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by Sandra Markle

A woman is buried in an avalanche. Miners are trapped underground. A sailor's boat capsizes in the ocean. A powerful tsunami sweeps people out to sea. Who will come to their rescue? And how will rescuers reach them? <P><P>Author Sandra Markle captures the nail-biting action and shows how people use their brains, as well as their bravery, to rescue people in trouble all over the world. Rounding out the stories is the technology behind the emergencies and the rescues, including how the global positioning system works for locating victims, what the heart-lung machine does, and how robots and sensors can detect people buried in earthquakes or other disasters.

Life, Loss, and Lemonade (The Mostly Miserable Life of April Sinclair #8)

by Laurie Friedman

As freshman year winds down, April has a lot to look forward to, including getting her driving permit and spending the summer with her quirky almost-boyfriend, Leo. But she also knows her grandmother, Gaga, doesn't have much time left. On top of that, her closest friend, Sophie, is moving away. April struggles to make sense of everything. Does it matter if you stay positive while losing a loved one to cancer? What do you do when you're caught between friends keeping secrets? How do you know whether an important decision is the right one? Most importantly, what would Gaga say to do when life hands you lemons?

At Top Speed (Quartz Creek Ranch)

by Amber J. Keyser Kiersi Burkhart

For Ella, winning has always been the goal, and at Quartz Creek Ranch, she's pretty sure she'll ace horseback riding too. There's just one hitch in her plan: Figure Eight, the beautiful quarter horse she's paired with, won't listen to a word she says. Struggling with Figure Eight could be the motivation Ella needs to control her ego and temper—especially when she's turned on to barrel racing. Figure Eight would be incredible at it, she knows. But quiet, sensitive Jordan is the only one on the ranch with time to teach Ella those high-speed turns. Suddenly Ella faces a new challenge on her road to success: figuring out how to be a good friend.

The Long Trail Home (Quartz Creek Ranch)

by Amber J. Keyser Kiersi Burkhart

Rivka can't wait to get away from her family for the summer. Since that terrible day last year, she wants no part in their Jewish community. At least at Quartz Creek Ranch, she feels worlds away from home among the Colorado scenery, goofy ranch owners, and baby animals. Other parts of Quartz Creek, however, are too familiar, including the unsettling wave of anti-immigrant threats to ranch workers. On a trip to the country, Rivka is also surprised to learn the history of Jewish pioneers in the area. When she and her defiant cabinmate, Cat, face disaster in the wild, Rivka will need to find strength deep within her to help them both get home safely.

One Brave Summer (Quartz Creek Ranch)

by Amber J. Keyser Kiersi Burkhart

Paley Dixon is not excited about six weeks on a horse ranch without access to the virtual world of Dragonfyre. In-game, she's the Blue Elf, strong and powerful. In the real world, she's coming off a bad year after moving from Los Angeles to Denver. At least Prince, the majestic horse she's paired with at Quartz Creek Ranch, makes her feel like royalty. To gain Prince's trust, Paley has to find her own confidence, which isn't easy with jerks like Bryce around. When she makes an exciting discovery near the ranch, life finally seems as interesting as Dragonfyre. But to protect her real-world treasure, she'll have to figure out how to turn courage into action.

Blood Moon (Midnight)

by Chris Kreie

Mateo has waited all year for this weekend: a road trip with his best friends to view the fabled blood moon eclipse. Even better, they're riding in the jeep he rebuilt himself. But when a driverless truck appears out of nowhere, their fun turns to terror. Driven off the road, Mateo and his friends realize there's something sinister happening under the eclipse. Can Mateo and his friends escape the spirits of the blood moon, or will they be cursed forever?

Dark Star (Midnight)

by R. T. Martin

What happens when the seemingly perfect new girl isn't so perfect after all? A group of high school students take an extra-credit field trip to the bluffs to watch a midnight meteor shower. However, it quickly becomes dangerous when the new girl sets her sinister plan into motion. Perfect grades can't hide her true intentions. As the countdown to midnight begins, students start disappearing. Suddenly, passing science class is the last thing on everyone's mind. How will they all make it out alive? And who is this mysterious new student?

Graffiti (Midnight)

by J. Fallenstein

Legend has it that couples who paint their names on the bridge at midnight will stay together forever, but those who break their promises will be cursed. Lucia doesn't believe in curses, but she has to wonder when couples around town have freak accidents after splitting up. Now her friend is going through a breakup and someone—or something—is threatening her. Can Lucia get to the bottom of it before someone gets hurt . . .or worse?

S.O.S. (Midnight)

by J. Fallenstein

After a kayaking accident nearly kills Tyrell, he is glad to be home and recovering. However, one night at midnight, he sees a strange light flashing in the window of the abandoned factory down the road. The light is there again the next night, and it's signaling S.O.S. Tyrell tries to help the mysterious signaler, but when a scissors-wielding ghost girl appears, things start to get really creepy. What does the ghost want, and can Tyrell satisfy it without risking death?

Truth or Dare (Midnight)

by K. R. Coleman

The town of Middleton is on edge after three kids go missing from their campground. Did they simply run away? Or did something more menacing happen? Nevertheless, Trey and his friends plan a camping trip to celebrate graduating from Middleton High. But when someone else goes missing, Trey begins to suspect that an otherworldly force is stalking the local lake. Can he and his friends escape before they, too, vanish without a trace?

The Witching Hour (Midnight)

by J. Fallenstein

What do you do when you're new to a town where unexplainable things keep happening? Rosie moves to Middleton right after Mackie, a star on the high school football team, has died—and Mackie's death may have been his best friend Omar's fault. Rosie tries to help Omar get over his grief as the whole town blames him for the accident, but Mackie's ghost doesn't seem to be satisfied. What can they do to stop the haunting?

Aftershock (Day of Disaster)

by Vanessa Acton

Ray, Sasha, Liam, and Harper have been friends since they were young. They've gotten through the worst together, but it seems like a recent argument might be just enough to break the ties of their friendship for good. That is, until the earthquake hits. Together they must navigate through the rubble to get to safety. But suddenly Harper is missing. With aftershocks happening every few minutes, it's going to take all three of them to save their lost friend. Personal drama doesn't seem so serious when every moment is a struggle to stay alive.

Backfire (Day of Disaster)

by Vanessa Acton

After losing his job and getting grounded, Elijah is sure this will be the worst summer ever. Little does he know, it's about to get worse. News breaks that a wildfire is burning out of control—and it's headed straight for his town. As the fire nears, Elijah must act quickly. Should he evacuate? Can he and his friends escape the flames? And what will they lose along the way?

Black Blizzard (Day of Disaster)

by Kristin Johnson

Just when Tyler thought his day couldn't get any worse, his speech team's bus gets stuck in the middle of the desert. After an embarrassing screw-up that caused the team to lose, all Tyler wants is get home. But the wind is picking up and the dark, ominous clouds approaching look threatening. His teammates are starting to panic. If they aren't running away or getting hurt, they're bickering with one another. Can Tyler help his team keep it together as they figure out how to survive the incoming dust storm?

Deep Freeze (Day of Disaster)

by Kristin Johnson

When the heat goes out in Zach's family cabin during a massive blizzard, isolation sets in. Suddenly, what had been quiet woods seem deadly. Zach and his dog are forced out of their cabin into the freezing blizzard, and must do everything possible just to survive. The duo must fight their way through the storm to find help—and Zach's dad— before they freeze to death. Will they make it through the storm, or be buried in snow before they can find their way to safety?

Vortex (Day of Disaster)

by Vanessa Acton

Blair and her brothers are driving home from a disastrous road trip when their day suddenly gets a whole lot worse. After facing down a tornado, their car is barely functioning, and the same can be said for Blair's older brother. Blair must take charge and get her family out of danger, but the storm isn't letting up. Will Blair be able to get her injured and scared brothers to safety . . . before the next twister hits?

Wall of Water (Day of Disaster)

by Kristin Johnson

When Alexandra's dad gets a new job in Hawaii, her parents promise that life there will be paradise. But what they couldn't predict is a natural disaster of epic proportions. A tsunami slams into their new island home, quickly turning paradise into a living nightmare. Can Alexandra survive the flood? And even if she does, will everything she loves be swept away?

De-Extinction: The Science of Bringing Lost Species Back to Life

by Rebecca E. Hirsch

In the twenty-first century, because of climate change and other human activities, many animal species have become extinct, and many others are at risk of extinction. Once they are gone, we cannot bring them back—or can we? With techniques such as cloning, scientists want to reverse extinction and return lost species to the wild. Some scientists want to create clones of recently extinct animals, while others want to make new hybrid animals. Many people are opposed to de-extinction. Some critics say that the work diverts attention from efforts to save species that are endangered. Others say that de-extinction amounts to scientists "playing God." Explore the pros and cons of de-extinction and the cutting-edge science that makes it possible.

Dogs at War: Military Canine Heroes

by Connie Goldsmith

While in a war zone, a military working dog (MWD) and its handler live together, eat together, play together, sleep together, and risk their lives for each other every day. The dogs work with handlers in every branch of the US military. They guard military bases, sniff out concealed explosives and other weapons, and alert their handlers to hidden enemies. Learn how the military selects these special dogs and trains them for the many tasks they perform while on duty. Meet Rex, Clipper, Maci, Iva, Ikar, and other MWDs who have served the US military in conflicts around the world.

Find Your Style: Boost Your Body Image through Fashion Confidence

by Sally McGraw

Style can be a flag we wave, a declaration of who we are. Discover awesome tips about understanding your body type so you can build flattering outfits, using colors, shapes, patterns, and accessories to your advantage. Learn how to build self-esteem by busting media myths about beauty standards and create your own fashion rules that make you feel confident. Meet girls and young women who are redefining what it means to be stylish, fashionable, and confident—in their own unique ways. When you look and feel great, you are telling the world that you are an amazing individual!

Ninja Plants: Survival and Adaptation in the Plant World

by Wiley Blevins

What can communicate but has no mouth, and can attack but has no hands? A plant! You might love the beauty and fragrance of flowers, but plants are far more complex than meets the eye. Some plants have ways of luring insects for pollination. Others mimic the look of the female insects whose male counterparts they want to attract. The Venus flytrap eats insects and other small animals for extra nourishment. You might see some of these ninja plants—with their sneaky and deceitful ways—in your own backyard. These plants might even be sitting on a windowsill in your home. This fascinating world of ninja plants is waiting to be discovered.

Racial Profiling: Everyday Inequality

by Alison Marie Behnke

In the United States, racial profiling affects thousands of Americans every day. Both individuals and institutions—such as law enforcement agencies, government bodies, and schools—routinely use race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone of an offense. The high-profile deaths of unarmed people of color at the hands of police officers have brought renewed national attention to racial profiling and have inspired grassroots activism from groups such as Black Lives Matter. Combining rigorous research with powerful personal stories, this insightful title explores the history, the many manifestations, and the consequences of this form of social injustice.

The Six-Day Hero

by Tammar Stein

Motti knows that war is coming. Israel is only nineteen years old—the same age as Motti's brave older brother, Gideon—and the tiny country is surrounded by enemies. It's only a matter of time before Egypt, Jordan and Syria attack. Motti wishes he could join the Israeli army like Gideon and be a hero. But when his best friend's family flees the country and his brother goes off to fight, Motti realizes this war isn't a game. His family is in danger, and Israel's very survival is at stake. But hope comes to Motti in unexpected forms. In the kind Ethiopian priest who lives nearby. In his grouchy neighbor, old Mrs. Friedburg. In the young Germans who come to offer help. In his father's childhood friend, a Jordanian man who harbors none of the hate Motti expects. Even in a scrappy stray cat that roams the bombed city without fear. Motti knows his older brother is a hero—but through the six days of the war that will decide Israel's fate, he discovers other heroes in surprising places. He may even be a hero himself.

Iceberg, Right Ahead!: The Tragedy of the Titanic (Single Titles Ser.)

by Stephanie Sammartino McPherson

"Iceberg, Right Ahead!" Only 160 minutes passed between the time a sailor on lookout duty uttered these chilling words and the moment when the mighty ocean liner Titanic totally disappeared into the cold, dark waters of the North Atlantic. This century-old tragedy, which took more than 1,500 lives, still captivates people in the twenty-first century. Seventy-three years separate the two major Titanic events—the 1912 sinking of the vessel and the dramatic 1985 discovery of the wreck by Robert Ballard. But additional stories about the victims, survivors, rescuers, reporters, investigators, and many others show the far-reaching effects this tragedy had on society. Award-winning author Stephanie Sammartino McPherson has collected numerous personal accounts of the event, including the knighted man who spent the rest of his life in seclusion because he was accused of dishonorable behavior in a lifeboat, the stewardess who survived two shipwrecks and a mid-ocean collision, and the New York Times executive who sent multiple reporters to meet the rescue ship, thus earning a national reputation for his newspaper. She also links the Titanic tragedy to changes in regulations worldwide. After a Senate Inquiry and a British trial attempted to assign blame for the disaster, new laws on ship safety were put in place. A group of nations also banded together to form an ice patrol, eventually leading to the formation of the U.S. Coast Guard. Even the most avid Titanic fans will learn something new as McPherson brings the reader up to date on the politics and intrigue still surrounding the wreck—including what modern science can reveal about what really happened to the ship and who was at fault. Prepare to follow the never-ending story of the Titanic into its second century.

Meltdown!: The Nuclear Disaster in Japan and Our Energy Future (Single Titles Ser.)

by Fred Bortz

Japan. March 11, 2011. 2:46 P.M. The biggest earthquake in Japan's history—and one of the world's five most powerful since 1900—devastated the Tohoku region, 320 kilometers (200 miles) northeast of Tokyo. It triggered a huge tsunami that left crippling damage in its wake. More than 13,000 people drowned, and thousands of buildings and homes were reduced to rubble. As people assessed the damage, they made the most frightening discovery of all: the Fukushima #1 nuclear power plant was seriously damaged and three of its six reactors were heading for meltdowns. Workers tried desperately—but unsuccessfully—to save them. Explosions and fires released radioactivity into the air. Within days the Japanese government declared a 20-kilometer (12-mile) evacuation zone. The future of the plant, the long-term health of those exposed to radiation, and the effects on the environment remained uncertain. Learn more about this massive catastrophe as Dr. Fred Bortz examines both the human tragedy and the scientific implications of the nuclear meltdown. Compare this disaster to similar nuclear events in the United States and in Ukraine, and move ahead with Dr. Bortz as he explores the global debate about the future of nuclear power and alternative sources of energy.

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