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Star Gazer

by Chris Platt

Will a city girl's horse dreams ever come true?For Jordan McKenzie, moving from Los Angeles to rural Michigan was a big change. In LA, she was used to giant shopping malls and classmates who came to school in makeup and heels. In North Adams, Michigan, the nearest Walmart is thirty miles away. Since Jordan is a jeans-and-sneakers kind of girl, she hoped she'd fit in better here--plus, there are horses in Michigan! She has wanted one forever, but in LA they were too expensive. Draft horses--gentle giants--are her favorites, with their dependable demeanors, huge size, and muscle power. Even though all the North Adams kids have horses, Jordan's busy mother barely agrees to let her coop a couple of chickens on their newly rented farm. Jordan's wish may never come true.Then she meets Star Gazer, a Percheron mare, at a farm auction and makes a desperate bid to save the aging horse from the slaughterhouse. Jordan is thrilled to bring her home, but Star Gazer is lame and skittish. Can Jordan's loving care nurse her back to health? And can she make Star Gazer a part of the family before her mother decides to find her a new home?

Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty and the Beast

by Robin McKinley

The New York Times–bestselling author of Rose Daughter reimagines the classic French fairy tale of Beauty and the Beast.I was the youngest of three daughters. Our literal-minded mother named us Grace, Hope, and Honour. . . . My father still likes to tell the story of how I acquired my odd nickname: I had come to him for further information when I first discovered that our names meant something besides you-come-here. He succeeded in explaining grace and hope, but he had some difficulty trying to make the concept of honour understandable to a five-year-old. . . . I said: &‘Huh! I&’d rather be Beauty.&’ . . . By the time it was evident that I was going to let the family down by being plain, I&’d been called Beauty for over six years. . . . I wasn&’t really very fond of my given name, Honour, either . . . as if &‘honourable&’ were the best that could be said of me. The sisters&’ wealthy father loses all his money when his merchant fleet is drowned in a storm, and the family moves to a village far away. Then the old merchant hears what proves to be a false report that one of his ships had made it safe to harbor at last, and on his sad, disappointed way home again he becomes lost deep in the forest and has a terrifying encounter with a fierce Beast, who walks like a man and lives in a castle. The merchant&’s life is forfeit, says the Beast, for trespass and the theft of a rose—but he will spare the old man&’s life if he sends one of his daughters: &“Your daughter would take no harm from me, nor from anything that lives in my lands.&” When Beauty hears this story—for her father had picked the rose to bring to her—her sense of honor demands that she take up the Beast&’s offer, for &“cannot a Beast be tamed?&” This &“splendid story&” by the Newbery Medal–winning author of The Hero and the Crown has been named an ALA Notable Book and a Phoenix Award Honor Book (Publishers Weekly).

Willow King

by Chris Platt

Katie makes a sacrifice to save the life of a disabled racing colt--but will it all be in vain?At Willow Run Thoroughbred Farm, horses are born and bred for racing. When a much-anticipated bay colt endowed with the farm's finest racing blood is born with terribly twisted legs, the obvious choice is to put him down. He'd be lucky if he could stand and nurse, let alone race. But thirteen-year-old Katie can't stand the idea. Born with one of her legs almost an inch shorter than the other, she wonders what would have happened if her parents had felt the same way about her. What if they had given up on her entirely when they realized she couldn't be a prima ballerina?Desperate to save the colt's life, Katie works out a deal with the farm's owner and becomes the proud owner of Willow King. Can she help him overcome the odds and claim his place as the racehorse royalty he was born to be?

I'm Going to Be Famous

by Tom Birdseye

Arlo Moore has resolved to break the world record for eating bananas--consuming seventeen in two minutes should be easy, right?Arlo Moore's favorite book of all time is TheGuinness Book of World Records, and as bananas are his favorite food, he has memorized the record for eating bananas. While gearing up to start his fifth grade year, Arlo suddenly has a crazy thought: He should break the world record for banana eating and become famous! His brother and sister think he's crazy for even trying, and they bet Arlo that he can't break the record in three weeks. Arlo hates when people tell him he can't do something, and so he agrees. Soon, he will be a world champion. It's going to take all of Arlo's concentration and all of his awesome banana-eating powers to break this record and win the bet--and maybe capture the attention of the pretty new girl in school, too. But when everyone starts betting on Arlo's chances of beating the record, his principal forbids him from training at school. With everyone against him, can Arlo still succeed and become famous?

Storm Mountain

by Tom Birdseye

Cat Taylor is furious when her cousin steals her father's ashes to scatter on the mountain--but when they get caught in a blizzard, can the two work together to survive? Cat Taylor's father and uncle, a famous search-and-rescue team, died on Storm Mountain two years ago, and Cat and her mother still can't seem to move on. When her mom goes away on business for the weekend, Cat thinks she has the house to herself--until her cousin Ty suddenly shows up at her door, claiming his dad visited him in a dream and told him to scatter the two brothers' ashes at the mountain's summit. Cat refuses; how can Ty ask her to let go of her dad? But when she wakes up the next morning, Cat discovers that Ty has gone to Storm Mountain--and he took her father's ashes with him. Determined to stop Ty before he does something crazy, Cat races up the mountain after him. But when a huge snowstorm rolls in and traps them, Cat and Ty realize they could be in more danger than they ever imagined.


by Tom Birdseye

Tucker Renfro hasn't seen his little sister in seven years, and when she finally comes to visit, he's sure she's made it her mission to drive him crazy--why won't Olivia leave him alone?Tucker Renfro is obsessed with Native American culture, and nothing is more important to him than his tribe--his dad and his best friend, Joe Allen. When Tucker's sister comes to visit, he isn't exactly excited to see her. Tucker hasn't seen his mother or sister since they left his dad seven years ago, so Olivia is a stranger to him. He cannot believe he has to put up with such an annoying little sister, especially one who won't stop talking about their mother, whom Tucker can barely remember. No matter how hard she is trying, and no matter how much his dad likes having her around, Tucker will not allow Olivia to be part of his tribe. But when Olivia tells Tucker that their mom wants to come back so they can live as a family, Tucker can't help but imagine how great it would be to have everyone together again. Maybe, just maybe, Olivia isn't the worst sister in the world.

Circle of Fire (Mysteries through History #14)

by Evelyn Coleman

<P>In 1958, a girl risks everything to put a stop to a deadly Ku Klux Klan plot to bomb her Tennessee school <P>The middle child in a family of eight, Mendy Anna Thompson was named after her grandmother's hero--former first lady Anna Eleanor Roosevelt. <P>Playing in the woods near her house in Monteagle, Tennessee, with Mr. Hare, her tamed wild rabbit, Mendy likes to imagine traveling around the world with Mrs. Roosevelt. <P>But Mr. Hare is no substitute for Mendy's best friend, Jeffrey, whom her parents have forbidden her to see because she's black and he's white. <P>But one night, Mendy notices evidence of trespassers in the secret clearing behind her house. When she sets out to investigate, she uncovers a plot to bomb her high school during a visit by Eleanor Roosevelt! <P>Now Mendy and Jeffrey, who meet in secret, must find a way to foil the Ku Klux Klan before they succeed in their wicked scheme. <P>Based on true events, Circle of Fire is a moving and suspenseful story of friendship and race relations in the segregated South. This ebook includes a historical afterword.

What I Believe

by Norma Fox Mazer

Vicki wishes she could solve her problems as easily as she can arrange words into a poem Vicki Marnet has two wonderful big brothers who are completely regular people. They like sports, chess, and the student senate, and are totally normal--unlike Vicky, who feels in her heart that she's different. For one thing, she writes poetry for fun. She plays with sonnets, pantoums, sestinas--all kinds of stanzas and rhymes, anything to take her mind off what's happening at home. Vicki's dad lost his job, and since he can't find another one, her family is moving to the city. They're selling their big house, moving into a tiny apartment, and facing troubles that Vicki has never known before. Ashamed and slow to make friends at her new school, Vicki puts her thoughts down in verse as she makes a new place for herself--one that's very much her very own.


by Norma Fox Mazer

When Toni's luck runs out, real life comes calling Toni and Julie were both born right after their parents moved in next to one another, and the two girls have hardly been separated since. Julie is tall and outspoken and stands up for herself, but really she's just trying to survive until she turns eighteen so she can move out before her parents' constant fighting drives her crazy. Meanwhile, Toni, small and shy, has the perfect family: no financial worries and two parents who obviously adore her. Compared to Julie, Toni knows she's lucky. But when Julie's mom moves her family to San Francisco for the summer, Toni faces new challenges. Some changes are fun, like getting to know the cutest boy in school--but some, like discovering that maybe your family isn't as perfect as you thought, aren't quite so easy.

Downtown (Avon Flare Book, An)

by Norma Fox Mazer

In real-life, happily ever after can be hard to come by Pete Greenwood loves history. Any era or country will do as long as the books are lengthy and full of the past. But that may be because Pete's own history is a work of fiction. For the last eight years, he's lived with his uncle Gene under an assumed name. He's had to keep his parents' existence a secret ever since they committed an act of political protest that went tragically wrong. Living a double life makes Pete feel isolated and alone until he meets the cool and collected Cary Longstreet. Cary's playing a role too--looking perfect on the outside to hide secrets of her own. Slowly learning to trust each other, Pete and Cary start to share their truths, both of them dreaming of happy endings to their stories and the chance to let go of all their worries. But real life doesn't always wrap itself up as neatly as we'd like.

Steel Magic: Steel Magic, Octagon Magic, And Fur Magic (The Magic Sequence #1)

by Andre Norton

A girl and her two brothers are transported back to the time of King Arthur, where they must return three magic talismans to their rightful owners or remain trapped forever in the distant past The adventure begins when Sara Lowry wins a picnic basket at the Firemen's Strawberry Festival. She and her brothers, Greg and Eric, are staying with their uncle at his Hudson Valley estate while their parents are in Japan. Fascinated by the haunting history of the old manor, they pack a picnic lunch and begin their search for the legendary lost lake. They discover a medieval castle--and suddenly they're enveloped by a gray mist that transports them back to the time of King Arthur! There, they are given an urgent mission to recover three lost talismans: Arthur's sword, Excalibur; Merlin's ring; and the horn of Huon, Warden of the West. Can Sara, Greg, and Eric fulfill their quest and save Avalon--the only place that stands between the Powers of Darkness and the mortal realm--and return to their own time? Steel Magic is the 1st book in the Magic Sequence, but you may enjoy reading the series in any order.

Sprockets: A Little Robot (Sprockets #1)

by Alexander Key

A pint-size robot with a big spirit goes on an interstellar adventureRunning low on metal, an assembly line spits out something unusual: a peculiar little robot, no bigger than a boy. His name is Sprockets, and though he is small, he has the most powerful electronic brain on Earth. "Destroy him!" cries the foreman, but Sprockets escapes. He runs through the moonlit city, pushing his little body as hard as he can until rain starts to fall--and he begins to rust. But Sprockets is rescued just in time by Jim and his father, Dr. Bailey--a brilliant inventor who sometimes has trouble with fractions. Luckily for him, there is no finer tabulator than Sprockets. They adopt this little robot as their own, and soon set off for another world--where Sprockets will be charged with saving the universe and learning what it is to be alive.

Rivets and Sprockets (Sprockets #2)

by Alexander Key

Sprockets and his brother race across space to solve a martian mysteryLife for Sprockets, the little robot with the giant brain, has been very exciting since he came off the assembly line. Backed up by Dr. Bailey and his son Jim, Sprockets has zipped across the stars, having fun all the way. Now it's time for his greatest adventure yet, and he has someone new to help him out: his little brother, Rivets, who's pretty handy in a pinch--even if he does have one or two screws loose. Dr. Bailey is working day and night to perfect an interplanetary radio, but Sprockets and Jim build one in a single night. When their new contraption picks up a signal coming from Mars, Dr. Bailey sends Sprockets and Rivets to investigate. Pursued by a mysterious gang of Mongolian researchers led by the fearsome Vladimir Katz, Rivets and Sprockets must escape the red planet with all their gears intact.

Bolts: A Robot Dog (Sprockets #3)

by Alexander Key

Captured by spies, a robot dog fights to return to his master The Consolidated Mechanical Men Corporation makes all sorts of robots, but it has never produced a robot dog. When Bingo Brown, grandson of the famous navy inventor Commander Brown, sends in a request for just such a marvel, the engineers do their best, but no matter what they try, their standard brain just won't fit inside the pooch's head. Finally, they shave a bit off either side of the gray matter, and the result is Bolts: a scrappy little mutt with razor teeth, a razor wit, and a habit of speaking his utterly deranged mind. When a gang of Mongolian spies searching for Consolidated's new superbrain diverts Bingo Brown's shipment, the puppy puts up quite a fight. On the run from spies and desperate to find his owner, Bolts will prove that his bite is just as bad as his bark.

The Forgotten Door (Apple Paperback, An)

by Alexander Key

Lost in an unfamiliar world, a traveler searches for understandingAt night, Little Jon's people go out to watch the stars. Mesmerized by a meteor shower, he forgets to watch his step and falls through a moss-covered door to another land: America. He awakes hurt, his memory gone, sure only that he does not belong here. Captured by a hunter, Jon escapes by leaping six feet over a barbed-wire fence. Hungry and alone, he staggers through the darkness and is about to be caught when he is rescued by a kind family known as the Beans. They shelter him, feed him, and teach him about his new home. In return, he will change their lives forever. Although the Beans are kind to Little Jon, the townspeople mistrust the mysterious visitor. But Jon has untold powers, and as he learns to harness them, he will show his newfound friends that they have no reason to be afraid.


by Alexander Key

A magical dog falls through a portal and finds himself in AlabamaJagger is a protector of the hunted--a great white dog who stands between the people of his village and the evils that lurk outside of it. When an earthquake splits open the ground beneath his feet, Jagger travels through space to a mysterious forest, where a deer is running for her life. To save her, he fights off a pack of vicious hounds and gets shot in the leg by a pair of hunters. As he lies bleeding in the woods, running out of hope, he cries out with his mind--and a young girl's voice answers. Nan Thornberry has always had the ability to talk to animals, but she has never met one like Jagger. She and her older brother rescue the dog and bandage his wound. In return, he will serve as their protector, guarding them against the greatest evil he has ever had to face.

The Long Ride (Pine Hollow #1)

by Bonnie Bryant

School&’s out, and three horse-crazy best friends promise to have the best summer everBefore Lisa Atwood, Stevie Lake, and Carole Hanson become high school juniors in the fall, the girls have a busy summer ahead. Lisa is spending every waking minute with her boyfriend, Alex—who&’s also Stevie&’s twin brother—until she leaves to visit her dad and his new family in California. Stevie just got her driver&’s license, and when she isn&’t delivering pizza, she&’s hanging out with her boyfriend, Phil Marsten. And Carole is working long hours at Pine Hollow Stables—for the horses and for Ben Marlow, the mysterious stable hand who&’s just as horse crazy as she is. But everything changes when the new girl arrives in town with a champion horse in tow. Will Lisa, Stevie, and Carole&’s friendship ever be the same again?

The Trail Home (Pine Hollow #2)

by Bonnie Bryant

After a near-fatal accident, the Pine Hollow girls are on the road to recoveryIt&’s been several weeks since the car accident that almost killed Callie Forester. Carole Hanson and Stevie Lake escaped with a few scratches, but Callie wasn&’t so lucky. Stevie and Carole feel responsible—especially since Stevie was the one at the wheel—and it doesn&’t help that Callie&’s brother, Scott, is blaming them too.With Lisa still in California, Carole&’s feelings for Ben becoming more complicated, Callie unable to ride, and Stevie wracked with guilt over the accident, the girls are beginning to wonder if it&’s too late to fix the summer—and their friendships.

Reining In (Pine Hollow #3)

by Bonnie Bryant

Will Lisa Atwood make a decision that will split up three best friends forever? Seventeen-year-old Lisa never thought she&’d be spending the summer three thousand miles away from her two best friends, Carole and Stevie, and her boyfriend, Alex. But sunny California has its perks—like a dream job working on the set of Paradise Ranch, one of the hottest shows on TV. It&’s got horses and good-looking guys—like seriously swoon-worthy actors Skye Ransom and Jeremiah Jamison. Back home, Carole&’s still crushing on stable hand Ben Marlow, who&’s as gorgeous—and mysterious—as ever, and Stevie continues to brood over the near-fatal car accident from earlier in the summer. Then Stevie and Carole decide to take matters into their own hands. Will they be able to bring back their friend? Or will Lisa stay in Los Angeles forever?

Changing Leads (Pine Hollow #4)

by Bonnie Bryant

Summer&’s over, and Carole, Stevie, and Lisa are hoping things will get back to normal—but is there even such thing as normal anymore?The start of the new school year is a reality check for best friends Carole Hansen, Stevie Lake, and Lisa Atwood. Stevie&’s boyfriend, Phil, is suddenly hanging out with Callie&’s brother, Scott, who still blames Stevie for the near-fatal car accident that injured his sister. Carole&’s new responsibilities at Pine Hollow Stables are threatening her relationships with her friends, and Lisa is having a hard time adjusting to being back in Willow Creek. Has she ruined her possibility for a career in the entertainment industry? And now Callie seems to be part of their special circle.Jealousy, betrayal, and an explosive secret will make this semester an unforgettable one. Forced to examine where their true loyalties lie, the girls start to realize that nothing stays the same—not even friendship.

Conformation Faults (Pine Hollow #5)

by Bonnie Bryant

Secrets are threatening to ruin everything—can Stevie, Carole, and Alex&’s friendship survive?Lisa Atwood and her boyfriend, Alex Lake, are finally back on track—even if she&’s still keeping some secrets. Carole Hanson&’s slipping grades could take her away from her beloved Pine Hollow Stables unless she does something drastic. Callie Forester, the congressman&’s daughter who recently moved to Willow Creek with her brother, Scott, has things she doesn&’t want folks back home in Washington to know. When someone close to her betrays her confidence, Callie doesn&’t know how she&’ll ever be able to trust anyone again. And now a terrible fight could end Lisa and Carole&’s relationship for good. Stevie Lake refuses to take sides . . . until she&’s caught up in a tangled web of lies and deception and has to choose between Lisa and her twin brother, Alex.Can their bonds survive the fallout?

Shying at Trouble (Pine Hollow #6)

by Bonnie Bryant

Could the horses that brought them together pull them apart?Best friends Lisa Atwood, Carole Hanson, and Stevie Lake couldn&’t be more different—except for the fact that they all love horses. Lisa is back from her summer in California and has just received some unwelcome news about her favorite horse, Prancer. Worse, she&’s not being totally honest with her boyfriend, Alex—Stevie&’s twin brother. Carole is spending all of her time at Pine Hollow Stables and is neglecting her friends and even her secret crush, Ben Marlow. And Stevie is busy with her boyfriend, Phil, trying to stop his best friend, A.J., from making a horrible mistake.As secrets threaten to shatter old and new relationships, will Lisa, Carole, and Stevie be able to go back to the way things were?

Penalty Points (Pine Hollow #7)

by Bonnie Bryant

When Stevie&’s parents go out of town for the weekend, best friends Stevie, Carole, and Lisa decide to throw a party—to disastrous resultsBetween the pressures of senior year and caring for a pregnant thoroughbred mare, Lisa has a lot going on. Then there&’s Skye Ransom, the hot Hollywood actor in California. Lisa&’s boyfriend, Alex—Stevie&’s twin brother—doesn&’t have a clue about Skye, and Lisa would rather not tell him. Carole can&’t think about anything but the upcoming horse show. Stevie, a junior at Fenton Hall, a private school, is busy running Scott Forester&’s campaign for student body president. And her parents are away for the weekend, which means everyone&’s excited for some serious partying.But on the big night, things start going wrong. Then someone finds the beer Stevie&’s older brother Chad and his bad-boy friend left in the basement. Tensions were already running high, and now friendships are on the line.

Course of Action (Pine Hollow #8)

by Bonnie Bryant

Tensions threaten to derail the friendship of three horse-crazy best friends Competing in the prestigious Colesford Horse Show is a dream come true for sixteen-year-old Carole Hansen. Also participating are Stevie Lake and Ben Marlow, the sexy and mysterious guy Carole&’s been working with at Pine Hollow Stables.Outside of the stables, Stevie&’s campaign to elect Scott Forester as student body president just hit a major snag—cliquey, clueless Veronica DiAngelo. Lisa and Alex are back together, but Lisa&’s worried their new open relationship will only end up hurting Alex. And worse, applying to colleges—close to home and far away—is only adding to her anxiety.Spilled secrets, an impossible choice between two beloved horses, and unexpected romance will make this an unforgettable time for the three friends.

The Trail Home (Pine Hollow #2)

by Bonnie Bryant

After a near-fatal accident, the Pine Hollow girls are on the road to recoveryIt&’s been several weeks since the car accident that almost killed Callie Forester. Carole Hanson and Stevie Lake escaped with a few scratches, but Callie wasn&’t so lucky. Stevie and Carole feel responsible—especially since Stevie was the one at the wheel—and it doesn&’t help that Callie&’s brother, Scott, is blaming them too.With Lisa still in California, Carole&’s feelings for Ben becoming more complicated, Callie unable to ride, and Stevie wracked with guilt over the accident, the girls are beginning to wonder if it&’s too late to fix the summer—and their friendships.

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