, or is it torture? Scientists have their tickling theories, but they are still trying to track down the answers to this odd human mystery.

Date Added: 04/02/2020

PB&J: The Backstory

by Tom Costa

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 04/02/2020

Placebos: Fake Medicine, Real Results

by Tom Costa

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 04/02/2020

Showing 26 through 50 of 170 results