Special Collections

Amplify ELA Curriculum Grades 6-8

Description: Here you will find the books listed as Core texts and the Extra texts for each unit of the Amplify ELA Grade 6-8 Curriculum.

Showing 1 through 25 of 78 results
Title Author Date Added Action
A History of Us Joy Hakim 02/25/2025
Heroes, Gods and Monsters of the Greek Myths Bernard Evslin 02/25/2025
The Odyssey Homer 02/25/2025
Tales from Ovid Ted Hughes 02/25/2025
The Arabian Nights Entertainments Andrew Lang 02/25/2025 Read Now
Prometheus Bound Aeschylus 02/25/2025
A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys Nathaniel Hawthorne 02/25/2025
Summer of the Mariposas Guadalupe GarcĂ­a McCall 02/25/2025
Enrique's Journey Sonia Nazario 02/25/2025
A Night to Remember Walter Lord 03/04/2025
The Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters Stephen Spignesi and Logan Marshall 03/04/2025
Red Scarf Girl Ji-Li Jiang 03/04/2025
A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens 03/04/2025
Colors of the Mountain Da Chen 03/04/2025
A Raisin in the Sun Lorraine Hansberry 03/04/2025
To Be Young, Gifted and Black Lorraine Hansberry 03/04/2025
The Gift of the Magi O. Henry 03/04/2025
Phineas Gage John Fleischman 03/04/2025
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat Oliver Sacks 03/04/2025
Inventing Ourselves Sarah-Jayne Blakemore 03/04/2025
Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe Edgar Allan Poe 03/04/2025
The Yellow Wallpaper and Other Writings Charlotte Perkins Gilman 03/04/2025
My Art, My Life Diego Rivera and Gladys March 03/04/2025 Read Now
Shakespeare's Sonnets & Poems William Shakespeare 03/04/2025
Life on the Mississippi Mark Twain 02/25/2025

Showing 1 through 25 of 78 results