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Annie Jump Cannon, Astronomer

by Carole Gerber

"Parents and teachers ask me for the names of books for their primary school children. I'm honored to recommend Annie Jump Cannon, Astronomer by Carole Gerber, an excellent book about a true astronomical pioneer." -Paul Kohlmiller, editor, San Jose Astronomical Association newsletter This brilliantly illustrated children's book depicts the achievements of a woman who developed an important system of classifying stars. To this day, Annie Jump Cannon holds the record for identifying more stars than anyone else in the world. In 1925, she became a professor of astronomy at Harvard and the first woman to receive a doctor of science degree from Oxford University. Born during the Civil War, Cannon was determined to pursue a career in astronomy. From her childhood days of studying the constellations with her mother, to her education at Wellesley College and her job in the Harvard Observatory, this biography follows Cannon's inspirational path to success. The story notes the challenges the astronomer faced, such as an illness that left her partially deaf and gender discrimination, while capturing her shining moments as she worked to become the "census-taker of the stars."

The Disappearance of Amanda Wrenn

by Joyce A. Stengel

After the deaths of her father and sister, Lou Harrison hopes that moving to Somerville with her mother will be the fresh start they need—but the secrets that hide in the small town threaten to shatter the order of Lou&’s life all over again. Somerville is still scarred by the unsolved mystery of Amanda Wrenn, a girl who disappeared when she was thirteen and who bears a startling resemblance to Lou&’s dead sister. Even more concerning are the sinister visions suddenly torturing Lou&’s mind both day and night, visions that show her tragedies she had no part in. With the discovery of Amanda&’s secret diary, a path to the startling truth begins to unwind, and each twist and turn along the way is more perilous than the last. Lou wants to do anything she can to help, but will she be able to handle the shocking reality she&’s about to uncover? All Lou knows is that she&’s running out of time, and if the puzzle isn&’t solved soon, she might have to pay with her own life. This new middle-grade thriller proves that some secrets grow stronger—and more dangerous—with time. The past and present come together to create a mystery so thrilling that readers will be holding their breath until the final heart-racing twist. Author Joyce A. Stengel once again demonstrates her remarkable strength at weaving unforgettable mysteries and sets herself apart as one of the leading voices of the genre.


by Elizabeth Craft Shea Olsen

These are the things that I've always wanted: To get the top grades in my class. To make my grandmother proud. And most of all, proof that I could succeed where the rest of my family had not: a Stanford acceptance letter, early admission. My mother and my sister were obsessed with boys and love and sex. So obsessed that they lost sight of their futures, of what they wanted. And in the end, they lost everything. I'll never let a boy distract me. I promised myself that. But that was before Tate. Before the biggest pop star on the planet took an interest in me. Before private planes and secret dates and lyrics meant for me alone. There's so much I don't know. Like why he left music. Where he goes when we're not together. What dark past he's hiding. But when we kiss, the future feels far away. And now...I'm not sure what I want.

Striker (Cody Trilogy #1)

by David Skuy

Thirteen-year-old Cody is aching to get back onto the pitch after he had a tumor removed from his leg last year. He tries out for the Lions and makes the team as a sub. Secretly Cody is relieved, since he hasn't told anyone on the team that he had cancer. But then there's a shakeup in team management and suddenly Cody has no choice but to play, even if his leg does begin to hurt. When he finally comes clean to his teammates about his disease and injury from the year before, they encourage him to trust his leg and his skill. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group

Frostbite Hotel (Lorimer Illustrated Humor)

by Karin Adams

Kirby Katz has big dreams of making his fortune as an entrepreneur, just like his role model, hotel magnate William T. Williamson. But Kirby discovers that operating a "snow hotel" in the schoolyard comes with its own set of challenges: sourcing the best snow blocks, staff "team-building," marketing, and competition from Brewster's Best Five-Star Inn—run by the Bear and his gang of the meanest kids in Grade 6. Worst of all, when Brewster's gang starts stealing Kirby's best ideas, all evidence points to a "mole" among his own staff. Will Kirby's vision for the Frostbite Hotel survive the cold reality of corporate recess espionage? Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group

Shot In The Dark

by Janet M. Whyte

Eighth-grader Micah is psyched to have made the BC junior goalball team -- even though he gets the news while dealing with a flare-up of his degenerative eye condition. What he's not happy about is his parents' decision to get him a guide dog, and the possibility of losing his independence. When Liam, a new, first-rate player, joins the goalball team, Micah's frustration with his vision spills onto the court. He is rude to Liam and starts a fight with another teammate, Sebastian, after practice. It's only with the help of Cam, his Orientation and Mobility Specialist, that Micah starts to get a handle on his aggression and trust people enough to communicate how he feels. But with the team's big junior tournament in Richmond, B. C. , quickly approaching, Micah has to reconcile his differences with Liam and Sebastian -- both on and off the court -- to become a real team player and help his team win the championship.

Alex vs. the Four-Headed Gargantuan (Lorimer Illustrated Humor)

by Laura Peetoom

Alex gets a paper route, dreaming of the money he will make and how he will spend it. But it's more work than he bargained for. Not only does he have to figure out how much money he gets to keep, but he also has to face dangers like the savage Yapper Snapper and the dreaded Four-Headed Gargantuan. Illustrated comic-book-style with the adventures of Alex's superhero alter ego, this book shows how Alex learns that his real riches are courage and kindness. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group

The Beautiful Game (Cody Trilogy #2)

by David Skuy

Cody and the Lions are playing great soccer, but the arrival of an international company to build a factory on a nearby lake splits the team in two: Cody and his teammates who worry the factory will pollute the lake vs. the players whose families will benefit from the opportunities the company will bring. Cody and his friends organize a marathon soccer game to bring attention to the environmental impact of the factory. The game tests Cody to the limits of his strength. But it also tests his friendship, teamwork, courage, and faith that he can deal with the emotional as well as the physical effects of surviving cancer. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group

Head Hunter (Lorimer Sports Stories)

by Eric Howling

Colt's coach has been losing his temper and ordering the team to win at any cost, even if it means playing dirty. What makes it worse is that Coach is Colt's father, and his erratic behavior at home and on the field has Colt worried. Colt follows Coach's orders to go head hunting and take out an opponent with a helmet-to-helmet hit. When it turns out that Colt's dad has symptoms from concussions he suffered in his NFL career, Colt is made acting coach for the championship game and has to decide if he will let a teammate continue playing after a head hit. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group.

Ugly Kicks (Lorimer Sports Stories)

by Kelsey Blair

Ashley Rivera's single mom can't afford to buy her new basketball shoes—she doesn't even have enough for the registration fee when Ashley makes the city basketball team. So Ashley takes on extra work to make the money she needs to play basketball. Soon Ashley's overloaded schedule makes her too tired for school and her friends, and she can't take it when the popular girl on her team suddenly starts teasing her about her ragged sneakers. Does Ashley even want to keep playing? With the help of friends old and new, and with surprising support from her brother, Ashley figures out how to afford the price of play. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group.

Tagged Out (Lorimer Sports Stories)

by Joyce Grant

The inner-city Blues baseball team is having a lousy year. Shortstop Nash and the Blues can't seem to win. They especially hate losing to their archrivals, the rich kids of the Parkhill Pirates. When all-star player Jock joins the team, it looks like the Blues might be able to turn the season around. The only problem? When the Pirates find out that Jock is gay, they ambush Nash and Jock, and Nash has to decide if he wants to stand by his teammate. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group.

My Best Friend Is a Viral Dancing Zombie (Lorimer Illustrated Humor)

by Karin Adams

Riley and his best friend Finn know their zombie movie has what it takes to win the class film competition. But Riley's plan to get their video some attention at a hockey game is ruined when the camera focuses on Finn as a dancing hockey fan instead. With Finn refusing to promote their movie and wanting to go viral on his own, the boys stop collaborating and start competing—for fame, friendship, and their classmate Jasmine. Can Riley save his own movie from this zombie apocalypse and resurrect his friendship with Finn? Fun doodle art throughout adds to the fun and keeps interest high. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group

The Starting Eleven (Cody Trilogy #3)

by David Skuy

Cody is no longer the kid with cancer, or the soccer player always sitting on the bench as a substitute. Then everything changes when a skilled younger player is added to the team, bringing the chance for Cody and some of the Lions to get called up to an elite team. Plus, Cody has to face down bully Timothy from rival soccer team the Storm once and for all, help Mandy deal with her family troubles—and figure out what Cody Dorsett really wants. Following the characters who appear in his very successful novels Striker and The Beautiful Game, The Starting Eleven completes David Skuy's trilogy. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group

Making the Team (Lorimer Sports Stories)

by Kelsey Blair

When Hannah doesn't make the Grade 8 girls basketball team and her best friend June does, Hannah misses playing basketball and being part of a team. Worse, she and June don't spend as much time together and start growing apart. How can Hannah ensure that she makes the team next year while all the other players are playing more and getting better this year? As she develops her basketball skills and confidence, she realizes she stands a good shot at making the high school team. But can she ever get her friendship with June back? Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group.

Trolled (Lorimer Sports Stories)

by Steven Sandor

Andy's never been closer to his dream of making it to nationals. When a video of him flutterboard surfing goes viral, he uses the opportunity to crowdfund his trip there. But he goes from hero to zero when he pranks a promising female swimmer on camera. Everyone sees it, and no one is impressed. Banned from nationals and kicked off his swim team, he's got to unplug from his viral nightmare and figure out how to get his life—and his dream—back on course. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group.

Two Strikes (Lorimer Sports Stories)

by Johnny Boateng

KaLeah has just moved from Halifax to the small town of Trail, B.C. KaLeah's a natural at baseball, and it's what she loves to do most. But she is excluded and bullied by Nikki and her clique, the popular Valley Girls, because she is black and because she is better at softball than Nikki. She decides she wants to play baseball with the Trail Boys, the best players her age. Except it's an all-boys baseball team. But first KaLeah has to prove herself to the boys and the parents who don't want her to upstage their kids. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group.

Mermaid Warrior Squad (Lorimer Illustrated Humor)

by Karin Adams

Shy Dylan arrives at a summer arts camp and immediately bonds with outgoing Coral over the aquatic theme of the camp and a love of comic books. The two girls plan a comic about lifeguards who are transformed into mermaids and fight for eco-justice in the sea. The mermaid warriors become Dylan and Coral's alter egos. But when Coral's in-your-face behavior draws the attention of the camp mean girls and a boy who is determined to prank the camp's final show, Dylan has a decision to make. Should she stay behind the scenes, or should she channel her inner mermaid warrior to save Coral and the show? Using illustrations throughout, this book combines humorous text with an exciting comic-book adventure. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group

Run for Your Life (Lorimer Sports Stories)

by Trevor Kew

When forest fires to the north cause mass destruction, cross-country runner, Chris doesn't see why he has to participate in the charity run to help refugees from the fire. Then Chris becomes friends with Jason, a Native American kid whose family has been displaced by the fire. When Chris's dad takes special interest in helping Jason and his family, Chris wonders about his father's emigration from Iran as a young man, and starts to think about what it means to be a refugee and to have to actually run for your life. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group.

Snow Soccer (Lorimer Sports Stories)

by David Trifunov

Sarimah has played soccer in her home in Syria but everything changes when her family suddenly moves to Canada. Now, Sarimah must learn English and adapt to the cold winter weather. Her soccer skills earn her a place on the league team but star player, Tamsen is convinced the spot is given to Sarimah out of charity. Sarimah has to find out if she has what it takes to play organized soccer, to show Tamsen that she deserves a place on the team, and to learn to love her new home as much as she loves the game. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group.

Superhero Ninja Wrestling Star (Lorimer Illustrated Humor)

by Lorna Schultz Nicholson

Archie comes back from his summer away to find that he is the only kid in Grade 6 who has not grown bigger. Even his best friends Alfie and Shamini have gotten taller, and Shamini has developed in other ways, too. Archie knows that if only he can be more like the heroes of his favorite comic books, TV shows and video games, he'll be able to keep the boys from teasing Shamini about her newly developed body, and maybe she'll keep her promise to go to the first school dance with him. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group

The Fake-Chicken Kung Fu Fighting Blues (Lorimer Illustrated Humor)

by Aaron Lam

Twelve-year-old video buff Anthony is devastated when his family moves from Chinatown to a remote northern community. There are no other Asian families around and everyone loves hockey, which Anthony just doesn't get. The move is even harder on his grandmother, Po Po, who doesn't speak English and puts a fake chicken over the front door for luck. Desperate to fit in, Anthony takes to the ice for the first time — and is a total disaster! But he manages to make friends after standing up the school bully, who asks Anthony to teach him "kung fu"! Anthony starts putting together a documentary about his new town, which turns out to be full of interesting people. As he discovers the joys of small-town life, his new friends get an introduction to his Chinese culture, and even Po Po begins to feel at home. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group

Head to Head (Lorimer Sports Stories)

by Jennifer Manuel

With characters who display diversity in ethnicity and leadership style, this book focuses on empowering girls to work together and develop leadership qualities. Readers will instantly recognize the struggle of dealing with someone they don't get along with as main character Emika struggles to connect with her co-captain on the soccer team named Maram. Rather than portraying others as inherently difficult and avoidable, Head to Head instead illuminates healthy relationships and teamwork, particularly for young girls. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group

Open Ice (Lorimer Sports Stories)

by David Trifunov

Set in a co-ed environment, this bookfollows teens Jillian and Jacob, who must attempt to deal with their problems through communication, problem-solving, and teamwork, not unlike the typical methods kids see when dealing with challenges. Touching on the sports-based — as opposed to social — pressures that discourage girls from continuing in team sports as they get older, Open Ice handles the issue of sexism in sports in a positive way. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group

Volleyball Vibe (Lorimer Sports Stories)

by Karen Spafford-Fitz

Highlighting girls' volleyball, a sport that has overtaken girls' basketball in popularity, Volleyball Vibe shows how engagement in sports can boost self-esteem, confidence and foster responsibility and teamwork. The main character, Ria, is a teen girl whose obsession with beauty and fashion leads her mother to insist that she either get a job or join a team sport. At an age when too many girls stop competing athletically, Ria discovers her own capabilities as well as the rewards of challenging herself and connecting with others on a team. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group

Rugby Rookies (Lorimer Sports Stories)

by Mike Levitt

Highlighting rugby, the fastest growing sport in America, this book tackles the issue of girls playing full-contact sports. Maddy and her friends are a small town group determined to form a girls' junior rugby team while they navigate learning both the rules of the game and the rules set out by the school board. The adults are concerned about the girls' safety and even Maddy worries that she is too small for the rough game. But the persistence of the diverse group of girls wins the day and the book becomes a celebration of the empowerment and self-esteem young girls get from participating in sports. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group

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