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Ben Franklin's in My Bathroom!

by Candace Fleming Mark Fearing

<p>History meets hijinks in this first title in a hilarious new middle grade series for fans of Timmy Failure and The Terrible Two, when Ben Franklin accidentally time travels to a 10-year-old's home in 21st century America! <p>Nolan is a typical kid living in a typical 21st century American town. Ben Franklin is, well, Ben Franklin—Founding Father, inventor of the lightning rod and bifocals, and more. When, through a bizarre set of circumstances, Nolan and his little sister, Olive, find Ben in their house, chaos isn't far behind. <p>From introducing him to the toaster to taking him to the public library (another Ben invention) to preventing a nosy neighbor from blowing Ben's cover, Nolan does his best to be Ben's tour guide to the new world he helped form. With tons of funny illustrations throughout—plus graphic novel-style sections interspersed—readers will love adventuring alongside this awesome threesome. </p>

El novato

by K. H. Mcmullan

Wiglaf vive con sus padres y sus doce hermanos en el bosque. Wiglaf es diferente a los demás: es bajito y tiene el pelo de color zanahoria. Sus hermanos, todos grandes y fuertes, no lo tienen en gran estima, sus padres tampoco, y Wiglaf se ocupa de hacer las tareas de la casa. Llega un trovador a su casa y le señala que ha nacido para ser un héroe. ¡Su gran sueño! Wiglaf emprende un largo camino en busca de la escuela de Dragones y se encuentra con un mago, una espada llamada Muertesegura y al final la puerta de la escuela de Cazadores de Dragones. . . Pero no tiene los siete peniques que vale la “matrícula” . Y no quiere vender a su amiga la cerdita Daisy. Quizás le admitirían lavando platos, pero. . . ¿logrará derrotar a un enorme dragón y conseguir el preciado tesoro? ¿cuál será el hechizo o el punto débil del dragón? Quizás con una pizca de humor. . . .

The Fourth Stall Part II

by Chris Rylander

The life of crime is good.Mac has taken down legendary high school crime boss Staples, business has been booming, and Mac and Vince are getting ready for middle school baseball tryouts. But this can't last. Mac has always tried to keep his friends close and his enemies closer. But what happens when you can't tell the difference? This dilemma walks into the fourth stall in the form of Trixie Von Parkway-an eighth grader with a mean look and an even meaner predicament. The new science teacher is terrorizing her, and she needs Mac to get him off her back. Seems simple enough, but as Mac starts to dig deeper, he finds even more trouble brewing at his school, including a new administrator bent on destroying his business, and indications that Trixie isn't who she claims to be. In the past, the worst thing that could have happened to Mac was that he might lose a little money, maybe catch a beating. In The Fourth Stall Part II, though, there's going to be much more on the line than that.

Exploring Science [Grade 5]

by Randy L. Bell Malcolm B. Butler Kathy Cabe Trundle

This student edition covers 100% of Grade 5 Next Generation Science Standards.

Un mal principio (Una serie de catastróficas desdichas #1)

by Lemony Snicket

Los libros de culto en los que se basa la nueva gran serie de Netflix. Querido lector, Siento decirte que el libro que tienes en las manos es extremadamente desagradable: cuenta la triste historia de tres niños con muy mala suerte. Los hermanos Baudelaire llevan una vida repleta de desgracias e infortunios. Vaya, que son un imán para las catástrofes. Sólo en este librito, se enfrentan a un malvado codicioso y repulsivo, sobreviven a un incendio terrible, a un complot para despojarlos de su fortuna y se ven obligados a llevar ropa que pica. Yo tengo la triste obligación de escribir estos desagradables acontecimientos, pero a ti nada te impide cerrar inmediatamente este libro y leer algo más alegre, si eso es lo que prefieres. Con todo mi respeto, Lemony Snicket

Into the Lion's Den

by Linda Fairstein

Watch out, Nancy Drew—Devlin Quick is smart, strong, and she will DEFINITELY close the case in this thrilling new mystery series for girls and boys from New York Times bestselling author Linda FairsteinSomeone has stolen a page from a rare book in the New York Public Library. At least, that’s what Devlin’s friend Liza thinks she’s seen, but she can’t be sure. Any other kid might not see a crime here, but Devlin Quick is courageous and confident, and she knows she has to bring this man to justice—even if it means breathlessly racing around the city to collect evidence. But who is this thief? And what could the page—an old map—possibly lead to? With her wits, persistence, and the help of New York City’s finest (and, okay, a little bit of help from her police commissioner mother, too), Dev and her friends piece the clues together to uncover a mystery that’s bigger than anyone expected—and more fun, too.With all of the heart-pounding excitement that made her internationally bestselling Alexandra Cooper series a hit, Linda Fairstein paves the way for another unstoppable heroine . . . even if she is only twelve.

Theodore Boone. Joven abogado

by John Grisham

Theodore Boone. Joven abogado Theodore Boone es un chico de trece años con las ideas muy claras: va a ser abogado. Ya conoce todos los pormenores de la vida judicial de su pequeña ciudad, Strattenburg, y espera con ansia el día en que podrá subirse a un estrado. Pero ni en sus mejores sueños hubiera podido imaginar que se vería involucrado en el llamado juicio del siglo. . . ¡antes siguiera de acabar el instituto! No hay suficientes pruebas para condenar al rico golfista Peter Duffy por el asesinato de su esposa; pero Theo cuenta con un testigo que puede cambiar el curso de los acontecimientos. . . Sólo hay un problema: un inviolable pacto de silencio le impide llevarlo a los tribunales. . .


by Toni Morrison

Toni Morrison's first novel, The Bluest Eye (1970), was acclaimed as the work of an important talent, written--as John Leonard said in The New York Times--in a prose "so precise, so faithful to speech and so charged with pain and wonder that the novel becomes poetry. " Sula has the same power, the same beauty. At its center--a friendship between two women, a friendship whose intensity first sustains, then injures. Sula and Nel--both black, both smart, both poor, raised in a small Ohio town--meet when they are twelve, wishbone thin and dreaming of princes. Through their girlhood years they share everything--perceptions, judgments, yearnings, secrets, even crime--until Sula gets out, out of the Bottom, the hilltop neighborhood where beneath the sporting life of the men hanging around the place in headrags and soft felt hats there hides a fierce resentment at failed crops, lost jobs, thieving insurance men, bug-ridden flour. . . at the invisible line that cannot be overstepped. Sula leaps it and roams the cities of America for ten years. Then she returns to the town, to her friend. But Nel is a wife now, settled with her man and her three children. She belongs. She accommodates to the Bottom, where you avoid the hand of God by getting in it, by staying upright, helping out at church suppers, asking after folks--where you deal with evil by surviving it. Not Sula. As willing to feel pain as to give pain, she can never accommodate. Nel can't understand her any more, and the others never did. Sula scares them. Mention her now, and they recall that she put her grandma in an old folks' home (the old lady who let a train take her leg for the insurance). . . that a child drowned in the river years ago. . . that there was a plague of robins when she first returned. . . In clear, dark, resonant language, Toni Morrison brilliantly evokes not only a bond between two lives, but the harsh, loveless, ultimately mad world in which that bond is destroyed, the world of the Bottom and its people, through forty years, up to the time of their bewildered realization that even more than they feared Sula, their pariah, they needed her.

El Mago de Oz

by L. Frank Baum

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. «Es un buen mago. Si es un hombre o no, es cosa que ya no puedo decirte, porque nunca le he visto.» Arrancada de su hogar en Kansas por un huracán, la pequeña Dorothy aterriza en un mundo desconocido. Comienza así una travesía junto a su perro Toto en busca de la única persona capaz de devolverlos a casa: el Mago de Oz. Durante el viaje hasta Ciudad Esmeralda, donde el hombre vive, se enfrentarán a un sinfín de obstáculos y peligros, pero contarán también con inestimables aliados: un espantapájaros sin cerebro, un león sin coraje y un hombre de hojalata sin corazón. Más de un siglo después de su publicación, la magia de L. Frank Baum se despliega ante nosotros como si el tiempo apenas hubiera transcurrido. Con la iluminadora introducción del profesor y estudioso Jack Zipes y las ilustraciones que han acompañado a la novela desde sus inicios, esta edición rinde homenaje a una de las aventuras más entrañables de todos los tiempos. Ray Bradbury dijo...«L. Frank Baum ha llenado nuestro siglo, de principio a fin, de ingenuos gozos e insospechados deleites.»

Don Juan (Los mejores clásicos)

by Tirso De Molina Molière Lorenzo Da Ponte

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. «A mí la belleza me encanta dondequiera que la encuentre y cedo con facilidad a esa dulce violencia a la que nos arrastra.»Molière Leyenda popular, Don Juan se convirtió en personalidad literaria con el drama trágico El burlador de Sevilla, de Tirso de Molina. A partir de entonces protagonizó como héroe-villano obras de teatro, novelas y poemas, hasta convertirse en un carácter universal, comparable a Don Quijote, Hamlet y Fausto. Además del texto fundacional de Tirso de Molina, en este volumen recogemos por su relevancia el drama de Molière y el libreto de Lorenzo da Ponte para la ópera de Mozart Don Giovanni, que aquí presentamos en edición bilingüe. Un análisis del Don Juan como arquetipo de la literatura y el cine, a cargo de Jordi Balló y Xavier Pérez, acompaña las tres grandes obras que asentaron las bases del mito. De este modo, el presente volumen nos acerca a un personaje que ha seducido, como solo él puede, a lectores de todas las épocas. Gustave Flaubert dijo...«Las tres cosas más hermosas del mundo son: el mar, Hamlet y Don Juan.»

Romeo y Julieta (edición bilingüe)

by William Shakespeare

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. «¡Oh amor nacido de un extraño prodigio:tener que amar a un odiado enemigo!» El tiempo no ha cerrado las heridas de los Montesco y los Capuleto, dos familias de Verona enemistadas por antiguos pleitos cuyo origen ya casi nadie alcanza a recordar. Con el odio llegó la violencia, y con la violencia, las primeras víctimas inocentes. Pero del odio nació también el amor entre dos jóvenes predestinados a la desventura: Romeo y Julieta. La suya es una de las historias más populares de todos los tiempos, a la vez que su trágico desenlace se ha convertido en un hito de la literatura universal, «pues jamás hubo tan triste suceso como este de Julieta y de Romeo». Presentada en la extraordinaria versión del traductor Josep Maria Jaumà, esta edición bilingüe se abre con la esclarecedora introducción de Adrian Poole, catedrático del Trinity College de Cambridge, quien nos acerca a este gran canto a la juventud, a la pasión, al amor y a los peligros insoslayables del odio. Victor Hugo dijo...«Shakespeare representó las dos caras del corazón humano y los dos extremos del arte con personajes que vivirán eternamente: llenos de un vigor misterioso, impalpables como las nubes, inmortales como el aliento.»

Science Fusion [Grade 5] Volume 1

by Michael A. Dispezio Marjorie Frank Michael Heithaus

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Hillary Clinton: American Woman of the World

by Cheryl Harness

A biography of 2016 Presidential hopeful, US Senator, US Secretary of State, and former first lady Hillary Clinton.A Real-Life Story biography of 2016 presidential hopeful, Hillary Rodham Clinton. With dreams of becoming an astronaut at a young age, Hillary Clinton has always reached for the stars, politically, personally, and professionally. She's led a life devoted to public service, championing the rights of children, women, the disenfranchised. Wellesley, Yale, First Lady of Arkansas, Law firm partner, First Lady of the United States, New York State Senator, Secretary of State...her list of accomplishments are nothing short of extraordinary; her life story as told by acclaimed writer Cheryl Harness, is powerfully inspiring.

Native Americans at the Time of the Explorers

by Steven Otfinoski Margaret Mcnamara

Learn about the encounters between early explorers of the New World and the native people who lived in North America.

Inspire Science, Science Handbook, Grades 4, 5

by Hackett Mcgraw-Hill Education

Inspire Science 2. 0 science handbook is an easy-to-use research and reference tool covering all core science topics which teaches students research and cross-referencing skills.

Animal Adventures

by Dan Ahearn Janet Ahearn Peter Fasolino Alison Adams

Find out about amazing animals that made a difference in the lives of young people.

What Is Rock and Roll?

by Gregory Copeland Jim O'Connor

Put on your dancing shoes and move to the music.Rock and roll sprang from a combination of African-American genres, Western swing, and country music that exploded in post World War II America. Jim O'Connor explains what constitutes rock music, follows its history and sub-genres through famous musicians and groups, and shows how rock became so much more than just a style of music influencing fashion, language, and lifestyle.This entry in the New York Times best-selling series contains eighty illustrations and sixteen pages of black and white photographs.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Night Garden

by Polly Horvath

From Newbery Honor and National Book Award–winning author Polly Horvath is this magical middle-grade novel about a garden that grants wishes. It is World War II, and Franny and her parents, Sina and Old Tom, enjoy a quiet life on a farm on Vancouver Island. Franny writes, Sina sculpts, and Old Tom tends to their many gardens—including the ancient, mysterious night garden. Their peaceful life is interrupted when their neighbor, Crying Alice, begs Sina to watch her children while she goes to visit her husband at the military base because she suspects he’s up to no good. Soon after the children move in, letters arrive from their father that suggest he's about to do something to change their lives; and appearances from a stubborn young cook, UFOs, hermits, and ghosts only make life stranger. Can the forbidden night garden that supposedly grants everyone one wish help them all out of trouble? And if so, at what cost? The Night Garden is a poignant and hilarious story from acclaimed children's author Polly Horvath.

Conquering Mount Everest

by Jackie Glassman Alison Adams

Find out about Mount Everest and the daring people who have tried to reach its summit.

The Life Cycle of Plants

by Howard Warren

Perform this script about a girl's quest to save the buffalo from extinction.

Body Systems: The Respiratory and Circulatory Systems

by Barbara A. Donovan Margaret Mcnamara

Learn about how the respiratory and circulatory systems work to keep the human body alive.

Ready Common Core, Mathematics Instruction [Grade] 5

by Curriculum Associates Llc

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Hardy Boys 44: The Haunted Fort

by Franklin W. Dixon

A long-distance telephone call from Chet Morton’s uncle summons Frank and Joe Hardy and their staunch pal Chet to a summer art school, located near old Fort Senandaga which is reputed to be inhabited by a ghost. The young detectives’ assignment: recover two famous oil paintings stolen from the valuable Prisoner-Painter collection owned by Jefferson Davenport. Mr. Davenport reveals that one of the famous pictures contains a clue to the hiding place of a priceless gold chain. Vicious threats and deadly traps beset Frank, Joe, and Chet as they search for clues to the stolen paintings and the gold treasure – a search that is complicated by the stormy feud between an Englishman and a Frenchman over the military history of the ancient fort.

In a Dark Land

by Christina Soontornvat

What is a Fairy without her magic?Life hasn't been the same since Izzy found out she was a Changeling during a trip to the magical land of Faerie. Sure, she's glad to be back on Earth with her human family, but she can't stop thinking about the amazing friends she left behind. Even worse, Izzy can't seem to change anymore. She can't stand the thought of losing all ties to the one place she felt like she truly belonged. So when Izzy gets a chance to return to Faerie, she's quick to say yes. But when a new evil threatens not only Faerie, but Earth itself, will Izzy get her magic back in time to help save everyone she loves?Praise for The Changelings:"A richly drawn fairy world that will have readers staying way up past their bedtime to read what their plucky herione, Izzy, does next." —Jen Calonita, author of the Fairy Tale Reform School series"Fresh and imaginative—new inventions on every page. I loved every ingenious twist and turn right up to the wonderfully satisfying ending." —Katherine Catmull, author of The Radiant Road and Summer and Bird"The Changelings is charming! Perfect for readers who love stories full of magic, adventure, mystery and fairies, topped off with a satisfying and very happy ending. Soontornvat's debut sparkles and delights!" —Nikki Loftin, author of The Sinister Sweetness of Splendid Academy

Cupcakes Are Forever

by Sheryl Berk Carrie Berk

Keep calm and bake on...Kylie and her cupcaking friends are finally graduating from Blakely Elementary! The other girls of Peace, Love, and Cupcakes are feeling sentimental, but Kylie's all about looking toward the future. After all, PLC will continue on in middle school. But when Principal Fontina asks Kylie to create a PLC junior club to live on at Blakely after graduation, can Kylie find enough members to continue on the club? And will the walk down memory lane be more sweet than bitter? Sheryl Berk, New York Times bestselling coauthor of Soul Surfer, and her daughter Carrie, a cupcake connoisseur who has reviewed confections from around the world in her Carrie's Cupcakes Critiques newsletter, have cooked up a delightful series sure to be a treat.

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