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Burn Girl

by Mandy Mikulencak

Arlie's face was disfigured by burns when her stepfather's meth lab exploded. After that, Arlie discovered the street smarts and survival skills she needed to shelter her addict mother, since the law and Lloyd, her deranged stepfather, are both looking for them. People died in the explosion and everyone wants answers. But Arlie's carefully constructed world is ripped apart when her mother commits suicide shortly after Arlie's sixteenth birthday. Now she can no longer remain hidden. Social Services steps in and before Arlie can make sense of anything, she is following the rules, going to school, and living in a thirty-one-foot Airstream trailer with an eccentric uncle she didn't even know she had. Then she meets a boy who doesn't care about her scars or her past. Just when she begins to think a normal life might be possible, Lloyd shows up. He's looking for the drug money he insists Arlie's mother stole. Will Arlie be able to shield her uncle and her boyfriend from Lloyd? Did Lloyd somehow play a role in her mother's death? And can she get rid of him once and for all before her world blows apart again?

Has To Be Love

by Jolene Perry

Years ago, Clara survived a vicious bear attack. She's used to getting sympathetic looks around town, but meeting strangers is a different story. Yet her dreams go far beyond Knik, Alaska, and now she's got a secret that's both thrilling and terrifying--an acceptance letter from Columbia University. But it turns out her scars aren't as fixable as she hoped, and when her boyfriend begins to press for a forever commitment, she has second thoughts about New York. Then Rhodes, a student teacher in her English class, forces her to acknowledge her writing talent, and everything becomes even more confusing--especially with the feelings she's starting to have about him. Now all Clara wants to do is hide from the tough choices she has to make. When her world comes crashing down around her, Clara has to confront her problems and find her way to a decision. Will she choose the life of her dreams or the life that someone she loves has chosen? Which choice is scarier?

The Mystery of the Zorse's Mask

by Linda Joy Singleton

When a mysterious stranger claims to own Becca's beloved zorse, Zed, something seems suspicious. Besides, if this person is Zed's real owner, the Curious Cat Spy Club fears he might be responsible for abusing Zed in the past. Kelsey, Becca, and Leo are determined to uncover the truth before they have to give Zed away. But when a daring rescue attempt puts Kelsey in danger, does the CCSC have enough spy skills to save her or are they in over their heads?

Night on Fire

by Ronald Kidd

Thirteen-year-old Billie Simms doesn't think her hometown of Anniston, Alabama, should be segregated, but few of the town's residents share her opinion. As equality spreads across the country and the Civil Rights Movement gathers momentum, Billie can't help but feel stuck--and helpless--in a stubborn town too set in its ways to realize that the world is passing it by. So when Billie learns that the Freedom Riders, a group of peace activists riding interstate buses to protest segregation, will be traveling through Anniston on their way to Montgomery, she thinks that maybe change is finally coming and her quiet little town will shed itself of its antiquated views. But what starts as a series of angry grumbles soon turns to brutality as Anniston residents show just how deep their racism runs. The Freedom Riders will resume their ride to Montgomery, and Billie is now faced with a choice: stand idly by in silence or take a stand for what she believes in. Through her own decisions and actions and a few unlikely friendships, Billie is about to come to grips with the deep-seated prejudice of those she once thought she knew, and with her own inherent racism that she didn't even know she had.

Stained Glass: 88 Designs For Workable Projects (The Blackford Oakes Mysteries #2)

by William F. Buckley Jr.

On assignment to restore a 13th-century German chapel, Blackford Oakes learns that its owner is far more than a charming aristocrat. The charismatic Wintergrin is rousing his countrymen to reunite Germany. Now, Oakes must either pull the fatal switch on his friend, or find a way to change the rules. From the bestselling author of Tucker's Last Stand.

The Night the Heads Came

by William Sleator

Leo and Tim are abducted by aliens--and find themselves in the middle of an intergalactic feud Leo is driving his best friend, Tim, to the station to catch the midnight train to New York City, where Tim hopes to sell his science fiction drawings to a publisher. But they never get there. While on the road, Leo and Tim see a strange circle of lights in the sky, and before they know it, creepy, tiny-headed creatures are taking samples of the boys' blood on some sort of spaceship. Suddenly, Leo is back in his car and Tim--along with Leo's memory--is gone. Worse, when Leo finally starts to remember what happened, no one believes him. Before long, the 2 friends find themselves in the middle of a cosmic contest between warring alien races--and the people of Earth are caught in the crossfire. Time is running out, and it's up to Leo and Tim to save the planet from catastrophe.

Others See Us

by William Sleator

After Jared accidentally plunges into a polluted swamp, he gains the ability to read minds . . . and discovers dangerous secrets about his family The first thing Jared does every summer when he and his family arrive at their cottage is hop on his bike and cruise along the back roads. Only this year he's grown too big for the bike. When the brakes suddenly give out at the bottom of the hill where the road makes a sharp turn, Jared plunges into an industrial swamp oozing with toxic waste. After the accident, Jared feels OK--except for a headache. But then he starts hearing strange things: people's private thoughts, which are the total opposite of what they actually say. Next, Jared's journal is stolen. Luckily, he can just read the mind of the person who stole it. He can also use his new power to track down the culprit in a recent series of ATM robberies and neighborhood break-ins. But along with solving mysteries, Jared uncovers shocking family secrets, the identity of someone else who has the same paranormal gift as him, and the truth about the girl he loves.

In a Dark Wood

by Michael Cadnum

A desperate sheriff in Sherwood Forest chases a bandit called Robin Hood The boar charges and Geoffrey, the sheriff of Nottingham, stands tall with an iron spear gripped in his hands, waiting for the moment to strike. Just before the beast is upon him, Geoffrey stabs, catching it right between the eyes. After a bloody struggle, the animal's life drains out. The sheriff has mastered the hunt. For his entire life, Geoffrey has served the king. He has worked for him, tortured others on his behalf, and killed at his orders--and now he will be called to do so again. There is a bandit in Sherwood Forest, a marksman the townspeople call Robin Hood, and the king demands the sheriff bring him to justice. But the outlaw will not be captured easily, and tracking him down will force Geoffrey to commit unimaginable sins--all in the name of the king.

Starfall: Phaeton and the Chariot of the Sun

by Michael Cadnum

A child of the sun seeks his father--and risks destruction for the thrill of speed In the grazing fields outside the village, a griffin swoops from the sky to attack a lamb. To save the innocent creature, a boy called Phaeton hurls rocks at the assailant, taunting it to come after him instead. As the mythical beast charges, Phaeton turns and runs. The griffin is quick, but it cannot catch Phaeton. He is the fastest boy in the world, and he believes there is nothing he cannot outrun. Phaeton is a child of Apollo, god of the sun. When he learns the nature of his birth, this proud young man embarks on an epic journey to challenge his father and claim his birthright. But even though his heritage is divine, Phaeton is only human. When he comes face-to-face with the might of the gods, he will learn that mortals are not meant to soar so high.

Nightsong: The Legend of Orpheus and Eurydice (Nightsong Ser.)

by Michael Cadnum

A poet journeys into the underworld to rescue his bride His name is Orpheus, and he is the greatest poet on Earth. With his lyre, he can make music so beautiful it causes the gods to weep, but they are not who he wants to impress. Orpheus has been in love with Eurydice ever since the first time he heard her voice, and to win her love he sings the most beautiful songs in history. On the day of their wedding, when Orpheus feels happiness just within his grasp, Eurydice is bitten by a snake and dies. The groom is heartbroken, but undaunted. He will rescue his beloved--even if he must battle death itself. Orpheus's path is fraught with untold dangers, but he presses on--and a tragic yet beautiful love story emerges from this radical reworking of an ancient tale.

Blood Gold

by Michael Cadnum

From the jungles of Panama to the gold fields of California, a young man searches for justice In 1849, there are 2 ways to reach California: overland or by sea. Traveling by land is safer--a long, slow journey across the American plains--but the water is faster. Would-be prospectors in a hurry to reach California and strike it rich, sail down the Atlantic, cross the deadly jungles of Panama on foot, and proceed north by boat to find their fortune. Willie Dwinelle, who is 18 years old, chooses this Panama route because he must reach California as soon as possible. But it is not gold that he seeks; it is justice. Willie has vowed revenge upon an unsavory character in his hometown who mistreated one of his friends. So with his impulsive ally Ben at his side, Willie braves every danger the gold rush throws at him. But the most perilous hazard is one he never expected to confront: the lure of greed.

Ship of Fire

by Michael Cadnum

A young Englishman embarks on history&’s most daring naval assault Thomas Spyre wields his rapier like an expert, but his blade has never drawn blood. A surgeon&’s apprentice in Elizabethan London, young Thomas spends his days learning the most modern medical techniques—from amputation to bloodletting—and by night he tries to keep his master from gambling away their earnings at bear fights. When a bad bet leaves their purse emptier than ever before, Thomas fears they are destined for the poorhouse. But a strange stroke of luck is about to whisk them away from England toward one of the greatest adventures of all time. Thomas and his master are called upon by Sir Francis Drake, the legendary swashbuckler, to accompany him on a daring raid of the Spanish port of Cadiz. As a surgeon aboard the ship, Thomas will have to learn the nature of manhood, medicine, battle, and espionage—all while the cannons fire.

Forbidden Forest: The Story of Little John and Robin Hood

by Michael Cadnum

Little John lives a lifetime of adventure--from humble ferryman to legendary outlaw John Little is strong enough to be a knight, but he knows he is destined to life as a thief. He spends his days on the river, poling nobles back and forth on a wooden ferry, the master of which robs the passengers blind. When an arrogant knight draws his sword to protect his purse, John defends his unscrupulous boss. The struggle leaves the knight dead, and John becomes an outlaw who must flee into the forest to hide from the king's justice. John thinks his life is over, but his adventure has just begun. In shadowy Sherwood Forest, John meets a mysterious bandit dressed in green, who goes by the name Robin Hood. At Robin Hood's side, John Little becomes "Little John"--friend of the poor, defender of the weak, and scourge of evil men across Nottinghamshire.

Calling Home

by Michael Cadnum

An Edgar Award Finalist: A troubled teen accidentally kills his best friend and tries to cover up his crime When the muggers come for Peter, he runs as fast as he can, cradling the 6 pack under his arm like it's the most valuable thing in the world. He looks over his shoulder for his friend Mead and sees he isn't running away. He's dancing with the muggers, dodging their attacks until all the thugs can do is laugh. Mead has a spark of life in him that shines through the ugliness of the 2 boys' lives. But Peter envies him, and each night, he numbs the pain with alcohol. It's a hard life, and it's about to get worse. When Mead smashes Peter's prized bottle of cognac, Peter punches his friend in the face. Mead falls, hits his head, and dies. Unable to live with himself, Peter sinks deeper and deeper into an alcoholic haze as he tries to hide what he's done--by impersonating the boy he killed.


by Michael Cadnum

A teenage boy searches for revenge on the streets of Oakland The battle is nearly over. The outsiders--who came to Oakland looking for excitement--are about to get back on the highway and go home. But they hurt 1 of Zach's friends, and he can't let that stand. He hurls a chunk of concrete at their car, starting a fight that turns into a riot. The police flood the streets with teargas, and Zach gets lost in the chaos. In the melee, he finds something someone left behind--something that will poison his life. It's a .38 pistol, and once he picks it up, he can't let it go. Zach hates violence, but since he quit high school, he feels its power creeping into his life every day. When his father is shot during a robbery, Zach's newly found pistol gives him the power to take revenge--if his heart will let him pull the trigger.


by Michael Cadnum

Driven by something she cannot understand, a teenager tells a dangerous lie In the last 16 days, 7 women have been assaulted by the South Bay rapist, and the students of UC Berkeley walk to class in fear. To the campus, he&’s a terror. To Jennifer, he&’s an opportunity. An overindulged high school student who feels unable to escape her older sister&’s shadow, Jennifer is desperate for attention—no matter how she gets it. To steal the spotlight from her sister, she&’s about to do something unspeakable. Jennifer goes running in the canyon after dark. She throws herself through a bramble patch and staggers to the campus police, covered in scratches and blood. She was attacked by the South Bay rapist, she claims. She barely got away. When her lie spirals out of control, however, Jennifer realizes the spotlight is hotter than she can handle.

Breaking the Fall

by Michael Cadnum

An Edgar Award Finalist: A lost teen allows a friend to draw him into a suicidal game Stanley chose the house carefully. It has 3 chimneys and a perfect lawn. Stanley knows it's nicer than any place he will ever live--and tonight, he's breaking in. His friend Jared calls it a game. Sneak in, steal something, and get out. You'll be invisible in the darkness, Jared promises. You'll get high on fear. But when the homeowner awakes during the break-in, Stanley's not invisible, and the fear tastes like ash in his mouth. The man has a gun, and Stanley escapes just before the bullets start to fly. Jared says Stanley did pretty well for a 1st-timer; he'll have to try again. Soon Stanley begins to understand the lure of danger, and as Jared draws him closer and closer to the brink, he learns the games have only just begun.


by Michael Cadnum

A teenage boxer learns how to fight dirty--in and out of the ring As soon as the bell chimes, Steven knows he's in trouble. Del Toro is stronger, faster, and in better shape; he's by far the better boxer. But Steven has been learning to fight dirty. He steps on Del Toro's toes, whips his head into the bigger man's chin, and throws a straight right just wide enough to send his elbow crashing into his nose. It isn't pretty, and it isn't honest, but it works. In the boxing ring, and in life, Steven is never afraid to cheat. Invited to San Diego for a prestigious Golden Gloves West Coast tournament, Steven needs $600 to make the trip. A friend convinces him to get the money the easy way--by robbing a liquor store, and Steven soon learns there are fights where throwing in the towel means death.

Zero at the Bone

by Michael Cadnum

His sister's disappearance threatens to tear a boy's family apart Cray is the first to smell smoke. It's his 1st week on the job, working alongside his father at the family plant, and he's afraid of making a fool of himself. So he waits on the factory floor, the machines screaming and wood chips flying. But he's finally certain: The roof is on fire, and if the blaze isn't put out, the factory could explode. Cray calls the fire department and races through the building telling the workers to flee. He's amazed by how calm they are. The fire is extinguished, and life slowly returns to normal. But the true crisis is just around the corner. When Cray's sister disappears and the police search reveals no trace of her, he discovers fear affects everyone differently--and it's not always smart to stay calm.


by Michael Cadnum

A champion diver fights to conquer her fears and get back on the board Bonnie is doing a reverse 2-and-a-half somersault when her forehead hits the diving board. She sinks into the pool, unconscious, sucking water into her lungs. When her teammates pull her up, they think she's dead. Bonnie's coach pumps her chest, breathing air into her lungs until Bonnie's eyes open, and she can breathe by herself. Her head is bloody, her face a bruised mess. She's felt pain before, but now there's something new: For the first time in her life, Bonnie is afraid. Diving has always helped Bonnie escape the pressures of an unhappy family. But even after she recovers from her concussion, she finds it impossible to get back on the board. When her father is indicted for fraud, she needs the freedom of diving more than ever. But before she can fly, she must learn to leap without fear.

Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad

by Ann Petry

A New York Times Outstanding Book: The inspiring true story of a former slave who risked everything to help others escape bondage As a child born into slavery, Harriet Tubman heard tales about an underground railroad that ran from the South to the North, carrying slaves to freedom. She dreamed that she would also escape the slavery of the Southern plantations and live a life of her choosing. When Harriet finally achieved freedom, she knew that she had to help those she'd left behind. So she became a conductor on the Underground Railroad. . . . <P><P>This intimate portrait follows Harriet on her journey from childhood to becoming a heroine and a national symbol of courage. <P> Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad is an American Library Association Notable Book and a New York Times Outstanding Book.

Tituba of Salem Village

by Ann Petry

A West Indies slave becomes entangled in the infamous witch trials of 17th-century Salem, Massachusetts In 1688, Tituba and her husband, John, are sold to a Boston minister and sent to the strange world of Salem, Massachusetts. Rumors about witches are spreading like wildfire throughout the state, filling the heads of Salem's superstitious, God-fearing residents. When the reverend's suggestible young daughter, Betsey, starts having fits, the townsfolk declare it to be the devil's work. Suspicion falls on Tituba, who can read fortunes and spin flax into thread so fine it seems like magic. When suspicion turns to hatred, Tituba finds herself in grave danger. Will she be judged guilty of witchcraft and hanged? Loosely based on accounts of the period and trial transcripts, Ann Petry's compelling historical novel draws readers into the hysteria of America's deadly witch hunts.

The Berenstain Bears and the Dress Code

by Jan Berenstain Stan Berenstain

New rules collide with Bear Country School's latest spring fashions When Principal Honeycomb goes on vacation and puts Mr. Grizzmeyer in charge, the students at Bear Country School are nervous. The vice principal is strict and very serious about changing the school's dress code. When cubs of every social group start wearing super hip clothes as a way of speaking out against the new rules, the campus becomes a fashion battlefield.

The Scream

by Joan Aiken Ian Andrew

When Davey and his sister are orphaned, their grandmother comes from a remote island to look after them--bringing macabre powers and dark secrets When Davey and his family moved to the city from the island of Muckle Burra off the coast of Scotland, they left his grandmother behind. But now his parents are dead--after a car accident that left Davey confined to a wheelchair--and Gran has moved in to take care of him and his sister, Lu-Lyn. A strange girl with a bizarre personality, Lu-Lyn is obsessed with 2 things: ballet and returning to Muckle Burra, where she was born. She believes that both she and Gran are "Ridders" who have strange, dark powers: With just 1 cast of their Evil Eye, bad things will start to happen. . . . When Lu-Lyn puts a terrible curse on the neighborhood boys who've been terrorizing her, it seems as if Gran's dark arts have followed her from Muckle Burra. Then tragedy rocks their family again, and Davey embarks on a journey that will reveal the true secret of his grandmother's rare gift--and the limitless power of his own potential. This ebook features illustrations by Ian Andrew and a personal history of Joan Aiken including rare images from the author's estate.

A Sterkarm Kiss (Sterkarm #2)

by Susan Price

Andrea gets a second chance on the sixteenth century side of the Time Tube--only to find that nothing changes more than the past. Having returned to the twenty-first century she was born into, Andrea Mitchell tries to forget her travels through time--and more specifically, her sixteenth-century lover, Per Sterkarm. She never felt at home in her own century, but it looks as though she's stuck with it. Then Andrea's former boss and enemy, James Windsor--executive of FUP, the corporation responsible for the creation of the Time Tube--offers her another chance to travel back to the past. She jumps at it, hoping to rekindle her romance with Per. But it's not the homecoming she had hoped for: Per doesn't know who she is. . . . It seems Windsor has found an alternate sixteenth-century Scotland, and there, Per is not quite the man Andrea fell in love with. Now, wrapped around Windsor's finger, the Sterkarms are on the verge of a bloody feud with their long-standing enemies, the Grannams. But Windsor's manipulations can't stand against the wiles and cunning of the Sterkarms. With Andrea's help, they will turn the tables on both the Grannams and the "Elves" from the future. Beware the Sterkarms! A Sterkarm Kiss is another thrilling tale in the award-winning Sterkarm series, perfect for fans of Outlander and Vikings.

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