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Competitive Exam

Showing 226 through 250 of 329 results

Upkar’s Civil Services Preliminary Exam, Indian History (From Earliest Times to 1964 AD) - competitive exam

by K. K. Sharma

Model question papers with answers to prepare for the Civil Services Preliminary exam on Indian History.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Compendium Of Instructions Volume 1

by Shri Yetindra M. Maralkar - IAS Secretary GPSC Panaji-Goa

The Government issues numerous Circular(s)/OMs/Instructions to delineate the process of implementation of Rules and to simplify the procedures in the administration. The departments have to search for instructions at many places and sometimes in archival files for processing the proposals. A need was felt for codifying of all the instructions issued by various departments. With this thought and objective, the work of Compendium was initiated. An attempt has been made, perhaps for the first time in the State administration to cover major departments and key subjects, under one index. This compendium is a compilation of instructions issued by key departments such as Personnel, Finance, Administrative Reforms, Vigilance, Public Health, Social Welfare et al. A comprehensive index of all the instructions will navigate the reader through the compendium. This publication will enable departments to process the proposal in accordance with the extant instructions available as a ready reckoner. The bureaucracy as well as members of the public at large will benefit from this compendium to refer and use the instructions for the general good.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Compendium Of Instructions Volume 2

by Shri Yetindra M. Maralkar - IAS Secretary GPSC Panaji-Goa

The Government issues numerous Circular(s)/OMs/Instructions to delineate the process of implementation of Rules and to simplify the procedures in the administration. The departments have to search for instructions at many places and sometimes in archival files for processing the proposals. A need was felt for codifying of all the instructions issued by various departments. With this thought and objective, the work of Compendium was initiated. An attempt has been made, perhaps for the first time in the State administration to cover major departments and key subjects, under one index. This compendium is a compilation of instructions issued by key departments such as Personnel, Finance, Administrative Reforms, Vigilance, Public Health, Social Welfare et al. A comprehensive index of all the instructions will navigate the reader through the compendium. This publication will enable departments to process the proposal in accordance with the extant instructions available as a ready reckoner. The bureaucracy as well as members of the public at large will benefit from this compendium to refer and use the instructions for the general good.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Compendium Of Instructions Volume 3

by Shri Yetindra M. Maralkar - IAS Secretary GPSC Panaji-Goa

The Government issues numerous Circular(s)/OMs/Instructions to delineate the process of implementation of Rules and to simplify the procedures in the administration. The departments have to search for instructions at many places and sometimes in archival files for processing the proposals. A need was felt for codifying of all the instructions issued by various departments. With this thought and objective, the work of Compendium was initiated. An attempt has been made, perhaps for the first time in the State administration to cover major departments and key subjects, under one index. This compendium is a compilation of instructions issued by key departments such as Personnel, Finance, Administrative Reforms, Vigilance, Public Health, Social Welfare et al. A comprehensive index of all the instructions will navigate the reader through the compendium. This publication will enable departments to process the proposal in accordance with the extant instructions available as a ready reckoner. The bureaucracy as well as members of the public at large will benefit from this compendium to refer and use the instructions for the general good.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Triveni Competetive Exam

by Acharya Ramachan‍dra Shuk‍la

'Triveni' is a collection of three critical essays by Acharya Ramchandra Shukla. Those essays are: 1. Malik Muhammad Jayasi, 2. Mahakavi Surdas and 3. Goswami Tulsidas. Acharya Shukla is known as an outstanding literary writer, critic, essayist and historian of literature. He was also a skilled translator. The paradigms he set for analyzing and evaluating Hindi literature have not been able to progress beyond this.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Indian Art And Culture: For Civil Services And Other Competitive Examinations

by Nitin Singhania

McGraw-Hill is proud to present third edition of their bestseller “Indian art and Culture” by Nitin Singhania, third edition. This book offers comprehensive and latest information covering the broad field of knowledge on Indian art, paintings, music and architecture for the aspirants of Civil Services Preliminary and Main Examinations. Apart from two new chapters and one appendix, the chapters have been enriched with details to make it more focused and comprehensive. There are questions at the end of each chapter which will help students prepare for the examinations. Highlights: All new four colour edition, Comprehensive 4 sections: Visual arts, Performing arts, Culture of India and Appendices, New chapters on Buddhism and Jainism + India through the eyes of foreign travelers, New appendix on Current affairs related to Indian Art and Culture, Videos related to the chapters available through QR codes, Keywords in every chapter highlighted in color, Updated Previous Year Questions and Answers of UPSC Preliminary and Main Examination.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

English Class Notes (Bilingual) - Neetu Singh - Competitive Exam

by Neetu Singh

A full course book of English notes for those who want to appear general exams - in English with explanations in Hindi - for English language learners. There are 34 chapters with illustrated examples and previous years questions from main general examinations for different posts.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Prachin Evam Purva Madhyakalin Bharat Ka Itihas - Competitive Exam

by Upender Singh

इस पुस्‍तक में प्राचीन एवं पूर्व मध्‍यकालीन भारत का इतिहास में पाषाण काल से 12वी शताब्‍दी तक के सभी विषय उपस्थिति है।इस पुस्‍तक में विषय के मूलस्रोतों और शोध कार्यों से प्राप्‍त इतिहास को स्‍पष्‍ट किया गया है, जो विद्यार्थियों के लिए अच्‍छी जानकारी है। इस पुस्‍तक के इतिहास में दस अध्यायों में प्राग् ऐतिहासिक काल और आद्य इतिहास से लेकर प्राचीन एवं पूर्व मध्‍यकालीन इतिहास के समस्‍त विषय को रखा गया है। इस प्रकार सभी विषय के इतिहास बारे में विस्‍तार से जानकर विद्यार्थी उनकी आधुनिक समय में सदुपयोग कर एक अच्‍छे राष्‍ट्र की नींव रख सकते है।

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Bhartiya Darshan Ki Roop - Rekha- Competitive Exam

by Harendra Prasad Sinha

प्रस्तुत पुस्‍तक में आध्यात्मिक और दार्शनिक विकास के सभी विषयों को शामिल किया गया है। दर्शन क्‍या है? भारतीय दर्शन और पश्चिमी दर्शन के स्‍वरूप की विशेषताएं और तुलनात्‍मक व्‍याख्‍या, उनका विकास, ईश्वर वि‍चार वेदों का दर्शन उनके सिद्धान्त, उपनिषदों का दर्शन उनकी विचारधारा गीता का दर्शन गीता का महत्‍व ज्ञान, भक्ति, और कर्म योग के विचार को प्रस्‍तुत किया गया है। योग दर्शन, मीमांसा दर्शन, शंकर का अद्वैतवाद के अन्‍तर्गत जगत विचार, माया, ब्रह्म विचार, आत्‍म विचार, भ्रम विचार, शंकर के दर्शन में नैतिकता और धर्म का स्‍थान रामानुज का विशिष्टाद्वैत दर्शन, जैन और बौद्ध दर्शन के सिद्धान्तों को शामिल किया गया है।इस प्रकार यह पुस्‍तक सरल भाषा में दर्शन विषयक की समस्‍त जानकारी प्राप्‍त कराने में उपयोगी सिद्ध हुर्ह है। जिससे छात्रों में आध्‍यात्मिक और मानवीय गुणों का विकास हो सके।

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Dharm Darshan Ki Roop - Rekha- Competitive Exam

by Harendra Prasad Sinha

धर्म दर्शन की रूपरेखा पुस्‍तक दो खंडों में विभक्‍त है। पुस्‍तक में धर्म दर्शन संबंधी सभी समस्‍याओं का स्‍पष्‍ट रुप‍से समाधान किया गया है। धर्म दर्शन का स्‍वरूप दर्शन का इतिहास उनकी उपयोगिता, धार्मिक चेतना, धर्म का आधार, दैवी प्रकाशन का सिद्धान्‍त, मानवीय विवेक का सिद्धान्‍त, मानव शास्त्र एवं मनोविज्ञान में धर्म की उत्पत्ति, धर्म और विज्ञान, धर्म और कला, धर्म को नैतिकता और मनोविज्ञान से जुड़े विषय का वर्णन किया गया है। धर्म की परिभाषा उनके प्रकार अन्‍तर और विशेषताओं को भी सम्मिलित किया गया है। ईश्वर का विचार धर्म में उनका स्‍थान उनके अस्तित्व सम्बन्धि प्रमाण प्रस्‍तुत किये गये है। धर्मों की एकता, धार्मिक ज्ञान और उनका स्‍वरूप धार्मिक विश्‍वास और धर्म परिवर्तन को उदाहरण के साथ स्‍पष्‍ट किया गया है। द्वितीय खंड में बौद्ध धर्म से जुड़े सिद्धान्‍त का और धर्म का आधार उनके धार्मिक सम्‍प्रदाय, महात्‍मा बुद्ध की विरोधात्‍मक प्रवृत्ति का उल्‍लेख किया गया है। जैन धर्म, के विचार, जैन धर्म और हिन्‍दू धर्म का संबंध, इस्‍लाम धर्म ईसाई धर्म हिन्‍दू धर्म पारसी धर्म यहूदी धर्म, सिख धर्म, कनफ्युशियस धर्म और शिन्‍तों धर्म के सिद्धान्‍त विचार एवं उनके महत्‍व के बारे में बताया गया है। इस प्रकार यह पुस्‍तक समस्‍त धर्म से जुड़े सिद्धान्‍त विचार, उनके उ्देश्‍य को सही और स्‍पष्‍ट रूप का अध्‍ययन करती है और छात्रों के लिए उपयोगी है।

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Peacebuilding and Ex-Combatants

by Johanna Söderström

The book examines how ex-combatants in post-war and peacebuilding settings engage in politics, as seen in the case of Liberia. The political mobilization of former combatants after war is often perceived as a threat, ultimately undermining the security and stability of the state. This book questions this simplified view and argues that understanding the political voice of former combatants is imperative. Their post-war role is not black and white; they are not just bad or good citizens, but rather engage in multiple political roles: spoilers, victims, disengaged, beneficiaries, as well as motivated and active citizens. By looking at the political attitudes and values of former combatants, and their understanding of how politics functions, the book sheds new light on the political reintegration of ex-combatants. It argues that political reintegration needs to be given serious attention at the micro-level, but also needs to be scrutinized in two ways: first, through the level of political involvement, which reflects the extent and width of the ex-combatants’ voice. Second, in order to make sense of political reintegration, we also need to uncover what values and norms inform their political involvement. The content of their political voice is captured through a comparison with democratic ideals. Based on interviews with over 100 Liberian ex-combatants, the book highlights that their relationship with politics overall should be characterized as an expression of a 'politics of affection'. This book will be of much interest to students of peacebuilding, African politics, democratization, political sociology, conflict resolution and IR/Security Studies in general.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Peacebuilding and Ex-Combatants

by Johanna Söderström

The book examines how ex-combatants in post-war and peacebuilding settings engage in politics, as seen in the case of Liberia. The political mobilization of former combatants after war is often perceived as a threat, ultimately undermining the security and stability of the state. This book questions this simplified view and argues that understanding the political voice of former combatants is imperative. Their post-war role is not black and white; they are not just bad or good citizens, but rather engage in multiple political roles: spoilers, victims, disengaged, beneficiaries, as well as motivated and active citizens. By looking at the political attitudes and values of former combatants, and their understanding of how politics functions, the book sheds new light on the political reintegration of ex-combatants. It argues that political reintegration needs to be given serious attention at the micro-level, but also needs to be scrutinized in two ways: first, through the level of political involvement, which reflects the extent and width of the ex-combatants’ voice. Second, in order to make sense of political reintegration, we also need to uncover what values and norms inform their political involvement. The content of their political voice is captured through a comparison with democratic ideals. Based on interviews with over 100 Liberian ex-combatants, the book highlights that their relationship with politics overall should be characterized as an expression of a 'politics of affection'. This book will be of much interest to students of peacebuilding, African politics, democratization, political sociology, conflict resolution and IR/Security Studies in general.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Current Affairs-2019 - Competitive Exam

by Speedy

करेंट अफेयर्स 2019 में राष्‍ट्रीय एवं अंतर्राष्‍ट्रीय आर्थिक पुरस्‍कार सम्‍मान एवं खेल संबंधी महत्‍वपूर्ण घटनाओं को बताया गया है। यह पुस्‍तक परिक्षार्थियों के लिए पूर्ण रूप से उपयोगी है। इस पुस्‍तक से देश, विदेश में होने वाले सभी परिवर्तन जैसे नियम, आर्थिक स्थिति, बजट, आय व्‍यय चर्चित व्‍यक्ति आदि की जानकारी होती है।

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Bihari Ratnakar Competetive Exam

by Sri Jagannath Das Ratnakar

"Bihari-Ratnakar" - It was a few days that it was produced and is going to be published soon. The commentary is very short, but the meaning of about twenty-five couplets is very unique and the lessons of the couplets have been very pure as far as possible. Its author is a famous poet of Kashi at this time. His real name is Babu Jagannathdas.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Female Ex-Combatants, Empowerment, and Reintegration

by Michanne Steenbergen

Female Ex-Combatants, Empowerment, and Reintegration investigates the role of United Nations-led Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) programs in undermining female ex-combatants’ empowerment. The participation of female combatants in conflict has increasingly been recognized in feminist literatures and in policies and programs concerned with reintegrating ex-combatants and building peace. This has illustrated that female ex-combatants often experience "empowerment" through their role as combatant; however, this empowerment is often lost upon reintegration. UN-led DDR plays an important role in the broader peacebuilding process, as it is one of the largest interventions and directly aims to reintegrate ex-combatants into civilian life. This book draws on extensive field research and interviews with female ex-combatants and DDR officials in Liberia and Nepal to develop a nuanced and comprehensive picture of female ex-combatants’ empowerment and how this is undermined by DDR. Through reconceptualized frameworks of empowerment and an emancipatory peace, the book explores the pivotal role that DDR programs play in undermining female ex-combatants’ empowerment. The author argues that this is detrimental to peacebuilding, because DDR officials and documentation narrate female ex-combatants in limited and gendered ways, which reproduces gendered inequalities and define how female ex-combatants should behave. This book will be of great interest to scholars and practitioners working on gender, conflict, peace, security, and development.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Female Ex-Combatants, Empowerment, and Reintegration

by Michanne Steenbergen

Female Ex-Combatants, Empowerment, and Reintegration investigates the role of United Nations-led Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) programs in undermining female ex-combatants’ empowerment. The participation of female combatants in conflict has increasingly been recognized in feminist literatures and in policies and programs concerned with reintegrating ex-combatants and building peace. This has illustrated that female ex-combatants often experience "empowerment" through their role as combatant; however, this empowerment is often lost upon reintegration. UN-led DDR plays an important role in the broader peacebuilding process, as it is one of the largest interventions and directly aims to reintegrate ex-combatants into civilian life. This book draws on extensive field research and interviews with female ex-combatants and DDR officials in Liberia and Nepal to develop a nuanced and comprehensive picture of female ex-combatants’ empowerment and how this is undermined by DDR. Through reconceptualized frameworks of empowerment and an emancipatory peace, the book explores the pivotal role that DDR programs play in undermining female ex-combatants’ empowerment. The author argues that this is detrimental to peacebuilding, because DDR officials and documentation narrate female ex-combatants in limited and gendered ways, which reproduces gendered inequalities and define how female ex-combatants should behave. This book will be of great interest to scholars and practitioners working on gender, conflict, peace, security, and development.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals

by David L. Tarnoff

Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals take the reader from the basic design principles of the modern digital computer to a top-level examination of its architecture. This book can serve either as a textbook to an introductory course on computer hardware or as the basic text for the aspiring geek who wants to learn about digital design. The material is presented in four parts. The first part describes how computers represent and manipulate numbers. The second part presents the tools used at all levels of binary design. The third part introduces the reader to computer system theory with topics such as memory, caches, hard drives, pipelining, and interrupts. The last part applies these theories through an introduction to the Intel 80x86 architecture and assembly language. The material is presented using practical terms and examples with an aim toward providing anyone who works with computer systems the ability to use them more effectively through a better understanding of their design.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Cracking the AP Computer Science A Exam, 2020 Edition

by The Princeton Review

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO HELP SCORE A PERFECT 5. Ace the 2020 AP Computer Science A Exam with this comprehensive study guide—including 2 full-length practice tests, thorough content reviews, targeted strategies for every section of the exam, and access to online extras.Techniques That Actually Work.• Tried-and-true strategies to help you avoid traps and beat the test• Tips for pacing yourself and guessing logically• Essential tactics to help you work smarter, not harderEverything You Need to Know to Help Achieve a High Score.• Comprehensive content review for all test topics, including lab requirements• Up-to-date information on the 2020 AP® Computer Science A Exam• Engaging activities to help you critically assess your progress• Access to study plans, printable resources, helpful pre-college information, and more via your online Student ToolsPractice Your Way to Excellence.• 2 full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations• Comprehension drills in each content review chapter• Step-by-step walk-throughs of sample questions

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Bank Credit Management - Competitive Exam

by N. S. Toor

How to face Bank interview and Banking Rationales and Problems.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Hindi Sahitya Ka Saral Itihas - Competitive Exam

by Vishwanath Tripathi

This book explains about the history of hindi litreature for the students. The aim of the writer of this book is to explain about the changes that has taken place in case of the rights of the women and exploitation of the people. Writer has explain about the social, cultural, economic and political changes that has taken place all over the years in our country and has told about to resolve all shorts of problem faced by the women and people of the country.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

41 Hundred Questions For IAS Prelims Competitive Exam - Ncert

by Indic Trust

This book is a compilatin of MCQ based on NCERT text books. Altogether 4100 questions have been given with explanatory answers to 3932 questions. Around 350 questions in this book have been taken from certain previous question papers of exams conducted by various government exams.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Ancient History of India - Competitive Exam

by Indic Trust

This is a compilation of questions answer of General History For Civil Services Competitive Examinations.

Date Added: 03/19/2024

Showing 226 through 250 of 329 results