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Showing 18,826 through 18,850 of 18,865 results

World of Chemistry: Easyplanner

by Steven S. Zumdahl Susan L. Zumdahl Donald J. DeCoste

NIMAC-sourced textbook

World of Chemistry (Second Edition)

by Steven S. Zumdahl Susan L. Zumdahl Donald J. Decoste

World of Chemistry presents the right balance of concepts and applications, emphasizing active learning and encouraging students to solve problems creatively.

The Book Thief (anniversary Edition)

by Markus Zusak

Liesel Meminger is a foster girl living outside of Munich, who scratches out a meager existence for herself by stealing when she encounters something she can’t resist–books. With the help of her accordion-playing foster father, she learns to read and shares her stolen books with her neighbors during bombing raids as well as with the Jewish man hidden in her basement.

Bridge of Clay

by Markus Zusak

<P><P> The breathtaking story of five brothers who bring each other up in a world run by their own rules. As the Dunbar boys love and fight and learn to reckon with the adult world, they discover the moving secret behind their father’s disappearance. <P><P>At the center of the Dunbar family is Clay, a boy who will build a bridge—for his family, for his past, for greatness, for his sins, for a miracle. <P><P>The question is, how far is Clay willing to go? And how much can he overcome? <P><P>Written in powerfully inventive language and bursting with heart, BRIDGE OF CLAY is signature Zusak. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Cartas cruzadas (Vintage Espanol Ser.)

by Markus Zusak

¿Conoces de verdad a la gente que más te quiere? ¿Sabes con qué sueñan tus mejores amigos? ¿Te atreves a descubrir algo insólito de ti mismo? En Cartas cruzadas, novela del autor de La ladrona de libros, el destino está a punto de cruzarse en tu camino. Ed Kennedy es un chico cualquiera en un barrio cualquiera de una gran ciudad. Vive en un maltrecho apartamento, se gana la vida conduciendo un taxi, está absolutamente enamorado de su mejor amiga y adora a su perro cafeinómano, Doorman. Su vida, como la de sus amigos, se desenvuelve apacible entre la rutina y la apatía hasta que un día evita el robo de un banco. Sin querer. Y es entonces cuando llega la primera carta. A partir de ese momento nuestro chico recorrerá la ciudad sembrando el bien y el mal (solo cuando sea necesario) hasta que logre responder a la única pregunta que ronda su cabeza desde que su vida cambió por completo: ¿quién demonios está detrás de su misión? Reseña:«Una lectura compulsiva.»Publishers Weekly

Cartas Cruzadas

by Markus Zusak

¿Conoces de verdad a la gente que más te quiere? ¿Sabes con qué sueñan tus mejores amigos?¿Te atreves a descubrir algo asombroso de ti mismo?Ed Kennedy es un joven taxista en un barrio pobre de una gran ciu­dad. Vive en un pequeño apartamento con su perro adicto al café y está completamente enamorado de su mejor amiga. Su tranquila vida, marcada tanto por la rutina como la incompetencia, cambia de repente cuando involuntariamente impide el robo de un banco. A partir de entonces, Ed empieza a recibir unos naipes que contienen mensajes cifrados. Guiándose por su instinto y su inteligencia, descubrirá que le conducen a devolver la felicidad y el bienestar a quienes, por una razón u otra, lo han perdido. Día tras día, noche tras noche, Ed irá descubriendo que el afecto, la amistad y el amor no son palabras huecas sino verbos vivos: si quieres sa­ber, pregunta; si pretendes ayudar, actúa; si quieres cambiar, no esperes. A menudo son los pequeños gestos los que mueven el mundo--gestos que incluso un chico cualquiera puede lograr.

Getting the Girl (The Wolfe Brothers Trilogy #3)

by Markus Zusak

In the final novel of the acclaimed Wolfe Brothers Trilogy, Cameron Wolfe goes looking for love as he attempts to escape his brother’s shadow.Cameron Wolfe is a loser. He knows it. He’s the quiet one, not a soccer star like his brother Steve or a charming fighter with a new girl every week like his brother Rube. Cam would give anything to be near one of those girls, to love her and treat her right. He especially likes Rube’s latest, Octavia, with her brilliant ideas and bright green eyes. But what woman like that would want a loser like him? Maybe Octavia would, Cam discovers. Maybe he has talents and passions just waiting to be discovered. And those maybes are about to change everything: winning, loving, losing, the Wolfe brothers, and Cameron himself.

Markus Zusak: The Book Thief & I Am the Messenger

by Markus Zusak

Two powerful modern classics from #1 New York Times bestselling author Markus Zusak.<P><P> The Book Thief affirms the ability of books to feed the soul even in the bleakest of times in a story the New York Times described as “brilliant. . . . the kind of book that can be life-changing.” <P> I Am the Messenger is a cryptic journey filled with laughter, fists, and love, which School Library Journal called “unpretentious, well conceived, and appropriately raw” in a starred review. <P> Markus Zusak is the recipient of the Margaret A. Edwards Award for his significant and lasting contribution to writing for teens, and together, these two stories form an extraordinary collection to showcase the intensity and heart inherent in his storytelling.

El puente de Clay

by Markus Zusak

Más de diez años después de La ladrona de libros, el extraordinario best seller que conquistó a diez millones de lectores, Markus Zusak vuelve con una saga familiar inolvidable y arrolladora, inspirada en el arte y la cultura clasica. Los cinco hermanos Dunbar viven en un hogar sin adultos, cuidando los unos de los otros, luchando por sobrevivir en un mundo que los ha abandonado, hasta que su padre, el hombre que los dejó sin mirar atrás, vuelve a casa. ¿Por qué ha regresado? Matthew, cínico y poético, es quien lleva las riendas de la familia; Rory, siempre falta a clase; Henry, una máquina de hacer dinero, y el pequeño Tomy, coleccionista de mascotas que ha colonizado la casa con animales disfuncionales, como la mula Aquiles y Rosy, el border collie. Y luego está el silencioso Clay, perseguido por un suceso del que no se puede hablar. Pero la historia se remonta tiempo atrás: a ese abuelo cuya pasión por los antiguos griegos aún llena de color sus vidas, y a los padres, que se conocieron gracias a un piano extraviado. Clay tratará de revelar su trágico secreto y de construir un puente para salvar a su familia y salvarse también a sí mismo. Los elogios con los que The New York Times recibió La ladrona de libros, la primera gran novela de Zusak, siguen vigentes para El puente de Clay: «Los lectores jóvenes necesitan este tipo de alternativas a la rigidez ideológica, así como exploraciones sobre la importancia de las historias. Y, pensándolo bien, también los adultos.» La crítica ha dicho:«El tipo de libro que puede cambiarte la vida.»The New York Times «La ladrona de libros deslumbra por sus extraordinarios personajes, su capacidad de emocionar sin clichés y, ante todo, por su omnipresente reflexión sobre el valor de las palabras.»Ricard Ruiz Garzón, El Periódicode Catalunya «Elegante, filosófica, conmovedora, bella e importante.»Kirkus Reviews «Merece estar junto al Diario de Ana Frank en nuestra biblioteca.»USA Today «Una narrativa extraordinaria.»SLJ «Zusak no endulza nada, pero logra que un tema aparentemente triste resulte tolerable tal como lo hizo Kurt Vonnegut en Matadero cinco: con un humor sombrío, reconfortante.»Time Magazine «Un gran logro. [...] Un libro desafiante en extensión y tema.»Publishers Weekly «Uno de los libros más esperados en años.»The Wall Street Journal «Markus Zusak supera las expectativas -ya de por sí altas dado el éxito de La ladrona de libros- y nos lleva a través del desafío que supone la pérdida y de la alegría de ser amado: nos enseña lo que significa vivir. Un libro para saborear, una lectura placentera, una voz que permanecerá viva: eso sí es saber contar historias.» Jackie Law, Bookmunch «Memorable.»Patricia Nicol, The Sunday Times «Vale la pena esperar cuando lo que llega es El puente de Clay, menudo festín de libro. Una historia ideal para perderse en las noches de otoño.»Charlotte Heathcote, The Sunday Express

Underdogs (Underdogs Ser. #1)

by Markus Zusak

From the bestselling author of The Book ThiefBefore The Book Thief, Markus Zusak wrote a trilogy of novels about the Wolfe Brothers: The Underdog, Fighting Rueben Wolfe, and Getting the Girl. Cameron and Ruben Wolfe are champions at getting into fights, coming up with half-baked schemes, and generally disappointing girls, their parents, and their much more motivated older siblings. They're intensely loyal to each other, brothers at their best and at their very worst. But when Cameron falls head over heels for Ruben's girlfriend, the strength of their bond is tested to its breaking point.We're proud to present these novels together for the first time, and to be introducing American readers to The Underdog, never before published in the United States. Fans of The Book Thief won't want to miss reading the novels that launched Markus Zusak's stellar career.

Fever Season

by Eric Zweig

Eric Zweig is a managing editor with Dan Diamond & Associates, consulting publishers to the National Hockey League. He has written about sports and sports history for many major publications, including the Toronto Star and the Globe and Mail His non-fiction sports books for young people include Star Power: The Legend and Lore of Cyclone Taylor and Crazy Canucks. He lives in Owen Sound, Ontario.

Next Steps with Academic Conversations: New Ideas for Improving Learning Through Classroom Talk

by Jeff Zwiers

Dr. Jeff Zwiers, an educational researcher at Stanford University, has spent the last 15 years analyzing classroom conversations to see how they can be better used and improved in classroom settings. Teachers who have worked with him report significant growth in students&’ engagement, content learning, language, creativity, and sense of agency. Zweirs introduced his initial vision for classroom conversations Academic Conversations: Classroom Talk that Fosters Critical Thinking and Content Understanding. His follow-up book, Next Steps with Academic Conversations: New Ideas for Improving Learning Through Classroom Talk , expands the first book with updated classroom strategies and practices. In this new version, teachers will discover: How to introduce buildable ideas and teach students how to develop and support them Equitable classroom discussions and how diverse backgrounds conversing can benefit social skills and emotional intelligence Highlights of new research-based theories on classroom conversation Ways to develop students' confidence in conversation and how classroom skills can apply to real world interactions This resource is the product of his extensive research, co-teaching, and collaborating with a wide range of educators. It was written for busy teachers who want a practical guide for strengthening the quality and quantity of productive conversations in their lessons.

Academic Conversations: Classroom Talk that Fosters Critical Thinking and Content Understandings

by Jeff Zwiers Marie Crawford

Conversing with others has given insights to different perspectives, helped build ideas, and solve problems. Academic conversations push students to think and learn in lasting ways. Academic conversations are back-and-forth dialogues in which students focus on a topic and explore it by building, challenging, and negotiating relevant ideas. In Academic Conversations: Classroom Talk that Fosters Critical Thinking and Content Understandings authors Jeff Zwiers and Marie Crawford address the challenges teachers face when trying to bring thoughtful, respectful, and focused conversations into the classroom. They identify five core communications skills needed to help students hold productive academic conversation across content areas: Elaborating and Clarifying Supporting Ideas with Evidence Building On and/or Challenging Ideas Paraphrasing Synthesizing This book shows teachers how to weave the cultivation of academic conversation skills and conversations into current teaching approaches. More specifically, it describes how to use conversations to build the following: Academic vocabulary and grammar Critical thinking skills such as persuasion, interpretation, consideration of multiple perspectives, evaluation, and application Literacy skills such as questioning, predicting, connecting to prior knowledge, and summarizing An academic classroom environment brimming with respect for others' ideas, equity of voice, engagement, and mutual support The ideas in this book stem from many hours of classroom practice, research, and video analysis across grade levels and content areas. Readers will find numerous practical activities for working on each conversation skill, crafting conversation-worthy tasks, and using conversations to teach and assess. Academic Conversations offers an in-depth approach to helping students develop into the future parents, teachers, and leaders who will collaborate to build a better world.

Common Core Standards in Diverse Classrooms: Essential Practices for Developing Academic Language and Disciplinary Literacy

by Jeff Zwiers Susan O'Hara Robert Pritchard

The Common Core State Standards require students to do more with knowledge and language than ever before. Rather than be mere consumers of knowledge, students must now become creators, critics, and communicators of ideas across disciplines. Yet in order to take on these new and exciting roles, many students need daily teaching with an extra emphasis on accelerating their academic communication skills. Common Core Standards in Diverse Classrooms: Essential Practices for Developing Academic Language and Disciplinary Literacy describes seven research-based teaching practices for developing complex language and literacy skills across grade levels and disciplines: using complex texts, fortifying complex output, fostering academic interaction, clarifying complex language, modeling, guiding, and designing instruction. Most important, you will find clear descriptions and examples of how these essential practices can-;and should-;be woven together in real lessons. The book: Clarifieshow to support the learning of complex language that students need for reaching Common Core and other standardsProvides practical ways to realize the instructional shifts needed with the implementation of new standards in diverse classroomsIncludes frameworks and descriptions on how to develop students' complex language, speaking, and writingHelps maximize strategies and tools for building system-wide capacity for sustained growth in the practicesCommon Core Standards in Diverse Classrooms is a concise guide for helping us improve our practices to strengthen two vital pillars that support student learning: academic language and disciplinary literacy.

¡Avancemos! 2 Dos, Cuaderno, práctica por niveles

NIMAC-sourced textbook

¡Avancemos! Uno 1, Cuaderno, práctica por niveles

NIMAC-sourced textbook


NIMAC-sourced textbook

Cambridge Latin Course, Unit 4

Developed by the University of Cambridge School Classics Project, this bestselling Latin program provides an enjoyable and carefully paced introduction to the Latin language, complemented by background information on Roman culture and civilization. In the first half of Unit 4, the story reaches its climax and final denouement in and around the court of the Emperor Domitian. There follows a selection of original texts by Roman authors (adapted where necessary), including Catullus, Ovid, Pliny, Tacitus, and Virgil.

Creating America: A History of the United States, Reading Study Guide

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Discovering Algebra: An Investigative Approach, Lecciones condensadas en español Condensed Lessons in Spanish

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Florida Reveal Geometry®, Volume 1

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Geography Alive! Regions and People, Mapping Lab Lesson Guide with Lesson Masters: Canada and the United States

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Global Geography

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Mirrors & Windows: Connecting with Literature, Level IV

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Modern World History

NIMAC-sourced textbook

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