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The Lace Dowry

by Andrea Cheng

12 year old Juli and her parents travel far to Halas to commission handmade lace for her dowry. There, Juli forms a friendship with the lacemaker's daughter and attempts to help with their family secret and rebelling against her own family's expectations of her.

Wild Animals of the Southwest

by George Corey Franklin

A collection of short stories about some wild animals that can be found in the southwestern United States. Each takes a unique look at a different animal.

Showdown at the Mall (Sabrina the Teenage Witch #2)

by Diana G. Gallagher

Sabrina is determined to make it on mortal terms in the Teen Work Weekend project at the mall even if she does use a little magic to land a job at the Too Chic Boutique. But Libby and her friends, Jill and Cici, are out to make her look like a fool and suddenly her magic isn't working! Sabrina soon learns the reason: her new-found cousin Tanya, a full witch who swears she'll prove that her magic is stronger than Sabrina's. Even if it means threatening Sabrina's job and casting a spell over Harvey, too. But every time Sabrina tries to strike back, her spells boomerang and she's in worse shape than before. Her aunts say she must learn how to protect herself. This time she's on her own....

Santa's Little Helper (Sabrina the Teenage Witch #5)

by Cathy East Dubowski

Sabrina's down in the dumps. Everyone else has the holiday spirit... even Libby Chessler! Sabrina's aunts Hilda and Zelda, are trying to give her a happy holiday but their best spells fall flat. And Harvey seems so busy and secretive. Is he giving her the brush-off for Christmas? Sabrina decides to give him the ultimate Christmas gift: Elvis' voice for the holiday concert. What a disaster! Suddenly Harvey's a chic magnet and Sabrina's out in the cold. Then, when she volunteers to take Jenny's place as Santa's elf, Santa and the presents disappear! It will take a miracle-or a teenage witch-to save this Christmas. But can Sabrina succeed and keep her secret safe?

Just Say Yes (Clearwater Crossing, #17)

by Laura Peyton Roberts

From the book jacket: Peter never expected running a day camp to be like this. Jesse is sulking, Nicole's skipped out on them, and Melanie is flirting with his brother! Jenna has a cold, the kids are acting like pro wrestlers, and bumbling Counselor Ben is about to wear through Peter's last good nerve. What did he get himself into? Who would have guessed that little Elton had such a pretty sister ... or that Ben could have a chance with her? If only he can keep his rep as a geek under wraps, this could be his summer of love! Melanie and Jesse have seen their ups and downs. First she hated him, then she liked him, then she dumped him ... and then she fell in love. Their timing has always been terrible. Will they ever get things sorted out? Or is it time to walk away for good?

All You Need Is a Love Spell (Sabrina the Teenage Witch #7)

by Randi Reisfeld

It's almost Valentine's Day, and everyone seems to be in love. Even Harvey's caught up in the season--but he's crazy for another girl! Now Quentin, the new student from Greece, seems to think I belong with him, but he can't put a love spell on me. I'm too busy trying to figure out how to get things back to normal before I lose Harvey forever!

Laurel: Orphan Train West

by Jane Peart

although she had been adopted by a loving couple followig her mother's death, laurel searches for her biological roots before finally finding her "real" home.

Ben There, Done That (Sabrina the Teenage Witch #6)

by Joseph Locke

Hiccups are hiccups, right? Wrong! Aunt Hilda's hiccups may be the end of me and Western civilization if I can't find a cure for her magical/medical disorder. She accidentally yanked Benjamin Franklin into the 20th century, and now I have to figure out how to get him back where he belongs. And that's only part of the problem. . . .

Prisoner of Cabin 13 (Sabrina the Teenage Witch #11)

by John Vornholt

Sabrina's excited to be a counselor at Camp Bearclaw--until she gets her cabin assignment: Cabin 13, the troublemakers' cabin. She tries to tame the kids without using magic, but they're really out of control. When they have a pillow fight that covers the cabin in feathers and stuffing, Sabrina finally loses her temper and casts a good-behavior spell. Now her campers are amazing everyone with their obedience. But Sabrina knows they can't win the big Tug of War competition if they're acting like well-behaved robots. And she's getting a little bored with her perfect little campers. Should she remove the spell, or is she asking for more trouble?

To Catch A Golden Ring

by Marilyn Cram Donahue

Novel for teens about two friends seeking the untouchable dream

A Dog's Life (Sabrina the Teenage Witch #9)

by Cathy East Dubowski

When Harvey stops by Sabrina's house with Macdougal, the dog he's pet-sitting, he finds Sabrina elbow-deep in brownie batter. She's trying to bake like anormal teenager--without using her powers. But with some of her ingredients missing and her electric mixer on the blink, Sabrina decides to conjure up a little magical help. Suddenly, Sabrina's mixing spell goes horribly haywire, bouncing into the dining room and zapping Harvey and Macdougal. Now Harvey's in canine chaos and his voice is coming out of the golden retriever's drooling jaws! With the Quizmaster on her case and her best friend chasing cats, Sabrina's in the doghouse--unless she can find the trick that will get rid of Harvey's dog days for good!

Eagles Don't Eat Worms

by Linda Kudlik Jack Weyland

Jeff steals a guide dog to earn a reward. He is caught, and for two months he must live as a blind person. He learns a lot about himself and others around him In addition the police officer falls in love with the blind woman. This is Morman fiction.

Anastasia: The Last Grand Duchess

by Carolyn Meyer

A novel in diary form in which the youngest daughter of Tsar Nicholas II describes the privileged life in her family up until the time of World War I and the tragic events that befell them.

Spying Eyes (Sabrina the Teenage Witch #14)

by Nancy Holder

Sabrina is psyched when her aunts tell her about the next witch holiday: the All-You-Can-Cast Day, when she can cast all the spells she wants without worrying about all the usual rules. The next morning, all the spells will reverse and the day will begin again, with the mortals none the wiser. Bored by studying for her witch's license, Sabrina enjoys the chance to let out all her magical impulses and meddle in her friends' lives with no bad side effects. After her refreshing day of freedom, Sabrina is ready for normal life again until she discovers that one of her spells survived the night...but which one? Meanwhile, a team of government scientists has descended on Westbridge, searching for signs of magic. Can Sabrina throw the men in black off the trail...before they spy her spell?

All That Glitters (Sabrina the Teenage Witch #12)

by Ray Garton

When Sabrina and her aunts visit the Rummage Realm, a giant flea market for witches, Sabrina comes home with a special purchase: wishdust. It's a glittery powder that sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow and will grant any wish to the person who sprinkles it into the air. Now Sabrina won't have to waste her energy performing spells, since the powder will do the work for her. But the wishdust isn't easy to contain-and it can be used by anyone, even a mortal. Before Sabrina realizes it, the shimmering powder has spread all over school and every student's wish list is coming true. As bizarre things spiral out of control, Mr. Kraft suspects that Sabrina is behind the mayhem. Can Sabrina dust off her magic skills and put an end to everyone's wishful thinking--before Mr. Kraft figures out what's really going on?

Sugar Isn't Everything: A Support Book, in Fiction Form, for the Young Diabetic

by Willo Davis Roberts

Fictionalized account of a child's diagnosis of diabetes and her learning to cope with the condition. Includes a glossary of terms related to the treatment and care of someone with diabetes

Harvest Moon (Sabrina the Teenage Witch #15)

by Mel Odom

Sabrina would just love to zap Libby Chessler clear to the next galaxy... but then, what else is new? After all the work Sabrina has put into planning the Harvest Moon dance, Libby is trying to step in and take over. So what if a hip TV station is doing a news feature starring Libby? And so what if she's gotten the station to donate funds for the dance? Does that give her the right to run the whole show? Just about everyone seems to thinks so. Even Harvey is bewitched by Libby, the TV star! But Sabrina isn't giving up yet. After all, she's got Magic on her side. What could possibly go wrong?

Go Fetch! (Sabrina the Teenage Witch #13)

by Bobbi Weiss David Weiss

Gotham, one of Salem's friends from his pre-catnip days, drops by the Spellman linen closet carrying a gift in his mouth. Gotham has stolen the Boot, a magic talisman that could finally fulfill Salem's dreams of world domination. The only problem? As Gotham escaped Drell's treasure room, he triggered an antitheft device that turned him into a sheepdog! Now Gotham and Salem are on the lam, racing through uncharted areas of the Other Realm and trying to avoid the detective Drell has hired to sniff them out. Can Sabrina find Salem and prove his innocence to the bloodhound...or will Salem be spending the next century as something even more embarrassing than a cat?

Brian Boru: Emperor of the Irish

by Morgan Llywelyn

Brian Boru as a young man took it upon himself to revolutionize 10th-century Ireland, striving to create a peaceful land.

The Dark Garden

by Margaret Buffie

Thea, a 16-year-old suffering from traumatic amnesia, struggles to discover who she is - and who she is not. She hears voices no one can hear, and sees people in the garden no one can see.

The Journal of Patrick Seamus Flaherty: A United States Marine Corps, Khe Sanh, Vietnam, 1968 (My Name is America)

by Ellen Emerson White

<P>"This journal is based upon actual events, but all names and certain unit and operational details have been changed, in order to protect the privacy of the Marines who actually served so bravely at Khe Sanh. Although every attempt has been made to present the story as accurately as possible, based upon public records, any resemblance to actual people (other than public figures such as President Johnson) is very much a coincidence. When recounting the actions taken by certain soldiers, students of the Vietnam War may recognize the people they represent. As a result, no identifying details whatsoever are given, when these particular incidents are recounted, based upon after-action reports and other sources. All Americans owe a great debt of thanks to the veterans of the Vietnam War -- and every other war. <P>Includes a history of Vietnam, war timeline, glossary, and related military information." <P>This is the companion book to Where have all the flowers gone? : the diary of Molly MacKenzie Flaherty (Dear America), already on bookshare.

The Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen

by Lloyd Alexander

When Prince Jen volunteers to search for the legendary court of Tien-kuo, a mysterious old man chooses six gifts for him to bear in homage: a saddle, a sword, a paint box, a bowl, a kite, and a flute. Puzzled by the gifts but full of high spirits and pride, Jen sets off, but stumbles almost immediately into a series of misfortunes. Only with the help of his faithful servant, Mafoo, and valiant flute-girl, Voyaging Moon, and only after a breathtakingly exciting string of adventures can Jen discover the real meaning of the gifts and face his true destiny. . . .

Now You See Her, Now You Don't (Sabrina the Teenage Witch #16)

by Diana G. Gallagher

What's going on? All of a sudden, Sabrina keeps popping out of real life and into a novel or TV show! Then a few seconds later she pops back to the real world again. So far, no one has witnessed her strange disappearances. But how long can she be that lucky? Sabrina is sure it's just another pop quiz from the Quizmaster. But she can't come up with the right solution, and there's a party at the roller rink tonight. What if she's skating and just disappears into thin air? Won't everyone think that's a teeny bit weird? Even worse, every time Sabrina pops out, she's gone a little longer. If this keeps up, she could disappear from real life completely!

The World of Henry Orient

by Nora Johnson

"Two adolescent girls find companionship in each other as they follow the life of a concert pianist."

The Unseen Part 1: It Begins

by Richie Tankersley Cusik

What is happening to Lucy? Overwhelmed with grief over the death of her mother, Lucy spends her days sleeping, her nights out walking aimlessly. One rainy night, she becomes convinced that someone is following her, and frantically ducks into a cemetery to try to lose the stalker. Panicking she slips and stumbles into an open grave, only to discover she is not alone in there..... Almost immediately, Lucy begins having terrifying visions and dreams--as though someone, somewhere, were trying to tell her something-and she can't shake the feeling of an unseen presence, always watching, waiting to make its move...

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