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Showing 11,726 through 11,750 of 18,795 results

The Ego Tunnel: The Science of the Mind and the Myth of the Self

by Thomas Metzinger

We’re used to thinking about the self as an independent entity, something that we either have or are. InThe Ego Tunnel, philosopher Thomas Metzinger claims otherwise: No such thing as aselfexists. The conscious self is the content of a model created by our brain-an internal image, but one we cannot experienceasan image. Everything we experience is "a virtual self in a virtual reality. ” But if the self is not "real,” why and how did it evolve? How does the brain construct it? Do we still have souls, free will, personal autonomy, or moral accountability? In a time when the science of cognition is becoming as controversial as evolution,The Ego Tunnelprovides a stunningly original take on the mystery of the mind.

Anastasia: The Last Grand Duchess

by Carolyn Meyer

A novel in diary form in which the youngest daughter of Tsar Nicholas II describes the privileged life in her family up until the time of World War I and the tragic events that befell them.

Beware, Princess Elizabeth: A Young Royals Book (Young Royals #Bk. 2)

by Carolyn Meyer

Imprisonment. Betrayal. Lost love. Murder. What more must a princess endure? Elizabeth Tudor's teenage and young adult years during the turbulent reigns of Edward and then Mary Tudor are hardly those of a fairy-tale princess. Her mother has been beheaded by Elizabeth's own father, Henry VIII; her jealous half sister, Mary, has her locked away in the Tower of London; and her only love interest betrays her in his own quest for the throne. Told in the voice of the young Elizabeth and ending when she is crowned queen, this second novel in the exciting series explores the relationship between two sisters who became mortal enemies. Carolyn Meyer has written an intriguing historical tale that reveals the deep-seated rivalry between a determined girl who became one of England's most powerful monarchs and the sister who tried everything to stop her.

Diary of a Waitress: The Not-So-Glamorous Life of a Harvey Girl

by Carolyn Meyer

In 1926, droves of Americans traveled by train across the United States to visit the West. They ate at Harvey Houses, where thousands of well-trained waitresses provided first-class service. Diary of a Waitress: The Not-So-Glamorous Life of a Harvey Girl tells the first-person story of one spunky girl, Kitty Evans, as she faces the often funny and painful experiences she and fellow waitresses Cordelia and Emmy endure. As Kitty writes about her escapades, a loveable teenager emerges; she embraces adventure, independence, her position as a Harvey Girl, and a freelance writing career. In this fast-paced novel, best-selling author Carolyn Meyer, who has visited and researched several Harvey Hotels, brings together an unforgettable heroine with the universal themes of friendship, identity, and young love.

Doomed Queen Anne: A Young Royals Book (Young Royals #3)

by Carolyn Meyer

Though born without great beauty, wealth, or title, Anne Boleyn blossomed into a captivating woman. She used her wiles to win the heart of England's most powerful man, King Henry VIII, and persuade him to defy everyone--including his own wife--to make her his new queen. But Anne's ambition was her fatal flaw. This is the true story of the girl everyone loved to hate.Carolyn Meyer's engrossing third novel in the award-winning Young Royals series tells Anne's fascinating story in her own voice--from her life as an awkward girl to the dramatic moments before her death.

Duchessina: A Novel of Catherine de' Medici (Young Royals)

by Carolyn Meyer

Young Catherine de' Medici is the sole heiress to the entire fortune of the wealthy Medici family. But her life is far from luxurious. After a childhood spent locked away behind the walls of a convent, she joins the household of the pope, where at last she can be united with her true love. But, all too soon, that love is replaced with an engagement to a boy who is cold and aloof. It soon becomes clear that Catherine will need all the cunning she can muster to command the respect she deserves as one of France's most powerful queens. Includes a family tree.

Loving Will Shakespeare

by Carolyn Meyer

In Stratford-upon-Avon in the sixteenth century, Anne Hathaway suffers her stepmother's cruelty and yearns for love and escape, finally finding it in the arms of a boy she has grown up with, William Shakespeare.

Marie, Dancing

by Carolyn Meyer

from the book jacket: the music soars. the curtain lifts. Marie van Goethem rises onto her toes and floats across the stage of the Paris Opera. And in that moment, fourteen-year-old Marie is happy. Unfortunately, that's almost the only joy in Marie's life. When she's not dancing, she is tormented by hunger, overwhelmed by her mother's uncontrolled drinking, and angered by her older sister's chronic selfishness. However, when Edgar Degas demands Marie's presence in his studio, it appears that her life will he transformed. Each week as she poses for the famous artist, Marie dreams-of a life without poverty, of being with her one true love, and of becoming a star of the ballet. But can being Monsieur Degas's model bring her all that she imagines? Here is the story of the girl immortalized in Degas's most famous sculpture, Little Dancer Aged Fourteen. It's a heartbreaking tale of passion for ballet, of loyalty to family, and of enduring love.

Mary, Bloody Mary

by Carolyn Meyer

Mary Tudor, who would reign briefly as queen of England during the mid sixteenth century, tells the story of her troubled childhood as daughter of King Henry VIII.

Patience, Princess Catherine: A Young Royals Book (Young Royals #4)

by Carolyn Meyer

England anxiously awaits Prince Arthur's betrothed--the Spanish princess who will be its future queen. But when Arthur dies not long after the wedding, Catherine of Aragon's fate becomes uncertain. Will the king and Catherine's parents arrange a marriage with Arthur's brother, Henry, or will she return to Spain a widow? Through all this turmoil, the young princess's resolve remains unshaken. She will one day be England's queen . . . no matter how long it takes.

Battlefield of the Mind for Teens: Winning The Battle In Your Mind

by Joyce Meyer

Made teen-friendly with contemporary language, BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND FOR TEENS equips a new audience desperately in need of guidance with a means of winning the war raging inside them.

Arcadia Falls

by Kai Meyer

Romeo and Juliet meets The Godfather amid an exotic Sicilian setting--filled with shape-shifters and mortal danger--in this thrilling conclusion to the first YA trilogy by bestselling German author Kai Meyer.Everyone close to mafia clan leader Rosa Alcantara is dead.Everything she's ever known about her life is a lie.Everywhere she turns there is a trap.As the clock ticks down to their own destruction, it's a race against time for young lovers Rosa and Alessandro as they evade murderers, track down clues, and avoid a showdown with the man who wants them dead.The pair must find out the truth behind Arcadia once and for all--but will it be the key to unlocking their freedom and future together, or the final step in bringing them to their knees?

Boston Jacky: Being an Account of the Further Adventures of Jacky Faber, Taking Care of Business

by L. A. Meyer

Jacky Faber makes waves, even when docked in her adopted city of Boston to attend to the business of Faber Shipping Worldwide. With big dreams and perhaps too much exuberance for the Puritan populace, she quickly finds herself at odds with the Women's Temperance Union and a town roiling over the arrival of hundreds of Irish laborers, brought in on Jacky's Lorelei Lee. Thwarted at every turn by her enemies, Jacky is forced to acknowledge her shortcomings--and possibly lose her beloved Jaimy Fletcher. Will the impulsive Jacky Faber finally get her comeuppance?

Wild Rover No More

by L. A. Meyer

Jacky Faber is framed as passing confidential U.S. information to the British. Forced to flee Boston, she goes undercover as a governess for a prominent Puritan family. When outed by a nosy postmaster, she deserts the respectability of her position, dons a leotard and slippers, and poses as a Russian tightrope walker in a traveling circus. But the law soon catches up with her, and prospects do not look good. Through her many adventures, Jacky has always found the ingenuity to escape dire situations, but this time it looks like Puss in Boots has run out of lives . . . and her happily-ever-after will be cut short at the foot of the gallows.

Rapture of the Deep: Being an Account of the Further Adventures of Jacky Faber, Soldier, Sailor, Mermaid, Spy (Bloody Jack Adventures #7)

by Louis A. Meyer

On the very day that Jacky Faber is to wed her true love, she is kidnapped by British Naval Intelligence and forced to embark on yet another daring mission--this time to search for sunken Spanish gold. But when Jacky is involved, things don't always go as planned. Jacky has survived battles on the high seas, the stifling propriety of a Boston finishing school, and even confinement in a dank French prison. But no adventure has quite matched her opportunistic street-urchin desires--until now.

Cinder: Book One of the Lunar Chronicles (The Lunar Chronicles #1)

by Marissa Meyer

The #1 New York Times Bestselling Series!Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth's fate hinges on one girl. . . . Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She's a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister's illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai's, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world's future. Marissa Meyer on Cinder, writing, and leading menWhich of your characters is most like you?I wish I could say that I'm clever and mechanically-minded like Cinder, but no—I can't fix anything. I'm much more like Cress, who makes a brief cameo in Cinder and then takes a more starring role in the third book. She's a romantic and a daydreamer and maybe a little on the naïve side—things that could be said about me too—although she does find courage when it's needed most. I think we'd all like to believe we'd have that same inner strength if we ever needed it. Where do you write?I have a home office that I've decorated with vintage fairy tale treasures that I've collected (my favorite is a Cinderella cookie jar from the forties) and NaNoWriMo posters, but sometimes writing there starts to feel too much like work. On those days I'll write in bed or take my laptop out for coffee or lunch.If you were stranded on a desert island, which character from Cinder would you want with you?Cinder, definitely! She has an internet connection in her brain, complete with the ability to send and receive comms (which are similar to e-mails). We'd just have enough time to enjoy some fresh coconut before we were rescued. The next book in the Lunar Chronicles is called Scarlet, and is about Little Red Riding Hood. What is appealing to you most about this character as you work on the book?Scarlet is awesome—she's very independent, a bit temperamental, and has an outspokenness that tends to get her in trouble sometimes. She was raised by her grandmother, an ex-military pilot who now owns a small farm in southern France, who not only taught Scarlet how to fly a spaceship and shoot a gun, but also to have a healthy respect and appreciation for nature. I guess that's a lot of things that appeal to me about her, but she's been a really fun character to write! (The two leading men in Scarlet, Wolf and Captain Thorne, aren't half bad either.)

Cress (Las Crónicas Lunares #3)

by Marissa Meyer

Érase una vez, en el futuro... La malévola reina Levana está a punto de salirse con la suya.Solo una poderosa alianza podría evitarlo.Pero el tiempo se agota... Cress es el tercer volumen de la saga «Las crónicas lunares». Cress es una chica de dieciséis años que ha vivido toda su vida encerrada en un satélite, sin más compañía que las pantallas que la rodean. Atrapada en esta prisión se ha convertido en una hacker estupenda, pero sus captores la fuerzan a emplear sus habilidades para ayudar a la malvada reina Levana a encontrar a Cinder y entregarla a su majestad. Sin embargo, cuando Cress da con Cinder y su acompañante, el Capitán Thorne, los fugitivos le ofrecen una alternativa que no puede rechazar: si ella les ayuda a boicotear los planes de Levana para casarse con el emperador Kai, Cinder y Thorne (juntamente con Scarlett y Wolf), rescatarán a Cress de su confinamiento. Ahora bien, tras el fallido intento de rescate, el grupo se divide: Cress consigue su libertad, pero a cambio de un precio mucho más alto de lo que había previsto. Los lectores dicen... «Las Crónicas Lunares, con las portadas originales, y son preciosas. Son versiones de los cuentos tradicionales pero aplicados a historias de ciencia ficción más futuristas como la Cenicienta, Caperucita Roja o Rapunzel».Javier Ruescas en Youtube «Estoy enamorada de la historia y de los personajes de Marissa Meyer, no lo puedo evitar, cada vez que me embarco en un nuevo libro me gusta más y más todo lo que descubro. Un libro redondo con buena ambientación, estupendos personajes y una trama que atrapa hasta el final. Excelente».Letras, libros y más «Cress es una novela sin desperdicio alguno. La espera ha valido muchísimo la pena». «El libro más intenso que he leído de la saga por el momento. Por mucho que lo intentes no puedes dejar de leer. Con unos personajes que en cada página te gustan más». «Se sale de lo corriente y hace que te zambullas en una historia que no sabes por dónde va a salir en cada capítulo. Simplemente genial». «No os podéis imaginar lo que crece esta historia, y lo enganchado que puede tener al lector. Un tercer libro lleno de acción, humor, amor, lealtades y desafíos. Me ha encantado».

Cress (Las crónicas lunares #3)

by Marissa Meyer

Érase una vez, en el futuro... La malévola reina Levana está a punto de salirse con la suya.Solo una poderosa alianza podría evitarlo.Pero el tiempo se agota... Cress es el tercer volumen de la saga «Las crónicas lunares». Cress es una chica de dieciséis años que ha vivido toda su vida encerrada en un satélite, sin más compañía que las pantallas que la rodean. Atrapada en esta prisión se ha convertido en una hacker estupenda, pero sus captores la fuerzan a emplear sus habilidades para ayudar a la malvada reina Levana a encontrar a Cinder y entregarla a su majestad. Sin embargo, cuando Cress da con Cinder y su acompañante, el Capitán Thorne, los fugitivos le ofrecen una alternativa que no puede rechazar: si ella les ayuda a boicotear los planes de Levana para casarse con el emperador Kai, Cinder y Thorne (juntamente con Scarlett y Wolf), rescatarán a Cress de su confinamiento. Ahora bien, tras el fallido intento de rescate, el grupo se divide: Cress consigue su libertad, pero a cambio de un precio mucho más alto de lo que había previsto.

Cress (Lunar Chronicles #3)

by Marissa Meyer

In this third book in Marissa Meyer's bestselling Lunar Chronicles series, Cinder and Captain Thorne are fugitives on the run, now with Scarlet and Wolf in tow. Together, they’re plotting to overthrow Queen Levana and prevent her army from invading Earth. Their best hope lies with Cress, a girl trapped on a satellite since childhood who’s only ever had her netscreens as company. All that screen time has made Cress an excellent hacker. Unfortunately, she’s being forced to work for Queen Levana, and she’s just received orders to track down Cinder and her handsome accomplice. When a daring rescue of Cress goes awry, the group is splintered. Cress finally has her freedom, but it comes at a higher price than she’d ever expected. Meanwhile, Queen Levana will let nothing prevent her marriage to Emperor Kai, especially the cyborg mechanic. Cress, Scarlet, and Cinder may not have signed up to save the world, but they may be the only hope the world has.

Fairest: Levana's Story

by Marissa Meyer

Mirror, mirror on the wall, Who is the fairest of them all? Fans of the Lunar Chronicles know Queen Levana as a ruler who uses her glamour; to gain power. But long before she crossed paths with Cinder, Scarlet, and Cress, Levana lived a very different story; a story that has never been told . . . until now. Marissa Meyer spins yet another unforgettable tale about love and war, deceit and death. This extraordinary book includes full-color art and an excerpt from Winter, the next book in the Lunar Chronicles series.

Stars Above: A Lunar Chronicles Collection

by Marissa Meyer

The #1New York TimesBestselling Series! The enchantment continues. . . . The universe of the Lunar Chronicles holds stories - and secrets - that are wondrous, vicious, and romantic. How did Cinder first arrive in New Beijing? How did the brooding soldier Wolf transform from young man to killer? When did Princess Winter and the palace guard Jacin realize their destinies? With nine stories - five of which have never before been published - and an exclusive never-before-seen excerpt from Marissa Meyer's novel, Heartless, about the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, Stars Above is essential for fans of the bestselling and beloved Lunar Chronicles.

Stars Above: A Lunar Chronicles Collection (Lunar Chronicles )

by Marissa Meyer

The universe of the Lunar Chronicles holds stories - and secrets - that are wondrous, vicious, and romantic. How did Cinder first arrive in New Beijing? How did the brooding soldier Wolf transform from young man to killer? When did Princess Winter and the palace guard Jacin realize their destinies?With six stories - two of which have never before been published - and an exclusive never-before-seen excerpt from Marissa Meyer's novel, Heartless, about the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, Stars Above is essential for fans of the bestselling and beloved Lunar Chronicles.

Winter (Lunar Chronicles #4)

by Marissa Meyer

Princess Winter is admired by the Lunar people for her grace and kindness, and despite the scars that mar her face, her beauty is said to be even more breathtaking than that of her stepmother, Queen Levana. Winter despises her stepmother, and knows Levana won't approve of her feelings for her childhood friend--the handsome palace guard, Jacin. But Winter isn't as weak as Levana believes her to be and she's been undermining her stepmother's wishes for years. Together with the cyborg mechanic, Cinder, and her allies, Winter might even have the power to launch a revolution and win a war that's been raging for far too long. Can Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and Winter defeat Levana and find their happily ever afters? Fans will not want to miss this thrilling conclusion to Marissa Meyer's national bestselling Lunar Chronicles series.

The Bedford Introduction To Literature: Reading, Thinking, Writing

by Michael Meyer

This new compact edition ofThe Bedford Introduction to Literatureoffers all the distinctive features of Michael Meyer's best-selling introduction to literature in a shorter, less expensive paperback format. A generous and vibrant selection of stories, poems, and plays are supported by editorial features proven to help students read, think, and write effectively about literature. Now featuring unique visual portfolios and a CD-ROM packed with activities and contextual material, the new edition brings literature to life for students like never before.

The Bedford Introduction To Literature: Reading, Thinking, Writing

by Michael Meyer

The Bedford Introduction to Literatureresponds to the teaching and learning needs of all kinds of literature classrooms -- and composition courses where literature is a focus. Author Michael Meyer understands that a particular challenge for instructors is that students do not necessarily see literature as relevant to their lives. They may be new to the study of literature, may have difficulty reading it, and may lack confidence in their critical abilities and writing skills. With these factors in mind, Meyer has put together a lively collection of stories, poems, and plays from many periods, cultures, and themes, with voices ranging from the traditional to the latest and hottest contemporary authors. As an experienced anthologist and instructor of literature, Meyer has a knack for choosing enticing selections -- including humorous works and readings from popular culture -- that students both enjoy and respond to. Complementing this unparalleled collection are proven editorial features that offer students real help with reading, appreciating, and writing about literature. The Bedford Introduction to Literatureis a book designed to bring literature to life -- and to make students life-long readers.

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