Special Collections

Benetech’s Global Certified Accessible Titles

Description: Benetech’s GCA program is the first independent third-party EPUB certification to verify ebook accessibility. By creating content that is born accessible, publishers can meet the needs of all readers. Learn more: https://bornaccessible.benetech.org/

Showing 476 through 500 of 6,758 results
Category Title Author Date Added Action
Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers Three Girls from Bronzeville Dawn Turner 09/22/2021
Islam Without Allah? Colin Turner 11/22/2022
Isolationist States in an Interdependent World Helga Turku 11/22/2022
Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers Life on the Screen Sherry Turkle 09/22/2021
Rough Draft Katy Tur 11/23/2022
Lawyers and Savages Kaius Tuori 11/23/2022
Exploring Communities of Practice in Further and Adult Education Jonathan Tummons 11/22/2022
Product Liability Law in Transition Magdalena Tulibacka 11/22/2022
Religion and Reality James Henry Tuckwell 11/23/2022
Youth Resistance Research and Theories of Change Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang 11/22/2022
the song reader Lisa Tucker 11/22/2022
Rethinking Catholicism in Renaissance Spain Xavier Tubau 11/22/2022
Competition and Regulation in the Airline Industry Steven Truxal 11/22/2022
Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump 11/23/2022
Social Media as Surveillance Daniel Trottier 11/23/2022
Where is Britain Going? Leon Trotsky 11/23/2022
Languages of Education Daniel Tröhler 11/22/2022
Writing and the English Renaissance Suzanne Trill and William Zunder 11/23/2022
Atria Books Unfollow Your Passion Terri Trespicio 02/03/2022
Radical Democracy David Trend 11/23/2022
Taylor and Francis Out of Step Joseph Trenaman 02/03/2022
Managerialism and Nursing Michael Traynor 11/22/2022
Genocide, Ethnonationalism, and the United Nations Hannibal Travis 11/22/2022
The 5 Essential People Skills Dale Carnegie Training 11/22/2022
Guilford Publications Helping Your Child Overcome Reading Challenges Diane H. Tracey 02/03/2022

Showing 476 through 500 of 6,758 results