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Showing 19,601 through 19,625 of 19,935 results

Gorilas (Animals en espanol)

by Jaclyn Jaycox

¡Los gorilas son los primates ma´s grandes del mundo! Estos amables mami´feros deambulan por la selva,viven en grupos grandes y buscan frutas y brotes de bambu´ para alimentarse. Sube a los a´rboles y conoce a estos poderosos y amigables primates.

Lobos (Animals en espanol)

by Mari Schuh

Con sus espeluznantes aullidos y su feroz habilidad para la caza, los lobos son criaturas fascinantes. Viven en manadas y son parientes cercanos del mejor amigo del hombre, el perro. Aprende ma´s sobre estos magni´ficos cazadores.

Manatees (Animals)

by Martha E. Rustad

Manatees are huge sea mammals. These big, wrinkly creatures are strong but swim through the ocean slowly. Learn all about these amazing mammals.

Perritos de las praderas (Animals en espanol)

by Mari Schuh

¿Alguna vez has visto un agujero en la tierra y te has preguntado que´ hay dentro? ¡Podri´a ser un perrito de las praderas! Estos pequen~os y tiernos mami´feros construyen comunidades de tu´neles subterra´neos. Descubre fascinantes datos sobre los perritos de las praderas y ente´rate de lo que realmente ocurre bajo tierra.

Pythons (Animals)

by Martha E. Rustad

Pythons are some of the largest snakes in the world. They squeeze their prey with their bodies, and have flexible jaws so they can swallow big animals. Get all the facts on these powerful snakes.

Tiburones blancos (Animals en espanol)

by Jaclyn Jaycox

¡Los tiburones blancos son los tiburones depredadores ma´s grandes del mar! Viven en distintas partes del mundo, tienen muchos dientes afilados y pueden detectar la sangre a millas de distancia. Sume´rgete en lo profundo del mar y descubre datos asombrosos sobre estos tiburones.

Amelia Earhart (Biographies)

by Erika L. Shores

How much do you know about Amelia Earhart? Find out the facts you need to know about this female aviator. You'll learn about the early life, challenges, and major accomplishments of this important American.

Benjamin Franklin (Biographies)

by Laura K. Murray

How much do you know about Benjamin Franklin? Find out the facts you need to know about this Founding Father, author, and inventor. You'll learn about the early life, challenges, and major accomplishments of this important American.

James Madison (Biographies)

by Laura K. Murray

How much do you know about James Madison? Find out the facts you need to know about the fourth president of the United States. You'll learn about the early life, challenges, and major accomplishments of this important American.

Sacagawea (Biographies)

by Laura K. Murray

How much do you know about Sacagawea? Find out the facts you need to know about this American Indian who helped guide the Lewis and Clark Expedition. You'll learn about the early life, challenges, and major accomplishments of this important American.

Sojourner Truth (Biographies)

by A.M. Reynolds

How much do you know about Sojourner Truth? Find out the facts you need to know about this women's rights activist. You'll learn about the early life, challenges, and major accomplishments of this important American.

Theodore Roosevelt (Biographies)

by A.M. Reynolds

How much do you know about Theodore Roosevelt? Find out the facts you need to know about the 26th president of the United States. You'll learn about the early life, challenges, and major accomplishments of this important American.

How Can People Help Communities? (Community Questions)

by Martha E. Rustad

A community is only as strong as its individual members. What roles do those members play, and how do citizens work together to complete common tasks and achieve goals? A clear question-answer format, paired with photos kids can relate to, shows the importance of responsibility and cooperation. A simple activity encourages young readers to actively participate in their own community.

Who Are Community Leaders? (Community Questions)

by Martha E. Rustad

All communities need leaders of some kind to help steer and shape them. Through their elected positions, jobs, or volunteer work, leaders are vital to a strong community. A question-answer format and photos with which kids can identify define leaders' responsibilities and how leaders cooperate with all citizens to achieve shared goals. A hands-on activity encourages active community participation.

Homes Around the World (Customs Around the World)

by Wil Mara

What is your home like? Is it big or small? Is it made of concrete, straw, wood, or clay? Step inside homes from around world and see how different people live in this engaging series that develops kids' understanding of our diverse global community and their place in it.

Discover Magnets (Discover Physical Science)

by Tammy Enz

What would our world be like without magnets? Computers, radios, phones, and TVs wouldn't work correctly. And many other modern machines wouldn't exist. With this basic introduction to magnets, young readers will learn how magnets work and how useful they are our world today.

Discover Motion (Discover Physical Science)

by Tammy Enz

Take a look out the window. What do you see? People, cars, bikes, birds, and more are all on the move. With this basic introduction to motion, young readers will discover the three laws of motion, what they mean, and how they affect our lives every day.

Air (Earth Materials and Systems)

by Tamra B. Orr

All living things need air to survive. Air also protects Earth. Discover why air is an important part of nature!

Erosion (Earth Materials and Systems)

by Tamra B. Orr

Erosion changes Earth's natural features. It breaks down materials and can help make something new. Discover why erosion is an important part of nature!

Fossils (Earth Materials and Systems)

by Keli Sipperley

Plants and animals from millions of years ago left behind fossils. Fossils can teach people about the past. They are also used for fuel. Discover why fossils are an important part of nature!

Rocks (Earth Materials and Systems)

by Tamra B. Orr

Different kinds of rocks are found on Earth. Many are found deep inside Earth. Discover why rocks are an important part of nature!

Soil (Earth Materials and Systems)

by Keli Sipperley

Soil covers most of the land on Earth. It feeds plants and is home to many animals. Discover why soil is an important part of nature!

Water (Earth Materials and Systems)

by Keli Sipperley

Most of Earth is covered in water. Water falls from the sky as rain or snow. All living things need water to survive. Discover why water is an important part of nature!

Islands (Earth's Landforms)

by Lisa J. Amstutz

All islands are surrounded by water, but there is more to these important landforms than meets the eye! Volcanoes formed some islands. Corals formed others. Some are old while others are new. Give beginning readers all the need-to-know information about islands, including their characteristics, how they form, and where they can be found around the world.

Valleys (Earth's Landforms)

by Lisa J. Amstutz

All valleys are long, low cuts in the earth, but there is more to these landforms than meets the eye! While rivers form most, glaciers and splits in the Earth's crust can form others. Some are at the bottom of the sea! Give beginning readers all the need-to-know information about valleys, including their characteristics, how they form, and where they can be found around the world.

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Showing 19,601 through 19,625 of 19,935 results