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Showing 23,201 through 23,225 of 29,437 results

Safe Zone (Level Up)

by R. T. Martin

No_Idea has actually no idea how he wound up in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. It's not until he meets another player, named N3V3RDIE, that he learns he's been selected to test a virtual reality video game. And if they don't win the game, they'll be stuck inside the virtual world forever. Will No_Idea figure out the gameplay and make it to the game's safe zone in time, or will he end up trapped in a world filled with virtual zombies?

The Zephyr Conspiracy (Level Up)

by Israel Keats

In a virtual reality treasure hunt game, a gamer named Gadget is a steampunk pirate looking for her captain's lost treasure—a mysterious mechanical device. If she can find the scattered pieces that make up the device, she'll be released from the game. But the further she gets into it, the more Gadget worries she's in over her head. In a game where it's hard to know who's a real person and who's a non-player character, can Gadget trust anyone?

3D Printing: The Revolution in Personalized Manufacturing

by Melissa Koch

3D printing was once only known through science fiction, such as Star Trek, the popular 1960s TV series. But inventors and engineers on Earth began experimenting in real life with 3D printing to find faster ways to develop and build prototypes, using computers, ultraviolet lasers, and printable materials. Now, there are many innovative uses for 3D printing. Yet 3D printing has drawbacks. Chemicals used in 3D printing can be toxic, and legal experts are not sure how to protect 3D printing inventions so that others do not steal ideas. Learn how 3D printing works and how we can keep up with the safety, health, and legal challenges that lie ahead.

Artificial Intelligence: Building Smarter Machines

by Stephanie Sammartino McPherson

In 2011 a computer named Watson outscored two human competitors on the TV quiz show Jeopardy! and snagged the million-dollar prize. Watson isn't the only machine keeping up with humans. The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is booming, with drones, robots, and computers handling tasks that once only humans could perform. Such advances raise challenging questions. Do Watson and other computers really think? Can machines acquire self-awareness? Is AI a promising or a dangerous technology? No machine, not even Watson, yet comes close to matching human intelligence, but many scientists believe it is only a matter of time before we reach this milestone. What will such a future look like?

Black Holes: The Weird Science of the Most Mysterious Objects in the Universe

by Sara Latta

In 2015 two powerful telescopes detected something physicists had been seeking for more than one hundred years—gravitational waves from the collision of two black holes. This announcement thrilled the scientific community. Since the eighteenth century, astronomers have predicted the existence of massive, invisible stars whose gravity would not let anything—even light—escape. In the twenty-first century, sophisticated technologies are bringing us closer to seeing black holes in action. Meet the scientists who first thought of black holes hundreds of years ago, and learn about contemporary astrophysicists whose work is radically shaping how we understand black holes, our universe, and how it originated.

Geoengineering Earth's Climate: Resetting the Thermostat

by Jennifer Swanson

Most scientists agree that Earth is warming rapidly. Glaciers are melting and rising seawaters are submerging islands and coastal cities. In the coming decades, millions will likely have to escape extreme weather caused by climate change. Some scientists say we need to act faster and with radical new technologies—now—to save our planet. They propose geoengineering, or "engineering Earth," to reset our global thermostat. Ideas include thickening clouds with chemicals to reduce the amount of sunlight and pulling carbon dioxide from the air with machines. However, critics say that geoengineering could backfire and create even worse weather. Is geoengineering too risky? Or is it our best hope of survival?

Whale Quest: Working Together to Save Endangered Species

by Karen Romano Young

Decades of commercial whaling nearly decimated a variety of whales considered a keystone species. Keystone species are indicators of the overall health of Earth's habitats. While whales have made a comeback through an international ban on commercial whaling, they are still threatened with extinction. Global warming, water and noise pollution, and commercial shipping and fishing are among the most serious threats to whale survival. Meet the scientists, citizen scientists, researchers, whale watching guides, and other concerned citizens who are working together to protect whale populations around the globe. Learn about whale biology, habitats, and behavior, and discover more about the high-technology tools that help researchers in their work.

Trashing the Planet: Examining Our Global Garbage Glut

by Stuart A. Kallen

On a global scale, humans create around 2.6 trillion pounds of waste every year. None of this trash is harmless—landfills and dumps leak toxic chemicals into soil and groundwater, while incinerators release toxic gases and particles into the air. What can we do to keep garbage from swallowing up Earth? Reducing, reusing, recycling, and upcycling are some of the answers. Learn more about the work of the US Environmental Protection Agency, the Ocean Cleanup Array, the zero waste movement, and the many other government, business, research, and youth efforts working to solve our planet's garbage crisis.

False Start (Gridiron)

by Paul Hoblin

Things were looking good for Jeff. He was ready to rule the school his senior year as the starting running back on the football team. That is, until Scooter came to town. From the moment the tiny kid stepped onto the field, Jeff's life has been turned upside down. First Jeff loses his starting spot, and then even the chance at a football scholarship. Tensions rise as Jeff tries to take back what is rightfully his—his friends, his school, his team—from the quiet kid who became a walk-on star. But is Scooter really out to ruin Jeff's life, or could it all be a huge misunderstanding?

The Clutch (Gridiron)

by Paul Hoblin

In his first game as quarterback for his high school football team, Jordan Bailey Jr. let loose one of the most spectacular passes the school had ever seen. Even though everyone is congratulating him, Jordan isn't sure if he ever wants to play again. But now his friend Lance has brought in the local media, and Jordan is worried that his big secret will be revealed. If he is put to the test again, will Jordan be able to live up to the hype? Or has he belonged on the bench this whole time?

The Late Hit (Gridiron)

by K. R. Coleman

With talk of their high school shutting down for good, Busby and his best friend Anton know that it might be up to their football team to save the school. With such high stakes, is it worth it to ignore injuries and push through? Will a concussion keep Anton—the star quarterback—from playing? Not if he has anything to say about it! Busby is forced to make a difficult decision. . . .

The Extra Point (Gridiron)

by Chris Kreie

After she gets cut from the soccer team her senior year, Riley doesn't know what to do. She had the best kick on the team but wasn't fast enough. When the high school football team is in desperate need of a new kicker, Riley decides to go for it. But swapping a soccer ball for a football isn't so easy. Riley has to learn how to kick a football and deal with a teammate who isn't happy about her being on the team. When it comes down to the wire, will her natural talent be enough? Or will Riley crack under the pressure?

Showdown (Gridiron)

by K. R. Coleman

With the state tournament finals just around the corner, the crosstown rivalry between the Edison High Eddies and the Winfield Wildcats heats up. Toby and Walter, second-string Edison sophomores, are just along for the ride. But when a series of pranks led by the star seniors goes too far, will these second-string players be able to fill the shoes of the starters? Or did their teammates' bad behavior cost the Eddies the state title?

Signing Day (Gridiron)

by K. R. Coleman

As their senior year comes to a close, Iggy and Calvin realize that they might not play football together after they graduate. So when a scout from the University of Coastal California expresses interest in signing both of them, the pair is ecstatic. But while Calvin is becoming more confident in the decision to play for UCC, Iggy isn't so sure. He is torn between his dream to play for a different team and the friend who is more like a brother. If he gets another offer, what will Iggy do? Stay with Calvin? Or set out on his own path and risk losing the friendship forever?

Alien Invasion (Level Up)

by Israel Keats

Solo_Lobo is a gamer who prefers to play by himself. But then he winds up in a virtual game set aboard an alien space station with a know-it-all robot named Spec. Spec is supposed to help him find the rest of his crewmates who've also been captured by the aliens. Seems like a piece of cake until Solo_Lobo learns the catch: he can't be seen by the aliens or he'll risk getting caught in their disanimator eye beams, which will send him right back to Level 1. Can he rescue his crew in time to win the game? And is there more to Spec than what she seems?

Labyrinth (Level Up)

by Israel Keats

SuprSolvr has the opportunity to test a game set in a mechanical labyrinth by playing inside of it, which she's thrilled about. The guy she's partnered with? Not so much. But as they soon face robotic bugs, word puzzles, and obstacles, they realize that they must work together to reach the center of the labyrinth or risk being trapped in virtual reality forever.

Pod Racer (Level Up)

by R. T. Martin

A11_4_ON3 is a gamer who likes to look out for himself—especially when it comes to winning. When he learns he's part of a four-player team with his former gaming crew, no one is happy to work together again. But their team must win this virtual reality racing game, or they'll be trapped inside the virtual world forever. Can he change his attitude for the sake of his team? Or will his self-centered playing be their downfall?

Realm of Mystics (Level Up)

by Raelyn Drake

When a girl wakes up in a virtual reality fantasy video game, she's sure this must be a mistake. She's not a gamer and she doesn't want to be here. Whether she likes it or not, she's now Em3ra1d_with_3nvy, one player in a four-player team whose mission is to defeat a dragon and rescue the realm's princess. In a game where she has no idea how to play, Em3ra1d_with_3nvy will have to learn to use magic in order to help her team win the game—or risk being trapped within it forever.

Paper Butterflies (No Series)

by Lisa Heathfield

June's life at home with her stepmother and stepsister is a dark one—and a secret one. Not even her dad knows the truth, and she can't find the words to tell anyone else. She's trapped like a butterfly in a net. Then June meets Blister, a boy from a large, loving, chaotic family. In him, she finds a glimmer of hope that perhaps she can find a way to fly far, far away. Because she deserves her freedom. Doesn't she?

All-Star Season (Kar-ben For Older Readers Ser.)

by T. S. Yavin

Reuven is quiet and thoughtful. His younger brother Avi is outgoing and impulsive. As irritating as they can be to each other, the boys have two strong bonds-the solidity of their Jewish family life and their passionate love for baseball. As the book opens, Reuven, a pitcher, is desperately working for a spot on the end-of-season All-Star team, while happy-go-lucky Avi probably hasn't even thought that far ahead. Reuven is willing to ignore the advice of his parents and even involve his younger brother in his campaign to succeed. The tensions leading to the big game-and its surprise outcome-will satisfy all young baseball fans.

The Boy from Seville (Exceptional Reading And Language Arts Titles For Intermediate Grades Ser.)

by Dorit Orgad

Manuel Nuñez’s life changes forever on the day his parents trust him enough to reveal a secret; they are Jews. Brought up as a Christian during the Spanish Inquisition of the 17th century, Manuel is surprised, but proud when he learns of his family’s true heritage. Manuel’s family must observe their Jewish traditions in secret, for if they are discovered they will be punished – or worse. Manuel’s safety is further threatened when he falls in love with Violante, the sister of a suspected witch. Being with Violante gives Manuel joy, but also brings him and his family even closer to the Inquisitors.

A Field Guide to Goblins, Gremlins, and Other Wicked Creatures (Fantasy Field Guides)

by A. J. Sautter

Galapagos Penguins (Endangered And Threatened Animals)

by Molly Kolpin

Many people think penguins live only in cold, icy places. But the Galapagos penguins live in the blazing heat of the tropics. While this may seem like paradise, the Galapagos penguins are always on the lookout for ways to stay cool and comfortable. Learn more about these adorable animals, including how they got to the tropics, what they eat, other challenges they face in their lives, and what you can do to help.

Leatherback Sea Turtles (Endangered And Threatened Animals)

by Jody Sullivan Rake

Leatherback sea turtles face one of their lives’ biggest challenges as soon as they’re hatched. Crawling out of their eggs on the sandy shore, they hurry to the sea in a race to escape those who see them as a tasty meal. If they survive and thrive, they can grow longer than an adult male is tall and weigh as much as a small car! Learn more about these amazing animals, including where they live, what they eat, the many challenges they face in their lives, and what you can do to help.

The Inuit: Ivory Carvers Of The Far North (America's First Peoples )

by Rachel A. Koestler-Grack

Discusses the Inuit Indians, focusing on their tradition of carving ivory. Includes a recipe for a blueberry-topped snowcream, and instructions for carving soap animals and for playing an Inuit game.

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