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Jack's Island

by Norman Jorgensen

Jack's family is based on Rottnest Island during WWII while his father helps build an airfield. Jack and his best friend Banjo have the run of the island and a remarkable knack for getting into trouble — but as Jack says, 'I'm not that bad, I just get caught a lot!' Dafty, a simple but loveable young boy, dotes on Banjo and Jack. When Dafty seeks revenge against the local schoolmaster for a punishment inflicted on Banjo, life suddenly becomes more serious. This poignant, multi-layered text offers young readers a valuable insight into life in Australia during the war.

Mystery at Riddle Gully

by Jen Banyard

Pollo di Nozi, a reporter-in-training, has a nose for news. Weird things are happening in Riddle Gully and Pollo smells a major scoop. With Shorn Connery, her sheepish sidekick, Pollo is determined to track down the truth. But is Will, the new boy in town, conspiring with the pushy mayor, the Graffiti Kid, and a strange Transylvanian to send her sniffing up the wrong trail? Suspensful and humerous, this book unravels the mysteries of Riddle Gully.

Dropping In

by Geoff Havel

An action-packed middle-grade story that explores friendship, bullying, and living with a disability Ian and Warren, better known as Sticks and Ranga, are best friends. They live on the same street, go to the same school and love the same things, like skateboarding and PlayStation. When new kid James arrives in class in his wheelchair, Sticks isn't sure they can be friends. But Sticks quickly discovers they have a lot in common. Cerebral palsy stops James from doing some things but it hasn't dulled his sense of humor—and he's pretty brainy, too. Soon James becomes an inseparable part of the Sticks, Ranga, and James show.

Sister Heart

by Sally Morgan

A young Aboriginal girl is taken from the north of Australia and sent to an institution in the distant south. There, she slowly makes a new life for herself and, in the face of tragedy, finds strength in new friendships. Poignantly told from the child's perspective, Sister Heart affirms the power of family and kinship. This compelling novel about the stolen generations helps teachers sensitively introduce into the classroom one of world's most confronting histories.

Lily in the Mirror

by Paula Hayes

Lily loves all things dark and mysterious, so when she discovers a magic mirror in a locked room it's like a dream come true. Or is it ... Lily now has a new friend who desperately needs her help. But she's also got an older brother who really needs to get a life. Lily will require all eleven fingers, plus a hefty slice of Grandad's chocolate ganache cake, to fix a long-forgotten tragedy that's very close to home.

The Smuggler's Curse

by Norman Jorgensen

Red Read's life takes an alarming turn when his mother sells him to an infamous smuggler plying his trade off the north-west coast of Australia in the closing days of the 19th century. From terrifying encounters with cut-throat pirates to battling the forces of nature in a tropical typhoon, from dining with head-hunting guerrillas to making meals of monkey stew, Red is in for a hair-raising adventure that may cost him his life.

To the Lighthouse

by Cristy Burne

Isaac arrives on Rottnest Island hoping for an awesome holiday adventure, but his mum would rather he stayed inside, where it's safe. Then Isaac meets Emmy. She's allowed to do whatever she wants – and she wants to have fun! With Emmy daring him on, Isaac's life gets more and more exciting. When Emmy suggests a midnight stalk to the salt lakes, Isaac knows his worrywart mum won't say yes – so he sneaks out. A junior novel about family, adventure and trust.

The Spectacular Spencer Gray

by Deb Fitzpatrick

Spencer Gray is just an ordinary kid, but he manages to get in to some pretty extraordinary situations. Playing soccer at school with his mates he accidentally uncovers a sinister animal smuggling operation and rescues a super-endangered potoroo. But when the smugglers discover him trying to release the potoroo, he risks becoming super-endangered himself. Trussed up and left in the bush, he needs to use all his inner strength and ingenuity to break free and get help. With good friends and a great family to back him up, Spencer manages to triumph in the end. A page-turning adventure story for middle readers.

Cyclones and Shadows: Stories from Up North

by Laura Dudgeon Pat Dudgeon Sabrina Dudgeon Darlene Oxenham

This collection draws together four tales for younger readers from the Waarda series of Indigenous stories, first edited by acclaimed author Sally Morgan. Two stories feature Lilli and her magical companion, Shadow. The next two stories are about Annie, who learns how important ingenuity and strong family ties are when living in the remote community of Useless Loop. Drawing on the authors' own experiences, these charming tales are illustrated with black-and-white line drawings, and are a great way to introduce young readers to the world of contemporary Indigenous storytelling.

Bascom's Revenge

by Susan Bianculli

Lise's dream has come true. Another Mist Gate has opened allowing her a chance to go home. Unfortunately, Jason has been kidnapped, a new person has crossed the Mist Gate and Bascom still hunts for Morsca's killer. Home may still be a long way off.

The Baffling Case of Battered Brain

by Pendred Noyce

With time travel and mysteries that need solving, the Galactic Academy of Science (G.A.S.) series instructs readers on how to think like scientists. Under the guidance of a Dude or Dudette from the future, the middle school characters are faced with treacherous, present-day crimes that require a historical knowledge of science in order to be solved. From investigating problems to analyzing data and constructing explanations and solutions, this series blends elements of sci-fi with educational methods that distill the key thinking habits of scientists and engineers. Medical science combines with mystery in this G.A.S. adventure about concussions Is the awkward stranger taking bribes to throw games? When Clinton hits his head in the championship soccer game, the stranger gets him benched, and Clinton's team loses. Determined to nail the bribe-taker, Clinton and Mae take on a new G.A.S. mission--a journey across three continents and 4,000 years to learn about concussion and the brain.

The Contaminated Case of Cooking Contest

by Peter Wong

With time travel and mysteries that need solving, the Galactic Academy of Science (G.A.S.) series instructs readers on how to think like scientists. Under the guidance of a Dude or Dudette from the future, the middle school characters are faced with treacherous, present-day crimes that require a historical knowledge of science in order to be solved. From investigating problems to analyzing data and constructing explanations and solutions, this series blends elements of sci-fi with educational methods that distill the key thinking habits of scientists and engineers. The science of food safety combines with mystery in this G.A.S. adventure about an outbreak of foodborne illness When a cruise featuring a cooking contest turns into a disaster of vomiting passengers, seventh-grade G.A.S. trainees Mae and Clinton have a mystery to solve. With help from Selectra Volt, Dudette from the future, the two kids travel through time to learn about the science of food safety. Between journeys to the past, they investigate clues aboard ship. But when a storm comes, and conditions aboard the disabled ship become desperate, can Mae and Clinton discover the cause of the outbreak in time?

The Walking Fish

by Rachelle Burk Kopel Burk

A humorous, exciting tale of an ordinary girl who makes an extraordinary scientific discovery--a blind fish that walksWhen seventh-grader Alexis catches an unusual fish that looks like a living fossil, she sets off a frenzied scientific hunt for more of its kind. Alexis and her friend Darshan join the hunt, snorkeling, sounding the depths of Glacial Lake, even observing from a helicopter and exploring a cave. All the while, they fight to keep the selfish Dr. Mertz from claiming the discovery all for himself. When Alexis follows one final hunch, she risks her life and almost loses her friend. Walking Fish is a scientific adventure that provides a perfect combination of literacy and science.

The Confounding Case of Climate Crisis

by Owen R. Liu Barbara Tinker

With time travel and mysteries that need solving, the Galactic Academy of Science (G.A.S.) series instructs readers on how to think like scientists. Under the guidance of a Dude or Dudette from the future, the middle school characters are faced with treacherous, present-day crimes that require a historical knowledge of science in order to be solved. From investigating problems to analyzing data and constructing explanations and solutions, this series blends elements of sci-fi with educational methods that distill the key thinking habits of scientists and engineers. An adventure that investigates the causes and consequences of climate change Something strange is going on during Anita and Benson's field trip to a greenhouse as their guide is making wild claims about carbon dioxide and their science teacher, Mr. Fazmel, has mysteriously disappeared. That's when Quarkum Phonon, a Dude from the future, sends Anita and Benson on a Galactic Academy of Science mission to learn about the origins of climate change and the ways communities around the world are dealing with its impact. With stops around the world--from a Hawaiian volcano to Greenland and Geneva--Anita and Benson sift through the evidence for climate change. On their return home, the students face the question: what can a couple of kids do to reduce CO2 emissions and slow down climate change? A portion of all profits from this book will go to support local projects helping people in the developing world adapt to climate change.

Kelvin McCloud and the Seaside Storm

by Michael Erb

An anonymous note in the middle of the night, an obituary for a banker who died in a hailstorm, and a mysterious woman vanishing down the stairwell: these clues lead Henry Alabaster and his uncle Kelvin McCloud to a spooky mansion in a coastal town. As a weather detective, Kelvin knows a thing or two about hailstorms, and then strange events surrounding the banker's death suggest foul play. Henry teams up with the fiery, artistic Rachel to help his uncle investigate, and they learn a lot about weather on the way. Nothing--not a thunderstorm, threats, burglary, a baseball bat-wielding suspect, nor even a devastating fire--can keep Henry and his team from chasing down the truth.


by Katherine Hetzel

After Irvana's grandmother dies in their remote clifftop home, Irvana must travel to Koltarn. Alone in a strange city, Irvana finds employment at the palace, home of Lord Terenz, current overlord and bearer of the StarMark. Suddenly immersed in palace life, Irvana makes a friend in fellow-servant Rosann, and there is a spark between her and the lively Mikal, Terenz's ward. But when Terenz discovers that Irvana has something he wants, her life is suddenly in danger.

Live Love Lacrosse

by Barbara Clanton

Addie Coleburn, fresh out of the sixth grade, is spending the summer at her grandmother's house in Syracuse with her mother and brother. Kimi Takahashi, a girl who lives up the street, invites Addie to go to the park and play lacrosse. Addie hasn't the first clue what lacrosse is and would rather sit on Grandma's front porch eating potato chips, drinking sodas, and reading books. But then again, spending the summer dealing with her younger brother isn't that appealing either. So she reluctantly goes to the park with Kimi. Within a week, she's hooked on lacrosse. Although she's overweight and can't keep up with the faster, stronger girls, she loves the game. Now she has to find a way to lose her excess weight and lose it fast or risk getting cut from the team.


by Diana Corbitt

When twelve-year-old Theresa Martinez's mom dies, money problems force her family to move into her dead grandmother's creepy old mansion. Immediately, strange things start to happen. The powdered sugar she's been searching the kitchen for suddenly falls out of a cupboard. Closed curtains are mysteriously open—all fun stuff for Theresa's new ghost-obsessed friend Kerry. When they find out the reality show, Ghosters, is hosting a contest for the best paranormal recording, Theresa remembers Dad's money problems and vows to win the contest. Along with Joey, her little brother who has Asperger's, the girls use Kerry's ghost-chasing equipment to hopefully capture prizewinning evidence. They soon discover that ghosts are just the tip of the stunning mysteries the old house holds.

The Lazy Dragon and Bumblespells Wizard

by Kath Boyd Marsh

For Cl'rnce, a perfect day would involve a nap, another nap, followed by dinner, and a nap. So what if he's the only dr'gon his age without a wizard partner or the ability to fly? That sounds like work, and Cl'rnce is opposed to all forms of work. Moire Ain, on the other hand, has never known anything except miserable, soul-crushing work. She has lived her whole life as a virtual slave to the evil Hedge Witch. When Moire Ain overhears Hedge Witch plot to have Moire Ain kill a king, the girl runs away with only a magic book, her pet raven, and a dream of someday becoming a Great and Mighty Wizard. Moire Ain hasn't even been gone a full day when she stumbles across an irritated Cl'rnce. Grudgingly, Cl'rnce has accepted a quest, and he now finds himself footsore, hungry, and trapped in a tree by a dragon slaying knight. With a bumbled spell, Moire Ain manages to save Cl'rnce's life. Unimpressed, Cl'rnce tries to get rid of the little wanna-be wizard so he can get back to his interrupted nap. However, Moire Ain has gotten a glimpse of a way to free herself from Hedge Witch for the rest of her life. Convinced now that she would make an excellent wizard partner, despite the bumbled spells, Moire Ain invites herself along on Cl'rnce's adventure.

The Monsters Hiding in Your Closet

by Madeline Smoot

It's amazing the kinds of monsters you can find in an old closet. Whether it's a dragon in a hotel room or a Bigfoot baby in an abandoned mansion, the monsters hiding in the closets come in all shapes and sizes. In this collection of ten exciting tales, monsters help show us what it is to be human. Includes stories by Elliot Addison, Jessica Lee Anderson, Susan Bianculli, Melanie Cole, Jaime Formato, John Linwood Grant, Laura Keating, Jonathan Lahr, Hope Erica Schultz, and Lisa Timpf.

Uncertain Summer

by Jessica Lee Anderson

For decades, something has lurked in the swampy lakes of East Texas. When a TV show offers a million dollars to the person that can provide conclusive proof of the creature, Everdil, her brother, and two friends form a team to snap a picture of Bigfoot. But tracking a monster, especially one nobody's been able to catch, proves trickier than Everdil expected. With each new adventure, Everdil seems to create more problems with her friends and family than she solves. In the end, she has to hope that her brave, foolish actions will ultimately make things right with everyone, including Bigfoot. This book will remind readers that hope and loyalty are traits that we all share, no matter our size.

Snow & Rose

by Emily Winfield Martin

<P>A New York Times bestselling author-illustrator brings readers into the woods to meet two young sisters and a strange bit of magic in this reimagining of the classic but little-known fairy tale “Snow White and Rose Red.” <P>Snow and Rose didn’t know they were in a fairy tale. People never do. . . . <P>Once, they lived in a big house with spectacular gardens and an army of servants. Once, they had a father and mother who loved them more than the sun and moon. But that was before their father disappeared into the woods and their mother disappeared into sorrow. <P>This is the story of two sisters and the enchanted woods that have been waiting for them to break a set of terrible spells. <P> Bestselling author-illustrator Emily Winfield Martin has created a world that sits on the border of enchantment, with characters who are grounded in real emotions that readers will recognize in themselves. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Harley Quinn at Super Hero High (DC Super Hero Girls)

by Lisa Yee Random House

Harley Quinn investigates a high-tech carnival in this action-packed new DC Super Hero Girl novel!Funny girl Harley Quinn loves fighting crime with her classmates like Wonder Woman, Batgirl, and Supergirl, but she always does it her with own madcap style--and a big mallet! It's no surprise that Harley can't resist getting involved in a dance competition and organizing an outrageous battle of the bands. But when a high-tech carnival comes to town, Harley knows that things aren't what they seem and that only she can get to the bottom of the mystery--and deliver a great punch line while doing it!Praise for DC Super Hero Girls:“Sure to have wide appeal, this book is a solid option to balance collections saturated with male superheroes.” —School Library Journal"If you have a middle grader in your life looking for super-sized action, or a superhero enthusiast who isn’t sure where to turn to get more of the superheroes they might see on TV or in movies… Or if you just want to dive into a good book that shows young readers—especially young female readers—that girls can be the super heroes of their own stories, look no further: Super Hero High is for you." - Kirkus

People Minus X

by Raymond Z. Gallun

The hero of the novel is Ed Doukas, who is the nephew of the scientist whom everyone blames for the destruction of the Moon (though it's never clear if the scientist is actually guilty); this uncle survived, because he had left the Moon the day before the experiment. Soon, the government learns of the survival of the uncle, and he goes underground. Ed soon finds himself a pariah due to his relation to his uncle...

Easy Carpentry Projects For Children

by Jerome E. Leavitt

What better way to learn than by doing? This thoughtfully conceived woodworking primer by educator Jerome E. Leavitt makes learning basic carpentry skills enjoyable and rewarding for boys and girls ages 8 and up. With special sections on basic hand tools, squaring a block of wood, and wood finishing, this unique how-to book presents step-by-step instructions for making 15 popular wooden items — all scaled to the beginner's capabilities: Sailboat, Clock Shelf, Bird Feeder, Candlesticks, Hot Dish Coaster, Towel Holder, Steamboat, Cart, Toy Sled , Birdhouse for a Wren, Book Rack, Shoeshine Kit, Table Lamp, Flower Box, and Tie Rack. Carefully planned to appeal to young woodworkers, each project includes clear, simple directions, enhanced by clean, accurate diagrams and attractive line drawings. New carpenters will beam with pride and accomplishment at having constructed useful, tangible objects to keep or to give as presents to parents or friends.

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