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Double Exposure (Hardy Boys Casefiles #22)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Family skeleton When Frank and Joe decide to meet their father's latest contact on their own, they get more than they bargained for. The young detectives come face-to-face with their long-lost brother, Chris Hardy! But a hail of bullets cuts their meeting short. . Suddenly Frank and Joe find themselves trapped in a deadly cross fire between a brutal gang of spies and a high-tech computer scam. Odds are their new brother is the triggerman-aiming to wipe out an old family debt. ======== From the inside of the book: FAMILY HORROR Frank popped the cassette in the VCR and set it to Play. "Let's see what's on this tape," he said to Joe. For a moment there was static, then a picture appeared with no sound. On the screen it was winter. Two men-one old, one young-both wearing army uniforms stood on the steps before a large white house. "Those are Russian uniforms!" Joe exclaimed. Frank nodded. "The older man's a colonel." On the screen the two men were arguing now. The younger man's face became an expressionless mask as he raised a gun. The older man fell backward down the steps of the building, his blood staining the snow. Joe's eyes widened. "Frank-that soldier.. ." Frank nodded, his mouth suddenly dry. The face on the screen, the man who had shot the older officer- It was their brother, Chris.

The Journal of Wong Ming-Chung: A Chinese Miner, California, 1852 (My Name Is America Series)

by Laurence Yep

<P>1881. A small village in China. A new emperor. The old problems such as hunger. Uncle Precious Stone declares that he is going to The Golden Mountain. After some time for preparation, he goes. <P>A few months later, Mama and Papa receive a request to send older brother. But they send Runt! He is the younger, smaller, more intellectual brother. <P>This is an exciting adventure! Although the journal is fiction, the events it portrays are based on history (American and Chinese) and culture. A fine book for a book report!

The Tunnel

by Virginia King

Dean has a secret fear, but it is a secret that no one can share-not his father, nor his mother, nor his best friend, Benny. How will Dean react when he comes face-to-face with his fear, with no way to escape? Will his friends find out? How will Dean emerge from The Tunnel?

By Secret Railway

by Enid Lamonte Meadowcroft

A story of 2 brave boys and the secret railway to freedom in 1860.

The Road to War: Facing the Guillotine (Left Behind #39)

by Jerry B. Jenkins Tim Lahaye Chris Fabry

Join the young Trib Force as they grow closer and closer to the return of Christ.

Heat Wave (Left Behind: The Kids #37)

by Chris Fabry Tim Lahaye Jerry B. Jenkins

The planet is enduring the newest judgement from God... a true scorcher. Will they survive? Will Judd and Lional finally make it to Wesconsin? Join Judd, Vicki, Lional and the others cfor a new adventure.

Disaster for Hire (Hardy Boys Casefiles #23)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Timber War Frank and Joe race to Seattle to help their father, Fenton, who stands accused of murder! In their father's rented house, they're met by burglars, who try to gun them down. When the brother detectives follow their trail, they learn that valuable timber is being destroyed by a deadly virus. They also find an entire town has been sealed off to prevent a mysterious flu epidemic. Meanwhile Fenton Hardy is the hostage of a sinister scientist with a formula for certain death. And if the brother team can't reach him in time-he'll become the victim in a doomsday experiment. ======= From inside the book: HOT PURSUIT Frank was already working on the doctor's ropes. "Soon as I get you loose, get clear of here," he ordered. "We'll get Jenny and Dad." Joe ran for the staircase leading up to the next floor, where Jenny Bookman and their father were imprisoned. Frank paused long enough to grab up the doctor's notebook and tuck it under his shirt. Then he started after his brother. They'd just started up the stairs when the far wall of the lab began to breathe smoke. Then, with a great gust of flame, the lab was ablaze.

Thick as Thieves (Hardy Boys Casefiles #29)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe get mixed up with a gang of thieves, including their old nemesis Charity.

See No Evil (Hardy Boys Casefiles #8)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: SPECIAL DELIVERY MURDER Frank Hardy's girlfriend, Callie Shaw, is determined to join him and Joe in solving crimes. So when she bumps into a mailman and mistakenly recovers a top-secret codebook, Callie thinks she's found the perfect case. She challenges the brother detectives to help her break the code. Trouble is, the real owner is deadly serious about getting it back. Joe is knocked cold during a daring burglary, and when he comes to, the black book is missing. But not before Frank has uncovered a link to a secret network of fraud, corruption, and murder. It seems Callie has stumbled on to a major scandal-will Frank and Joe end up taking the fall? ========== From inside the book: DEATH TRAP The truck driver flicked on his headlights. Lisa and Joe were caught in their glare. "Duck," Joe said. "He's got a gun!" His warning came too late. There was a sharp cracking noise. Lisa gave a cry, stiffened, and fell. Joe's gut twisted. No, he thought. The man with the gun raised his hand again. Run-fast, a voice inside Joe's head cried, but he couldn't make himself move. Another crack-and Joe felt the pain. This time I've bought it. He swayed on his feet. Then the darkness closed in.

The Genius Thieves (Hardy Boys Casefiles #9)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: School for crime A daring million-dollar bank robbery leads Frank and Joe to Chartwell Academy. Certain that the high-tech thief is someone at the exclusive prep school, Frank enrolls as a student, and Joe gets a job as a janitor. But going undercover on the secluded campus proves extremely dangerous. From battling a raging dorm fire, to being hunted through a graveyard by a masked gunman -the brother detectives find they're up against a brainy enemy who's intent on making a twin killing. =========== From inside the book: HIS BROTHER'S GRAVE Joe was shoveling furiously, throwing mounds of dirt around Frank. Within ten minutes Frank was practically covered. "Joe! Think of what you're doing!" Frank yelled. But Joe was now foaming at the mouth. His eyes were rolling in their sockets, and he was babbling nonsense words. Just as Frank was about to be covered, Joe began to shriek insanely. He backed away from the grave as if he were being attacked. "Finish your job!" the masked man demanded. But Joe was too far gone. The masked man aimed his gun at Joe. "I was hoping not to do this, my friend, but you've failed me." Bracing the gun with two outstretched arms, he fired. . . .

Alex, You're Glowing! (The Secret World of Alex Mack #1)

by Diana G. Gallagher

It's Alex's 1st day of junior high and everything goes wrong! She can't decide what to wear. Her mother packs her lunch in a Troll lunchbox.

Ghosts Who Went to School

by Judith Spearing

What would you do if a ghost came to your class? Wilbur doesn't mean to make trouble, but books rise by themselves, voices answer the teacher...

Home Alone

by Todd Strasser

Kevin's day gets off to a bad start, when his family forgets him as they go to Paris for the holidays. Then there are burglars in the neighborhood.

The Winner (The Gymnasts #4)

by Elizabeth A. Levy

Darlene has to prove she's a winner, since her father is a famous person, a football player for the Denver Broncos.

The Tournament

by Anna Ciddor

This story is set in a castle and is about a knight's first tournament.

Terror in the Sky (Bethany House's The American Adventure #6)

by Lee Roddy

From the book: Hildy Corrigan felt like the first day of school would never come! Ever since their family had arrived in California, her hopes and dreams were all focused on the Lone River Grammar School. If Hildy proves herself to be an excellent student, her goal of attending college to become a teacher and to someday get her "forever home" has a chance of becoming a reality. Being the oldest child of poor parents in the Great Depression, it is Hildy's only chance. But the odds against her are very high. Good grades are one thing, but college also requires money and even with her part-time job after school, she'll never earn enough. When a cash prize is offered for the top academic and civic-minded seventh-grader, Hildy's determination to win it is met by a school administration firmly set against her. She's an unwelcomed outsider, an "Okie," and Hildy and her cousin Ruby are in for big problems at school. The rescue of a kidnapped child becomes an even greater problem. What difference can Hildy make? THE TERROR THEY FACE COULD END HILDY'S STORY!

Heavens to Betsy

by Maud Hart Lovelace

Betsy is a Sophomore. She dreams of the boy with the red auto and scheems to catch him. But Betsy can't be anything but herself.

WEE Sir Gibbie of the Highlands

by George Macdonald

The only problem with McDonald's books, is that most of them have quite a few passages in the Scottish dialect. The Scots tongue, of course, is mostly English, but there are a lot of words and phrases from German and Norwegian and old Gaelic, too. I immediately went to the library in our town. I found three books by George MacDonald and checked them out. The first was called The Princess and the Goblin. It was a fairy tale, and I liked it. It reminded me of Narnia. The second was At the Back of the North Wind. I liked it too. It was part fairy tale, part real. But it was the third book I found that day that changed me forever. It was no fairy tale at all, but the story of a little boy who lived in the mountains of Scotland a century ago. The title of that book was Sir Gibbie. The boy called Gibbie grabbed my imagination and my heart just as strongly as had all the Narnian boys and girls and animals and places. But the interesting thing about Gibbie was that he lived in no fairy tale world, but in a real place. So while I found myself falling in love with the story about Gibbie, I also found myself falling in love with the mountainous region of Scotland too, that part of north-central Scotland called "the Highlands." Though it was a real country you could actually locate on a map, I found my imagination being drawn to Gibbie's homeland just as much as it had to the land of Narnia. But I also discovered that what I had heard about the Scottish dialect was right. It was difficult to understand at first! Besides being more than four hundred pages long (with small type!), the original of Sir Gibbie had some very odd-looking passages. But I loved Sir Gibbie so much that I wanted to share the story with everybody! And that's why I decided to edit and shorten the original, and "translate" the Scottish dialect into more understandable English. Now through this new edition, entitled Wee Sir Gibbie of the Highlands, many more people of all ages will be able once again to read this captivating tale that was lost to the reading public for so long. Michael Phillips

Mom's Best Friend

by Sally Hobart Alexander

This book explains the impact on the family of someone getting a successor dog guide, and also many of the tools that blind people use.

Light in the Night: Ancient and Modern Lighthouses

by Pamela Graham

From the book: A lighthouse is a tower by the sea with a brilliant light at the top to guide ships through dangerous waters. Lighthouses are usually built on rocky coastlines, isolated reefs, and at the entrances to harbors and estuaries. They have to be tall, so they can be seen during the day, and so that their light can shine for a long distance out to sea at night. As well as guiding ships along the coast to their destinations, they give warning of underwater rocks. Each lighthouse has a distinctive shape or an identifying color that allows mariners to know which lighthouse they are looking at; they can then be sure of their exact location. In some places where fog is common, lighthouses also emit warning sounds to alert boats and ships that they are near danger. This book explores lighthouses and their history. A fascinating book.

The Amazing Secret

by Joni Eareckson Tada Steve Jensen

feeling hopeless,Darcy, a young paraplegic, rejects the friendship of Erik,a burn victim with a severely disfigured face, who ultimately teaches Darcy about forgiveness

Toddy (Orphan Train West)

by Jane Peart

After her mother leaves six year old Toddie at the county children's home,she is chosen by a minister's wife to go west on the Orphan train and is taken in by a wealthy widow as a companion for her sickly granddaughter.

The Andalite's Gift (Animorphs Megamorphs #1)

by K. A. Applegate

We never should have done it. But we needed a break, time off from the superhero stuff, a chance to act like normal kids. But now Rachel is missing and something's after us...

The Yellow Feather Mystery (Hardy Boys #33)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe are called upon to help a college student prove that his grandfather left a will leaving a private academy to him and not the deputy headmaster. The youths are perplexed by the sign of the yellow feather and are determined to seek out his identity. Can Frank, Joe, Chet and the other Hardy friends find the will before it can be destroyed? This is the original unrevised text of The Yellow Feather Mystery (1953).

Snail Mail No More

by Paula Danziger Ann M. Martin

Sequel to PS Longer Letter Later, Elizabeth and Tara are still totally different. But they continue to correspond regularly through email now.

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