Special Collections

Amplify ELA Curriculum Grades 6-8

Description: Here you will find the books listed as Core texts and the Extra texts for each unit of the Amplify ELA Grade 6-8 Curriculum.

Showing 1 through 25 of 78 results
Title Author Date Added Action
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain 02/20/2025
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain 02/20/2025
An Age of Extremes Joy Hakim 03/04/2025
The Arabian Nights Entertainments Andrew Lang 02/25/2025 Read Now
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin 02/25/2025
A Ball, a Dog, and a Monkey Michael D'Antonio 03/04/2025
Benjamin Franklin Walter Isaacson 03/04/2025
Boy Roald Dahl 02/20/2025
Boy and Going Solo Roald Dahl 03/04/2025
The Boys' War Jim Murphy 03/04/2025
The Call of the Wild Jack London 03/04/2025
A Child of Hitler Alfons Heck 03/04/2025
Chocolat Joanne Harris 02/25/2025
A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens 03/04/2025
Colors of the Mountain Da Chen 03/04/2025
Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe Edgar Allan Poe 03/04/2025
The Complete War of the Worlds H. G. Wells 03/04/2025
The Dharma Bums Jack Kerouac 02/25/2025
Enrique's Journey Sonia Nazario 02/25/2025
Fever 1793 Laurie Halse Anderson 02/20/2025
Flight Chris Kraft 03/04/2025
The Gift of the Magi O. Henry 03/04/2025
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon Stephen King 03/04/2025
The Glass Castle Jeannette Walls 03/04/2025
Good Fortune Li Keng Wong 03/04/2025

Showing 1 through 25 of 78 results