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Competitive Exam

Showing 326 through 329 of 329 results

Bhartiya Darshan- Competitive Exam

by Vimal Aggarwal

प्रस्‍तुत पुस्‍तक भारतीय दर्शन की प्रकृति एवं उद्देश्य उनकी मूलभूत विशेषताएँ, महत्‍व एवं उपयोगिता, धर्म एवं लोक से संबंधित मानव कल्याण की ओर संकेत करता है।, जैन एवं बौ्द्ध दर्शन उनकी शिक्षाएँ, जीव एवं ब्रह्मा में संबंध, ब्रह्म जगत का स्‍वरूप, आत्‍मा का स्‍वरूप, जगत में जीव बन्धन एवं मोक्ष, आदि विषय को केन्द्रित किया है। लेखक ने भारतीय दर्शन में जो विषय चुने है उसकी भाषा सरल एवं विद्यार्थी गण के लिए अर्थपूर्ण है। भारतीय दर्शन की विषय सामग्री और उस पर आधारित प्रश्नों का विभाजन विद्यार्थियों के लिए सही और सरल ढंग से समझने योग्य है इस ढंग से यह पुस्तक और भी उपयोगी सिद्ध होती है।

Date Added: 03/19/2024

A Modern Approach To Verbal Reasoning (Fully Solved)

by R. S. Aggarwal

Published by S. Chand Publishers, "A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning" has been written based on the syllabi of the various competitive examinations to aid the students understand and cope with this much overlooked yet important portion.Authored by Professor R.S. Aggarwal, the book is laid in two sections that tease, test and ultimately improve ones reasoning skills. The first section deals with verbal reasoning. This section has further been divided into two sub-divisions that elaborate on various ways how verbal reasoning is tested and how to apply logic to arrive at the answer. The second section, entitled Non Verbal Reasoning has sub-divisions that acquaints a student about an analytical approach towards solving non-verbal reasoning problems.Reasoning, both verbal and non-verbal, make up a important section of not only the public examinations like income tax, bank, civil services but are also integral for entrance examinations conducted for admissions into MBA, hotel management, MCA and BEd programs as well. Hence, a handy book such as this one is a necessity for the students preparing for any of them. Written in crisp, clear and easy to understand language with proper illustrations wherever necessary, this book provides detailed information on the subject.Apart from the solved questions with full illustrations of the steps, the book also contains various unsolved problems for the students to solve and be adept with the whole process. The answers are provided at the back in details to aid the students in coping with different types of problems.From bank exams, income tax, railways, UPSC and civil services to CAT and other competitive entrance examinations, this book has been referred to as the prime study-tool for the entire verbal and non-verbal reasoning portion.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Environment - IAS Competitive Exam

by Shankar Ias Academy

Environment - 8th edition, 2021 - To help students in acquiring the essentials of the topic 'environment’ during preparation for Civil Services Examination, Shankar IAS Academy has brought the book, 'environment’. This book follows the paper pattern and syllabus given by Union Public Service Commission which conducts these examinations. The language of the book is simple and the content is engaging which ensures students face no trouble during studying. Plus the distinctive designing makes it easy to navigate and read. This bestseller book has sold over 30, 000 copies and is widely read by students. A team of highly experienced writers from Shankar IAS Academy have written this book and hence it is accurate and reliable. The updated syllabus of UPSC focuses a lot on environment. The geography Paper of the Civil Service Examination includes topics on environment and hence it is important for students to have thorough understanding of this topic. This book is completely dedicated on environment and covers all concepts and points. It focuses on topics like environmental ecology, bio-diversity and Climate change. Some of the topics discussed in the book include ecological pyramid and nutrient cycling, ecosystem rainforest, deciduous monsoon forest, Biome, bread basket region, food chain, primary consumer, food web, ecological pyramid, ecological explosion, ecotone, chemosynthesis, biogeochemical cycle, Miss semple, possibilism, stratosphere, biosphere, species types, nutritional eutrophication, acid rain, marble cancer, soil types, biogeographical realm, xerophytic, Nitrogen cycle, greenhouse gas, biodiversity hotspots, Ozone depletion, club of Rome, planktonic, biological magnification, young lakes, good Ozone and bio-diversity loss. Along with clear explanations the book gives adequate practice for students so that they can their knowledge and check their understandings.

Date Added: 03/19/2024


by Shankar Ias Academy

To help students in acquiring the essentials of the topic 'environment’ during preparation for Civil Services Examination, Shankar IAS Academy has brought the book, 'environment’. This book follows the paper pattern and syllabus given by Union Public Service Commission which conducts these examinations. The language of the book is simple and the content is engaging which ensures students face no trouble during studying. Plus the distinctive designing makes it easy to navigate and read. This bestseller book has sold over 30, 000 copies and is widely read by students. A team of highly experienced writers from Shankar IAS Academy have written this book and hence it is accurate and reliable. The updated syllabus of UPSC focuses a lot on environment. The geography Paper of the Civil Service Examination includes topics on environment and hence it is important for students to have thorough understanding of this topic. This book is completely dedicated on environment and covers all concepts and points. It focuses on topics like environmental ecology, bio-diversity and Climate change. Some of the topics discussed in the book include ecological pyramid and nutrient cycling, ecosystem rainforest, deciduous monsoon forest, Biome, bread basket region, food chain, primary consumer, food web, ecological pyramid, ecological explosion, ecotone, chemosynthesis, biogeochemical cycle, Miss semple, possibilism, br>stratosphere, biosphere, species types, nutritional eutrophication, acid rain, marble cancer, soil types, biogeographical realm, xerophytic, Nitrogen cycle, greenhouse gas, biodiversity hotspots, Ozone depletion, club of Rome, planktonic, biological magnification, young lakes, good Ozone and bio-diversity loss. Along with clear explanations the book gives adequate practice for students so that they can test their knowledge and check their understandings. Shankar IAS Academy began its journey in the year 2004.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Showing 326 through 329 of 329 results