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by Nicholas Fisk

The time is the middle of the twenty-first century; the place Argosy IV. Marooned on this alien planet, the three Clegg children are taken captive by hostile robot Doops, led by the cruel Princess Supa. Meanwhile, underground, Madrigal and Hansi are busy plotting...But what is their sinister secret?And who or what is 553?

A Hole In The Head

by Nicholas Fisk

The dog gasped, mouthed, swung its head. It gaped and showed sharp white teeth. Then, as if it were being sick, it brought up words. The dog spoke . . .Madi and her brother Jonjo live on the OzBase, a research center near the North Pole. Their mother is one of an international team of scientists investigating a hole in the ozone layer over the Arctic. Others, however, are involved in less honourable experiments - as the children soon discover . . .

Blast Off at Woomera

by Hugh Walters

If the ladder hadn't slipped when Chris Godfrey was chalking up the sports results - and if Sir George Benson hadn't been passing at that very moment - it might never have happened. It had become imperative to fire a conscious human being into space and Sir George, who was Director of Research at Woomera, couldn't see how it was to be done until he met Chris. Once Chris agreed, things moved fast. Whisked to London by the R.A.F., he started his training, was fitted for a G-suit, got to know the landscape of the Moon as well as he knew the school sports ground. Then on to Woomera; and, at last, into space...

The Domes of Pico

by Hugh Walters

Those mysterious domes on the Moon - what were they? Who built them? Thanks to young Chris Godfrey and his historic rocket-flight they had been photographed from outside the atmosphere; they had been under constant observation by the world's astronomers - but the answer was as baffling as ever. Until one day every single atomic power station on Earth suddenly and disastrously went out of action. There could only be one explanation - the extra-terrestrial radiation bombardment of appalling magnitude. And only one possible source of it: the domes of Pico.

Operation Columbus

by Hugh Walters

After the radiation bombardment from those mysterious structures on the Moon - chronicled in The Domes of Pico - it was inevitable, of course, that a lunar landing would have to be made; and Chris thought, too, that it was inevitable that he should be chosen for the job. But things didn't work out quite as planned. There was an American candidate for the honour of piloting the first Western rocket to the Moon; and the Russians had their own schemes for turning it into a Soviet satellite...

Moon Base One

by Hugh Walters

In Operation Columbus a landing was made on the Moon. But the mystery of those sinister domes that had suddenly appeared there - and of the evil grey mist that gathered so unaccountably now and then - was as far from a solution as ever. There was only one possible course of action: to establish a permanent base. And once that was decided there wasn't much doubt that young Chris Godfrey would be sent to man it. But this time he isn't alone in his rocket. His old friends Serge and Norrey are with hi,' and he's got a new friend - young Tony whose very life may depend on the expedition's success. In charge of the whole fantastic project is Sir Leo Frayling, cold-blooded and ruthless as ever; and, of course, Sir George Benson and Whiskers Greatrex play their part too.

Expedition Venus

by Hugh Walters

An unmanned space-probe sent to Venus for a preliminary reconnaissance brings back to earth not only vital information but also the spores of a deadly fungus which threatens to blot out mankind completely. Earth's scientists try in vain to devise a weapon to halt its deadly progress and decided, in the end, on one last desperate measure: an expedition to Venus itself.

Destination Mars

by Hugh Walters

An expedition to Mars is decided on and Chris, Serge, Morrey and Tony are chosen to man it. Unlike their expedition to Venus, this is not a desperate last-minute venture; it is a sober, carefully planned affair. Chris and his friends have no reason to expect anything beyond the normal risks of space travel - except for the experiences of the Dutchman Van der Veen. He is the only man who has ever penetrated beyond the Le Prince layer, which blots out radio communication with the earth - and he returned in a state of mental collapse. When he hears of the new expedition he has another breakdown, and when at last he is able to describe his experiences he speaks of strange and terrifying voices that assailed him in outer space.Will Chris and his friends also here these voices, and what will they find on Mars?

Terror by Satellite

by Hugh Walters

Trouble aboard the satellite observatory which has been established to circle the Earth every four hours. It is under the despotic control of a brilliant but unbalanced scientist, Commander Hendricks, who refuses to allow his staff any means of communicating with Earth on their own account. But he doesn't know that Tony Hale, who is one of the engineers in the observatory, has smuggled in his homemade transistor radio.Scientists everywhere are baffled when three brown streaks appear on the Earth's surface, destroying all the vegetation in their path. No one can find the explanation until it is realised that the streaks lie in the direction of the satellite's orbit. Hendricks first refuses to reply to any questions and then announces that he intends to be the world dictator; if the governments of the world refuse to agree he will starve them into surrender by destroying all the vegetation on Earth. The situation seems desperate. But Tony has already used his transistor radio to get in touch with a friend on Earth. His homemade set is now the only means of contact between Earth and the observatory, and through it plans can be made to deal with Hendricks - plans in which Chris Godfrey has a leading role to play.

Journey to Jupiter

by Hugh Walters

Chris and his friends are setting off on the first trip ever to be made to the planet Jupiter. One thing puzzles them - they have been given no details of the time the flight will take. But as the space ship continues on its journey they are told that they will travel at higher speeds than have ever been achieved before. The effects of the tremendous speed turn out to be much more serious than expected...

Mission to Mercury

by Hugh Walters

The four intrepid astronauts, headed by Chris Godfrey, look forward with enthusiasm to their trip to Mercury until the new crew member turns out to be a girl! Gail Patrick is being sent along to test mental telepathy as a means of communication. Her twin sister, Gill, will remain in the control room on earth to receive and send messages into space.

Spaceship to Saturn

by Hugh Walters

When the famous astronauts Chris Godfrey and his team are scheduled for a trip to Saturn, they are at first shocked to learn that they will be put into "deep freeze", a process called hypothermia, in order to make the long voyage possible. As on another voyage, the telepathic twins are enlisted for the project. Also frozen, they manage to avert disaster by sending warning signals even during their deep sleep. Extreme danger develops when Saturn's rings exert more gravitation than anticipated - pulling the spaceship into what seems certain destruction...

The Mohole Mystery

by Hugh Walters

After their expedition to Saturn, Chris Godfrey and his friends were given the longest spell of leave they had ever had. Every day they expected to hear about their next assignment from Sir George Benson, Director of the United Nations Exploration Agency, but when they tried to get in touch with him they found it was impossible. Clearly something strange was going on.When Sir George finally reappeared he had a startling proposition for them. A new kind of expedition was to be launched, not into space but into the depths of the earth. The astronauts were about to become 'subterranuts'. Or rather one of them was, for only one man could enter the capsule which was to carry him down the Mohole, the borehole which had been drilled twenty-one miles into the earth, to end in a huge underground cavern...

Nearly Neptune

by Hugh Walters

Chris Godfrey and his crew employ a new hypothermia technique which freezes them into unconsciousness for most of the journey, but when their ship's automatic transmitter contact with Earth ceases, the conclusion is that the expedition has met with disaster.

First Contact

by Hugh Walters

Mysterious radio signals were being received from the planet Uranus, and Earth's leading scientists decided that a complete investigation was needed. For the first time, the U.N.E.X.A. planned a two-ship expedition, under the overall command of Chris Godfrey. Serge, Morrey and Tony were of course included, and four other astronauts made up the crew of the two ships.At first the signals made little difference to them, except that they produced violent headaches if listened to for more than a few seconds. But when Chris awoke after a spell of hypothermia and tried to call the other ship he was horrified to hear the sinister sounds from Uranus on the wavelength which connected the two ships with each other and both of them with Control, back on Earth...

Passage to Pluto

by Hugh Walters

For the first time Morrey, Serge and Tony make a space expedition without Chris, who has become Deputy Director of U.N.E.X.A.. Their dedtination is Pluto, which since its discovery in 1930 has always been thought the most distant of the planets. Now, however, the powerful instruments of the Lunar Observatory have detected a change in its orbit which suggests the existence of another planet beyond it. The task of Morrey and his crew is to learn more about this mysterious Planet X and also to try out a new form of propulsion which will send their ship through space faster than ever before.The launching is a complete success, but as the crew are approaching Pluto they make a terrible discovery about their ship...

Tony Hale, Space Detective

by Hugh Walters

When Tony, Morrey and Serge were summoned by Sir Billy Gillanders to the U.N.E.X.A. headquarters they hoped they were to be sent on yet another mission to some distant planet. Instead they learned that they were to go to the moon, not as astronauts, but as detectives. Sir Billy wanted them to investigate a series of mysterious disappearances fro, Lunar City...

Murder on Mars

by Hugh Walters

Morrey, Serge and Tony are sent to Mars to investigate the murder of William Baines, an electronics specialist who has been found dead in a crater. There are more than a hundred people working in Mars city, and at first the astrotecs, as Commander Morrison calls them, see no reason to suspect one more than another. However, investigations on the spot soon narrow down the field to a few suspects, and gradually all the clues begin to point in one direction. Morrey and Serge are sure that the case is solved, but Tony still has doubts, and he decides on an independent - and dangerous - piece of detective work.

The Caves of Drach

by Hugh Walters

Chris Godfrey, the famous astronaut, is on holiday in Majorca with his friends Morrey, Serge and Tony. They visit the fabulous underground Caves of Drachm and there they encounter Ebenezer Yates, an elderly and wealthy American who is greatly distressed because his grandson Ian has just disappeared. There is one cavern to which no one is admitted; armed soldiers guard its entrance, but Mr Yates knows that Ian was fascinated by this forbidden cave and he is sure that the boy has slipped in while the lights were switched off. The cavern is regarded with such terror that no one will talk about it, but Mr Yates finally discovers that before it was kept guarded a number of people had entered and none had ever returned. Nonetheless, the astronauts are determined to find Ian no matter what the danger...

The Last Disaster

by Hugh Walters

The astronomers at the International Symposium were faced with an alarming discovery. An unexpectedly early solar eclipse had caused the Moon's orbit to contract. Evidence from a hurried investigation all pointed in one direction: the Moon was drawing nearer to Earth, and in five years the two would collide and both would be destroyed.What were the astronomers to do? They knew that once the news became public there would be a world-wide panic, and they turned for advice to Billy Gillanders, the head of the United Nations Exploration Agency. Gillanders and his deputy, Chris Godfrey, had one faint hope to offer, and it lay in the experiments of an eccentric retired professor...

In the Days of Queen Victoria

by Eva March Tappan

This early work by Eva March Tappan was originally published in 1903 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. 'In the Days of Queen Victoria' is a biography of Queen Victoria and details aspects of her school days, her coronation, and her family life. Eva March Tappan was born on 26th December 1854, in Blackstone, Massachusetts, United States. Tappan began her literary career writing about famous characters from history in works such as 'In the Days of William the Conqueror' (1901), and 'In the Days of Queen Elizabeth' (1902). She then developed an interest in children's books, writing her own and publishing collections of classic tales.

The Traitor Within

by Alexander Cordell

A fourteen-year-old Chinese boy struggles to prove his loyalty and courage to his commune and country in the face of his fear of a predicted attack on his village by the Taiwanese enemy.

The White Cockade: John Regan Trilogy Book One

by Alexander Cordell

An enthralling story of high adventure, ambush and pursuit, plot and counterplot during the ill-fated United Irishmen Rebellion of 1798. When seventeen-year-old John Regan takes on a mission entrusted to him by his dying father, he rides through an Ireland seething with danger with more than just his own life in his hands. The first in a trilogy of books set in 18th century Ireland, from the bestselling author of Rape of the Fair Country.

Witches' Sabbath: John Regan Trilogy Book Two

by Alexander Cordell

The cauldron of revolution is boiling over and igniting the passions of the people of Ireland. The year is 1798 and seventeen year old John Regan faces danger and even death as he struggles alongside the leaders of the rebellion as they attempt to capture a valuable English hostage. The second in a trilogy of books set in 18th century Ireland, from the bestselling author of Rape of the Fair Country.

The Healing Blade: John Regan Trilogy Book Three

by Alexander Cordell

An epic of the days when personal honour and patriotism were more important than any one man's life. John Regan has a secret mission crucial to the success of the infamous United Irishmen's Rebellion of 1798. A thrilling historical adventure for younger readers from the bestselling author of Rape of the Fair Country, first published in 1971 and now available as an eBook for the first time.

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