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Moby Dick

by Herman Melville

In Herman Melville s classic tale of revenge, Ishmael tells his story of becoming a whaler on the Pequod. When Ishmael and his unexpected friend Queequeg join Captain Ahab s hunt for Moby Dick, the voyage of a lifetime turns into tragedy. The adventures of sailing the seas on the hunt for the great white whale is retold in the Calico Illustrated Classics adaptation of Melville s Moby Dick. Calico Chapter Books is an imprint of Magic Wagon, a division of ABDO Group. Grades 3-8. "

Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer

by Mark Twain

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. «Solo me llamo así cuando me zurran. Cuando soy bueno me llamo Tom. Llámame Tom, ¿de acuerdo?» En Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer Mark Twain recreó una época de cercas enjalbegadas y picnics dominicales en la parroquia, cuando el trasiego de la vida desbordaba el Mississippi y la esclavitud estaba a la orden del día; eran los años del antebellum, antes de que la guerra de Secesión transformara la historia de Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, mientras Tom Sawyer forma una banda de piratas para ir en busca de un tesoro enterrado, o cuando está en casa compartiendo un brebaje con el gato de su tía Polly, lo que se proyecta no es solo el mundo rural de los estado sureños en el siglo XIX, sino la ilusión de una infancia eterna. Esta edición, en una traducción de Simón Santainés, se abre con una introducción del reconocido experto en Mark Twain R. Kent Rasmussen, donde defiende la capacidad del autor para fascinar a lectores de cualquier edad a través de una mirada irónica que contrasta con las fechorías de Tom Sawyer, uno de los personajes más emblemáticos de la literatura estadounidense. William Faulkner dijo sobre Mark Twain...«El padre de la literature norteamericana.»

Oliver Twist

by Charles Dickens

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. «Hasta que estas pasiones no mueren y dejan de dominar el cuerpo para siempre, las nubes de tormenta no se disipan y despejan así la superficie del cielo.» La historia del pequeño Oliver, criado en un hospicio, empleado en una funeraria y reclutado por una banda de ladrones que él no reconoce como tales, no solo es un soberbio escaparate de celebérrimas creaciones dickensianas, sino que además resulta un magnífico y apasionante relato sobre la inocencia acosada. Los distintos personajes que el héroe va encontrando en su camino nos descubren al Dickens idílico y sentimental, en una de las muestras más perdurables de su genio. La posteridad ha convertido en mito las peripecias del pequeño muchacho, vertidas a nuestra lengua aquí por Josep Marco Borillo y el equipo de la Universitat Jaume I de Castelló. La modernidad de la traducción, así como la reveladora introducción que firma el catedrático del University College Philip Horne, convierten la presente en una edición indispensable.

El origen de las especies (Ciencia Y Tecnología Ser. #Vol. 2512)

by Charles Darwin

La obra que revolucionó nuestra visión de la evolución. Charles Darwin invirtió más de dos décadas en escribir El origen de las especies, la obra que marcó uno de los puntos de inflexión más importantes del pensamiento científico. A lo largo de estas páginas, Darwin expone su teoría de la selección natural y defiende que las especies no fueron creadas por una mano divina, sino que primero existieron unas formas más simples que a lo largo del tiempo fueron mutando y evolucionando para adaptarse al medio. Se podría afirmar que sus ideas siguen creando controversia incluso en la actualidad. Sin lugar a dudas, El origen de las especies es el libro más influyente de la historia natural y, por lo tanto, una obra fundamental en la historia de la humanidad. La presente edición viene acompañada de una esclarecedora introducción y una cronología de la mano de William Bynum, catedrático emérito de la University College de Londres y reconocido experto en historia de la medicina y de las ciencias naturales.

Orgullo y prejuicio

by Jane Austen

Series numbering from list at back of book.

Del amor y otras pandemias

by Myriam M. Lejardi

Bienvenidos al confinamiento de David y Lara: una historia de amor en cien sencillos desastres. El primer desastre fue una pandemia mundial. El segundo, un decreto de alerta. ¿El tercero? Que Lara y David deberán compartir piso a pesar de un simple hecho incontestable: se odian profundamente. A partir de ahí, las catástrofes no dejarán de sucederse, y los gatos nudistas, el yoga acrobático y los sentimientos inoportunos solo serán el principio. ¿El desastre definitivo? David y Lara han olvidado que el amor es el virus más infeccioso y la curva de contagio no para de crecer...

La Elegida (La Selección #Volumen 3)

by Kiera Cass

La situación en Palacio es cada vez más peligrosa. Los rebeldes atacan tanto por el norte como por el sur y America, las chicas que siguen en la selección y Maxon se encuentran en verdadero peligro. Tercera entrega de «La Selección», la serie bestseller mundial de Kiera Cass. Mientras la situación de peligro se vuelve cada vez más acuciante, la disyuntiva en la que se encuentra Americatampoco es mucho mejor: debe escoger entre su primer amor, Aspen, y el príncipe Maxon, quien poco a poco ha ido conquistándola. Eso sin tener en cuenta que el príncipe debe escogerla a ella también de entre las seis seleccionadas que podrían convertirse en su esposa y que aún permanecen en palacio. Luchas políticas, amor, violencia, dudas... America deberá tomar decisiones que cambiarán el curso no solo de su vida, sino de todo aquel que la rodea.

Orgullo y prejuicio

by Jane Austen

Es ésta la novela más popular de Jane Austen (1775-1817), considerada por la mayor parte de los críticos como una obra maestra. En ella, todos los elementos del equilibrado y sobrio arte de la escritora alcanzan su mejor expresión. La obra debe gran parte de su popularidad al brío y a la agudeza con que son creados algunos personajes cómicos, como el amenísimo pastor Collins, uno de los figurones más célebres de la literatura inglesa. Con unos pocos y sencillos rasgos, Jane Austen traza unas figuras tan eficaces, que alcanzan un relieve que las hace inolvidables. ¿Por qué Jane Austen vuelve una y otra vez a través del tiempo, como si nunca hubiera dejado de escribir? Quienes han estudiado su obra aseguran que sus novelas están repletas de observaciones incisivas y detalles meticulosos, y que en todas está presente un tema característico: el alcance de la madurez a través de la pérdida de ilusiones. Sus personajes son provincianos de clase media, cuya máxima preocupación es conseguir un buen pasar económico y, su mayor ambición, el matrimonio. Y la perennidad de Austen quizá sugiera la confirmación de que las cosas no han cambiado tanto como parece desde el siglo XVIII. La presión de las convenciones, el rígido sistema de castas, el protagonismo del dinero como motor social no harán sino alimentar dramáticamente un romance conflictivo, que está destinado a consumarse, pero no sin antes haber atravesado esa ajustada red de tabúes culturales que rodean a la pareja cenral.

Oriente, Occidente (El\ave Fenix. Mayor Ser.)

by Salman Rushdie

Nueve relatos en los que Salman Rushdie despliega magistralmente los principales temas y elementos de su universo literario. Rushdie despliega magistralmente en Oriente, Occidente los motivos principales de su universo literario. Desde un prestamista que consigue un pelo de la barba del Profeta y se convierte al fundamentalismo hasta una familia india en el Londres de los sesenta agobiada por los contrastes socioculturales, estos nueve relatos tocan diversos temas cohesionados por dos hilos secretos: la escurridiza relación entre ficción y realidad y la tragicómica dualidad de pertenecer o no pertenecer a una cultura. Reseña:«Un gran triunfo literario: mágico, apasionado, sabio, hermoso y muy entretenido.» The Toronto Star

Oriente, Occidente

by Salman Rushdie

Oriente, Occidente es un título fundamental en la trayectoria de Salman Rushdie. A lo largo de nueve relatos, el autor despliega magistralmente los principales temas y elementos de su universo literario, en particular el encuentro y el desencuentro entre dos culturas radicalmente opuestas pero indisolublemente mestizadas y mezcladas por los vaivenes de la historia. Desde un prestamista que consigue un pelo de la barba del Profeta y se convierte al fundamentalismo hasta una familia india en el Londres de los sesenta agobiada por los contrastes socioculturales, los relatos tocan diversos temas cohesionados por dos hilos secretos: la escurridiza relación entre ficción y realidad y la tragicómica dualidad de pertenecer o no pertenecer a una cultura.

El Aleph

by Jorge Luis Borges

«Vi el Aleph, desde todos los puntos, vi en el Aleph la tierra, y en la tierra otra vez el Aleph y en el Aleph la tierra.»La mayoría de los cuentos reunidos en este libro pertenecen al género fantástico. Algunos surgieron a partir de crónicas policiales, de pinturas o simplemente de la visión de algún conventillo; otro explora el efecto que la inmortalidad causaría en los hombres; hay una glosa al Martín Fierro, sueños sobre la identidad personal y fantasías del tiempo. El cuento «El Aleph», publicado por primera vez en 1945, aborda uno de los temas recurrentes en la literatura de Borges: el infinito. Porque en esa esfera resplandeciente confluyen de un modo asombroso todos los tiempos y todos los espacios.


by Various

Why do people fight? What?s the use of education? Is India rich or poor? Why are stories important? Can anyone be a leader? Is science only about exams? Will planting trees save the earth? Growing up throws up a lot of questions ? about people, events and the world around us. Sometimes the answers are in simple black and white, wrong and right, but mostly they are not. In this book, ten truth-explorers and idea-shapers share with you their thought-provoking views on important topics close to your heart and mind. Drawing on their experiences, they help you see many different sides of a question and arrive at the most important truth ? your own conclusion, your own interpretation, your own answer. Subroto Bagchi on Leadership Shaheen Mistri on Education Vivek Menon on Nature Meeta Kumar on the Economy Manjula Padmanabhan on Gender Bias Omair Ahmad on Conflict Bibek Debroy on God and Religion Roopa Pai on Stories Hartosh Singh Bal on Science and Maths Kapil Dev on Sports

Tiger by the Tail

by Venita Coelho

MISSION BRIEF: Tigers are being reported missing from wildlife reserves across India, Bangladesh and Nepal. Several hundred tigers have vanished. Something, or someone, is taking them. And if they are not stopped, this could mean the end of the species. It is time the Animal Intelligence Agency got involved. NOTE: The Animal Intelligence Agency is a multi-species nongovernmental agency. Specially trained Animal and Human agents work undercover to save animals and save the world. Some of them have the licence to kill. The following agents have been assigned to the case: Agent No. 002 Species: Panthera tigris tigris Name: Bagha One of our most experienced agents. 250 kilos of sheer intelligence and muscle. Licensed to kill. Agent No. XXXX Species: Semnopithecus entellus Name: Kela Formerly an agent but removed from duty in disgrace after the Incident of the Exploding Mangoes. Licence cancelled. NOTE: KEEP A CLOSE WATCH. HIGHLY UNPREDICTABLE. Agent No. 11.5 Species: Homo sapiens sapiens Name: Rana Skinny. Allergic to everything. No brawn, plenty of brain. Great facility with technology. Fluent in JungleSpeak. Has the ability to speak to nearly all species. NOTE: ALSO ALLERGIC TO CAT HAIR. MIGHT BE A PROBLEM WHEN HE PARTNERS WITH AGENT NO. OO2. Agents have been instructed that this is an Alpha mission. Highest degree of difficulty and danger. The leads they have to follow lie in Kathmandu, the Sera monastery in Tibet and the Forbidden City in China. They will face danger, destruction, and possible death. The fate of the tiger species is in their hands.

Premchand's Kazaki and Other Marvellous Tales

by Munshi Premchand Sara Rai

`His is a voice that comes from where the action is...? Dhanpat Rai, famously known as Munshi Premchand, was an ordinary man living an ordinary life in extraordinary times. His intimate experience of the lives of common people gave him insights that created a vast and vibrant world in his vivid stories, making him one of the most important chroniclers of the 20th century. His vision homes in straight to the extraordinary heart of his everyday characters as they go about their daily struggles, proving an inspiration to generations of readers. From a game of gulli-danda to the classic tale of an imaginative young boy?s love for his grandmother that transforms a pair of household tongs into a battle hero, Premchand?s compelling stories continue to hold readers spellbound. His granddaughter Sara Rai brings a personal perspective to this book with family recollections and lovingly done translations. Premchand?s great-granddaughter Lara Chandni pays tribute to her illustrious ancestor with an eye-catching cover and poster design created especially for this collector?s edition.

The Bones of Stars

by Giti Chandra

`I am the blood that flows under all, I am the fire and bones of stars. . .? In the colossal caldera of Yellowstone National Park, a geyser blows in a startling eruption of red, and young Akshat disappears. This is only the tiny, terrifying start to the primal battle, now resurrected in full fury, between the two ancient foes, Elrai and Edasich. As the frantic search for Akshat ensues, his cousins, the child-guardians entrusted with olden secrets, come together with a coven of witches to rescue their beloved Akshat ? and indeed the world ? from certain peril. But will their growing powers be enough against the merciless evil loosed by the desperate and vicious Hyena-faced One? Will they be able to save Earth from a cataclysm of scorching lava and pulverized rock? Who will finally don the good Elrai?s baldric and leash the trail of death and destruction? Gripping and heart-stopping, The Bones of Stars tracks the defiant crusade of six extraordinary young people against a formidable, brutal force that threatens to obliterate the whole world as you know it. And end it forever.

The Water Catchers

by Bhairavi Parekh

`Someone from your bloodline, your village and water are all closely linked . . .? Counting out his days through measured buckets of water in the overcrowded, water-deprived city of Mumbai, 11-year-old Chintan aka Chintu leads a somewhat ordinary life. But all of that changes when his grandfather recounts a strange prophecy. The revelation takes him on a quest to his ancestral village, Tintodan, which is parched of rain and plagued by empty taps. Here, a chance meeting with Maahi, a shy girl with mysterious powers, makes him believe that prophecies might come true, after all. Back in Mumbai, Chintu has a run-in with a dreaded gang of bullies at school. This results in an impossible challenge and suddenly, he finds himself heading a major conservation competition that could bring his school prestige and a huge prize! Do these unlikely heroes fulfil the prophecy? Who is the saviour from the bloodline? Does Chintu?s school finally win the contest? Does he defeat the bullies? Discover the magic of water and how it transforms everyone who catches a drop.

Book Mine: Ramayana For Young Readers

by Upendrakishore Ray Chowdhury Dutta Dutta

WHEN ANYONE WISHES TO SPEAK OF A GREAT RULER, THEY SAY, `A KING LIKE RAMA? All is well in the prosperous and orderly kingdom of Ayodhya until the greedy Queen Kaikeyi tricks King Dashratha into sending his beloved eldest son and heir apparent, Rama, into exile for fourteen years. The noble prince, accompanied by his brother Lakshmana and wife Sita, leaves for the forests. When Sita is abducted by Ravana, the demon-king of Lanka, it triggers off a series of events starting with the search for her and culminating in the cataclysmic battle between Rama and Ravana. What unfolds in between is a remarkable tale of divine reincarnations, fierce demons, powerful kings, magical weapons and amazing creatures ? all woven into the extraordinary and keystone Indian epic of good and evil, love and enmity, boons and curses, hardship and destiny. These retelling of the Ramayana, written especially for young readers by the inimitable Upendrakishore Ray Chowdhury, and checked and proofed originally by none other than Rabindranath Tagore, has been translated for the first time into English by leading children?s writer and translator, Swapna Dutta.

Hachette School Handbook

by Hachette India

EVERYTHING AT YOUR FINGERTIPS! Here?s the right choice for smart achievers: a one-stop reference book for every student! It has all the essential information needed for the Big Four: English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies, plus important G.K. modules as well as valuable tips?all presented for quick reference whenever you need them. Comprehensive and concise, the Hachette School Handbook is a handy and easy-to-carry student?s companion to help you get ahead and stay ahead. * Grammar Rules * Parts of Speech * Punctuation * Writing Skills * Computer Terms * Maths Formulas * Numbers * Factorization * Integers, Fractions + Decimals * Juggling Quantities * Geometrical Shapes + Forms * Exponents + Powers * Algebraic Expressions * Plant Life * Our Body * Metals + Non-metals + Acids, Bases + Salts * Speed + Time * Matter + Energy * Force + Pressure * Light + Reflection * Indian History * World History * Indian Geography * Maps * Parliament + Constitution * Local Administration * And much, much more!


by Anu Kumar

`In the battle for liberty, fear is the one unforgivable sin? She always wanted to be wild and free like the birds, but she became much more: the Bulbul-e-Hind or the Nightingale of India. A child prodigy, Sarojini Naidu née Chattopadhyay grew to be so fearless and gifted that she was an example to all. Gopal Krishna Gokhale led her to devote her song and speech, thought and dreams to `the Motherland? and she never wavered in leading or following the cause, right into jail several times. Wise, lyrical and feisty, Sarojini Naidu brought intelligence, energy and intensity to the independence movement. She was the first woman to become President of the Indian National Congress, and later the Governor of Uttar Pradesh. Her frequent ill health never subdued her spirit. Her irreverence was legendary ? she was the one who gave Mahatma Gandhi the endearing nickname of `Mickey Mouse?. A staunch patriot, a unique poet, an efficient administrator, a progressive reformer and a women?s activist, she was hailed as a fiery public speaker. It is not surprising then that Women?s Day in India is celebrated on the birthday of Sarojini Naidu, a heroine then, and an inspiration now and forever. This book brings together her outstanding work and words, and highlights the main tenets of her life. From her stellar role in the difficult times she lived in, you too can learn to be a little bit like Sarojini Naidu.

Swami Vivekananda: The Monk and The Reformer: What Swami Vivekananda Did, What Swami Vivekananda Said

by Anu Kumar

`Take up one idea. . . Make that one idea your life. . . This is the way to success? Single-minded and multifaceted, the master of many subjects and devoted disciple of Shri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda was a global citizen far ahead of his times. At once a yogi and worldly-wise, this early ambassador of India introduced the western world to Indian civilization, while he encouraged Indians to discard divisive rituals and social hierarchies to build a united, equal, modern nation. A dedicated but free-thinking student, a reformer, teacher and writer, he was an eloquent orator whose speeches ? especially at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago ? put Indian spirituality and philosophy on the map, and ignited hearts and minds everywhere. His way was both of meditation and action, leading from the front while humbly serving the poor. He put his faith in young people and exhorted them to work towards regenerating India. It is not surprising then that National Youth Day in India is celebrated on the birthday of Swami Vivekananda, a leading light then, and an inspiration now and forever. This book brings together Swami Vivekananda?s stellar work and words, and highlights the main tenets of his life. From his regretfully short but exceptional life, you too can learn to be a little bit like Swami Vivekananda.

Across The Seven Seas: Indian Travellers' Tales

by Anuradha Kumar

A lot has been written about people who came to India at various times in history, but not enough about those who went from here to strange and surprising foreign lands. Way before trains and planes, speed and luxury, these intrepid globetrotters from India braved stormy seas and traversed hostile territories, documenting their travels and travails in detailed and often amusing accounts. Anuradha Kumar?s Across the Seven Seas brings together 14 dramatic accounts of Indian travellers from the 18th and 19th centuries, giving a vivid view of the world as it was then. These are stories of exploration and adventure, wonderment and acceptance. These are tales of great opportunities and tragic failures. These are chronicles of daring and discovery. You will marvel at the Mughal emperor?s emissary to the British king; the scientific genius who studied the power of steam; the army camp follower who became the master of `shampooing?; the legal eagle who was the first Indian woman to study law abroad; and the yogi who took the crowds by storm? These are the stories of travellers who traced pioneering routes to England, Italy, Turkey, Russia, America, China and more, all at a time of revolutionary technological advances, pervasive colonialism and amazing journeys...

The History of India for Children: From Prehistory to the Sultanates (Vol #1)

by Archana Garodia Gupta Shruti Garodia

There were ostriches in India. Gold was dug up in the Himalayas by animals. Coins of Greek rulers in India showed Krishna wearing Greek clothes. Ethiopian military slaves founded kingdoms across India. Jump into an action-packed history of India told like never before. Discover our incredible heritage and uncover delightful nuggets about our grand old country. Travel through time and see how people lived, why things happened and how we came to be what we are. Written by BBC Mastermind `Champion of Champions? Archana Garodia Gupta and history-geek Shruti Garodia, this volume spans the ages from the dawn of humans until the Delhi and Deccan sultanates, and tells the story of India?s rulers and invaders, traders and architects, sculptors and poets, scientists and innovators, farmers and businessmen, and millions and millions of just ordinary, everyday men and women. With a chatty style, simple explanations and well-rounded coverage, this is the definitive Indian history in two volumes for young readers. Filled with photographs, illustrations, activities and quotable facts, this is one retelling of history you don?t want to miss.

Deki: The Adventures of a Dog and a Boy in Tibet

by George B. Schaller

ÔI am coming from behind me and I am going aheadÕ A dog can lead you into the corners of some stories better than any human can. This is a story like that. In the vast Tibetan plateau, where beauty and cruelty fall as day and night, Deki, a Tibetan mastiff, is born with a moon on her black chest. This is the tale of the dog and her friends, Tashi, Karma, and Changku the wolf. Of how she meets a runaway boy, and of their journey guarding a precious statue, with a vicious bandit at their heels, towards the celestial city of Shambhala. But do they find it? Deki's story moves with clouds, wild winds and the seasons. It carries the scent of blooming poppies and scurrying pikas, and of friends who leave without saying goodbye. Angry yaks and innocent sheep, fearsome bears and majestic snow leopards walk in and out of its words into caves where wise hermits teach the whys and hows of what everyone in the world wants to know. Finally, Deki faces the choice before every living creature: a life of comfort within someone else's walls, or freedom ? fragile and dangerous, but her own to risk. Follow Deki into an adventure without end.

Hachette School Skills Handbook

by Various

KEY SKILLS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS! Here?s the right choice for smart achievers: a one-stop reference book for co-curricular topics and activities for every student! This indispensable handbook is packed with essential information on writing, speaking and presentation skills for everyday school know-how as well as for tests, exams, projects and other important evaluations. Comprehensive and concise, the Hachette School Skills Handbook is an easy-to-carry, handy students? companion, full of sharp tips and practical pointers to help students get ahead and stay ahead. ü Essays ü Book reports & reviews ü Debates ü Bio sketches ü Reporting events ü Public speaking ü Quizzing ü Mind Maps ü Interviewing people ü Taking notes ü Memory tips ü Exam management ü Viva voce ü Power-point presentations ü Projects ü Theatre ü Being a leader ü Working in a team ü Being eco-friendly ü Vocabulary ü Letters ü Making habits work'

Words To Live By: The Best of Indian Non-fiction for Children

by Deepa Agarwal

A RICH AND LIVELY GATHERING OF INDIA?S FINEST AND MOST ORIGINAL THINKERS AND WRITERS, LEADERS AND OPINION-MAKERS, NATURALISTS AND ADVENTURERS, SCIENTISTS AND CULTURE EXPERTS. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam on how to reach for the stars B.R. Ambedkar on questions of caste Bhagat Singh on intentions behind actions Dilip Salwi on a shining light of science Jawaharlal Nehru on kings and patriarchs Jayant Narlikar on an astronomer-king Jim Corbett on tigers and an unusual poacher Leila Seth on a tragic turn in life Mahatma Gandhi on truth Nandan Nilekani on our schools Rabindranath Tagore on learning without textbooks Ruskin Bond on the power of nature and words Sarojini Naidu on India after Mahatma Gandhi Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan on character Subhas Chandra Bose on woman power Sheila Dhar on an extraordinary musician Subroto Bagchi on pioneers and path-creators Sudha Murty on questioning inequality Vivekananda on tolerance and harmony Valmik Thapar on where `Indian? lions came from Vikram Seth on his adventures in Tibet Zai Whitaker on fascinating reptiles THIS THOUGHT-PROVOKING COLLECTION OF WRITING, SELECTED FOR YOUNG READERS, IS A MUST-HAVE FOR CHILDREN IN MIDDLE SCHOOL AND ABOVE.

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