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Competitive Exam

Showing 201 through 225 of 329 results

A Study Guide for the Operator Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in Road Freight 2018

by Clive Pidgeon

A Study Guide for the Operator Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in Road Freight 2018 is a vital study guide that offers the thorough preparation needed to pass the tough CPC exams in the UK. It covers the examination method used by the Oxford, Cambridge and RSA (OCR) and the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT). This is the Level 3 standard qualification overseen by The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL) and the Welsh Assembly Government, which is required by any person wishing to operate vehicles over 3,500 kg, the maximum authorised mass for hire and reward, in the UK and internationally. A Study Guide for the Operator Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in Road Freight 2018 has been extensively revised to include all the new legislation. It covers the eight study sections that the directive requires: civil law; commercial law; social law; fiscal law; business; financial; management of the undertaking access to the market; technical standards and technical aspects of the operation road safety. It features many case studies, examples, diagrams and graphics. New to this edition: test questions after each section.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

A Study Guide for the Operator Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in Road Freight 2020

by Clive Pidgeon

A Study Guide for the Operator Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in Road Freight 2020 is a vital study guide that offers the thorough preparation needed to pass the tough CPC exams in the UK. It covers the examination method used by the Oxford, Cambridge and RSA (OCR) and the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT). This is the Level 3 standard qualification overseen by The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL) and the Welsh Assembly Government, which is required by any person wishing to operate vehicles over 3,500 kg, the maximum authorised mass for hire and reward, in the UK and internationally.A Study Guide for the Operator Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in Road Freight 2020 has been extensively revised to include all the new legislation. It covers the eight study sections that the directive requires: civil law; commercial law; social law; fiscal law; business; financial; management of the undertaking access to the market; technical standards and technical aspects of the operation road safety. It features many case studies, examples, diagrams and graphics. New to this edition: updated sections on operator licencing, drivers' hours, tachographs, vehicle testing, vehicle tax, vehicle registration, civil law, international driving and documentation.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

A Study Guide for the Operator Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in Road Freight 2020

by Clive Pidgeon

A Study Guide for the Operator Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in Road Freight 2020 is a vital study guide that offers the thorough preparation needed to pass the tough CPC exams in the UK. It covers the examination method used by the Oxford, Cambridge and RSA (OCR) and the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT). This is the Level 3 standard qualification overseen by The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL) and the Welsh Assembly Government, which is required by any person wishing to operate vehicles over 3,500 kg, the maximum authorised mass for hire and reward, in the UK and internationally.A Study Guide for the Operator Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in Road Freight 2020 has been extensively revised to include all the new legislation. It covers the eight study sections that the directive requires: civil law; commercial law; social law; fiscal law; business; financial; management of the undertaking access to the market; technical standards and technical aspects of the operation road safety. It features many case studies, examples, diagrams and graphics. New to this edition: updated sections on operator licencing, drivers' hours, tachographs, vehicle testing, vehicle tax, vehicle registration, civil law, international driving and documentation.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

A Study Guide for the Operator Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in Road Freight 2020

by Clive Pidgeon

A Study Guide for the Operator Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in Road Freight 2020 is a vital study guide that offers the thorough preparation needed to pass the tough CPC exams in the UK. It covers the examination method used by the Oxford, Cambridge and RSA (OCR) and the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT). This is the Level 3 standard qualification overseen by The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL) and the Welsh Assembly Government, which is required by any person wishing to operate vehicles over 3,500 kg, the maximum authorised mass for hire and reward, in the UK and internationally.A Study Guide for the Operator Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in Road Freight 2020 has been extensively revised to include all the new legislation. It covers the eight study sections that the directive requires: civil law; commercial law; social law; fiscal law; business; financial; management of the undertaking access to the market; technical standards and technical aspects of the operation road safety. It features many case studies, examples, diagrams and graphics. New to this edition: updated sections on operator licencing, drivers' hours, tachographs, vehicle testing, vehicle tax, vehicle registration, civil law, international driving and documentation.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Domestic Competition Spurs Exports

by Tushar Poddar

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Upkar's Techniques for Success in Interview and Group Discussion - competitive exam

by L. M. Prasad

Contains mock interview questions and answers that help prepare for real interviews and group discussions.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Computer Vision

by Lutz Priese

Der Autor erläutert in dieser Einführung auf Bachelorniveau die in der Computer Vision verwendeten technischen Ausdrücke: Grundlagen des menschlichen Sehens, Farbe, exakte Begriffsbestimmungen zum Thema "Bild", Transformationen, lineare und nicht-lineare Filter, Fouriertransformation, Morphologie, Merkmale im Bild wie Kanten, Ecken, geometrische Formen mittels Hough-Transformation, diverse Hüllen und Skelettierung. Ferner höhere Merkmale wie SIFT, Shape-Context und statistische Merkmale, Texturmerkmale. Die Bestimmung von Segmenten (zusammenhängende Regionen ähnlicher Farben oder Grauwerte) wird in einem eigenen Kapitel ausführlich behandelt.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Computer Vision

by Lutz Priese

Der Autor erläutert in dieser Einführung auf Bachelorniveau die in der Computer Vision verwendeten technischen Ausdrücke: Grundlagen des menschlichen Sehens, Farbe, exakte Begriffsbestimmungen zum Thema "Bild", Transformationen, lineare und nicht-lineare Filter, Fouriertransformation, Morphologie, Merkmale im Bild wie Kanten, Ecken, geometrische Formen mittels Hough-Transformation, diverse Hüllen und Skelettierung. Ferner höhere Merkmale wie SIFT, Shape-Context und statistische Merkmale, Texturmerkmale. Die Bestimmung von Segmenten (zusammenhängende Regionen ähnlicher Farben oder Grauwerte) wird in einem eigenen Kapitel ausführlich behandelt.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Arihant CTET Solved Question Papers (VI-VIII) - Competitive Exam

by Arihant Publication

अरिहंत सीटीईटी हल प्रश्न पत्र (छठी-आठवीं) स्पष्टीकरण के साथ बनाई गई है। यह किताब उन छात्र शिक्षकों के लिए है, जिन्होंने परीक्षा के लिए सामाजिक विज्ञान लिया है। यह पुस्तक अन्य राज्यों की अन्य सभी टी ई टी परीक्षाओं के लिए भी उतनी ही उपयोगी है जितना कि CTET के जो छात्र इन सवालों को पूरी ईमानदारी से करते हैं, उन्हें परीक्षा में अच्छे अंक का भरोसा जरूर हो जाता है।

Date Added: 03/19/2024

IAS G.S Mukhya Pariksha Model Papers-Competitive Exam

by Drishti Publication

IAS/PCS जी एस मेन्‍स मॉडल पेपर्स में चार प्रश्‍न पत्र दिये गये है प्रश्‍न पत्र -1 सामान्‍य अध्‍ययन के अर्न्‍तगत भारतीय विरासत एवं संस्‍कृति आधुनिक भारत का इतिहास स्‍वंतत्रता से पहले की स्थिति और स्वतंत्रता के पश्‍चात की स्थिति का विश्‍लेषण भारतीय समाज एवं सामाजिक मुद्दे और विश्‍व का भूगोल है।प्रश्‍न पत्र -2 में भारतीय राजव्‍यवस्‍था, शासन प्रणाली, सामाजिक न्‍याय, कल्‍यायाकारी स्थितियाँ और अन्‍तर्राष्‍ट्रीय संबंधों का उल्‍लेख है। प्रश्‍न पत्र -3 में विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी पर्यावरण एवं पारिस्थितिकी भारतीय अर्थव्‍यवस्‍था की जानकारी और आंतरिक सुरक्षा के विषय शामिल है जिससे परीक्षार्थियों को उचित जानकारी मिलती है। प्रश्‍न पत्र -4 में नीतिशास्‍त्र सत्यनिष्‍ठा आचरण संहिता और नैतिकता से संबंधित जुड़े नियमों की जानकारी मिलती है। परीक्षार्थियों को शासन व्‍यवस्‍था और केस स्टडी से संबंधित नियमों की जानकारी मिलती है।

Date Added: 03/19/2024

IAS Mukhya Pariksha Capsule - Competitive Exam

by Drishti Publication

सामान्‍य अध्‍ययन की मेन्‍स कैप्‍सूल पुस्‍तक में भारतीय विरासत एवं संस्‍कृति तथा विश्‍व इतिहास, कला एवं संस्‍कृति, आधुनिक भारतीय इतिहास, विश्‍व का भूगोल, समाजि‍क न्‍याय शासन व्‍यवस्‍था, अंतर्राष्‍ट्रीय संबंध, भारतीय अर्थव्‍यवस्‍था एवं आर्थिक विकास, रोजगार, कृषि, भूमि सुधार, पर्यावरण, विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी, आंतरिक सुरक्षा नीतिशास्‍त्र, सतयनिष्‍ठा, अभिरूचि और शासन व्‍यवस्‍था में किस प्रकार ईमानदारी से भूमिका निभायी जाये आदि तथ्‍यों का समावेश है।

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Arihant CTET Solved Question Papers (I-V) -Competitive Exam

by Arihant Publications

अरिहंत सीटीईटी हल प्रश्न पत्र (I-V) स्पष्टीकरण के साथ समृद्ध है और दिए गए सवाल सफलता का मंत्र हैं। यह पुस्तक उन सभी छात्रों के लिए है जो अपनी तैयारी मे और भी बेहतर करना चाह रहे हैं । टीईटी परीक्षा में अव्वल रहने वाले टॉपरों ने यह किताब बेस्ट बताई है। सबसे महत्वपूर्ण पिछले साल के सवाल किताबों में भी शामिल किए गए हैं। छात्र शिक्षकों के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ तैयारी के साथ परीक्षा में जाना आवश्यक है। यह किताबें यह सुनिश्चित करेंगी कि आप पिछले वर्षों में पूछे गए किसी भी महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न को न छोड़ें ।

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Indian Culture - Competitive Exam

by Kalpana Rajaram

It is a matter of great pleasure that our earlier editions of Facets of Indian Culture have met with wide appreciation.In the revised edition of the book, many new developments that throw a fresh light on various aspects have been takeninto account. In the process, additional information has been incorporated in each chapter even as a new chapter on ‘Media and Culture’ has been added, considering the growing importance of the media in our lives. There is also an addition on ‘Circus in India’.‘Culture’ is interpreted in several ways. It is a complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art,morals and any other habits acquired by human beings. The culture of an ancient country like India is not onlycomplex but also closely interwoven with social realities.This book is a study of some aspects of Indian culture—the art forms, architecture, and literary and intellectual traditions. The book will be of help to candidates ofvarious competitive examinations as well as those readers interested in the cultural heritage of India.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Divyangajanon ke Sashaktikaran ke liye Padadhikariyon evan Gairasarakari Sangathanon Hetu Marganirdeshika-competitive exams

by Rajya Nihshaktata Aayukta Karyalay and Jharkhand Sarkar

राज्य निःशक्तता आयुक्त कार्यालय (महिला, बाल विकास एवं सामाजिक सुरक्षा विभाग, झारखण्ड सरकार) के द्वारा दिव्यांगजनों, स्वयंसेवी संस्थाओं एवं पदाधिकारियों को जागरूक करने के उद्देश्य से "दिव्यांगजनों के सशक्तिकरण के लिए पदाधिकारियों एवं गैरसरकारी संगठनों हेतु मार्गनिर्देशिका' प्रकाशित किया जा रहा है। दिव्यांगों में प्रतिभा की कमी नहीं है। दिव्यांगों ने विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में अपनी प्रतिभा को प्रदर्शित करते हुए राष्ट्रीय ही नहीं, अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर भी ख्याति अर्जित की है। दिव्यांगजनों के विकास हेतु सरकार द्वारा कई कल्याणकारी योजनायें संचालित है। इन योजनाओं के सफल कार्यान्वयन हेतु सबकी भागीदारी आवश्यक है ताकि योजनाओं के प्रति सभी जागरूक हो सके और दिव्यांगों को इसका समुचित लाभ प्राप्त हो सके। आशा है कि राज्य निःशक्तता आयुक्त कार्यालय के द्वारा प्रकाशित की जानेवाली मार्गनिर्देशिका दिव्यांगजनों के सशक्तिकरण हेतु के लिए उपयोगी सिद्ध होगी।

Date Added: 03/19/2024

General Studies - Ancient India - IAS Competitive Exam

by Ravi and Vajiram

Study material for IAS competitive exam by Vajiram and Ravi IAS study center LLP.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Cracking the AP Computer Science A Exam, 2017 Edition

by Princeton Review

This eBook edition has been specially formatted for on-screen viewing with cross-linked questions, answers, and explanations.EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO HELP SCORE A PERFECT 5. Equip yourself to ace the AP Computer Science A Exam with The Princeton Review's brand-new, comprehensive study guide--including 2 full-length practice tests, thorough content reviews, access to our AP Connect online portal, and targeted strategies for every section of the exam.This brand new addition to our best-selling Cracking the AP Exam series is perfect for students tackling the fast-growing AP Computer Science A test. Easy to understand and simple to use, this book gives you all the tools you need to get the score you want.Everything You Need to Know to Help Achieve a High Score.* Comprehensive content review of key Computer Science A topics, including lab requirements* Up-to-date information on the 2017 AP Computer Science A Exam* Engaging activities to help you critically assess your progress* Access to AP Connect, our online portal for helpful pre-college information and exam updatesPractice Your Way to Excellence.* 2 full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations* Comprehension drills in each content review chapter* Step-by-step walk-throughs of sample questionsTechniques That Actually Work.* Tried-and-true strategies to help you avoid traps and beat the test* Tips for pacing yourself and guessing logically* Essential tactics to help you work smarter, not harder

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Essential SQA Exam Practice: National 5 Computing Science Questions and Papers

by Lesley Russell

Exam board: SQALevel: National 5Subject: Computing ScienceFirst teaching: August 2017First exam: Summer 2018Practice makes permanent. Feel confident and prepared for the SQA National 5 Computing Science exam with this two-in-one book, containing practice questions for every topic, plus two full practice papers - all written by an experienced examiner.> Choose which topics you want to revise: A simple grid enables you to pick particular areas of the course that you want to answer questions on, with solutions provided at the back of the book> Remember more in your exam: Repeated and extended practice will give you a secure knowledge of the key areas of the course (software design and development; computer systems; database design and development; web design and development)> Familiarise yourself with the exam paper: Both practice papers mirror the language and layout of the real SQA papers; complete them in timed, exam-style conditions to increase your confidence before the exams> Find out how to achieve a better grade: Answers to the practice papers have commentaries for each question, with tips on writing successful answers and avoiding common mistakesFully up to date with SQA's requirementsThe questions, mark schemes and guidance in this practice book match the requirements of the revised SQA National 5 Computing Science specification for examination from 2018 onwards.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Essential SQA Exam Practice: National 5 Computing Science Questions and Papers

by Lesley Russell

Exam board: SQALevel: National 5Subject: Computing ScienceFirst teaching: August 2017First exam: Summer 2018Practice makes permanent. Feel confident and prepared for the SQA National 5 Computing Science exam with this two-in-one book, containing practice questions for every topic, plus two full practice papers - all written by an experienced examiner.> Choose which topics you want to revise: A simple grid enables you to pick particular areas of the course that you want to answer questions on, with solutions provided at the back of the book> Remember more in your exam: Repeated and extended practice will give you a secure knowledge of the key areas of the course (software design and development; computer systems; database design and development; web design and development)> Familiarise yourself with the exam paper: Both practice papers mirror the language and layout of the real SQA papers; complete them in timed, exam-style conditions to increase your confidence before the exams> Find out how to achieve a better grade: Answers to the practice papers have commentaries for each question, with tips on writing successful answers and avoiding common mistakesFully up to date with SQA's requirementsThe questions, mark schemes and guidance in this practice book match the requirements of the revised SQA National 5 Computing Science specification for examination from 2018 onwards.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Essential SQA Exam Practice: National 5 Computing Science Questions and Papers

by Lesley Russell

Exam board: SQALevel: National 5Subject: Computing ScienceFirst teaching: August 2017First exam: Summer 2018Practice makes permanent. Feel confident and prepared for the SQA National 5 Computing Science exam with this two-in-one book, containing practice questions for every topic, plus two full practice papers - all written by an experienced examiner.> Choose which topics you want to revise: A simple grid enables you to pick particular areas of the course that you want to answer questions on, with solutions provided at the back of the book> Remember more in your exam: Repeated and extended practice will give you a secure knowledge of the key areas of the course (software design and development; computer systems; database design and development; web design and development)> Familiarise yourself with the exam paper: Both practice papers mirror the language and layout of the real SQA papers; complete them in timed, exam-style conditions to increase your confidence before the exams> Find out how to achieve a better grade: Answers to the practice papers have commentaries for each question, with tips on writing successful answers and avoiding common mistakesFully up to date with SQA's requirementsThe questions, mark schemes and guidance in this practice book match the requirements of the revised SQA National 5 Computing Science specification for examination from 2018 onwards.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Illustrated Computational Intelligence

by Priti Srinivas Sajja

This book presents a summary of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques in its first two chapters.  The remaining chapters of the book provide everything one must know about the basic artificial intelligence to modern machine intelligence techniques including the hybrid computational intelligence technique, using the concepts of several real-life solved examples, design of projects and research ideas. The solved examples with more than 200 illustrations presented in the book are a great help to instructors, students, non–AI professionals, and researchers.  Each example is discussed in detail with encoding, normalization, architecture, detailed design, process flow, and sample input/output. Summary of the fundamental concepts with solved examples is a unique combination and highlight of this book.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Illustrated Computational Intelligence

by Priti Srinivas Sajja

This book presents a summary of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques in its first two chapters.  The remaining chapters of the book provide everything one must know about the basic artificial intelligence to modern machine intelligence techniques including the hybrid computational intelligence technique, using the concepts of several real-life solved examples, design of projects and research ideas. The solved examples with more than 200 illustrations presented in the book are a great help to instructors, students, non–AI professionals, and researchers.  Each example is discussed in detail with encoding, normalization, architecture, detailed design, process flow, and sample input/output. Summary of the fundamental concepts with solved examples is a unique combination and highlight of this book.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Nibandh Nilay Competitive Exam

by Satyendra

This collection of essays has been made for the high level classes of universities. On the one hand, the continuous stages of the development of Hindi essays will be highlighted, on the other hand, the basic consciousness of the craft and essay mode of the essay will be clear. The journey of the updated essay from the Bharatendu era is no less interesting. The importance of 'ass' in English literature today is the same importance in Hindi essays. Hindi essay of the whole splendor of prose development is the only criterion. Keeping this in view, such important essays have been placed in this compilation which are worth assigning in the essay group.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Multiple-Choice and Free-Response Questions in Preparation for the AP Computer Science Examination

by Leon Schram

The review concludes with a set of tricky questions, also known as snooker questions. A snooker question is a question that a student with good knowledge of a topic, nevertheless gets wrong. Therefore, we have devoted a large chapter for snooker questions. This new chapter covers 15 major topic areas that are tested on the AP Exam and provides two questions for each topic, to assist students with subtle trickiness in questions.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Showing 201 through 225 of 329 results