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Funny Kid #3: Prank Wars (Funny Kid #3)

by Matt Stanton

Big Nate meets Timmy Failure in Funny Kid #3: Prank War, the third book in the uproarious highly illustrated middle grade series by Matt Stanton, Australia’s bestselling children’s book author.Max is the Funny Kid and, given the choice, he’d always rather laugh than fight. But when a prank war breaks out just before the big overnight class trip, Max has no choice but to pull off the funniest prank ever! Gunker dragons, duck smugglings, stolen suitcases, lethal super-beans, and the greatest prank ever played are just some of the hilarious antics in store. Paired with hilarious black-and-white illustrations from the author, Max’s mishaps will leave even the most reluctant reader laughing out loud. Matt Stanton again brings his bestselling children’s book chops to the hilarious Funny Kid series, perfect for early middle grade readers looking for side-splitting laughs and lovable, relatable characters!

Running with Wolves: Our Story of Life with the Sawtooth Pack

by Jim Dutcher Jamie Dutcher

Discover the wonder of wolves from Emmy-award winning filmmakers Jim and Jamie Dutcher as they tell their story of the six years they watched, learned about, and lived with the Sawtooth wolf pack.Adventure, friendship, and family come together in this riveting memoir as two award-winning filmmakers take you through the experience of the years they spent living in the wild with a real-life wolf pack. Jim and Jamie set out to show the world that instead of fearsome beasts, wolves are social, complex, and incredible creatures that deserve our protection. Deep in the mountain wilderness of Idaho, they set up Wolf Camp, where they spent years capturing the emotional, exciting, and sometimes heartbreaking story of their pack. Meet Kamots, the fearless leader. Learn from wise Matsi. Explore the forest with shy Lakota. And watch as adorable pups grow from silly siblings to a devoted pack. See how these brave wolves overcome all odds, battling mountain lions and frigid temperatures. Most of all, discover the surprising kindness, compassion, and devotion that Jim and Jamie discovered by living with wolves.

Little House 5-Book Collection: Little House in the Big Woods, Farmer Boy, Little House on the Prairie, On the Banks of Plum Creek, By the Shores of Silver Lake (Little House)

by Laura Ingalls Wilder Garth Williams

Laura Ingalls Wilder's treasured Little House series chronicles her life growing up on the Western frontier. Now, for the first time, these books are available as ebooks! This digital collection of the first five books features Garth Williams's classic illustrations, which appear in vibrant full color on a full-color device and in rich black-and-white on all other devices. This collection includes Little House in the Big Woods, Farmer Boy, Little House on the Prairie, On the Banks of Plum Creek, and By the Shores of Silver Lake.The Little House books are inspired by Laura's own childhood and have been cherished by generations of readers as both a unique glimpse into America's frontier history and as heartwarming, unforgettable stories.Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts

Chess: Be the King!

by Ellisiv Reppen

Chess is played on every continent and by several hundred million people. It’s the most popular board game in the world, and people of all ages love to play! In Chess: Be the King!, you’ll start by learning how the pieces move and then progress to the more complicated ideas behind the best moves for the different phases of the game. This book offers something for beginners who have never picked up a chess piece as well as more advanced instruction for experienced learners who are looking to become expert players! Inside you’ll find exclusive tips from some of the world’s best chess players. These clever suggestions will help you to become a real king of chess. Imagine how much fun it will be to win a game against a classmate or--if you’re really good--maybe even your grandpa! If you’re up for a real challenge, you can also test yourself with puzzles taken from world championship games. Put on your thinking cap--your brain’s got some work to do!

The Dictators: Who They Are and How They Have Influenced Our World (Jules Archer History for Young Readers)

by Jules Archer Brianna DuMont

History has shown that dictators often share similarities in the ways they come to power, hold power, and topple from power. The Dictators is a fascinating presentation of eighteen of this century’s most powerful dictators, representing fourteen countries. Their lives, political and social theories, and their achievements-good and bad-are carefully examined. Learn how men such as Lenin, Hitler, and Franco influenced their people and changed the world, and discover why a country will accept and support the rule of a dictator. The ideological and practical conflicts between dictatorships and democracies are carefully laid out within the pages of this book.The lives of dictators are important because they have, to a large extent, shaped much of the world we live in, and will continue to do so for generations to come. We all know about Hitler, Stalin, Castro, and Mao Tse-tung. But we also have new names, such as Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un, and Muammar Gaddafi and Robert Mugabe. It remains imperative that we understand as much about these men as we can-the peace of the world depends on it.

They Had a Dream: The Struggles of Four of the Most Influential Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement, from Frederick Douglass to Marcus Garvey to Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X (Jules Archer History for Young Readers)

by Jules Archer

The majority of the civil rights movement in the United States occurred in three stages. The first stage began with the slaves in America fighting for their freedom. Frederick Douglass was a key player from the very beginning. Born a slave, Douglass escaped and went on to become one of the most respected abolitionist leaders. After the Civil War, freed slaves fought to overcome the still-prevailing prejudice and persecution. During this phase, Marcus Garvey led the Back to Africa movement, promoting Black Nationalism and black pride among the newly freed people. And in the 1960s, a strong civil rights movement branched in two different directions. The first was headed by Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. , who organized a powerful nonviolent civil disobedience movement to win equal rights through integration. Following a very different path, Malcolm X sought equal rights for blacks through violent confrontation and racial separation. Together, these four men shaped the American civil rights movement. Racism is still a very relevant problem in our country today, and to better understand where we are now and how to make progress in the future, we must first understand where we've come from.

Unpopular Ones: Fifteen American Men and Women Who Stood Up for What They Believed In (Jules Archer History for Young Readers)

by Jules Archer Kathleen Krull

Slavery is wrong. Women can be doctors. Women can wear pants. These are truths that most Americans today would agree are unambiguous. But there was a time in this country when each of those statements resulted in vicious criticism. When she wore pants, Amelia Bloomer was a "hussy," subjected to jeers and catcalls. As the only female doctor in the entire western United States, Bethenia Owens was so unpopular that she was threatened with tar and feathers and driven out of town. And when Jonathan Walker was caught helping escaped slaves, he was branded with the letters "SS," for "slave stealer. " Today we recognize these unpopular ones as both brave and in the right. Their stories remind young readers that sometimes it is important to speak out against the popular opinions of the time. What are those opinions in today's world? These fifteen men and women set stunning examples of standing up for what's right. Be inspired by their courage and perseverance when up against the odds. Whose unpopular beliefs today will be the truths of tomorrow? Will you be one of the unpopular ones?

Blind Guide to Stinkville

by Beth Vrabel

Before Stinkville, Alice didn’t think albinism--or the blindness that goes with it--was a big deal. Sure, she uses a magnifier to read books. And a cane keeps her from bruising her hips on tables. Putting on sunscreen and always wearing a hat are just part of life. But life has always been like this for Alice. Until Stinkville. For the first time in her life, Alice feels different--like she’s at a disadvantage. Back in her old neighborhood in Seattle, everyone knew Alice, and Alice knew her way around. In Stinkville, Alice finds herself floundering--she can’t even get to the library on her own. But when her parents start looking into schools for the blind, Alice takes a stand. She’s going to show them--and herself--that blindness is just a part of who she is, not all that she can be. To prove it, Alice enters the Stinkville Success Stories essay contest. No one, not even her new friend Kerica, believes she can scout out her new town’s stories and write the essay by herself. The funny thing is, as Alice confronts her own blindness, everyone else seems to see her for the first time. This is a stirring small-town story that explores many different issues--albinism, blindness, depression, dyslexia, growing old, and more--with a light touch and lots of heart. Beth Vrabel’s characters are complicated and messy, but they come together in a story about the strength of community and friendship.

It's a Wonderful Death (Strange Chemistry Ser.)

by Sarah Schmitt

Seventeen-year-old RJ always gets what she wants. So when her soul is accidentally collected by a distracted Grim Reaper, somebody in the afterlife better figure out a way to send her back from the dead or heads will roll. But in her quest for mortality, she becomes a pawn in a power struggle between an overzealous archangel and Death Himself. The tribunal presents her with two options: she can remain in the lobby, where souls wait to be processed, until her original lifeline expires, or she can replay three moments in her life in an effort to make choices that will result in a future deemed worthy of being saved. It sounds like a no-brainer. She’ll take a walk down memory lane. How hard can changing her future be? But with each changing moment, RJ’s life begins to unravel, until this self-proclaimed queen bee is a social pariah. She begins to wonder if walking among the living is worth it if she has to spend the next sixty years as an outcast. Too quickly, RJ finds herself back in limbo, her time on Earth once again up for debate. RJ is a snarky, unapologetic, almost unredeemable, very real girl. Her story is funny and moving, and teens will easily connect with her plight. Prepare to meet the Grim Reaper, who’s cuter than you’d expect; Hawaiian shirt–wearing Death Himself; Saint Peter (who likes to play Cornhole); and Al, the handler for the three-headed hound that guards the gates of Hell. This cast of characters accompanies RJ through her time in the afterlife and will do their best to gently shove her in the right direction.

Dead Possums Are Fair Game

by Taryn Souders

Ella has two major phobias in life: spiders and mathematics. She firmly believes that anything with more than four legs should not exist. She also believes the world would be a better place without word problems or long division. That being said, she’s fascinated by science. So when her class finds a dead opossum in the playing field one morning, she’s intrigued by rigor mortis and how long it will take for the opossum to unstiffen. Science is so much more interesting than math. Later that day, Ella is certain she must have heard wrong when her teacher announces that there will be no more math tests for the rest of the year. And she isn’t wrong--it is too good to be true. Her teacher explains that instead, the class will be having its first ever math fair. Ella’s group is assigned the topic of time conversions, something Ella’s been struggling with for a while. This is hardly Ella’s idea of fun. But Ella’s mom is quick to point out that math and science aren’t so very different--she suggests that Ella imagine she’s doing a science experiment instead of a math project. With a little imagination and some inspiration from their friend the opossum (now named Morty, short for rigor mortis), Ella and her group come up with a project that gets them excited about math--and they might even have a chance to win at the fair!

Playing Juliet

by Joanne Stewart Wetzel

Beth Sondquist, age twelve and a half, dreams of playing the part of Juliet. For now she’s just the cat in Cinderella, but one day, she’s determined to become a real actress. But all her hopes for an acting career come crashing down when the Oakfield Children’s Theater is slated to be closed. Its new owner has decided to make it into an adult theater, a real theater. Beth and her best friend, Zandy, are willing to do whatever it takes to save the theater, but their plans quickly go awry. When Beth’s father catches her sneaking back into her bedroom window well past bedtime, Beth is in big, big trouble. With eviction looming, the children’s theater director decides to close the theater with the same play the theater opened with fifty years ago--Romeo and Juliet. But Beth’s grounded for the next two weeks, and she won’t be able to try out. How will Beth pull off playing Juliet if she can’t even make tryouts? Playing Juliet is funny and honest and celebrates bravery and doing the right thing even when it gets you into trouble. It’s about having the courage to go after what you want and making your dreams come true. It’s also about friendship and family. As an almost-thirteen-year-old, Beth has a unique bond with thirteen-year-old Juliet, and she eventually recognizes just how silly and immature Juliet’s decisions are. Only Beth can play Juliet as the kid that she is. With a little bit of luck, maybe she’ll get her chance.

Big Book of Hacks for Minecrafters: The Biggest Unofficial Guide to Tips and Tricks That Other Guides Won't Teach You

by Megan Miller

With more than 100 million registered Minecraft accounts and rights picked up by Warner Brothers for a "The Lego Movie” style, action-adventure film, Minecraft is on its way to becoming the next big children’s brand. While there are several successful game guides on the market already, this book will be the first unofficial "hacker’s” super-guide dedicated to fighting mobs, building , and much more that is especially geared toward seven- to twelve-year-old Minecrafters. With The Big Book of Hacks for Minecrafters, kids will learn how to build awesome structures, defense strategies for fending off hostile mobs, and great tips on mining, farming, and more! Other tips will help gamers: know which animals to domesticate and how to do it, properly use potions and enchantments, build and customize a survival home, select appropriate weaponry, and much more! Packed with expert tips, cheats, and hacks on building, fighting, farming, enchanting, mining, and more, The Big Book of Hacks for Minecrafters shows exactly how the experts bring their amazing structures to life (like a Japanese pagoda or underwater dome) and fight every single type of mob (from Blazes to Zombie Pigmen and everything in between). Illustrated guides will let every kid follow along with each tip step-by-step to master the Minecrafting world.

The Hardcore War: An Unofficial League of Griefers Adventure, #6 (The Unofficial League of Griefers Adventure #6)

by Winter Morgan

Noah and Violet, treasure hunters and protectors of the Overworld, are back in this sixth and final installment of the League of Griefers series. Someone has changed the environment from survival to hardcore. Now if you get destroyed, you can’t respawn. Noah and Violet must find a way to get the world back to survival while fighting off another griefer war staged by the evil Daniel and his band of Rainbow Griefers. There’s no room for error in this battle against time. With Creepers lurking in the dark and teleporting Endermen appearing out of nowhere, the duo have a lot more on their hands than only Griefers. They must use all their knowledge and skills to fight off nearly every kind of mob known to Minecrafters. Can they stop the Griefers and restore the world to the way it was before they get destroyed? Find out in this thrilling sixth and final installment of the League of Griefers series!

Nether Attack: An Unofficial League of Griefers Adventure, #5 (An Unofficial League of Griefers Adventure #5)

by Winter Morgan

Noah and Violet, treasure hunters and protectors of the Overworld, are back in this fifth installment of the League of Griefers series. When skeletons corner Noah and Violet, the duo escapes through a portal to the Nether. Trouble brews as Noah accidently leaves the portal open and the mobs from the Overworld enter the Nether. Noah and Violet must battle hostile mobs from both worlds to survive. Taking shelter in a Nether Fortress, they befriend treasure hunters who help them battle the mobs. Just when they think they are about to defeat the mob attack, they realize their new friends might be setting them up for a bigger attack in this story of trickery and friendship. Are Daniel and the rainbow griefers behind this? Or is it an even more sinister enemy? Find out in this thrilling fifth installment of the League of Griefers series!

The Battle of Zombie Hill: An Unofficial Novel (Defenders of the Overworld #1)

by Nancy Osa

Rob is on his way home from vacation when his plane goes down over the ocean biome. He eventually reaches shore, but where is he? And what new dangers lie ahead? His attempts at survival barely keep him alive until he allies with Frida, the sole inhabitant of a lonely stretch of beach. Rob learns enough from Frida to survive, but he misses life on his family’s horse ranch. Determined to find his way home, he sets off to cross the Extreme Hills--and steps into the middle of an ongoing war. The evil Dr. Dirt has enchanted battalions of skeletons to invade every biome and hold every boundary in an attempt to rule the Overworld. Now peace-loving Rob and stealthy Frida must put together their own army and save humanity if Rob is ever to see his home and family again. Using his skills in taming and training horses, Rob forms a cavalry and recruits the friends he makes along the way. Turner and Stormie are naturally brave and quick-witted. Jools and Kim need encouragement but have a way with animals and can unravel even the toughest problems. Unfortunately, Dr. Dirt has a surprise for the ragtag unit; he’s mounted his skeleton soldiers on zombie horses, and the combination spells terror for Rob and company. Will they survive an all-out war for the Overworld? And what lies in store for them after the final zombie cavalry charge? This new young adult series is perfect for Minecrafters who want a real adventure story filled with great characters and intense battle scenes. Follow Rob, his trusty horse Saber, and the members of Battalion Zero over massive and deadly terrain in this first book in the Defenders of the Overworld series.

Make Your Own Squishies: 15 Slow-Rise and Smooshy Projects for You To Create

by Ann Stacia

Instructions on How to Make All Different Kinds of Squishies—One of the Most Popular Anti-Stress Toys Around! They squish and squirm in your hand! They are the most fun things that kids are playing with today! They’re squishies, and you can find all the ways to make them here. With the instructions in this book, you can create amazingly fun and fantastic squishies that look like: Magical Unicorn Donuts Cute CatsPandasRainbow Ice CreamPastel RainbowsGreen ApplesCookiesPieces of CakeKawaii HeartsAnd More! Whether it is with foam, duct tape, or other means, this book provides innovative and safe ways to create fun, kawaii creatures and objects.

Attack of the Goblin Army (Tales of a Terrarian Warrior #1)

by Winter Morgan

Welcome to Terraria, a world like Minecraft’s Overworld that’s full of action and possibility. Unique treasures to horde, wondrous biomes to explore, intricate buildings to construct, and treacherous villains to fight await anyone daring and creative enough to seek fortune and glory in Terraria. <p><p> Miles, a young hero setting out on his first quest, yearns to become Terraria’s strongest hero-and when Matthew offers to adventure alongside him as his friend and personal guide, he’s positive that the road to success is paved before them. Matthew tells Miles that to truly advance in the game, he must defeat the Wall of Flesh, so he sets his sights on that goal. <p> But Miles is devastated when he learns that becoming powerful enough to defeat the Wall of Flesh will come at a high cost: Matthew will be destroyed, and he’ll lose his best friend forever. Miles must make a decision: should he stay loyal to Matthew and set his own dreams aside, or sacrifice his closest friend for the chance to chart a life in an unknown territory and save his biome? <p> In this first exciting installment in the Tales of a Terrarian Warrior series, every choice has the power to change the future, and turning back is never an option.

Attack on Minecrafters Academy: The Unofficial Minecrafters Academy, Book Four (The Unofficial Minecrafters Academy Series #4)

by Winter Morgan

It’s a new school year at Minecrafters Academy, and Lucy is returning-this time not as a student, but as headmaster. She sets to work preparing the school for the Overworld Academic Olympics, a prestigious competition that will test their combat, treasure hunting, and potions brewing skills.But training is interrupted when an explosion rocks the campus. The school is under attack from a mysterious culprit-and everyone is a suspect.Meanwhile, Julia, a new student at Minecrafters Academy, is having a hard time adjusting to her new life on campus. When she catches her roommate, Hallie, sneaking around just after the attacks on the school, Julia begins to suspect her. Then Hallie goes missing right before another round of explosions and a massive creeper invasion. It’s up to the students and teachers of Minecrafters Academy to track down the villain behind the attacks and protect not just the school, but the entire Overworld.As the Unofficial Minecrafters Academy series continues, new friends and sinister new foes will be revealed.

The Big Book of Graphic Novels for Minecrafters: Three Unofficial Adventures

by Megan Miller Cara Stevens

Phoenix, a young miner girl, has never known her parents. She has always dreamed of something greater, of seeing the world outside her village and the magical forest that lies just beyond the walls. One day she takes the risk—just a quick hop over the walls—but her forbidden trip changes the course of her life. Thrust into a world of zombies, creepers, witches, and magical monks, Phoenix finds the adventure she craved, but will she find the bravery she needs to save not only her village but the entire Overworld? Containing The Quest for the Golden Apple, Revenge of the Zombie Monks, and The Ender Eye Prophecy, The Big Book of Graphic Novels for Minecrafters will enchant readers of all ages who love playing Minecraft and love stories full of action, adventure, and bravery. <P><P> <i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i>

Glinda of Oz: Volume 14 Of L. F. Baum's Original Oz Series (The Land of Oz)

by L. Frank Baum

In this final sequel to the beloved classic The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum spins a wonderful tale of the exciting experiences of Princess Ozma of Oz and Dorothy in their hazardous journey to the home of the Flatheads and to the magic isle of Skeezers, and how they were rescued from dire peril by the sorcery of Glinda the Good witch.The wicked Queen Coo-ee-oh, a vain and evil witch, was really to blame for all the trouble. She surely succeeded in getting everyone on the magic, glass-doomed island of the Skeezers into amazing difficulties. The exciting story tells how Glinda and the Wizard worked with all their might to save the Princess and Dorothy from the great dangers which threatened them when they went among the warring tribes of the Flatheads and Skeezers.This is the last and one of the best tales about the merry old Land of Oz from author L. Frank Baum. Oz fans young and old will delight in this new, inexpensive edition, enhanced by all the wonderful original illustrations by John R. Neill.

Wilson Reading System: Student Reader Five

by Barbara A. Wilson

Students gain accuracy and automatically by practicing skills with a substantial amount of controlled text. Wordlists, sentences, and stories are 98% decodable throughout the entire 12 Steps.

Wilson Reading System®: Student Reader Three (Wilson Reading System®)

by Barbara A. Wilson

Students gain accuracy and automaticity by practicing skills with a substantial amount of controlled text. Wordlists, sentences, and stories are 98% decodable throughout the entire 12 Steps.

Hang Tough, Paul Mather

by Alfred Slote

A baseball pitcher with an incurable blood disease is determined to get in as much time on the mound as possible.

Ghastly Battle (The Unofficial Minetrapped Adventure #4)

by Winter Morgan

Peace has been restored to the Overworld after an epic griefer battle. Lily, Simon, and Michael are glad to have a break from fighting, and even from their attempts to escape the game and return to their normal lives. <p><p> But then two new players are zapped onto the server, and no one’s sure who’s responsible for trapping them. With Mr. Anarchy and the other griefers in prison, anyone could be a suspect, and tempers flare as the townspeople’s suspicions turn inward. While Lily, Simon, and Michael are away seeking clues, the people of Lisimi Village turn against them, convinced that they’re keeping the knowledge of how to return home to themselves. Can the trio convince their friends of their innocence, bring the real villains to justice, and finally make their way home? <p> Friendships are tested and unlikely allies emerge in this thrilling fourth book in bestselling author Winter Morgan’s Unofficial Minetrapped Adventure series.

Hacks for Minecrafters: The Unofficial Guide to Tips and Tricks That Other Guides Won't Teach You (Hacks For Minecrafters #1)

by Megan Miller

With more than 100 million registered players, Minecraft has taken control of gamers all over the world. With Hacks for Minecrafters, you'll be able to take back that control! Only with the help found in Hacks for Minecrafters will you be able to craft your world exactly how you want it to look, all while discovering the hidden gems of the game. <p><p> Now being released in paperback, Hacks for Minecrafters has been updated for Minecraft 1.12, the World of Color update that added new function and crafting systems, illusioners, parrots, and building materials like glazed terracotta and concrete. <p> It doesn’t matter if you’re playing on a PC, mobile device, or home console; with Hacks for Minecrafters, you’ll be beating the game in no time. Every block has been accounted for, all living entities have been taken into consideration, and all modes of game-play are covered!

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