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Don't Sweat the Small Stuff About Money: Spiritual and Practical Ways to Create Abundance and More Fun in Your Life

by Richard Carlson

This #1 bestselling guide to managing your career and living comfortably with your finances reveals fascinating insights for everyone from businesspeople to those who manage the household budget. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff About Money illuminates how to:Learn more about the relationship between moods and moneyBe aware of what you don't know, and what you're not good atSpend the bulk of your time on the "critical inch" of your businessAvoid giving away your power.

Broadway Lights (Secrets of My Hollywood Life #5)

by Jen Calonita

Hollywood teen queen Kaitlin Burke packs up her entourage (showbiz family, friends, assistant, and publicist, but unfortunately not the dreamy boyfriend) and moves to the Big Apple for the summer for her Broadway debut. Kaitlin is the toast of the town and she hits the most exclusive New York nightspots, enjoys the best food (Hello, Magnolia Bakery!), and even guests as a celebrity host on Saturday Night Live. But New York isn't all cupcakes and virgin daiquiris. Long distance and a handsome new costar put a strain on her relationship with Austin, and it turns out Broadway divas are a whole different breed of neurosis and competition from Hollywood starlets.

Press Play

by Eric Devine

Booklist Top 10 Sports Books for Youth: 2015 Pound by sweaty pound, Greg Dunsmore’s plan is working. Greg is steadily losing weight while gaining the material he needs to make the documentary that will get him into film school and away from the constant jeers of "Dun the Tun. ” But when Greg captures footage of brutal and bloody hazing by his town’s championship-winning lacrosse team, he knows he has evidence that could damage as much as it could save. And if the harm is to himself and his future, is revealing the truth worth the cost?

Stoneheart (The Stoneheart Trilogy #1)

by Charlie Fletcher

A city has many lives and layers. London has more than most. Not all the layers are underground, and not all the lives belong to the living. Twelve-year-old George Chapman is about to find this out the hard way. When, in a tiny act of rebellion, George breaks the head from a stone dragon outside the Natural History Museum, he awakes an ancient power. This power has been dormant for centuries but the results are instant and terrifying: A stone Pterodactyl unpeels from the wall and starts chasing George. He runs for his life but it seems that no one can see what he's running from. No one, except Edie, who is also trapped in this strange world.And this is just the beginning as the statues of London awake This is a story of statues coming to life; of a struggle between those with souls and those without; of how one boy who has been emotionally abandoned manages to find hope.

Daisy Cooks!: Latin Flavors That Will Rock Your World

by Daisy Martinez

Daisy Martinez is America's most exciting and beloved new television cook. Here, at last, is her first cookbook, with all the recipes from her acclaimed show--and most can be made in under thirty minutes!In Daisy Martinez's kitchen, salsa music is always playing. Laughter fills the air, along with delicious aromas of the amazing meal to come. Friends, neighbors, and family members are ever-present, sneaking tastes from every pot. And in the center of it all, Daisy is laughing, singing, tasting, and appreciating everything that her kitchen--and life!--has to offer.Does this sound like your kitchen? If not, don't despair. In this book and on her acclaimed national public television series, Daisy Cooks!, Daisy teaches you how to bring excitement back to the table with Latin-inspired food that your friends and family will love!Some of these recipes will remind you of meals you've enjoyed in restaurants. Some are great variations on dishes you already cook. Some are totally new. All of them will rock your world. Daisy's flavorful, satisfying interpretation of the best dishes from Puerto Rico, Mexico, Spain, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Central and South America all taste like the results of a day in the kitchen--but in reality, most take only thirty minutes to prepare. Here, you'll find the techniques that Daisy learned at the French Culinary Institute, along with her mother's and grandmother's time-tested tricks! This winning combination results in dishes that range from elegant Chicken Braised with Figs to soul-satisfying Cuban Black Bean Soup to to-die-for homemade Dulce de Leche.And then, of course, there are Daisy's "Top Ten Hits"--the recipes that, once you try them, are guaranteed to change the way you cook forever. In this first chapter, Daisy shows how simple flavor boosters, in addition to a few easy techniques, can make every meal mouthwateringly special. In Daisy's words, "If you can season, cook, and dress pork chops and serve them alongside fragrant yellow rice in less than thirty minutes, I can't imagine why you'd eat anything from a cardboard carton!"With ingredients that are found in almost every supermarket, equipment that every kitchen contains, and a little bit of adventurousness on your part, the recipes in this book will transform your mealtimes for good. So jump right in--it's time to get Daisy-fied!

This Is What Happy Looks Like

by Jennifer E. Smith

If fate sent you an email, would you answer?<P><P> When teenage movie star Graham Larkin accidentally sends small town girl Ellie O'Neill an email about his pet pig, the two seventeen-year-olds strike up a witty and unforgettable correspondence, discussing everything under the sun, except for their names or backgrounds. <P> Then Graham finds out that Ellie's Maine hometown is the perfect location for his latest film, and he decides to take their relationship from online to in-person. But can a star as famous as Graham really start a relationship with an ordinary girl like Ellie? And why does Ellie want to avoid the media's spotlight at all costs?<P> Winner of Pacific Northwest Library Association's Young Reader's Choice Senior Award

Geeks vs. Zombies

by Charlie Higson

It's geeks versus zombies in this action-packed thriller! There's no rest for the Wiki . . . and the other survivors of The Disaster in this exclusive scene from Charlie Higson's THE FEAR. The kids just want to celebrate World Book Day, but with drooling sickos lurking at every turn of the page, will they have a moment to return to normalcy, or will this be "the end" for the group?


by Robert Lettrick

14-year-old Heath Lambert is spending his summer at Camp Harmony in the picturesque Cascade Mountain Valley. It's the perfect place to enjoy the soothing calm of nature as he weighs a heavy decision. The camp offers distractions: his friends, Cricket and Dunbar, always up for trouble; his reluctant crush on Emily, one half of the beautiful Em & Em Twins; and hulking bullies Thumper and Floaties, who are determined to make him their punching bag for the summer. But no one rattles Heath like his creepy cabin mate, Will Stringer. Brilliant, cold and calculating, Will views the world as one big chess game, and he's always three moves ahead of everyone else. Heath soon learns there's a much bigger threat to contend with. Something's wrong with the animals in the surrounding forest. A darkness is spreading, driving them mad with rage. Wolves, bears, mountain lions???even the chipmunks are infected, spurred on in droves by one horrific goal: hunt and kill every human they find. Heath and a ragtag band of campers are faced with a choice: follow Will's lead and possibly survive, or follow the camp staff and die. But how do you trust a leader when you suspect he's more dangerous than the animals you're running from? Heath came to Camp Harmony to be surrounded by nature. He's about to get his wish.

Dustin Grubbs: Take Two! (Dustin Grubbs #2)

by John J. Bonk

After his breakthrough performance in last year's school play, Dustin Grubbs gets the taste of fame he dreams about. He's even recognized in the streets. (OK, so his hometown of Buttermilk Falls is small and everybody knows everybody... even so!) Fresh into seventh grade, he is ready for his acting career to take off in his school's upcoming musical production of Oliver! The twist is that phys-ed funds are being cut to do it, sparking grounds for an all-out war of the worlds: athletes vs. drama geeks. Even worse, Dustin discovers he's tone deaf and has two left feet! Just when things are looking grim, Dustin gets his big break when a field trip to Chicago teams him up with his wacky show biz dad for an opportunity of a lifetime--a shot at a national TV commercial! Will Dustin jump at the chance at all costs? Dustin Grubbs: Take Two! is full of the same hysterical one-liners and slapstick middle graders saw and loved in Dustin Grubbs: One-Man Show. Beneath the "show" is deeper story--that of a boy who longs to reunite his parents and will do anything to see them together.

El Monstruo: Dread and Redemption in Mexico City

by John Ross

John Ross has been living in the old colonial quarter of Mexico City for the last three decades, a rebel journalist covering Mexico and the region from the bottom up. He is filled with a gnawing sense that his beloved Mexico City’s days as the most gargantuan, chaotic, crime-ridden, toxically contaminated urban stain in the western world are doomed, and the monster he has grown to know and love through a quarter century of reporting on its foibles and tragedies and blight will be globalized into one more McCity. El Monstruois a defense of place and the history of that place. No one has told the gritty, vibrant histories of this city of 23 million faceless souls from the ground up, listened to the stories of those who have not been crushed, deconstructed the Monstruo’s very monstrousness, and lived to tell its secrets. InEl Monstruo, Ross now does.

DJ Rising

by Love Maia

The first thing I hear is music. The first thing I've always heard is music.Meet Marley, an unassuming high school junior who breathes in music like oxygen. In between caring for his heroin-addicted mother, and keeping his scholarship at a fancy prep school, he dreams of becoming a professional DJ.When chance lands Marley his first real DJ job, his career as "DJ Ice" suddenly skyrockets. But when heart-rending disaster at home brings Marley crashing back down to earth, he is torn between obligation and following his dreams.

Tropic of Chaos: Climate Changes and the New Geography of Violence

by Christian Parenti

From Africa to Asia and Latin America, the era of climate wars has begun. Extreme weather is breeding banditry, humanitarian crisis, and state failure. In Tropic of Chaos, investigative journalist Christian Parenti travels along the front lines of this gathering catastrophe--the belt of economically and politically battered postcolonial nations and war zones girding the planet's midlatitudes. Here he finds failed states amid climatic disasters. But he also reveals the unsettling presence of Western military forces and explains how they see an opportunity in the crisis to prepare for open-ended global counterinsurgency. Parenti argues that this incipient "climate fascism"--a political hardening of wealthy states-- is bound to fail. The struggling states of the developing world cannot be allowed to collapse, as they will take other nations down as well. Instead, we must work to meet the challenge of climate-driven violence with a very different set of sustainable economic and development policies.

Ada Blackjack: A True Story of Survival in the Arctic

by Jennifer Niven

from the bookjacket "Ada Blackjack was an unlikely hero-an unskilled 23-year-old Inuit woman with no knowledge of the world outside Nome, Alaska. Divorced, impoverished, and despondent, she had one focus in her life-to care for her sickly young son. In September 1921, in search of money and a husband, she signed on as seamstress for a top-secret expedition into the unknown Arctic. It was controversial explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson who sent four young men and Ada Blackjack into the far North to colonize desolate, uninhabited Wrangel Island. Only two of the men had set foot in the Arctic before. They took with them six months' worth of supplies on Stefansson's theory that this would be enough to sustain them for a year while they lived off the land itself. But as winter set in, they were struck by hardship and tragedy. As months went by and they began to starve, they were forced to ration their few remaining provisions. When three of the men made a desperate attempt to seek help, Ada was left to care for the fourth, who was too sick to travel. Soon after, she found herself totally alone. Upon Ada's miraculous return after two years on the island, the international press heralded her as the female Robinson Crusoe. Journalists hunted her down, but she refused to talk to anyone about her harrowing experiences. Only on one occasion-after being accused of a horrible crime she did not commit-did she speak up for herself. All the while, she was tricked and exploited by those who should have been her champions."

The Last Lion: Winston Churchill: Visions of Glory, 1874 - 1932

by William Manchester

William Manchester met Winston Churchill on January 24, 1953. Their encounter on the Queen Mary sparked an intense curiosity in Manchester that would eventually result in his classic three-volume magnum opus The Last Lion. In this, the first volume, we follow Churchill from his birth to 1932, when he began to warn against the remilitarization of Germany. Born of a lovely, wanton American mother and a gifted but unstable son of a duke, his childhood was one of wretched neglect. He sought glory on the battlefields of Cuba, Sudan, India, South Africa and the trenches of France. In Parliament he was the prime force behind the creation of Iraq and Jordan, laid the groundwork for the birth of Israel, and negotiated the independence of the Irish Free State. Yet, as Chancellor of the Exchequer he plunged England into economic crisis, and his fruitless attempt to suppress Gandhi's quest for Indian independence brought political chaos to Britain.Throughout, Churchill learned the lessons that would prepare him for the storm to come, and as the 1930's began, he readied himself for the coming battle against Nazism--an evil the world had never before seen.

Sure Signs of Crazy

by Karen Harrington

Love can be a trouble word for some people. Crazy is also a trouble word.I should know.You've never met anyone exactly like twelve-year-old Sarah Nelson. While most of her friends obsess over Harry Potter, she spends her time writing letters to Atticus Finch. She collects trouble words in her diary. Her best friend is a plant. And she's never known her mother, who left when Sarah was two.Since then, Sarah and her dad have moved from one small Texas town to another, and not one has felt like home.Everything changes when Sarah launches an investigation into her family's Big Secret. She makes unexpected new friends and has her first real crush, and instead of a "typical boring Sarah Nelson summer," this one might just turn out to be extraordinary.

A Tale of Two Pretties (The Clique #14)

by Lisi Harrison

Massie Block has long led the Pretty Committee--through boy drama, clique mutinies, and jealous wannabe attacks--while always in ah-dorable outfits. Over the past thirteen novels, avid fans of Massie, Alicia, Dylan, Kristin, and Claire, have made The Clique one of the premier bestselling series in the world. After the myriad of juicy escapades, the Clique is finally ready for their curtain call. The Clique . . . the only thing harder than getting in is saying goodbye.

Return to Me

by Justina Chen

Justina Chen, the acclaimed author of North of Beautiful, has created a moving and powerful novel about the struggles that arise from betrayal, the uncertainty of life after high school, and the joy that ultimately comes from discovering what's truly in your heart. Nothing is going as planned for Rebecca Muir. She's weeks away from starting college--at a school chosen specifically to put a few thousand miles of freedom between Reb and her parents. But her dad's last-minute job opportunity has her entire family moving all those miles with her! And then there's the matter of her unexpected, amazing boyfriend, Jackson, who is staying behind on the exact opposite coast.And if that isn't enough to deal with, mere days after moving cross-country, Reb's dad drops shocking, life-changing news. With her mother and brother overwhelmed and confused, Reb is left alone to pick up the pieces of her former life. But how can she do that when everything can change in an instant? How can she trust her "perfect" boyfriend when her own dad let her down? Reb started the year knowing exactly what her future would hold, but now that her world has turned upside down, will she discover what she really wants?

Almost Home

by Jessica Blank

Why would anyone choose to live on the streets? There is Eeyore, just twelve years old when she runs away from her priveleged home, harboring a secret she's too ashamed to tell anyone. Rusty is a sensitive gay teen who winds up alone when his older boyfriend ditches him in Hollywood. Squid has gone through too many foster homes to count. There's Scabius, a delusional punk from Utah who takes the "me against the world" motto to dangerous extremes. And Critter is a heroin dealer with movie star looks and a vulnerable heart. Laura should be home studying, but she can't face another one of her mom's boyfriends. And then there's Tracy, the damaged thread that ties them all together, irrevocably changing each life she touches. This unlikely band of characters form their own dysfunctional family, complete with love and belonging, abuse and betrayal. Each will make their way home, wherever it may be

Out At Second (Matt Christopher: The #1 Sports Series for Kids)

by Matt Christopher

Should Manny keep his promise-even if it puts his friend in danger? When the Grizzlies' first basemen is sidelined two days before the playoffs, catcher Manny Griffin and second baseman Stu Fletcher take it upon themselves to help his replacement become a better player. The three practice together and all is going well-until a wild throw hits Stu right in the head! Manny gives his word to keep quiet, but a few days later, Stu starts acting funny. Now Manny faces a difficult decision: should he break his promise and let Stu and the team down... or keep silent and hope that he's not putting Stu in danger?

Ghostgirl 3: Lovesick (ghostgirl #3)

by Tonya Hurley

Before she can rest in peace, Charlotte Usher must return to the tragic site of her death: high school. Once there, her assignment is to help a designated teen solve a personal problem in time for the all-important prom. But no one explained what happens if you fall in love with your class project. Charlotte would die (again) for love but facing the all-too-familiar feeling of invisibility may be too much for her to swallow.

Court of Fives (Court of Fives #1)

by Kate Elliott

<p>In this imaginative escape into enthralling new lands, World Fantasy Award finalist Kate Elliott's first young adult novel weaves an epic story of a girl struggling to do what she loves in a society suffocated by rules of class and privilege. <p>Jessamy's life is a balance between acting like an upper-class Patron and dreaming of the freedom of the Commoners. But away from her family she can be whoever she wants when she sneaks out to train for The Fives, an intricate, multilevel athletic competition that offers a chance for glory to the kingdom's best contenders. <p>Then Jes meets Kalliarkos, and an unlikely friendship between two Fives competitors--one of mixed race and the other a Patron boy--causes heads to turn. When Kal's powerful, scheming uncle tears Jes's family apart, she'll have to test her new friend's loyalty and risk the vengeance of a royal clan to save her mother and sisters from certain death.</p>

Jackie Robinson (Legends in Sports): Legends in Sports

by Matt Christopher

The story of legendary Jackie Robinson, the first African American to play major league baseball, is recounted in this title.

Shadowlands: A Shadowlands Novel (Shadowlands)

by Kate Brian

Rory Miller had one chance to fight back and she took it. Rory survived and the serial killer who attacked her escaped. Now that the infamous Steven Nell is on the loose, Rory must enter the witness protection with her father and sister, Darcy, leaving their friends and family without so much as a goodbye. Starting over in a new town with only each other is unimaginable for Rory and Darcy. They were inseparable as children, but now they can barely stand each other. As the sisters settle in to Juniper Landing, a picturesque vacation island, it seems like their new home may be just the fresh start they need. They fall in with a group of beautiful, carefree teens and spend their days surfing, partying on the beach, and hiking into endless sunsets. But just as they're starting to feel safe again, one of their new friends goes missing. Is it a coincidence? Or is the nightmare beginning all over again?

Lights Camera Quince! (Amigas #2)

by Veronica Chambers

Amigas is officially open for business! Alicia, Jamie, Carmen and Gaz managed to throw an amazing quince for their new friend Sarita. But now that they are sophomores AND in the quince planning business, things are going to get more complicated. Luckily, one of their own is having a quince. Carmen is turning fifteen and the rest of the friends are determined to throw her the best party ever. But in Miami, the heat is always on--and so is the drama. When the group is asked to take part in a reality show featuring quinceanera parties, they all jump at the chance. But being under the spotlight brings out the true colors of the group and before anyone can even cry "action!", Alicia is fighting with Gaz, Carmen is worrying about her vows, and Jamie is feeling left out. With the cameras rolling, will Carmen's party go up in flames?

The Murk

by Robert Lettrick

In the Okefenokee Swamp grows a rare and beautiful flower with a power unlike any other. Many have tried to claim it???no one has come out alive. But fourteen-year-old Piper Canfield is desperate, and this flower may be her only chance to keep a promise she made a long time ago. Accompanied by her little brother, Creeper, her friend Tad, and two local guides, Piper embarks on the quest of a lifetime. But there's a deadly predator lurking unseen in the black water, one nearly as old as the Oke itself. Some say it's a monster. Others say an evil spirit. The truth is far more terrifying. Piper's task is simple: find the flower . . . or die trying.

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