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Orgullo y prejuicio

by Jane Austen

Series numbering from list at back of book.

Orgullo y prejuicio: Tomo Ii (Los mejores clásicos #Volumen)

by Jane Austen

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. Publicada originalmente en 1813, Orgullo y prejuicio es una de las obras maestras de la literatura inglesa de todos los tiempos A lo largo de una trama que discurre con la precisión de un mecanismo de relojería, Jane Austen perfila una galería de personajes que conforman un perfecto y sutil retrato de la época: las peripecias de una dama empeñada en casar a sus hijas con el mejor partido de la región, los vaivenes sentimentales de las hermanas, el oportunismo de un clérigo adulador... El trazado de los caracteres y el análisis de las relaciones humanas sometidas a un rígido código de costumbres, elementos esenciales de la narrativa de la autora, alcanzan en Orgullo y prejuicio cotas de maestría insuperable. La presente edición incluye una detallada cronología de la autora. Asimismo recupera la introducción original de Penguin Clásicos a cargo de Tony Tanner, que desarrolló su carrera como catedrático de literatura inglesa y norteamericana en la Universidad de Cambridge. Sus acertadas reflexiones sobre la obra de Jane Austen son la mejor guía para adentrarse en el universo literario de esta autora. «Pero mi locura no ha sido el amor sino la vanidad.»

Ulises: Homeroren Odisearen bertsioa

by Juan Kruz Igerabide Álvaro García Lema

Troiako hiri handia errautsetan geratu zen, akaiarren Zaldi erraldoiaren hankapean errendituta. Troiako harresien gainetik suntsiduraren azken suak artean itzali gabe zirela, Ulises, beste hamabi ontzirekin batera, Itakako bidean jarri zen. Baina ekaitz izugarri batek etxerako bidetik urrundu zuen Ulises, eta itsasoko ur eta lur gupidagabe bezain arrotzetan ostatu hartzera kondenatu. <P><P>Paisaia horretan, gizakion edo mundutarron mugaz harantzago ordurako, gertatzen dira Ulisesen abentura paregabeak: Kalipso eta Zirtze erdi-jainkotiar eta emakume liluragarriena, Polifemo begibakarraren eta lestrigoniarren pareko munstro haragijale beldurgarriak, itsas-lamien kanta xoragarria edo hildako itzalen erresumako (Hades) joan-etorria. Grekoen kasuan bezala, gure irudimen munduan ere, leku berezia dute Peneloperen irrikitan afanatu ziren ezkongaiek, hogei urte igaro arren bere nagusia usnatu ondoren Heriok betiko eraman zuen Argos txakurra, Telemako ausart, baina artean gaztearen, nahi eta ezinak, Ulisesen mendeku errukigabea... <P><P>Abenturaren erresuman gaude bete-betean. Narrazio petoaren gailurra da liburu hau. Ulisesen aspaldiko ibilera haiek mendez mende hutsik egin gabe hunkitu dituzte entzule eta irakurleak. Mendebaldeak eman duen abenturazko eleberririk zoragarriena da.


by Antton Olariaga David Lindemman Hermann Hesse Irati Trebiño Goikoetxea

Siddharthak bilatzen zuena edo azken helmuga aurkitu duena esan nahi du sanskritoz. Azken helmugara iristeko bidean, lagungarri izan daitezke irakaspenak, Buda edo Mesiasak, baina baita natura bera ere: Ibaia, naturaren pertsonifikazio gisa, irakasle gorena izango da Siddhartharentzat, Vasudeva txalupariak iragarri bezala. Hinduismo, budismo, taoismo eta kristautasuneko osagaiak aurki daitezke Siddharthan. Buda historikoaren ibilbidearekin antz handia du Siddharthak: kasta eta etxea utzi eta aszetismoaren bitartez nitasuna gainditu nahi du lehenengo atalean. Taoismoarekin bat egiten du irakasle eta irakaspenekiko mesfidantza erakustean, jakinduria ezin dela hitzez eman ulertzen duenean. Modernitatearekin lotua den eta horrekin batera porrot egin zuen patriarkatu falozentristari ere ordezkoa aurkitzen dio Hessek Indiar tradizioan, Siddhartha emakumezkoen ezaugarritzat har zitezkeen bertuteak bereganatzen ahalegintzen den heinean: entzuten jakitea, hurkoaren sentimenduekin bat egiten jakitea, berdintasunean oinarritutako sexu-harremanak hobestea.

Orgullo y prejuicio

by Jane Austen

Es ésta la novela más popular de Jane Austen (1775-1817), considerada por la mayor parte de los críticos como una obra maestra. En ella, todos los elementos del equilibrado y sobrio arte de la escritora alcanzan su mejor expresión. La obra debe gran parte de su popularidad al brío y a la agudeza con que son creados algunos personajes cómicos, como el amenísimo pastor Collins, uno de los figurones más célebres de la literatura inglesa. Con unos pocos y sencillos rasgos, Jane Austen traza unas figuras tan eficaces, que alcanzan un relieve que las hace inolvidables. ¿Por qué Jane Austen vuelve una y otra vez a través del tiempo, como si nunca hubiera dejado de escribir? Quienes han estudiado su obra aseguran que sus novelas están repletas de observaciones incisivas y detalles meticulosos, y que en todas está presente un tema característico: el alcance de la madurez a través de la pérdida de ilusiones. Sus personajes son provincianos de clase media, cuya máxima preocupación es conseguir un buen pasar económico y, su mayor ambición, el matrimonio. Y la perennidad de Austen quizá sugiera la confirmación de que las cosas no han cambiado tanto como parece desde el siglo XVIII. La presión de las convenciones, el rígido sistema de castas, el protagonismo del dinero como motor social no harán sino alimentar dramáticamente un romance conflictivo, que está destinado a consumarse, pero no sin antes haber atravesado esa ajustada red de tabúes culturales que rodean a la pareja cenral.

Eric: Wm Format (Mundodisco #Volumen 9)

by Terry Pratchett

Eric es el aspirante a demonólogo del Mundodisco. Lástima que no se le dé muy bien. Todo lo que pide es que se le concedan... Todo lo que pide es que se le concedan tres deseos: el dominio sobre todos los reinos del mundo, la mujer más bella que haya existido jamás y vivir por toda la eternidad. Vamos, lo de siempre. Solo tendría que chasquear los dedos... Si hubiera invocado al ser adecuado. Los seguidores de Terry Pratchett llevaban años esperando este libro. Llega Eric, una divertida parodia de clásicos como Fausto, la Ilíada y La divina comedia. Una irónica visión de lo que puede ocurrir cuando se intenta gestionar el Infierno (una empresa como otra cualquiera, ¿o no?) de una manera eficiente.


by Jorge Luis Borges

«Pensé en un laberinto, en un sinuoso laberinto creciente que abarcara el pasado y el porvenir y que implicara de algún modo los astros.»Ficciones es quizá el libro más reconocido de Jorge Luis Borges.Entre los cuentos que se reúnen aquí hay algunos de corte policial, como «La muerte y la brújula», otros sobre libros imaginarios, como «Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius», y muchos pertenecientes al género fantástico, como «Las ruinas circulares» o «El Sur», acaso su mejor relato, en palabras del mismo autor. Está compuesto por los libros El jardín de senderos que se bifurcan (1941) y Artificios (1944), considerados piezas fundamentales del universo borgeano.

El Mago de Oz

by L. Frank Baum

Arrancada de su hogar en Kansas por un tornado, la pequeña Dorothy aterriza en un lugar desconocido junto a su perro Toto. La única persona capaz de devolverla a casa es el Mago de Oz, que vive en la Ciudad Esmeralda. Así empieza la travesía de Dorothy por un país maravilloso, una aventura plagada de obstáculos y peligros en la que contará con inestimables aliados: un espantapájaros sin cerebro, un león sin coraje y un hombre de hojalata sin corazón. Ciento once años después de su publicación original, y al medio siglo de su primera edición de bolsillo, restauramos el esplendor de El Mago de Oz con un prólogo iluminador y las ilustraciones que la han acompañado desde sus inicios.«L. Frank Baum ha llenado nuestro siglo, de principio a fin, de ingenuos gozos e insospechados deleites.»Ray Bradbury

El perro de los Baskerville (Sherlock #Volumen 5)

by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

La serie televisiva Sherlock presenta al legendario Sherlock Holmes a una nueva generación de seguidores. Este volumen permite saborear el atractivo original de uno de los casos más notables y misteriosos del famoso detective. Holmes y Watson se trasladan a los páramos de Dartmoor para ayudar a la familia Baskerville, víctima de una antigua y terrible maldición. Un miembro de la familia ha muerto y un perro diabólico parece acechar en los alrededores, amenazando la vida del nuevo heredero. ¿Conseguirán los detectives desentrañar el misterio antes de que la bestia ataque de nuevo? ** Esta edición incluye una introducción de Benedict Cumberbatch, uno de los protagonistas de la serie televisiva.

Bookmine: Beautiful Stories From Shakespeare

by Shakespeare

No-one can imagine English literature without Sir William Shakespeare, whose dramatic plays, sonnets and narrative poems have become timeless classics. Not only did he amass a cherished body of work, but four hundred years ago, he even invented many words in use in English now. A hundred years ago, children?s author, E.Nesbit felt that young readers, too, should enjoy Shakespeare?s writings. From Macbeth and The Merchant of Venice to Twelfth Night and King Lear, Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare brings together twenty tales from Shakespeare, retold in clear, simple prose. Nesbit makes the complex language of his greatest plays easy to enjoy, making her retellings the perfect introduction to Shakespeare?s masterly works. Plus! 32 Extra special pages from BookMine Gems. Know more about the authors, their works and times as well as things to think about and do!


by Various

Why do people fight? What?s the use of education? Is India rich or poor? Why are stories important? Can anyone be a leader? Is science only about exams? Will planting trees save the earth? Growing up throws up a lot of questions ? about people, events and the world around us. Sometimes the answers are in simple black and white, wrong and right, but mostly they are not. In this book, ten truth-explorers and idea-shapers share with you their thought-provoking views on important topics close to your heart and mind. Drawing on their experiences, they help you see many different sides of a question and arrive at the most important truth ? your own conclusion, your own interpretation, your own answer. Subroto Bagchi on Leadership Shaheen Mistri on Education Vivek Menon on Nature Meeta Kumar on the Economy Manjula Padmanabhan on Gender Bias Omair Ahmad on Conflict Bibek Debroy on God and Religion Roopa Pai on Stories Hartosh Singh Bal on Science and Maths Kapil Dev on Sports

The Quest for the Shyn Emeralds

by Roopa Pai

Exactly where Earth and Sky meet lies a whole different universe called Mithya! In Mithya is a great ocean, Dariya, and from it rises Kay Laas, the mighty, moody volcano. At it stop, is the home of the absolute Ruler of Mithya, the brave and kind Shoon Ya. He rules over the eight worlds that bob peace fully in Dariya, lit by the Tarasun and its 32 stars that light each world in different colours ?emerald green, amethyst purple, ruby red? But danger lurks beneath the surface. In the fiery lands under the ocean bed, is imprisoned Shoon Ya?s evil twin, the fearsome demon Shaap Azur, just as powerful but All Bad. How much longer can Shoon Ya keep him under control? Not too long. When Shaap Azur escapes, he seizes all the stars, leaving Mithya?s eight worlds in darkness. The people of Mithya are horrified and separate, until three young, brave children of Mithya, gifted with special abilities come to their rescue. Will Mithiya shine again? Read and find out!

The Riddle of the Lustr Sapphires

by Roopa Pai

Zip away with the Taranauts on another thrilling mission - in a different world! Mithya's eight worlds - Shyn Lustr Sparkl Glo Dazl Shimr Syntilla and Glytr - were plunged into darkness when the wicked Shaap Azur captured all the 32 stars of Tara. All seemed lost until Taranauts Zarpa Tufan and Zvala - three bright brave and gifted mithyakins - set out on the difficult and dangerous quest to bring back light and cheer to Mithya. Having set free the four Emeralds of Shyn the Taranauts are now racing against the dingdial to track down the Sapphires of Lustr. But the wily Shaap Azur has made the challenge tougher than ever - this time all the riddles are hidden in Lustr's baffling brain-scrambling Mayazaal! To make things worse the Demazurs are hot on their trail. Can the Taranauts call upon all their reserves of strength skills and talent as they battle vicious flowers weeping trees vengeful minimits and their own doubts about their mysterious companion Zubreymunyun. Will

The Fang of Summoning

by Giti Chandra

In a racy, spellbinding fantasy, GitiChandra weaves a tale of wonder, breaking new ground in Indian writing for children.


by Moti Nandi

A poor but feisty tomboy, `Koni? Kanakchampa Paul. A fiery coach, with an eye for talent and a passion for making it shine. A championship that sets up privileged competitors against one who is constantly sidelined. The stage is set for an explosive contest. And a sport stops being just a game. In a city where sports clubs are guided by favouritsm, a coach with a dream, Kshitish Sinha, plucks Koni from a slum and trains her to swim. The spunky teenager battles her way past hardship, rivalry and humiliation to negotiate a decisive lap against all odds. If she fails, she loses everything that matters. And if she succeeds, she blazes a trail out of her sorry circumstances. For the first time in translation, this story of faith, grit and sportsmanship is a modern classic by Moti Nandy, the master teller of sports stories.

The Secret of the Sparkl Amethysts

by Roopa Pai

8 Tarasuns rescued 24 to go! Can the Taranauts pull off another win at Sparkl? Mithya's eight worlds - Shyn Lustr Sparkl Glo Dazl Shimr Syntilla and Glytr - were plunged into darkness when the wicked Shaap Azur captured all the 32 stars of Tara. All seemed lost until Taranauts Zarpa Tufan and Zvala - three bright brave and gifted mithyakins - set out on the difficult and dangerous quest to bring back light and cheer to Mithya. This time the Taranauts travel to Zarpa's home world of Sparkl to rescue the four Amethysts only to discover that Shaap Azur has upped the stakes like never before. They have to win four deadly games against wily opponents seen and unseen! What's more Shaap Azur's henchman Ograzur Dusht has launched a secret search for a spy in Shoon Ya's camp! Will Zarpa be able to beat the sandinger at 3-D SeeZee? Can Tufan rout Mog Ambow at Lunascoot Latang? Does Zvala have what it takes to crack the mindbenders in Brain Drain? And can the Taranauts defeat th

The Race for the Glo Rubies

by Roopa Pai

Three worlds shining on to the fourth! Race away with the Taranauts to another heart-stopping adventure – at Glo! Mithya’s eight worlds - Shyn Lustr Sparkl Glo Dazl Shimr Syntilla and Glytr – were plunged into darkness when the wicked Shaap Azur captured all its 32 stars. There was no hope until Zarpa Tufan and Zvala - three bright and brave Taranauts with special gifts - set out to bring back light and cheer to Mithya. With three successful rescues under their belts the Taranauts head west determined to notch up another win against their foes. But things take a nasty turn right at the start - the Marani of Glo is taken hostage! What’s worse Ograzur Dusht now has a secret agent in the Taranauts’ camp a spy who is known only by the code name Dro Hie. Can the Taranauts get safely across the fearsome Budbudana and the treacherous cliff paths of Pur Butte? Will they survive the motion-sensitive lightning hurlers of Wilderwolf Gorge? Does t


by Anuradha Kumar

`The battle raged in the skies ? Jatayu refused to give up, taking on Ravana with his giant claws and mighty wings?? He was majestic, he was strong, he was the wise king of birds. Blessed by the gods and armed with celestial powers, Jatayu races to the sun, saves Dasharatha from Shani?s deadly glance and, inthe end, fights the powerful Ravana, sacrificing all he had in the name of justice and loyalty. Read his inspiring story?


by Anuradha Kumar

`Nandi was fearless?he gored all the powerful asuras to death in a fierce and swift motion?? He was ever obedient, he was brave and he was the most favoured of Shiva?s followers. Nandi, the great bull and gatekeeper of Shiva?s abode, carried the Three-Eyed One across the universe. Always at Shiva?s side, he danced the mystical tandava with him, fought great battles and even drank a deadly poison to prove his complete devotion to his lord. Read his amazing story. . .

Mythquest 3: The Immortal Bear King

by Anuradha Kumar

`Jambavan came face to face with Ravana. He moved with a speed and fought with a ferocity that was unbelievable?? He was endowed with incredible strength, he had the wisdom of the sages and he was a born leader. Jambavan, the great bear king, led the army of vanaras in their search for Sita. He helped Rama fight Ravana and even helped restore the Syamanatakmani gem to clear Krishna?s name. Read his spectacular story...

MythQuest 4: Garuda

by Anuradha Kumar

`The vanara army looked on awestruck as Garuda approached the battlefield, flapping his immense red wings?? He was as magnificent as a beacon of fire in the sky and as splendid as the gods. Garuda, the devourer of snakes, carried Lord Vishnu as he fought great battles against powerful enemies. Garuda appeared on earth whenever it was threatened by the evil serpents. Read about his wondrous adventures?

MythQuest 5: Airavata

by Anuradha Kumar

`The mighty Airavata would stretch his trunks into water reservoirs, suck up the water and then spray it into the clouds?? He was the mighty white elephant, who could weave clouds and create rain. He was Lord Indra?s magnificent mount, who could make any demon quake in fear. First among all elephants, Airavata could cross the universe in a few strides and was gentle, loyal and brave. Read about his marvellous feats?

MythQuest 6: Sheshanaga

by Anuradha Kumar

`Shesha appeared in his true form as the magnificent many-hooded snake and reared up his heads above Vasudeva, forming a protective umbrella over the child who was no other than Lord Krishna?? He was all-powerful, he was as old as the universe, he was the wise serpent-king. Sheshanaga, the endless snake, was a celestial being with the power of a deva. He carried the underworld on his many hoods and Lord Vishnu himself rested on his immense coils. Read about his multiple avatars and magical transformations?

Bookmine: A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys

by Nathaniel Hawthorne

The courageous Theseus in battle with the snake-haired Medusa. Midas, the greedy king who was given the `golden touch? but lost so much more. The curious Pandora and the monstrous contents of her mysterious box. The greatest hero, Hercules, who set out to steal the three Golden Apples guarded by a hundred-headed dragon. The gods Zeus and Quicksilver, who, disguised as mortals, tested their human subjects. And brave Bellerophon, who slew the dreaded Chimaera. Superheroes and monsters, gods and tricksters, fantasy and epic battles?they all began with Greek myths. Famous American author Nathaniel Hawthorne retells six of the most exciting myths in A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys. Join Eustace Bright and his young friends in this action-packed Wonder-Book, complete with conquering heroes, grotesque monsters, and gods who can shape and shake worlds with nothing but a thought.

The Mystery of the Syntilla Silvers

by Roopa Pai

One half of Mithya shining another half still in the dark – glide away with the Taranauts on another thrilling ‘chilling’ adventure! Mithya’s eight worlds – Shyn Lustr Sparkl Glo Dazl Shimr Syntilla and Glytr – were plunged into darkness when the wicked Shaap Azur captured all its 32 stars. There was no hope until Zarpa Tufan and Zvala – three bright and brave Taranauts with special gifts - set out to bring back light and cheer to Mithya. At the end of four missions the score reads 4-0 in favour of the Taranauts. Nervous and desperate Shaap Azur’s Ograzurs are in attack mode taking the war to the enemy at impregnable Kay Laas! The attempt fails and the Taranauts zip away to the icy world of Syntilla but Eye-in-the-Sky has other tricks up his sleeve. Will the giant Syntillakos still grieving over the sudden drying up of their life-giving Bisibrooks Waterway rise up to help the Taranauts? Can our heroes negoti

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