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Showing 226 through 250 of 722 results

Practical Law Office Management (3rd Edition)

by Brent Roper

Practical Law Office Management, third edition focuses on law office management from a practical standpoint. Designed for the paralegal student interested in day-to-day law office management topics, this text focuses on client relations and communication skills; legal fees, timekeeping, and billing, client trust funds and law office accounting; calendaring, docket control, and case management; legal marketing; and file and law library management. This revised edition offers an extended focus on technology, including a full demonstration of Thomson's ProLaw software and in-depth software tutorials. It includes up-to-date charts and graphs that present material in an easy-to-understand context. Each chapter now includes thought-provoking questions, and expanded and interesting case studies that deal with unique facts specific to practicing paralegals appear after most chapters. To expand the technology focus of the text, Excel exercises appear in the timekeeping and billing and trust account chapters. In addition, this revised text has a strong ethics focus throughout, with ethics-related cases included at the end of nearly every chapter.

A Primer in Theory Construction

by Paul Davidson Reynolds

This book is brief, but it treats a complex topic with many facets. Undergraduates who have reviewed earlier versions have commented that the book was easier to understand the second time that they read it. It is suggested, therefore, that the reader, particularly if this is his first contact with this topic, plan to cover the book twice.

Property Management (4th edition)

by Walter Roy Huber Arlette Lyons William H. Pivar

Understanding the use and meanings of the terminology found in this textbook is paramount to a successful career in the real estate property management field.

Real Estate Development: Principles and Process

by Mike E. Miles Marc A. Weiss Gayle L. Berens Mark J. Eppli

Ideal for anyone new to real estate development, the fourth edition of this bestselling book covers each stage of the process step by step, explaining the basics of idea conception, feasibility, planning, financing, market analysis, contract negotiation, construction, marketing, and asset management. Thoroughly updated, the book includes material on financing and marketing.

Risks, Controls, and Security: Concepts and Applications

by Vasant Raval Ashok Fichadia

An accountant's guide to managing control risks In today's networked world, security and risk control are no longer just the province of the IT department. Accountants and other business managers who are responsible for corporate risk management must fully understand the control and security risks that can affect the financial health of the entire organization. Risks,Controls and Security: Concepts and Applications introduces you to today's control risks and how to manage them. Beginning with basic systems controls and security awareness, the book provides you with a clear comprehension of the concepts,issues, and techniques of information security in a networked environment. Moving from theory to application, you'll cover all the key security principles that are applicable to all businesses,including e-businesses: * Enterprise risk management * Control and security frameworks * Basic cryptography and public key infrastructure * Security for operating systems, applications, database management systems, and telecommunications * Network and web security * Policy, regulation, and ethics Real-world problem scenarios and a wealth of pedagogical features--discussion questions, short exercises, example cases, and"concept maps" that help you visualize the material--ensure your confident grasp of the material and enable you to put "security into practice." Designed for practicing professionals as well as for students in accounting, business management, and computer science, Risks,Controls and Security will prepare you well for meeting the challenge of protecting information assets.

The Science of Animal Agriculture (3rd edition)

by Ray V. Herren

The Science of Animal Agriculture, third edition, is designed for courses aimed at teaching science along with concepts associated with the industry of animal agriculture. This book responds to the current trends in education that promote connecting academic theory with real world applications. Research shows that students gain a better grasp of scientific theory if the theories are taught in an application context, and this text presents the application of biological science used in producing and caring for animals. Topics such as nutrition, anatomy, genetics, entomology, pathology, and animal behavior are covered in depth. These complicated areas are presented in the context of how they are used in the animal industry, allowing the student to make a distinct correlation. Students will benefit from this science-based, animal agriculture text that makes complicated biology principles easy to grasp the context of their application.

Supervision in the Hospitality Industry: Applied Human Resources (Fifth Edition)

by Jack E. Miller John R. Walker Karen Eich Drummond

This Fifth Edition provides comprehensive coverage of the principles, theories, human relations techniques, and decision-making skills that are required to manage a workforce to profitable results. It helps managers satisfy obligations to owners, customers, and employees while maintaining a positive work climate, developing job expectations, disciplining marginal employees, and addressing workplace diversity.

Writing Matters: A Handbook for Writing and Research

by Rebecca Moore Howard

Writing Matters unites research, reasoning, documentation, grammar and style in a cohesive whole, helping students see the conventions of writing as a network of responsibilities writers have.

المعلومات والمال

by توم ليدون و جون إف. واسيك

الفصل الأول : فشل صناديق الاستثمار ونشأة الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الفصل الثاني : فن التأشير باستخدام خطة كيف تجني المال من وراء المعلومات الفصل الثالث : الاستثمار في الأسهم المحلية: الصناديق المتداولة في البورصات الخاصة بالأسهم الأميركية الفصل الرابع : الاستثمار على الصعيد العالمي: الصناديق المتداولة في بورصات الأسهم الأجنبية الفصل الخامس : التقسيم والمغامرة: قطاعات الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الفصل السادس : الذهب والفضة والبترول: الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الخاصة بالسلع الفصل السابع : الاستثمار في ما لا يستحق: الصناديق المتداولة في البورصات الخاصة بالعملات الفصل الثامن : الحصول على قطع من سوق السندات: الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الخاصة بالدخل الثابت الفصل التاسع : التقاعد: برنامج (e) 401 للتقاعد الفصل العاشر : التحوط لعملياتك: الصناديق المتداولة الدائنة والمكشوفة الفصل الحادي عشر : ماذا سيحدث مستقبلا مستقبل الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الفصل الثاني عشر : محافظ الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة وفقا لفكر كيف تجني المال من وراء المعلومات

الوصايا السبع

by جين مارشال

هناك أساليب عديدة لكسب المال في سوق الأسهم ولكن التشبث بالطريقة المعتادة أو المسماة الحكمة الموروثة ليست واحدة منها. ولهذا فإن الوصايا السبع الواردة في هذا الكتاب هي - بكل تأكيد - بعيدة كل البعد عن التفكير التقليدي حيث إنها تهدف إلى برمجة عقلك وتفكيرك لترى دوما سوق الأسهم على أنها سوق الفرص. ولا بد لهذه الوصايا السبع من أن تعمل على إنارة سبيلك وتخليصك من الأفكار النمطية القديمة المتعلقة بالسوق وتشجيعك على البحث عن الفرص الاستثمارية الخفية التي يمكن من خلالها كسب المال وصنع الثروة.

الأولاد المشاغبون

by سو كولي

حين تعرف كيف تتعامل مع سوء السلوك تصبح حياتك سهلة وتجد نفسك حرا للقيام بوظيفتك ألا وهي التدريس. في صف منضبط يعتبر التدريس من أروع المهن في العالم. فكل يوم يقد م لك تجربة جديدة ومختلفة: فرصة رؤية التلاميذ وهم يكتشفون مفاهيم جديدة ويتعل مون أشياء لم يعرفوها من قبل فرصة صنع اختلاف حقيقي في حياة التلاميذ. وكما يقال: لا أحد ينسى المعلم الجيد ولكن ماذا يعني المعلم الجيد بالضبط

كافئي نفسك

by دانيال ستيل جودي صفير

كان صباحا هادئا ومشمسا من شهر نوفمبر عندما أبعدت كارول باربر نظرها عن شاشة الكمبيوتر وحد قت إلى حديقة منزلها في بيل - آير. كان منزلا حجريا كبيرا عاشت فيه طوال خمس عشرة سنة. الغرفة الزجاجية المشمسة التي تستعملها بمثابة مكتب تطل على شجيرات الورود التي زرعتها والنافورة والبركة الصغيرة التي تعكس صورة السماء. المشهد هادئ والمنزل صامت. بالكاد تحركت يداها فوق لوحة مفاتيح الكمبيوتر خلال الساعة الأخيرة. الأمر محبط فعلا . فعلى الرغم من مسيرتها الطويلة والناجحة في الأفلام كانت تحاول تأليف كتابها الأول. لقد كتبت العديد من القصص القصيرة على مر السنوات لكنها لم تنشر أبدا أيا منها. لقد حاولت ذات مرة المشاركة في تأليف سيناريو فيلم. طوال فترة زواجها تحدثت هي وزوجها المرحوم شون عن إعداد فيلم سينمائي معا لكنهما لم يحققا أبدا ذلك. كانا مشغولين كثيرا في إنجاز أمور أخرى كل في مجال عمله الأساسي. كان شون منتجا ومخرجا بينما كانت هي ممثلة. لكنها لم تكن مجرد ممثلة عادية. كارول باربر نجمة كبيرة وقد حققت النجومية منذ كانت في الثامنة عشرة. أصبح عمرها الآن خمسين سنة واحتفلت بذكرى ميلادها منذ شهرين. وبمحض إرادتها لم تشارك في أي فيلم سينمائي منذ ثلاث سنوات. ففي عمرها وحتى مع جمالها الذي لا يزال مميزا أصبحت الأدوار الجيدة نادرة.

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Revealed

by Sherry Bishop

Whether you're looking for a step-by-step guide to introduce you to Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 or a solid reference to assist you as you continue your work in web design, this is the resource you've been looking for! Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Revealed uses detailed, vibrant illustrations, clear, straightforward lessons, and real-world case studies to provide an overview of the Dreamweaver interface and how to use it effectively. This latest edition includes expanded content on using CSS, inserting video files, using Adobe Bridge CS3, conducting browser compatibility checks and more, reflecting the most recent updates to the Dreamweaver software, as well as those that have occurred in the larger environment of web design. Sidebars throughout the book incorporate basic web design principles, providing readers with a skill set that goes beyond the software interface and can be applied in a variety of situations.

Alice in Action with Java

by Joel Adams

The book provides CS1 users with a meaningful and motivating introduction to object-oriented programming. The author introduces key object-oriented topics using Alice 2.0, then circles back to the same concepts in Java. Alice was developed to help teach introductory programming techniques in a less syntax-intensive environment, and addresses some of the barriers that currently prevent many users from successfully learning to program.

Apple Pro Training Series: The Craft of Editing with Final Cut Pro

by Michael Wohl

In this Apple-authorized training book, director and filmmaker Michael Wohl delivers comprehensive training in the real-world skills editing pros use every day in the field. This is the ideal curriculum for a hands-on exploration of advanced editing with Final Cut Pro 6.

Automotive Service: Inspection, Maintenance, Repair

by Tim Gilles

Updated to reflect the latest technology in the automotive industry, this book will provide the knowledge and skills needed to successfully inspect, maintain, and repair vehicles of all makes and models. Automotive Service: Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair, 3E begins by introducing readers to a number of automotive career options, shop management basics, plus necessary tools and equipment. The book then progresses to the theories of vehicle systems operations and includes step-by-step procedures for troubleshooting and repairing all major systems of the modern automobile. Updates include coverage of new vehicle technology like EVAP systems, on-board diagnostics and emissions, alternative fuels, and hybrid vehicles, making this book not only comprehensive but also current so that readers can feel confident they are learning the very latest in industry trends and techniques.

CCENT/CCNA ICND1: Official Exam Certification Guide

by Wendell Odom

CCENT/CCNA ICND1 Official Exam Certification Guide Second Edition Master ICND1 640-822 exam topics with the official study guide Assess your knowledge with chapter-opening quizzes Review key concepts with Exam Preparation Tasks Practice with hundreds of exam questions on the CD-ROM Wendell Odom, CCIE® No. 1624 CCENT/CCNA ICND1 Official Exam Certification Guide, Second Edition, is a best of breed Cisco® exam study guide that focuses specifically on the objectives for the CCENTTM and CCNA® ICND1 exam. This fully updated edition presents complete reviews and a more challenging and realistic exam preparation experience. Senior instructor and best-selling author Wendell Odom shares preparation hints and test-taking tips, helping you identify areas of weakness and improve both your conceptual knowledge and hands-on skills. The material is presented in a concise manner, focused on increasing your understanding of exam topics and preparing you for the numerous challenges the exams present. CCENT/CCNA ICND1 Official Exam Certification Guide, Second Edition, presents you with an organized test preparation routine through the use of proven series elements and techniques. "Do I Know This Already?" quizzes open each chapter and allow you to decide how much time you need to spend on each section. Chapter-ending Exam Preparation Tasks sections help you drill on key concepts you must know thoroughly and help increase your speed in answering questions, a difficult hurdle many exam candidates face on the new exams. A Final Preparation chapter guides you through tools and resources to help you craft your final study plan. Special troubleshooting sections help you master the complex scenarios you will face on the exam. The companion CD-ROM contains a powerful testing engine that allows you to focus on individual topic areas or take complete, timed exams. The assessment engine also tracks your performance and provides feedback on a chapter-by-chapter basis, presenting question-by-question remediation to the text. The bonus DVD contains more than 60 minutes of personal video mentoring from the author focused mainly on bringing difficult subnetting concepts to life.

Clean to the Touch - Housekeeping for Teenagers and Young Adults with Visual Impairments

by Kathy Bull Susan Lind-Sinanian Eleanor Martin

Housekeeping for Teenagers and Young Adults with Visual Impairments

CliffsNotes Praxis II: Middle School Mathematics Test (0069) Test Prep

by Sandra Luna Mccune Ennis Donice Mccune

A new guide in the best-performing Praxis II test-prep series on the market. Thirty states require aspiring teachers to pass the Praxis II Middle School Mathematics test. This book provides focused review chapters for every subject covered on the test, plus three full-length tests with complete answer explanations. Sandra Luna McCune, PhD (Nacogdoches, TX), is Regents Professor in the Department of Elementary Education at Stephen F. Austin State University. E. D. McCune, PhD (Nacogdoches, TX), is Regents Professor of Mathematics at Stephen F. Austin State University.

CliffsTestPrep Praxis II: Special Education (0351, 0352, 0690, 0371, 0381, #0321)

by Judy L Paris

A guide to help aspiring special education teachers pass their test. Twenty states require would-be special education teachers to pass various Praxis II tests for licensure. All six special education tests in the Praxis II series are covered in this book, which includes focused subject reviews and a full-length practice test for each subject assessment exam.

Culinary Arts: Principles and Applications

by Michael J. Mcgreal

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Culinary Arts: Principles and Applications

by Michael J. Mcgreal

Culinary textbook

Drafting & Design: Engineering Drawing Using Manual and CAD Techniques

by Clois E. Kicklighter Walter C. Brown

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Economics: Concepts and Choices

by Mcdougal Littell

Economics textbook

Equine Science (3rd edition)

by Rick Parker

Horses hold a special place in North America's history and culture. As America evolved, horses contributed to the economy by providing power for transportation and industry. Today horses still contribute to the economy but in a much different way. According to a study commissioned by the American Horse Council Foundation, the 9.2 million horses in the United States contribute $39 billion annually in direct economic impact and support 1.4 million jobs on a full-time basis. When indirect spending is included, the horse industry's economic impact reaches $102 billion annually. The overall economic impact of horses comes from racing, recreation, sports, rodeos, farm work, pleasure riding, and competitions. While millions of people participate in the horse industry as spectators, almost 5 million Americans are involved in the industry as horse owners, service providers, employees, and volunteers. Horses are found in every state, and 45 states have at least 20,000 horses. The horse industry is vital and growing. With this vitality and growth comes the need for information about horses, so the numbers of horse-related educational programs, books, pamphlets, videos, and Internet sites are increasing rapidly.

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